THURSDAY, MARCH 2«, IM I THE S P R IN G F IE L D NEW S SUMMONS q u a r o ia n ’ s SA LE O F R E A L ('..»lo i,,. I W ho' do.. Ulta no ,ill s i x A P P L I C A T I O N S F O R N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Lira "Ah w a n ts to git a palh o ’ In the C ircuit Court of the State ESTATE. In your u dvortlaan ian t^ iltK ate ( IIM M F D C A M O u u r iD V N O T H F, IH H E K K B Y G IV E N shoes f„ n n h little gal of Oregon, In and for Lane County In the County Court of the State s jU lv llv lt H L A M P W O R K , hu, th „ un(| erR|kn. , | ha, beerl ap. ( .|prk ()1 k k| | , Charles H Cochran and llo ra c « If. I of Oregon for Lane County. ' ‘1er!. Huili ng a ú lla, madam to uted a d m inistrator of the « H ate . . v , In Probate. Cochran. Executors of III,' Estate! I Ic y are able aviated thia angami. E ffo rt* to Be Made to P erm it A ll of M A T T IE A. W IL M O R E , So ' 4a ’ b "* m ,ne J"> " * 0 of H,,rut, E, Coelirun, 'Deceased ! I» lhe M u tte r of tita Batato of to Attend T rain in g Camp at ceated. by the County Court of hus:B0 and t dem shoes.'' P lain tiffs N .1 D A H L IN , an Insane parano Vancouver B a rra c k * Lane ‘ '" « "'F - O f*«o n A ll per»«,ns l.nwyei And Just how bad d<> Against I iirauanl to an I in ter of Court having cla im * a g a im t said estate NOTICE o r S H E R IFF'S SALE H a rry W N eel, A dm in istrator o f . ‘I m I t given and mail«. In the above you want this divorce. Mos»? are required to present them, with U lliin i p ru e.....Hug, I. Edil D atili«, III« ' K a t a ' a of W It Cooper, De Notice Is hereby given that by Applleatlons for enrollm ent In ihe proper vouches attached, to the V o -,' II only coat me a string ei'uaed; Kiitti Cooper, u widow; ae guardian In said proceedings, i the Citizens' M ilita ry T ra in in g undersigned at the law offices of ’'•''ine of 'Xecutlon and order w ill aell at privat» aaln to the i' fi* b to git m arried, auh, but I camp al Vancouver barracks are iH M E L A E V A N S , In the First ,5 " J* Dorothy c,wiper, a single woman . „ out of the Circuit Cl I It ( I I A I t I H Cull al litri H lilli I h itrlo lle C Cooper, a m in o r; I Dlicfia.Mf and heal bidder for eaab, j ' I, a a,. Gawd, Ah'd give a whale , _ . , , , . . , National Bank Building, In Kugc»,-. ' ’ ,,r ,he 3 “ * • Oregon fn» a li" ,'i or prou,' n tor appoint ’’ *"* “ n '* lo d“ te ",x I reg o n . w ithin six months from the , C ou n ty F eb ru a ry 27th, 1931 being llie heirs at Law of w II. I 1,1 ,b " following deaerlbed gh rid of her Cooper, deceased. M ary E lien ' ra,-t* of real ra ta l» , separately I.anu county young men have riled flat» of thin notice. :,pon unated at Kugene, Oreg n. thin *,n^ n,art** by the «aid C^urt T h e longer skirt and the ,le fln « i i , hl" w lf" ; O r'” ‘ *' Davla, N o rlli and 50 feet and 6 Inches E. Boggs M arcola; Ernest R. Drew 2* ,h ', “ ’r of •'•‘bruary. 1931. February 27. 1931. In a suit pend N O T IC E O F F IN A L W A N T E D * Young h ou sekeeper,1 N ellie (• llevla, hla w ife; and Eaat of the Southwest comer of Ing therein In which T. A. G ilbert w aistline are new fashions that are SETTLEM ENT M arcola. W illia m Gresham. E . Adni)nllltrX Y ,W Iloa t in K o ala 2, Eugene. M2« 3 lataella Htevzgrl; Defendants | Eugene F Hhlnner Donation laind of the Estate of "d K»» «Albert were p la in tiffs and rr ne<.t. (, in ungerle aa well as in Notice Is hereby given th a t Asa L M O R E Deceased H e rtw rt M E llio tt and Edna M . x x 2 C u lt H A L E - Deed rangea and To Clarence Gregg, and G ertrud« Claim . N o tlf No 2181. In T w p . 