PAG® THURHDAY. MARCH 11). I »31 THE 3PK1NOF1KLP NEWS " six ERGATHA CLASS MEETS EOION GROUPS PLAN meeting for tonight WITH MRS. L. E. BASFORD gprin«n*ld po«t number «0 of the American l-e«1on together with the Auxiliary group will meet at the Community hall for a pot luck aupper tonight at t:M P ™ All members and their famlllea are Invited to attend. Regular husl- neaa will be transacted following the meeting. HOHDA BOLL FOR FOURTH SIX WEEKS Members of the Krgatha Sunday school class of the Methodist church were entertained at their I'ontinued from Page t * regular monthly business and so­ cial meeting at the home of Mrs Macklin. Klisabcth Johnson. Elmer L. R Basford Wednaaday after- UrwB S le,)hen Rlce. noon Delicious refreshments were Ru|h Oarym Oeneva served late In the afternoon by the Wycoff. Gordon Gillett. hostess L IN C O L N SCH O O L First Grade Rebhan. Scholarship — Roberta Sem i-A nnual Report —OF— H. L. Bown as Sheriff L A N E C O U N T Y , OREGON Elaine Schaffenberg. Gloria Green. Nova Jean Heiser, Leola Bertsch. Jean Thompson. Robert Jack. Har­ old Nealon. Attendance Roll Harold Nealon John Ogilvie. Robert Smith. Jimmie Smuh. Kern Shiwell. Wayne Sea _ . .. ____ mans. R o g e r Stewart. Duane Thomas. Gerald Uchytll, Leota Gloria B*rt8ch- Col,**>n I'anlel*. Green. Jule Heiser. Nova Jean Heiser. Margaret Kixer. Elaine Schaffenberg Wilma Wright. Into- M c D onald announces NEW BOOKINGS AND MANY STAGE FEATURES Announcing the new pictures and special stage attraction tor the cur- r*"‘ and ,n b1« ^ '« r a n , of entertain ment seem s aaaurad at the Fox McDonald during the neat seven dava. Currently, Friday and Saturday, the Emerson Hough widely read romance of the Texas ranges, ''The Conquering Horde,” with Richard Arlen, Fay Wray and a stellar Paramount cast, will grace the talking screen at the Fox McDon­ ald. Noted as a writer of red blooded American adventure. Em er. i *m Hough has given the acremi , > ne of Ils m,,.» most wtlrrln? stirring dramas dramas of of the early west, with Its "carpet- baggers.' unknown wilderness and with one of the most spectacular cattle stampedes ever screened for ‘ Umax. As s special feature AT THE FOX McDONALD 1 I,. K. Seotl. Twenty people were |t. s National hank. Portland, present and enjoygd an evening of Platea ate gelling at II ft« and Rit IIIVN, card*, iiiun I c , and a late i enervation* should bo made at foliee a» the Marlon hotel dining •mppfr __ _ _ _ —____ , , o i u will Neal only 100. . . . . . . J O Holt n . . relnrv ..................... . Ihi Kug-ne Fruit Growers aaaoela J W in d H u rls W o m a n lion, la one of the members of lbt> committee on arrangement* ! In to O p en F irep lace ! » J Roaetta, Wash When a tornado struck the home of Mra. Maggie lle a ttle here re • t • cently It threw her Into an open Itreplaee. Two children with their mother escaped In the wreck' • age of the home. J : N.Y. Woman Lost * \ < t 14 Pounds of Fat 0 N I OREGON BOOSTERS PLAN MEETING NEXT WEEK One 85 Cent Bottle of Kruschen Suit» Did It ■I am atari lug on Increaas of State's A gricultural Lara. Resources Sought by Large Com m ittee Group my aeconil hottie of Kriisi Ih-n S a ils and am >eul P>ea»ed with results I take It lor reducing and ao far have Inal 14 pound* and I think II la doing wonders f*»r ma. I *1** not T A X R O L L FOR T H E Y E A R ,«2» Notices of "The Next Step" ban feel so llred evening» when I gel >1 131 151 23 from work " quel nieeetlhg to he held at the home Unpaid. Including Fire Patrol—July 1. l»30 A generous bottle of Krilsehen 455.19 Marlon hotel In Salem Friday eve Sails that laala 4 weeka eo sla lull Sheriffs Assessments, since last report 179.22 "euST tfl KEATCN irkfOECShW-P DtNNYefHNlli»X.1*1**\*1 ‘ - Th‘' Con Interest collected ..................... .. CONRAD FUNERAL TO BE This organisation has ae Its pur-. one half tenapoon In a glaaa of W <7 Second querlng H orde" the I - , i hoi water every morning before trouble Payments .. HELD THIS AFTERNOON i •• 'he development of ii n - g o i i ,, ,„.d fatly Scholarship— Patricia Powell. BII- school will