TIIVItSDAY. APRIL 9. 1081 T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS PAGE TW O FALL CREEK GROUP FIRST TO END WORK THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS More Than Million in Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXKY. Editor________________________ Knl)...... second class matter. February 24. IWJ. at the lamtofflee. Springfield. Oregon. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE $1.75 Three Months One Year In Advanre ......$1.00 Single Copy .... Six Month« Full Creek Sewing club under the leadership of Mrs Vl'c ■ Catti- son chiliu. distinction for being the first Four-H group In the conn Red Cross Volunteer* ty to compete their project» for the year The elult has sixteen Hot School Lunches and Bal­ members and they have all report 1 anced Rations Given to •si 100 per cent completion of their Drought Victims —- Seen projeets which were started last Programs In a titu ta d 00 fall. The projects Include 5 pieces ''N O W T H A I In each of four divisions. Twenty States Fed by 75c 5v THURSDAY. APRII. 9. 1931 SOME DIVLICATION NKUBSSARY W hether a reorganization of the University of Oregon by an exchange of departm ents as was recom mended by the federal experts would save «lie taxpayer any money would seem verv doubtful. The cost of operating a depart- m ent either at Eugeni1 nr Corvallis would be practically the a a m « _ a change would likely mean more expensive build­ ing and loss In moving equipm ent Because two like courses are taught at the I niversity of Oregon and Oregon State college does not necessarily mean there is waste duplication. A finger is being pointed at home economics, journalism and music by those who deplore duplication. None of these courses need expensive, laboratoy equipment like agriculture, engineering, medicine or forestry. It follows that a girl might want to learn how to cook better or to cultivate her voice, w hether she had elected to go to the University or S tate college and m ajor in some other line. The industrial journalism taught at the state college is a different branch than newspaper and magazine journalism at the University of Oregon. Our whole educational system from the grade school up is increasing in cost out of proportion to other govern- nm ental agencies and property valuations. No doubt there will have to be some slowing down. However, any attem pt to deprive the University of Oregon or Oregon State college of duplicated courses in liberal arts and science which would prevent both of them granting bachelor of Arts or bachelor of Science degrees wpuld be a serious error from an educational standpoint. All learning m ust necessarily overlap—division should be only in specialized courses. BY R A DFO RD MOBuEY AUTOCACTER wAtHlNCTON BUREAU Washington, D. C.. April 9 (Autocaster) Shortage of food, due to drought conditions, Is still a source of suffering tu nearly 400 counties in seven states, According to “ T . T "' 'e.' ‘^ h T ’o'n Agriculture made available o n Mail'll 17. Relief by the Red Cross and other national and local agen­ cies must he continued in some parts until July and August, the survey indícales. Vaccinations against typhoid have reached unprecedent heights -t.it. ,w.rticularlv |„ seme of , the state »»rtoulariy Kentucky The greatest shortagi at present consists in food for live stock and some districts have re sorted to the practice of grating their mules half a day and work mg them the other half, thereby avoiding the use of grain. Fall gardens have helped out in many eases, although lack of water stopped their being planted In all but a few states. Texas was able to produce a fine turnip crop that helped out materially. The afflicted districts are being forced to borrow money to bring in vast amounts of foodstuffs for their animals and this condition will not be amelior­ ated until early this summer, the survey shows. W ide Scale SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS .ÎÎ H '.S EASTER EGG HUNT More thau 1,000,000 persona In 862 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY HAA apjouknep . w e p e e tmc - as f e w e r , « il l » I'A v lt C A N P MORE n il L ’ IN 1 LU e t Thom pson’s Campbell’s Soups «1 All Kinds OC «>Cans ZDC Choc. Malted Milk ¿£. 