THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rW KN TY-EIG IITH YMAz —— —— — —— — — SPAINOMELO. LANE COUNTY. OllKCO? KIRKLAND FLORAL HAS IMPROVEMENTS STARTED EASTER PROGRAMS Flying Hi’cretary Planting W lllow a at Angla Eaprctad to Aooumulato Debris and Pra- vent Waahlng of Fertile Boll Women To Run Lunch Counter N th ’T j T IH ’fttiDAY. APRIL 2, 1931 P .1.1. ME«BEBS « i s IN BUSY SESSION - i RIVER MS IWO LIVES Hl WESIHR Officer School, Dinner, Night Herbert Moon Accepts Posi­ Session Planned for As­ tion with Williams Bakery; Election of County Delegates, Nomination of Officers, sociate Grand Matron Plan to Live in City Program Fill Afternoon Entire Community to Unite in Construction of several large «old frames to bouse young plaiita gtul Sunriee Service on Em­ gradually accustom them to outdoor erald Heights Sunday temperature Is now under wuy at Oscar Olson, Rax Brown Di»- Appoar When Boat with Six Occupants Capsize« Tb« management of the deiica- Mrs. Minnie Wolfe White. Port­ teascit shop adjoining the Hwurts land. associate grand matron of O. SCHOOL SWINGS E. H for Oregon, la making her Meul murk«' was taken over by TALK SLIGHT PROPERTY LOSS for window boxes uud gardens will Miss I lor is Hayes and Myrtle Hunt- official visitation to Cascade ebap- be truuspluuled Into III« (old ChrleMan Church to Offer ley Hut unlay morning according to Grade Schools Ask Coopera- j ,er ot t*»i» city this afternoon and frames as soon as they are autfl- Thrill Seekers Crowd High­ evening Cantata; Baptiste Prepare M. Il Huntley, owner or thè cqulp ation in Orchestra Work cli'lilly large. way Between Cities as meni who I iuk lensed II lo thè no» Plans which have been completed Two Short Pageants Started Last Fall Heveral short rows of willow sropi letorn. Water Floods Pavement provide a full afternoon and eve­ pop. David Sunisi Ingalls. Assistant callings have alsil been plunled on The leuse held by Herbert Mixm, lit of ITogintus, coMataa, u »unrlsc Ib e east side of tile green houses Secretary ol the Navy m « barge of Members of the Springfield P-T. ning for the visiting offical, ac- who hasn't a name yet. is the gif aviation, who it an eapert flyer him- r former | roprletor, ha* expired and A. held one of their busiest meet­ Tragedy and humor mingled la service, «pedal evening services, They have been plunled at an angle «ell lie lias decided Io retire -from that ing* of the year at the Lincoln grand matron of the Cascade > hap dent » Belgian shepherd dog who died ,hlH »•* '*“*<> during the past day und special sermon topics will ull Instead of upright, and II Is eg 1 buslnesa. Mr Moon uaa associated icbool Friday afternoon. Addresses ter. Mrs. While will conduct a recently. and a half as heavy rains fell and combine i<> make observance of peeled (hut when they gel n few himself with the shipping depart on roadside Improvement, health special officers* school of instruc­ rilled rivers and creeka to the Hood Holy week sod Easier Holiday on« years old they will lend Io uceumu ment of the Williams bak.ry '■ I improvemenl. élection of gelegates tion at the Masonic hall at 2:30. lal« n quantity of debris slxnil stage, halting traffic, both railway Eugène The Monn famlly wlll con­ to the county convention, selection of the solemn «vents of the year (hern and thia will nerve to keep A large dinner la being planned tinue to make iheir home In thts and highway for many honra, and of a nominating committee to pre­ for this evening at 0:30 at which In this city. • the river from coming over the clty ut the corner of Flfth and A sent candidate* for offices in the time all Star member« and their completely isolating communities Of lh« grealeat community Inter batiks and washing away valuuble slreuts for the présent. husbands are to be present. local organization for the next year, In parts of the country. soil. «»I In tin- Ea»ter sunrise service a jo r .mil . is M II. HOhUeY | aad investigation of playground Christian Church Men’s Bible The evening session wlll start at sponsored by lli« Ihr«« church«« "Il la beginning In look as though It Is almost certain that two established the lunch business In . , |Ulp„,Pnt wag u „en up dur. 8:00 In the lodge auditorium and Two Hundred Patrons Affect­ workmen on the Willamette high­ und lh « Lions dub. Tbl« will b« the willows may have Io lie re- Class Demonstrate Ability I he present location several year* I lug the afternoon. will be devoted to an exemplifica­ bold on Emerald heights Huniluy planted." declared Clayton Kirk ed in Sale of Power Plant way at Westfir lost their Uvea at Gathering Wednesday ' ago. They leased it to Mr. and ¡ morning Ml li 45 «cording to lh« land, proprietor of the greenhouses, 1 Delegates elected to represent tion of lodge work by the local Tuesday evening when the boat Io to Mountain