The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 09, 1931, Image 1

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TW R N TY -K IO IITH Yu * 4 ?
— .....—
Springfield Group
Gives Program
C. ofC. to Launch
Merchant! Hava Unuaual Expert,
encas; Man Raqueata Food.
ChOnber of Commsrcs Tnkss
Two stories of oild action» of
Over Eugene Kiwanis Pro­
W. S. Hunnicutt Offer» Books
Iransiciita »topping In Hprlngfleld
to Library Where Family
during I he past week-end are told
Formerly Studied
The growing solidarity of the re­ this week by Itx-al bunftiexa men
Plan Dinner Meeting in Two
Weeks at Local Cafe, Com-
mitee Named Tuesday
Fred Fre»e tells a story <»f a
lationships between the cities of
NEW PATRONS Hprlngfleld und Eugene waa the short swarthy fellow who came In
subject of an addyese ibdlvered to the Hprlngfleld bakery a»klng
Gains in Number of Readers Monday noon at the Osburn hotel politely for some bread When the
In Eugene by ('. E. Kenyon. cu»hler request had Ix-en granted to the
Shown During March Ac*
of the I'ommerdul Hlatu bunk as extent of a loaf of bread the visitor
cording to Librarian
a part of the program for the week stooped over kissing the floor, mut-
ly luncheon of the Klwunls club taring hl» thanks. The man evl-
A collection of slaty five volume» which was sponeored by the Hprlng dently comes from some eastern
of library boohs Including many field chamber of commerce.
country where such practice Is
classical works and some modern
Hhort remurk» were also made by common,
volumes will soon become a part other tnembara nt tile delegation
Another »lory Is being told by
of the HprUigflml city library as which Included W. K llamell. u barber who was approached with
u result of a «Ift from W H llunnl*
president of the chamber of oom-' a request for a razor. An old razor
cult, former resident of thia city merce, Clifford Wilson. Emory wltM found und given to the
who now reside» at Beuverton.
Pyle, and II. E. Muxey, members |Ilall w|„, to,,» u Ond disappeared
Mr Hunnicutt made hla offer In of the committee In charge of the ,„r »»ycral hours and later return-
a letter received by the librarian
ed clean shaven to bring buck the
laal week and read at the monthly
Entertainment was provided by rsxor. lie was told that he mltrtit
meeting of the board Monday eve
Barbara Burnell who played xyto 1 keep II after he slated that he was j
nlng. Members of the group voted
to arept the gift and are now ! phone solos, Irene Manley and Be» , olieervlng hla fifty-second b rthday.
making plans to have the books ale Htewurt. banjo duets, and a f
quartet composed of the three und
Theodore Orel ter (a b o v e) got tor«
transported to this city.
»hen Sinclair Lewis (b e lo w ) accused
A desire to return the books to I Mrs. W K. Ilurnefl who played
him o f stealing a chapter from a n t of
the city when* he raised hla family i the piano and who uceompanled
M rs Lew is' books Dreiser slapped
Lewis' face and that was that
and which still seems like bone,
prompted the gift says the donor,
In hl» letter.
Few resident» of Hprlngfleld re | STARTED HERE MONDAY Combined Glee Clubs to Pre­
call the Hunnicutt family. They '
sent Two Act Production
moved from Hprlngfleld almost 201 T an C hildren fro m T hree to 81s
in School Auditorium
yeura ago say a few old timers
Years Enroll in Croup Taught
who knew them
by Mrs. W. O. Burch
Elnul rehearsals are being held
A large gain In the number of
at the high schisd this week for
|.alrotis of the library was noted’ A model kindergarten school wa» "Bailor Maids," musical comedy In Officers for Next Year to Be
this past month, according to Mrs opened here Monday morning by two acts, which Is to be presented
Elected by County Croup
I.. K I'age, secretary. Hook loans Mrs. W. 0. Ilurch at her home at by the combined boys and girls
at Saturday Session
total 1201 for the month of March 737 B street All of the students glee clubs In the high school uudl-
»■•cording to the report compiled are from three to six years of age. tortum Friday evening at 8 o'clock
New officers for the Ixuie Coun­
by Mrs Davll Kaltsman. librarian,
Thu claas Is now exclusively a under the direction of Ernest Mc­
ty Council l*arent-Teacher asaocla-
o f this number I0S1 were taken morning affair, but If the enroll­ Kinney, mualc Instructer.