43c Calumet Pears 0/4-, Peaches Malt Syrup 214 Q Qr DJ7C State* came under the care of the PAIR * American Red CroM In what de­ Mrs. l.ee Putman entertained the -------- - --- — veloped Into the mint extensive re­ lief operations In half a century of num bers of her Sunder sell. >1 • GOPHER CONTROL WORK powder class. "The Joy Uella" at a party ministering to stricken humanity. STARTED THIS WEEK Measures to lessen the severity of at her home on A street Saturday. 1 pound Can 2 lt' the blow Inflicted by drought were April 4 The afternoon was spent Rose-Dale 2’ 2pound Can 5Sc Farmers Volunteer to Try Gopher taken as early as last September, w 111 an Faster egg hunt and vari­ No. 2* j Cans 5 pound Cnn 904' E»termination on Selected Plot when seed was distributed to mors ous «times. Refreshments were 10 pound Can $1.40 Southeast of City than 6S.000 families for the planting >nd * more (han 37,000 families for the - i - Wiese i , present were laiulsa Cow­ Aitimi work on the volunteer Puritan pian, | ng of kitchen gardens. The ex den. Frances Cornell. Fern Cornell, gopher control mv» established by p«ndlture for this purpose amounted 'b Silver Dale 1,/, Edna June Yarnell, Mary Frit», | u gnMlp „( farmers owning proper- Cana to $326.800. Greeu vegetables 1 No. 2 ' 2 Cana Shirley Lowery, lla ttle Clark. Rtwu I triangle formed by the made available up to January. Early In February another Red Ogden. Aults I’ugh. Peggy Wright, w tu 1,u„.(ie river. Fall Creak, and “CANADA DRY” BEVERAGES Cros« garden program got under Wanetia Neat, and Ha Pulman Southern Pacific railroad was start- way and 607,000 packages of seed .»»I Monday when <). H Fletcher. Golden Ginger Ale were distributed In 15 States. Quar I county agent visited the district Pale Dry Ginger Alo ter-acre plots were planted Io beans, This 1« a Good Story 1 with a representative o< the VnlUMl 1 M<* beets, cabbage, carrots, sweet corn, Sparkling Lime Whether True or Not States department of agriculture. kale, lettuce, mustard, onions, peas, Berlin.—An animal story til to Sparkling Orange The farmers in the area who spinach, squash, tomatoes and tur­ make animal psychologists dance nips. Once again were farm families with Joy and animal lovers In geu . have volunteered to try to eater glTen the opportunity to participate #r>, Jw;vp w((h elm„i„n. |a that t initiate gophers from their proper* in their own salvation. whlch hss becotr.e the toplc of con ' t\ are Grover Walker. William A comparatively mild winter con versatlon of Adolf Schmidt. 1 , ... Mr. Schmidt «nd hts pet shop- Glaspey. David (llaspey. John Flts trlbuted to the success of the Spring and Fall seed campaigns. Many lienl dog. Nora, were tcklug a typ­ geruld. anil L. A. Huffnnl Theae habitual single-croppers were Intro ically German walk, leisurely and men plan to go over all the land duced to the advantages of kitchen systematically, along the shores of In the district carefully and seal gardens, balanced cropping and bal­ tiie Teltow canal, and the master ter red clover leaves In the run • • • anced diet. Numerous land-owners was teaching Norn to retrieve, ways Ilf the anim als and plug them have expressed the opinion that when suddenly a pigeon wearing s Government support of wheat this constitutes the one apparent red ring on Its foot fluttered down up. The gophers are said to be fond at the nose of the ilog. of clover leaves and the leaves When you have thut Hrctl feeling, commonly railed prices will be withdrawn, following blessing to come out of the drought Mr Schmidt, thinking the hint catastrophe. The United States De­ the May 1 deliveries of the 1930 was Injured, ____ ran nearer and beheld . will be treated with stryclilne al spring fever, try u piece of Kgglman’a candy. T here la partment of Agriculture and the lo- « strange sight. Nora. Instead of 1 goloid In the proportion of on ________ crop, the Federal „ Farm board an- ____ nounced late last month. The huge cal county agricultural agents and , napp|ng a, the pigeon carefully for each 10 pounds of nothing 1 Ini' will