T '! K Tom Sawyer Has Appeal to Many Mark Twain’« Epic of Boy­ hood Feature Attraction at Colonial Theater A fter a lapse of th lrteeen year«. 'T o m Saw yer.” the im m ortal man ter-plec«' of Mark Twain. 1» to be seen attain oa the allveraereena of America. Since that earlier Jay . i« m »»<’ Hucli. Aunt M l y an J Becky. Injur Jo« and Joe H arper have L und voice». Through the medium of the talking acreen they will no* be beard for the first time. In 1917 the la te W illiam D esm on d T aylor directed "Torn S aw yer" at th*e Param ount »tudlo». Jack Pickford, then in his tw en­ ty-fir»! year, carried the role of Tom Sawyer. Louise Huff, who had been hi« leading woman in "Seven­ teen '’ and a num ber of o th er pic ture». played the role of Becay T hatcher, Tom’s sw eetheart. The H uckleberry Finn of that picture w as Lewis Sargent, then only 15. Today, in Param ount'« all-talking version of "Tom Saw yer." which comes to th e Colonial th eatre on Tiu»rsdp> for 3 days, th e child principals In the cast are all much younger than those of the earlier production. Jackie Coogan as Tom. is fifteen. Mitxl Green, who play» Becky- T hatcher, 1» nine. Junior Durkin who play« H uckleberry Finn, is fif­ teen O thers in the cast are Dick Winslow, fifteen, who plays the role of Joe H arper. The part of Sid Sawyer is played by Jackie Searl, who Is only nine years of age. "Tom Saw yer” m arks th e return to the screen after th ree years, of Jackie Coogan. famous as "The Kid." in the great Charlie Chaplin picture. Young Coogan recently completed a European vaudeville to u r with his father. The film was directed by John Cromwell, who has had much suc­ cess In Hollywood since he left di­ rectorial work on Broadway. Much of the original dialog of th e Mark Twain book has been preserved in the picture and the action follows the book faithfully. LANE COUNTY IS T H IR D IN LICENSE PLATE FEES LOCAL FOUR-L TO OFFER EUGENE T H E A T R E ACT Springfield will be th e first to present It's program sponsored by the "4L” organisation a n d th e W il­ lam ette Valley L um berm en's asso elation, at the Fox McDonald th e­ atre Tuesday night. A rrangem ents have been made by the above «roups to present a program by each of th e prom inent com m unities of Lane county, one to be given every Tuesday night be­ tween the first and second show ­ ing« of th e reg u lar picture. T his first urogram will be p resented In conjunction with th e showing of "U nfaithful" starrin g R uth C hatter- ton. and Will featu re "B arn acle Bill." presented by the freshm an clas of Springfield high school. These "Comm unity N ights" will be in th e form of a series, and have been designed to bring the irtous d istricts of the county into lo se r relationship. Also each com munity will receive a percentage of the receipts, to be used to th e b, st advantage of th e district. Juuction City. C ollage Grove. W endling. Goshen an d several other com m unities have signified their intention to present program s, and It is expected th a t all will ( benefit by th eir cooperation. GOVERNM ENTAL COSTS GIVEN IN NEW REPORT Per Capita Cost Nearly T ripled in Period Since 1917 Census Report Show» Payment» for operation and m ain­ tenance of th e general d ep art­ m ents of governm ent of Oregon am ounted to »ll.79i.671 or $13.55 per capita during the fiscal year ending S eptem ber 30. 