daughters. Veda and Klva. and Mrs Martha McKhiuey motored to Sig­ The measles an* making another nal last Sunday and spent the day run In Thurston Some of the lat- with Mr and Mrs. Lum Mays. Mrs. Herbert Weiss is running •at victims «re Prank and Harold Rennie, James Edmiston and Har­ I the Thurston store during the Ill­ ness of Frank and Harold Rennie vey Calvert The play, "I^eave It to Dad" who have the measles. Mrs. Blanche Wise from Eugene which was given by the high school last Friday evening was well pat­ «pcnt the week-end in Thurston. Ralph Bonney, who is working at ronised. Mrs Laura Hadley from Hadley Oakridge spent Sunday with his vllle visited her mother. Mrs. Ellen wife here. Hugh Doolittle visited relatives Needham, a few days ago. An enthus'asttc meeting was held here last Sunday. at the Thurston hall last Wednes­ The Ladles' Aid society Is meet­ day evening Io consider sending ing with Mrs. Roy Edmiston for an the high school students to Spring- all-day meeting on Thursday. field to school. Hr. Pollard, a mom Mrs. Charles Grant enjoyed a her of the Springfield school hoard, visit last week with her sister and also Mr Mofflt, county superintend­ f.-nill? from Idaho. ent assistant, was present. After discussions were made, a vote of M c D o n ald a u d ie n c e to thoae present was In favor of re SEE -BACHELOR F A T H E R ” talnlng the Thurston school. Mrs. Bessie Brown has moved Opening Friday for two days at back to Eugene after spending some time with her son, Morris the Fox Milkmaid, following the run of Marion Davies In -'The Brown, and family. Mrs. Hubert Gray, principal of Bachelor Father." which closes on the Thurston grade school, was ill Thursday night, John Gilbert in Monday and unable to teach Her "A Gentleman's Fate," will be the main talkie attraction in Eugene room was dismissed for the day. Miss Leone Edmlston, who Is at­ ’his week-end. tending business college in Eugene, •• V Gentleman's Fate" offers Gil­ spent the weekend with her par­ bert his first virile role, in a ro­ ents here. mantic adventure in the under­ Mr. and Mrs Felix Spark from world. and to say that he rises Blue River have been visiting foi to great heights, both as a fighter several davs 'n Thurston. and lover, is putting it mildly, ac­ Mrs. Bert Mathews is having cording to advance reports. A rheumatism quiet badly. superb cast is seen in support of The revival meetings conducted the popular star. Leila Hyams, of by Rev. William Jessup and Victor "Part Time Wife" fame playing Hershiser from Eugene are growing opposite, with Anita Page. Louts in Interest. Wolheim and Marie Provost fea­ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crowe from tured. Eugene visited Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Incidentally, “A tkentlemaik's Mahon last Friday. Mrs. Crowe was Fate" is the final appearance of formerly principal of Thurston high school and made her home with Wolheim on the screen, his un­ timely death having deprived the Mr and Mrs. Mahon at that time. Mrs. Vera McMahon ran a slivver talkies of one of Its best liked in her thumb almost tbe length actors, and a veteran of the stage. Wolheim's role In "A Gentle­ of the nail last Friday and was un­ man's Fate" is said to equal hia able to remove It until Monday. Mrs. Teeters, who has been visit­ characterization in “AU Quiet on ing her daughter. Mrs. Ellen Need­ the Western Front.” for which role, ham, for some time returned to as well as his original creation her home in Cottage GroTe last of Captain Flagg in the stage ver­ sion of “What Price Glory," he Saturday. Miss Hazel Russell is home after will long be remembered. finishing a course at the business college in Portland. CALL FOR WARRANTS Clifford Weaver and Mrs. May Notice is hereby given that McElroy from Salem visited Mr Weaver's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. School District No. 19 In Spring field. Lane County. Oregon, will W. Weaver last week-end. pay at the office of the clerk of Miss - Genevieve Edmiston and said district, all warrants from 1480 Miss Elsie Meinig. grade school to 14S5. inclusive, dated February students, won second and third 12. 