PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH E SPRINGFIELD N E W S l'ubllahed Every Thursday at Springfield, lame County, Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E MAXEY. Editor Entered an aecnnd churn matter, February 34. 1903. at the poetofftce, Springfield. Oregon. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N RATE One Hear In Advance $1.76 Three Months Six Months ......... ....... $1.00 Single Copy 75c 6c THURSDAY. MARCH 26. 1931 IJiJT'S pvt t h e hen on t h e map Lane county should In* one of the leading poultry pro­ ducing sections of lb«' west. Climatic conditions, feed and accessibility Io market h« re are exceptional. True, eggs have been pretty low this winter but there never was a time when in the long run a good hen could not make something for the experienced poultrymen. A well known poultryman who breeds trapnested and pedigreed stock, and sells his eggs and chickens at a premium, said to us the other day, "I have had to turn down $1500 worth of orders in the last 30 days because I was sold out for the time delivery was wanted." He also said he believed that he probably would lose several thou­ sand dollars more this year for the some reason. Farmers raising wheat and doing general farming around this poultryman are hard up yet here is a man who can not raise sufficient to supply the demand with a very large flock. We heard the head of a dairy department of O. S. C. say “there never was a time when a good cow wouldn't pay her way in this country." We would like to say the same thing for the good hen. More of our farmers should quit raising barnyard chickens and go into the poultry business in earnest. BANNER ROAD YEAR Oregon will receive $1.344.741 in forest road funds this year. A new record and a lot of this money will be spent in Lane county. With the large sums the county and state are spending in Lane county this should be one of the banner road years of the county's history. Work will progress on the McKenzie, Willamette. Coast and Roose­ velt highways besides numerous market, forest and other roads. Old man depression can not hold back the good roads movement in Oregon. We should all benefit by the money expended for these highways, especially when the larger part of it conies from without the countv. GOVERNOR DOES SPRING HOUSECLEANING Sant Kozer, budget director, is about to lose his posi­ tion according to reports from Salem. Governor Meier is house cleaning and it is said Sam must go. He has been connected with the state government a long time, and probably knows more about the operations of state gov­ ernment than any other man in it. His place will no doubt be bard to fill. It is also said that Clare Lee, of Eugene, insurance commissioner, must also go among others. The governor’s broom is reaching into all comers. Let's hope it does not drag any dirt in behind it. The woman, who was city treasurer of LaGrande, has been found $112,000 short in her accounts. The jury failed to agree whether she was short in money or on paper. No doubt they wish to give her time to find the money. But $112,000 and a disagreement should please any woman, especially if it is true that the money is hidden in some safety deposit box in Portland. ----------- e----------- "Oklahoma Man Free for Shooting his Wife,” reads head­ line. There is something for Will Rogers to brag about in his home state. This man escapes both the law and his wife—that’s real freedom. TAX CONTROL (Grants Pass Courier) The auditor’s report on money taken in by Josephine county during the year, and on money spent during the year, is practically completed. In it lies all the questions and all the answers talked of hi recent months by local people of any and all political affiliations. This auditor’s report is complete, exact and thorough. Aet if it were laid upon a table beside the budget for the same year, and the two documents studied by the county court, budget committee, taxpayers’ committee and any othei civic organization, there isn't one chance in a thou­ sand anyone could tell by how much the county’s yearly operations fulfilled or flouted the budget drawn to direct them. One document sets out what the county planned to do. The other reveals what it succeeded in doing. The irrefut­ able fact that the two cannot be compared, item by item or total by total, is the full and complete reason why it is a waste of an