1929 it has been revealed by the bureau ot census in a financial statem en t compiled by O tto F. Kubin. This Is five cen ts per capita m ore than it was in the previous year. A g reat increase in th e cost of governm ent in th e s ta te took place since 1917 when th e per capita cost was only $5.90. In explaining the expenditures Mr. Kubin sta te s th at th e in terest on debt was $2.918.657. and o u t­ lays for perm anent im provem ents $7,713.138. T he cost of highw ays was $9.436.286 during th e period. The to tal revenue for th e year am ounted to $25.696.222, or $27.42 p er capita. T his w as $10.074.753 more th a n th e to tal paym ents of th e y ear exclusive of th e paym ents for p erm anent im provem ents. The excess receipts w ere used in m eeting obligations and in build­ ing up g re a te r cash surplus which are not included in the survey. A to ta l debt of $61,531.261 is shown in the report. Of this am ount $30.891,750 is for highw ays. The net indebtedness per capita is $33.71. In 1928 it w as $36.78. and in 1917 it was $0.66. A ssessed valuation of property in the state which is subject to tax a­ tion was $1.122.332,180. Lane county is third among all th e counties of th e state in the am ount of money collected for li­ cense pjates on autom obiles dur­ ing the past q u arter which ended A pril 1. according to a report from th e m otor vehicle division of the secretary of sta te ’s office at Sa­ lem Lane county collected the sum of $7.281. The two counties with high e r collections were M ultnom ah with $53.000 and Marion with $7.347. Approxim ately $60.000 of this money is to be distributed to the counties as th eir share of the PLANE W ILL HERALD funds. The apportionm ent will be ANNUAL B EN EFIT WEEK made on a basis of am ount paid into the license fee fund. B etw een eleven and tw elve o’­ clock S aturday m orning, a plane T ransacta Business—Mrs. Lee from the Hobi Airways in Eugene Stevens of W alterviile transacted will fly over th is city scatterin g business in Springfield Monday. hundreds of heralds announcing N ational P layers and P atro n s week, V isitor from M arcola—Sam Spi which will be observed at the Fox eer of Marcola was a business visi­ McDonald th e a tre from April 4 to r In Springfield Monday. to 11. Each year th e N ational V ariety Visits S ister— Mrs. J. M. 1-arson A rtists conduct a benefit for th eir motored to Junction City Friday to san atariu m at S aranac Lake. New visit her sister. Mrs. Sant Miller. York, and th is y ear they have made a special comedy in which Tonsil» Removed— A1 Roden had more th an fifty-five sta rs tak e part, liis tonsils removed at the office of called th e "Stolen Jools.” T his a local physician on Tuesday. comedy will be p resented a t the Fox McDonald during th e en tire Motor to Albany—Mr. and Mrs. week. C. F. Eggitnann drove to Albany Saturday on business BAPTIST YOUG PEOPLE HAVE PARTY TH U R SD A Y Announcement Mrs. Clara T uttle Fenton is moving from h er studio. 52 E St., to open a Progressive Pianc School at 145 Sixth St., Spring field, April 1st., where she wil be glad to receive students froir all grades. Y'ounr people of th e B aptist church held a social g ath erin g in the parlo rs of the chureh last T hurslay evening. About 20 young people w ere presen t to enjoy the games and refresh m en ts. They also 'p racticed th e play which they will p resen t a t the church Sunday evening of th is week. Palatial Home for Vice-Presidents Offered to Cucia jff T lif U . DAY. APRIL -'■ l!3 l S I ’l t l M I F I K b l » N E W S ¿MW W - Upper Willamette Thurston Mr and Mrs Bert Ikiune have rented th e farm of Mrs t.uella Bristow at P leasant Hill Mr» Ik ane plans on raising turkey« Mr and M im Duane and son. Jack have been living on the K ahler ranch. Donald K ahler, who has employ ment an th e Holland ranch near 'row. vialtvd at Plvaaant Hill Sun -lav lie has accepted a position to 'each next year at Teu Mite, a sm alt »eltlem eilt 10 nillea from Roseburg. Ill» b rother, Jerry , ha» liccn leaching down al Yoncalla ¡Ills year. Mrs l.uella Urtatuw has traded hey 65 acre riv er bottom farm for Mrs Mary E. Hcnderscn, widow of the late Senator John B Henderson of Missouri, has offered her mag- •iffcent mansion on Xleridun Hill, W ashington, to the Government as a permanent "Junior W hite H ouse"'for ¡h» Vice-President to live in. The house