TIIUHHÜAY. APRIL 2. 11*31 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWR VERY »till lie flat. A fte r the busting la done the braid may be aewed on by machine or uppllvd with blind stitching. • Love making 1» just like li a l­ SUMMONS N O T IC I O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE Estate of Ora B Hlgglaa Dae'd ways was," In the C irc u it Court of the State Notice to hereby given that by N O T IC E O F F h I a l ’ " llo w do you know?" of Oregon, In and for Lana County. v r t u . o f so «xecutloa and order SETTLEM ENT "I'v e bean reading about a Greek Charles H Cochran and Horace U. of «ale Issued out of0 the Circuit Cochran. Exocutora of the Estate t ourt of the State of Oregon fo r ' , Notice Is hereby given that A m maiden who aat up and listened to has filed In the County of Sarah E. Cochran. Deceased. I nine County, on the 3rd day o fl , a lyre all n lg lit.“ LANE JERSEY GROWERS .March, 19.31 upon and pursuant to i State of Oregon in P lain tiffs a decree given and made on the ,‘ n,, ,or County, bis final re- Against ELECT OFFICERS AGAIN M r». H o m e s te a d e r " W e ’ve got L iftin g Restrictions on Use H a rry W Noot, A d m in istrator of 3rd day of M arch. 1931 In a suit ' por' “ ■'Im ln lstrato r of the ostato i , r ® B. Higgins, deceased, and some new neighbor» Only 10 mile» the Estate of W B Cooper, De­ pending therein In which Andrew Com m itt«« Named to M o k t Plana Holton Is p la in tiff and P. Aug P o t-I1“ 1 ’ • n “ 'd o c k to the foreaooa of Dextrose Solves Sur­ w»*wt of u« *• ceased; Ruth Cooper, a widow; for Jersey T ou r and Picnic erson and W C. Yoran are defend I 8“ l urday. the l l t h day of April, r o l l t H A Itlrt C all ut IKK s ix th Dorothy Cooper, a single woman; Mr. I foment p*r| e r : "Th<* **av•»(. M 19-4 New York, -T h a t decidedly larg commanded me to sell the herein and “ PP"*«Hod by said court as the Cooper, deceased. M ary E. Den a fte r diwcrlbed premises to satisfy I t,n“ * * nd Place for hearing ohjec- M ember» of the l4in« county Jer prove to muke the moat plenalng of N O T IC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G er quantities of refined corn sugar ton; Clarence Grc-gg; G ertrude W ANTED Young houawkeeper, decoration» The uouersigoeo undersigned i Lulu E. Koberti Robert» . u iu is. p la ln tlffs Judgment In the sum of ’ lon" ,0 »•*<1 report and for tho In »pile of the moat aey cattle club re elected th e ir of- j will I,,- produced and that ninny Gregg, his w ife; Oron C. Davis. Ho« SIM. Route 2. Eugene. M26-3 sophisticated sort of print» a »Impli fleer» nt th e ir unnuul m eeting held more millions o f bushels of corn 1,aH filed her final report and ac- N e llie C. Davis, his w ife; and 95OS. 00 w ith Interest thereon at 7% I fln“ 1 *« ‘ Hement of the eatate of will consequently he used In 1031 r "unt as a d m in is tra trix of the per annum from August 27. 1920 '^•‘ceased. polka dot or a striped m aterial »till at the cham ber of commerce In Ixisells S te w a rt; Defe.idants: than In any previous year In the estate of David McBee, deceased, until paid, 960 00 reasonable a tto r ' ASA J H IQ Q IN S , llou« | hour Clarnhel lost her plea»«» un An em broidery design fOUgune last Saturday afternoon To Clarence Gregg, and G ertrude history of tile rettned corn sugar •*><• the county court of Lane ney”» fee« and costs and disburse A d m in istrator of the Estate >,t brngi'li of promise «lilt. Gregg, hla wife. Defendants trade Is the prediction of ei|M*rt» county, Oregon, has fixed and ap. consisting of dot» mid simple line» T h e officer» are II. L. Plank, June merits of suit taxed at 920.75, 11O r* H H iggins, Deceased as » result of Kei-relury of Agri pointed F rid ay, M ay 1st, 1831 nt in t h e n a m e o f t h e s t a t e w ill on Monday the 6th day of A K " ’heeler. Attorney. Juax Vo», her In,art m t Ion w in of hem atltcliln« may be choaan to lion C ity, president, and C. W culture Hyde’s recent ruling In 10 o’clock A M. at the County O F O REG O N: A pril, 1931 nt the hour of 1:00 M .12-19 28-A.2 9 Weak. ornam ent the moat expensive of Allen. Vida, secretary. which he placed a new adinlulstra Court room. Court House Eugene _ Yon are hereby required to ap­ o clock P ,M at the Southwest door French lingerie and rick rack brnld N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Hon