TH U R S D A Y . M A lU 'lI II». 1 »31 SCANDALS RIVAL DAYS OF TWEED New York Amazed at Rev­ elations of Irregularities on Part of Judges. L O C A L C H IL D 'S B IR T H D A Y r.ENTS ÎN ROOM OF PARALYZED SDN TOWN AND VICINITY 03846321 Visits at Portland Guy tlabrlvl well! to Poitland Friday for a short visit. Helpleee Virginia Man Has Gated Two Veers on Grim Death Reminders. Luray, V«.—Two cnfflra await­ ing their owners' «lout ha. occupy­ ing the same room where 11**8 a paralyzed former fireman on the Norfolk A Western railroad, are Intensifying tragic event» connect ed with the family of J. l>. RutTner, a farmer of this county. For a long lime the coffins, made for Mr. and Mrs RutTner. have been In their home. The farmer and his wife are both more than eighty years old In order to avoid “confusion" at the time of his death. Mr RutTner says, the coding were made. A local undertaker furnished them according to Mr. RnlTner’s spec!ticatIons. J. C. RutTner, the paralysed former railroad man. Is the young­ est »on of Mr and Mrs RutTner. For two years lie has occupied the same room where the death re­ minders are kept. He can neither move nor speak; only stare at the receptacles. Tragedy has trailed the RutTner family for years. Another son of the aged couple a number of years ago shot and killed his uncle. He served only a short time in prison. This was followed by another mem­ ber of the RutTner family shooting and killing their son in iaw, Mark WRlker. This killing was commit­ ted within Ukl fret of the coffins and the firemans room. tatter Noah Fox, a relative of the Ruffners. was shot and killed within ltX* .vartH of the “coffin room. Fox was slain by his son- In-law. George Riley, who was ac­ quitted of the crime In the Page county court Canyonville Resident Here Mra i Nan Puckett of Canyonville visited friends In Springfield on Saturday. Thurston Bladder Weakness obb HOW Q U A L IT Y STORE NO. 3 960 Charnelton 8t., Eugene STORE NO. 4 500 Main Street, 8pringfleld FRIDAY AND SATURDAY VAN CAMP'S Beans and Frankfurters Kraut and Frankfurters. Clams “ M aster" Brand No- ’/ 2 Cans ...... 15 oz. Cans s. o s. 2 6-pad Packages and A lu m in u m QQ Pan .................. «J «y Green Beans Betty's Pride No. 2 Can .... 10c bbi Baked Beans ‘Franco-A erm icai 7V2C 16 oz. Can H A R D W A R E for LESS MONEY W hy pay more when yau can be cer­ ta in th a t the Q u a lity w ill be the best and the Price the lowest. We ca rry a com plete line o f high-grade H ardw are, Paints and Fencing. GOLD MEDAL C ake Flour Lentil Soup “We«tche«ter ' 14 oz. Can 20c / / /2C 2 pkgs. and Angel Cake Pan 67c Blackberries Cottage Grove No. 2 Cans 10c W R IG H T & SO N S HARDW ARE — F U R N IT U R E — Monday, March «30 Is the firs t tiny o f the S pring term Ask About II EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE It's a good School 'lion e tiiiii M iner Bldg , Eugene, Oregon _________ M E N ’S S P R IN G SH O ES New shoes oftoti make a new man. Be well s h o d if you w ould be w ell dress­ ed. We have a grand array o f black and tan; grain or kid leather; blucher o r b r o g u e • lig h t o r heavy w eight — but each p a i r guaran­ teed to be values u n ­ equaled. Fulops D epartm ent «Store .1. r’U Lol', Proprietor 334 M a in S tre e t Springfield. Ore. ■■■■■■Hl Constant Cold Protects Your Health and Budget DO YOU STORE NO. 1 125 East Broadway, Eugene •T O R E NO. 2 88-98 West Broadway, Eugena nt a dinner party at their home In Eugene last night Among t h o s e attending (rum Springfield wore Mr anil Mrs c . K Kenyon, Mr. um 1 Mrs Frank lle l’uo, Mrs, Maude Bryun Milli Crystal llryun. Mr. unii Mr« w II Adrian. Mr and Mra W. II Dawson. and Mr. an il Mra. M M Peery Does Friday the Ihlrleenth moan good luck, hud luck, or 1» II Jual Transacts Business— M U W ill an Indifferent day? lace