THVRHDAY, MARCH 19. 1931 THE HPRINOIHKI-D NEWS IU M M O N I In tha C ircu it Court of Iho Etat« G U A R D IA N 'S BALE O F R E A L EETATE. N O T IC E N O T IC E T O C R E D IT C R S N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S final settlement of Not e« la hereby g l v n that the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN WHEREAS In chapter 127, gen »aid deceased. of Oregon, In and for Lana County. ' In the County Court of tho Etat« jinderrlgned haa been duly appoint­ • hat the undersigned haa been ap­ eroi law« of Oregon, enacted In Chari«« H Cochran and Horace It °f Oregon for Lana County. ASA J. H IG G IN S , 'd executrix of the eatatn of pointed administrator of the estate 1919, It la declared to lie the duty Administrator of the Batata of Cochran. Executor« of the Katat« I In Probate, of «vary person, firm, copartner ¡Chartes E Colcord, d ceaaed. and of MATTIE A. WILMORE, de­ < ra II Higgins, Deceased of Harsh K Cochran. Deceased, In the Matter of the Rotate of »hip. company and corporation any and all peraon« having <|a| m» ceased, by the County Court of A. E Wheeler, Attorney, Plaintiff« s n J DAHLIN, an Inaane person owning. agalnat aald eatate are hereby re Lnne County, Oregon. All persons leaning, occupying,poaese- M 12 1 I M A S - 9 Agnlnat Purauunt to an Order of Court Ing nr having charge of or do­ q u ire' to preaent ial'1 claims, dpi having claims against aald estate Harry W Neet, Administrator of 'Inly given and made In the above minion over any land, place, build verified aa by law required, at he ire required to preeent them, with N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F S SALK lii» Katat« of W II. Cooper. D«- entitled proceeding. I, Kdd Dahlin, 'ng, atructure. wharf, pier or dork office of Frank A D el’ue, attorney ’he proper vouches attached, to the Notice la hereby given that by cessed; Ruth Cooper, a widow; j *• guardian In aald proceeding«, which la Infeated with ground for the Springfield, Oregon undersigned at the law office» of Virtue of an execution and order mm , Oregon, within six IMMEI A EVANS, In the Flrat Dorothy Cooper, a single woman will aell at private aale to the qulrrela and other noxloua ro- In l-ane Z Circuit h'xiH CHAItlK fu ll ut 166 HIMIh Charlotte C. Cooper, a minor; and beat bidder for caah. ur pr(.,iatory animal«, or aa month« from the date of thia N ation Bank Building, In Eugene. A X ' ’»«rt of the S ate of Oregon n for Street or proti« n for appoint being the holra at laiw of W It each of the following described aM , h„ prFM<,n(.a the »ame notice. I ano Countv M i n o r » M lh Oregon, within six months from the no County February 27th. 1931, Dated March 3rd, 1931. Cooper, deceuaed; Mary E. Den tracts of real .«tata, separately: . „,,«11 ,.„m„ to , helr ,,r muut. M l* « date nt this notice. One nt the simplest of all em- ,,p<’n and pursuant to a decree duly AMANDA COLCORD, ton; Clarence Gregg; Gertrude ( l i lleglnnlg at a point 30 feet ¡ knowledge, at once to proceed and Dated at Eugene, Dreg n, thia h rold e^ ».It. he» canals,. of the ao «** * Executrix of the e»tate of Charles 28th day of February, 1931. Gregg, hla wife; (iron C. Davis. North and SO feet and 8 Inch«« to rontlnue In good faith to exter NOTICK TO CREDITORS E Colcord, deceaaed. Nellie C Davla, hla wife; and . called blanket atltrh which la noth Ing therein In which T. A. Gilbert Eaat of the Southwest corner of ¡m inate and deetroy auch rodent« RAY W WILMORE. Noth.» In hereby given that III« laiaella Stew art; Defendants: Eugene F Skinner Donation Land by poisoning, trapping or other ap­ Frank A. DeJ’ue. Administrator of the Eatate of ing more nor less than a deep but- ’,nrt Ella Gilbert were plaintiffs and n n 11« rs lx n «<1 has h«« n uptM>ltil« raey W fine ehftIna to a point hl the west aide suant to an order of license grant­ r » 3, „„„ ship and range: thence North 0*26’ ( ourt holla« In the City of Eugene Alao for decree of foracloaure of 1931, aald administrator wRI on the I nlted Htatea Department or ,,, FRANK B. RETD, West, alone the west side of said J()llD Slrom e. the plaintiff Oregon an tha day. lima and place the mortgage given to secure aald March 28lh, 1931. at ten o'clock Agrlcu ture be used for the pur , Attorney tor Plaintiff County Road No. 649, 12.545 chains for lh« hearing of objections t o 1 promissory note, recorded on page A. M at the front door of the pose of auch exterm in ation . Ruch , h. r„ ,n re,.