17, J Higgins has filia l In the County gene, James P. Northern, E u g e n e M A T T I E A. W IL n r,. eas defendants » » F " •"<» » »hört E llio tt, his wife, were defendants. H Itang» Four, West of th„ W iliam Court of the Htate of Oregon in Jack A. Richardson, Eugene and IM M E L A E V A N S . Greg«, hla wire. Defendants: waalilng inselline*, cheap at Mt Attorney» for Estate. * bl' h « • « • « < « and order of Male nightgown now looks as amusing IN T H E N A M E ( IE T H E H T A T E " lie M eridian , and running thence and for tam e County, hla final re (■arl W Robbins Fugene Hlulo Pow er Co. |t ¡ DC I lit EGON ............ , ' " ... F 26 M .5 12-19 26 m*‘ directed and commanded and as out of date as a knee-length North 217 feet, thence Bast 50 feet, port as adm inistrator of the estate (o u n ty q u o ta , which were re-! me to sell the real property here- x™ . thence Koulli 217 feet and thence of Dru It. Higgins, deceased; and You are hereby required to ap- • ently set. were the m axim um for S U M M O N S in a fter described to satisfy certa'n Weal 60 feet to the place of begin­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S (hut ten o'clock In the forenoon |M,ur and answer lli„ Cross Coin- each c ounty, allowed by Corps Area I" the C ircuit Court of the State llen8 and ,'barkf'i* >n said decree T h e sketch today shows one of Nolle«' la hereby given that the plaint of Defendant. M ary E. Dell ning. all being In and a part of of Halurday, the 11th day of A pril, Jh' ’k»1 i7 i.ii' i ,be nightgowns and the dla- the City of Eugene, Lane County, 1931, at the Courtroom thereof In lleadquartern. Lane county’s quota 0< O r« « ° n for Lane County. undersigned tins I....... duly appoint Ion. filed against you In Go, above tth day of A pril. 1931, t the hour and more than M ,N A » “ l O A R T M a in .Iff, Eugene, Oregon, have been fixed was set at Ihre, <1 executrix of the ,.state of entitled ault and court w ithin four Oregon. of one o'clock P M at the south- * ram ”h<’w* how Y °u ‘ »n c « H»* L ot ‘ l o Four Block C h a .le a I C olcord . d e c . . . . , I . and W eeks from the dale of the first I A d (2 d l lll,m ' ^ L ' In e T * ''* -1, '*/, L lll's and appointed by said court as the w e*t door of the County Court P *H e r» . The pattern represents any and a ll persona having claims publication of thia summons In the I >-*ne County, lim e and place fo r hearing objec that num ber have filed so some L L O Y D S H U O A R T , Defendant Defendant: house In Eugene. Lane County. | Just h alf - of the back and the lions to said report and for the means a g a llla l auld e a lu le ar« hereby re H p rln gfleld N e w s I 8 ' ... ,N T O B N A M E O F T O E S T A T E “ 1* a n f uf e l' at front of the nightgown, which la •lulled to p i........ aald claims, duly And If you fall an to appear and I L v A n , 1’ u" ot flnul setlb 'inen l of the estate of transportation to assure these can N Y gii and^answ arc herphv tp public auction Tor cash, wubject to . ,,ne Plw p ' ,hp lln *' tbroutth v e r ifie d a a by law required, al be unawer. aald defendant w ill take n v w m i at said deceased. d id st. S of acceptance If they pass O F O R E “ G O ¿»near er the r-d< mptlon as provided by law. all ' ut . ln . ffl, " ot F rank A DePm . attorney Judgment and decree aglnat you a s ! LU WWaraette Street, Kugone, Ora­ AHA J. H IG G IN S , the physical requirem ents. com plaint filed against you in the ',f ,h “ rls h t- ,l,le and Interest of 'hoc enley front being placed on f tor llie e ,lu le . Sp rin gfield, Oregon prayed fo r In her Cross Complaint 1 o i lock" " m "* * m *h n •? Uia?,f 10 A iln ilu ls lra to r of the E state of In o rder to do this the enroll | above entitled salt on or before I'i? * .?pf':ndan,l,1 ln "ald * u ,t and “ l« np »«>«»>• » f the wearer, n o llce M.12 19 26-A.2-9 some of Ibe quo,as lu lra lo r of the eatnte ot W . It Ihe »atate of N J Dahlin, an Inaane Dated Mureh 3rd, m ill, Cooper, deceased, and against de- districts such as Portland. Judgment against you and w ill !n ° r to the follow ing described ,n measuring bear in mind that the peraon. N O T IC E O F F IN A L A M A N D A C G L C D R I), fem