1931. Interest ceases after prizes at the 4-H cooking club last March 14. 1931. C. F. BARBER, week in the Eugene Register-Guard Clerk. contest. Mrs. Needham and sod . Ray Get your Bermuda onion sets at Mitchell, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan- the White Front Grocery and plant Sef Gray at Signal last Sunday. them now. This is the last ship­ Mr. sad Mrs Fred Gray and ment we will have.—Adv. ♦- t iiih s h a y . m a r c h THE SPHINGFIKl.il NEWS PAGE FOUR TH U R STO N iM IH IK À L» D ir e c tio n F O X W EST C O A S T L A N E C O U N T Y ’S E N T E R T A IN M E N T NOTE plaving / J THEATRES. * HEADQUARTERS TH ESE NEW P R IC E S 25c 35c 50c T IL L 2 AFTER N IG H T S JO«» §5K d AY tor a AM» -• A crest“«t of ° lhe lof » ^ ' t h a n &0» m ore t ^lvinS t0 trom Sunrise • • • ’ The Van»»1« Im u se You_ Of a ll th ,e g ra m a s wierd "i.n R tcV b A ” V ^ t e r of them Coming Next Wednesday all. James Cruze's Sensational Dramatic Masterpiece with TOM MOORE LOLA LANE "T H E PA IN TED DESERT" T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y Dies in Arizona Mrs. Luetla Bristow received a telegram from her daughter. Elds Transacts Business George WII Marcola Man Here- Alex Stoll Bristow Mason from from Oallup, New Mexico, stating that the fu­ Inn of Camp Creek was a business berg of Marcola was a visitor In Springfield Monday. neral of her husband would be held visitor In Springfield Tuesday. Monday and the body taken to Camp Crsek Man Here - Robert Visits Tuesday J 8. Rauch of Phoenix. Arizona. for cremation. Stevens of Camp Creek transacted Walterville was a visitor In the Mrs. Mason, who was til with in­ business In Springfield Tuesday. city Tuesday. fluenza at the time of her hus­ visits from Fall Creek—H. K band's death, was not aide to make Tonaila Removed The small son the trip to Phoenix. Mr. Mason Walker of Fall Creek visited with of Mr und Mrs. latwrenee Moffitt died of pneumonia Saturday. March friends here the first of the week hniU his tonsils and adenoids re­ 7. following an attack of tnflueuza. moved at the office of a local Purchases Feed W W Heilman He ta survived by his wife, and phyalclun on Saturday. of l.eaburg purchased feed supplies small son. Mrs Mason, formerly here on Tuesday. Elda Bristow, taught school for FAIRBANKS IS “ REACHING several years In Eugene and was Visitors from Winberry Mr. and FOR MOON” : COLONIAL teaching school at Flagstaff. Ari­ Mrs. R. M Moouey of Wlnberry zona. when she met Mr. Mason who visited friends here Tuesday. A new IXiuglas, or better, the was In the newspaper business. Walterville Resident Here Dick Douglas the world knows In Ills Several of the young folks at Potter of Walterville visited tn zippiest mood, a laughing, up-and Pleasant Hill have the measles going actor-athlete brimming with Springfield Wednesday. among them Felma Circle. Nancy enthusiasm. pep and bon hommte Barnum. Marie Barnum. Harry Visitor from Coburg--Carl Mur­ ts to lie found out at the United Barnum, and Lyman Tinker. phy of Coburg visited friends lu Artists Studies these days. It Is the same Doug who brought a The Pleasant Hill high achool Springfield Wednesday. boundless energy anil a desire to basketball boys, who were cham­ Transacts Business- Mrs Chas pions of the II league tournament Carter of Walterville transacted know things onto the old Triangle lot when he was making his mo this year, have been practicing for business in this city yesterday. their next tournament which will lion picture debut tn such high- be held In Albany this week-end. Thurston Man Here— Robert Par­ tension entertainments as "The and play Corvallis high school on rot of Thurston was a business visi­ Lamb,” and "His Picture In the Friday. Papers." tor in this city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Perry, who live The man who has immortalised Buys Feed- Frank Vaughn of on the ranch formerly owned by Walterville purchased feed In this dynamic force In the movies aud L. D. Garmlre, have recently pur­ city'yesterday. is a symbol of the phrase, “perpet chased a registered Jersey bull. ttal motion" feels that he Is once A few of the fruit trees are Visits from Jasper--Mrs. J. C, again