„yered Judgment against Residence and Post Office Ad- poisoned barley may be secured to a stone on the west line and »aid final account and the aetlle 457 of Vol "81" of the Mortgage l-ane County, Court House In Eu th<- defendants J. E. Murphy and ¡ dress, Eugene. Oregon. at the terminus of said County ment thereof All objectlona must rvcorda of lain« County, Orugon; gene, Oregon, offer for aale and from the undersigned at his office R- so C. Murphy for the aum of M 12 19 28-A.2 9 In Eugene. I-aae County, Oregon, at Road No. 649. thence North 0* 04‘ be In writing and filed with the | agunat the plaintiff« and all the aell at public sale, for caah or Three Thousand (*3,000.08); the approximately the cost of prepara East 6.98 chains, thence North Clerk of aald Court on or before defendant«, except aald Mary E part caah and part credit, to the fti. llier -um of Three Hundred Two NOTICE TO CREDITORS tlon 88* 33’ West 20.346 chains to a aald day and tlm«, and 17100 DdGars (»302 17) inter- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Denton; that her «aid mortgage be highest bidder, all of the right, title Date of flrat publication of this ea t; the further aum of Four Hun- That C. J. Fulton has been ap fir post marked C. S. said fir post IDA B WOOLLEY, decreed to b« the flrat lien upon and Intereat of aald eatate In the notice March 5th, 1931. being 20 chains North I* 43' Foist Executrix. all the land« therein described; following parcels of land, all In dred Seventy-four and 21-100 Dol- pointed administrator of the eatate (Signed) and 21.42 chains South 88* 42' East Frank A. D el’ue, that «aid land« therein described Ion e County, Oregon, to w lt: n a i-’i ir-ri-uvn Jar» 1*474.21); the further aum of <>f Annie S. Fulton, deceased, bv of 'he com er In angle of the Wm. Attorney for the eatate. The w est half of the northeast I»« Mold, III the manner provided County Agrk-uRural Agent ° n" aBd 93100 D o,lar" <3’ 931 ' hH ConDtr CoUrt o f , 'ane Luckey and wife Donation Land F 28 MS-12 19 18 by luw and the proceed« of such quarter; the weet half of the east > g u ural Ag* nt. t),rea, . th,, further »um of Three Oregon. All persons having claims a i Claim No. 52 In said township and M.6-12-19 Hundred D ollars (*300.00) attor against said estate are required to «ale applied, after paying the ex half of the northeast quarter; the range, said corner In angle being penaea of making auch aale. flrat, southweat quarter of the southeast neya’ fees, and for the costs und present them, with the proper the southwest corner of lot 7 In to the payment of aald Defendant'« quarter of the northeaet quarter, N O T IC E O F S H _ E R IF F ’S SA LE disbursement« of this suit, taxed vouchers, within six months from Section 7 ln said township and Judgment, with Intereat, costa, dla all being _ — _____ - - e i t i ' ~ H GIVEN, at Eighteen and 40-100 Dollars the 12’h day of March, 1931. to In _________ section 30. township range, thence South 1* 32’ West virtue of an <»1R 40). and said execution to me the said administrator at the law bur«etnenta and ex penaea; and for 19 south range t west of W iliam That undpf a « d by 19.646 chains to the place of begin­ .auch other nnd further r illef aa « tie Meridian, in l-ane County, , x,,’ "»ration, Eugene V Slattery, P. L. Vs. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E on the south line of the north half the ««n.hw ?. a , » D. rla,b d and recorded as Lots Johnson. E L. Pellet. J W Moas. ALI-EN ROTHWELL, and th e NOTICE Is hereby given that by of section 29, township 19 aoeth v » ,« tí,* L ' S hP < O,Unty N'' ' 2 ’ and < of Wa.hburne D-v d B. Evans and W . M. Fonn- CITY CF EUGENE, Lane County. --------- of - an execution --------- - 19 rt House Eugene. virtue and . order range 1 u west of io W nsnip illamette Mert- (ou County Oregon In offer for sale Lane and * * Millett’s Mllllett '' Plat, P,at’ Lane Lane County. Ore t.-in. D efendants Oregon, a municipal corporation, A II Kinds of of sal« laaued out of the Circuit diun 9 00 chains w est nnd 19 l i n ’ u , ’ ’ » ¡ rer ror HaI» and g o n )v By virtue of an execution, Judg- Defendants. Court of the Slat» of Oregon f„r chain, south of the w u th east c-or- i “A PU . a.u1ctk,n »«” • cash aub- NOW, THEREFORE In the name ment. decree and order of aale is- To Allen Rothwell ___ Defendant; luiri«' I'nuntw Cult-,,--« o m u i,— _ . . .. . Jett to redemption as provided by of the Statp of Oreroi n,ptlon ,aa Provided State Oregon, in compii ¡sued out of the above entitled court IN THE NAME OF THE STATE lotne County, February 18. 1931, ner of the Thomas Mathews dona all of the rtvhi title ......... I ¿"'.u”' ” , ----- eum ivu court R E P A IR IN G and S H A R P E N IN G upon and pursuant to a decree duly land * lalm No. 46 In aald town t .L a t i . -? wl,h ,h e sald execution and ,n the above entitled cause to me OF OREGON, You are hereby no­ given and made by the said Court ship and running thence north 4 76 j r w f i I m -I n i „ « “ » , V ord'*r of *“ le ’ and ln ° rder ,o 5at dirpcted ar.l dated the 27th day of tified that Waldo S. Hardle, the 12« W. «th Street February 18. 1931, In a suit pead ch ain s to a atone thence south ¿ fr« .n a Urli? m 7 itd h , ,2 4 "a “ ' *"fy 841,1 1udKrapnt- I»« ’»'"nF in- February, 1931. upon a Judgment •>wner of Certificate of Delinquency Eugene Phone 900 Ing therein In which B B. Brun 8 1 ^ ’ west 11 82 chains to a stone u n d e r h l ^ In Led ^ ' i h h i ° T 'c"»8’- a‘torne>»' ,pea' coats of suit and decree entered in said court No. 2148. issued on the 5th day of dag«, trustee, was plaintiff, and thence south 2 92 chains to the d M crlh ^ mlnln«de l . l 2 i a"? accruln* ‘/ ° 8ts' 1 Sa‘ on the 27th day of February, 1931. May, 1926, by the Tax Collector described mining claims, to-wit urday, the U th day of April. 1931. in favor of the Union Central Life l'Iyaaua W Kllmaker and Ruth L. south line of the north half of said of the County of Lane and State Harding as recorded page 321, at the hour of one o'clock In the Insurance Companv and against Ellninker, his wife, Frances A. Ell- section 29. thence eaat on said line of Oregon, for the amount of Flf _ 60-100 _ ______ __ maker. a widow. The Bank o f Com 11 80 chains to the place of begin­ book 7, I-ane County Mining Claim afternoon of said day, at the South said defendants for the following teen and Dollars (*16.69), west front door of the County Court sums o f money, to-w lt: *42.77 with w»»I- a fine quality of worsted the sam e being the amount then mere«, Eugene, Oregon, a corpora- ning. containing 4 624 acres of land, Records. llou trustee, Ruth Robertson Pow­ more or less In Ioine County. Ore­ Washington as recorded page 413. House in Eugene. I-ane County, Interest at 10'”- from June 7, 1930; threaded in a coarse darning due and delinquent for taxes for der Company, a corporation, W il­ gon. appraised at *60 00. book 7. Lane County Mining Claim S,a,p Oregon, offer for sale and *90 86 with Interest at IO1”- from needle There are several va ria , *le year 1924, together with penal- liam Johnson, doing business under Records. 8e" tor cash, at public auction. December 5, 1929; *174.79 with ln- i u IT« interest and costs thereon upon I-ots 4, 7. 