Hon will be named Saturday at the
out by adults and HO by children ment Increases an afternoon claas
all day meeting to be held at Santa
line hundred and slxty two magn will be started The morning class
been practicing their parts for al­ Clara.
ilues were taken out during the Is full.
This will lie the third and final
most two montha and several of the
Mrs. Emily Peter», mother of leading characters attended the m< .«ting of the present school ye»r
The report also shows that thirty Mrs. Burch, Is assisting wltn the
performance of the same play for this organization composed of
people took out reader's cards for school.
which was given by the high school affiliated P.-T. A. group» in all
the first time.
at Harrisburg on Murch 16. and i tta.'ts of l-ane county.
Two now books were purchased LEGION TO DRAW NEW
gathered much valuable In forma -1
Nominations have already been
und the board has agreed to pur
CONSTITUTION SOON Ylou regarding the beat method of made by a nominating committee
chose several morn during the next
■ —■ ■■
j presentation of the play and por '
but other candidates may be pre­
A total of eight books
A committee waa appointed at • trayal of Individual rules,
sented from the floor.
were rebound.
the meetlug of the American Leg
Th,. mUH(ca| comedy hikes a
Miss Moxelle Hair, extension
Members of the board urge pa lou lust week to draft a new con­ light house, the home of a light
Irons of the library to exarclae stitution for the local group They house keeper as the setting for | worker at the University will be
reasonable care In hnndllng boqka are to report at the meeting to the presentaGon. Spechql stage the principal speaker. Other sub­
ua the cost of rebinding necesaarlly be held April IS. at the Community scenery has been constructed for I ject» for dlsnisHlon and entertain­
reduces the available fund» for hall. Tbla la the regular time for the performance. Admission will ( ment will be prepared by the pro­
gram committee which Is headed
uew volumes
the group to meet at Waltervllle, he fifteen and twenty-five cents,
by Mrs. R. P. Mortensen of Spring-
but the Auxiliary group plans to with reserved seats selling at
Initiate new members at that time thirty-five cents.
Delegates named at the last
BENEFIT CARD PARTY and have Invited members of the
The principal roles In the com- meeting of the Springfield P.-T. A
Eugene Auxiliary to conduct the edy and those who plav their parts
and who will represent the schools
Member» of Itika circle, I suite« initiatory work so both groups will #r„ M fol)(>w, . CaptIlln Dover „ of this city Include Mrs. Lee Put­
of the Grand Army of the Heputdlc nicet In thls elty
(retired sea captain. Jack Hulett; man. Mrs. R. P. Mortenson, Mrs.
will sponsor a boneflt card party
Dr. W N. Dow. commander. Is Edward, his son, Paul Freae; Cyrus W. W. Walker. Mrs. Pratt Holver
ul the Community hall Friday eve­ expccted to nume un executive Templeton, the light house keeper, son. Mrs. I. N. Endicott, Mrs. J.
ning starting at 8 o'clock accord­ rom mit tee for the organlxatlim be- Paul Robley; Frances Marie, a Fulop. and Miss Dorothy Girard.
ing to Mrs. Hugh JollR, chairman fore the next meeting.
"Sailor Mnld"
h I a daughter,
of the arrangements committee.
Blanche Bates; Jeanette Spencer, - All delegates planning to attend
Bridge, flve-hundred and other card GEORGE OWEN PASSES AT friend of Frances Marie, Virginia arc asked to notify Mrs. Ogilvie
or Mrs. Lee Puttnan who will make
rallies will be played.
OAKRIDGE ON FRIDAY Chrls'le; Olga, the Swedish house­ arrangements for transportation.
A short program will he given
keeper, Eva Louk; Gerald Ken
during the evening and refreah-
George W O w n died Friday at neily. an. ardent admirer of Frances
niMHs will be served Mrs. Goldie the home of hla daughter Mrs. liar Marie, l.c^iar Rrattaln; Dari 1 SUNDAY SERVICES TOLD
Peterson and Mrs. Nellie Carr are ry Matoon of Oakridge at the age Kern, a yachtsman, Alton Robeson; FOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH
assisting Mrs. Jollff. Tickets have of tifi years. He had been a resident iiiessc.tger. Mi rrts Stewart.
f ile n cm horn of the combined
bben on sale all week and may be of Oregon since 1913.