Interpretation on the federal Oregon, for final hearing thereon’ pear and answ er the Cross Com­ of the County Court House In Eu I ’lan» were dlacuaaed nt the food definition whleh for JB> year» and any objections should lie filed N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R S which depend» on the very,very old Notice Is hereby given that the plaint of Defendant, M ary E Den­ gene, Iaine County, Oregon, o ffer N o tlrn 1« hereby given (hut Hi» meeting for a Jersey c a ttle tour have restricted the u»e» of refined *’r presented on or before »aid m otif of a zigzag line »till pleaaea ton. filed against you In the above for sale and sell for cash at public undersigned has been duly appolnt- undersigned has boon duly appoint and picnic to be held la te r In the corn sugar us an Ingredient In the time. entitled suit and court within four aaction, subject to redemption ae *'* a d m inistrator o f the estate o f , <1 executrix of (ho ««slate of llo, tw en tieth century eye Dat.-q and first published April weeks from the date of the first provided by law. all the right, title Charles E. Russell, deceased, and cum mer. It la proposed to Include prejurntlon and packing of fond ( 'buries R Colcord, deeegged, and Rlckrack braid ha» been revived products. 2nd. 1931 publication of this summons In the and Interest of the aforesaid de- 3ny ante of tbl« notice. Notice-!« hereby given th a t M a r­ istrato r of the estate of W faced aort. It 1» usually applied a» I ’lank was appointed to make a r ­ diate cash channels. B nolle«. Dated and firs t published March tha Key has been by the County Cooper, deceased, and against de­ Addition to Eugene, Lane County, Dated March 3rd, 1031. Oregon. Registered T itle . ! 12, 1931 rangem ent» for the tour. B r P ric e * — fo r ---------- Corn — a tte ............... o f the State of Oregon. In fendant Ruth Cooper for the sum H. L. B O W N . | Date of last publication A p ril 9, Under Mr. Ilyde'a ruling, nlmoat ’’ ft’1 f,,r l-ane County, appointed of 9*000 00. w ith Interest! a t the A M A N D A C O M ’OKD, S h eriff. : 19.31 Kxecutrlx of the eatate of ('hurl,'» Immediately this “cash coni" w ill Executrix of the Last W ill and rate of 7% per annum from and COUNTY FAIR BOARD By A. E. H ulgaard. Deputy. K Colcord, deceased be Increased according to the most Testam ent of Olive E th el A llg lr e ,: since the 16th day of May, 1930; T H E E U G E N E L O A N and M 5-12-U-26 A.2 F ran k A D e i’ue. S A V IN G S B A N K for the additional sum of 2250 a t­ HAS FIRST MEETING conservative estimates hy *J0,ft0ft, deceased. Attorney for the estate. A d m in istrator of the estate o f bushel« It can readily be seen A ll persons having claims against torney's fee for her atto rn ey; for SUMMONS Charles E. Russell, deceased. * M 5 121» 2« A 2 Members of the three-man coun­ that Hila Increased demand for Hie estate of deceased are hereby the costs and disbursements of this In the C irc u it Court of the State Fred E. Sm ith. corn by Industry will result In bet notified to present the same, prop­ suit and that all such Judgment ty fs lr hoard appointed recently by ter prices for “cash corn" and will Attorney for Hated and verified, at the real- bear interest at the ra te of 7% per M IN A S H U O A R T ^ P U lB tlff,' Hie county court held th e ir first he reflected In better prices for dence of A. E W heeler. 710 Law annum from date thereof until J _____________ _ M.1Z-1P-Z6-A.2 9 corn for all purpose». It 1» also ren te Street In Eugene, Oregon, paid; upon the promissory note of >oss|on at the courthouse In Eu L L O Y D S H U G A R T , Defendant. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE further pointed out Hint with the within six month» from thin 12th said W. B Cooper, now deceased, gene Suturday to consider plans To Lloyd Shugart, Defendant: stigma officially removed from the day of M arch, 1931. IN T H E N A M E O F t h f s r a m p >" hereby given th a t by and Ruth Cooper, fo r the sum of for the 1931 fair. uses of refined corn sugar (dex M A R T H A C. K E Y . an execution and order 9*000, given N ovem ber l« th , 1925 O F O R E G O N - You are hprphv r / r Jr *ue £ • Executrix of I .aat W ill and Teata- Also for decree of foreclosure of The board member». C. W . A llen, trose) In Hie manufacture