Salem People Vlalt Mi sud Mrs. Visit In Portland Thayer Me Murray and Lawrence Itoof spani Truhert Henderson of Huletu were the past week end visiting In Port week end visitors nt the home ot Mr and Mrs. J M I air son land The negro minstrel play that wan Much Interest la being taken In the operetta "Polished IVbblea," Thurston hall laat Friday evening which is to he gtveu Friday night was a great sucreaa. the proceeds of this week at the gymnasium amounting to near $50 Mr Roach by the high school students under and his violin orchestra from En the direction of Mrs. K. E Kil­ gene furnished the music. Is the first day of the Spring term patrick The cast consists of nine John Price received the news of principals suported by a chorus Attk About It the death or his aunt. Mrs. Elisa­ of about 20 boys and girls. Those beth Welbown, at Salem. This came taking principle parts are Misses as a great shock as she was able Luclle Jordan. Florence Jordan, to be down towu Saturday and Loree Laird. Carol laird. Nina Me passed away Sunday night with It's n good School Peek. Bonnie Jeanne Tinker. Earl bronchial pneumonia. Mr. Price McLeod. Dick Noble and Roy Help. P illin « ’ tilit and family motored to Salem Wed Miner Bldg.. Kugem*. Oregon There are several very catchy neaday and attended the funeral. tunes and drills In the operetta. Mrs Homer ITietteplace Is ill The scene is laid on a farm In with gall stones. She spent sev­ the country and deals with the eral days in the hospital but has different activities of a farm Mrs. returned home not very much Ini Mary Harden Warner is pianist for proved. the operetta. Last Friday the community had a get together and cleanup day at Ernest Schrenk receive«! a ship O ¿ w //u /> ÍO V W IS T C O A S T IM IA T H IN . the high school. A lot ot work was mant of 3300 babv chicks from the L A N * C O U N T * t I M I R T A IW M I8 T H IA P Q U A R T IH I acomplished In the building, while Inwood Farm near Corvallis Three N O T * T H I S * N S W P R IC B S the boys worked on the baseball hundred of these are Plymouth diamond. The high schol board Rocks and the rest White Leg horns. is having the walls kalsomined. the floors oiled and wood work N IG H T * A S T IR Mr. Petty of Cloverdale was In T IL L » repainted. Pleasant Hill district this week Several friends of Miss Nathalie E Mann ot Germantown, Tenn., began lifting his pet bull calf assessing. Edmiston gave her a surprise party every H day »hen the calf weighed only 50 p« unds Now the bull weighs 850 Bast ball practice has begun at E l B rs n d el in a 'double ro le ' bu nd s y to T u sed ay, "M r. Lem o n ot O rang e at the home of Miss Hazel Sim pounds and \lr Mann can still lift it He thinks he can keep it up until the the Pleaaant Hill high school and n d ^ ^ ^ ^ mons, where she had gone to spend crvaturf»e£hs liJV Jviu some students are Indulging in The main feature of tip- evening's ZANE GREY'S “FIGHTING the night, last Wednesday evening. ZANE tennis whenever the weather per- program will be a mock trial. 8. In honor of her birthday. Refresh Arch Shough and daughter, l*atty LEGION MEMBERS DANCE CARAVAN" AT McDONALD rnlts. E. Cole has been touiul trying oleo motored to Blue River last Sunday AT T H ’JRSTON SATURDAY ments were served. 