Veltie Pruitt, pastor of the
purchased at the door.
Funeral services were held at glee clubs ahlch form the choru« Christian church will preach on "A
the Methodist Episcopal church at of "Sailor Maids” and Life Guards Christian's Faith” at the 11 o'clock
Drain, of which he was a member. are its fi Row* . Hersey Tomset.1, service Sunday. The Sunday school
John Lynch. Lloyd Mattison. Paul will meet at 9:45 under the direc­
OF BIRTHDAY DINNER Burial was In the Drain cemetery. Freae, Alton Robeson, LaMar Brift- tion of Roland Moshier, superin­
Veatch chapel had charge of or
taln. Jack Hulett. Paul Robley, tendent. and the Christian Endeav­
Mr nnd Mrs. L. W. Putman en­ rangenieiits.
Morris Stewart. Irving Duvls, Bruce or will meet at 8:30 .
tertained w th a birthday dinner at
Owen was born In Illinois Febr­ Squires. Gilbert Ernallng and El­
The evening sermon topic at 7:30
their home Easter Hutulay for their uary 11. 1886. He leaves to sur­
nephew, Clyde Putman, of Cottage vive. Mrs. Ella Owens of Seattle, don Ellison, boys' glee club; and will be “A Practical Word.” There
Grove. Other guests at the dinner a sister, John and Joe Owens, of Dorothy Mae Potter. Leola Gates, will be special music at both serv­
were Mr. Joe Htryman of Marah- lx» Angeles, Charles Owen of Se­ Marjorie I’rochnow. Angela Brat- ices.
field, Mr. and Mrs. Ixwls Doughty, attle, J. Owen of Longview, Wash­ tain. Hazen Wilson. Lillian Pat­
Goshen. Mr. and Mrs. John Ihitman, ington,Rons, and four daughters, rick, Junta May, Eva Louk. Illlene SADIE RAGLAND DIES
and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mrs. Ruth Matoon. Oakridge, Mrs. Baker, Dorothy Mae Baldwin. Velda
Wickham, Mr. and Mrs. George Put­ May Tampke and Mrs. Ella Padil­ Bartholomew, Enid Graves, Elsie
man and family, Miss Marian Hhlp- la, of Seattle, and Mrs. Kettle Rad
Mrs. Sadie Ragland died at her
Blanche Bates. Marjory Waddell. home. 420 F street Friday evening
ley. and Mrs. T. C. Barker, all of shinier of Kunsus City.
Loin Squires, Loretta Franx, El- at the age of 76 years She leaves
Hprlngfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Meacham. Pauline Meaklns. her brother, J. J. Browning of
Putman, Betty Jean and Clyde l*ut- MALE-SUMNER NUPTIALS
Mary Ann Louk, Virginia Christie, Hprlngfleld. and several nieces and
nuin of Cottage Grove, ami the host­
HERE EASTER SUNDAT Emma Trlnka, Clarice Fenton, Ben- nephews.
lash Richardson. Helen Mersdorf.
Miss Ixila Male became tbe bride
She was born In Hancock county,
Illinois on July 7. 1866. She mar­
of Ray McKinley Sumner of Port COMMISSION OPPOSES
ON WEED PROBLEMS huid at a pretty Raster wedding
BUILDING ON TRIANGLE ried Captain J. M. ltagla’ d. He
at the home of her mother, Mrs. |
died In 1912. She was a jneml>er of
(I, S. Fletcher, I-une county agri­
Clara F. Male on II street Sunday
Tbo state highway commission the Christian church and has lived
cultural agent delivered an ad­
at 12:30 p. nt. Rev. C. J. Pike, pas- j |,.lH refused the Eugene Chamber In Springfield since 1916. She was
dress on Spring Weed Cultivation.
tor of the Methodist Episcopal of Commerce permission to con­ the mother of four children all of
Weed Control, and the New Strain ohurch officiated.
struct a wood-products and Ixine whom are now dead.