o f con fectlons, preserves, and ‘the Innu ment of O live Ethel A llg lre, De the m ortgage given to secure said JEWELER It. It. Thonipaon and F. E. Cham ­ merable canned product», the de- ceased promissory note, recorded on page bers. w ill hnve another meeting at RepniriiiK « Specialty mand for Industrial purposes mav A E. W heeler, Attorney. *57 of Vol. “S I” of the M ortgage M 12-19 26-A.2 9 records of Lane County, Oregon; the courthouse on Saturday at 1:00 grow to the extent that the United Springfield, Oregon io a tio n of this summons, or for February States w ill no longer have a a o r ---------------------------------- —— ' ™ r e l a 27 in 1931 which tn T » i « ot m «» aganst the p lain tiffs and a ll the want thereof the p la n tlff w ill take o'clock at which tim e the com pila­ plus corn eeop, and the problems o f N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S defendants, except said M ary E tion of prem ium lists w ill he export w ill solve themselves. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y O IV E N : Denton; that h er said mortgage be Judgment against yon and w ill anq EUa G ilbert were nialnriffs « a started. The average number of bushels T hat C. J. Fulton has been ap decreed to be the firs t lien upon apply to the court fo r the relief Herbert M F lllo tt and E d n i Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN of corn whleh have gone directly pointed adm inistrator of the estate all the lands therein described; N aturopathic Physician “ b8O' “ ‘ e d '»°rce whlch nXec,It)a0 and ()rder „ f Into the manufacture of refined ,,f Annie 8. Fulton, deceased, by that said lands therein described from you F irst N ational Batik Bldg RAINS HAMPER WORK sugar for the past several years 'h e County Court of Lane County. he sold. In the m anner provided This sum m on, is published once me"U ” U " t h T r o . l “ p r.‘p e r i^ h e r j! Phone» O ffice 73J; He»: I43W Is estimated at 5.080,000 bushels. Oregon. A ll persons having claims by law and the proceeds of such w e e k s . ? / t h e ^ n ^ , e rW° nveCntlTe < « - r l ^ K y ON NEW FLANERY HOME This O ffice Hour»: 1 to 6 P. M h at been converted Into 130 against said estate are required to sale applied, a fte r paying the ex­ Residence 223 11 at reet «10.000 pounds of dextrose. Under present them , w ith the proper penses of m aking such sale, first, SprlnrfieideWi’ PaPerc publlgh* * 'p e c lf le ^ W ork on the new Ftanery home the new derision, com product.« vouchers, w ithin six months from to the paym ent of aa i* Defendant’s « s s t . ’s r . s - s i ’ r a s r ,1 “ 7 ; , ^ » nt F ifth and B streets has been officials declure, the demand for ; Hie 12th day o f M arch. 1931, to Judgment, w ith Interest, costs, dis­ may tie tn the said a d m inistrator at the law­ bursements and expenses; and for A ll Kind» of delayed considerably this week due refined corn sugar n-caned 4«0 per cent, and that the office o f L. L. Ray. In the M iner such other and fu rth e r re lie f as worth, Judge of said Court, made west door of the Coun v Cnurt to the continual rains. Excavation next year may see the production Building. Eugene Oregon, shall be by the Court deemed Just ed M arch 12th. 193L for the basement was completed o f 52t).0ftftJ)ftft pounds. Accordingly. 0reKon o ffe r for ga,e wJ1 C. J. F U L T O N , and equitable in the premises. R E P A IR IN G an d S H A R P E N IN G last week and most of the forms as a means o f relief to the farm A tfT rn n J 'rn . m Publlc auction for cash, subject to A d m in istrator of the E state of This summons Is served upon you rtn .ia n A tto rn ey for P la in tiff redemption aa provided by law all for the concrete were completed era throughout the com belt. M r. Annie S. Fulton, deceased. 