THURHDAY, MARCH 12, IB31 PAO« NOTICI TO CREDITOR* Nollra le hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ••<1 Administrator of the estate o John o'luiverty, ileceaged, and any and all persons having claims '■gainst H im «aid natal« arn hereby required In present aald claims, duly verified aa hy law required ul llin office of Frank A Delhi«, Attorney fur the »elate al Hprlng field, Oregon In Lane County, Ore sun. within a ll month« from the dale of thia notice. V L. McHARGl'R, â î J . h. V " U “ ’ Visit« at Bhadd Mia* Minim- NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS fatata of Bancham B Oleta, Snodgrass « the week eno at I N o t lc o la hereby given that the wh , h ' Presumed to ba Dead. , „ r - , iw ,rg» Hlmpklns of Coburg WII kitaE All In chapter 127, gen f " 8 r" "h" • ' • ral law« of Oregon, enai-ted In undersigned has been duly appoint [ I'd executrix of the natal« of i D. the hum» of her aunt and unde, lililí. Il la declared to ti» the duty ........................... ’ ’harles F Colcord, di Mr. and Mia A M Hnodgrass of every person, firm, copartner an« and all a .« .« « , a - | ,M d | and r <'«r« of the Htate of Oregon, In field on Tuesday. Several member« of the Spring- hlP. company and corporation | ar« he’ eby “ * LT/Jrín" < oun,y' h ,r P®” « “» field Methodist church went to E u ­ wnlng, leasing, occupying p that her brother, Rancham Tonsils Out Mrs 8. A. Holmes gene Tuesday evening to attend a Visits from Coburg Win (larho qu'red to present said claims, dui Ins or having charge of or do- ^ k 5 r x to. ^ "" ha“ - - r. d»n of Coburg vlalted friends ln j minion over any land, place, build verified as by law re hot cake and sausage supper at the office of Frank A Dei • • ‘nrn,,y I have heard from him for more (ban ' ,,,,,y®d ■' 'he office of a local Methodist church, and to hear Springfield Tuesday. ! 'ng. structure, wharf, pier or dock " ûiilv^nMÎeî^* * * * Hk> | r **< |B It,n ,bat he was a resident | Physlcla in Friday which 1» Infested with ground In L C oliseli Suuntiet It, f . kivana of De»"a Pickett, research manager of unly, Oregon, wlih'n six | of M oe Count Oregon, when last aqulrrela and other noslous ro- NOTICE OF FINAL from the date if this Belknap Hprlngs collected Imun l les J dents or predatory nnlmala, or as heard from, now owns personal Estate of Ora B. Higgins, Dec'd 'he board of temperance and mor- SETTLEMENT on three coyote« unti un» Isilxat of (he church, speak on prohl property herein and asking that an NOTICE OF FINAL NO TICK IH IIEItKIlY GIVEN ‘“M’n “» the presence of Ihe same Dated March 3rd, 193). administrator of his estate be by SETTLEMENT That Ida B Woolley, executrix of I "h“*> lo hla. their or Ila a. Hie office o , the county ««tork | hit Ion. AMANDA COLCORD the «stale of Perry A. Woolley ! knowledge, al once Io proceed and Executrix of the estate of Chartes í the t o i /• Court " 7,' h appointed: « PX 7 n , . Whereupon " A T i ü ï ï I N° " ‘ *» b®r"by «'»-» ‘hat Asa >n Friday, Mr Ptckatt, haa office In Waah- Dated February lath. 1931 deceased, haa rendered and filed I n i’" '"""nue In good faith to «star ........... . E Colcord, deceased ¡ ,,.k app? lnf d and fixed J Higgins has filed I» the County ; Frank A. Delhi«, Ington, D. C. and Is In a position Ihe County Court of the Htute o f ; minute and destroy such rodedfl Frank A DePue NOTICE TO CREDITORS | Attorney for Ratal«. ,n to keep In close touch with all Oregon for the County of Lau«, her by P»’'"'»"»"«. «rapping or other ap | Attorney for the estate M 5 , „ W a .1 I administrator'of th e ? .',ata the developments In hla particular Notice la hereby given that the F JS M S-I1IS yg first and final account and that Pr,’Prlut» and effective m eans; and said Court by unit order duly mad»' WIIEREAB Kray digger ground undersigned has been duly appoint Higgins, deceased; and field of work. NOTICE TO CREDITORS «■I Administrator of the estate of "He la one of the best Informed Elisabeth L Kennedy, deceased. I „ndnr'.'tsntd '*?" .’ ''“‘i % men that I have ever mat, " stated and any and all persona having I Administratrix of the E d a te ol W H. Pollard, who mat the speaker d a lm . again.t the ..I d « .t a t . n r. (taorge W Sebring......... c.a .S d by hereby required to preaent . . I d ' .„ o n ly Court of ¿ ,n e 7’ounty In his office at the capital city. qulrZ? l : Urn r, X ” f Kra'nZ a ' n r ,,,“ , n A" regoli as the ,lev o».« ¿.„i . l »««runon« ano companies owning or ' Executrix of the Last Will and NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING 2®"! ’ ,Bald ’’''1 ™ ' and for ,he A ,, u( (hn «Mice of hritnli A uKuInNl «aid ««tut« ltr.. h«r«by not) ir the hearing of objections "to ' i"1''1’'*, '"'''i" ° V"r *" T’""','n"n* of Olive B p r i,Mwnl , h l. Mllfn, p r«>twrly lid final a e e o o e l . J a , < «regen, are hereby decesseli The undersigned administrator Mn“1 P*“ '“«"«« of «he estate of and Ted Nelson, uncles of Mrs. J. ent thereof All ohjeet to n s" in iis t Ll'i'i,“ ' ? " 1 U ï* ' . A" having claims against with the will annexed of the estate HprIngfleld, Oregon, la l-ane Coun »«rifled, to the undersigned at the wHh « ■'» m onth, from ,.ff|,-» ,,f Well« * W ell. Attorn, ya M I^iraon. stopped to visit at the - rltlng and filed with ihe I * •*1 «r“Z 'l»W r ground I the -sla te of deceased are hereby of Halvor Kittelsen, deceased, has . , , , ASA J. HIGGINS, clerk of said Court on or before I taU,hrr * * lh'llu" l*mgl»slD with , notified to present the same, prop- filed his final account with the Administrator of the Estate of Larson home for a while Saturday dele of th l. notice. Bunk ,,r ? thirty days from the date o f ! «rly stated and verified, at the regi- County Court for Lane C ounty,! Duled February 7tb, 1031. Lane County, Oregon, within ala said day and llm - night. Their homes are In the Tule t n t g s f l f i l r g s « F /m a n a l t* a a . M A M S « ” heeler, Attorney the first publication of this notice, deuce of A. E. Wheeler, 710 la»w- H State of Oregon, gnd the same has I f bANKH tiioiilliii from thn (Inti* of flrut pub- lake district southeast of Klamath IDA II WOOLLEY. If "uth • r‘' taken, a rem » Htreet in EugenJ, Oregon. M 12 19 2H-A.2-9 been set for hearing and for final Administrator of the «»tat« of ,d ¡his I'ails. The two bad gone to Salem Executrix P*rM,S "r peraons appointed by the - within six months from this 12th settlem ent of said estate on Satur- Elisabeth L. Kennedy, deceased. °f f Publication. Fel. Ik, Frank A. DePue, SUMMONS county court of said l.ane County day of March, 1931. day, March H, 1931, at the County with a party of over 50 men to Frank A. DePue, uttornay for In r the Circuit Court of the State wtll enter upon salt] land« and I Attorney for the «stute a ----------------- -- C - • ■ »A fw a « , I ’ Court « H lfl f Room 1« J< / I I I 1IJ |J t* I Court f )1J |* l l House. lO 'lH P # » eaaaea I as t a as MARTHA KEY. in I the CLARA H VERNON, protest to the Governor over the estate. F 2« M f»--12 19 2« I «*y,,< *'**' I'* ««»‘ rmlnate said gray| Executrix of Last Will and Testa-1«» Eugene. Lane County, Oregon. “ harlZ! s' Cn< h i bounty Administratrix. F.12 19 2« M &-I2 Well» A Well», Attorney» D. protosed development of hydro­ digger ground squirrels (Cltellus ment of Olive Elhel Allglre ¡tn at ten o'clock In the forenoon of harles 8 Cochran and Horace 11 Cochran Executors of the Estate electric power plants In the vicinity Douglasll) and the cost of said I ceased 8ALE OF REAL PROPERTY aid day. Any person having ob F 20 28 M I I • NOTICE TO CREDITORS of Sarah E. Cochran. Deceased, of their homes which would divert extermination will be levied against A. E. Wheeler. Attorney. BY ADMINISTRATOR jectlons to said final account Is Plaintiffs Notice Is hereby given that the nm M lanrlw M 12 19 2« A 2 9 hereby notified to file the same GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL water now being used for irrigation Notice Is hereby given hy th«i undersigned has been appointed Against county HKrhultural in writing with the Clerk of said ESTATE. undersigned administrator of the ” Administrator with the Will An­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF'8 SALE ON Court on or before the time act for Harry W. Neet, Administrator of put poses away from the farm land. a l« „ f Floyd Wilson, tha. pur-1 ¡ EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE the F.«ta»e of W B. Cooper, De­ nexed of the estate of George Z. In the County Court of the Stata ,.t hearing. suuni to an o r d e r o f I I , „ r , . » , , ceased; Ruth Cooper, a widow; HEREBY GIVEN "Who was the most capable man R BOOST AD, Dorothy Cooper, a single woman; xeeutlon and Administrator with the Will An­ f’harlotte C. Cwper, a minor; In history?” asked the teacher of losure Issued nexed of the estate of Halvor Kit­ being the heirs at l^ w of W. B a bright young lad. ,'ourt of Lane telsen, deceased. Cooper, deceased; Mary E. Den Well," said the boy, "judging • 7th day of Donald Young. Eugene, Oregon. ton; Clarence Gr-gg; Gertrude _ i herein, ,i_ on Attorney for estate. from political talks over the radio, Gregg, his wife; Oren C. Davis, , 1931, in said F 12-19-2« M 5 12 Nellie C. Davis, his wife; and It must have been one of the last the plaintiff I-asells Stewart; Defendants crop of candidates." NOTICE TO CREDITORS •T ’r . f t Ä i . " ” Ä " " .»*«' â " î 5 â ,“ J S i* “ Ä . ' X ’¿ r i . 1." â ï pose of sik h extermination'* Such ¡ ? I « recovered r “ j y judgment « " - * against NOTICF IS HRRRRY n t v r v X° C,a?;nr« “«><» Gertrude 15 HEREBY GIVEN Gregg, his wife, Defendants Mistress— I'm sorry you are leav­ „ i r .......- r“ •“ c í ? , Z i Ä Ä r »'•'• » Ä Â X Â S , ; . , n,' , Ï . Â T h - ’hat the undersigned has been ap- IN THE NAME OF THE STATF pointed administrator of the estate OF OREGON- ing us. Anna. But. of course. If » . , e t s ....... . . . . . » . f f - “ ' - ' ............. ..... ..............