lant Ruth Cooper for the aum ------------------------------- apply to the court for the re lie f rPa^ Property. t,ew it: grown should come to the ankles S E T T L E M E N T F 26 M .5-12 19-26 Executrix of the eatute of Charles of $4000.00, with Inlereatt at the Fak" S i h wager says he never Prayed for In the com plaint and v , b " “f nAh , a J , nt 30 an'f allow enough tor a four-inch N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , E Colcord, deceaaed. rule o f 7% per annum from and taw -V decree «Ass.. - a absolute d iv o _ rc _ e i , -^onn or in*- io m e r common to . r. , . . SA LE O F R E A L P R O P E R T Y for « a of Thc.t Ida It W oolley, executrix of paid a doctor's b ill in his life. F rank A DePue. since the l« lh day of May, 1920, Section» 7. 8. 17 and 18 In Town h w n - B H ls lhe ,ower * * « • or BV A D M IN IS T R A T O R • he estate of P erry A. W oolley, Attorney for the estate for the additional sum of $260 at'- f r Thl«y rommonx I . published once * 8, , ’’ S ’?.' repreHaBt* •*» « Bosch E xceptio nally healthy, M 6 1219 26 A 2 torney's fee for her a tto rn ey ; for ^ ^ • • t l c î ^ T n i e r î î ï î ^ g l v e t n î ^ T K ê deceased, has rendered and filed In each week for four con secu tive1 ± nl* ° ‘H thH “ rm hol— o r h alf the undersigned adm inistrator o f the the County ('h u rt o f the State of eh? Ihe costa of this weeks, in the Springfield News, a ,h"un" K, nS? 2 , , n8,8 l Vh K . ' " J * arm h " b‘ Baph «n»t fro n t are the N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S suit and and that dlahuracnienta all such Judgtn. ni •'«lain of Floyd Wilson, that p ur­ Oregon for the County of Lane, her Fak»- — No exceptionally poor the west weekly newspaper published al 1 rn , a lm to a n point a L In sxa ,x side same, save that the neckline Is Nollce I n hereby given that Ihe In lcren l ul the rule of 7% | mt suant to an order of license g ra n i­ first and final account and that pay. Springfield, I-ane County. Oregon, b 'ln g % fe i? mith. o'clock A M. of said day In the w ill annexed of the estate of Peter F R A N K B. R E ID 5 ! an , ran ^e ; thence N orth 0*25’ ro (|iiiicd to pn-Ment Hald claims, Aim» foi !»••« n r o f fnrecloM ure of i ? n d m l n r i a t r a t o r w ill on l'ounty Court room In the County Ja. obsen, deceased, has filed his A tto rn ey for P la in tiff v® 7 7 a ‘ duly verified as by law required III,- mortgage given to secure aald B areli 28th, 1131, at ten o'clock Court house In Ihe C ity of Eugene »od Post e ,,.. O nrr«,.^ * d . l f o u n ’ y Road No 12 chains Residence and ffice Ad- ..I III" o f fic e of F rank A DePue. P rom ls,.,,ry n o te ........ . on p age A M , al ,be front door of Ihe Oregon as the day, tim e and place account as such adm inistrator, and to a stone on the west line and Attorney for the estate nt Spring 467 of Tol " « l‘* of the M ortgage (-ounty, ( ourt House In Eu for the hearing of objections to th a t Saturday, the 25th day of dress, Eugene, Oregon. a t the term inus of said County M.12-19-26-A.2-9 field, Grvgon In Lane County, Dr,- records of tain,- County, Oregon, ! * •'” «. Oregon, o ffer for sale and said final account and the settle­ A pril, 1931, at the hour o f ten Road No. 649. thence N orth 0* 04' ment thereof. A ll objections must o'clock in the forenoon of said day, gnu, w llh ln si« months from the >S«nsl the plaintiffs and all the “" ll “ * Public »■•«•, for cash or East 6.98 chains, thence North N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S dale of this nollce. defendants, except aald M ary E •l0rt , a * b “ »<1 P®rt credit, to the be In w riting and filed w ith the at the County Court room in the 88° 33' W est 20.345 chains to a Court House at Eugene. Ixine Coun Clerk of said Court on or before V' I M c lIA ItG C F Dewlon; that her aald mortgage la- blgli.'at bidder, all of Ihe right, title o u ri n