T IIV K H H A Y , MARCH 19. 1931 THU BPRINOFTOLD NEWS Semi-Annual Report N O R T H FO R K » F E C IA L F U N D Caah on hand June 30, 1*30 T ransferred to fund 7.40» »7 —O F— W a rra n t* Issued July 1 to Dec 31, 1*30 TratiNferred from fund W . B. Dillard, County Clerk L A N E C O U N T Y , O REG O N Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1*30 W a rra n t* outstanding June 30. 1*30 W arran th Issued July 1 to Dei . 31. 1*30 g F IN A N C IA L STATEM ENT ( 16.880.7* 447 66 » 3,047 6» 16.(80 76 ( Transferred from North F or* Special T ransferred from C resw ell Bridge 11.667 >6 Transferred from Special Hoad Fund Paid M arket Hoad Fund W arrants Paid In 'e re s t on W a rrants 17,368 32 T ra m fe rre d to Special Hoads Fund T ransferred to County Hoad* Fund 1.20*04 O verd raft on Dec 31. 1*30 • 1*.*28Z8 » » —O F— T h » General Film i. Parmanen! Itoad Bond Fund, Bond Redemption Fund. M urknl Itoad Fund. County Itoad Fund«. Hpeclal Ruud I»l»triet», « lillun M pe.lal Fund. Hpiltigfleld Bridge Hpeclal Fund. Cresw ell Bridge Fund, W illa m e tte H ighw ay Fund. H ill* Crook Hpeclal Fund, Glanadu Hpeclal Fund. Bohemia S p edili Fund. North Fork Hpeclal Fund, Roseli Itoad Hpet-lul Fund. M c K e iille lllg liw u y Fund. Florence Highw ay Fund. Roosevelt llla h w a y Fund, and Dog License Fund. Period Connu,.m lug July U t. ISSO, and ondina Itecem her Slat. 1*30. bolli daloa Inclusivo*. O ENERAL FUND RESOURCES Cash In bund of Conni y T ro a *u r» r In Honorai Fum i u* shown by Troanuror'a report of Dec. 31, 19 M * 84.to t U T o ta l lu to * for Htuto. County, Cities, School D I* t r l c t * . Union High School*, Itoad Districts, Port of S I uh I s w . Forest F ire I'u trol, Cos Drulnsgt- D is tric t. H o rtic u ltu ra l l.le n * und U rey Dlaaor 1'olstilllllg. uncollected Y ear i»2« » 17,076.28 Your 1*85 24.614.88 » . I »311 3»,121.76 Year 1*27 42.263 36 Year 1*28 76.088 03 Year 1*2» 243.838 13 T o ta l unt'idletled Estim ated for general purposes Io »441.66*20 per te n t of above * 44.188 *2 T o ta l (len e ra l Fund KesourceM » 4,39*86 134.823.78 (134.4*0 61 W a rra n ts cancelled by County Court 88 48 W a rr u iil* outstanding Dec. 31, 1*30 P E R M A N E N T ROAO B O ND F U N D Cash on hand June 30, 1*30 » 16.333 61 W u rra n t* cancelled and returned to fund 66 33 Transferred to Roosevelt Highw ay Fund Transferred to Bond Redemption Fund » 7,7*3.57 66 33 Balance on hand Dec 31. 1*30 W a rra n ts outstanding June 30. 1*30 W a rra n ta cancelled by County Court W a rra n ts outstanding Dec BEA C H RO AD S P E C IA L F U N D O verdraft June 30. 1*30 f 1.3*323 W a rra n t* Insued July 1 to Dec, 31. 1*30 7*8.6# * T ransferred to fund * W a rrants outstanding June 30, 1*30 W a rra n t* Issued July 1 to Dec. 31. 1*30 220 49 »13»,023.82 1,306.4* W a rrants paid and cancelled 3 1.3*8 8» W arrants outstanding Ihre 31, 1*30 3 7.80 Cush on huud Tax Collection Miscellaneous Transferred to » 16.398.84 FUND 8 35.88# 2,882 6.241 20.000 t » » 88 74 »0 00 » 62.644 61 W arran ts Issued July I to Dec. 31, 1*30 T ran sferred from fund 3,746*2 Balance on hand Dec 31, 1*30 W u rra n t* outstanding June 30, 1*30 W u rra n t* Issueil July 1 to Dec. 31, l*3 o » 161 00 62.544.61 » 32,285 00 W a rra n ts lasuiyd July 1 to Dec 31. 1930 T ra n s fe rre d from fund (■«Id Interest on w arranta O verdraft Dec 31, 1*30 W a rra n ts outstanding June 30. 1*30 W a rra n ta lasued July 1 to Dec 31. 1*30 »110.422.76 8.642 38 590 50 t 10.687 49 » 390 38 100.422 7* W arran ts paid und cancelled W a rra n ts cancelled by County Court W arrants outstanding Dec 31, 1930 (100.054 91 298 31 C O U N T Y RO AD F U N D S Cash on hand June 30. 1*30 8 11.368.23 T nx Collection July 1 to Dei- 31. 