pep you up like good candy. It la a nounceo laie 1a home demonstration agents cooper- |aT down, rolled herself Into a ball 1 surplus of 1930 which may exceed uted In making this part of the ro so that the head of the csrrler leaves. highly concentrated, dollcloua food. An attem pt was made to estab pigeon was visible, and proceeded that of the year before, has con- ltaf operations successful. WHO PAYS OUR TAXES? to lick and deftly nuxsled the bird I Huh a similar control area on a Balanced Meala Served Did it ever occur to you what a large part of the assessed vinced the officials that it is no most reassuringly. larger scale last summer but failed Red Croas feeding wag aimed at Then Mr. Schmidt saw the cause property of this city is rendered for taxes by our m er- w ^cuT do™ adequacy and sclentiflc correctness of the strange antics of the snlinsl ' 11» materialixe when some of the chants and business men? their acreage su rveys indicate that In large numbers of schools, where A dark shadow flitted over the \ (armers In the district refused to 1 ^ ^ "Where the Service Is Different' This is som ething to think about when you are tem pted fartner8 have cut their spring piant- children were found to be attending group and a pigeon hawk circled ,,nler tj„, work. low anil lower. The dog growled with little or nothing In their lunch bv the will-o’-the-wisp promises of mail order catalogues ing , en percent. half of the twenty boxes, hot meal» were served at The pigeon burlisi Its head deeper ' . . . members _*h«A of the noon A typical menu consisted of in the dog's think The hawk flew D E M O N S T R A T IO N A G E N T percent which to spend your money away from our town. board had asked. In any event the vegetable soup and bread one day: away. So did the pigeon, and Nora HOLDING MEETINGS back ________ to retrieving. Federal Farm board has stated that thick beef soup or stew with vege- calmly went ______ WELL-FILLED CELLAR tables another day; cocoa or milk » e D «—...J Miss Gertrude L. Show, Lane The farm er with the well-filled cellar and sm oke-house no suuport will be given the 1931 and cheese, peanut butter, or Jam C losed b e a so n r r o p o s e a crop, which wil have to stand on county home demonstration iigiMil. is not worried by the ups and downs in the prices of his its own bottom. sandwiches, a third day. to Protect Whales Is conducting a full week of dein In some places where lunches Washington.—Wholesale «laugh onstration programs tu various products. were not served In the schools, but ter of whales for commercial Sam H. Thompson, for the past were provided for In the regular purpose which I* killing off this parts of the county this week. The federal educational expert told the board of higher Ameri- «*•»• <”' ch h,T’B‘ ^ ^ m l i w i 'i i ^ a ro if ’a wil pro Friday morning Miss Skow will We refer to the revival of th a t not enough students can __ Farm Farm bureau federation, has school Is conduct a clothing demonstration c education u u v ie iiv u v.swwv o — University - — «, of Oregon — Durvau icueraiiuu, b l u u u i children uunuiuu received extra sta senteil —...... to the u League » of Nations rt fmm Scotch Grain Trima on the were studying law. Ask any lawyer's advice on that ques- gucceMed Alexander Legge as a pies for school lunches lnclud’“« {’" ^ '^ ¿|“^ iOrst«te« ’rw-partinent of at Wendllng between the hours of .... __ •_ _ noannf DiUUCl BU« ... » 10:30 and 3:30. Tha evening she members of the _ Federal .. Farm ^ X nnrfPr r ^ rAlSlDI. nutruTon“ ' t»»« S U .e H I ■ . hoped t h . f by Ins.ltnt- tion and we'll bet you get a different answer. If there is board. Legge returning to hia dWles ^ . ’d m ^ e ^ " lb . prepars 7 ^ = t° e S will attend a meeting at Junction any profession we have enough of, it is law. Instead of City to be i-ddressi-d by Professor by the United Stales on seals, the Cuthbert of Oregon State college. increasing the ranks we should be content with replace­ as head of the International Har tlon of lunches County health officers and private -o( ’ former will greatly vester company. Thompson was AU sorts of novelty treaimeiit« fashion preaorlbea