o u s e a i r.ugene. t^ n e l oun N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N iM r UOHt m arked C S said fir do .7 said day and time. bq Oregon, haa been set as the T h a t C. J. Fulton has been ap ! being 20 chains North 43' e 27 i A d m in istrato r of ............. U te of •'•••reed to lie the first lien upon « "'I lnler.'Sl of said estate In the tim e and place for hearing said pointed a d m lnlatrator o f the estate a id 21 42 c h a iM South M ° 4 2 'E ^ t IDA B. W O O L L E Y . John O T.averty, deceased al1 ,h » land» therein described; follow ing parcels of land, all In E xecutrix a « o u n t. A ll persons having ob- ,)f Annle s deeeage(i, by ’ ? the corner “ n ang\e the W m Dated February tilth. 1831 'h®* (herein deacrlbed f-nne County, Oregon, to-w lt: f ^ to f R e X » m e In’ wrlGng lh " < * “ » * < * “ “ ° f County' ^ y and ¿ ID ’ r a t i o n ! a “d F rank A. D e l’ue, F rank A, DePue. he »” >'1. In Ihe m anner provided T he weat h alf of the northeast A tto rn ey fo r the estate. A ttorney for Estate. *’y law and the proceeds of such q uarter; the weat h alf of the ,-aat 19-26 w ith the ( ounty C lerk for L a n e Or\ K° n p erso n » having claims ( ’¡aim No. 52 in said township and F 26 M . 5-12 ( ounty Oregon o r o r b X e ™ e dKa,n8e required to rang«, said corner in angle being F 2fi M 5-12 19 ?« "“ h’ applied, u fle r paying the eg h alf of the northeaat q u a rte r; the * penaea of making such sale, first, ««utliweat q u a rte r of the southeast tim e set for Hald h earlna present them, w itn the proper the southwest corner of lot 7 In N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE D O N A I I, Y O C N C vouchers, w ithin six months from ' Section 7 in said township and *' n° r t hea«t q uarter Judgment, w ith Interest, costs, ills all being ,,f In ,h section 30. township N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , A dm in istrator with* th e w ill an- 12,h da> of M a ' " b' 1931- t o ! range, thence South 1° 32’ W est bursetiienta and expenses; and for 19 south range 1 west of W iliam - T hat under and by virtu e of an nexed of th e e s t a t e o f P e te r Jacob - Ih<* adn ltn i8trato r at lbe law i 19.545 chains to the place of begin- off,Ce ° f L L ln ,hp M inpr ' n:ng. containing 40.12luc re s of land, such other and fu rth e r r -lief as e tte M eridian, In Lane County, execution and order of sale Issued s.n deceasXl shall be by the Court deemed Just ¡O regon, appraised In the sum of out of the C irc u it Court o f the m ->s a •> a is 9-1 Bui,llt W1,,a ln ..tte M erld ia i, l«n n ,u ,h ' b > ' aalc a ■> a Repairing a Specialty and entered on the 2nd day ot a c r e s m ore or le s s ln ixirm C o u n iv 1M *- ln “ "ult th e r e in p e n d in g In tha 4. Key has been by the County S h eriff of Lane County, Oregon. Court of the State of Oregon, ai l . (»-z^JVZdt Oregon in M arch. 1931 by p u b lic a tio n t h e r e o f 1 o re g ,',n a p p ra ised ' In th e su m o f whlf" | S0 00 '! , ‘ed' 1 wUI- ,,n Tuesday, the 7th erly s ilte d and verified, at the resb ^ „ ^ anp & P h o n es O ffice 73J ; Bes I43W i> « i tiny of A p ril, 1931, at thp hour of Hcni'p of A F W h e ele r 710 I^aw P °r a tloD, Eugene V. S lattery, P. L. Vs. o ffic e Hours: I to G P. M N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE R O T H W E L L . and the o n th sn ,",Kh il " r T "" w le" A M ° f “ >d d a ' . a t ren ee S tr e e t in Eugene Oregon Jobn»on- E. L. Pollet, J. W Moss. A J.LE N Residence 223 B street on the south line of Ihe north h alf lh „ „„„thw eat door of the County w ithin six months from this 12th tD avid B ^ ¥a" s and w M Foan , C IT Y O F E U G E N E . Lane County, ugene. Lane day of M arch 1931. tain. Defendants I Oregon, a municipal corporation, for sale and M A R T H A C. K E Y . By virtu e of an execution. Judg- Defendants. A ll Kinds ot for cash sub- Executrix of