intelligent citizen’s time to quibble over a county budget hoping thereby to limit or control a county’s financial operations and therefore its taxes. SECOND DOLLAR DAY TICKET SALE TO START T O W N A N D VICINITY Visitor from Msroola—Ora Dunn Vids Resident Here \V. W. Jones of M.ircola was a business visitor of Vida was a visitor in the city In this city Friday. Tuesday. Resident from Jasper—T. II. Comes from Fall Creek W. H. Goyeau of Jasper was a visitor in Larimer of Fall Creek was a bual Springfield «on Tuesday. "ess visitor in the city Tuesday ♦ Oakridge Man Hsrs Ed Clark of Visit Relatives Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oakridge transacted business in Soule and son. Harley Craft, went Springfield Monday. to Corvallis Sunday to spend the Visits from Jasper- E. Bauer of day with relatives. Second dollar day railroad ticket sale will he launched by the South cm Pacific company April 3 and 4. it was announced here today bi Carl Dlson. agent. The same low round (rip fares as those which attracted national at­ tention when first placet) in effect February 20 and 27 will prevail. They arc approximately one cent a mile for a round-trip ticket, ot­ throe-filths of the one-way fare, New features of the present sale s S omebody built it . Somebody who knew how. Some­ body you could rely upon. Some­ body of proved capacity— a record o f achievem ent— a good name. Standard Oil Company of California brings to the manufacture of it, new­ est product, “ Standard” Gasoline, all o f its J3 yegrs of refining experience, organization and service. The result is the finest motor fuel we have ever produced without Ethyl — a premium gasoline at no increase in price. .. t SA* ” t a s s a r ' e r r t t f ft i re ~ ■ » s r » 5 i : • s» Í KS ' ? ■ » i r - / e y 1 Ml ffs 'Moling Kidney Acids Break Sleep She Loves Me— She Loves Me Not. io n i «' Wilalit, Mi» W F Walker alni Mrs il w Whitney A gain! The club will meet tutuin on Frl The names of Mr* Allene Ilaaford day. April 3. wth Mr« W !•' and MI mm Dorothy Girard were un Walker intentionally omitted from the liai — ■ of rv electvtl teachera which waa _ putdihlh'd in the N cwh lawt Thum day Both of tbeae teacher* wore ie as da. - . 4.75 Klamath Fulls 4.85 Sun Francisco $13.50 Oakridge - > l.(.l) Southern Pacific RADIANT GAS HEATERS Northwest Cities Gas Company CARL OLSON, Ajyetit F R E E A IR PL A N E RIDE SEE VOUR C IT Y FRO M THE A IR 30 TlcketH Good for One IUd<* Patronize (lit* Merehuntti listed below with each Hnilur Purchase they will give you one Ticket SA V E — YOUR — T IC K E T S W. C. REBHAN. M. D. IRISH-MURPHY CO. Surgery • Gynecology a Specialty First National Bank Building SI'ItINGFIKI.D Formerly Gray'» Cash and Carry 439 Main HI Springfield SPRINGFIELD "CASEYS” SERVICE STATION K IR K L A N D F L O R A L C O . Flowers for All Occasions” 7H) at Main SFRINOFIELD Phone Springfield 96W Eugene Springfield Bridge MOON'S GOOD EATS IN D E P E N D E N T M EAT COMPANY The Home of Meats Picnic l.unrhes. Steaks a Specialty 449 Main St. 4th nt Main Phone S3 SPRINGFIELD Phone 22 S P R I N G F I E L D S C H O O L o f F L Y IN G S T U D E N T IN S T R U C T IO N A IR T A X I S E R V IC E — P A S S E N G E R F L IG H T S M U N IC IP A L A IR P O R T », licious Candy this Easter. To Vacation Here—Miss Audrey George: "Do you believe in clubs McPherson is expected to arrive for women?” trom Klamath Falls next Wednes Earl:: “Yes, If kindness fails." day to spend the Easter vacation with her parents In this city. Miss 2 MEALS DAY. PLENTY McPherson is teaching school in WATER, HELP STOMACH the Klamath Falls system. "Since I drink plenty water, eat 2 good m eals a day and take Adlerika Portland People Visit—Mrs. Leo now and then, I've had no troub e Prlnzing of Portland and her daugh­ with my stom ach.”