has thirty rooms and cost JJlV.OOOi'lt will take a special Act of Congress •> ooMpt the g ift AT T H E COLONIAL OLD LAW VOIDED Y.ARRIACE ff GENTLEMAN WAS VAMPED English Women Forbidden to Lure Husbands With Perfume« and Iron Stays. COLONIAL •4 4- a home In Springfield She expects Io move lo Springfield In about •wo w eeks ns she lias rented the house w here she la now living al Pleasant IBM D ouglas'K thler. w h o is a tte n d in g N o rm al school at Monmouth, spent his spring vacation visiting friends at P leasant Hill He retu rn ed tn Monmouth Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Pool son. who have been living on the farm ea»t of the P leasan t llllt school have moved to l*ortland Mr Pohlaon was cu ttin g wood on the F C Lord ranch Mr and Mrs. Louis C ircle and four eh ild reu m otored to Florence Friday and »pent th e w eekend visiting friends. T he C ircles were form er resid en ts of Florence. Mrs. W. I’. Sheridan and Mrs J A Phelpa have been re e le c te d to teach the Plea»ant Hill public school. Mr. S heridan Is principal and Mrs. Phelps teach«» the prl m ary grades. E. K S ehrenk has gotten an o th er shipm ent of loot) baby chicks mak Inc a to ta l of 4300 he Is now brood ing Ilia new brooder house has Tlie revival meet Ing closed Iasi Sunday evening which lias been coliducled liv llev Jessup and Her shlxer from Eugene the past three weeks. T here were th ree convert» during the m eeting Baptism aerv , ice was held ut Springfield C hrlsl < ‘aw church Iasi Munday afternoon The provveda from th e p ie »octal I held al Ml Vernon Friday evening am ounted to n ear »18.00 which v a « ' used lo pay the week day III lite school teacher, Miss Smith The T hurston high school Is p re­ paring to hold a carnival al th e, hall on Friday evening. April 10 Dr am i Mr» Carl P hetleplace from Eugene visited relatives here ' last Sunday. Mrs Hll. who has been vt»itlnx her son, Jam es Hill, and family here for seyeral w e e k s . Is planning lo leuvc for C alifornia the lutici ! art of the week Miss Mildred Price, who teaches at The Dulles, attended the funeral , of her aunt lu Malum lust W ednea j day. She spent the rest of the week with her p arents here return Ing tn T he Dalles Bunday. Miss Cora C alvert, who spent the past week In T hurston, retu rn ed , to Eugene lust Saturday. Arch Slioug. who ts employed at 1 Portland, spent the week end with his family here. Ml« lla te l Edm laton spent th e , past w eekend ut Mtusluw P, W. Stolli« from Mi Kenzlt | bridge spent Friday tn T hurston. TH U R . - FR I. - SAT. Mark T w ain ’»» Im iiio rU l plttsslc. Live agulit the glorious. carefree «lays of ad veuf lirons youth. Coining SUN. A MON. n NANCY CARROLL New York While America was declaring Independence in 1776» the English parliam ent was a t­ tem pting by law to make men In­ In Iter Pineal picture dependent of the wiles of vamping ladies. The law held vamps liable Aasiat» at D uctor'» O ffice- Mi to the punishment accorded N adine McMurray In a s s is t in g M iss witches, but there isn't any record Clara Joni's nt Dr. W. C R ebhan’» ¡ th at It succeeded In accomplishing mneh. « Mice this w eek The law. solemnly passed by par­ ■■■■■»■I liament, is reprinted In Aromatics 6M HHBI Magazine. It goes th u s: | "T hat all women, of w hatever N O W S TH E TIM E ■ age. rank, profession or degree, to get w hether maids o r widows, th at A scene from “Tom Saw yer,” screen version of Mark T w ain's classic a c a p a c ity o f Ilion ch ick » . F eaturing Jackie Coogan and Mitzi Green. shall, from and a fter such Act, Im­ Marlow B ristow , who has been pose upon and b e trr.’ Into m atrl -♦ tran sferred to Pungra w here he niony. any of his m ajesty's subjects, AT T H E FOX McDONALD by the use of scents, paints, cos­ was em ployed before he was tra n s metic washes, artificial teeth, false ferred to D exter. hair. Iron stays, hooks, high-heeled Miss Josephine Mathew», who Is shoes, bolstered hips, shall Incur employed in P ortland, spent the th e penalty of the law in force week end with her p arents, Mr and against w itchcraft and like misde­ meanors, and th at the marriage, Ijtrgi* plains with many buds Mrs. Boss Mathew». upon conviction, shall stand null are just tipetilug their flowers. Mr». Andy Olson received 1000 and void." You will he surprised at our baby chicks T uesday. March 31 In the century' and n half since th at law was passed, tilings have reasonable prices. G oshen G range m et W ednesday changed considerably. Not only do evening of last week and much fun Buy them at Ute tlreenhouae men enjoy the fragrance of good was hud over a mock trial at which where you know they are fresh perfume about th etr womenfolk, but S. E. Cole was tried for buying they are beginning to use scent WE DELIVER themselves. oleo. T h ere were many Interesting “Many of the Anglo-Saxon race w itnesses for both »Ides. A. C are prone to carry the Impression Miller and D J. C alvert were the th at It Isn't manly for one of the attorney» for the defense. Al Hoff male sex to use |>erfume," says Aromatics. “N evertheless. men are man and B ert B eaver were the using more perfumes and eosmetics a tto rn ey for the prosecution. Judge than in form er years and several E rnest M athew s presided and S her m anufacturers are successfully Eugene— Spgfd Bridge Iff Morton B ristow brought the m arketing lines of toilet prepara­ Phone Sp. IKW tions made especially for men." prisoner In. The resu lt wAs a mis- In general, the article says, men trial. A fter the trial, refresm en ts prefer the simpler floral fragrances, were perved by Mrs. S tafford. Mrs such as lilac, lavender, carnation W ayne McBee and T helm a M cl’eck. and rose. Women are reported ac­ tive In converting their male Prof. Poling of O regon S tate col friends to the use of scents. lege addressed the stu d en ts of the P leasant Hill high school Tuesday W M < ■ s ’ afternoon. s A scene from "R ango" w hich plays W ednesday and T hursday J $7,000,000 Spent Mrs. M argaret W arn er waa host O / ^ c / z o n H l X W I S T C O A S T T H IA T H E S . ess to th e Cloverdale com m unity in R estoring T o w n ! R T A 'N M F N T H f A D O U A R T B R S GUARDSM EN OBSERVE R EVIVA L CAMPAIGN TO club women Friday. M arch 23 a t • Williamsburg, Y'a. — The JJT“ — F IF T H A N N IVER SA R Y her hom e a t Cresw ell. An all-day * Rockefeller Restoration ai- » ST A R T SUNDAY EVEN IN G ■ // N E ' W P R IC E M N O O T T E I T H E E I C t M m eeting waa enjoyed quilting with ready has spent $7. KXkOOO In Four of O riginal M em bers A ttend » Williamsburg. Colonial cap- « a potluck dinner a t noon. T hose Ital of Y'irginla, and the » Bible In stitu te W orkers to Spend Chicken D inner: Medford Cap­ present w ere Mrs. C arrie F erlng W eek Conducting M eetings , work is hardly begun, accord- N lQ H T ff r» L L 2 AFTER tain is O fficial V isitor and Mrs. B urd, both of Creswell. » Ing to th e report of A rthur » a t M ethodist C hurch M embers present w ere Mrs, W. R. Woods, president of the Wil- M embers of Com pany C, 162nd E lliott, Mrs. Wtp. Jam es, Mrs. E. « Rainsburg Holding corpora- t A one-week revival cam paign will tlon. » H eadquarters com pany. O regon Na II. A nderson. Miss Bessie Bowles, j be launched at the M ethodist t It ha« proposed $.