appear J1.1S5.S93 93 agricultural reaources which have ! n|,,ntn gn light nn pntaloea. butter, ly Dawson. Sidney Ward. Inex “ >• McDonald Paid to County Treasurer There was a great deal of re legaere! service* for Jeptha Bar I been lying more or loss dormant cream and augar -that will help $ 36.874.17 Oram. Lucile Melson. Gladys Peder at 9 o'clock. series of Saturday Ju'cing among the patrons and stu |on f onrad> 41», w |lo died at Mural» 1 while the slalea of Idaho, Washing Kruachen lake off your fat Aug. 21, 1930 — 28,551.05 Before the hollle la empty aur son. Betty \lrg ln ia ntKht midnight preview matinees, dents of Pleasant lllll high school Monday night, will be held ion and California have Inereaaed OcL 11. 1930 ----- 35,513.10 plus fal la leaving yon Indolence Oct 27, 1930 ........ 131,655.58 Daw son lvu a pre-released screening of "Parlor. ®»er the w inning of the district rroltl w.lker-lhM.le chapel here this I heir agricultural Income by a much chuuges Io activity you'll feel Nov. 5, 1930 -------- 77,336.07 younger eyea will brighten -atep lu c lle Bedroom and Bath." with Buster , basketball title by the Pleasant artarBooa al 3:09 o'cloch. I te v .lt larger ratio than haa thia atate Nov. 5. 1930 ......... 26.308.61 Mllllona now thla- Nov. 10. 1930 leUon I trriim '0 Peddicord. Bettv Keaton. Charlotte Greenwood, lieg!- J »»•»» b»y* Saturday night when they Mu(holland will officiate and A committee of prominent men growa apry 37.011.50 vou ought lo now II Kruachen Nov. li. 1930 ----- 68.856.33 vi 1 Sh rman Sidney Ward nnld Denny and Cliff Edwards foa defeated the University high •cb‘*’1 interment will be made In laiurel In all parts of the state Is working Salta la the Ideal Irenlmenl for Nov. 19, 1930 .... Vlrghtla Sherman Sidney Ward. u * (eam * Albany Thr cem#lery 45,943.60 on plans for the meeting at which constipation. Indlgesllon, head Nov. 21, 1930 ........ 85.069.38 Third B An “International Idea" stage show tooting of horns about one o'clock Ml. Conrad had living with Governor and Mrs. Julius I. Meier aches. iiervoUNiiess »d acidity Dee. 2, 1930 53.543.87 Take Kruachen every morning Scholarship—Lois Evans. Beryl Dee 5, 1930 ------ additional feature o f , Sunday morning announced the vtc- h|> Mrs. C. C. Jarvis, at will be honor guests. 54.402.56 It's the little daily doae lhal does Robertson. Dorothy Stewart. Flora **” be an Dee. «. 1930 - — Tickets for the dinner-banquet Il If not jt'yfully eutlafled after 58.899.56 the midnight matinee. In which tory to the sleeping populace Many yjBn,hf1eld for many year*. He Dee. 10. 1930 ........ Bertsch. Warren Ingram, Bobby twenty college entertainers, sing- had stayed up and phoned Into Eu-J waH ,,nlpi„yt.d by a lumber concern can be secured from II, E. Pulley the first bottle—money hack. 127.523.91 Dee. 16. 1930 ----- 24.387.07 Pollard. Frank Stuart. ••• dancers and instrumental ; gene to get the results b before etö re jn th a t c lly . H e was born at Irving Dee. 22, 1930 ------ Attendance— Frank Stuart. BoK and • vocal ‘ trios and quartets w ill' M,i.| retiring Everyone was sm iles Mon ()n M„r<.h lg, («;» und has spent $891.876.66 $ S91.876.66 by PtMth. Lois Evans, Shirley be featured Saturday night only, d a y at the high school and happy ,,,g ,,h ,(rw (if,, in (his state. Haack. Alberta Keeler, Winifred Soldier» and Soldier Widow's Exemptions, since s „rvl¥ln|. are bis molehr. Mrs. 11.11 Lyons. Dorothy Mulligan, Beryl A set of three shower bombs wilt I over the victory . They are now last report ------------------------ —----- ----------- be fired off st 10:30 Saturday night, eagerly waiting for the results of Nam,y (>()llrad ,,f Springfield, three Errors, and Double Assessm ents, since last 347.43 Robertson, Louise Smith. Dorothy just as the first ticket to the mid- , the games that will b. played at ,,rn, h„ri, Walter and Samuel, of r e p o r t-------------------- - ---- ---------- ----- -------- 6.25 Stewart. Wayne W etiell. Dave right show is sold. The box office Salem this week end. I'leaaant HUI ,{epdapor, > and Sherman. Spring U n d ercollection s...... ............ - ..... - .............. — ....... 18.35 g mi,b t Jeanette Sweeney. Aretha Fire Patrol Cancelled, since last report will remain open until 12:30 and la ready to put up a hard fight f(,,|d ; tw o alster. Mr*. R L. Jones, 75.068.03 Young. Flora Bertsch, Ray Daniels. Delinquent, including Fire Patrol, Dec. 31, 1930 the complete matinee will last until o n u Tu ,ker Qrover KeUMy and Mnl Wm Curtla, b(„ h of $1,135.89393 Willard House. Warren Ingram. well after 1:30 a. m Regular night [ Mtll(te|ltg >( , he rleasan , ||m high Springfield. Merle Nice. admission prices will be in vogue r ,n8ur>n<.e wnteg, apon p _T A T 0 POSTPONE $142.740 30 Scholarship- Karl Scott. Dorothy- Delinquent, including Fire Patrol—July 1, 1930 ........ Lawrence "Parlor. Bedroom a n d Hath." sored by the Lane County Under MEETING FOR ONE WEEK J J¡ Chase. Dean Wilson. Sheriffs Assessments, since last report 6 990 Thompson. Robert Nice. which is described as the funiesl writers association. Interest and Penalty collected since last report The entire staff of the txiwell The regular meeting of the $149.906.70 Attendance — Junior Endicott, talkie farce to Invade the screen Lawrence Thompson, Jack Heckey. in many moons, and based on the high school have been re-elected to Springfield Parent Teacher asaocla Paid to County Treasurer Norman Nealon. Robert Nice. Max- highly succesful stage hit, will open teach next year. They are Thomas , t|„ n wn be postponed for one week ine Cogill. Midge Wilson, Frank its regular run of 3 days Sunday R. Powers, principal; Miss Hor- according to Mrs D C. Ogilvie, $41.914.38 Aug. 25. 1930 i-nce Elliott and Miss Ruth Rydell. president. The meeting should be ... 3.689.70 $ 74 "48 42 Howes- BUly Glthens. Dorothy at the Fox McDonald. OcL 15, 1930 29.144 34 ’ assistants The Janitor. Charles held Friday afternoo*. but several 90 25 , hase- Lorraine Squires. — ----- ------------------ Dec. 24, 1930 Errors and Double Assessments, since last report Cox. was also re-hired other meetings have been ached 243.636.13 F ifth A Delinquent. Including Fire Patrol, Dec. 31, 1930 »tied and the P T. A. w lsh es»to --------------- Scholarship — G 1 e n Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Blair enter­ await actions talSen at these $149.906.10 j ew e, Farnsworth. Elise Ingram. Get* $ 1 /0 in H oldup tained In honor of the Lowell high m eetings. Helen Lyons. 1-aVerne McPherson. an(J 0 ropS Gia** Gun school basketball squad with a tur T A X R O LL FOR T H E Y E A R 1927 $48 797.26 MarSaret Melson- Rose Philadelphia. - "And then the key dinner Friday evening at the Delinquent. Including Fire Patrol—July 1, 1930 77 97 Lloyd Seamans Muriel Tyson. Gayle pistol dropped out of the bandit's high school. Thomas R. Powers, MISS MELLON HOSTESS Sheriff's Assessments, since last report ............ hand and broke Into a thousand 1,647.14 Chase. principal and coach, was toast­ FOR SATURDAY PARTY Interest and Penalty, collected since last report ------------ - Attendance— Oliver Adams, Eva pieces." That should be the • ing of the m aster for the occasion. Guests $50,522.37 Brjnk Gayle Chase. Bert Currie, story, but It happens 10 be the Miss Melba Mellon, captain of Included Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R Jewel Farnsworth. Herold Foss. main point, so it's right up on top. Powers, Miss Florence Elliott, Miss the Neighbors of Woodcraft drill Paid to County T reasurer Harry I>eainer, manager of a Delman Glaspey. Ruth Hapncr. Don­ chain grocery store, was attending Ruth Rydell, Mr. and Mrs. J P. team, entertained for the guards $4.fi29.51 Aug. 26. 1930 ald House, Elise Ingram, Helen to a customer when a youth In a Hull and the basketball squad ac­ ami their husbands Saturday eve­ .... 978.16 Oct. 22. 1930 2.599.38 $ 8,207.05 Lyons, LaVerne McPherson, Mar- dark blue cap and gray overcoat companied by partners. ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dec. 24, 1930 Errors and Double Assessments, since last report 81.97 garet Melson. Barbara Nealon. Rose entered. He brandished a pistol at Deam At the Parent-Teacher associa­ Delinquent, Including Fire Patrol—Dec. 31, 1930 ------ 42,«53. a Ogden, Freddie Meet, Helen Put- er, the customer; Mrs. Barbara FOR SALE tion meeting at Lowell Thursday 150,522.37 man, Dorothy Ramsdell, Lloyd Sea­ Bahl. and Mrs. Bahl's daughter. Founders day of the order was ob- Good 16-lneh Block wood, also “Put ’em u p !'' he ordered. mans. Muriel Tyson. Henry Uchytll. 16-incb and 4 foot old growth Deamer “put 'em up." The rob­ servel by the lighting of candles T A X R O L L FOR T H E Y E A R 1926 Erma Wetxell. ber, about eighteen, took $170 from on a huge birthday cake, the pres­ slabwood. July 1, 1930 ________ ___ $41,774.79 J U N IO R H IG H the OH and forced the manager to Delinquent, including Fire Patrol FRANK TUHY 70.85 ent and past officers taking part Scholarship — Barbara Barnell. give him the padlock to the store. Sheriff's A ssessm ents, since last report Phone Sp. 182J 833.34 in the ceremony. The prgram was SU11 wiggling the weapon before Interest and Penalty, collected since last report .........—....... eee.»-* Keeler, Florence May. Lu ___ __ furnished by the Fall Creek and , 42.678.,g cile Davis. Margaret Haack. Edna Severson. {he door without, however, locking Four-H sew ing club girls had Paid to County T reasurer Attendance— John Dale Adams, it, when the pistol fell out of his charge of a booth decorated with thee lub colors, green and white, Charles Cole, Irvin Darr, Charles hand. $1,742.91 Aug. 27, 1930 A thousand splinters from what where they sold home made candy j 482.01 Maxwell, Allen Sneed, Carl Steven- Oct. 22, 1930 was revealed as a glass weapon realising $6.02. This money Is to j . 1,286.69 $ 3.511.61 Dec. 22, 1930 45.62 son> Antone Ucfcytil, Franklin flew In all directions. Errors, and Double Assessm ents, since last " «9,121.75 Wardlow. Dick Wright. E ssel Ad- The startled bandit took one look be used for purchasing a banner , Delinquent, Including Fire Patrol- ----------- ams, Virginia Brink. Lorna Chase, at the even more astonished store for the club and for other club $42,678.98 Lucile Davla, Winifred Franx. Thel- ¿ X : bu! ins July 1st 1930 and ending December Slat. 1930. Period commenc ing Ju'-' • both dales Inclusive. _____ W 3 IRISH - MURPHY CO. FORMERLY GRAY'S T A X R O L L FOR T H E Y E A R 1925 $26.908.83 Delinquent, including Fire Patrol—July 1, 1930 ......... 76.41 Sheriffs Assessm ents, since last report Interest and Penalty, collected since last report ---------------- 582.45 $27,567.69 Paid to County T reasurer ma Lipes, Wilma Lipes, Ruth Pol- lard. LaVerne Pugh, Edna Sever- Faye Squires, Ruth Stratton, son' MUim »»UllCJ, XMUUft, Lena Asiaca Doris W 01 ley, Mary J Young, Stafford, Lawrence Chase, Roy Crandall, Sammle Gott, W illis Foole, Irene Anderson, Barbara Barnell, La Moyne Black, Delores Caatell, Fern Fisher, Pearl Helter- brand. Ruby Houk. Nillie Howes, Marjorie Johnson, Josephine Jones Frances Keeler. Delores Nice, Dru- cile Ogilvie, JoLana Putman, Wil- mina Spriggs, Mildred Tuhy, Hazel gtafford, Melvin Foss, Clair Hadley. __________________ iu it. Deamer notified police and returned to sweep up what was l»ft of the 8lasa Plato1- 440 J H o*pital to Brand B abies W ith Sun Lam p Eleven of the Lowell high school boys accompanied by their princi­ pal visited Florence last week. Prof. C. O. Groshong of the Flor­ ence schools acted as guide for the visitors and participated In arranging a big clam bake for them on the sands of Heceta beach. Marie Barnum and Harry Bar-1 num and Felma Circle, who were out of school last week with the measles, are able to return to their studies Monday. Nancy Barnum will not be able to return for some time as the m easles affected here eyes to such an extent she will not be able to take up het studies. Newark, N. J.—Beth Israel ho»- pltal, Newark, adopted an entirely new system for the Identification $ 3,020 85 of babies bom In the Institution. 