of Jasper was a business visi­ This question may he bothering tor In Springfield Tuesday. Mi and Mrs. I l l ) Gabriel of this Goshen Resident Hers — tl G city who been me I he parents of a llo llls of Goshen was a hualnea» , baby daughter at the home of Mi Gabriel s parents It. Portland on ! visitor In this city Wednesday D R . C A R L 'S D IS C O V E R Y '¿dday. March IS, 1931 S T O P S G A S ,C O N S T IP A T IO N W ettervllls Man Hare— A. J. Ren In 111» private practice, Dr Carl When their daughter's hab Hirns nle of Waltervllle transacted busi­ Io silver sili' cun look onck over Wi'sclicko first perfect <1 the simple m lsture now known 11» Adierlkn ness here yesterday. her life and make her own decision I'ullke niosl remedies, Aillerlka nets on III I'll upper anil lower bowel Business Visitor—J It Fish o> and removes old polaona you would Garden Way was a business visitor C A R D C L U B M E M B E R S never believe were III your system In Springfield Wednesday. H A V E D IN N E R P A R T Y Slops G AS lilontllig III III minutes! Relieves chronic ciillaltpullon III I! Wendllng Resident Here— Harry Dr. and Mrs. C II I'liettepluce. hours! Let Adierlkn give your stom Wilkes of Wendllng was a husln-'ss nch and bowels a REAL cleaning former resíllenla of Mprlngfleld, en and »< e how good you feel! It will visitor In Springfield Monday. lertaliied members of the Carmi »iirprlse von» Flunerv's I »run Stole Jasper People Here — Mr and ■ » M M M H M M M M Mrs Waller Wallace of Jasper were visitors In this city Monday. New York.— A ainiill, quiet nun Jasper Merchant Here— Emir who likes to fish ami play g"lf baa Hauer of Jasper was a hualneaa ataumed command In New York'» visitor In Springfield Tuesday. latest lovcallgstion Into charges of lu.llclal lrrvgulnrltles and political Visitor from Thurston— A. W graft on a scale unknown since the Weaver of Ttiuraton spent Tuea days of the Dnaa Tweed scandals. lie Is laldor J. KreseL flfly tw o . d.iy with his friend» In this city. Austrian horn and a former United States assistant nttorney general, Visits Saturday Mias Ruth Bow who has a record for digging np era of Marcóla was a visitor In evidence which various embar­ Springfield on Saturday. rassed Individuals had hoped would remain hidden. Transacts B u sm is» II. II lan-k- A former law partner of William Travers Jerome. Kresel has become wd of Jasper transacted business special counsel to Referee Samuel 111 Springfield Monday afternoon. Seabury In the Investigation of minor courts, particularly charges Visitor from Lowell- E. V. Cal Thurston Man Here— Ira Gray of of the purchase of Judgeship«, from loway of Ixiwell was a business Thurston was a business visitor In the Bronx to Battery Park. visitor In this city Monday. Springfield Wednesday. Three Years of Inquiry. For three year» the headlines of The Los Angeles Board of Education is now taking Bosxt« and her Visits Friends- Mrs Julia Down­ At Medford— Dr. R. P. Morten­ New York newspaper» have shout­ calf for a nde—a ride around to all the schools in the city—and all ing of Marcóla visited friends in son made a business trip Io Mod because a recent survey disclosed that there were thousands of city ed their story of political and Judi­ ford Monday evening returning school children who had never seen a cow—a calf or a churn. The Springfield Monday. cial Investigations In a dozen ma­ jor scandals. Involving bribes is shown here at its first stop. late Tuesday. __________________________________ Jasper Resident Here- M L. amounting to more than »WO.OOP and defrauding of taxpayers to the Hand Dressed— P. K. Cn.phrey P la n s a r c b e in g made a, r«>|K.iut the ,r ,w s ''" •» purchased feed extent of from »5 000,000 to three of Full Creek was lu Springfield woodwork and seats. Baseball ,n ^prlagfleM Monday, times