THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD. LANK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 2«. 1931 TWKNTY-KIUIITII YRAR CHANGES IN CITY Canal > 'Id Aid [_ Land drainage Dr. Hodge Suggests New Ap* proach to Canalization Irish Murphy Co. Takes Over Croup at Salem Friday Cray’s Feed and Seed Store from A. R. Gray Mniili«*™ of tho WIlIuiuvtlH Vul New Prelate ^5, ] Headquarter Of Oiling Crew Here No. 11 PLANTING Frosh Skit M ns Late Blast Fatal NEW GLASS IDEA TOLD CIVIC GROUP Laughteresque to Henry Carlson MAY HAVE TRIAL Unusual Mermaid Setting and Dynamite Charge Explodes * Non-Skid Surfacing of Pacific School Board Considers E r Usable Native Shrubs and Smooth Continuity Capti­ When He Investigates Highway to Start in May; taMiahment of Opporunity Proper Care Requirements vates Large Audience Reason for Delay Machinery Brought Hars Explained by Woodruff Class in Springfield • "barnacle Bill, The Bailor." clev-1 Henry Carlson, 53, employee of Work of applying the non-skid »urfudng to the Pacific highway |_ATE LAWNS ARE BEST er o ,l*rlng of the freshman class the Ackerson Construction com­ WOULD AID STUDENTS at the Hprlngfleld high school, won pany, was Instantly killed Monday from Eugene Mouth will be sta rte d first prise In tbe annual Laughter- afternoon about six miles east of In two months If the weather per m it» a c c o rd in g to officials of the Mrs. Honeyman Asks Cooper- ,.»qUe program at the high school Leaburg when he went to invest! Plan Would Require Another auditorium Friday evening. Hopb- gate tbe non-explosion of a charge Teacher and Special Room ation of Club in County F. J. Kernan Construction cpnipany omores, presenting "Tbe Vagabond of dynamite which had been s e t j of Itecdsport who arrive bore thl» Cleanup Campaign for Proposed Group Theatre at Reedsport r7”" ” '•«...... Traveler”, were awarded second Carlson and a few other workmen week with a quantity of road ma- until O(-toh<*r wh*n It In proponed Much valuable Information con place In the Interclass contest. had been clearing brush and other ' i hlnery to be used In this work. Starting of an oportunlty class Five Important business ebaages «'»»»pile a n«w set of (tours» * SÍ The Kernan company has a con- < srnlng the selection and plant- Freshmen class members offered debris from the right of way for In the school system of this city to have been snatw acsd In Hprtng <»» “r,u “ 1 '«»"•*«•' •>«•* available, [tract with the state highway com- Ing of native and Imported orns „ carefully worked out under water I **»•' new route of the McKenzie now being considered by the school (laid till» week. principal ow which »»'•' P«»»l>>le saving which may I)«- mission to surface 52 miles of the mental »hrubs In this vicinity was g<.enP devolped by means of large highway lust prior to the fatal board according to Dr. W. 11 Pol­ 1» ll... purchu.» ..( Gray » H e d and a«1“"'1 b> n»« of water tran.porta , Pacific highway from tbe east city ' given at the Community hall Tues aheeta of celepbane paper In dlf- explosion Tbe men had planted lard. chairmrji. The proposal has (rum A. It Gray of »««». “ »• Prospective future I limits of Eugene id Gie town of i day evening by Hoy Woodruff. ; ferent coiors. Various types of foor «'barges of dynamite aad set been discussed at previous meet­ K u g en e by Irish Murphy company which m ay be developed W ilb u r n e a r K o»ehu rg . Lone county horticulturist. In an mprmaidg frolicked about among lhen> ort- Three of tbe charges ings and will probably be given Other changes are th e .a l e by « * “ '-r transportation rate, can Headquarter» and supply depot ««dress before tbe members of tbe , he planta and toi by reason of straightening the rushed to aid In relief of un editor of the "Tlmberman" were and June. Edmond Robertson, 76, retired j yttations