<>t Red Clover at the Goehen
Only relatives and n few close county products exposition build­
The funeral services were held
Grange meeting Wednesday eve­ friends were Invited for the cere­
ing on the triangular tract Just nt the Christian church Sunday af­
ning at 8 o’clock. Music and other mony.
across the river at the Junction of ternoon at 2:30. Veltie Pruitt offi­
entertainment, nnd refreshments
The bride wore a dress of pink
were provided during the evening. georgette nnd a corsage of orchids the McKenzie und Pacific high­ ciated and Interment was made In
ways. Highway officials stale that
and sweet peas. The homo was de­ the construction of a building on the the I.O.O.F. cemetery. Veatch cha­
corated with Easter lllllee ami pink site would obstruct the view of pel had charge of the arrange­
motorists nnd would be a detri­
Mr. and Mrs. Sumner plan to ment to the highway system. This
The second meeting tor the re­ make their home In Portland.
property was purchased by the
creation group for children of pre-
state at the time the approaches
school age was held Tuesday after­ LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION
to the bridge were acquired. Many
noon at the Community hall. Mrs.
Mrs. W. F. Walker entertained
AT COLLEGE ON FRIDAY commercial companies have made the members of the Kensington
Clifford Wilson entertained the
Inquiries regarding the possibility
children telling children's stories
The snnual livestock exposition of using the tract for exploitation dub at their regular meeting at
and the youngnters later drama­
sponsornd by Oregon State college purposes ami have been turned her home here Friday afternoon.
tized them. They alao played gam»«
She had as her guests for the af­
will he held at Corvallis Friday down.
and learned to sing songs.
Mrs. Alice lx>rah and Mrs.
commencing at 7 o'clock with a
large parade of valunble animals. BARN DOOR DROPS; MAN Clifford Wilson.
Regular members present were
Visitor from Newport — C. A. All kinds of livestock will be 6n
GETS GASH ON HEAD Mrs. W. E. Buell Mrs. W. K. Bur­
Brady of Newport is spending a few exhibition during the evening. The
nell, Mrs. L. E. Bnsford, Mrs.
days In Springfield visiting friends. College ROTC unit will put on n
8. Adams of Mabel sustained a
He was a dinner gueat at the military drill and other entertain­ serious gush on hiH hend Tuesday Clarence Chase. Mrs. W. N. Dow,
Mrs. L. L. May, Mrs. J. T. Moore.
home of Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Mort­ ment features.
when a barn door which he wns
Mrs. W. C. Rebhan, Mrs. W. C.
ali non Tuesday evening.
trying to move got away and fell
Call Wednesday—Mr. and Mrs. on him. He received a gash about Wright, and the hostess.
Sprains Wrist — Ernest Black Buxter Fisher of Camp Creek were one and one-half Inches long which
The next meeting of the club
sprained his wrist Tuesday while business visitors In this city yes- was treated later at the office of will he held April 17 at the hdme
cranking his automobile.
a Hprlngfleld physician.
of Mrs. J. C. McMurray.
Musical Comedy
A t H. S. Friday
P. T. Council to
Meet Santa Clara
A drive for new member» of the
Hprlngfleld chamber of commerce
waa planned at the semi-monthly
meeting at the Community hall on
Tuesday evening. The drive will
atari Immediately and a committee
at more than 12 members has been
appointed to carry on the work.
M B. Huntley wll head the com­
It la now almost two years since
the chamber put on a drive for
new member» and It 1» hoped by
the committee In charge that sev­
eral new names may lie added to
the Hat.
Plana wt re also made Tuesday
evening to make the next chamber
of commerce meeting on April 21.
a dinner meeting to be held at one
of the local cafes. H. W. Hobbs
was nami-d chairman of a commit­
tee to make arrangements for the
Officials of the organization want
to make one meeting each month
a dinner meeting, alternating It
with an evening at the Community
A report on the canalization
meeting held at Salem last month
was given by Clifford Wilson and
J. D. Pyle who attended. Members
of tbe local group were urged to
make plans now to attend the large
noon-day meeting to be held at the
Mirltnomah hotel in Portland on
Friday. April 17. A large caravan
of approzimately 300 business men
Is expected to drive to Portand
for the event. Plans have been
made to transport a certain number
of the visitors on a barge from
Oregon City to Portland and back.
Portland “business men are being
urged to attend and business men
in valley towns are urging Jobbers
and others with whom they do
business in Portland to attend and
use their influence in securing the
necessary appropriation for the
canalization of the Willamete river.