1*30 46.471.21 U s e o f o ilU l|)U li-llt 72,020 2» Transferred to fund 22.987 62 Forest Reserve Rentals 18.1*8 47 Miscellaneous receipts 5 2,703 76 W a rra n ts cancelled and returned to fund 11 05 »126.718.68 26*548 05 380 95 Balnnco on hand Dee. 31, 1930 W urrants outstandlng June 30, 1930 W a rra n t« Issued July 1 to Dee. 31, 1930 » W arran ts paid and cancelled W a rra n ts cancellt-d by County Court »126,832.67 11 05 276 69 126,718.68 S P E C IA L R O AD D IS T R IC T S Cnsh on hand June 30. 1930 » 52,062 69 T ax Colleotlon July I to Dec. 31. 1930 ................... 89,846 13 T ra n s fe rre d to fund 13.188.70 Miscellaneous receipts ........................... 2.219.58 W a rra n ts cancelled and returned to fund 20 23 » »137,416.17 9,501.48 69.29 Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1930 W a rra n ts oustandltig June 30, 1*30 W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930 8 W a rrants paid and cancelled W arrants cancelled by County Court »138.448 04 20.23 F L O R E N C E H IG H W A Y Cash on hand June 30. 1930 T a x Collection July I to Dec. 31, 1*30 Htate Refund for rights of way W a rra n ts paid and FUND » 26.083.46 2.882.74 13.8*8.00 »108.968 16 »119,666.64 »100.363 22 ( 10.45992 Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1*30 W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31. 1*30 W a rra n ta paid and cancelled ( 26.360 2» DOG L IC E N S E F U N D Cash on hand June 30. 1930 IJvensen sold July 1 to Dec. 31, 1*30 Received from Tines W a rra n t cancelled and returned to fund »173.72062 (153.647 68 6.137.26 243 00 24 80 5 00 »157.337.33 (146.*86.»4 »138,468.27 » 35,»05.22 13.840.84 9 48 49,746.08 49,756.64 3.64902 » JS,649.02 8,747.84 7.132.94 16,880.68 64.90 8.747.64 8.747.64 6.879.86 34.68 5,845.17 34.68 34.68 H IL L S C R E E K SPECIAL FU N D Cash on hand June 30, 1*30 334.21 ... 9 T ra n s fe rre d from f u n d ................... 334.21 QLENADA SPECIAL F U N D Cnsh on hand June 30, 1930 ...................................... W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1*30 ..........» T ra n s fe rre d from fund ............................................... W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec, 31,1330 .............. » W arrn n ts paid and cancelled . B O H E M IA SPECIAL FUND Cash on hand Juno 30. 1930 ... ....... 9 T ra n s fe rre d to fund Miscellaneous receipt W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930 T ran sferred from fund 6,322.86 1,187.86 6,185.00 6,322.86 1,137.86 » 974.41 2,600.00 89.90 3.065.22 ■306.97 » » 1,137.85 3,664.31 3,362 19 202.12 ...... W a rrants Issued July 1 to Dec. 31. 1930 W a rra n ta paid and cancelled .... » 2,227*2 » 6.00 2,227.92 » 2,227.92 5.00 2.232.92 » 2,232.92 Semi-Annual Report —OF— OF C O U N T Y . OREGON FUND UN8EG REG ATED TA X FUND Am ount unsegregateil June 30. 1930 .................. » 16,728.30 Kec'd from S h e riff ............................................... »73,»82.89 T ax Segregations Balance Unsegregated Dec. 31. 1930 »984.198.39 6,512.80 3,066.22 » 3.055.22 GENERAL FUND Cash on hand June 30. 1*30 ................................ Rac'd from Taxes ................ - ........... Rec'd from C lerk Fees Rec'd from S h e riff Fees Rec'd from Finea ....................................... Rec'd from License ................ ................ Interest on County Money Proceeds County F arm For G rey Digger Polson H o rtic u ltu ra l Liens ....................... Reporter's Fees ......................................... Auto Fees ..................................................... Auto Camp Inspectlona ....................... Rew ards ....................................................... M iscellaneous Receipts .............. T ra n s fe rre d from County Prohibition Paid G eneral Fund W a rra n ts Paid Interest on W a rra n ts M ig rato ry Chattels anti Fees T ran sferred to County Roads Fund t • Ita lu lice Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 » 61.0*8 18 129,898.31 11.432.30 1,172.71 3.593.43 160.00 3.640.83 366.62 63.06 121.66 167.50 800 00 307.60 340.00 489.19 700.00 »214,321.18 C O U N TY ROADS F U N D Cnsh on h&nd June 30, 1930 .......................................... ( Kec'd from Taxes Rec'd from Fines .................. ....... ................................... F o r Use of Equipm ent .................................................. Forest Reserve Rentals .....................................