I final Step in Assembly of Fard Cars TOW N AND VICINITY V isits In Portland— M r end Mrs W illia m Daw son nnd »on. Billy Visitors from Portland— M r and Mrs. E. G. Faye of Pori land were E aster visitors at the home of Mr». J F aye's m other. Mrs. C. 1. Gorrie. lu g e o e R ssid sn t Her»- Jam es I.. ' Sr. F urnish of Eugene was a business Spends Sunday in Portland— Dr. visitor In Hpilngfleld on Monday. Eugene K ester spent Sunday with Springfield Visitor» — Mr. and his d aughter. Mrs. E. G. Jarv is, and Mrs. Dell Russell of Eugene were her family in Portland. He returned visitors In Springfield on Saturday to Springfield Monday morning «poni the week-end In Portland. Leaburg Resident Here M arlon Spends E aster on Coast— Mr. and Ellston of lam burg was a visitor In Mrs W. F Buell. Evelyn Buell, Springfield Monday. Fred Buell. Mrs. Buell s father, Loudello W illiams, and Asa Robley Visitors from W alterville— J. L. drove to Newport S aturday to pend Z aner of W alterville was a business E aster on the coast. visitor In Springfield Monday. Mareola Resident Calla—George Returns to School—Miss Audrey M cPherson left Sunday for Kla Eastm an of M arcela was a visitor m ath Falls to resum e h er teaching In Springfield Monday. work a fte r having sp en t h er E aster Purchases Feed— W . H. P aris of vacation here with h er p aren ts in Mareola was In Springfield Monday this i ity. to purchase feed for his stock. R eturn from California— Mr. and Visits M other — Miss Maurinv Mrs. W. E. K nott have retu rn ed Lombard spent the E aster holidays from California w here they spent In Springfield at the home of her the past year. They a re visiting at m other. Mrs. Ella laim hard. the hom e of th eir d au g h ter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Dinner G uests— Mr. and Mrs C arl Steen. Jr., were E aster dinner Mushier. kt BB&WGW & I0 N C S T CAMPJS Kiddie Kapers Even hit-and-run driv ers a re go­ ing m iniature. O ver in Brooklyn. patrolw om an W inifred L ob than was felled b.v a hit-and-run kiddie c ar Just a s she was leaving a hospital a fte r ques­ tioning a woman patient. She was hut a short distance from th e build­ ing when a kiddie car. piloted by an unidentified youngster with a fondness for breaking all kiddie car speed lim its, knocked h er off her feet and w h in e d away. Being conveniently n ear th e hos­ pital. she retraced h er step s and received treatm en t for a lacerated knee. Happy No* Y e a r 4664 geroua for kltea Io be flown n ear convention city. electric or telephone Hues anil eape P ractical eonfsroncea on th e work «tally »<• * h e n metul wire or atrip» of «Tirtstlun Endeavor banquet», are uaed lu building k ites and when sight seeing lours, parade, mission Power Company O fficials W arn any kind of wire 1» used for kite ar« playlet contest and oilier novel Against Use of W ire In M anip­ strlti« or tails of kites It W aleo f u t u r e s »III m ake II one of I lie ulation of Children's Kltaa dangerous for kite* Io he flown In most a lii active conventions of Its a thunder storm for a wet cord kind to be hold In th e slate. Kile flying season 1» approaching or wire may act a» a ««inductor with Hie w arm er days of spring for electricity g en erated by such a It 1» **ry dangerous for O fficials of the M ountain S lates storm FORD SHOW COMING I children io attem pt rem oval of a TO EUGENE NEXT WEEK Power company are cnop«'rntlng kite tangled In electric Iruilsinls with local safety organisations In Itealdenta of Springfield and this an effort to prevent serious acci­ »hili line* and p articu lar) to r them county will hav«i an opportunity to dents which occasionally happen aa to clim b p ile a fte r th eir kltaa. •‘It Is the policy of our organlsu “visit" the gr«>al plan ts of the Ford Ihe result of kite flying thui to guard against accideots of Motor eum pany Ihrougli Ihe med f . H Brower, vice president and turn of a sound motion picture Io general m anager of th e com pany, all kinds However, tl Is nei easary he exhibited In Eugene next week. today declared, "11 Is not our de­ I hut we ask the «-«aiperatlon of John Anderson, local Ford dealer, sire to unduly alarm children nor iHiretits amt tepcheru in Informing announced today th eir p aren ts over th e dan g ers of children of the hnaurds Incurred However. It Is our I h rough oar«‘le»»ni'»n or lack of T he movie will lie a p art of u kite flying civic duly und our desire Io co­ Inform ation ao far us the danger« Ford show to he held beginning operate alw ays In every possible of kite flying a re cot»c«ru«id " April 13 and continuing through