I-ast W ill and T es ’ a- m ent, decree and order of sale Is To Allen Rothw ell ....... Defendant: as provided by ment of O live Ethel A llg ire, De- suesl out of the above entitled court IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E upon and pursuant to a decree duly |„ |ld claim No 45 In said" to w n I 8,1 of ,he l,,,e a*»<1 ceased. I be above entitled cause to me G F O R EG O N . You are hereby no- « ‘V .......... b y * « "a 'd c o u rt . h " p \ ; d “ n :r n g 4, t i nc . ^ 4rth‘ 4 76 ^ 7 , ' V » i d ' » R d' ^ t A E W h eeler, Attorney. directed aDd dated the 27th day of tified that W aldo S. H ard ie, the R E P A IR IN G and S H A R P E N IN G February 18. 1931, In a suit pead- ................... ................ .heuce south ^ ^ c t i ^ g * ’ by." th?oug°h or M 12-19-26-A.2 9 February, 1931, upon a Judgm ent, owner of C e rtific a te of Delinquency i n . therein In which B B B ^ n { I ’ , , , ? , g ^ X l n ? to" atone p<>r8O'"‘ S’* 1" “ " ' b>' ,hrOUKh ° r 128 W . Nth S t r e e t _ ____ — -------------------------------------- and decree entered in said court No. 2148, issued on the 5th day of to a to stone, llnder b)m in and and ,o to tbe 0n owing Eugene Phone 900 dage, trustee, was p la in tiff, and th.m ce south 2 9’ ' chains the' Un E -oqth line of the north ha lf of h L m d‘‘a‘ rllmd m ining claims, to-w lt: '»scribed it: E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E in favo r of the Union C entral L ife of the County of Lane and Slate Ellm akur, hl» wife, Franco» A. Ell- »ectlon 29. thence east on m H ard ing as recorded page 321, N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N Insurance Company and against of Oregon for ' be amount r»0.00 Coolide< A. F m easure* 15 inches. A-D Ige as recorded page 415. the defendants J. E. M urphy and ur ber , su!n , attorney County and State, and p artic u la rly 221 M ain St. Ree.dence 125 C St. e .f> i- ,> 4 M » .. I t . . « . .. I . . . bounded and described as follows. . . . . „ to -w if measures 1 inches, A-E measures 62-J 62M Lot No. Four (4 i in Block No. I !our inches. A-C measures eight Five (5 | of the W est S ixth S treet inches. F-G measures 15 inches. F ull Auto Equipment Addition to the C ity o f Eugene. M ake tucks a t the waistline to You are fu rth e r notified that the , , , , ... Ixidy Assistant said W aldo S. H ard ie. has p a id ' hnld in ,he fullness' LATEST Marv, Business Di Cto y of *al<1 Edw. G. Privat Lawn Mowers Walker-Poole Chapel DR. B E R TH A D A V ID S O N Osteopathic Physician 204 I. O. (t. F. Tem ple Telephone 3211« Eugene, Ore. U niversal Mortgage Corp. BONDS W . P. Tyson, Agent 126 E St. Phone 56W Eugene Furniture Hospital Upholstering R efInlshing - Repairing Hcreen and all kinds of m ill work C E C IL C A L K IN S , P roprietor 551 <4 West Eighth Phone 402 General Law l ’racllcp I. M . P E T E R S O N A tlo rn e y a t-la iw C ity H a ll Building S pringfield, Oregon F R A N K A. D E P U E A T T O R N E Y A T LAW N O T A R Y P U B L IC Sutton Building taxes on said premises for subse- W hen you cut the pattern lay the quent years, w ith the ra te of in- . . ______ . „ . the fu rth e r s u m _of' T h ree as rec- terest; Hundred D ollars ($300 00) 'aUor T h ree <3> WeBt of tbe W illa m e tte ! terest on said amounts as follow s: * “ KTam a« given on a double piece Lane Coun- 'v .7 » L «nS f o r ’ the co s ts .an d M er i k 7 ^ « » <■ T h e Southeast Q u a rte r of the N um ber T hirty-seven (37) which Is and F ra n k W Scobert. partners . , tone 21 92 c h a in , north of the ^ M ^ n g c la im l^ c o M s 1928 Tax. paid: F irs t half. M ay hundredths (7.50) doing business under the firm south line of the north one h alf of y A„ , , ^ 8 i? X n Kn 9 roe Northeast Q u a rte r ( S E ^ N E h * ) . « f "even and 4th, 1929. T a x Receipt No. 19073, name and s ty le .o f Scobert W are- s„|<| section 29. thence north 17.87 .,rd,e !la x V - '^ X k ^ L a n Cn.?T Section N u m b er Six (6) in Tow n cha ns W est of the Southeast cor- Am ount $6.73; Second half. N o v . shlp N um ber Sixteen (16) South ner thereo f; thence South Fourteen house Company, and L illia n M chains, more or less to the south ^ M l n t o g Claim R e,ordiT Range Four (4) W est of the W ll and tn ■ntlafv m rtn in »< $ » / 1 ’ 1, I 2. 