- of MATTIE A. WILMORE, de You are hereby required to ap- you are going to better yourself—’ ceased by the County Court of pear and answer the Cross Corn- Administrator. Nor’*1 60 few« nn'l « Inches “»‘I Interest of said estate tn thi Maid—Gb, no, madam, I am go­ Date» of flr«t publication of tbl* < ‘* lt • th* ‘ further BUm Four Hun- Lane County, Oregon All persons plaint of Defendant, Mary E. Den- Administrator with the Will Au K“"* of I1“ ' Hiiuthwest corner of following parcels of land, all In r ib v l n t r claims , - l o 1 m ■» n I » , , a .. _ 2 a a Htice March ' 6th ’,r‘ 21100 havlpe i . X d * B ' ! entit.JSIs " i t ^ d c X t w P h ! Lwn* nuxed Eugene F Hklnner Donation Land j <’«Mn«y, Oregon, to-wlt: » ' « - 1931 •I ,arH d .Seventy four lhe and ,Urther aum Dol *’f a"* - n u l t a d t a aaalnflt X e ’nt « them ^ ^ ing to be married— Wells a Wells, Attorneys. 1 bL',n- N ollf No. J181, In Twp. 17, The west half of the northeast O 8 FLETCHER. *«” ' a»«! 93-l°0 IJoHara 121.9311 in- >he proper vouches attached, to the weeks from the date of the first F 20 2« M 5-12 19 ,S West of the Wiliam quarter; the went half of the east ! First Farmer tmilking cows by County Agr.-u.tura, Agen, ’ ta *" U*® - .................. **lte Meridian, and running thence half of the northeust quarter- the lantern lig h t); ‘ Who was that Just 7 ,rih ' hc,,r* K“*1 60 f«°«- POUthweat quarter of the soutliei st ^ ^ t h ’. " , ^ a u X " ^ d ^ n t ^ t £ went by so early in the morning?” O U SlU eSS U irC C lO ry 2 “" » e 8<>ulh 2I7 feet and th em e quarter of the northeast quarter NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE i ^ ^ 0 ^ . ^ ^ Second Ditto: "Oh, that's the West f>0 feet to the place of begin all being In section 30. township NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. a‘ ...E.'5h‘“ ’" a“d 00 Dollars date of this notice. judgment and decree aginZt’t o ^ l s .11 h .ln , ,» „ „ „ h , . . , , . fW llla iii Ttiiil l i t u i , r nn,! i '" " 'i. ' ì ì l » « , and said execution to me Baled at Eugene. Oreg n. this pra^ d for ^ c 7 o s f C o n ta in ’ town commuter on a dawn-to-desk Of t h e 8 1 . . ' r 26th day of Eeb«’ua 'T. 1931. to-wit For Judgment against De' flight." of the State- of Oregon. In RAY W WILMORE. • fendant Harrv W. Neet, as adrnln- -atlsfy said judgment, in A d m in is t r a to r o f th ^ ... A - — “ Abigail—Gracious, how did you Addition to Eugene, l « u . County, The ____________ ______ ________ get all mussed up like that? Phoebe— I went auto riding with a crude oil salesman. a . 90 acres, more le-. rlh-d to satisfy certain Hens lam.-lte Meridian, containing to County. Oregon. »'I charges in said deer........peel- "f 'and. tn Lane County. «»uin of >60.00. Hed. I will, on Tuo« Loan & Savings Bank, a cor poration, Eugene _______ ____ w- _ V . . Slatterv . P . L Johnson, E. L Pollet, J. W Moss. David B. Evans and W M Foun tain. Defendants n Jn t. ’decree ’and" oVde^of’” « /“d|s- a a SUMMONS IN FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT TAX CERTIFICATES In the Circuit Court of the State bear interest at the rate of 7% per of Oreoon for the County L. Lana. annum from date thereof umll WALDO S H A R D « Ptatatlf? raid; upon the promissory note of HARDIE. Plaintiff. _ said W. B. Cooper now deceased. ALLEN ROTHWELL, and kh« XV the 9 R c a sv m n f g -vxm w v w www » x-s s-s « m r . » nd Ruth Cooper, for sum of CITY OF EUGENE. Lane County. J ilOOd; given November 16th. 1925; < regon, a municipal corporation, Also for decree of foreclosure of Defendants. Prnm™sso7ygn o ta 'r e