—C. DeForest. Unlike other medicine, Adlerika ter, Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. Manley Caplin, formerly of W eiser ¡“f 18 ° n BOTH upper and lower bow ., . ’ el, removing poisonous waste which a o. were guests at the home J caused gas and other stomach trou- of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kenyon on ’ ble. Just ONE spoonful relieves gas, Sunday. The Caplin and Kenyon 18OUr stomach and sick headache fam ilies were acquainted when they P"1 A,dlerlk„a y o u r “tomach and hofh M V •’ bowels a REAL meaning and see ■?"' In "'1 ldahl’ ¡how good you feel! Fianery'« Drug Our Easter Candy is not only appropriate but wholesbme and fine flavored. F G G I M A N N ’S "Where the Service I, Different A ll t h e F lo w e r s F rom A t o Z For Vjur Home Garden ROM oaten IO zinnias a wide range of delightful annual (lower* • tall, dwarf, fragrant • all o f them colorful. Some bloom early, other* late, tnarty bloom all summer. Select your packets from Northrup, King Ol Co.’» teed box at a nearby dealer’s. No better seed* at any price. F IN V E S T # |N AN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. TU L IP TIM E IS SH O E TIME Never have we been able to show so much style plus qual­ ity in children’s and ladies’ footwear. We purchased this spring line at a time last fall when depression was most severe. Now we offer unusu­ ally low prices for such fine footwear. Eor the little miss and the little man and the ladies we have lots of styles of shoes, slippers and pumps —every pair built to with­ stand the most severe wear. A drift I Nsrtl'"‘V LADIES’ SHOES $248 $ß98 WHILE YOU 'W CHILDREN'S SHOES i’ l ’V l ON EASY TERWS ...... 'll! ïtlost o f the standard size fto w er f rickets 89 Fulops D ep artm en t Store 334 Main Street bT S T A N D A R D S T A T IO N S , I N C , A N D R E D W H IT E A N D BLUE DEALERS RE E L E C T E D L A ST W EEK *’ °f "" SPRINGFIELD HOTEL ",,U Sa,urd“ ' **"' “»'«'nslon of HALLWAY IS REPAIRED th,‘ r",unl lln" ‘ to Th“''»d«y “i*,U The wails and the ceiling of Hie Examples of special fares offered hallway al the Springfield hotel for lh«» sale are contained in the were repupered ihls week. The company advertisement in this lobby of the hotel waa retlnlalied registered at the Springfield over paper. Tonsils Removed—The daughter some time ago, and Individual the week-end were ihiul and Cal --------------------—. . of Mr and Mrs. W. II. Paris had rooms have been gone over re her tonsils removed at the office Ilawkinheny of Portland, and Wal M IS S IO N W O R K E R T O BE eently. ter I’eteradorf of Wendltng. . _ „ ____ ____ of a local physician Saturday. AT BAPTIST CHURCH Leaves on Trip M M. Peerv WOODCRAFT GROUP HAS Dinner Quest M. R. Irish of Eu left Monday morning on his regular " 1 '• Whitaker, returned mis gene was a dinner guest here Sun­ DINNER ON WEDNESDAY trip in to southern Oregon where 8'ou“r-v ,rom 1’urina. will conduct day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. he travels for a wholesale drug “ missionary service at the Baptist .Members of Ihe Springfield circle I I). B. Murphy. company. church Sunday evening at 7:30 ac­ Neighbors of Woodcraft held u pot­ cording to Rev. R. Mulholland. Commissioner H e r e — Clinton Guests S un day Mr. and Mrs. W. pastor. The missionary will give luck dinner at the I. O. O. F. hall | Hurd, county comm issioner for Wednesday evening at 6:30 pro Lane county was a business visitor Baker of Eugene and their house an illustrated lecture of the work ceding the regular sen$i monthly guest. Mis: Phoebe Biand of Min- being done among the Burmese in Springfield on Tuesday. business and lodge meting uesota. were Sunday guests at the people« Mrs. Hugh t'arr was chairuiau Leaburg People Here— Mr and home of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Snod- Ì Sunday morning Rev. Mulholland Mrs. Marion Ellston of Leaburg Krass- j will preach on ''Guardians of God. of the dinner committee. were visitors in Springfield on V at Portland-M r. and Mrs ' A Ml!",lou ,,,l,d> h«‘d Tuesday. Riley Snodgrass and Miss I'hoebe tll,‘ , hurc,‘ 7:00 Sunday night KENSINGTON MEMBERS ENTERTAINED FRIDAY Resort People Here— Mr. and Bland went to Portland Tuesday for a few days. While there they S A L A D P R E P A R A T IO N Mrs. A. J. Kuhn of McKenzie Re­ Members of the Kensington club sort were visitors in Springfield 'vili be guests at the home of Mr B O O K L E T A V A IL A B L E wi'pe t uterlained at Hie houie of , Tuesday forenoon. Snodgrass' sister and hrother-ln- ------------ Mrs. A. J Morgan in Eugene Frl law. Mr. and Mrs. Cortland Hoi- Numerous hints for preparing day afternoon of last week. A ape Bulb Farmer Here— H. Conoiy of Iiday. salads as well as a list of 191 salad cial musical program was provided the McKenzie Blossom Farm was a combinations of vegetables, fruits, liy Mrs Donald Young, v solo business visitor in Springfield on Moves to Monmouth—Mrs. I.eota meats and other foods are con 1st. Mrs. Louis