No. 18
Big Subscription Drive SEED STORE TAKES
--------- • ---------
IteHidentB of I^aiie county are offered the biggest oppor­
tunity in years to be presented to them by any newspaper. MACHINES IN BUILDINC
An opportunity to earn a brand new automobile without
one cent of cost to them for a few hours of their spare j Irish-Murphy Co. Will Move
Seed and Feed to Rear of
time during the next few weeks.
Crocery Store Building
The News is out after new subscribers. WhileThe News
already enjoys a wide circulation, this newspaper, in keep­
A lease on the Eugene Mill and
ing with it’s progressive policy is desirous of increasing it’s Elevator warehouse property In
family of readers in Lane county and the Springfield dis­ thia city has been taken by the
Irish Murphy Heed and Feed com­
trict. Instead of importing outside sales people we want our pany and present (Hans of tbe new
friends and readers to derive the benefit and profit in a big owners of thia bualnem. call for
way as we are a iocal institution and therefor, are offering the establishment of commercial
this unparalleled opportunity of earning a valuable gift milling facilities for the formera
and cash to local people only. ment in this issue of the News; and ranchers of this vicinity In
the warehonae In the immediate
“ Earn and Win”
fill it out and mall it to the cam- future according to an announce­
Our slogan for-this mam­ ;.aign Department at once and fall ment made here this week.
moth Hubscription drive is details will be dispatched to yon
All necessary equipment for
“ Earn and Win.” It means at once. DO IT NOW» TODAY! grinding, cracking, a n d mixing
Enter today with a nomination
just that. Everyone who par­ coupon grxxl for 5000 free votes feedx. lx now Installed In the build­
ing and only small minor changes
ticipates in this campaign will —ride away June 3, in a brand new : will be required under the new
be paid a cash commission cor.
plan of operation.
of ten per cent of their total
The warehouse property Is all
that was left of the Springfield
subscription sales each week.
Mill and Elevator company alter
The more they accomplish the
the fire last fall which swept the
more money they will earn
plant. It has been used for grind
and at the same time each
lag and storing feeds prior to the
time the elevator burned. The
subscription they sell will
count thousands of votes to­ Short Play, Two High School building also housed complete
ward one of the magnificent Teas, Candy Sale, April Fro­ equipment for process rolling oats
and barley. This was operated for
prizes. At the end of the cam­
some time after the fire and the
lic, Prepared for Week
paign every person who has
machinery was finally moved to
Next week will be observed a t . the Eugene plant which was pur­
remained active and does not
Springfield high school as Girls j chased by the concern here after
share in the awarding of the
League week. This Is an annual < tbe fire.
prizes will be paid an addi­ event and some phase of Girls |
The Irish-Murphy Seed and Feed
tional ten per cent cash com­ League work is stressed each day ; store also announced this week
mission of their total subscription
sale« for tbe entire campaign which
will make a total of twenty per
cent cash commission for non-
prize winner». WTiat could be fair­
The Prizes
Heading the lkzt of wonderful
prises la a brand u?w Graham
Paige Special Six Sedan. fully
equipped. It Is the very latest mo­
del «rith six windows and has the
popular four speed synchro meoh
gear shift which Graham Paige
automobiles are noted for. Thia car
la purchased of Chas. Taylor’s
Alt ‘■'eachers Sign and Return Garage In Eugene and can be seen
in their sales room.
Contracts; Finances Now
Next In line is your choice of a
Enter Consideration
popular Ford tudor sedan or coupe.
lock of finances may prove to This car is purchased of Anderson
be the downfall of the proposed Motors Inc.. Springfield Authorized
opixirtunlty class in the Springfield Ford Agency. Third on the list Is
school system according to mem­ a trip for two persons to Alaska
bers of the school board who dis­ and return with all expenses paid.
cussed the project at their monthly Just the thing for an ideal vacation.
nneting Monday night.