are being given to the the present staff members, If one Pollard und Pohl will continue course of the river and deepening employment, as well as to open up present for the meeting. „ » m ««*« Native ,» ,,,,- evergreen » . „ should be m -= farmer, passed away at his home men of Springfield to attend this Is assigned to this work. in operate their plumbing and elec the channel This would assist In na, |OI,„| f„r„st areas to use and to Reports from the West Coast transpla'nted ’ in’ the" spring"* before on south Second street In Spring- eTent which will be for men only, trhal business In the same building drainage Ot lands adjacent to the ia (t||lat„ protection of forest and LuiIlber company state that recent lh..y lh e| r new leaf growths, field Saturday noon. He leaves his A good dinner a a good program MRS. BOWERS’ BROTHER and In Ihe same manner that they river which are not prodncGtm at waterabw, uga|IIHt f| re, according nhipments have exceeded the pro Thla ¡M usually done In March or wife, Emily Robertson; one son, jg aaadred by the committee. have been handled In Ihe past with the present lime because of being , n„g |„ Iia| Forester C J Buck, at du,.IUm> thus Indicating that Gie A|ir1l. They should be pruned the O. E. Robertson, Walnut City, Cali PASSES IN PORTLAND __________________ full uqulpmeut to handle all kinds wet. Portland. I surplus ts being gradually used. Is.tnw time of the year aad should fornla; and two daughters. Mrs. W FAREWELL PARTY HELD J. J. Montgomery, brother of Mrs. of work in (heir lines. The next meeting of the group Uregon ranks secoud of all states H. James. Springfield, and Mrs. T. ba pruned to the desired shape. Mary Bowers of Springfield, died Rodtnbough Moves FOR MRS. RODENBOUGH will be held In Ihe grand ballroom , t>ui anll>uut received Call- SCOUT GIRLS ENTERTAIN A «ood rule to follow in nrunln« E. Griffith. New Pine Creek. Ore- Wllllmu HiNlenbough and William of the Multnomah hotel In Portland fornitt holn* thn onlv »tale to re- * P .. at the Good Samaritan hospital In gon. , iornltt l»in < t h e on ly mai«* io re M O T H E R S L A S T WEEK tree« ana shrubs Is to trim all Mrs. R. P. Mortenson entertained Portland Wednesday at the age Rickert opened a radio store In at noon on April 17. A delegation l , e . greater allotment of fu n d ... M O T H fc K a L A O I W t t A Funeral services wereh eld at the r I with a farewell party at her home of 58 years. the building next to the city hall of 300 people interested in this The funds are used In the slate» Members of the Hp^ngfleld Girl earlier alter they have bloomed, Walker-Poole chapel here Monday hare last night for MVs. Ledta Friday. They have been keeping work Is expected at the meeting He was born April 4, 1872 near having national forest lands within Scou, tropp entertained for their Other plants should be trimmed morning at 10:00. Rev. Ralph R. Rodenbough who Is leaving today their radios and suplles In the I). ---- ----— " ■ ■" Irving and was a resident of that Mulholland, pastor of the Baptist their boundaries, and to apportioned lnothers and friend» at their meet-* before June. to make her home at Monmouth. W. Hoof Jewelry store which was --------------------------- comunity at the time of his death. \ on a basis of acreage and value Ing last week instead of holding Lawns are best planted In warm church, officiated and Interment Those present for the evening He leaves his widow, Mrs. Margaret recently sold to Ed. Prlvat. CHURCHES TO SPONSOR 1 of these forest». was made In Laurel Grove ceme­ their regular session. weather instead of in cold weather of entertainment and refreshments Montgomery; and three sisters, EARLY SUNRISE SERVICE The con»trurtlon and mainten­ Those taking part In the program as to often supposed, he declared, tery. were the members of the Joy