at the beginning of a career. blossoming in the oountry among Bailey of Jasper was a visitor In The attitude of IXiuglas Fairbanks the first. Is that there Is plenty them Vesuvius plum, the beautiful this city Wednesday. to learn about the new medium, red-leafed tree with pink blossoms. Visitors from Lowell—Mr and talking pictures, which he claims Many farmers have been busy making garden the past few weeks. Mrs. John L. Vaughn of Lowell is unlike either the stage or the Mrs. Rhoda Aiklns of Goshen and visited friends in Springfield on silent screen. Mrs. Maltzan of Trent won prizes Tuesday. IXmg has Just completed "Reach- at the recent cooking school con Winberry Resident Here Mrs. 8. 1 ing for the Moon" which comes test held in Eugene last wee«. M. Wicks of Wlnberry was a visitor to the Colonial theatre <«a Sunday The Helping Hand club of Trent in Springfield on Tuesday after­ fur a btg run. It Is the first pic- met with Mrs. R. S. Baughman noon. I lure he has made In years in which on Thursday. March 5, and spent tie does not officiate as producer. Traffic Officers Here—Two traf- the afternoon working puzzles and tlc officers from the Eugene office sewtng. The following ladies were Mistress—1 hope you are habit present: Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Kim were in Springfield Tuesday check ually truthful. Mabel. lug up on certain automobiles ball. Mrs. Kiersey. Mrs. Hetty Kim­ New Girl—I am on my own ac­ ball. Miss Hattie Wheeler. Mrs. W. which were thought to have been count, ma'am. I only tell lies to stolen. L. Wheeler. Mrs. Viola Wood. Mrs. callers for the family. Mahoney. Mrs. Vera West, Mrs. Former Residents Here- Mr. and Bessie Kimball. Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Mrs. W. C. Miljigan and family of And now. as we are about to Neva. Dali. Mrs. Higgins and Mrs North Bend are now visiting in dose, may we sugpeat that even Upton. Mrs. Higgins was elected Springfield. They will spend the vice president of the club. The balance of tbs’ week with relatives Jonah wouldn't have had so much trouble had the whale kept his next meeting will be held at the in this city. mouth shut? home of Mrs. Arnold, March 19. Recovering—Mrs. J. S. Kessinger The Pleasant Hill ladles will When 1 see a man who exhibits meet at the home of Mrs. Allan of "all Creek, who underwent a Wheeler. March 17. Prof. Cuthbert major operation at the Eugene hos­ bad tastte and had Judgment In of Corvallis will continue his talk pital about ten days ago. Is now everything. 1 know that he Is a person of Iron will. Bulldog resolu­ on the year-round vegetable garden making rapid recovery according tion has made him what he la— to her physician. and many are expected to sign a perfect fool. np for the project. Leaves for Idaho—Mrs. J. Ixislle A. J. Higgins, who was taken Clark left Saturday for Elk River, "Are your fond of banann»?" to Eugene several weeks ago to Idaho, where she will spend some asked the young lady of the young have his leg reset, will return to time visiting with her parents. She man, who was a little deaf. Pleasant Hill Thursday. traveled most of the distance with He looked puzzled, then replied: Night practice for the operetta. Mrs. Ben Merwin of Marcola in the •'No, I prefer the old fashioned "Polishing Pebbles" began Tuesday Merwin automobile. night shirt.” night. Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick, who Is director, hopes to have the oper­ Attends Legion Dinnei----Major YOUNG W IFE. AFR AID TO etta ready by next week. M. B. Huntley, state chairman of EAT. LIVES ON SOUP Baby Chicks Expected the reforestation committee of the "Afraid of stomach gas I llvod on Althought the chicken and egg American Legion for Oregon, at- soup for 5 months. Then I trio.*. Ad- business has taken an awful slump tended a dinner at Westfir Friday lerika and now I eat most anything there are still those who helieve evening. The dinner was given In without any gas."