that sum. Since the Queens ___ sewer case, which resulted In the teams are planning to get some v ,„ |o r from M eKenli, Brldg» . Tuesday to have an Injury to hla sentencing of Maurice E. Connolly, H .i. ld Rer.n.c ¡a making prepar- help in working over the lu.ll dla Mrs A L. Wackmutch of McKenzie hand dressed by a local physician . , . ,. . president of the horoogh. to a year’s ;“ ions to leaTe ,o work at ,h e ,lsh mond- Bridge was a visitor In Springfield Purchases Feed—L. A. Hu (ford Imprisonment on charges of graft hatchery near Scio as soon as he In the construction of sewers, the Monday afternoon. of Full Creek waa lu thia city yes­ recovers front the measles. Investigations have extended to s M e d ic C. r a - R Pari, of the terday to purchase feed for hl» shortage of county clerk fees, the Virgil Hanson and Robert Arnii- M R S . D A V IS E N T E R T A IN S livestock. padding of the street cleaning de­ tagc were absent from school sev ­ Y A R N E L L C L U B M E M B E R S Fischer Lumber camp above Mar- partment pay roll and now the ------------ ! cola was In Springfield Saturday Has Major Operation— Mrs. C. A eral days the last week being con­ magistrates and other courts. As Mrs. Ethel Davis entertained for medical treatments. a result: Cummings underwent a major op fined to their homes with measles. Pay Big Rewards for Five Judges have resigned or ertlou at the Pacific. Christian bos- I Mrs. Sarah Shaw of Eugene, visi­ members of the Sunshine club of Finger Infected—Lynn Hill of been removed. They are Albert H. Lost Articles in Paris ted with Mr. and Mrs. John Price Yarnell at her home here last pltal in Eugene Tuesday. She Is Vitale, who was removed from the Mareola was In Springfield Satur­ Paris.—One million francs was several days last week. Thursday afternoon. The time was getting along nicely according to bench on charges of borrowing »20.- the sum paid out in rewards In 1900 speut with fancy work, game«, and day to receive treatments for an her attending physician. 000 from the late Arnold Rothsteln The Ladies' Aid society met with for recovery of nearly 200.000 arti­ Infected finger. gambler and gangster, killed In the High prixe in a cles lost In Paris, many of them Mrs Roy Edn.tston last Thursday. refreshments. Park Opntral hotel, and of discharg­ the property of American tourists. Returns from Portland— Mrs Ell Ill at Home— Mrs. Kate Sellers The grade school is staging a magazine contest was won by Mrs. ing a burglar friend of Rothsteln za Wlnzenreld has returned from The authorities say that Ameri­ R P. Mortenson Mias Lydia Edgeli |a quite Hl at her home on Main arraigned on robbery charges. cans on vacation lose their belong negro zivinstrel show at the Thurs- street according to a local physl- Portland where she spent several Loan to Tammany Leader. ings with astonishing facility and ton hall next Friday evening March won the low prize. weeks visiting with her daughter, George F. Ewald. who resigned that they pay the biggest rewards. 20. there will be a small admission Guests present at the meeting c»an- and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim after an Investigation had revealed A packet of diamonds worth mil- a, (ne door and refreshment and were Mrs. Marie Spores. Jean Go e . to S e .t t l .