THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ’I W K N T Y -K K illT H VHl. THREE TEACHERS TO JOIN FACULTY HIMtlNGFIKM). LANK COUNTY, OKKOON, H U ItSDAY. .MARCH 19, 1931 Early Fair D ates Group To Urge S ta rt Opposition Tree Planting MOVEMENT SUBIS Vftllcy Farmers Say Crops Brotherhood Wants Trees Mature Too Late to Permit Planted Along McKenzie McKinnay, Vnn Valzah, Olton County Fair Exhibit Highway East of City and Walker to Drop From Hotting of the lauie county fair i Members of the Springfield Ms- Local School Staffs I . (hodlst Men's Brotherhood will No. 10 A rm y E ngineers 'C H R IS T IA N ENDEAVOR HAS WORLD TRAVEL O pposed to C an al Many Intsrssting Countries Visits« by Young People of Christian HEARS MILK TALK Public Hearing Date to Be Church Wednesday Night Decided at Salen. Meeting Mem tiers of the Christian En Eugene Milk Inspector T elit Cutoff From Alford Station Friday Night j deavor of the Christian church and to Springfield Sought Advantages of Milk Ordin­ Final d>-rlslon whether to ask for their friends were guests on a trip by County Croup ance to Dairy Farmer« I around the world last night. Homes 'dales from August 2630 practically I an Immediate public hearing before ellmluatea the farmera of the Upper seek to huve trees planted, and In the Beard of Army Engineers at I of Individual members of the En- WOULD R ELIEVE TR A FFIC I deavor group were decorated to HAW LEY FAVORS CANAL JOHN KNOX TO TEACH other ways, beautify the appear Willamette. McKenzie and Mohawk Washington, D. C. on canalization represent various foreign countries ante of the McKenzie highway aa I of the Willamette river, Oregon and programs and refreshments ap­ yalleya from participation In the It entera Hprlnfleld It was decided Proposed Route Would Save Have Ten Days to Accept Business Men Frown on Stock exhibition booths acordlng to many Monday at a abort business meet­ City to Sprlngfleld,or to wait until propriate to the countries were Eight Miles, and Provide or Refute Contracts lor Promotion Effort«; Large restdenta of theae districts who ing of the group. fall will be made at the meeting of enjoyed by a large group. Alternate Highway Ensuing Year Neon Sign Discussed The group gathered at the home slate that the higher elevation of Ihc canalization group at Salem ¡of Miss Beulah Richardson at 7:45 A committee was appointed and Thos A Buckner, now 66. ttarted A movement to secure a new 1 Friday evening. their farms makes their crop sev an effort will be made to have H i r)m- n who furnish their farms for the start of the trip. Miss t'onlracts of three new teachers az office boy ip his lather's insur­ eral weeks taler In maturing than . trees planted on private property ance office in Iowa SI years ago. state highway from Alford station The project, for which a prelim Richardson had decorated her home with standard buildings sad equip­ fur school iltatrlcl IS were approved those whoa« land Ilea along the' on each side of the road for sev­ This tnonlh he became president of through Coburg to a «onnectlon Unary survey was made last sum to represent Hawaii. Hawaiian ment as set forth In the federal by II)« school board thia week sc river hanks In western lame county. ' eral miles east. Dr. W. II. Pollard, the New York Life Insurance Com- with the Pacific highway at the mer, is estimated to cost $17,191,- muflh* wa cording lo Dr W. 11 Pollard, chair­ u> furnished on a steel milk code will never go back to The holding of some kind of an i stsl«xl that he had almost a dozen pany, of which former President Springfield bridge has been started ¡000. It will «-all for a channel 70 j fuitar. vl olin and ukulele, f’ine- the old unsanitary methods, C. M. man of (lie board. The new ud Coolidge is a director. exhibition In this city later In th«.1 young trees In hla yard which he ♦ ------------------------------------------------g, by a group of citizens thia last tei t and will require 26 locks apple wan Lawrence, Kugene milk Inspector, i served. dltlona to the local school per week. The propositi new road, i between Salem and Eugene. fall Is now being suggested by i bus been raising for thia purpose. The set Miss Jewel Helterbrand. Violin dairy herds because of the efforts Tabernacle In Kugene. will Join the former larger group Members of cade district of the church, and Event, Ticket Sale on of Kugene and south at Judkins the new board ure It. It. Thomp­ z . and whistling soli s were provided made here In the last few years high school staff as teacher of sci­ They have, however, consented former pastor of the local congre-) point, the backers say. to ch an up herds. Herds must be ence. Mr. Knoa la a married man son of Kugene who will serve for gallon from 1920-1924, waa the Students at the high school pro­ j io hold a public hearing at whici. and tea and w .fere serv -d. Tom Green, Coburg. Frank Armi- free of these diseases «n order that and tins uppeurcd In-fore local three years: C. W Allen, two years, principal speaker. He chose "Mak mise the people of Springfield one I time any further facts to support Mexico was f -und depleted at the tage, Kugene, and Welby Htevens, the milk sold In Kugene will be uudlences on several occasions ilur and F K. Chambers, Hants Clara, lug of Methodism" as his text and of the best evening's entertainment Hprlncfleld, are heading the move­ i the proposed canalization may be home of Marjor. • Waddell. Spanish given grade A. lug the past year while he has one year. songs were featured and chile and «-«plained the reasons which called of the season Friday night at the ment. They claim that much sup­ I presented. Theae men were namt-d under been lecturing on astronomy In his Mr. Lawrence traced the work­ It Into existence and told of the high school auditorium when they port has developed for the new Senator McNary urges that the crackers were served. the new law enacted by the state father's tabernacle. offer their laiugbteresque program ings of the Kugrae ordinance and large amount of work still remain­ ! hearing be held In the fall, but i America was found in the social route and that the highway depart­ Miss Helen High and Miss Klean- legislature and which becomes ef­ ing to he done. for 1931. Jenkins, president of! rooms of the church where a social told of Its benefits to the consu­ ment will be asked to add It to Frank or Smith were employed as grade fective July first. They are each Four stage act« and three curtain the Willamette River Canalization time was enjoyed following the mer, retailer and producers. He A great deal of Instrumental and the state map soon. schiMil teachers. They will coma under a $2600 bond. ucts have been arranged and care advocated the adoption of a simi­ Journey. group thinks that action should be; vocal music wax provided during Rlgtc of way for the new high­ to this city subject to assignment. | A meeting of the old board hat fully rehearsed for several weeks. lar ordinance in Springfield. taken earlier. the evening. Thia Included selec­ way from Alford station to the but It Is very probable that they been culled for this afternoon to Comedy will predominate In all A letter was read from Congress tions by the Walker Poole quartet NEW MOTOR LAWS ARE Lucian Ward farm near Coburg has wll start tlielr work at the llrat decide whether It shall function sklta. Curtain acta will feature high f a n Hawley to the meeting tn of Eugene, two vocal solos by Mrs. nearly all been donated for the until July or turn Its work over EFFEC TIVE JUNE 6TH which he traced the steps neces­ tain school. * arhool mualclana. C J Pike, two numbers by the, route. From Coburg It will follow to the new group Immediately thus Miss High la now principal In Kach < lu*s at the high school pre­ sary toward canalization of the patriarchal quartet composed of the present county road across the Three Maor Changes to be Made in one of the schools at Ashland aiding the members to start work pares a skit or stunt lasting at Willamette river and pledged his Mrs J. T Moore. Mrs. D. T. Yarns. new Coburg bridge and thence on the 1931 fair Traffic Regulations Early in where her parents reside She Is least 16 minutes for the program support to the project once it came Members of (he old fair board Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah* and Mrs. The class presenting the skit Is through the game farm along the Summer Season a graduutt of the Southern Oregon before the rivers and harbors com­ N. W Emery Instrumental music Woodburg branch railroad. are C. H Calef, C. L. Dunn, Il B. Normal school and has tnken some awarded extra points In the Inter- mittee. was furnished by a ukulele chorus, The state will soon be forced Nine-Year-Old Boy Falls from Thompson, K. U. Lae, J K. Greer, New laws » ffectfng motor vehicle work ai the University of Oregon «-lass rivalry of the school. Narrow Bridge Into Swift featuring a aolo by Miss Resale with the problem of widening the operation will go into effect o n ’ The chamber passed a motion Iter parents are planning to move ami Hugh Karl, all of Kugene; C. "Boots and Her Buddies" has Stewart, and an- organ xylophone Pacific highway between Eugene W Allen. Vida; H L. Plank ami Current Wednesday June six'h, which is the end of the ' that it would not give support In to this county according to Dr been choaen as the senior class pre duet by Ruth Pollard and Barbara and Junction City or providing a George Gilmore. Junction City; H, constitutional 90-rlay r-erlod follow- the community on stock promo­ Pollard. sentation The freshmen will offer Carl Koppe Jr , nine-year old 30c ing the clos of the legblatlve ses­ tions or financing schemes unless substitute route. The Alford cutofl Baroell C. Wheeler, Pleasant Hill; A..C. Miss Smith Is now teaching at "Barnacle Biii the bailor." Junior la a substitute route which It Is of Carl Koppe, 221 Third avenue J sion. according to Hal E. Hoss, sec- ' it had the unanimous support of Hillsboro Hhe took her prepara Miller, Goshen; and Hans Peterson, classmen have prepar«*d a skit claimed will not only provide a East. Eugene, was drowned in the retary of state. Except ons are the th entire membership. Florence Ksrh Grange and Farm LIFE ON T H E OPEN ROAD tor> work nt the Oregon Normal known as "The Love Nest" for their fine grade and alignment but also J millrace below the excelsior plant law on the examination of drivers, era I'nloti organization In (be coun­ The erection of a large Neon sc I omi I and nt the University ol offering The sophomore class will DAMPENS BOYS’ S P IR IT S save seven of eight miles over Wednesday afternoon when he fell which will become effective on the s cn In the triangular park at the ty also had one members on the ♦ ______ Oregon. present "The Vagabond Traveler.” from a foot bridge on which he was first of July, and the forma’ion of) junction of the McKenzie and Pa­ other possible routes. The teachers who notified the board which made a total member- Youths Tire of Carefree Travels Curtain acts will include a banjo' trying to cross the race. His body i the state police effective on the ■ cific highway was discussed. Sup­ ahlp of 42. After Spending One Night board thsl they would not be avail­ and harmonica number by Richard was recovered in the raceway about first of August. port for the purchase and main­ The selection of a fair secretary able for positions bore next year Evading Seachlng Group Liles, a violin aolo by Kldred Gias BAPTIST LADIES HOLD 6:30 last night. tenance of the sign will he soiicit- will be up to the new group. It are Ernest McKinney, high school; py. and a vocal solo by Virginia The principal changes in the ALL-DAY M EETIN G HERE The boy had started across the rules of the road, effective in June, < «1 from resort owners up the Mc­ Mrs ('. (I. Van Valsuh. and Miss Is understood that they will rename Jack Hhuey. 11, Howard Huey, 10, Hansen. Members of the Baptist Ladles' narrow bridge to get some polei are the new speed regulations; ’ Kenzie river. Mabel Olson Mr. McKinney has Mrs Mabel Chadwick, Incumbent. mid lx