manner to assist in the prevention April 15 in a large tent at 17tli C ottage Grove Man H ers (’. Per of acriilents II Is for this reason and W illam ette street. T he show lue of P ottage Grove vHIted friends ■ hat we respm-tfully « ‘all to th«' will la* open to Hie public free of In Springfield Moswluy. churge from 10 a. in. Io 10 p in atten tio n of p aren ts that II Is «Ian each day. I A P R E M IU M G A S O L IN ’i AT NO IN C R E A S E IN PRICE It w as a g reat «lay for to u rists This is a scans from tbs moving picture of a tour through ths plants T hose » h o visit th e show will I F ebruary IT when all Chinatow n of the Ford Motor Company, ona of ths fsaturss of the Ford road show. The picture shows the final aaaambly line on which tha Ford le put lie ab le Io learn not only In»» i celeb rated th e coming of th e new together part by part as It moves slowly forward until at ths snd of ths Ford «ars and tru ck s are maim y ear 4SS4. Uns the ompleted car Is driven away under Ita own power. Parts are Two silk drakons. carry in g the served the workmen by conveyors. Each part Is timed to arrive at fa< iureil In quantity production. hut I to obtain some idea of Hie v a st­ leaders of th e two tongs concealed precisely the right moment. In this Illustration the chassis of tha car In the foreground has been ness «»f the Ford en terp rises, Mr w ithin them , stalk ed through the A nderson pointed out They will streets. Into th e m ouths of th e completed and a body la balng lowered by a crane from a balcony. see how coal obtained from Ford hideous looking creatu res were Most of th e m em bers »«re garag e MEDFORD TO ENTERTAIN owued m ines Is tran p o rte d to the tossed dollar bills wrapped in cab guests a t the home of Dr. Bind Mrs. R eturn from C alifornia— Mr. and and rep a ir men who w ork In the C. E. CONVENTION GROUP plants in D earborn. Mich . In Font bage leaves, a q uaint C hinese inc, W. H. Pollard Sunday. Mrs. Riley Snodgrass and Mrs. A. vicinity. owued railroad c a rs; how Iron from not Spanish» custom of collecting M. Snodgrass of Shedd retu rn ed As Bad as It Sounds Extensive Program Arranged for Foul m ines and lum ber from Ford Leaves for Klam ath Falla— Matt trib u te for the tongs. G aunt m usi­ A coustic engineers a re now w ork­ Four-Day M eet at M edford Dora left Friday for K lam ath Falls the middle of the week from San cians stru c k b rass cymbals to g eth er forests a re <-arrl«»l In Ford lake S tarting Thursday, A p ril 23 w here he will spend the sum m er Francisco w here they spent E aster in m onotonous rh y th m , a b rass ing on a th ree m onths' investlgn ships; and how In the m anufacture tk»n of subway noises. They are visiting w ith Mrs. R. Snodgrass’ I of ihe cur various by-products a re months drum kept up a steady booming, try in g to find out w hat (If an y ­ son, K enneth D eLassus. Program plans for the fifty-first utilized for m aking fe rtiliser, ch ar­ and a boy. m arching a t th e head V isits M other — Dr. C. G. Van thing) can be done about them . annual sta te C hristian E ndeavor coal briquets, chem icals und o th er of the procession, pulled a chain Visitor from C orvallis — Miss Valxah of Portland was a week-end T h eir first reports, how ever, are convention which will be held In thing*. visitor In Springfield at the home Grace Elizabeth Beals of Corvallis through a p erfo rated sh eet of tin. Besides the m otion picture, th e Policem en from th ree p recincts not so encouraging. A while back Medford. April 23 26. and which visited a t th e home of h e r aunt. ' H h I.L t » . LONDON . . . of his m other. ••Standard” tia>oline is such an im ­ Mrs. G race May. h ere last week. stood ready to quell a possible th e Noise A batem ent com m ission will be atten d ed by young people show will Include a num ber of spe provement - in every way a new HELLO, MAMA”. I he work! is from all over th e state, w ere an Guest at Springfield Hotel— Mrs. Miss Jtinia May and h e r m other tong w ar. but none occurred. rial exhibits revealing step by step A rep o rted th a t the loudest ordinary and liner motor fuel —w ith all the truly yours, by telephone. Year altrr J. B. Peusley of Lebanon was a spent the E aster holidays with tong m em ber, interview ed, said th at noise in the city w as made when Bounced by C. E. leaders h ere this how various parts of th e care a re skill and capo ity that f t years of year improvements in «otnmunit* week guest a t the Springfield hotel over friends a t Elkton. m ade, a cut-away tra c k chassis, they co uldn't afford a w ar now an express tra in passes a local