10 and 13 of section FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lincoln as recorded page 416 8,,',Je< 1 to, rtilemption as provided terest at 10<"- from September 5. , “ the U8Ual ODe t’vort>ree (he rpa| property asseggej to you, the name and style of the Johnson 6, township 20 south of range 1 Furniture Company, Eugene Plan­ west of W illam ette Meridian, ln book 7. Lane County Mining Claim b’V aW’ a" tbe rl?*’t. title and 1930; *1744.57 with interest at flrst one shown here of which you are the owner as ing Mill Company, a corporation, I-ane County, Oregon appraised at Record« 228 M a in St. Interest of the said defendants J. 6 U 1"- from December 1, 1929; the consists of three fairly long stitches appears of record, situated in said Residence 125 C St. Tei rill-Volghl Planing Mill, a cor­ *50 00 Coolidge as recorded page 415, £ . m 'lrph’V’ .Ro9,i™ ; Murphy- and further sum of »250.00 attorney of even length, followed by th r e e ! County and State, and particularly 62 J «62 M poration, Walters-Bushong Lumber Southwest quarter; also begin­ book 7. lain« County Mining Claim u ' lllnK,on A " 1!llam8/ and aI1 [o,‘s and Plaintiffs costs taxed at shorter stitc h e s then three lonver l>ounded and described as follows. persons claiming by. through or »48.00 and the cosi„ of and upon >,nor'er 8titcnes. then three longer lo.wlt: Company, a corporation, F. K. ning in north line of lot 4 o f sec­ Records Helvers and J. K. Bryan, partners tion 29, township 19 south range 1 Home as recorded page 412. book under ' henl or any or ei,hPr of ,hia writ; commanding me to make stitches, and so on to the end. The Ix)t No Four (4, Block No Full Auto Equipment doing burines» under the firm name wi'st of W illamette Meridian 20.80 7, I-ane County Mining Claim Rec ,n and to ,h e sald Premises, sale of the following described real second variation consists of a short Five (5) of the W est Sixth Street laxly Assistant und stylo of Helvers ft Bryan, Nels ehnlns west of southeast corner of ord» ! Property situated in Lane County, stitch, a medium sized stitch, one Addition to the City o f Eugene. P. Jorgensen, J. H. Blake, William claim No. 45 and running west 12.63 Monroe Extension No. 1 as roe b h e r f f o f a n e m i" [ i A^8th ,r °L ? G ’ "“i u ’ h ' th » llttIp >°n««r and ° “e 1“"® lonK' ? ? Uw rm ^ r? V ° a l,fled,.that I’rostun and C. H. Hales, partners chains to northwest com er of said orded poge 414, book 7, Lan« Conn ____________________ M 1 - 1.» A , All that portion of Sections Three . said Waldo S. Hardle, has paid dr mg buslueaa under the firm lot 4, thence south 19.02 chains to tv M ining Claim Records N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S *v’ ’ P° Ur (4) an<1 Ten i l 0 ) in T ow n - ol!owed by a d®scendlng arrange- taxes On sald prernises for subse- name und style of Preston A Hslas, southwest corner thoreof, thence Monroe Extension No. 2, as rec x„,tog hereby given that the i5 !P S even ,®en Sou"> Rang® ment of the s‘>td>®8 The third quent years, with the rate of in- DR. B ER TH A DAVIDSON (I A. Cords and O. D. MacLaren, cast 12 63 chains to a point due onled page 415. book 7. Lnne Coun- undersigned h is been duly- moolnt-^ , <3> " e8t of tbe 'Vi"an>ette variation consists of four stitchee terest on said amounts as follows: Osteopathic Physician e,7 a d m ^ t s t X of the ^ s t a ^ of ^ X t n a £ a“ ™ .«t ’ f p * of ^ dpd d° “ 80 that you 1#2‘ ’ inrlners doing business under the south of beginning, and north 19.02 ,y Mining Claim Records fi-ni I .vine and style nt Cords ft to place o f beginning, excepting Monroe Extension No. 3 as rec Charles F Russell, deceased, and Hn< Section Three En t with the I»"*«81 aad end I f m e r e s t 6«^ total ' 8*15 69' Mix l-aren John Doe and Richard therefrom a part of the following, orded page 412, book 7. Lane Coun- anv ind all nersons having claims ~ 1 311 bec’lon Three (3) or interest, 6«-, total, »15.69. 