- J o e Crandall left Lemmon. lions of francs, thousands of um- , . his connection with a practically Spores. Emma Spores. Cleo Hill. (or Sealllle ,ast Thu„ dajr Hp w(„ hrellas, the manuscript of a novel ''•’•dy will be sold worthless mine investment concent, Improving—The daughter of Mr | on Paris written in English, law Mrs. W oolwine who had her Mildred Bassi. Marjorie Devore. spend abou, , W(.,.k r, „ (|ng r#,a and also that his wife had given »10.000 to Martin J. Healy. Tam yets- briefcases, wggontoads of -boulder blade broken in an auto Etta Robley. Anna Reynold». Carrie t|v„B and frlends and Mrs. O. F. Bevere of West many hall leader, as a loan. W. accident some time ago has recov- Moore, Lydia Edgeli. Marguerita Springfield Is reported to be recov­ these were a few of the widely as- Bernard Vause county Judge, who Visitor from Junction City— ering nicely from a recent Illness sorted objects lost and found’ ’’red en« ugh to be removed from Stafford. Sarah Spores, Laura Den was found guiltv of using the malls The exact total of articles found the hospital and is now with her ing, Ronald Spores and Mrs. Jack Sandy Peterson of Junction City according to a Springfield physi­ to defraud and sentenced to six years In Atlanta penitentiary. - was 180,000. hut there was other mother in Junction City, was a business visitor In this city cian who Is attending her. son. .. ., ,. ,, . „ . . .. . „„ . . . FTancla X Mancuso, general ses­ property of negligible value which Monday was not docketed. To store the Harry Endicott had his hand bad- sions Judge, who was forced to re­ Dismissed from Hospital— Mrs huge mass of stuff the police had »>’ mashed at the Oram sawmill sev- tire because of his connection with E U L A R E S ID E N T D IE S Injure. H .n d -H a r r y Endicott of J. H. Kessinger of Fall Creek was the City Trust scandal. In which to extend their premises at the eral days ago. he will be unable AT (J Q U C O N M O N D A Y ,'‘‘,lur Pl®« painfully Injured his from the Eugene hospt Surete-Generale. Frank H. Warder, state hanking su to work for som e time. The police say that people are hand at the Orem mill last week ,al "> Eu*"nt' Thursday morning perlntendent. was convicted of re­ Special musical numbers are oe- far more absent-minded now than ceiving almost »100.000 In bribes. George-H. McAtee of Eula died He wit be unable to work for some She ha<* recently undergone a mu Francis X. McQuade, who re­ twenty years ago. In 1910. for In­ ing furnished for the revival ser­ Jor operation and hns been con­ stance. the total number of objects vices conducted here by Rev. Wil­ at his home there Monday morning time, signed as magistrate because, he valescing there for several days. found was 8.5 000. following an extended illness. He announced, of his connection with Son Born—Mr. and Mrs. R. W. This absent-mindedness Is not liam Jessup and Victor Hershizer, was born in Missouri on August the New York Giants Basehail cluh. Hollister, former residents of this F U N E R A L S E R V IC E H E L D peculiar to Paris, say the author from the Eugene Bible university at a time when an investigation was 8. 1849. and came to Oregon in being made Into hi« political aetlv- Itles. for the same «tate o f affairs in Eugene. city, are the parents of a nine ana F O R V A L L IE R S T E W A R T Itles. County Judge George W. exists in all the big capitals of Melvin Buell and Charlie Zieglier 1920. {one half pound boy born to them Martin virtually relieved himself t*1* world. from Klamath Falls spent several Surviving are five children: Mrs. at their home on Emerald street, from further service pending out- ----------------------- - Funeral services for Valller Stew days visiting relatives and friends [ E. G. Birch. Oakridge; Oscar Me- Saturday. March 14. 1931. come of an Investigation for evl- I _£ P .r L , art who was accidentally killed In dence of mail fraud In three com- ° r ta r IV 1 e x a » here recently. They return home on Atee and Clinton McAtee, Oak , California last week were held on panles In which he was interested. In d ian s T o ld by Shells Monday. They both formerly resid ridge; Harry McAtee. Eula; and Visits Uncle— Miss Maxine Snod . Delptaa. Callf’ ornla. krass and her mother. Mrs. RUe/ « “»day aftenumn at the Springfield Harvey McAtee Austin, Texas.