Standard O il Company refining es t ion an«l transportation— refinements The sessions a re to be held In and a Tud«»r body cut In half to the week-end. anyw ay, on account of the business statio n . Now the sound ex p erts | tion. money for a tong w ar.” was the inside the train . liams, Instructor in th e Benson J. Pike, pastor of the M ethodist . T hursday, April 23 and concluding way he put it. church retu rn ed from a visit at ' A featu re of the show will be All's Not Quiet polytechnic school at Portland was Sunday evening. April 26. Jam es C. display of the full line of Ford a visitor In Springfield Saturday. Portland on Saturday. H e was ac­ Too Much Melican They found th at out by settin g In spite of th e gaudy display, a up th e ir in stru m en ts In a car H enderson. P ortland, s ta te presi passenger and com m ercial cars. companied h ere by th e four young Resort People Here— Mr. and men who are conducting revival spokesm an of one of the tongs de- hitched onto a reg u lar train . They dent, will preside. A rrangem ents for th e show w ere Mrs. A. J. Kuhn of Cascade R esort services at th e church th is week. d eclared th at it was not an au ­ took along a noise m eter, a sound Claude Neely, m usical d ire c to r at ■nude by the local d ealer In co­ th en tic festival. He said th a t the filte r and tw o m icrophones for the First C h ristian church In P o rt­ operation with Ford dealers In were visitors in Springfield M «i day. T he "m ike" land. will he in «-barge of th e « in ­ nearby tow ns and th e P ortland Form er R esidents V isit—Mr. and flags were m ade on S ixth Avenue recording purposes. AT STANDARD STATIONS. IN C . AND RI D WHIT« A Nt) ! LUI PI A L U S and th a t some of the men who vention singing. Two p.anos will branch of the Ford M otor company W alterville People Here — Mr Mrs. John B ruse and daughter-in- carried b an n ers wore w rist w atches inside the c ar recorded m ore noise be used for accom panim ent. th an one set up on a statio n p la t­ and Mrs. J. D. M cArthur of W alter­ law, Mrs. W illard B ruse, and h er and said ”O. K." when told to lift H eading the list of prom inent i form. ville w ere visitors in Springfield parents. Mr. and Mrs. Shalender. of Los Angeles, visited w ith friends them higher. He also com plained speakers already secured fo r the Monday. But w hat’s a few m ore ra ttle s in Springfield for a while Monday th a t th e children in th e stre e ts convention Is Dr. George H. S c o : W. E. K. D aughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. The B ruse fam ily are form er re s i­ m erely laughed at th e dragons and and bangs? field, pastor of the F irst P resby­ w ere m ore in terested In th e pre­ Frank Caples of D exter a re the dents of Springfield. terian church of Wullu W alla. Dr \ served strip s of ginger and cocoa- IRRIGATION EXPERT TO parents of a baby d au g h ter born Scofield attended world wide C. E n u t which they w ere given to eat. to them a t the Eugene hospital on conventions in London and Berlin, MEET LANE FARMERS GAME NEWS TO BE ON A fter th e celebration was over, Sunday, April 6, 1931. AIR EVERY FRIDAY th e glass-topped busses from up­ A rth ur King, soil specialist from and has been m ade a vice president of the New York S tate C hristian Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sen- tow n began to arriv e, sig h tseers O regon S ta te college will spend E ndeavor union. W eekly b roadcasts sponsored by sw arm ed into basem ent re sta u ra n ts seney, 141 D S treet are the paren ts of a baby son born to them a t the th e Oregon S tate Game comm ission 1 and an autom atic piano began play­ T hursday. F riday and S aturday In O ther sp eakers will include Dr. Pacific C hristian hospital in Eu will sta rt tom orrow evening over ing "A L ittle K iss Each Morning." Lane county to meet and talk with G rover C. B lrtehet. p asto r of th e ' farm ers who a re now using irriga station KGW in P o rtlan d and will Chinatow n becam e once m ore Just gene on S aturday. April 4. 