'l he following teachers have been margarine, and will be tried In The Fox McDonald In prediqitliig’ Last Thursday evening Rev. Jes and spent the day with Mr. and t-A. m chosen for the Pleasant Hill high court, wtlh Judge Morton Bristow Z.nne Grey'* famous "Fighting Car­ Mrs. Felix Sparks. Another of the American Legion sup held high school evening at FlFll Arch Shough is in Portland where semi monthly dances at the Thurs- school for the coming year. E. E. presiding. The attorneys for the avans" Friday and Saturday, offers j the church where he is conducting defense will be A. C. Miller and one of the best westerns of the hall will be held Saturday night Kilpatrick, principal. Mrs. F. F. a revival meeting. Many high he has employment. garitta* tin* Cotn*^? D. J. Calvert, while the attorneys Cliford Weaver and Mrs. Mary AO lccording to Jack Larson, finance * o«iper. Perry Price and Reba Brog- better class ever to be shown In school students. aJso the teachers, McElroy from Salem spent the officer. Mrs. Ada Palmer has re­ don. assistants Miss Brodgdon is (or the Grange are to he All lloft Eugene. It enjoyed great popular were present. »»! wek-end at the Weaver home here. turned and will be the pianist for a Eugene girl und a graduate from man and Bert Beaver. Ruth Car- tty as a good seller on the book Mrs. Jennie Edmiston from Eu­ monv is county clerk und Sheriff V. of O. Mr. Price is from Thurs­ Mr. and Mrs. William Rennie mo­ the orchestra. stands, and Is still read by m any, gene has spent the past week with 1' «ta«!" "I ton and is a graduate of O. 8. C. Ernest Mathews made the arrest. people at the present time tored to Scio Sunday where they relatives here. ••Ti»« i"* ' story ot where he was prominent in ath­ Mrs. Stafford. Mrs. Elida McBee took their son. Harold, who is the Yf** vtoneer* Starring tlary Cooper and Lily • Has Operation—Mrs. R. 1. Orem letics. Mr Johns has been re­ and Thelma Mcl’eek nn- the re Arrangements are being made i.ta Crai employed at the fish hatchery. V*Xl«tard-liiP»- Dauiltn. suported by Tully Marsh­ of Dexter underwent a major oper elected Janitor. for a church homecoming to be held freshmenl committee They returned home Monday. all and Ernest Torrence with Fred here on Easter Sunday. A com­ ation at the Pacific Christian hos­ «y. Howard Cotton from Eugene is Mr. and Mrs. P. N. lailrd received Kohler. It has everything needed mittee consisting of John Endicott. pital in Eugene Thursday. "’“ •utoUw ù S , visiting relatives here M a rria g e L icen se Issued _________ word Mach 15 of the arrival of a to make It an outstanding picture, Ray Baugh and Rev. Hershizer was Miss Marjorie Grant, who teaches son to Mr and Mrs. Glen Galllgan During the past week the county comedy, thrills and romance. Ern­ appointed to send invitations to at Coquille, spent the week-end at "Well. Jock, r hear ye've got at Winona. Minn. Mrs. Galllgan clerk has Issued marriage licenses est Torrence and Tully Marshall (X)MING NEXT WKUKMHItAI every minister who has preached her home here. was before her marriage Miss to the following: Joen Itodker and have Indenlleally the same roles as married." “ It Pay* T o Advertise” USAT here and all who were formerly Jay Grant, who is attending O. aOd M««* With "Aye. Donald." ''An' what kind o' Freda Laird, daughter of Mr. and Gladys Christensen, both of Junc­ the ones they gave in "The Covered members here. The church's 42nd 8. C. at Covallis, visited home folks a body is yer wife? Can she sew?" Mrs. P. N. Laird. "HKEETH" G A l.I.AG IIEIt tion City; Bert Vaughn. Portland, Wagon" and as "Jim" Bridger nml anniversary since its organization CAROL M iM ItA ltll here the past week-end. •■No.” Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mathews and Marlon Mahany, Eugene, "Bill" Jaekson. they keep audiences Is April 6. There will be all-day KUUKNK PALLETTE Perry Price, who has been attend­ Ysmael Contras and Victoria Tor­ and son who have been visiting "Mak* parritch?" In an uproar with their homely services, also a basket dinner. ing O. S. C. at Corvallis, is having with Mr. Mathews' parents, Mr, rez. both of Eugene; Frank John­ wit and fun. “No." Everyone is welcome. son and Bertha Johnson, both of There will be a pie social held his credits transferred to U. of O. "What? No' mak' parritch? What and Mrs. Ross Mathews, have re­ "Mr. Lemon of Orange," with El turned to their home In Portland. Florence; Wallace Starmer and at Mt. Vernon school house Friday in Eugene where he will be nearer can she do?” Ureiidal and Flfl D'Orsay, coming home Bessie Sherbondy. both of Eugene; W. L. Wheeler, who has been evening. March 27. The proceeds "Week Donald, she's a grand to the Fox McDonald Suuday to under the care of a specialist in William Caplan und Eileen Stevens wil go to pay the week-day Bible singer." Tuesday give absolutely thetr best both of Eugene. Portland the past several weeks, school teacher. METHODIST CHOIR PLANS "Och. men. but ye’re a daft cree- performances to date. El ltrandel Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bonney from SPECIAL EASTER MUSIC tur'. wouldna a canary hae been has returned to his home at Trent. has bis first double role, that of Visitor from Portland Mrs. J. C. Robert Doyle, a student at the Eugene are speuding this week in cheaper?” Oregon State college who was re Mulligan of Portland arrived Fri­ "Spider" McGee, the leader of a Thurston. All members of the Methodist rum ruQiilng gang, and that of Mr cently operated on for appendicitis. day to spend several days with Virgil Hanson has returned to church choir have been urged to Lannon, an entirely different per­ Mrs. Styles—The Crumbys have is recuperating at the home of his Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Mulligan high school after being absent two be present at the church tonight sonage STORE NO. 3 STORE NO. 1 some china that has been in the father-in-law. F. F. Cooper ot Pleas- weeks with measles. for rehearsal for the special Easter *60 Charnalton St., Eugen* 126 Eaat Broadway, Eugene The funny Swede character comic family for more than a hundred ant Hill. Miss Marjorie Armitage is ill music to be given at the church at Card of Thanks STORE NO. 2 STORE NO. 4 In this presentation gives u travesty Harr^pt Brabham and Crystal: the various services a week from years. with measles. 88-96 W**t Broadway, Eug«n* | 500 Main Street, Springfield We wish to thunk the neighbors on the current leaders of under- Miss Cora Calvert from Eugene Sunday. Mrs. Clara Tuttle Fenton i Mrs. Newrlch—That Just shows Baughman, students at Monmouth, that they were never able to afford are spending {heir spring vacation and frlen/2C 27c W eeks 1 7 P o u n d s o f F a t S N ID E R ’S 3 for 2 5 c BEARD’S KIRKLAND’S FLORAL CO. New Easter Apparel New Silk Jacket Dresses Money Saving Grocery Values $25 Q U A L IT Y N ow 4 fo r 2 1 c HARDW ARE A ll f o r 4 3 c Easter Hats $5.00 fo r L E SS M O N E Y Total Value B o t h if f o r 2 9 c Phone One Package 40c 25c All Fresh Seasonable Vegetables Asparagus Rhubarb Lettuce W. A. TAYLOR Phone FOR SALE Good 16-lnch Block wood, also 16-lneh and 4 foot old growth slabwood. FRANK TUHY Phone Sp. 182J tain that the Quality will be the best and the Price the lowest. We carry a complete line of high-grade Hardware, Paints and Fencing. Spring Coats $25.00 Styles For Everybody— Setting a New Value Record for 1931 Coat« Note the New Style Featured! SleeveR have untiHual Intercut— Scarf collard of fur or fabric. The popular new weaved of Chotigo, New Crepe Weaved und Colorful Mlxturea Dlatlnetlve model» here. . Snyder’? New Knitted Suits W R IG H T & S O N S Sized 14 to 44 Lovely new dprlng dhatled in theae nplendld fine fitting dultd- «uaranteed not to fade or dag a , $16.75 Very high grade dultd made of Imported Bramble yarn« and the populur Boucle’d. Regular $29.50 A nr- n n to $35.00 «ultd Special at 5Z5-WV