204 1. O. G. F. Temple I <>e. i artnurv doing business under to wlt: Beginning at a atone set ty Mining Claim Records against the e sU U an^hereby Twenty nine and eighty-two hum »>th the shortest and then begin 1926 Tax. paid May 5th, 1927, Telephone 3286 Fugene, Ore. the firm name and style of the In west line of section 29, town Monroe Extension No. 4 as rec- reonired to Dresent said claim s drpdths (29.82) chains south Two again with the longest. A fourth Tax Receipt No. 13027, Amount Perfection Wull Bed Company, ship 19 south range 1 w est of Wtl orded page 416, book 7, Lane Coun »12.06, rate of interest 6%, total Walter A. Woodard Lumber Com­ lam ette Meridian, 12 chains north ty Mining Claim Records 113.59 ________________________________ pany, a corporation. H, W. White of southwest corner thereof, and 1927 T ax . paid: F irs t half. A p ril Universal Mortgage Corp. Antimony as recorded page 413. gene Loan and Savings Bank in doing business under the name and running thence north 62* east 23.12 fifty hundredths (52.50) chains to a (hen a long, followed by two shorta 24th. 1928, Tax Receipt No. 4216. book 7. Lane County Mining Claim the City of Eugene in Lane County, style of White Electrical Company, chains to a stone, th* nee north Amount; J6.28; Second half. Now. Oregon, within six months from the point in the South line of the J. S. and so on to the end. F J. Berger, J. W. Copeland Yards, 46*33' east 8.00 chains to a «tone, Records. Swearingen Donation Land Claim , 5th 1928, Receipt No. 26937, Amount Antimony Rxtonsion No. 1 as roc- date of this notice. a corporation, and Vern D. Scobert thence north 31*30’ east 16 chains to orded page 418, book 7, Lane Coun Number Thirty-seven (37) which is n o -IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ,6 28- In te re s t 6% , to ta l »13.21. Dated and first published March seven and Frank W. Scobert, partners a stone 21.92 chains north of the ty Mining Claim Records. w . P. Tyson, Agent and fifty hundredths (7.50) .. ,, ' , . . 1928 Tax, paid: First half. May 12. 1931. ra , , I . ..... t o o ! chains West of the Southeast cor *J°tk.'e 18 bereby 4th- 1929. Tax Receipt No. 19072. doing business under the firm south line of the north one half of <26 E 8t. Phons 5SW Antimony Extension No. 2 as rec­ Date of last publication April 9. ner thereof; thence South Fourteen U"d" slg?,ed, has been duly appoint- Amount Secon), ha,f name and style of Scobert Ware said section 29. thence north 17.87 orded psge 417, book 7. Lane Coun­ 1931 and eighty-six hundredths (14 86) ed Administrator of the estate of 5fh 1929 Tax Recelpt No 4«»i, house Compuny, and Lillian M chains, more or less to the south ty Mining Claim Records. THE EUGENE LOAN and chains to the South line of the Jobn S ,LayPyty’ R Amount »6.73. Interest 6%, total Travis, a widow, were defendant«, line of the Thomas Mathews d om All In the Bohemia Mining Dis­ SAVINGS BANK land formerly owned bv W. M. and and PPr8(T ’ u lt lT 414 70 which execution and order of sale tlon land claim No. 46, in said town trict, I-ane County. State of Oregon. Administrator of the estate of Mary E. Bogart: thence West to 8*a*"8‘ ,thp Sair d P n, , aH nldm » 1929 Tax, paid ( First and Second waa to me directed and commanded ship, and thence west 20.80 chains Also one stamp mill and acces- Charles E. Russell, deceased, Upholstering r K h to fw a v ’ th “ th% r“ dulv v e r te d a s h y law^required’ half) January 30. 1931, Tax Receipt me to sell the real property here­ to southwest corner of said dona­ Reflnlah'ng Repairing inafter described to satisfy certain tion land claim, thence north 0 97 sories complete together with all Fred E. Smith. ,.!? Utbe, y at Office ui of n Frank D e l’ue. and equipment on ground and Attornev for administrator. ,i„ „ . „„¡ j a. the m e muve » « » A. i-ttu o , No. 48123, Amount *13.26, rate of Screen anil all kinds of mill work liens and charges In said decree chain«, more or leas, to north line tools all constituting the El Capitan M.12-19-26-A 2-9 ? d righ t° m y . ® .1 Attorney- for the estate at Spring- Interest 6%. total *13.33. C E C IL C A L K IN S , P rop rietor specified, I will, on Saturday, the