1931. tion or who plan to in the future. F irst P resb y terian church a t Sa continue every Friday during the an o th er section of New Tork. Dismissed from Hospital—Mrs He will visit m any farm s and con­ lem ; Dr. V ictor P. Morris, professor hunting and fishing season. T he T ra v e le rs ’ Aid O. H. J a r re tt was released from the duct Investigations as to th e beet of econom ics at the U niversity of, condition of the various stream s, Sixty m otor cars were formally m eans of drain in g and irrigating I Oregon, and Dr. W alter L. Myers. Eugene hospital Sunday following th e best places to fish a t certain blessed and sprinkled w ith h o ly , I chancellor of th e E ugene Bible h er recovery a fter a m ajor opera times, and m any suggestions which w ater by a group of p riests a t the farm s. F arm ers who would like to i university. tion. have the specialist visit th eir will be useful to th e sportsm en C hurch of th e Holy Fam ily. It Is Special cars will be atta c h e d to farm s should com m unicate with F orm er Sheriff Here— F rank Tay­ will be put on th e air. F ishing sea­ th e first tim e th a t such a cerem ony O. S. P letch er. L ane county agri reg u lar tra in s to carry delegations son In Oregon opens April 15, and lor, form er sheriff of Lane county, has been held in th e city, although | from W illam ette valey points to the cu ltu ral agent. now deputy U nited S tates m arshall closes N ovem ber 30. som e m o to rists follow the Euro­ a t P ortland was a visitor In Spring- pean custom of placing a m edallion field Monday morning. McKENZIE BERRY PLANTS of th e patron sa in t of trav elers on th e dashboard as a protection E n tertain with Dinner— Dr. and UNDER QUARANTINE LAW ag ain st accident. Mrs. R. P. M ortenson en tertain ed No straw b erry p lan ts can be T h e edifice has been nicknam ed the four young men who a re con­ moved into o r from th e McKenzie ‘church of the m o to rists.” since ducting evangelistic services at the valley above T h u rsto n , eith er by th e in stallatio n of a sh rin e th ere M ethodist church at Sunday dinner private individuals o r common c ar­ to Saint C hristopher. M otorists E aster Sunday. IN EUGENE, OREGON riers, unless they have been pre­ may m ake appointm ents with the R eturn from California—Mr. and viously subjected to certified in ­ p riests at th e church to have th eir APRIL 13. 14, and 15 Mrs. S. R. Crane of Cottage Grove spection according to C. E. Stew ­ cars blessed a t o th er tim es. In the Tent—17th and Willamette Sts. have just returned from California art, county fru it inspector. The sh rin e was erected in con­ The q u aran tin e a c t is a m easure w here they have spent the «vinte-. They w ere business visitors in taken to prevent th e spreading of junction w ith th e founding of a ; pest infestation out of th e vicinity. co n fratern ity of S aint C hristopher. 8pringfield on Monday. “] Idi idard Ça solino o SHOW A D M IS S IO N FREE U N D E R T H E B IG T E N T 1 0 A. M . TO 10 P. M. • R A IN OR S H IN E SEASON TALKING PICTURE \fegetables and^Flowers for'iawc qarden SEE “ A TRIP THROUGH THE FORD PLANT” THOUSANDS o f p eop le from ull over the world visit the Ford plunt every year. See w hat they gee! Hear whut they hear I Y ou’ll wiy this is uu unuhiiully en tertain in g and instructive picture. ALL the varieties in which you X k a r e interested and which are adapted to this section are now available in the N orthrup, King & C o . seed b ox at a n e a rb y store. T h e »eed i i o f as fine quality as you can obtain at any price; the packets are of standard size and well filled; the display box is convenient to select from and the price is only Tell Him To Fly His Kite A w ay From E le c tric W ires.. And Not to Use W ire as a Kite S tring . . a C^// standard IN ANY £Mf ROfNCY CALL si-re veqetable packets, a n d m ost o f th e , flo w e r s ----- per , packet SEE ACTUAL FORD CAR SAWED IN TWO Women as well as men show great interest in this revelation of vital meehaniral parts that are seldom seen. Shows valves, pistons, cylinders — fuel, cooling, ignition and lubrieation systems — how the body, seats anil upholstery are made — how the different layers of paint ■re put on. There’s also a cut-away Ford truck chassis. Many things you have always wanted to know clearly explained. ALSO SEE — First complete showing of all the new Ford ears in this vicinity. Includes the smart new De Luxe Bodies — Ford trucks and delivery cars. — The Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield that will not fly when broken. — IIow Rustless Steel exterior parts are made, from the sheet metal to the ever-gleaming finlahcd products. ■—Why Ford steel-spoke wheels are so strong M ountain S tates P ower C ompany ■>. Narthn^Kmg&Cc^s Seeds and sturdy — how the wheel Is welded in on piece. — How the Houdaille double-acting hyilraul shock absorbers cushion ugainst hard shock and why they are called double-acting. — How the crankshaft and camshaft at mude — from the original steel bar to fim machining and polishing. — And many other features which make th free show well worth your time. Anderson Motors, Inc Springfield, Oregon