128 W. Kilt Street by order of the ilo n . G. F. Skip- dress EugeneanOre?oSn A d' ° f ' he rtght’ t,t,e and ln te re ,i ° * Hyde’s action will tie fa r retching L. L. R A Y . A ttorney for Estate. early th in week. E ug sns P ho n» 900 the defendant, ln gald gu)t „ „ In '* Its • effects. M 12-19 26-A.2-9 w orth, Judge of said court, made dress. Eugene. Oregon, and entered on the 2nd day ot T he work Is being done by Ed M -t*-t>-3»-A.2-9 I 0( a]| parties claim ing by, through Enlarge Production Facilitiaa. M arch. 1931, by publication thereof S U M M O N S IN F O R E C L O S U R E W alder, contractor. or under them or any of them since Shortly a fte r the announcement N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E once each week for four jueer salve O F D E L IN Q U E N T T A X In the C irc u it Court of the State the 29,h day ° f NoT«mber, 1922, of the removal of the restriction, weeks In the Springfield News and C E R T IF IC A T E S of Oregon, for Lane County. ‘n ?r to tbe described ofllclnls of the larger refineries In the Circuit Court of the State the firs t publication thereof was MANY ATTEND W. F. M. took step* toward planning the en The Union C entral L ife Insurance B e g in n m g ^ a t^ a 'p oin t 30 feet the Lane. made on the 5th day of M arch. 1931. largement of Hie productive fa illi- of w A Oregon ” 7 )O V ° for H A R ÎM County F ^ ^ la in of H ff* A. E W H E E L E R , DINNER LAST FRIDAY ties T hia entails new building W * L D O 8 H A R D ,E P la in tiff, Uzn‘T nM e ,b v lnAtlffr V M°,La f ot common A tto rn ey for D e f t M ary E. Denton Kagna M elb y , A. C. M athew s. Eu- Sections 7, 8, 17 and 18 In Tow n- plana over«a period o f time, the A , , onTHO TH „„a .h » FUNERAL DIRECTORS M.5-12-19-26 A.2 gene Loan & Savings Bank, a cor ship 18 South, Range 3 W est of More than 100 people attended extension of equipment and addl A /- J p c e v -p ' “ r poratlon. Eugene V S lattery. P. L. the W illa m e tte M erid ian , thence U IT Y Oh E l G E N E . Lane County, the unnuul cafeteria dinner given tlonal employment, thus bringing N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G Johnson. E L. Pollet, J W . Moss, running South 88’ 42' East 20.86 * * Oregon, a municipal corporation, 228 Main St Realdanca 125 C St. prosperity of - a substantial charac by the W om en’s Foreign Mission aDd W M F'oun chains to a point In the west side N c '‘-e Is hereby given that Don­ 1 ¡«'"riJf ter to the districts In which the ' Defendanta. „ 83 J <2 M ary society o f the M ethodist church refineries are located. o{ County Road No. 649, said point To, ^ ll,‘n R ° ‘ bwe” ------------------ D efendant: ald Yo tng. adm inistrator w ith the tain. Defendants By v irtu e of an execution, Judg- being 30 feet N o rth and 39 feet ut the church parlors F riday eve The governors of «even states In 1, O F T I ?E SJ 'A T E w ill ar. nexed of the estate of Peter si 8:30 o’clock. the coni belt have alreadv slgnl- !■ , , O R E i*O N You are hereby no- Jacobsen, deceased, has filed hi» ment, decree and order of sale 1» .-aat of the Southeast corner ot the u sort of edging on collar, belt, | nlug e ta rtln g F qll Auto Equipment sued out of the above entitled court Southwest q u a rte r of the southwest Profits from the d in ner a re used fled their commendation of Secre- Mfled that W aldo s H a rd le . the account as such adm inistrator, and cufta. pockets, etc., and may be of l.ody Aaalatant tary Hyde’s ruling ln officially re <’, * n«r C e rtific a te of Delinquency th a t ■ Saturday, the 25th day of in the above entitled cause to me q uarter of Section 8 in said town matching or contrasting color. Used ! by the orgaulxatlon to carry on moving the stigma which has been '',o' i*aued on the 5th day of A p ril. 1931, at the hour o f ten directed aDd dated the 27th day of ship and range; thence North 0*26’ In Hila way It Is u»ually upplled on ! th « lr work. place«) on refined com sugar and May, 1926. by the T a x Collector o'clock in the forenoon of said day, February. 1931, upon a Judgment W est, along the west side of said thereby perm itting corn formers a of ,he ( ’-°u nty of Dane and State at the County Court room in the and decree entered in said court County Road No. 649. 12.545 chains — --------------------— the wrong side, so Hist the zigzag Just assistance In time« of tempo of ° ’’l’Kon, fo r the amount of F if Court House at Eugene, Lane Coun­ on the 2 1 th day of Feb ru ary, 1931, to a stone on the west line and effect la lost Sometimes It Is used NEEDLECRAFT CLUB TO DR. BERTHA DAVIDSON rary rfe|ire«slon. They are Gov ,e *’n and *0-100 Dollars <916.601, ty, Oregon, has been set as the »n favo r of the Union C entral L ife a t the term inus of said County to form band effects, two or three Osteopathic Phyalclan Henry 8. Caulfield of Missouri, ■ tbe !,an>e being the am ount then tim e and place for hearing said