of lot 6 of said sectUn 29, thence group of mining claims. You are further notified that the ~ ntersechon with th > center-of the fie1d Oregon in Lane County, Ore- 66114 West Eighth Phone 402 28th day of March, 1931, at the west 11.83 chains to northwest said Waldo S. Hardle has paid Dated this 5th dav of March. S U M M O N S , ( »unty Road; . thence Southeasterly . . . - gon. within six months from the S U M M O N S hour of one o'clock P. M. at the coranr of said lot 6, thence south 1931 . .. renter line of said municipal liens assessed against • along m . the he_re? tP.r J£ne sa d r. road date this notlce rcuit Court of o the State to thp centpr of fh H L BOWN , n Circuit h , south west door of the County Court along the section line 48 chains, said property as follows, to-wlt: H. L. B O W N . o f Oregon, O reo o n . fo r Lane La n e County. C o u n tv . th e b rid g e across th p M c ^ e n I ,e _ of W. L. McHARGUE, House In Fugene, Lane County, General Law Practice mere or less to place of beginning, Sidewalk assessm ent. Paid July Sheriff I-ano County, State of r o Y STOLZIG. Plaintiff. Administrator of the estate of 21. 1926, *31.39: Rate of intereat Oregon, offer for sale and sell at consisting of 103.17 acres, more or Oregon. River; thence Southeasterly along ys John O’Laverty, deceased. public auction for cash, subject to I. M. PETERSON lesB, appraised at *203.00. 6%. total *36.84. MS 12-19-26-A.2 FRANK I. KINNEY. JESSIE M. the north hank of said river to Dated February 16th. 1931. redemption as provided by law, all Southeast quarter of section 30, Paving assessm ent. Paid Sept. 22, Attornuyat-l-aw KINNEY. ARTHUR C. NETTLE- ',aarter“ section" ll’ie ^ .r n n k .» 11 F w t Erank A DePue of tho right, tllte and Interest of township 19 south range 1 west, 1927. *49.37; Rate of interest 6%, City Hall Building th« defendants in said suit und of W illamette Meridian, bought under N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE R26 M.5-12-19-26 i totaj. ,5 4 ',t0 . n -.a t Notice is hereby given that by all parties claiming by, through or contract from First Notional Bank. Springfield, Oregon i'm ' a ihence East on said Quarter Sec- Sidewalk assessm ent. Paid June To Arthur ( . Nettleton and ....... »Ion line to the East line of said tinder them nr any of them since Fugene, Oregon, upon which there virtue of an execution and order 13, 1928. *23.30; Rate of Interest N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S the 20th day of October, 1926, In Is an unpaid balance of approxi­ of sale issued out of the Circuit i Nettleton, his wife, defendants. Section Ten (10); thence North 6%. total »24.70. or to the following deacrlbed real mately *160.00, appraised at noth­ Court of the State of Oregon for IN THE NAME OF THE STATE , ilong of Section Ten _ the East line __________________ Notice Is hereby given that the Sidewalk assessm ent, Paid July l-ane County, on the 3rd day of property, to-wlt: FRANK A. DE PUE ing March, 1931 upon nnd pursuant to ( F OREGON: You are hereby re (10) and Section Three (3) Nine’y- undersigned has been appointed 10. 1928. *13.93; Rate of Interest I-ot 2 In Block Numbered 20, In Bcglnlng at northwent corner of a decree given and made on the qulred to appenr and answer the one and fifty six hundredths (91.56) Administrator with the Will An- 8%, total »14.70. A T TO R N E Y A T LAW Cross' Addition to Eugene, In Lane the south east quarte. of section 29 3rd day of March, 1931 In a stilt complaint filed against you In t h e ' chains to the place of beginning cexed of the estate of George Z. Said Allen Rothwell as the owner N O T A R Y P U B L IC County, State of Oregon; also In township 19 south range one pending therein In which Andrew above entitled suit within four except therefrom the One (1) acre lik es, deceased, by the County of the legal title of the above de­ Beginning at the Northeast cor­ west, W illamette Meridian, running Holton Is plaintiff