- ......... Miscellaneous Receipts T ra n s fe rre d from General Fund ..................... T ra n s fe rre d from Special Road Fund ................ T ra n s fe rre d from M ark e t Road Fund T ra n s fe rre d from H llla Creek Special ............ ....... T ra n s fe rre d from C resw ell B r i d g e ........................ T ran sferred from Bohemia Special Paid County Road Fund W a rra n ts ........................ Pr.id In te re s t on W a rra n ts ...................................... T ran sferred to O ilin g Special ................................ T ra n s fe rre d to M a rk e t Road Fund ......................... T ra n s fe rre d to Special Road Fund T ra n s fe rre d to' Beach Road Special ......................... T ran sferred to N o rth Fork Special ......................... Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 11.633.92 46.471.21 182.66 72.020.29 18.168.47 2.621.10 14,000.00 93.25 1.129.23 334.21 7,123.96 306.97 49.755.64 13.840.84 T he St. P a tric k ’s Day dance at 1,522 09 Thurston Saturday evening was 773.12 well attended according to J. M » 2.295.21 » 2.2*5.21 l-arson, finance o fficer of the Am erican L et on post which spon­ sors the dan; es. Many new faces * 2,173.44 71.39 are being nc deed at the dances 61 60 each week. T he dances w ill con­ » 1.675.00 tinue to be neld every tw o weeks, 508.23 the next one being scheduled for » 2,244.83 » 2,244.83 M arch 28. 9 r « SHOWN AT Barroom brawls, spectacular res­ cues at sea. pounding breakers, eerie palls of fu«, to' castle banter­ ing. shore frolics and an Interest­ ing romance give "W a y for a Sail­ or' a background of s w ift action, comedy and drama. ODDFELLOW S. REBEKAHS HAVE JOINT M EETIN G Relatives of members of both the Rebekah and I.O.O.F. lodges were guesta here last night at the Joint Rebekab-I.O.O.F. m eeting at the hslge hall. A social evening with entertainm ent and refresh­ ments was enjoyed M embers of the Oddfellows ram - m 'tte e In charge of arrangem ents w ere: Lee Putnam. John Lorah, and M. C. M cK Iln. The Rebekah com m ittee consisted of Clarine Putnam . Genev.ve Louk, and Mrs. Glenn Stone. »169,051.39 »169.051.39 00 3.246.16 12.00 » F O R E S T F IR E P A T R O L Cash on hand June 30. 1930 Rec'd from Taxes Paid State Forester Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 3.258.16 ( .00 4,377 22 » P O R T OF S IU S L A W Cash on hand June 30. 1930 .............................. ...» Rec'd from Taxes _______________________ __ Paid U. S. N a tio n al Bank. Eugene _ ................. Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 ................ 4.377.22 8.346.46 5.201.12 » BOND R E D E M P T IO N Cash on hand June 30, 1930 Kec'd from Taxes S ta te Apportionm ent M otor License Interest on Bond Money .............................. 3.246.16 T ransferred from Perm anent Road Fund 12.00 Paid Interest on Bonds __ _______ ___ __ Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 3.258.16 4.377.22 11,008.74 2.538.84 » 13,547.58 FUND I Cash on hand. June 30, 1930 .............. ................ 63.18 8 Rec'd from Taxes .......... ........ .................. .............. 4 34 Paid T re a s u re r of Cox D rainage D is tric t ____ Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 ................... » 13.547.58 8 67.52 • 8 » 2.685.25 8 F IS H A N D G A M E F U N D $ Cash on hand June 30, 1930 Rec'd front Fines ............ ........... ........ Paid State Gam e Commission Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 ----- --------------- 2,685.25 8 DOG T A X 1 F U N D ...... .................$ ('ash on hand June 30. 