^»1.000 In i tional guard, w ere guests last night Mrs. $> E. R inehart. Mrs. L. Bauer, » the near fu tu re on restorn- » ib u rc h h ere Sunday evening ac- SUNDAY a t a chicken d in n er at the H untley Mrs. K enneth D anstroni. M rs/ L. J. tlon of historical old build | cording to Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor. l - q,r or B » I* » s lugs here. , lunch room in com m em oration of G etchell, Mrs L. E. P arks. Miss • I The m eetings will be conducted by th e fifth an iv ersary of th e com ­ F rances P ark s and the hostess. . . . . . . . . . n four young men from the P o rt­ pany. Four of th e original m em ­ Mrs. W arner. Mrs. E lliott will be land Bible In stitu te . T hese men bers of the group w ere present and hostess to the club T hursday, April Man Pay» 35-Year-Old are both m usicians and speakers, a re still active in the work of the 2 in the afternoon at her home. Meat Bill With Interest and one of the visitors, th e ir nam es organization. T hey a re F irst L ieu­ Springfield. Mo. — The McCoy are not know n, will tak e an active Sv*’,' ,B n«bter’' P'” '1 te n a n t C. A S w arts, Second L ieu­ N otice 1» hereby given th at on brothers are hailing one man as p art in .young people's work. » . a t t uk*" kn WH», t ,in ,l ' ttU*'u „p- w t'i. te n a n t W alter G ossler. S erg ean ts the 9th day of F ebruary I pur­ the original holiest man. They re« count the story of how. 35 years m«'rtT " v l a u l . I»»' 1 7 t jx ’ chased th e en tire stock and equip S ervices will hj- held each day Oville Eaton and C. Scott. L a u r a .taisto U ago. a man entered their meat n „n d .............. C aptain Alvin J. C rose of Med­ m ent of th e M iller and Pollard market and ordered $4.45 worth during the w eek as follow s: A fter­ . .h b .» r V ih e be»» of meat on credit. He failed to noon service a t 2:30 p. m. Young ford was an official visitor at. the Plum bing shop, all claim s against vt b“ ».nt ‘ * I** h vs ‘„ „ ' 're t . of « »hi« pay the bill. J u s t the o th er day Peoples' service a t 4:00 p. m. and dinner. »aid p artn ersh ip m ust be p re se n t­ rendim i w i f e '» '**' the same man walked In and asked Following the d in n er the mem­ ed w ithin 30 day«. From March S atu rd ay . Vo«jvU. for a hill. Old ledgers were dug evening service at 7:30 p. m. ber« of the u n it practice w restling 26. 1931. p re v ie * an ont and a bill was given him. He paid It with Interest NEIL POLLARD Here for V acation—Miss Audrey and boxing. N orval May, a th letic mar-26-4 M cPherson re tu rn e d from K lam ath d irecto r at the high school, assisted M u rd erer F in ed Falls W ednesday to spend the bai- In the in stru ctio n work. Beauvais, prance.—Georges Bur- T he an n iv ersary of the founding ris. a restau ran t owner who shot ince of th e week here a t the home FOR SALE p-i.iiturl111' . V.« NEXT WEIHS EMI» Y Y a v n i M i H » ’ ” *•* and killed his wife and her lover, of her parents. She will re tu rn to of the local organization fell Just Good 16-inch Block wood, also a Spaniard, adm itted the offense, h er school a t K lam ath Falls on exactly five y ears to the day from 16-inch and 4 foot old grow th and was found not guilty by a Jury. t.N TH» J 2 — — ' W ednesday. slabwood. However, he was ordered to pay Sunday. IhlcriK-ns A Advent un WlhIcriK'«» dventures $300 a year to the mother of the FRANK T U H Y U nsurpassed on th e Screen Visit» From W inberry— Mr». A. man he killed. Minor O peration— Mr». J- R- Phone Sp. 182J A. R hinw alt of W inberry wa» a Wood underw ent a m inor operation Ganders Replace Dogs vlHltor In Springfield on T uesday. I a ' the office of a local physician as Guards of Poultry on T uesday. NOTICE OF HEARING ON Alton, England.—The gander Is FINAL ACCOUNT replacing the watchdog a» the NOTICE 18 HEREBY GJVEN, guardian of poultry farm s In this T h at the undersigned, as executor vldnlty. "G anders are able to give of the L ast W ill and T estam en t warning quicker than watchdog«.” of C harles E. S tevens, deceased, says L. O. Richard«, well-known has filed his account for th e final poultry breeder, “and they have settlem en t of said decedent's esta te been known to break a man’s leg In th e C ounty C ourt for Irftne with their wing»." County, Oregon, and that S aturday th e 2nd day of May, 1931, a t the K ruachen S alts— (a