—Mrs. A. Connor. Adlerlka relieves stomach gas In in its future. A. J. Higgins. Mrs. b n - >f the men who assisted In L. D. Garmlre, G. W. Kelsay and orga izing the group there the TEN minutes! .. ts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing old poi­ Ernest Schrenk are among those week earlier. sonous waste you never kuew was who expect little chicks this week there Don't fool with medicine and next. Mrs. P. N. Laird re­ Flay in Orchestra—Fred and Ev- which deans only PART of bowels, ceived a shipment of 400 last week I elyn Buell, son and daughter of Mr. but let Adlerika give stomach und bowels a REAL cleaning and get rid and Mrs. Ralph Laird received her und Mrs. W. E. Buell of this city, of all gas! Flanery’s Drug Store. blooded Rhode Island reds some played violins in the University time ago. The hatcheries that buy symphony orchestra during their Choice Bermuda onion sets at eggs from the local poultry men concert at the Music hall on the the White Front Grocery.—adv. are not buying complete outfits campus on Monday evening. The this spring as their orders for concerts are given annually and chicks have dropped off very much receipts are used to purchase new from previous years. instruments for the orchestra. 5 0 ,0 0 0 “DRhCUlB”. The COSTELLO CASE UPPER W IL L A M E T T E __ vipAit tl^® auto owners are saving hard earned Goes to Dorena—Kenneth Tobias dollars by insuring with the drove to Dorena to conduct services FARMERS EXCHANGE Sunday. He was accompanied by a group of Gileons who were to Reliable, ttand- have attended the services at the ard protection at Baptist church Sunday. The Old very low rate. Cottage Grove Man Here—D. M. eons is an organization of travel­ Tonole of Cottage Grove was a visi­ ing men who have as one of their Wanted—Man or I-ady to represent goals, the placing of a Bible In us in Springfield, and vicinity. tor in this city Tuesday. FARMERS AUTOMOBILE each room In every hotel In the INTER-INSURANCE EXCHANGE world. 632 East Broadway Get your Bermuda onions sets Eugene, Oregon at the White Front Grocery while the present supply lasts. This is the last shipment to be received. —adv. Visitor from Walterville— Harry Endicott of Walterville was a visi­ tor In Springfield Wednesday. He came in to have an injury to his hand dressed. W ILL BE SHOW N HERE Framed against the colorful hack ground of rainbow hued sands and towering peaks, "The Painted IX’s ert," Bill Boyd's new Path«’ picture, collies III the llell Theatre on Sun day for three days. Drama, thrills and romance are lacked Into this exciting saga of the old west. “ Concerning the rlva I ri of t wo hardy pioneers dating liaek to the occasion when an orphan child camo Into thetr lives and because of Jealousy broke up s along friend ship, the sfttry Is conspicuously marked by gripping drama and stirring adventure. Tonight Is the last chance Incut people will have to see the Alaskan salmon story film. "Sliver Horde.' with Ijiuts Wolheim •‘Beyond The Law" will play at the theatre on Friday and Saturday. The last shipment of Bermuda onions has arrived at the White Front Grocery, adv. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That C. J. Fulton has been np pointed administrator of the estate of Annie 8. Fulton, deceased, by the County Court of lame County. Oregon All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six months trom the 13th day of March, 1931, to the said administrator at the law office of L. L. Ray, In the Miner Building. Eugene Oregon. C. J. FULTON. Administrator of the Estate of Annie S Fulton, deceased L. L. ItAY. Attorney for Estate M 13-19 26 A.2 9 c \ O ur M eats a re T e m p tin g an d T a ste fu l We have only the best Try us on«» nlld you wMI try US again Service Is our watchword moiiomy our standard purity our motto. For the very heat lu meats al the v«wy iiitutiiium lu prices, come to our shop* IN D E P E N D E N T M E A T C O . COLONIAL Tluit mighty, thrilling story of thi> Fr«»nch For­ eign la'glon M SUMMONS In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Lane County. MINA SHUGART. Plaintiff. Vs LLOYD SHUGART. Defendant To l.lovil Shugnrt. I X-fendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OE OREGON; You are hereby re qulred to appear and answer the complaint filed against you tn the above entitled suit on or before four weeks from date of flrBt puh llcation of this summons, or for I want