1930 Rec'd from License Fees ........ Rec'd front Fines ............................... Paid Dog Fund W a rra n ts .............. Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 961.70 » 2.685.25 .00 8 2.685.25 » 936.70 25.04 .00 961.70 961.70 6,142.26 243.00 24.80 $ 2.227.92 4.182.14 » 6.410.06 C O U N T Y P R O H IB IT IO N F U N D Cash on hand June 30. 1930 ....................._........ .... » 943.57 Miscellaneous Receipts ............................................ 101.45 Rec’d from Fines ................................................... 2.215.22 Paid A ffid a vits of D istrict A tty , and S h e riff T ra n s fe rre d to G eneral Fund ................. ..... Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 ................ » 6.410.06 8 3,260.24 S T A T E P R O H IB IT IO N F U N D Cash on hand June 30. 1930 8 535.65 (M iscellaneous Receipts ....... ........................... 46 45 | Rec'd from F in e s .................... 770 00 i Paid State T re a s u re r ............ ; Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 ............. 8 3.260.24 $ 1,011.16 340.95 » 1,352.10 » .00 C R E S W E L L B R ID G E F U N D Cash on hand June 30, 1930 ................................... » 15,945.48 Paid C resw ell Bridge Fund W a rra n ts ..................... T ra n s fe rre d to M a rk e t Road Fund .... ................... T ran sferred to C ounty Road Fund Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 ........ 8 15.945.48 W IL L A M E T T E H IG H W A Y F U N D Cash on hand June 30. 1930 » 5.879.85 Paid W illa m e tte H ig hw ay W a rra n ts ............ Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 » G L E N A O A S P E C IA L F U N D Cash on hand June 30, 1930 .......................... .. . » Paid Glenada Special Fund W a rra n ts .................. Transferred to N orth F ork Special Fund ______ Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 .................. ...... .00 » .00 » 8.747.64 8.98 7.123.96 64.90 8 15.945.48 » 34.68 5,845.17 » 5.879.85 } 62.670.61 196.90 3,549 02 8,719.07 » 65,135.50 ) 30,149.60 11.622.19 » 41.771.79 » 26,350.29 20,000.00 18.51 29,870.79 » 15,564.00 334.21 »126,702.16 » 334.21 00 » 334.21 6.322.85 1,137.86 5.185.00 .00 6.322.85 » 6.322.86 974.41 89.90 2,500.00 3,065.22 306 97 202.12 » 3.564.31 N O R T H FO R K S P E C IA L F U N D Cash on hand June 30. 1930 .................................» 14.204.91 Transferred from County Roads Fund ................. 2.224.97 Transferred from Glenada Special .................... 5,185.00 Paid North Fork Special Fund W a rra n ts Transferred to M a rk e t Road Fund ............... Transferred to Special Road Fund ......................... Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 .................. . » 8 21.614.88 FUND » 885.42 T ran sferred from County Road Fund ......... 2,191.91 Paid Beach Road Special Fund W a rra n ts ...... Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 ..... » 21.614.88 $ 1 29S.69 7.80 8 1,306.49 S P E C IA L S C H O O L D IS T R IC T S Cash on hand June 30. 1930 ............................... » 28.358.14 Rec'd from Taxes .......................................... 197.283.63 Transferred front Deficiency Fund ......................... 1,675.00 Paid D is tric t Clerks ............ ................................. ........ Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 ...................... » 1,306.49 » 19.928.28 97.69 379.87 1.209.04 »208.225.04 19.091.63 »227,316.61 on hand June 30, 1930 . » 5.471.97 from Taxes .................... . ....................... 11.246.03 front Sale of Bonds, etc. 42,442.91 D is tric t Clerks __ ______ . 1930 — $ 51.880.75 7,280.16 H IG H Cash Rec'd Rec'd Paid 3.564.31 8227,316.67 3,322.58 700.00 237.71 7,763.57 65.33 7.726.10 » 32,286.00 94.417.16 » B O H E M IA S P E C IA L F U N D Cash on hand June 30. 1930 ........_................. 8 Miscellaneous Receipts .............. ........................ ......... T ran sferred from Special Road Fund ................... 63.18 Paid Bohemia Special Fund W a rra n ts __ ~_____ 4.34 Transferred to County Roads Fund ......................... Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 .................. ...... 67.52 » 8 » 15,554.00 FUND » 10.582.02 1,719 88 113,792.64 542.29 65.33 »126.702.16 H IL L S C R E E K S P E C IA L F U N D Cash on hand June 30, 1930 ......................... » 334.21 4,377.22 T ransferted to County Read Fund 00 Baiarn e Cash on hand Dee. 31. 1930 ................. .... » » 1,352.10 FUND » 3.549.02 3.549.02 BELL John G ilbert and W allace Beory are both featured In "T he W ay of A Sailo r" which starts a two-day run at the theatre on Sunday. P E R M A N E N T RO ADf Cash on hand June 30. 19.30 .................................... » 15.554.00 ........ »110.030.72 T ransferred to Roosevelt H ig hw ay Fund 53.434.68 Transferred to Bond Redem ption Fund ............. ............. ..... 5,585.99 Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 » 5.879.85 M ’K E N Z IE H IG H W A Y F U N D I Cash on hand June 30, 1930 » 36,030.86 j Mlscellaneocs Receipts .................................... 635.00 Rec'd from Taxes .............................. ........... ....... 2.862.74 Refund on Rights-of-way ............................. ........ 5.606.90 T ra n s fe rre d front Roosevelt H w y ......... 20.000.00 Paid M cKenxle H ig h w a y Fund W a rra n ts T ra n s fe rre d to Special Road Fund T ra n s fe rre d to Springfield Bridge Fund »173,986.26 »173.986.26 Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 .......... • Out of this balance the Decem ber G eneral Fund bills and registered » 65,135.50 w arrants are to be paid. „ F L O R E N C E H IG H W A Y F U N D SPECIAL ROAD D IS T R IC T S i , ('ash on hand June 30. 1930 .....................................» 25.213.05 Cush on hand June 30, 1*30 ................................... » 53,735.41 Rec'd from Taxes .................................................... 2,862.74 Rec’d from Taxea .............................................................. 8»,846.13 Rlghs-of-way ...................................................................... 13.696.00 Miscellaneous Receipts ..................................... 2,219.58 Paid Florence H ig h w a y Fund W a rra n ts ......... T ra n s fe rre d from County Hoads Fund ................. 11,1*8.42 Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 ...................... T ra n s fe rre d from M a rk e t Roads Fund .................. 1,3*6.00 T ra n s fe rre d from M cK enxle H w y ................................. l*6 .» 0 » 41,771.79 T ra n s fe rre d from Roosevelt H w y ........................... 18.51 T ra n s fe rre d from N o rth F o rk Special 379.87 R O O S E V E L T H IG H W A Y F U N D »138,448.04 Cash on hand June 30, 1930 .................................. » 68.476.02 Paid Special Road W a rra n ts ............ ......................... 69.29 Transferred from Perm anent Rond Fund Paid Interest on W a rra n ts .......................................... 7,763.57 93.26 I Paid Roosevelt H ig hw ay Fund W a rrants T ran sferred to County Roads Fund ......................... I 4,160.00 T ra n s fe rre d to M cK enxle H w y. Fund .... T ran sferred to O iling Special ...................................... I 2.758.23 T ran sferred to Special Road Fund Transferred to M ark e t Roads Fund ......................... A 2.500.00 Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 T ra n s fe rre d to Bohem ia Special ............................. 10.971.01 Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 ....................... » 76,239.69 »168,989.82 »168.980.82 S P E C IA L C IT IE S M A R K E T ROAO FUND Cash on hand June 30. 19.70 » 10,440.06 Rec'd from Taxes .... 175,375.46 Cash on hand June 30, 1930 ....................................» 