perfect com ­ C ourt Room of said C ourt In the Iowa State College Men bination of the six m ineral »alt» C ounty C ourt H ouse, In E ugene at Are Turning Domestic your body should have to function ten o’clock in the Forenoon, has Ames. Iowa. Iowa State college properly) purify your blood of been fixed by said Court as the men students have requested a harm ful a d d » , and aid th e kidney» tim e and place for hearing objec­ course In cooking and home eco­ and bowel» to throw off w aste m a­ tions th ereto , and for th e se ttle ­ nomics. In response to th eir re terial the continual form ation of m ent thereof. quest such a course was started which 1» probably the cau»e of EDW IN STEV ENS, a fte r C hristm as holidays. The men your fat. E xecutor of the L ast Will and will learn not only how to cook food In th is m odern age of living, It’s T estam en t of C harles E. Stevens. and clean house. Imt how to set a ImpoRHlble to get th e s e »alt» from L. L. Ray, A ttorney for E state. table properly. the fancy food» you e a t—but don’t A.2 9-16-23-30 worry Just a» long a» you have NOTICE TO CREDITOR8 K ruschen Salt». Virginian» Will Erect N otice Is h ereby given th a t the Take a half teaspoon every m o rn ­ Monument to Cornwall!» ing before b reak fast In a glass of undersigned h as been duly appoint­ Richmond. Y’a.—A memorial to hot w ater—little by little th a t ugly ed ad m in istra to r of the p»tate of Lord Cornwallis, commander of the fat disappears, you’ll feel b e tte r Eugene Cum m ings, deceased, and defeated British army, will be un­ than ev er before—years younger, any and all persons having claim s veiled next year at the celebration more energy. You’ll soon posess a g ain st the said esta te are hereby commemorating tlie one hundred th a t enviable b eau tjs clear skin, required to present said claim s, fiftieth anniversary of the Amer sparkling eyes, superb figure which duly verified as by law required, a t the law office of W hitten Sw af­ lean victory at Yorktown. only perfect health can im part. An 85c bottle (la st 4 w eeks) at ford, 202 T iffany Bldg., Eugene. H otels’ Drug store or any progres­ O regon, In L ane County, O regon,, w ithin six m onth» from the d ate I To Leave for Home Mrs. Mary sive druggist In A m erica. Money of th is notice. F. Lindsey, m other of Mr». John hack If K ruschen doesn't convince STACY CUMMINGS, you th at it is the safest, qiuckest, Hotel», who ha» been visiting in easiest way to lose fat. A dm inistrator of the e s ta te of th is city for sev eral m onths will A H artford womftn w rites, " I’ll E ugene Cumm ings, deceased. W YvIr.R rlN , AkSHItDI) leave Monday for h er home a t H eb­ tell the world K ruschen Halts 1» wonderful stu ff to recuce." An Ohio W hitten Sw afford, A rfnrney for ron, N ebraska. woman lost 10 pounds w ith one e"U te ' A.2-9-16-23 30 1 bottle. “Laughter” Easter Lillies Kirkland’s Floral Company \< » .\VII0K AI.h J J J J J J 25c J J “1 chat S M,1»>“ \M7 n'p’ n“ RANGO” IRISH-MURPHY CO. F o r m e r ly G r a y s Phone 2 2 Tall Can» .......... Small cans , 7<- G reen Beans “ Betty’« Pride” No. 2 Cans ... 10c P ineapp le Broken Slices Nc .^ . 17*/2C Tomatoes “Taste Tell«’ No. 2’/ a can» Salad Oil Bulk— Bring Container, Gal. 95c Tru-Jel Jell Powder Package 5c Golden Corn 10c No. 2 Cans Bulk Shortening Per lb. 10c 10 Bars Laundry Soap 25c 4 tins Tom ato Soup> Sw ift’s Premium Easter Hams Pet Milk 10c S ^, «.un” S afely and Q uickly FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 50c J J Lose Fat 8TORE NO. 1 STORE NO. 3 125 East Broadway. Eugene 960 C harnelton St., Eugene STORE NO. 4 500 Main S treet, Springfield 35c 25c Peas H alf or W h ole Fancy 3-S ieve Sunda> ? ea s per lb 27c 2 cans - -25c V a lley R ose Finest Flour, 4 9 lb. Sack O lives, Large R ipe, per tin - 89c - - 10c P lenty Large Fresh R anch E a s te r Eggs V e r y C h e a p t