—Shell heaps more **<1 here, Snodgrass, motored to Cottage Rev Hunter Tell« of Being than a mile long have been nncov- Mrs Rav Baugh went to Junction 'ottage ' hrl",1“n ‘ »»“rch at 2:30 Funeral services were held at - . — officiated . . . and . . Inter ' , Vellle Pruitt ereff bv Pr J. E. Pearce, hendinjr , T, . ... . Grove Saturday evening to visit Treed by Bear Family an archeological expedition of the City ,a8t Priday an spent the week Hubert cemetery. Oakridge. Tues­ rnent was made In I-aurel Grove Berwick. Pa.—William Temple, University of Texas. end with her parents. Mr. Baugh day afternoon at 2:00. Rev. Walker .Mis Snodgras' uncle. Earl HUI. Mr. cemetery. Walker-Poole had charge veteran Benton hunter, returned Hll has been 1 1 1 for some time. Doctor Pearce concludes from and son, Harry, and daughter, Ella, I of the funeral. from the woods with s hear story the location and position of the moto, ed down Sundav and Mrs. of the Community church officiated. by which he stands fu n In guar­ shell heaps that they are the refuse „ t , , ... .. Injures Foot—R. S. Johns, em- of kitchens of early Texas tribes Baush returned home with them, anteeing the authentlci’v. ployeo at the Mountain States Temple said that while hunting living along the coast of the Gulf Mr. and Mrs. James Calvert A N O T H E R O L D B U IL D IN G R A2^ED H E R E T H I S W E E K P °wer company steam plant, spraln- on North mountain he stepped of Mexico when Columbus made from Junction City spent Monday Into a clearing Just as four hears, his voyagp. ________ ed his foot quite badly last Sat- and Tuesday visiting relatives here. two adults and two cubs, appeared. The Investigations are being Workmen have almost completed urday when his foot became caught Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hendshu The larger hears charged, he said, made In co-operation with the Rockefeller foundation. Along the from Dexter visited at Bert AA’ea- the wrecking of the old creamery ln a conveyor at the power plant. , Getting Up Nights. Backache, and he fired, killing one of them. The other bear continued on. coast from Corpus Christi to Mata Ver 's la st S a tu r d a v bo lding on East Main street this •''lo bones were broken. frequent day calls. Leg Peins, M erv- mnrns Alev the evnlnre™ hniv. ° o a iu r u a y . __, , . . . □ u s n e s s .o r B u r n ln g .d u e t o f u n c t lo n - stepping over the body of Its com­ X ™ ere.l roninln« of Mri™lnd“an Willialu Fowler who isteachiog This is tk« se, ,,nd of the _______ _______ _ ____ ____ si Bladdsr Irritation. In acid condl; rade. to pursue Temple, who took 1,1 buildings along Main street to C ollected- Glen Smith villages. These depended largely : in high school at Oakridge spent refuge In a tree. The bear and be razed during the past few days. ° f Oakr,,|8e colected a »2.00 county Works fast, starts clrrulstln gU iru the cubs stood guard around the on the sea for food, decorations, the week-end in Thurston, The buildings are ail old and bounty <>D P”“ a‘ « ‘ X ' Z J M ’A p ^ M . r r ^ » e ^ tree until dark, when they disap­ weapons and pottery, shells fash- Misg Alice Cora Ca,yert fron, _____ ____ _ _ S j o d l t peared. lone«! for each purpose being found unsafe for habitation. AVhat little oWlceo 1 ,h e county ch>rk on Mon tlo n . Ixjn't “ give ' up. T ry C yatex (p r o ­ n ou n ced 81 a s -te x ) today, u n d er t h e Eugene spent the week-end at John in large quantities. lumber is usable is being salvaged. day' R C' Brld*er ° f LeabUrk TOb Ir o n -c ie d G u aran tee. M ust q u ic k ly Edmiston's. «H ay th e se co n d itio n s. Im prove rea t- London Women Hold the other is being used for fire- lected U 00 ,or ,w o boblng record of London. Dighton, Mass —MJquel Corte Mr and Mrs Herbert W eiss en S U N D A Y S C H O O L C L A S S and Mrs. A. Rasmussen received Two thus