States Co. —' ..... . Mrs. Moon In 1927. iiie n ih e rs of Hi« committee limbing yesterday aa he looked out and saw lh*- l<* al association al the county . group Eighty* men from all walks of ---------------------- --- which they and four others were III« iitui'HNsry arrangements county convention at Santa Clara. ( Plans are also being-made here Sale of the Creswell Power com attempting to cross the Willamette tin' water wnshlug a channel life In this community gathered ROAD BEAUTIFICATION April 11. include Mrs. Lee Putman, j now for the district meeting ofj Pany to the Mountain States Power river capsized hurling the men Into Thia la lb« first Ilm« such a through (he center of III* row of ’ at the Christian church last night CONTEST IS EXPLAINED Mr* It P. Mortenson. Mrs. W. W the Junction City. Evangeline, Blue company was announced this week, the wild waters. Oscar Olson. 42, service baa been attempted bar« cuttings Io enjoy a chicken dinner as guests ____ of the Walker. Mrs, Pratt Holverson, Mrs River and Cascade chapters which The deal became effective April 1, of Seal Rocks, and Rex Brown. 32. for s«v«rsl years, and It will It« ------------ ---- -------------- of . the ___________ Mvn'a Bible class church It was a 'men only' affair, I ®u®®e*tlon8 *or improving Attrac- | Endicott. Mrs. J. Fulop, and Is to be held In Eugene on April and includes the transfer of all of Perry both went down and only a short, simple, bol Imprcsslv« af­ LUM ANDERSON USES tiveness of Roadsides of State .Mis* |)oro, by Girard Election of 17 Many high officials of the state its Interest to the Mountain States one of them ever came up. Their fair If lh« weutber Is aultabl« for with members of the class acting BOAT TO MILK COW us cooks, waiters, and dishwashers Told by Sponsors officers for the county group of organization including the worthy i company, which will hereafter fur- bodies had not been recovered late mi outdoor gatherlug If lh« be held at the Santa Clara meeting grand matron, will attend that n,8h all light and power to the today. The other workmen. Walter seat her Is Inclement II will be held Rising W aters of McKvnxie Strand and was thoroughly enjoyed by Detalla of the Sam Hill highway Indoors al Ib« Methodist church. those present. A nominating committee to name meeting. i community. ) D. Pearson, J. F. Nielsen. L. F. C a ttl* on Plnacle of Police i beautification contest which la be- Service work and accounts for Cady, and Robert Godwin, who were Following s welcome address by new officers for the local group1 Program Announced Chief's Farm Near City , Ing sponsored by the Memory Oar- the Creswell residents wlll be han I ~ In __ the - boat at the Ronald Moshler, a group of visitors I , was __ named to _ Include Glen B. . r- ---- --------- ___ ___ —- tim e-of the Hinging will be led by BrnSSt provided o program of humorous | «•’»'’elation of Oregon W(MK, Mrg George Prochnow, and B U S T OP R ID ER KILLED died from the Cottage Grove office accident were carried downstream M< Kinney, Rev. Itulph It Mulhol Using n row boat to get to your are explained In a notice sent to Mrs. Edith Laxton. AT OVERHEAD CROSSING “ wa8 8tated •« the local office by the current for almost a mile land, pastor of Hi« Baptist church cow so that you might milk her 1 leadings and music. Hollister Mil­ newspapers of the state this week. ----------- this morning. i before they were able to reach will offer lb« prayer, and Veltte may sound absurd Io many people, ler of Eugene entertained with Mrs Marlon Adams was appoint. The purpose Is to clean-up and Transient Strikes Head Against Two hundreds patrons will be »bore. William McClain I'rultt, pastor of the Christian bui to Lam Anderson, police chief three readings beautify the highways of the state ‘ ed to head a committee to Investi- Beam; Climbs or. at Railroad affected by the new deal In which Accordlng to reports from West church will deliver the short ud uf Springfield. II la a grim reality, furnished two guitar numbers with with cap.dal emphasis on the Pa ,ía,’' ,he ^»»ability of purchasing! Crossing Stop J P. Lane, owner of the Creswell. flr tbe men bad tbp babn dress. Benediction will bn pro enable to understand thetr danger, vocal accompaniment, and Donald clflc highway which the > merr’' * « round <•»« >“• company, disposes of his Interests of cr(Mgfng back and ,„rtb „„ tbg nounced by Rev. C. J. Pike of the tw o o f A n d e rs o n s ro w s w a n d e re d F " , U P|a y " d ,w o c o rn e ‘ * o l° * M c < al schools. A representative of brunt of the tourist travel In this Ray Washabaugb. transient from to the larger firm. Mr. Lane pur- r(Ter uglng # cab,e , URpen4le* 8’ lnK8 instant death at the overhead rail- from John Tunnell. He made bis t>einK carried down stream The Beloved The musicians to the county along