13,678.65 Paid C ity Treasurers Rec’d from Taxes ........................................................ 38,071.65 37,102.12 Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 Apportionm ent from State ............... 406.10 Miscellaneous Receipts ........................... »186,816.51 10,»17.76 Transferred from County Roads Fund »126,832.67 380 95 15.00 10,917.75 11.198.42 i 2.19191 2.224.97 20,223.69 BE ( 23.339.42 145,711 97 » S P R IN G F IE L D B R ID G E »134.490.61 O v e rd ra ft on June 30. 1930 .................... 148.45 T ra n s fe rre d from M cK enxle H w y Fund 1,178.00 Balance Caah on hand Dec. 31.1930 14.000.00 64.504.12 »214.321.18 MANY A TTE N D DANCE AT TH U R STO N SATURDAY FUND C O U N T Y F A IR F U N D 3 Cash on hand June 30, 1930 .............. ........ l*ald County F a ir Fund W a rrants Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 ........ BY F U N D S For T erm Ending Dec. »1st. 1*30 » 53.867.93 » » » 35.914.70 3 15,945 48 Bnlance on hnnd Dec. 31, 1930 W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930 W a rra n ts paid nnd cancelled ........... Bnlance on hand Dec. .31, 1930 6.41006 » 35.914.70 W IL L A M E T T E H IG H W A Y F U N D Cash on hand June 30, 1930 ...................................... W n rran ts issued July 1 to Dec. 31. 1930 .............. > » A rew ard w ill be given any In ­ dividual returnin g the choker to ( 50.#32 00 M r. C lark at the News O ffice. 2,»35 93 1.550.80 740.28 4.13 8TA TE TAX FUND Cash on hand June 30, 1930 ............. _...... ...... Kec'd from Taxes .............. ................ ................ ..... » 29.870.7» Paid State T re a s u rer ................ ............................ Transferred to Elem en tary M illage ( 26.350 29 Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31,1930 ................ IN D E M N IT Y Cash on hand June 30, 1930 C ertificate o f Deposit Miscellaneous Receipts C ertificate of Deposit .... Balance Cash on hand Dec 31, 1930 OUTDOOR PICTURES TO C iU tN C .. O U large arm sful of w earing apparet » 23.766.36 Into the houue he evidently dropped 164.27 the choker, because w hile making later trips to and from the house » 23.930 63 last week he saw what looked like to him to be a dead cat lying along the porch. He was busy th a t eve­ ning and the next night when he » 40.139 50 went to bury the cat It waa gone 6.7*6.21 and the next morning be discovered 8 45,935.71 that the fu r piece was also missing. FUND » 46.368.80 »989,711.19 C R E 8W E L L BRIDGE F U N D » D E F IC IE N C Y Cash on hand June 30. 1*30 » 30.14* 60 Kec'd from Taxes Paid Superintendent's O rders T ransferred to School Districts Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1*30 ( 76,23» 5» 30.149 60 »989.711.19 O IL IN G S P E C IA L F U N D Cash on hand June 30, 1930 » 30.994.90 754.80 »126.843.72 Miscellaneous Receipts ................................ ................. T ra n s fe rre d from County Roads Fund . 15.00 4.150.00 160.66 T ran sferred from Special Roads Fund Paid O iling Special Fund W a rra n ts ......................... O v e rd ra ft on Dec 31, 1930 ......................... » 49.756.64 » » 45,935 71 FUND ( 433 25 53.434 68 E L E M E N T A R Y M IL L A G E Cash on hand June 30. 1930 Transferred from State T ax Fund Paid County Superintendent's Orders Balance Caah on hand Dec. 31, 1*30 4.182.14 »126.994 37 SPR IN G FIELD BRIDGE 8PE C IA L Cash on hand June 30, 1930 W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930 T ran sferred from fund ................................... . » » 53,867.93 REC EIPTS A N D D IS B U R S E M E N T S » 49,746.06 O v e rd ra ft Juno 30. 1*30 ............................................. » T ran sferred to fund ................................................... » 23,»30 83 C O U N T Y H IG H SC H O O L F U N D Caah on hand June 30, 1*30 mh e It, , <1 from Taxes 41,259 21 For Tuition 1,117.03 Paid County Superintendent's Orders Balance Caah on hand Dec. 31, 1*30 L IB R A R Y C a s h on hand June 30. 