I with a spejm w a l e r -- -------------— tt was while I was bar* nnonir on th’ whaling bark, ltufus Wood, that I had a clone call from gotn' to I)a* Jones’ locker. Here's what happened: One fine mornin’ wa wera howlin' along with nil aalla net when Ih’ lookout aloft bellowed “Thar she blown I" That meant ha had sight­ ed a whale In a lew min­ ute» th‘ boat» were over th* Hide, headin’ for th’ whale, th’ crew of each bout pullin’ like mad so that theii har- pooner ’.vou'd be th hmt to henvc th ftrat harpoon As luck would haw it, th’ boat I was in reachea th* whale first- In Jig time 1 had an Iron fast and then th fun started Instead of divin’, as whnles generally do when harpooned, thia old boy started off over th’ surface of the sea Without knuwln’ It, I was standln* In a loop of th* rope fastened to til’ har­ BL5HL L* .T. . 'OUCH I r>o tst -ttGcToR, poon ta th* whala, and that rapa was whi/tla* out over tl» bow of th' boat. All at pnea I was Jerked overboard nnd away 1 went, sometimes over th* waves, and some­ times through them as th’ whale towed rne alter him. All at once th' whala stopped nnd lay still on th* water And then, just be­ yond th' end of his tuil I haw th* dorsal tin of a shark cullin’ through th’ water right for me. Th’ boat was cornin’ us lust as th* men could pull, but I knew it would never beat I h n t shark. Then what did I do but shin up th' harpoon rope, right to th’ top of th* whuie’a back. He must have felt me cllmbiu, lor all at once he dived and left me kickin’ in th’ wnter Well e’r, I'd giv­ en up ull hope when th’ boat bote alongside und I was yunked aboard just as th' shui k a big mouth snapped shut behind me. If tPHEftp's T u b C O M IC S E C T IO N ’ M HW BM I DdNM o. STAND UP, uuitc Y o u - T h CRE IT t s , - .'y o u cue r e SlT T lN ’ ON IT-, “ (HATS o .K i VfS P ool - o E io * C E 5 ,‘ u I b r e n ' t Y ou A f r a id ~Vo sv t