16 A few minutes after the child has 24,514.68 been bom. a stencil containing the Initials of the mother will be $27.567.69 placed on an ami of both the moth­ er and child and will be sunburned T A X R O LLS FOR T H E Y E A R 1924 onto the skin by exposure to an $17.610.99 ultraviolet ray lamp. The hospital Delinquent, Including Fire Patrol—July 1, 1930 .—..... 183.21 considers the method a perfectly Interest and Penalty, collected since last repqrt .— harmless and satisfactory scheme. Advertising costs collected since last report — ............. ------ 2 — MRS. ELLA COLE PASSES The slightly red Initials will re­ $17,820.70 WEDNESDAY NIGHT main visible for ten days and If the patients nre placed In a dark Paid tc County Treasurer room the letters may be detected Members of the Creswell Grange Ella Pitts Cole passed away here for several weeks longed. Dr. Paul were guests of the Ix)well Grange ...... ........$169.98 Wednesday night at 8:00 o'clock at Keller of the hospital staff devel­ Aug. 27, 1930 ---------- .............. 217.54 at their regular meeting Thursday Oct. 22. 1930 ............. oped the system. the home of her sister, Mrs. Sher ...... .......... 344.69 $ 732.21 evening . The session was held In Dee 22, 1930 ............. Errors and Double Assessm ents, since last report .................... 13.23 man Poter, 319 C street. She was the auditorium of the new high Delinquent, Including Fire Tatrol—Dec. 31, 1930 ....................... 17,07o.2C born August 4, 1874 In Iowa and school building. Following the busi­ was married to Jedd Cole In 1892. ness session the Creswell Grange _ $17.82 . jjer husband died in Springfield put on a very clever radio broad­ i three years ago. PR O C E ED S OF SA LES OF R E A L P R O P E R T Y casting program. After the pro­ Mrs. Cole was a member of the Proceeds of Sales of Real Property for delinquent taxes $2,101.59 gram games with music were play­ Congregational church. Paid to County T reasurer ed and refreshments served by the She came to Springfield eight Lost Her Double Chin 1930 ................................................................ » 734.80 Aug. 29. Lowell Grange. 1930 ..............................- ............................ ...... 1,294.97 years ago and leaves two sisters, Oct. 22. Lost Her Prominent Hips 1930 ..................................................................... 72.02 $2,101.59 Dec. 22, Mrs. Potter, and Miss Jean Rand­ Lost Her Sluggishness The ladles of Pleasant Hill met Gained Physical Vigor lett, Fargo, North Dakota. at the home of Mrs. Allan Wheeler REPORT ON FEES Funeral services will be held at Gained in Vivaciousness Tuesday, March 17. O. 8. Fletcher, Total Sheriff’s Fees earned for various services ........................... $ U 7 2 .71, Walker. P(X)le chapel ln thlg Gained a Shapely Figure county agent, was present and Total Auto License h ees ....................................................................... » w .w ................ talked on "Insect and Rodent Con­ Total Fines, and Miscellaneous Receipts ...................... ................. 4,452.80 | this city. The details are awaiting the sister ln North , word from - trol.” Mrs. Andy Olson and Mrs. If you're fat—first remove the »6'425'6 1 i Dakota. C. T. Williams assisted Mrs. cause! Take one half teaspoonful of KRU Wheeler. Paid to County T reasurer SCHEN SALTS In a glass of hot K. E. Kilpatrick has accepted the July 1 to Dec. 31. 1930— Sheriff's Fees water before breakfast every morn 1 1 80000 D i v o r c e Co*t* $8,000, July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930--Auto License Fees ing—cut out pastry and fatty meats position of principal of the Pleas­ but M arriage O nly $7 —go light on potatoes, butter, ant Hill high school another year. July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930—Sheriff’s Fees for Certificates of Delinquency ........................................................................................ Okmulgee, Okln.—People laugh cream and sugar—In 3 weeks get July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930— Miscellaneous Receipts ............................ »6.45 at the old saying that two can live on the scales and note how many He received several other flatter­ ing offers and the students and July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930— Refunds ............................... ...................... 34.45 as cheap as one. hut not Joe Mc- pounds of fat have vanished. Paid to County Treasurer and Court— Nac, wealthy Indian. It cost Joe Notice also that you have gained patrons of the high school are much July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930—Flues ...................................................... ..... 4,202.90 $8,000 recently when his wife Lucy In energy—your skin is clearer— elated he has chosen to stay at secured a divorce from him. But your eyes sparkle with glorious Pleasant Hill. $6,425.51 Lucy relented the divorce and want­ health—you feel younger in body ed Joe to remarry her. Joe thought keener In mind. KRU8CHEN will The operetta, "Polished Pebbles’ •Tax money turned over to County Treasurer dally by Sheriff, produc 'l he’ w u it ^ u p 'h is ’ bms give any fat person a Joyous sur­ which was to have been given by n, a , al„ in interest paid on average daily balance, of $720 over the ^ ^ ^ r i a g e ? h e found prise. Get an 85c bottle of KRUSCHEN the Pleasant Hill high school this amount earned by former methods, when dally turnover of money R h(m f)n|y w SAI.TS at Ketels Drug Store (lasts week, Friday and Saturday, has was not made. |,.Hg |.han the divorce cost. 4 w eeks). If even this first bottle been postponed until next week on doesn’t convince you this Is the account of the basketball tourna­ STATE OF OREGON ) easiest, safest and surest way to Turkey Has Four Legs ment to be held at Haletn. ) ss. San Jose, C alif—A white turkey lose fat—If you don’t feel a superb G. W. Kelsay Is suffering with COUNTY OF LANE ) tien with four legs and two tails Is improvement ln health—»0 glorl 1 H I Bown as Sheriff of lam e County, Oregon, do hereby certify i the property of Mrs. Lucy Dutre, ously energetic—vigorously alive liiflarnntory rheumatism In his Mrs. Marne Carey of Buffalo, N « 'Iha to rea o ln g Is a true and correct report, of the offices of Sheriff who has a farm on Brckaw road, a writes—“Since I began taking hand. a -r.» / ’„Hector for Lune County, Oregon, for the period commencing few miles from here. The turkey, Y„ While riding horseback last week Julv tot 1930. and ending December 31st. 1930, both date« Inclusive. which has become a great pet, 1* Kruschen Salts I have lost 20 Thelma Perry dislocated her shoul­ pounds and I feel as If I had lost three and one half years old, lays Dated this $6th day of February. A.D.. 1931. BoW N well, and Is otherwise perfectly 50 pounds—I feel so good and the der when she grabbed a limb of best part of It all Is that I eat normal. Sheriff of Lane County, a tree. anything I like.” State of Oregon. Aug. 27. 1930 ---------- ------------ --- ------------------------ Oct. 22, 1930 ------------------------------------ ---- ------ — Dec. 22. 1930 ............. —................................................. Errors and Double A ssessm ents, since last report Delinquent, Including Fire Patrol— Dec. 31, 1930 556.94 499.67 1.964.24 How One Woman Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat PERSONALITY AND PEP ARE FOUND GALORE AND MIGHTY LOW PRICES AT THE IRISH-MURPHY STORE PHONE 22 FREE DELIVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY. MARCH 20. 21 AND 23 H oney ltj-oz. Tins Sug ar Best i ’ane E ach 6 c 2 0 lbs . 9 3 c 5 lb. Pail 4 5 c O ysters G olden A g e Beans 4-oz. Tins Macaroni, Hpaglietti, Small White 3 for 2 5 c Four 10c Pkgs25c 6 lbs. 3 3 c Pork and Bean Peter Pan Coffee “quality in the cup” 34c lb.,3 for 95c A beautiful C arnation Milk CUP or SAUCER 16-oz. Tins with each Bar Four for 2 5 c T oilet Soap 10c Blue Stem Flour Corn M eal Best Hard W heat Yellow or White 49 lb. Sack $1.00 10 lb. Sack 24c Crescent Baking Powder 16 Oz. can 25c PICNICS, E xtra Special, Per lb .............................16c HELP YOURSELF The M ellow COFFEE 37c lb. PEANUT BUTTER In bulk 2 lbs. 25c ENJOY DEEPER TRUER COFFEE FLAVOR O R E G O N ’S O W N C A S H S T O R E S