Insurance Company and against Road No. 649. thence N orth 0* 04' HAVE MEETING TODAY Gor. Clyde M. Reed o f Kansas, Gov^ <*“ ’* and delinquent fo r taxes for account. A ll persons having ob- said defendants for the follow ing East 6 98 chains, thence North or even more strips of the braid H a rry G. Leslie of In d ia n ,. Gov tbe year 1924. together w ith penal- JecUons to said account are n oti­ sums of money, to-w it 242.77 w ith 88’ 33’ W est 20.346 chains to a b, lug used ul regular Intervals 20* I. ti. O. F. T em ple Members of Hie Ncedlecruft club Arthur J. Weaver of Nebraska. D’- Interest and costs thereon upon fied to file the same in w ritin g interest at 10T- from June 7. 1930; fir post m arked C. S. said fir poet The braid »hould first be basted Telephone 3268 Eugene, Grc. w ill bold th e ir regular m eeting this Gov. Ixmls L. Emnierson of Illinois. tb e real property assessed to you. w ith the County C lerk fo r Lane 990 85 w ith Interest at 10% from being 20 chains N o rth 1* 43' East carefully In poaltlon, care being Gov. John G. Rtchards of South ot which you are the ow ner as County, Oregon, on o r before the December 5. 1929; 2174.79 w ith In and 21.42 chains South 88* 42’ East afternoon. Hostesses w ill be Mrs terest at 40% from Septem ber 5. of the corner in angle of the Wax. taken to ease It on n little »,■ that tim e set for said hearing. W m . Dawson anil Mrs. W a lte r Carolina and Gov. John Iiam m lll of appears of record, situated tn said 1930; 91744.57 w ith in te re s t at Luckey and w ife Donation Land Iowa. County and State, and p artic u la rly D O N A L D YO U N G , If R shrinks when the dress 1» U n iv e rs a l M o rtg a g e C orp. S c u t. T he m eeting w ill lie held A d m in istrato r w ith the w ill an ­ 6Y4% from Decem ber 1, 1929; the Claim No 52 in said township and ----------------------------- bounded and described as follows, washed or cleaned, the braid w ill at the heme of M r». Dawson. nexed of the estate of P eter Jacob­ fu rth e r sum of 9250.00 a tto rn ey range, said corner in angle being F o rg e ' O p erate, ¡„ C e ll; Fmr ()) fees and plain tiff's costs taxed at the southwest corner of lot 7 ln sen, deceased. C h arter No. 89*1 # Suspend Prison Guards I*'ive of the W est Sixth s tre e t M.26-A.2-9-16-23 $48.00 and the costs of and upon Section 7 in said township and R E P O R T O F C O N D .T .O N f tr o this w rit; commanding me to m ake range, thence South 1* 32’ W est Thomaston. Maine — Three guard« E d i t i o n to the C ity o f Eugene. W . P. Tyaon, Agent sale of the follow ing described real 19 545 chains to the place of begln- N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E In the state prison here hsve been \ ou “ r TJ fu rl he,; , noV,,ied th a t ,he 126 E St. Phone M W suspended as n result of the dls- sald " aldo S. H ard le. has paid N O T IC E IS H ER EB Y’ G IV E N . property situated In Lane County, ning, containing 40.12 acres of land, more or less. In Lane County, State coverv that Joseph Mriltaia. noted ,a x *‘" on 8ald Premises for subee- T h a t under and by virtu e of an n S‘ate of Oregon, to-w lt: A ll that portion of Sections T h ree o f Oregon. forger of New Hampshire, who I , •» Philadelphia 651 Mi West Eighth Phone *02 Ann. Steams A $12.06, rate of interest 6 % , total which W B P A T T E N was p la in tiff Tw enty-nine and eightv-two hun- N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S B A L E O f O ther linnd». st,«, ks. und -. « u rltl. « «wned E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U RE dredths (2 9 S 2 | chains south Tw o ■“ 96.564.42 Co., delivered some ru g , and 213.69. F u rn itu re und fixture» and A. C. J E W E L L was defendant, n O u T n IC t E E IS io H n E r j R i E z B n Y i u N G iv IV e E j N 5.400.00 chairs to an astounded fellow con 1927 T ax, paid: First half, A p ril which execution and order of sale degrees tw enty minutes (2*2 0 ') ............... " wnpd other than hanking house ...... 