The yarn today ja about an adventure I won’t soon forget. At th ’ tim e it hap­ pened I wa« one of th ’ crew of th ’ »hip, Flyin' Cloud, hound from C alcutta to Bo»ton. In a cage on deck wa» a »avnge tiger bein’ »hipped to tli’ zoo in Boston. One niornin’ a» th’ «kip­ per wa» walkin’ th ' quarter- deck he »aw a «hark swim- min’ alongside. O rderin’ ono of th ’ men to bring th* shark-hook and a piece of «alt pork, he alao had a tackle rigged to hoist Mr. Shark aboard if he was caught. Well s’r, th ’ shark wa« hooked and hauled up above th ’ deck in short order. Th* tiger m ust have smelled th ’ shark for he let out a roar th a t scared th ’ men holdin* th ’ rope fastened to th ’ shark. Down came th a t big Ash on top of th* tiger’s cage. There wa« a crash and th ’ next m inute th ’ tiger leaped out on deck. In Ju«t about three seconds • all hands were in th ’ riggm ’. Before th* tiger could get hi» bearin’» th ’ » h a r k whacked him with hi» tail alongMide Hi’ heud. Then around th ’ deck th ’ two of em flopped and scratched, th ’ tiger yowlin’ like a big tom-cat and th ’ shark clash- in’ his teeth. Quicker’» a wink th ' »hark grabbed th* tiger'» paw. Wow, w hat a scratchin’ and yowlin' there Was then. When we »aw th a t th ’ tiger couldn't get away we hopped to th ’ deck and had him tied up In no time, and then wo killed th ’ shark. A fter we’d bandaged th' ti­ ger’» paw we fixed up hl« cage and locked him up aguin. L ite r, when he was in th ’ zoo, people came to see th ’ tiger that had fought with a shark. / " '/ j 'V ' DKtHS T H ' rS R fK R X ' H O O K ANO A, C H U N K O ' P O ttK ', ZSSSS /• LAW SAKE'S! . ain ’ t m xufefe i JU5V6fcAN&?( fO U fc M T A SHARK ► OM T H E DECK O F A S H IP 2 in T he G ood kJ I * O r» DJSfS ONE R 0 9 U Li I CM SunprctSED AT B iuu H oofus - KNHY ? V OFFERED T o BUY HtM A DRiNW. AMD HE REFUSED MY