the highway feh l Include a prayer meeting a l and pa the McKensle river reached ! ’'<,n* •“ response to a request by Mrs. road crossing In West Springfield own power for some time, but caWe gnapp<.d Tueada, eTenin< fa„. l i l t Methodiet church Wednesday flood stage the animals found them dld »”• "■* Plan<> accompaniment, which has Its stictrh of highway ■>**»“**» Honeyman. chairman of the leavlng notb|ng ^h” purpose of the dinner was In the best condition, with a second1 8tat* Koadslre and Bllboard com- early Friday afternoon while steal during the latter years he has pur- ,ng to tbe evening al which lime Rev. Mill selves surrounded and being limited tng a ride on one of the large south- chased the necessary current from ior tbp men to c,tng to "* •«'Her acquaint the men of the ;rixe of »200. Holland will lead the service, and to a smaller Island each hour. ' mlttee of the federated garden bound Pacific Greyhound statges. the Mountain States company. u prayer meetlug al the Christian Anderson and some neighbors city und to Invtte any* without Suggested work leading towards clubs, the roadside beautification The victim is renorted to have Mr. all-night Lane was the first to pro* I lota I church affiliations to make this goal include, cleaning w ,y committee church Friday evening at 7:30. of the association ’ 88 | clfLbed onto the ^ ^ 0 It made' ’ >de electrict service to' Mayor Tyton wa. called by t.le- discovered the plight of the cows Tuesday night and succeeded In the Christian church their church o f all rubbish: repairing all ditches Instructed to serve with other com-, Methodist Church Program a( ; , he Creswell patrons. He plans to P»>one T <, *’ • “««« and re { home. and fences; cleaning, painting and “’I’lees of the city In promoting I . __ __ g . I — i — - 4 — - sw e 1 1 m ew sk cw wwaw vesa S a w kwlei Easier acllvltlea al lh« M«thodlst getting one uf them to swim to I the east part of Eugene. He evt- remain at Creswell and operate bis The men of Springfield, men of ' for signs of the two men believed church will start early Hunday shore, hut the other one remained removal of signs from old barns ; ,*»** general cleaning up of the ilently did not know of the oger- ranch south of the city, ull the church bodies, service clubs, ] to have drowned. He doubted that morning Member« of Ihe Epworth adamant and refused to move Improvement about oil stations, streets, yards, and highways of thia I head crossing as witnesses driving anil iinafflllated men. should work the bodies would be carried this League wlll gather In the church roadside stands, mall boxes; and vldnlly Members ot the committee Wednesday morning Anderson together for the best Interests of behind the bus state that he was far down tbe river, but nevertbe- husenicnt for llielr annual Easter tk his row boat to the temporary planting of trees. Bhrubs und flow ar" Mr8 Pa»l Brattaln. Mrs. A. B. SWITCHING OF PLATES ,, ,, , . . w i sitting upright adjusting suitcases. breakfast Immediate!? after Ihe Island and milked Ihe cow. Just the city stated Veltle Pruitt, pastor ers along the highway. 'a n Valzah. and Mrs. D. O Fisher.' BDIKir.Q «9«; P F N A L T Y leM W6nt th® gaTera, br,<, F.pWorlh l-engne will hold a .The body was shipped to Penn­ at the city hall Tuesday morning ’ lan"' ,h ' ,,rM‘ Consideration of teacher con­ and Jean Lloyd, a tap dance. The man declared that he had Iwh,ch 18 n° od ata«e' and cro” * 1 TOLD CLUB MEMBERS Members of the Baptist church . b,‘ l"H'd “ <'1»"‘''b Hprltigfleld. reception commlttge tracts wi|l probably be the princi­ driven the car with only three the highway at noon with a steady will gtert -lo ir K a s lc - a, «" *• b> ">"H- »•' pal Item of business to come be­ RUTH BRATTAIN BRIDE Members of the Lions club heard wheels for more than fifty miles. increase until five o’clock when a Hvltles with a half hour Hundav 8«'n-l Rimer Meek of Corvallis tracks east ot Oakridge covered Ihe A cantnta, "Christ Is Rison", writ­ recently nnd most of the dealers He leaves two daughters, Evelyn ber 40, has been called for tonight aren ow selling on u two-cent mar­ Springfield opened a super-service and Jobn Meek of Klamath Falls fal'8 for several miles and delayed ten by Nolte, will he sung by the EARLY CHERRY CROPS and Elvera; seven brothers, Ross, by Walter Gossler, adjutant. The station in Eugene Sunday. Formal arrangement9 are being train, for several hours. They were Murphy Moshler mixed quartet on gin. The Eugene dealers are sell­ Plumber, Robert nnd Ralph, all of members will gather at the Coni Sunday evening at 7:30. Rev. Pruitt ing without a margin. Indications are that the early opening of the station was held made by Walk(.r.PooIe cha , Tbe running again thl. morning oa a New York city; F. L. Sheasley, muntty hall for their meeting. bp he|<] at th