and’P. Aug. Pet­ weeks from the date of the first building site located in I-ots Five Court of Lane County. Oregon. All scribed property as the name ap­ Sutton Springfield ner of the I-evl W. Zumwsft Dona­ thence east 208.7 feet, thence south erson and W. C. Yoran are defend publication of this summons, and (5) ai d Six (6) of said Section "erson having claims against said pears of record, and each of the Building Oragon tion Land Claim No. 62, Notifica­ 208 7 *eet, thence west 208.7 feet ants, which said execution and or­ if you fn.ll to appear or answer for Ten (10) heretofore reserved In 'state are hereby notified to pre other persons herein named «re tion 4941, in Township 17, South, thence north 208.7 feet to place of der of sale was to me directed and want thereof the plaintiff will take deed dated March 12th. 1908, and sent the same, properly verified, to hereby further notified that the Range 5 W est of the W illamotte beginning. In l-ane County, Oregon commanded me to sell the herein­ a decree against you In the sum recorded In Volume 74. page 562 'he undersigned at the office of plantiff Waldo S. Hardle will apply Meridian, running thenc« South appraised In the sum of *1000.00. after diwcribed premises to satisfy of »150 00 with Interest thereon at of the Deed Records of Lane Coun Wells ft Wells, Attorneys. Bank of to the Circuit Court of tha County along the eaRt line of said claim A roadway from W. L. Parmenter plalntiff's judgment In the sum of 8% per annum from December 12, ty, Oregon, containing net five Commerce Bldg., Eugene, Lane and Satte aforesaid for a decree Forty (40) chains to the Southeast as described In volume 168 page »500.00 with interest thereon at 7r'- 1928 until paid and *50.00 reason hundred and forty-four acres (544). County, Oregon, within six months foreclosing the lien against the corner of tho North half ( f t ) of 87 of the deed records of Lane per annum from August 27. 1920 ah'e ai t?rnpy's fppa apd ,Pr PO8t8 Now, therefore, by virtue of said from the date of the first publtca- property above described and men­ hh I i I claim; thence W est parallel to County, Oregon, as follows: Road­ until paid. »60.00 reasonable attor ‘'P*! d'8*’ursements of suit; that executlon. Judgment, decree and tion of this notice. tioned In said certificate. And you tho north line of said claim Forty- way 16 feet wide beginning about ney's fees and costs and disburse i (”a,n1tl f hayp a mortgage lien upon order of sale and in compliance Date of first publication. Feb. 19, are hereby summoned to appear live (46) chains, thence North one halt of a mile south of the ments of suit taxed at »20.76. I 1 B k ' ”CL 3 nrap " A d ' with the commands of said writ, I 1931. w'thln sixty (60) days from the Twenty (20) chains, thence Hast northeast corner of my (Parmen- will on Monday the 6th .lay or d"l»n to the City of Eugene. Lane vlll on Friday, the 3rd day of April, T. S. STIVERS, date of the first publication of Thirty (30) chains, thence North ter's) land ln section 30, township April. 1931 at the hour of 1:00 ’minly. Oregon for the payment of 1931, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Administrator, this summons, exclusive of the said Twenty (20) chains; thence East 19 south range 1 west, W illam ette «»■clock P. M at the Southwest door the aforesaid money decree; tha ront door of the County Court .'dmln stiator with the Will An first day, und defend this action Fifteen (16) chains to the place of Meridian, and running In a general of tho County Court House in Eu s"ld ™?r ,*af p 1 , Pn- bp f»ree'»8‘'d House in Eugene, Oregon sell atjnexed. or pay the amount due as above beginning. Also Lot Four (4) and northwesterly direction to land gene, I«ane County, Oregon, offer and that said defendants and each public auction, subject to --------r redemp- Wells & Wells, Attorneys. shown, together with costs and aft- the Northeast quarter of the North­ now owned by A. M. Spangler, said