1930 ( 41.622.1» Kec'd from Taxes Refund 30.000.00 Paid Superintendent's Orders Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31 1930 I, W. B D illa rd . County C lerk of L an e County. Oregon, hereby c e rtify that the foregoing report Is correct as I verily believe. IN W IT N E S S . W H E R E O F . I have hereuLto set my hand and affixed the seal of Lane County. Oregon, this 26th day of Feb. 1*31. W . B. D IL L A R D . , County C lerk of laine County, Oregon LANE 620.62 » FUND 28 81 23.903 82 IO *100.054 *1 5*0.50 J. I^ s lle C lark, linotype operator Three outdisir film s are due for 1.3*5 00 1.12» 23 on the News staff, is looking for presentation at th» Bell theatro 227 57 a fu r choker this week. Not that during the next week. Tonight w ill be the lust tim e (o r local »103*42 07 he has any need for such apparel, theatre goers to see "M en of the hut he would like to find thia one North " Friday and Saturday w ill aiid return It to the moth proof bring - Beyond the Rio G rande'* container where it was when Mrs. Thia la a big western which Is t lar left recently for a visit with tacked w ith th rills and escapes her relatives In Idaho. from villlans It also has a well * 70,837 34 13.444 »4 T he whole trouble started when thought out plot Involving e girl, C lark decided to move Into -the Slg her blind mother, anti a cowboy * 84.082 28 •Moe residence on East Main street who Is alw ays getting Into trouble while his w ife was away. Carrying through his kind deeds. 8,712 16 69.288.47 10.00 8.058.18 15.60 I vet I IS W IF E ’S FUR CHOKER » 84.082.28 S T A T E SC H O O L Cash on hand June 30, 1*30 Rei d from Htate laind Board Paid County Superintendent's Orders Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 Grace Schiska, County Treasurer 1.672.72- 137.416.17 »13»,088.89 W a rra n ts paid nnd cancelled Bnlance on hand Dec. 31. 1930 W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930 W a rra n ts paid and cancelled ..... .................. 52,706 61 »110.813.14 ï - » 10.360 39 O IL IN G S P E C IA L F U N D Cash on hand June 30, 1*30 » 30.986.42 4.1*6 00 T ra n s fe rre d to fund Miscellaneous receipts ................................................... 754 80 Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930 Dec. SI. 1*30 outstanding Juno 30, 1930 Issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930 I u c e u (102.942.07 11.622.19 149.60 .10,000,00 cancelled W a rra n ts paid and cancelled ........ W a rra n ta cancelled by County Court S T A T E O F OREGON » ) 88 C O I'jf t 'Y O F L A N E ) W a rra n ts outstanding Dec. 31, 1930 W a rra n ts O v erd raft W a rrants W a rra n ts 8.684.07 36.00 Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1930 » 33.286 00 W a rra n ts outstanding June 30. 1*30 " 1 " —" " ’ "" W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31. 1930 » 29.072 94 W arran ts outstanding Dec. 31. 1930 W a rra n ts issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930 Transferred from fund Paid Interest on w arrants » » »4.417.1* M A R K E T ROAD F U N D Cash t>n hand June 30. 1930 » 13.188 27 T a x collection July 1 to Dec. 31, 1930 38.071.55 Apportionm ent from State .............. ..... 37.103.12 T ran sferred to fund 19.900 80 406 10 Refund, donation and »ale of rock W a rra n ts cancelled and returned to fun 2*8.31 W a rra n ts Issiit-il July 1 to Dec. 31. 1*30 T ran sferred from fund Paid Interest on w arrants 56,2*0 43 W u rra n t* outstanding Dec. 31. 1930 W a rra n ts Issued July 1 to Dec. 31. 1930 Balance on hand Dec 31, 1*30 W n rran ts Issued July 1 to Dec 31. 1*30 W n rran ts paid and cancelled ( 62.670 61 ....» »126.702.16 1 - - - 32.286 00 * 84,974 60 W a rrants paid and cancelled R O O S E V E L T H IG H W A Y S P E C IA L ( 68.476.02 7.828 90 ('ash on hand June 30. 1*30 T ra n s fe rre d to fund 7.763 57 7,66*94 W n rran ts Issued June 30 to Dec. 31. 