Bells, Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. Laura Martin FOUR-YEAROLD BOY ant'» of the forest highways Is were Margaret Nelson and Mar- The grounc works better and the Sunday school class at the Meth­ and Mrs. Ella Heron, both ot Three Hprlngfleld churches will ,lanrtll.tI by , h„ bur,.al, pub| lc gareF Jarrett with piano solos, a Serked out yet, hut will be Group Will Hold Business and planned for the group. The mothers *««htly th in ,a such as ash pHes. sister. Mrs. A. W. W aller at Mon­ Thomas Patrick, Mrs. Ernest Berg, principal. The high school to tak­ Mrs. O. F. Thatcher. Mrs. Charles Sooial Meeting at Lincoln day. According 10 eye w itnesses, announced next week. of the girls will furnish the pro- *,d«. dekt^ldaled signs, mouth. ing this day off now so that the Jordan. Mrs. W illis Bertsch. Mrs. School Friday Afternoon the ITyor boy ran out onto Gie gram, and refreshments at whl\ h 8hou,d ° C end of the term In June will fall Edna Yarnell. Mrs. R. P. Morten­ highway, dashing from behind a WORLD PEACE WORKER «he April meeting Mrs. Cal Barnes | '-'«‘•"'‘d “P ”f 7 ’"OTeduA „COT,m ‘ „ , , “ QUARTER YEAR LICENSE son. Miss Alice Thatcher, Miss on a Friday, the tim e of commence­ Mrs. Jessie Honeyman, vlce-presl- and Mrs. E. E. Mav will be In parkiq, car In the path of the consisting of Mrs. M. M. Male, ment. Grade school pupils will CO ON SALE SATURDAY Dorothy Girard, Miss Collene Cor- have school this day as usual, but SPEAKS TO LIONS CLUB q,,nt of the sla te garden clubs and Mrs. J. Fulop, and Mrs. E. Thornp Carpenter automobile making It charge of this meeting. , nell. active In the Lane coufity cleanup son was eppolnted to meet with Imposible for the driver to avoid »will be through school one day David Norcross, national repre campalRn, w,„ al|dreltH „.embers of Motorists may purchase license Members of the Sunday school earlier In the spring. other ccn-m iltees which may be hitting him. FOREST MEN TO BUILD plates for the third quarter of the clagg preSented Mrs. Rodenbough appointed tc take up this work The hoy leaves his parents and sonlatlve of the War Prevention |he aprtnK, t(,,d p,.T A. Friday aft- League of America, was the prlncl-, prn()on #t , he U ncoln gchool on registeratlon year Saturday by w)th a beautlful Easter lily. The SOUTH FORK BRIDGE ttvn brnthpra, John and Gordon. Garden Meeting Next TWO TOWN CLUB WILL purpose, and progress of Funeral service» were held Mon­ pal speaker at the Friday neon ,,|t> The club "zlll hold a "Bettor making application at the county ladie8 presented her with a hand lunchaon meeting of the Sprl.tofleld i (hp <.,(,anup canipa,Kn A brldth Konkel and Mrs. Fltx- be used In taking pack horse» Walkar-Poole chapel In Eugene, Lions club second Tuesday In April. Mrs. A. instructed by the secretary of state friends wbo had other engagements Members of the Two Town club lnlerfnent waa made In Rest Haven national field organlxer for Lions g^rald, Lane health nurses, will across the South Fork of the Mc- 1J. YnnValuah will have charge of to take applications Saturday and gen, the|r cardg and handkerchiefs will meet at the home of Mr. and Internntlonnl. was ulso present and talks on the work they are Kenxle river at the Junction of the Issue temporary plates to be used durlng tbe evening. cemetery. thD meeting. Mrs. H, F. Brogdon in Eugene made a short address. doing among school children. ’ South Fork road and the trail lead until the regular plates are received 5 __________________ Friday evening tor a covered dtoh from Salem. Students at the Lincoln school ing U> Hidden lake will be con- PHILLIPS AGAIN HEADS FUNERAL RITES HELD HIGH SCHOOL OPERETTA OAKRIDGE LEGION POST dinner and entertainment starting The last receipt of registration will provide a short program to structed this spring It was an- LOCAL FOUR-L GROUP at 