3 snd 4 of W ashburne along said rig ’u t-of way line to its interest 6% , total $13.33. specified, I w ill, on Saturday, the ,,f i,1t 5 (,f „»Id sectl.m 29. thence ‘ ,B M apttan Nos, 1. You are fu rth e r notified that the P lat. Lane County. Ore- I intersection w ith th ■ center of the 28th day of M arch, 1931, at the we»t 1183 chains to northwest 8 n“A,>d\ b Mh *x ™ M a rrh * M ille tt's ‘ County Road; thence Southeasterly said W aldo S. H a rd ie has paid sou t h w ls f door’ o U h o Com. t v ^ o t n , 'I,rn,' r a a , d ' ot ®' the" Ce "°.Uth 193U ' N O W , T H E R E F O R E . In the name along the center Iln e 'o Y s a id '"ro a d municipal liens assessed against lions,7 7 , S w Uns tW U " * f ” ] , f 8 A “. ' » U «O W N , of the State o f Oregon, in compll- to the center of the north pier of * a >< Property as follows, »o w it hegon "ffe'r h>? sale and seB a i m° r . or less to place Of beginning. s l„ .r)ff 1 „ m Í “ “*!.1 T T W tb M ‘ r d l * n - 12 chains north of „outhwest corner thereof, and running thence north 52° east 23 12 e‘h a l „ 7 , o i stone th ,n ? e north s u R raml of w n ia m e H e M ^ ’l V hmfghf tm der he "« « Io n w ith a higher neckline than the front, and lay - » • “ "'■ « » • engthw ise fold double the length of A B. ___________________ V;“ £■«»’' ¿¡K. *»“: W°OL future brichter ".'.'.’’»S' JST' foreign imports low N 0 T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SA L E and accruing costs, i w i n / on Sat quarter section line running East J92; . « 9 .3 7 ; iirday. the 11th day of A p ril, 1931. and W est thru said Section ten: i ,o ta l î5 4 30 Rate of interest 6% all parties claim ing by, through o r! contract from F irs t National Bank, 1 v I! i „h „ 1 ,? y under them or any of them since Eugene, Oregon, upon which there v!r,u ““ , „ ’ ’‘J ’ r , '¡I the 20th day of October, 1926, in |H „„ unpaid balance of approxl , b„ o,*’ "i n ’ ‘ n lor to the the following e sc r ib e d re a l ,,m tp ly „ 5 0 .0 0 . appraised at noth * the 3rd day of or to following d described real property, to-w lt: " n e g in ln g at northw est corner o f LM8xr^ L - ? 32 _ U.? °n-_ axnd_ P! i ? H^ L ‘? State of Oregon, o ffer fo r sale and < 10) and Section T h ree (3) N ln e'y - Lot 2 In Block Num bered 20, In ,, . on a decree given and made on the sell fo r cash, at public a u c tio n ,! ‘"»e and flfty-slx hundredths (91.56) 6 « , total $14.70. Crus»' Addition to Eugene, lu Lane he south Said Allen R othw ell as the owner east quarte of section 29 3n, (, ay ()f M arch , 931 , n a su„ HllbJe,.t to redem ption as p ro v id e d , chains to the place of beginning County, State of Oregon; also in tow nsntp 19 soutn nngo oni pend|n(t there)n ln w hi,,h Andrew ( bv law . all o t the rig h t, title and except therefrom the One (1) acre of the legal title of the above de- Beginning a t the N o rtheast cor­ west. W lllnm ett«’ 7 r I « , «h H olton Is p la in tiff and P. Aug. Pet- Interest of the said defendants J. building site located in Lots Five scr bed property as the same ap­ ner of the L evi W . Z um w alt Dona­ thence east 208 , wo « ons 7 f " , •*rBon a," l W . C. Yoran are defend- E. M urphy, Rose C. M urph y and and Six (6) of said Section pears of record, and each of the tion Land Claim No. 62, N o tific a ­ 208.7 feet, thence ice west zus.i teet, f „. i which , i „ i , _ .ix lee and ■>e,i or-1 ,,r. LL-.,n,eo,„„ a W w illia i i i i n m m s a , and onri a o ll i l Ten e s e r v e d tn ants, snld execution W e lling to n A. 