on the naw Wednesday Mies Skow conducled ments. appointed by President Hoover physicians commended the adequacy |ncrease t„ the next few years shoes. And you m m have no Idea liow flattering they are to ------------ p------------ of rations procured on orders Is­ tho third of u series of Kitchen with the expressed intention ot your feet, until you try Hi«m on. A table compiled by the state treasurer shows tiie per­ giving the farmers better repre­ sued by Red Cross chapters. Besides | Improvement meeting» at laiwell the usual staples, such as corn from 10:30 to 3:30. Theae m eet­ centage of public debt to assessed valuation of property sentation. He is a practical farui- meal, flour, lard. meat, beans and ings were held In the high achool. the cities of Oregon have. Lane county cities stand as er, having increased an SO-acre potatoes, such Items as canned sal­ This sumo quality lu«1 season »’»« $4 98 v farm to a 500-acre holding, while mon. cabbage, tomatoes, vegetables follows: Cottage Grove, 40.4D; ; Eugene, 31.277« ; Spring- FAIR BOARD APPROVES at the same time having been and milk were provided, each order field, 23.277, and Junction City. 12.217. active in business and legislative being adapted to the special needs REST ROOM BUILDING of the family from whom It was Is­ Elk or while with black, fancy wing Up (1 Q Oh Yeah! Oh Ya! Oh Yehh! The most used word in circles. sued. Where pellagra threatened, anil quarter trim New lasts The new member of the board eggs, yeast and other preventives Members of the Lane county fair the English language among our young people. Will the is expected to become it's grata ex­ | board votwl to construct a rest were given. board of higher education tell us which is the right pro- pert. as former Gov. McKelvie, of Thousands of Volunteer Workers DAYBREAK room on the fair grounds before nounciation for Oregon—m ight call in a federal expert to Nebraska, who has voiced the grain Many thousands of volunteers, By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow the 1931 fair at their meeting al the raisers' side in board discussions, through their local Red Cross chap­ court house In Bttgene Saturday. give an impartial decision. SrnoktMl Mk or white with black or brown has announced his Intention of re­ ters, gave freely of their time, ex­ A wind came up out of the sea. The rest rooms will be built Just rontraat trim. Novelty wing tip and cotiipo> perience and efforts, as In other Red . Girls at heart today are little different from form er signing in a short time. nltlnn »poftn mo I ow . Vi-ry Hinart. Hixes 1 to Cross disaster operations. They And said, "O mists, make room for south of the pavlllton and east of • • • the Four-H building f generations, we are told. In other words, they only differ searched out needy cases In their m e!” Compilation of the livestock dl- Ijl . . . . u. Secretary of the Treasury Mel­ communities. Chapter committees in exterior appearance—more paint and fewer clothes. Extra Special on Investigated circumstances, dlstrth- It hailed the ships, and cried. iision of to. prem.um list has been -----------— lon’s dream of an early retirement "Sail on. completed according Io Mrs. Malrel food and clothing. There is one consolation most of our presidents were of the National Debt received a uted More than 500 carloads of food- y e mariners, the night Is gone!" H. Chadwick, aecretary. jolt recently when the first quar­ born in small towns. Cheer up, young man, th ere ’s hope. stuffs were contributed. These were terly collections of the Income tax given free haulage by railroads. And hurried landward far away. 11 YEARS CONSTIPATION were tabulated, and found far be­ Farmers of more fortunate sections C ryjng, “Awake! It Is the day!" Values to $1.50 low the estim ates. Coming on the embraced the opportunity to help GLYCERIN MIX ENDS IT their pastoral cousins of the affected It said unto the forest, "Shout! heels of the recent Veterans' Loan area. Shipments ranged from live | | ang all your leafy banner o u t’" ‘¿For 11 years I tried to get rid of Act. which diverted half a billion poultry to flsb, from grain to grape­ dollars