5.260.00 vlct of M altnls on one of Mahals' 24th, 1928, T ax Receipt No. *316, was to me directed and commanded East from the Northeast corner that by virtu e of an execution am Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank General Law Practice 11 7AK ur. clever orders. The gunrds say they Am ount; 96.28; Second half. Nov. 11.1 til», no < iiHh and dtM from hnnkn me to sell the m ining claims herein thereof; thence West F ifty -tw o and o rder of sale ln foreclosure issue« 31.483.41 have been Innocent dupes. They 5th 1928. Receipt No. 26937. Am ount described to satisfy certain Hens fifty hundredths (52.50) chains to a out of the C ircu it Court of Law Outside < he< kw and other cash Itenm I. M. PETERSON lin e « hnve relayed M ahals’ letters along 96.28. Interest' 6 % , total 213.21. „1,1,1 wtth „ g Trpni,,lrp r , and charges ln said decree speci­ point in the South line of the J. S. County, Oregon on the 7th day o Attorney-at-lniw The police say that during his 1928 T ax. paid: F irst half. M av fied. I w ill, on Tuesday, the 7th Swearingen Donation Land Claim M arch, 1931, in a suit w herein, ot due from U. B. T re a s u rer City U n ii Building 4th. 1929. T a x Receipt No. 19073. day of A p ril, 1931, a t the hour of Num ber Thirty-seven (37) which Is the 4th day of M arch, 1931, in sah 312.50 career, "Inside and outside," Mai tats has collected 2-30.000 on forged Amount 26.73; Second half. Nov. ten o'clock A. M. o f said day, at seven and fifty hundredths (7.50) Court, John Strom e, the p la ln tlf hpi uigfleld, Oregon Total 2238,022.22 order»- 5th. 1929. T a x Receipt No. 4*691, the southwest door of the County chains W est of the Southeast cor- therein recovered Judgment agains Am ount 26.73. Interest 6% , total Court House in Eugene. Lane ner thereof; thence South Fourteen the defendants J. E. M urphy an« < Ap1.nl stock paid In L ' * « " “'T .E S 914.70. County, Oregon, o ffe r for sale and and eighty-six hundredths (14 86) Rose C. M urphy for the sum o Rare Foods Now Being S u rp lu s ..................... 9 25.000.00 FRANK A. DE PUE _ _ . « -* . I® -9 T a x - Paid (F irs t and Second sell at public auction for cash sub­ chains to the South line of the T h ree Thousand (93,000.00); th« 3. *50.00 Uiidlvl«l.>,| p ro fit« „et bent to Sweden by A ir h alf) January 30. 1931, T ax Receipt ject to redem ption as provided by land form erly owned by W . M. and fu rth e r sum o f T h ree Hundred Tw« A 'T O R N E Y A T L A W 4,3*1.38 i Ircn latln g notes outstanding Mnlmoe. Sweden— Culinary dell- No 48123’ Am ount 213.26, ra te of law . a ll of the rig h t, title and M ary E. Bogart; thence W est to and 17-100 Dollars ($302.17) In ter N O T A R Y P U B L IC 6.250.00 cades now travl bv a ir to and from 'm erest 6 ^ , total 913.33. Hue («» banks. Including < e rtlfle .l and Interest >f the defendant, A. C. the E asterly line of the railroad est; the fu rth e r sum o f Four H un cashiers checks outstanding _______ _______ _______ ____ the Sweden, Instead of by rail and boat You are fu rth e r notified that Button J E W E L L , in said suit and of ah right-of-w ay; t h e n c e Southerly dred Seventy-four and 21-100 Dol Springfield 376.75 as before. Demand (IcixiHlts said W aldo S. H a rd ie has paid persons claim ing by, through or along said right-of way line to Its lars (9474.21); the fu rth e r sum ol Thus grapes from the u u t id in y Oregon 131.9*1.83 Rhone valley and oyster, from the municipal Hens assessed against under him in and to the follow ing intersection w ith th - center of the One and 93-100 D ollars (91.93) In Tim e d«>poslts County Road; thence Southeasterly terest; the fu rth e r sum of Thre< 66.663.26 const of B rittany are sent via air said property a , follows, to-w it: described m ining claims, to-w it: along the center line of said road Hundred D o llars (9300.00) a tto r T o ta l * ----------------- Sidew alk assessment, Paid July express from Paris on the Amster- H a rd in g ss recorded page 321, to the center of the north p ier of neys’ fees, and for the costs anti 9238.022.22 dain-Malmoe line and the next day 21, 1926, 931 39; Rate of interest book 7, Lane County M ining Claim the bridge across the M cK enzie disbursements of this suit, taxetl State of Oregon, Countv of Lane ss- ’ delight the palates of gourmands ln 6% , total 936.8*. Records. R iver; thence Southeasterly along at Eighteen and 40-100 D o lía n Paving assessment. Paid Sept. 22. Stockholm or Gothenburg. 