'Pen (10) <10) heretofore heretofore r reserved In other persons herein named are tion 4941, In Tow nship 17, South, (hence north 208.7 feet to place of d eed ilntpri M arch 12th ta n s an d I hereby fu rth e r notified that the der of sale was to me directed and persons claim ing by, through or Range f. W est of the W illa m e tte beginning, ln Igine County, Oregon, recorded ln Volum e 74, page 562 P ln ntlff W aldo S. H ardie w ill apply commanded me to sell the herein­ under them o r any o r e ith e r of M eridian, running thence South appraised In the sum of $1000.00 of the Deed Records of Lane Coun »" thR Circuit Court of the County a fte r deacrlbed premises to satisfy them , In and to the said premises. along Ihe east line of said claim A roadw ay from W . L. Parm enter p, , n , he gum o, ty, Oregon, containing net five and Sat,e aforesaid for a decree H. L, B O W N , Forty (40) chains to tho Southeast as described In volume 168 page , 50() „„ w „ h lntereRt thpreon gt 7% S h e riff of Lane County, Oregon hundred and forty-fo ur acres (544). foreclosing the lien against the ! corner of the North h alf ( H ) of 87 o f the deed records of Lane annum from August 27. 1920 Now. therefore. b \ virtue of said Prop« rty above described and men- M .12-19 26-A.2-9 said c laim ; thence W est p arallel to County Oregon, as fo llo w s : Road- 00 rea* onable a tto r. executlon. Judgment, decree and Honed In said certificate. And you (ho north line of snld claim Forty- w ay 16 feet wide beginning about npy.„ fppa an „ p0Rt!, and dlsbursp. order of sale and in compliance are hereby summoned to appear NO TIC E TO CREDITO RS , five (46) chains, thence N orth one h alf of a m ile south of the m ent a of suit taxed nt $20.75, I N otice Is hereby given th a t the w ith the commands of said w rit, 1 w ,tb b > sixty (60) days from the T w e n ty (20) chains, thence East northeast corner of m y (Parm en w ,„ on Monday tbp day of undersigned has been duly appoint- w ill on F ridav, the 3rd day of A p ril, date of the firq t publication of T h irty (30) chains, thence North » « lan(' *n "® «'on 30. township A prlli 1931 a( , bp bour o{ p o o le d a d m in is tra to r o f the estate of ' 1931, at 10 o'clock A. M at the i ,hb ' ’’.mmons, exclusive of the said (T w e n ty (20) chaina; thence East 1? ra ” f 8 o'clock P. M. at the Southwest door | Charles E Russell, deceased, and fro n t door of the County C o u r t! rlrs' ,l:,y. an(i defend this action tho place nn.l of M ,‘,’!<' la n ' n»Jd r ” Vn,n.*i ln n Konnra' of the County Court House In Eu- I b Fifteen e g in n in (15) g A chains lso l o t to Four any and all persons having claims House In Eugene, Oregon sell at or I a> tbe amount due as above n ginning. Also Lot Hour (4 ) and north w esterly direction to land K,,ne « .,„ „ ( ’„ „ „ t v O reg o n o ffer against the said estate are hereby public auction, subject to redemp- j shown, together w ith costs and ac­ (th e N ortheast q uarter of the N orth- now owned bv A M S n n n g lo r snld ?' now- owned by A. M. Spangler, aald for sa]e and RPi] for ra i,b a ( public required to present said claims, tion. to the highest bidder for cash erued interest, and in case of your I oust q uarter of Section Tw enty- roadw ay being approxim ately one auction, subject to redem ption as do so a decree w ill be duly verified as by la w required in hand i.ll the rig h t, title and failu re eight (28). Also beginning at the fourth m ile long on my premises, | ,,rov)(Je<, by ]aw , a „ thp rlghti tltlp to said a dm inistrator, at T h e Eu­ interest which the above named rendered foreclosing the lien of Northw est corner of L ot Throe (3) appraised a t $10.00. and Interest of the aforesaid de- gene I^oan and Savings Bank In defendants, or e ith e r of them , had "“ Id »ax's and costs against the of said Section T w en ty-eigh t (28) Soulhw