unexpectedly. It looks to ob­ fruit. Carloads of flour, eggs, besns, It touched the wood-bird's folded constipation,” says Chas. K. lllalr. "Then al last the simple mixture. WHERE ELSE . . SO MUCH . . . FOR SO LITTLE! servers here as though there are vegetables, onions, rice, corn and wing. Adlerika. made me r -gular." only two ways out of the dilemma, mixed vegetables were Included. "(» bird, awake and The simple mixture of glycerin, And said As the result of co-ordinated Red buckthorn bark, saline, etc., (Adler OEPT. STORES either to increase the tax, an un­ sing!" Cross chapter efficiency, no authen­ ika) acts on BOTH upper and lower Eugene, popular move always and particu 968 ticated case of starvation as a ro And Q.er the (arma, "O chanticleer, bowel, relieving constipation In 2 Ore. larly so at the present time, or else suit of drought has been uncovered. KILLING WITH KINDNESS Your clarion blow, the day Is hours' Brings out poisons >ou never Willamette thought were In your system I«et Large quantities of new and used Recently a young couple were subjected to the ordeal to set aside a much sm aller sum for n ear!” Adlerika give your stomach and of a fashionable church wedding, and started joyously on the sinking fund. Many of Secre- clothing were distributed In direct tary Mellon's friends feel that he consequence many school children whispered to the fields of corn, bowels a REAL cleaning and see their honeymoon. how good you feel! Flanery's Drug • • 1 . L- t U A. resumed their a studies, 4><«41 rxa nillA a H K been BOR who h had They were a nice boy and girl. His only idea was to is a little too inclined to rush thd kept at home for lack of sufficient Bow down, and hall the coming (¡tore, morn ! ” find a job a t the bottom of some good business where he payment of the National Debt, a protection from tha elements. In could carve out a career for himself. She had dream s of natural desire from the standpoint gome Instances, rural schools that It shouted through the belfry-tower ( FOR SALE making a little home, keeping him happily, listening in the of a banker but totally against the had been closed were enabled to re­ “Awake, O bell! proclaim the [ Good 16-lnch Block wood, also theories of statesm en, who have open as a result of Red Cross relief evening to the story of his day s adventures, and helping 16-inch and 4 foot old growth Stetee Involved were: Alabama, hour.” found out, in history, that debts T he P acific T elliìiune A nd T elegraph C ompany hint by her lcve and enthusiasm to be a real success. i slabwood. put off by nations are invariably Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois. Indiana, They had only one draw-hack, or rath er six draw -backs; It crossed the churchyard with n , Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, FRANK TUHY two sets of wealthy parents and two very rich old aunts. settled with greater ease at a dis­ Mississippi, Missouri. Montana, sigh, Phone 3p. 182J tant date. North Carolina, North Dakota, And said, "Not yet! In quiet lie.” | While they were away the two aunts had an inspiration. • • • Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ten­ They looked around secretly in the m ost expensive p art of It will come as a surprise to nessee, Texas, Virginia, West Vir­ the city and picked out a swell apartm ent. They employed the highest priced interior decorator, and gave generous many that the Capitol at W ashing­ ginia. Many of theae States had been ton is an uncompleted building. orders at the leading furniture stores. hard hit by a succession of floods, When the couple came back to town they were m et by Millions of visitors have tolled crop failures, low prices and eco­ all four parents and the 'w o doting old maids. In a big through its long halls and Into its nomic danrasxlon. wad daouaK» a»», limousine they were whisked up to the apartm ent. The hundreds of rooms and felt they stituted a enmax to tne cyeie of dis­ lights were switched on. The older people waited expectant­ saw a masterpiece of architecture tress. "Wherever I went,” wrote one ob ly for the exclamations of joy th a t would greet the splendid Lately, however, agitation has dis- server, “I made a point of asking closed that the recess between the lay-out. what would have happened If the Too astonished to say anything, the poor little rich chil­ two wings on the east front Is an Red Cross had not been able to re­ dren gazed about them. Then suddenly the bride covered architectural blot. The huge dome spond. In widely scattered pointe, appears, to an expert's eye, as from leading citizens, came tha an­ her lace with her hunds and burst into a flood of tears. 