8wediali W ashington as recorded page 413, the north bank of said riv e r to (918.40), and said execution to me auto owner, are mving hard earns«! specialties, such as crawfish, are 1927, 9*9.37; R ate of Interest 6% , book 7. Lane County M ining Claim the intersection thereof w ith the directed, com manding me In ths also frequently shipped abroad In total 954.50. dollars by Insuring with th s q uarter section line running East nam e of the State of Oregon, in the same manner. Sldt*walk assessment. Paid June Records. /* . G. I l l G IIK S , Prpflident FARMERS EXCHANGE Lincoln as recorded page 416, and W est thru said Section ten; o rder to satisfy said Judgment, In 13. 1928, 923.30; Rate of interest <>rs n |l A H 8 " Pe<1' Paul H adley, I,. K Page Directors rsFArH ”'d "WOrnJ , ' > ,hlH lBl l,"y of April," 1981. book 7. Lane County M ining Claim thence East on said Q uarter Sec- terest, atto rn eys’ fees, costs of suit, 6% . total 924.70. «• tton Hne to the East line of said and accruing costs, to sell the fol- Reliable, itan d- Sidew alk assessment, Paid July Records. ’’ B A N K A. D eP U B , N o tary Public fo r Oregon. r Coolidge as recorded page 415, Section Ten (1 0 ); thence N o rth lowing described real property, to- ard protection at — — — — ——— ! 10, 1928, 913.93; Rate o f Interest book _ M y «’otiin)lssl«»n 22Udrcs January 11, 1932. * School Boy K ills 7. Lane County M in in g Claim along the East Hne ot Section T en w it: 6<>, total 91* 70. « (10) and Section T hree (3) N inety- T he Southeast Q u a rte r o f ths very loui rate. R E P O R T O F C O N D IT IO N O F T H E « Said Allen R othw ell as the owner Records. B andit W ith Stone J Hom e ss recorded page 412, book one and fifty six hundredths (91.56) N ortheast Q uarter ( S E U N E % ) ol W anted Man < r Iauly to ropresont of the Seattle, W a s h .-A stone » of »f the ’ bp legal 'pKa ' title K ile of the above above fie- « ns In Springfield, and vicinity. * thrown by a schoolboy. Irving J s, rlhpd P ^ P e H y as the same ap- 7, Lane County M in in g C laim Rec­ I chs'n« to the place of beginning Section N um ber Six (6 ) In Tow n • except therefrom the One (1 ) a c re , »hip N um ber Sixteen ( I I ) South « S tla b , seventeen, caused the F A R M E R 8 A U T O M O B IL E J ppara of record; and pach °5 tbe ords. M onroe Extension No. 1 as roc building site located in Lots Five Range Four (4) W est o f the W il­ IN T E R IN S U R A N C E E X C H A N G E at Springfield. County of Lane. S ta le of Oregon, nt the close of business » » ?th ° L pe. r8??8 h er? " na™ed T « death of Dan Bunker, one of 632 East Broadway « two bandits who held up a h.pre’X ¿“ r bera tb a t tlJe ordtfil page 414, book 7, Lane Coun­ ts» and Six (6) of said Section lam ette M eridian, containing 40 March 25th, 1931 Ten (10) heretofore reserved In acres of land. In Lane County, Eugene, Oregon store here 5 p la n tlff W aldo 8. H a rd le w ill apply ty M ining Claim Records. M onroe Extension No. 2, as rec- deed dated M arch 12th, 1908, and Oregon. t . As the men left the store. J ,o J hp C lrcu l‘ Cou':tJ of the (T h e above described property J Staab hurled the stone hit J i and 8 a t,p »Im esald for a decree ; orded page 415, book 7, l,ane Coun­ recorded in Volum e 74. page 662 . , „ RE3O URC E8 of the Deed Records of Lane Coun being platted and recorded as L o U i 1 roans and discounts ty M ining Claim Records. » ting Bunker In the head The » foreclosing the lien against the 2103,502.61 M onroe Extension No. 3 as rec­ tv, ( regon, containing net five Nos. 1. 2. 3 and 4 o f W ashburns other mnn escaped. ! property above described and men- 208.86 J M ille tt’s Plat, Lane County, Ore- i Bonds, securities, etc. J , i tinned In said certificate. And you orded page 412. book 7, I-ane Coun­ hundred and forty-four acres (544). Now, therefore, by virtu e of said gon). liiin k liig house, fu rn itu re and fixtures n«wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww«w««t> are hereby summoned to appeaf ty M ining Claim Records. N O W , T H E R E F O R E , In the name Monroe Extension No. 4 ns rec­ execution. Judgment, decree and Real estate owned other than banking house -------------------------------- w ith in sixty (60) days from the ................ 