thereof the plantiff will take ' Judgment against you amt will j apply to the court for the relief ’ prayed for In the complaint und for a decree of absolute divorce from you. This summons Is published once | ach week for four consecutive weeks, in the Springfield News, a weekly newspaper published at Springfield. Ijuie County, Oregon. ! \ order of the lion li. E Skip worth. Judge of said Court, made March 11th. 1931, and first publish- id March 12th, 1931 FRANK B. REID. Attorney for Plaintiff Residence and Post Office Ad •Ire is, Eugene, Oregon. •M 12 19 26 A 29 36 SATURDAY SPECIALS New Spring Dresses Values to *14.95 Phone t>3 PR A TT IIO LVK K H O N 4th uncí Mitin Kts. K. l ’. STUART TH U R . FRI. SAT. Prices thia Show 25c MORROCCO” GARY COOPER MARLENE D IETR IC H ADOLPH MENJOU - Then S u n d ay C o m e t - (for indefinite run) Ills first In two years the ouu und only ta a Douqlas «. F airbanks 'Reaching fr fa Moon* HAIL TO TH E NEW "DOUG” te». BEBE DAN JACK MU k w w tn o iv w n Greater than tbe “Doug" of “Robin Hood"—or any of hie famous triumphs —a dashing modern ’’Doug"—you never have known — and will never forget! Premier Eugene Engagement! V* $9.90 1 Group New Dresses $5.95 12 Spring Coats Vuluen to $18.76 $12.98 24 Coats All sizes $14.98 H -A -T -S $2.98 Up Saturday Special— 1 group $1.98 L a d ies S h o p 42 Eighth Avenue Weet Phone 57# Eugene, Oregon We give “S H” Green Stamps 4 LOW PRICES for this GREAT SHOW Matinees Nights Kids * - • 35c 50c 10c M id N ig h t Preview Saturday 11:15 p.m. 50c Spring House Cleaning is Just Around the Corner CAROLINA WOMAN 8TORE NO, 1 ~ " 126 East Broadway, Eugene STORE NO. 2 88-96 West Broadway, Eugene STORE NO. 3 960 Charnelton 8t., Eugene STORE NO. 4 500 Main Street, Springfield FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Peet’s Granulated Soap 5C KERR S CAKE FLOUR and SIFTER 3-Pound Package . Weigard’s Muic Selox Clams £°““" 15c GOOD BULK 4 1 J7C COFFEE Wedding Breakfast Syrup 2’/ a-Pound Can ........... 15c 4 J. J/C & T .g . 10c Oval Sardines Mustard or Tomato vx Snap Washing Compound 35c Package 10c LOST 47 LBS C o m e in a n d se e o u r In 3 Months and Feels Years Younger n e w p a tter n s in A r m ­ "I have been taking Kruschen Salta for nearly 3 month». I have continued taking one teaspoonful In warm water every morning. I then weighed 217 pound», was always bothered with pain» in my back and lower part of abdomen and »idea. "Now I am glad to say I am a well woman, feel much stronger, years younger and my weight Is 170 pounds. I do not only feel better but I look better, so all my friends say. "I shall never be without Kru­ schen Salts, will never cease taking my dally dose and more than glad to highly recommend It for the great good that ts In it.” Mrs. S. A. Solomon, New Bern, N. C., Jan. 1930.” “P. S. You n.ay think I am exaggerating by writing such a long letter hut truly I feel so indebted to you for putting out such wonder­ ful salts that I cannot say enough.” A bottle of Kruschen Salts that lasts 4 weeks costs but 85 cents at Ketels' Drug Store and druggists the world over. Take one half tea­ spoon In a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast. Attention to diet will h elp -cu t out pastry and fatty meats-—go light on potatoes, butter, cream and sugar—the Kruschen way 1» the safe way to lose fat. Try one hottie and If not Joyfully satisfied | —money back. 11, ieai T U L IP T I M E IS S H O E T IM E Never have we been able to show so much style plus qual­ ity In children’s and ladles’ footwear. We purchased this spring line at a time last fall when depression was most severe. Now we offer unusu­ ally low prices for such fine footwear. For the little miss and the little man and the ladies— we have lots of styles of shoes, slippers and pumps — every pair built to with­ stand the most severe wear. stro n g a n d C o n g o le u m floor c o v e r in g s. Ladies’ Shoes n ew $ 2 4« tion s in M o n ta g r a n g e s $ß98 c o m b in a ­ an d hr J« o o m fu r n itu r e . Children’s Shoes 89 IIHIHIIIMIIII» ’l'8,. ’1 Fulops D e p a rtm e n t S to re J. FULOP, Proprietor 334 Main Street c o lo r A ls o Springfield, Ore. W rig h t & Sons