1930 ( 26.360 2» 20,018.61 66 33 T ran sferred from fund 166.16 W a rra n ts Issueil July 1 to Dee. 31, l*3o M c K e n z ie H IG H W A Y June 30. 1*30 July I to Dec. 31 1*30 receipts fund (134.67* 07 W a rra n ts Issued July 1 lo Dee. 31. l»3o - Balance on hand Dec, 31. 1*30 ( 4.444.65 W a rra n ts outstanding June 30. 1*30 W a rra n ts Issued July I to Dec. 31, 1930 31, 1*30 B O ND R E D E M P T IO N F U N D Cash on hand June 30. 1*30 ..... ( 10.682.02 State Apportionm ent M otor License 113,7*2 64 Interest on Rond money 642 2* T ax collection July I Io Dec. 31. 1*30 1.71* 88 I i . h i f. i r.-.I h- fund 65 33 807 80 7*8.8» *.»» 2.758 23 C O U N T Y SC H O O L F U N D 1* *28 28 Cash on hand June 30. 1*30 Rec'd from Taxe» R e tti from Fine Forest Reserve Rentals 2.1*1.*1 M iscellaneous Receipts Paid County Superintendent's O rder* 3.1*1.81 Baiarne Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1*30 » (108.871 04 L IA B IL IT IE S W arran ts outstanding June 30, 1*30 W a rra n ts Issued July I to Dec. 31. 1*30 W a rra n ts paid unit cancelled 3 » W arran ts paid and cancelled PAGE FIVE #7 8» S C H O O LS » 59.160.91 S IN K IN G F U N D S Cash on hand June 30. 1930 ....................................» 13,449 99 Rec'd from Taxes ........................................................... 22,086.15 Miscellaneous Receipts ............................................... 8,347.00 Paid Bonds and Interest, Special Schools .......... Paid Bonds and Interest, Union H igh Schools __ Balance Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 ......................... » 59.160 91 » 34,734.16 446.25 8,702.73 8 43,883.14 » 43,883.14 S U M M A R Y OF B A L A N C E S ON H A N D DEC. 31, 1930 Unsegregated T a x Fund » 5,512.80 O ilin g Special Fund— O verdraft* ....................... 13,840.84 General Fund .............................................................. 64.504.12 County Ronds Fund ............... 20,223.69 Special Roads Fund ............................................. 10.97101 M arket Road Fund— O v e rd ra ft ......................... 227.57 County School Fund ............................................... 13,444.94 State School Fund ................................................... 164.27 County H igh School F u n d ...................................... 5,796.21 E lem entary M illage Fund 2.935.93 L ib ra ry Fund ....... 773.12 Deficiency Fund .. 508.23 State T a x Fund 5.585.99 Indem nity Fund 3.258.16 Forest F ire Patrol .00 Port of Sluslaw .................................................. 2,538.84 Cox Drainage D istrict 4.34 County F a ir Fund .... .0« Fish and Game Fund 25.00 Dog T ax Fund ................................................... 4,182.14 County Prohibition Fund 237.71 State Prohibition Fund 340.95 Springfield Bridge ........... .00 C resw ell Bridge 84.90 W illa m e tte H ig hw ay Fund 6,845.17 M cK enzie H ighw ay Fund ...................................... 8.719.07 Florence Highw ay Fund 11.622.1» Roosevelt H ig h w a y Fund 29,870.7» Special Cities ................................. .... 3,102.62 Perm anent Roads 7,726.10 Bond Redemption Fund 94,417.1« H ills Creek Special .00 Glenada Special .00 Bohemia Special 202.12 N o rth Fork Special 1.20*04 Beach Road Special 7.80 Special School D is tric ts ........................................ 19,091.63 Union H igh Schools 7,280.16 Sinking Funds 8,702.73 T o ta l S T A T E OF OREGON ) »324,7*9.42 ) ss COUNTY OF LANE ) I. Grace Schiska. County T re a s u rer of I^tne County, Oregon, do here­ by c e rtify th a t the foregoing is a tru e and correct statement of receipts, disbursements, and balances by funds of Lane County, Oregon for the term ending Dec. 31, 1930, as appears upon the records o f my office »182.712.89 and in my o fficial custody as such Treasurer. 3,102.62 W itness my hand this 31st day of December. 1930. 8 76.239.59 GRACE SCHISKA »186.816.61 I County Treasurer X ,*•