est q uarter of section 32 j fondants and each of them and all the C ltv of Eugene ln Lane County, on the 14th day o f August, 1930,! land and premises above described, running thence South 14.96 chains, ,?,,!1 ownR. ' P 4?. "" ’V? ra n F® 1 west parties obtaining by through or Oregon, w ith in six months from the ihe date of the m ortgage foreclosed. T h e date of the firs t publication thence East 32.70 chains to the \\llliim o tte M eridian , In I.ane under them or any of them since date of this notice. or since that date had In or to of tb t" Summons Is M arch 12th, East line of snld Section Tw en ty- <,roK° n' appraised a t t bo g(b dny of A p ril. 1930 ln or Dnted and first published March the above described property or '931. eight (28 ), thence N o rth 14.96 $80.00. j bp follow ing described premises. 12. 1931. any p art thereof, to satisfy said AB process and papers In this chains, and thenco W ost 32.70 N ortheast q u a rte r of section 30 The W est h alf of L ot 12 and the Date of last publication A p ril 9, execution, Judgment, decree and | proceeding may be served upon the chains In the place of beginning, In township 19 south 1 west North 8- 2 3 feet of the W est half order of sale, interest, costs and undersigned residing w ith in the 1931. all In lam e County, Oregon W illa m e tte M erid ian , Lane County, of Lot I t all In Block 16, Gross accruing costs. State of Oregon, at the address T H E E U G E N E L O A N and Dated this 20lh day of February, Oregon, 130 acres, appraised a t Addition to Eugene, Lane County, Dated this 27th day of February, h ereafter mentioned. S A V IN G S B A N K 1931. $130.00. | Oregon, Registered T itle . , J A M E S K. K IN O , A d m in is tra to r of the estate of 1931. H , L. B O W N . f . N. M c A l i s t e r , H . L. B O W N , A tto rn e y for P la in tiff H. L. B O W N , Charles E. Russell, deceased. S h e riff of fgine County, Oregon. A d m in is tra to r estate o f Floyd S h e riff of Lane County. Oregon Residence and Poetofflce Ad- S h eriff. Fred E. Sm ith. A. L. H U L E O A A RD, Deputy. W ilson, deceased. By A. E. Hulegaard, Deputy dress. M in er Building, Eugene, By A. E. H ulgaard, Deputy. Attorney for administrator. F.26-M .6-12-19 26 F 2 8 M . 5-12-19-26 M.5-12-19-26A.2 M.5-12-19-26-A.2 1 ^ " e County, .Oregon. M.12-19-26-A.2-91 $ L l2 -lt2 6 -A .2 -$ Pacific Cooperative M akes Enviable Record in Few Years of | Its O rganization A sharp decline in the amount of wool im ported into this country in 1290 over that of the previous year Ik being pointed to by m a r­ ketin g experts a hopeful sign for the wool raisers of this country. Im ports of com bing and clothing wool for the past year amounted to 69,000.000 pounds as against 102,- 000.000 pounds In 1929, and 155,- 000.000 pounds which had been the average num ber o f pounds Im p o rt­ ed d uring each o f the five years 'i-fore th a t tim e. T he protective ta r iff on wool has had the effect of Increasing the use n this country o f domestic wool w ith the result that the stocks of fore'gn wls In this country are owep now than they have been for me tim e, according to members ,f ,lle N ational Wool M ark e tin g orporation O fficials of the P a c lfl* Coopera­ tive W ool Growers association also o ln t to the brightening future for thelj- members in Oregon, Call- o m ia , W ashington, Idaho and Nevada. T h is organization Is on» of the ic u n v e s t of the 26 m em ber coopera­ tives and last year It delivered one- n lr th of all the wool bundled by the national association. T h is o rg an lia tlo n has already made advances to sheep owners on th e ir 1932 wool crop. M other, we neard a quartet In church last night," said the little I o? “ Daddy l>k< d to b«ar them s>ng." “ D idn’t you?” asked mother, curi­ ously. “W e ll,’’ explained the tot, “I Ilk a quartets best when they're eight or nine singers.”