The trip will include rail fare to
A proposal to establish what is Seattle and return with all hotel
known as an opportunity class In accomodations paid and a first
which students, who for any reason class round trip passage to Alaska
whatever, are behind in school by water including stateroom and
work, might obtain special Instruc­ meals while enroute. Wonderful
tion enabling them to catch up wltn isn’t it
their lessons, has been sought after
Fourth is a popular Atwater Kent
for some time and members of the radio complete with tubes etc.,
board were agreed that such a proj­ purchased from Wright and Sons,
ect would be highly commendable, Springfield.
but it would require the appoint­
Fifth is a merchandise credit of
ment of an additional teacher and
>75 at Fulop's Department Store.
the furnishing of another school
room. The board does not feel that
Last is a cash prize of >40.
under present financial conditions
This elaborate prize list is made
they are warranted in making this
additional expenditure. They did possible by the cooperation of The
not reach any final decision on the Eugene Record. The first, second
matter, however, and leave the and third prizes are purchased
Jointly by that newspaper and The
question open until a later date.
News. Subscriptions to
All of the teachers, re-elected by
the board lost month, have signed W h er newspaper or both will count
their contracts for another year it toward those prizes and each news­
was reported at the meeting by paper is also offering three separ­
the principals of the three schools ate prizes of their own.
Will It Pay
who were present at the meeting.
The campaign will be a short
The exchange of seven typewrit­
ers for better machines was re­ and snappy affair lasting Just 48
ported at the meeting. The type­ days exclusive of Sundays and
writers are used by students at the holidays). It opens tomorrow April
10th and closes at 8 p. m. Wednes
high school.
June 3, 1931. Will It pay? This
A warranted indebtedness of ap­
proximately >8.000 was reported by is the question that naturally oc­
the clerk. This will increase near­ curs to all who read this announce­
ly >4.000 more before the next tax ment. Yes It will pay. Not In dol­
money is received In June. This lars and cents possibly, for the
indebtedness is net large, however, expense of the undertaking Is very
in comparison to ,that of previous heavy but there are other dividends
a 'newspaper earns besides those
years at the same time.
expressed in the terms of money
During this campaign many new
HAVE COOKED FOOD SALE subscribers will be added which
will increase the potency of this
Members of the Springfiekl newspaper as an advertising me­
American Legion auxiliary will dium — a newspaper's principal
sponsor a cooked food sale at the source of revenue. Many local
Springfield Electric Supply store people will be made happy and rich
on Fifth street Saturday. The com- ' in the pocket book and there will
mlttee In charge requests that all j be a great amount of general satis­
members of the organisation send faction and good engendered. It will
or bring donations Saturday morn­ add prestige to this newspaper and
the local merchants who have co­
operated will also derive much
Information and Assistance
In order to conduct this cam­
Friends of Mrs. Ida Berg gath­ paign impartially and In a business
ered at the Berg farm home east of like manner we have engaged the
Hprlngfleld Sunday afternoon to services of The Franklin company
observe Mrs. Berg's birthday. of Los Angeles woh will furnish
Those attending the dinner Sun­ ■in experienced campaign man­
day evening were Mr. and Mrs. ager and assistants to give their
J. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wors- entire time and attention to those
wlck. and sons and daughters of who desire to participate. Come in
and see them personally and se­
Mrs. Berg and their families.
cure first hand Information as to
Trades Car—M. 11. Huntley Is how to go about winning one ot
now driving a sedan which he ob­ the big prizes. If not convenient to
tained by trading In his old tour­ call, clip the nomination coupon
appearing la our page announce
ing model.
Board Undecided
About New Class
Brand New Graham Paige and Ford Automobiles to be Owners to Offer Commercial
Given Away In Campaign Starting Today;
Milling Facilities to Farm­
Anybody Can Win
ers of This Vicinity
League Plans All
Week Program
during the week.
that they would move their busi­
A short play, two high school: ness and stocks from the present
teas a candy sale, and an April location on Main street to quarters
Frolic have all been planned by | In the rear of the grocery store
the organization for the next week, owned by the same firm.
according to Faye Parsons, presi­
Three entrance« wll be provided
dent of the organization.
under the new plan, according to
Monday they will start their ob­ Marion Adams who will continue
servance of the week with a play. | to serve as manager of the feed
"Two Naughty Old Ladies,” to te ; department. C ther advantages will
presented before the student body be created in having all the activi­
during the activity period In the ties of the store under one roof.