9-4 Pequot Q fi The older people thought th a t they were tears of joy. In though it was insecure. Back in swer that undoubtedly there would SH E E T IN G .................................................. been many deatha directly clumsy fashion they began to comfort her, to tell her th a t 1864, the Capitol architect at that have starvation, with epidemics what they had given her was nothing in com parison with time submitted plans for rem odel-1 from preying upon the undernourished. ' ing the east front, although advls- ( what they would like to do FAST COLOR PRINTS, Being a well bred lady, the bride did not disillusion 'in g that active work be withheld Big V ariety........................................................ * < / V Visitor from , - Vlslior irW FFf Winberry — Clark ------- them. She mumbled some conventional words of thanks ’ until the country emerged from lams < < of >f WJnberry Winberry waa was a a v , . lfcor the Civil War and was In a better I and held herself under control until they had gone. In Springfield Wednesday. She could not tell them and they would not have under­ financial position. Since then, In Heavy Ward W ide stood—thai they had done the cru d est thing imaginable; 1889 and 1901, various plans were OUTING FLANNEL ..................................... that they had destroyed her dream and robbed her of one ordered by Congress and estim ates of life’s sweetest pleasures. Thy had tried to be so very ranging around $3,000.000 were Full Fashioned (P I kind, and they succeeded only in taking from her the made for the proposed changes. joyful right of every girl to fix up her own little home for These plans never reached frultl- KAYSER SILK H O S E ........................ ! tion, however. Now David Lynn, I f Getting Up Nights, heruelf. frequent day calls. Leg t,®1}1’ 1 i Most --- of us run no danger the present architect of the Capitol, ousness, -------- — of hurting ~ our children — in the or Burning, d u eto f. Baine degree. We are, fortunately, too poor to rob them is asking for another $5,ooo appro- ai madder t" * tuaJJ,”’J'tirned7depressed 1 prlatlon to have plana made to com end "discouraged, try the CV"*''* T?"a vey much. Works fast, starts clrculaUng thru Yet all parent« need to be on guard a hit in this pros­ plete the work. Extensive marble the system In 15 minutes. I ra,11' 1 J’/ thousands rapid and positive ac perous land. I»et us have the good sense not to kill with work outside of the central portion tion. Don't for J. FULOP, Proprietor give <«’” ’* will be required to complete the nounced 81 •s-tex) today, under the kindness. Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly 334 Main S treet Springfield, Ore. building and to avoid the painting allay these conditions. Improve rest- Let us give our kids a chance to enjoy the same grand ,.i . l i p n 'a(d a n d • energy. OT money of that section pvery four years, as ? jjjjjy ne^íly, ®r mofl9r back. 1 7 1 | C S P R IN G D A Y S cAre Coming! P G G I M A N N ’S More Scotch! But Not in Bottles. Men’s New Oxfords New Arrivals at - - $3.98 Novelty Sports Oxfords for Men Boy’s Novelty Oxfords $2.98 Extra Special on Ladies and Children’s Wash Dresses Now 69c ^BRU€ V ery S p ecial Offer This Week Only A 1Cf 1 Getting Up Nights lU t A A t P l.V V Fulop’s Department Store W hat does so much —so quickly—for so l i t t l e — a s y o u r T eleph o ne ? pleasures which we enjoyed tin1 pleasure of selecting their own m ates, m aking their own homes, and fighting their way up by themaelvea. has been done ever since the Capl- KETKL8 DRUG STORE 6th a Main Springfield, Ora. i ’ tol was formally opened.