6:30. TO BE GIVEN APRIL 10 TUESDAY FOR MRS. COLE is required to be shown when max­ INSTALLED SATURDAY ‘he talks by the visitors. ! nounced this week by Smith Tay Springfield members of the club ing application for a new set of lor. Cascade forest ranger who was Finishing touches are now being Funeral services for Mrs. Ella plates In order to expedite their | J. S. Phillips was re-elected chair­ who will attend are Mr. and Mrs. at the site of the new bridge with Major and Mrs. M. B. Huntley SUNDAY SCHOOL CLAS6 man of the Four-L organization of M. J. McKlln, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. given to "Sailor Maids," musical C. O. Olson, forest road superin­ H its Cole, who died at the home delivery. am flN ell Glllons were at Oakridge Springfield at thetr monthly meet­ Basford, and Mr. and Mrs W N. operetta which will be presented HAS PARTY TUESDAY tendent, Monday. of her sister, Mrs. 8. S. Potter, Saturday for the Installation of the ing held Monday. D. C. Ogilvie Donaldson. at the high school auditorium on last week, were held from the The bridge will connect the high­ WET WEATHER KEEPS recenlly organized Cascade post of Boyg Mrg A {J v#n yaltah's was elected vice-chairman, and W. April 10, by th e combined glee Walker-Poole chapel In this city the American Legion. The new Sun(lav g{.hoo, c ,agg ()f , ht> Mp, h. way with the Fall Creek trail from BALL PRACTICE INSIDE P. Tyson was elected third member clubs -of the »«bool under the di­ Tuesday afternoon. Rev. J. T. BAPTIST LADIES AID which hikers branch off after the of the conference committee. rection of Ernest McKinney, music group which has members at both I ()(„ gt ,,hur(.h, ent„r, alned the girls Moore, an old friend of the de­ The continual showers of the Oakridge and W estfir was spon evenlng at the first three miles to go to Hidden MEETS ON WEDNESDAY Instructor. Charles Myers and Moot)? Neet ceased, officiated at the services pant two weeks have prevented sored by the Cottage Grove post. home ()f Mr M d Mrg , A Nehpr lake. The final cast has been selected and Interment was made In Laurel high school baseball players from were elected trustees. John King Members of the Ladles Aid ot Many prominent Legion w orkers, pngt <)f SprlnKflpld Thp evening from the two previously announced Grove cemetery. getting many hours of outdoor waB reflected secretary-treasurer, the Baptist church held their de­ were present for the affair at wag gpen, wltb gampg nj,d music. LEGION POST PRESENTS and a mixed chorus uf 35 voices A slater, Mrs. Jean Randlett, of practice this spring. They came out Plans for a short play were dis votional meting Wednesday after­ Refreshments were enjoyed at a AUXILIARY W ITH FLAG has been built up with tho boys Oakridge. Fargo, North Dakota, was unable two days this week but have been ' cussed and Elvln May was author- noon. The totter part of the after­ , late hour. Howard Hughes had and girls gleo clubs ns the nucleus. forced to move Inside again where lied to take charge of the work. noon was spent with their regular Members of Hprlngfleld Ameri­ to attend the funeral. "Sailor Maids" had previously MRS. McKLIN ENTERTAINS (hargP of the arrangements. they practice throwing and catch -! --------------------------- sewing work. can Legion post number 40 voted been scheduled for presentation FOR W.C.T.U. T H IS WEEK ----------------------- ing. MISSION GROUP PLANS MRS. ALDRICH HOSTESS at their m eeting last Thursday 'April 3. but was postponed one ---------- FIRE TRUCK CALLED A new batting box has been con- evening to present a regulation TO MOTHER STUDY CLUB PUBLIC SUPPER FRIDAY Mrs. M. J. McKlln entertained at week when the IAughleroaque pro­ structed on the northwest corner TO WEST SPRINGFIELD American flog to their auxiliary her home at 606 D street Wednes- gram was sal one week