5.959.00 ¡ orded page 416, book 7, Lane Coun­ order of sale and in compliance of t he s ta te of Oregon. In complt- (’ash, due from banks and rash Items LARGE GAME BOUNTIES date of ,hp f,r* P''bIlpa‘'on wtth the commands of said w rit, I ¡mee w ith the said execution and ty M in in g Claim Records. , ____________ ___ ___this summons, exclusive of the said Total Antim ony as recorded page 413, w ill on Friday, the 3rd day of A p ril, order of sale, and In order to sat- COLLECTED THIS WEEK first day, and defend th t, action -------------- or pay the nmount due as above book 7, Lane County M ining Claim 1931. at 10 o’clock A. M at the (gfy said Judgment, Including lu- fro nt door of the County Court terest, attorneys' fees, costs of salt , x . .. l ia b il it ie s Bounties In tho sum of 224.50 shown, together w ith costs and ac- Records. 1 ( apttai Slock paid In Antim ony Extension No. 1 as rec House In Eugene, Oregon sell at an«| accruing costs I w ill, on Snt 9 30.000.00 were collected M onday o f this week <'r’*pd Interest, and in case o f your Surplus ,. ,,, , . . . failu re to do so a decree w ill be orded page 418, book 7. Lane Coun­ publl« auction, subject to redemp- u r,|ay the l l t h day of April, 1991, U n dlvl...... profits net 7 „„„ ¡ »»• ‘ he office of the county clerk r,.lldprwl foreclosing the lien of ty M in in g Claim Records. t on. to the highest bidder for cash at the hour of one o’clock In ths ! Demand dopoHltH four trappers and hunters, «ahi taxes and costs against the Antim ony Extension No. 2 as rec in hnnd . II the right, title and afternoon of said day, a t the South- : T im e C ertificates nants of the bounties w ere Joe land and premises above described. <*rded page 417, book 7, Lane Coun­ Interest which the above named west fro n t door o f the County Coart Savings deposits defendants, or e ith e r of them , had House in Eugene, Lane County, . Signal. 92.50, one w olf pelt; T he <*nte of the first publication ty M ining Claim Records. Hills payable and rediscounts AH in the Bohemia M ining Dis­ on the 14th day of August, 1930, a u t e of Oregon, o ffer for sals a id , ,,, ,,, of this Summons Is M arch 12th. Th«» Now Shield shnpo U a rte ^ W a lte rv llle , 22.00, one 19;n O t h e r lia b ilitie s — Unpaid dividend ’ sa na tric t, Lane County, State of Oregon. the date of the m ortgage foreclosed. sen for caah Bt pubtic auction, Lena«'» inailo In Soft- ■ ’ 1 at pelt; and Glenn Adams, C o t-, A ll process and papers In this Also one stamp m ill and acces­ or since that date had In or to subject to redemption as provided Total L lto Shad > 2, reduce sories complete together w ith all the above described p ro perty or hy law . all of the right, title sad 9199,661.28 ! 1 glare. t nitom ain, 9111.uo each fo r cougar iot «««««» ni«.um me tools and equipment on ground and any p art thereof, to satisfy said lnteregt o f the said defendants J. State of Oregon, County of Lane, ss: pelts. The bounty on the c o l l a r ®‘ a te „ ° f O re"? n ’ thP ttddre” all constituting the E l Capitan execution. Judgment, decree and E M urphy, Rose C. M urphy and I, C. E. Kenyon, cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear order of sale. Interest, costs and [ W ellington A. W illiam s, and all group of m ining claims. , 3 p h ereafter mentioned. Hint the above statem ent Is true to the best of my knowledge and b elief 1® alat> Paid by the state. persons claim ing by, through or Dated this 5th day of M arch, accruing costs. J A M E S K K IN G . Dated this 27th day of F e b ru a ry .; un<|el. them or »uy or eith er of C. E. K E N Y O N , Cashier. A ttorney for P la in tiff 1931. C o rrec t—A ttest: W elby Stevens, Charles F. Eggiinniin, Directors 1931- ' them. In and to the eald preasleee H. L. B O W N . T eacher III— Glenn M artin , m an-j Ad- R esidence* and Postoffice Ad O ,° T O > J ¿ T R I / T Subscribed and sworn to before tne tills 28th «lay of M arch. 1931. H . L. B O W N , H. L. BO W N , S h e riff 1-ane County, State of D4- r r " ave SEAL) I. M P E T E R S O N , N otary Public for Oregon. S h e riff of Lane County, Oregon s i.e n ri of Lane Couaty, Oregvu Oregon. 1 (M y commission expires June 1. 1932). . M .l> -lh -M -d u M school, was III Tuesday. 1 M.12-19-26-A.2-9 M.6-12-19-26-A.2 By A. E. H ulegaard, D eputy BIG MARKET FOR CORN OPENED UP ¿ y ia ri| Harstoll Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Lawn Mowers Walker-Pool« Chapel BONDS O ” ^ ' D‘’ ‘C< N ’ « First National Bank Eugene Furniture Hospital 6 0 ,0 0 0 Commercial State Bank of Springfield OR E C MEADE M .S -1 M M U L 1 '