Waldorf, violinist, Tuesday. Rodenbough and family will move tain* d in a mimeographed pamph- and Mrs. W. II. Small, accoiu to Monmouth today. Mrs. Roden- |e, n uni bey HE192. recently pre lan lst. D in n e r Guests— Mrs. Edna Yar­ hough will study music and com­ pared by Miss Lucy Case, nutrition nell and daughter. Edna June, was plete a teacher's course. She has Mrs Waldorf won flpst prize In spec.. list of the home economics a dinner guest at the home of Dr. rented her home in this city to a guessing contest. Delicious re­ division of the Oregon State col­ and Mrs. R. P. Mortenson Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. O. F. Thatcher and lege t xtension service. This handy freshments were served lute in the afternoon by the hostess. To Montana— Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ family. pani| hlet is now available upon liam Handcock will leave Friday Guests at the meeting were Mrs request at the college. for Montana where they will spend HORSE NUMBERS SHRINK Young. Mrs Waldorf. Mrs Small, the next few months. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson. Regular DURING PAST TEN YEARS DINNER-BRIDGE CLUB members of the club present were Visits Parents— Miss Lucille Hoi Mrs. W. K. Buell. Mrs. L. E. Bas- The horse population MlZETS 0N WEDNESDAY man. teacher at the high school, ford, Mrs. Clarence Chase. Mrs. C of Oregon on January 1, 1931. was spent the past week-end visiting Mtuibers of the dinner bridge E. Kenyon, Mrs. Lawrence May. 174.000 head according to a report with her parents af Albany. club were entertained by Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Moope. Mrs. Ia«vl II. just issued bv the Oregon State Mis. Harold Peery at their home Neel. Miss Edna Swarts, Mrs. W Returns from Ashland— Riley college extension service. Ten years in Eugene Wmlnesday evening. A Snodgrass has returned from Ash­ ago the state boasted 2S6.000 head. «: .0 dinner was served and was land where he has been working If the production of colts is con­ (oil si by cards and music. with the brake testing train. tinued at the present rate the number of horses and mules in auto owners a n saving hard earned Major Operation — Mrs. James 1940 will probably- be reduce«! to dollars by insuring with die i Christenson of Siltcoos underwent aj-ound 10 million. There were a major operation at the Eugene 25 million horses and mules in 1925. FARMERS EXCHANGE hospital Saturday. A local doctor There is not a bright market Reliable, ¡lam l was her attending physician. e ttin g V p N ig h ts, B ackache, outlook for the hose and mule ac­ f r e If e ) G . it d a y calls. Ls i Pain*, N.-rv- ard protection ai T h e n ric .-t o u ii.. i. o r B u rn in g , due to fu n c tio n - Tonsils Removed—Betty, daugh­ cording to the report prices a , tla a < le r ir r it a tio n , In acid co nd i­ very lou/ tale. io - m akes you fe el tire d , depressed ter of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Jarret, in the western states remain low t and d: .coursgrd, try the Cystex Test, Wanted Man cr Iaidy to represent and there is only a slight tendency w orm fsst, starts circulating thru us In Springfield, and vicinity. underwent a tonsil operation at th» sy-tem In 16 minutes. Praised by F A R M E R S A U T O M O B IL E the office of a local physician on for prices to advance in the east. thousands for rapid and positive ae- tlon. Don't give up. Try Cystex (pro- INTER-INSURANCE EXCHANGE Saturday. pounced Slss-tex> today, under the «32 East Broadway Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly L O D G E E N T E R T A I N S FO R Eugene, Oregon allay these conditions. Improve rest­ To Visit Parents—Delbert Mit­ ful sleep and eusrgy, or looney back. C O B U R G _______ G R O U P M O N D A Y Only I'SED RANGES and Washing 60c at chell left Monday for Ashland Machines for sale at Mt. States „ . . . u KETELS DRUG STORE where he will spend some time Fourteen members of the Cohurg 5eh & Ma|n Springfield. Ore Power Co. It visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H> b. k ali lo d g e w e re g u e s ts of ■ H. T. Mitchell. Juanita Rebekah lodge of Spring* Viaitor Friday—Mrs. Julia Hallln j 'i*“* “ T * * 7 th‘,' of Bridal Veil was a viaitor at the ra° n' hly 804:131 meetlnK home of her sister. Mrs. Emma Ol- " 1 ° ge‘ son, here for a short while Friday Regular lodge work was conduct- afternoon. Mrs. Hallin came to I e