later. Thp Womeo>a Foreign Missionary group. Hid George of Eugene, past Mrs. C hesterA ldrlc^ entertained of the field, and wire screens have day afternoon for the members of Hugh Jollff, fire chief, answered state comander, was present and been made to place over the win goclety of the Methodlst church Ihe members of the Mother's study the Hprlngfleld W. C. T. U. Each ) a call from Wost Springfield Tues- APRIL 15 FINAL DAY TO cafeterla supper In the club at their regular semi-monthly dows at the school to prevent them member of the group present at ()ay aflernoon a ,Mlut 4:00 „.clocU made a short talk. SIGN FRUIT CONTRACTS the m eeting entertained with Members of the Legion and Aux­ meeting at her home here Tuesday from being broken by heavy hitters, i cburcb di„ing room Friday evening In the hardest shower of the after­ _ iliary enjoyed a potluck dinner at afternoon from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock. 1 of this week, Mrs. W. F. Walker reading. noon to put out a fire In the dw ell­ All fruit contracts with the Eu­ and Mrs. W. H. Pollard have charge the community hall before their Many of the women who have at SPRINGFIELD MAN GETS ing buck of the W estside Grocery. gene Fruit Orovrers aadbclatlon business meetings. tended the m eetings before were 25-YEAR LODGE EMBLEM of arrangements. Proceeds w ill be The building belongs to Hessle must he signed and In tho office STREETS GET BLADING used for the work of the organiza­ present. of the company by April IB, no DURING WET WEATHER llryan. Only minor damages were PRISCILLA MEMBERS TO Zack Collins of Springfield was tion. The next m eeting will be the done by the blaze which started cording to J. O. Holt, manager. presented with a 25-year veterans' MEET AT DIBÖLEE HOME first of an extra series of meetings Robert I’lrrte, city street com­ from a defective chimney. The cannery will be able to handle To Visit In Portland— Mrs. Wm • | N E V C R F IG a fc R B D CWT nn-d radio broadcasts to be put on Jewel a the Eugene I. O. O. F. all rnllt brought hi this year, hut missioner, I h taking udvnntoge of lodge Tuesday evening on the oc- Stacey 1s leaving today for Port W H IC H S P E N D S M O N E Y over station KOAC at Corvallis Mrs. II. (). Dlbblee will entertain will lake only vegetables grown the softened surface of Ihe mac-| Son Born—Mr. and Mrs. John casion of tho Initiation of a class j land where she will spend some FASTEST, THE FELLO W The members w ill m eet at the at her home Friday afternoon for under contract. These contracts ailamlxed streets this week and Is Ougnl of Oakridge are the parents of 20 candidates. Dr. L. L. Baker, time visiting friends and relatives, T H A T ^ w o n a P R i - i t »w home of Mrs. Prat Holverson April Ihe members of the Priscilla club. nra now being signed. A reduction binding them down with the city of a baby sou boro to them at A L O T T C R Y OR A W ltX J W ^ 7, and there will be a discussion grand master of the I. O. O. F. for Mr. Stacev ha» be n working on Sewing, entertainment and refresh- the Pacific Christian hospital In will he made In vegetable acreage grader. Many of tho streets have W IT H T H E U F E to*« of the topic, "Does Your Child Play Oregon, was presented with a gold highway signal work near that city this season as the markets are be­ developed churk holes and he Is Kugene on Saturday, March 21, ! ments will form the diversion for M O ro « v * (or some time. watch the same evening. U31, ' the member» during the afternoon. Enough.” now filling them. low normal acordlng to Holt. loy Waterway« u iih im - lut lo ti d e i h l e d BELL THEATRE CLOSED ut tliolr mootlni; at Hub-m luHt P i I ilu> t o 4 |f |n y lb« roquoMt for u Cooley Sells Interest to Pohl; public hearing <> ii th« proposed Will Now Operate Sound canalisation of lb» W lltomntts river L