for sale and sell for cash at public them and Interest in and to said (ion, to the highest ' bidder for cash F.20-26-M.6-12-19 crued Interest, and In case of your east quarter of Section Twenty- roadway being approxtjnately one auction, subject to redemption as 11 b> ,and (»'»treat In and to said n hand .11 the right, title and failure to do so a decree will be night (28). Also beginning at the fourth mile long on my premises, provided by law, all the right, title Premises except the right to re- nterest which the above named Estate of Ora B. Higgins, Dec'd rendered foreclosing the lien of Northwest corner of Lot Three (I) appraised at *10.00, and Interest of the aforesaid de- d’’' ni 8i" d premises; that said defendants, ur either of them, had N O T IC E O F F IN A L »aid taxes and costs against tha of suld Section Twenty-eight (28) Southwest quarter of section 32 fendants and each of them and all Premises be sold and the proceeds , n (he 14th day of August, 1930, SETTLEM ENT land and premises ah.iv» described. The New ShleM shape running thence South 14.96 chains, In township 19 south range 1 west parties obtaining by through or «!'P"ed ,o th » rostR of 8nb' and (he d«te of the mortgage foreclosed. Notice Is hereby given that Asa The date of the first publication Lenses made tn 8oft- thence EaHt 32.70 chains to the W illamette Meridian, In Lane under them or any of them since Ihe balance on the aforesnld decree. , r since that date had in or to J. Higgins has filed in the County of this Summons Is March 12th, Fast line of snld Section Twenty- County, Oregon, appraised I-lte Hhad i 2, roduce a t the 8th day of April, 1930 In or The order of the Court d irectin g! the above described property or ¡Court of the State of Oregon in 1931. eight (28), thence North 14.96 *80.00. glare. to the following described promises. service of this summons by the any part thereof, to satisfy said and for Lane County, his final re- All process and papers In thia chains, and thence W est 32.70 Northeast quarter of section 30 The West half of Lot 12 and the publicatlon thereof is dated Feb- execution. Judgment, decree and i port as administrator of the estate proceeding may be served upon the chains to the place of beginning, In township 19 south range 1 w est North 8- 2-3 feet of the West half ruary 17, 1931, an.l requires publlra- trder of sale, interest, costs nnd I of Ora B. Higgins, deceased; and undersigned residing within m e nil in I-ano County, Oregon. Wlllnmotte Meridian, l-ane County, of Lot 11 all ln Block 16, Gross tion once each week for four sue- accruing costs, that ten o’clock In the forenoon State o,' '»regon, at the add Dated this 20th day of February, Oregon, 130 acres, appraised at Addition to Eugene. Lane County, ccssive weeks, nnd date of first Dated tilts 27th day of February, of Saturday, the U th day of April, hereafter . .entloned. 1931. *130.00. Oregon, Registered Title. publication Is.February 19th, 1931. 1931. O f- T O M ¿ T R i y - T 1931, at the Courtroom thereof ln j JA M ES K. K IN O , H. L. BOWN, F. N. McAI-lSTEH, H. L. BOWN. C. A. W IN TERM EIER, H. L. BOW N, Eugene, Oregon, have been fixed Attorney for Plaintiff _ IÍLJA ' í C T B TH A V L Sheriff of I-nne County, Oregon. Administrator estate of Floyd Sheriff. Attorney for Plaintiff. Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon nnd appointed by said court an the. Residence and Poatofflce A4- A. I-. H U I-K G A ARD, Deputy. Wilson, deceaaed, By A. E. Hulgaard, Deputy, Residence: Eugene, Oregon By A. B. Hulegaard, Deputy time and place for hearing objec- i dresa, Miner Building, Eugaoa, F.26-1L 6-12-19-28 F.26-M.6-1H9-16 M.6-12-19-26 A.2 F.19-26-M.6-12-19 M.6 12-19-26-A.2 tions to said report and for th e |('ane County, Oregon. IL lt-lE -M -lL M . Marshall < ‘l,‘ of tho ct ...... t s .,.. Business Directory Edw. G. Privât Lawn Mowers Walker-Poole Chapel , L ’ BONDS Eugene Furniture Hospital DR E C MEADF ÄÄJRl— « J « ■