In moving to the new quarters
morning. Miss Junta May is direct­
ing tbe production which has the the store will be returning to quar­
following cast: Tottie, Mary Had- i ters formerly occupied until a few
ley; Mottle, Echo Tomseth; Gri-■ years ago when the Main street
zelda, Helen S warts; Miss L. 1 building was leased by A. B. Gray
Pink, Faye Parsons, and Mr. L. then owner • of both grocery and
feed stores.
Pink, Lela Peterson.
Tuesday the high school girls i
will entertain a group of twenty- i GUARDSMEN TO ASSIST
five league girls and their advisor AT ARMORY DEDICATION
from Eugene high school at a tea
after school hours.
M any High 8»ate O fficials Plan
A similar number of University'
to Attend Exercises at Cot­
high girls »rill be entertained Wed­
tage Grove Saturday
nesday afternoon, and a candy sale '
will be conducted during the school
Springfield unit, 162nd Head­
hours Thursday.
quarters company, will go to Cot
Mothers and girls »rill gather at (tage Grove In a body Saturday
the gymnasium Friday evening for night to assist In dedicating the
the annual April Frolic program new Armory which has Just been
and entertainment. Each class will completed in that city. The local
give some stunt as a part of the ; unit together with two units from
program. The girls will come [ Eugene and the one at Cottage
dressed in costume.
Grove will form a parade to start
at 7 o'clock. Many high state of­
CELLERS FUNERAL HELD ficials. including Governor Meier,
TUESDAY AFTERNOON will attend the dedication cere­
monies according to First Lieuten­
Mrs. Katherine Elizabeth Cellers. ant C. A. S warts, commander of
61. died at her home on West Main the local guard unit.
street Saturday night following a
short illness.
She is survived by her widower^
William R. Cellars, three sons. Alec
of McMinnville. Carl of Springfield,
The Murphy-Moshier quartet of
and Glenn of Cottage Grove, and the Christian church gave their
two daughters, Mrs. Robin T. Pow­ Easter cantata, “Christ la Rtsexi”
ell. Raymond, Washington, and before the students at the Eugene
Mrs. Chauncey B. Crites. Aberdeen. Bible university Thursday after­
Washington; also two grandchil­ noon of last week. They sang the
dren, and a brother. Thomas Cox cantata at the evening service at
of Cottage Grove.
the Christian church here Sunday.
Mrs. Cellars was a member of This proved to be something differ­
the Springfield Christian church ent. having a quartet, present an
and of the Women of Woodcraft entire cantata, and was appreciat­
lodge at Drain.
ed by a large audience. A new baby
Funeral services were held at grand piano was also used at the
the Walker-Poole chapel Tuesday church for the first time Sunday.
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. S. Earl Members of the quartet are Mr.
Childers, pastor of the First Chris­ and Mrs. D. B. Murphy and Mr.
tian church in Eugene officiated and Mrs. Roland Moshier.
and interment was made in Laurel
Other churches of the city also
Grove cemetery.
held special services Sunday. The
Methodist Episcopal church held
an elaborate service Sunday morn­
AT METHODIST CHURCH ing, and the Baptists presented two
cantatas in the evening after hav­
Cloudy skies forced Springfield ing received new members at the
to hold her first Eastqr sunrise morning hour.
service Indoors. A crowd of 76
people gathered at the Methodist LEGION MEMBERS WILL
church Sunday morning at 6:46 to DANCE AGAIN SATURDAY
participate in -the service which
was sponsored by the Springfield
Prank Bmerich of Waltervllle
Lions club with the cooperation ot will be manager of the American
the three churches of the city. Niel Legion dance at Waltervllle Satur­
Pollard was chairman of the Lions day of this week according to J.
M. Larson, finance officer of
Springfield Post number 40 which
sponsors the dances. The dance
Is working on some spe­
cial feature« tor the Saturday
Members of the Ladies Aid of dance.
the Methodist church are plannlg
to hold a cafeteria dinner at the AUTOMOBILE HITS LIGHT
church on Friday evening, April
17. Proceeds to be used to pay the
ladies aid pledge towards the ex­
W. H. Blowers, Eugene, paid a
pense of the church. This Is on fine of >26 at the city hall Monday
annual event for the group.
morning for reckless driving and
Another cafeteria dinner waa striking a light post nt Main and
given a short while ago by the Mill streets Sunday night, break­
members ot the Women's Foreign ing one light globe and knochlng
Mission society of the church.
down om