f. r have I ,.d a leu for Real. Portuguese explorer, landed . . . . .. _ . ... . . “Bitter Sv eet’’ more than GO times here in 1502 and lived in this vlcin- Jo>ed a visit Tu*'i"la >' will, his sis- A T C R E S W E L L S A T U R D A Y a Kash on hl" hanrt Monday when and still k eep h ook ing it. _______ he fell near the highschool where Another mw “Peg o’ Mv Hpsrt" Ity until 1511. according to an In- ter and husband from Portland, acrlptlon on Dighton Rock, recent- Miss Dora Calvert from Junction Members of Mrs. R. P. Morten­ he attends school. Several stitches 83 times before It closed and still “ ■ ' """" Thur" son's Sunday school class of the were taken to close the wound. has a habit of going to at least nine shows a week. Methodist church which is com The import of the Inscription had ton Goes to Ashland—Riley Snod­ been a mystery for more than four Mrs. Ray Baugh Is spending sev- posed of high school students went N a p o le o n W a n t e d A u s t r a lia Ce2?Uldes' era* days this week in Eugene with to Creswell Saturday evening to be grass left for Ashland Saturday Paris —A curious map now In To commemorate the landing v. , guests of Mrs. Spencer’s class at with the test train which has been the possession of the French Geo­ Dr. Gilbert Marques of New A’ork Mr"' W“ liam Culver testing new brake equipment near graphical society, reveals that Na­ took two small cedar chest« full of ,la y Mitchell is kalsomining the the Creswell Methodist church. poleon Bonaparte once planned to dirt from near Dighton Rock for high school building, preparations Members of the Creswell class Walker for the past several months invade Australia and annex It to presentation to the Geographic So- are being made for a general clean were guests of the Springfield Mr Snoilgrass Is brakeman on the France The map 1» covered with ciety of Lisbon. Portugal, and the group at a meeting held here last traln an'1 he wll‘ b“ *'>"e '">■ up «lay next Friday when the ladies notes written by Napoleon and Corte Real museum at Tercería, in are to furnish a picnic dinner. 1 month. « ral weeks._______________________ contains the outline of bis proposed the Azorea. attack. Prince Roland Bonaparte, descendant of the emperor, pre­ sented the map to the society. Convalescing— Mrs. Katie Brum SAVE SAFETY Visitor from Leaburg — Mrs. mette is reported by her physician sour V* DtiOaitOPE Charles Carter of Leaburg was a ■to b,‘ <-°nvalescing at her home in visitor in Springfield Wednesday. !tl,,s clty foII<>wlnK a recent illness Spring is Here! IS F R ID A Y . T H I R T E E N T H lion caul dull P A IN T S FEEL? If you want to atart the Spring Seaaon full of pep and energy, you will find Juat what you want and need In Peptona, our beat Nux Vomica Tonic. It combine» In pleanant- tast­ ing form Ingredients that Improve the appetite, aid digestion and enrich the blood, thus tending to pro­ duce a general feeling of physical well-being Be­ fore you've used one pint of Peptona, you’ll notice a wonderful difference. Sold only at Rexall Drug •tore«. Flanery’s DRUG STO RE P h o n e 18 1 ’ ÿszsife I here h really no need fo r Hpendlng an hour or more every day buying loot! . . . I t ’s m uch handler and a great deal more econom ical . . . to do it all a t the name tim e once o r tw ice a week. N or need you w o rry about left-over«. You can t get le ft w ith 'leaving«" becaune an electric re­ frig e ra to r keejm food perfectly over a period o f day«. E lectric R efrigeration mean« C O NSTANT cold alw ays under the 50 degree danger line. There 1« never any appreciable change in this steady cold th a t w ont let foods spoil. Go in today and investigate the advantages o f E lectric R efrigeration. Your dealer w ill he delighted Io dem on­ strate. Mountain States Î Power Company -Teen fabtnfb « K? Jf/ n rao«,«.M-