c o r d ^ on page T ° i n ’ t h E ^ A M e ' o F THE STATE redemption as provided by "f 'he State of Oregon, in compli- sued out of the above entitled court <57 of Vol. "61" of the Mortgage p p CRFGON You are hereh. n ^ "r 'be right title and an“ ' w"h «he said execution and In the above entitled cause to me records of Lane County. Oregon............. EGOhL Y m are hereby no- ugene. Lane County. con. offer for sale and cash, at public auction. redemption as provided 1 of the right, title and interest of the said defendants J o - ... , 0 - 7 F 7 ' Murphy auu and ' .«uipu? " elllngton A. Williams, and all pergons claiming by, through or under them \ or any or either m of »...... . In 11 nd tO trx ,he Iho 7 sal<’ uolJ t-ouv. rt«*..««« 1 ’ - *' “n<1 P**®'8® „ , OOWN. Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon M 12 19 26 A 2-9 Interest at 10T- from June 7. 1930; ’ a'e applied, after paying the ex- ? 192« A e t h e r wkh i n ^ »90 85 with Interest at 10% from «w-nses of making such sale, first. , <*® tbe[h “ “ p*“*‘ December 5. 1929; »174 79 with In «he payment of said befendant's 7 , DroDjL v assesaT T tn v^IT FUNERAL DIRECTORS (crest at 10<~f from September 5. Judgment, with interest, costs, dis ' . ??‘hpr”?1*r t y ‘ J® , you' 1930; »1744.57 with interest at bursements and expenses; and for o f record « lr n lt a d 7 » « M «%% from December 1. 1929; the such other and further r d lef as c ^ , . , L . “' n! L u nI^ d 229 Mam St. Rtaldance 125 C St. further of »250.00 attorney attorney shall be by the Court Just bound«! a n d ^ e ^ r ib e d m ^follows* (’(M)lhlRe UH rpcordod nn«?«» 41K mriner sum sum or vuurv deemed aeem ea ji 62 J «2 M poratb.n, W alters Bushong Lumber Southwest quarter; alan begin bo'ok"-"‘tainJ’t •ok 7 L a n e C o n n tv \ l l » t a / r il l.’,.' fees and plaintiff's costs taxed at and equitable In the premises. ( O lU p M U y , ’o r n o m l l n n li* a l.... ___ sv. »»_ . . »48.00 and the costs of and upon This summons Is served upon you • tc-wit: . , „ „ . . . „. ( ornpany, a » I corporation. F V K a nlng In - north line of . . lot « of . aec- D < O O " R ô r d ( , s le i l U O < omit» Milling i laltn Sc he ver. and J. E Bryan, partner, tin t. 29. township 19 south range 1 Hom. as r e . •onled n&™ 41*» hook this writ; commanding me to make by order ot the Hon. G. F. Skip- your ln Bloca No- mi» w m »X ; ._ commanding me lo maKe Full Auto Equipment (5) of the W est Sixth Street d _>_ described « . . . real vmwtK Tndarn n/ n A *" doing b u rin e., under the firm name west of W illamette Meridian 20.80 - i ?' worth. Judge of orxld said nnvaasA court, made V Mining Cla m Rec th® City of Eugene. Lati y Assistant In State of Oregon, to-wit ' March. 1931. by publication thereof .,,°U7 i t i fUrl heru not1/ ied. tbat tb® All that portion of Sections Three inre ®ach week for four mcc- ssive aad Hardle, has paid «31. Four «4 I and Ten ,101 lo Tows- 7®®”’ «he Seringfleld News and quent years, with the rata of In- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ship Seventeen (17) South Range h® f rst Publication thereof was »» ,h ®"5,bAd a y ' ‘T » M X y “ tí" ? ^ Notice Is hereby given that the T h r V l 3 ? w ; j t ’o f'ta r'w m a m eH e “ is r tn e ts doing business under the south of beginning and north 19 0" r''w, 7 * ° . 800,4 7’ I'an*‘ C<)Un undersigned has been duly appoint M a é fi^ ñ to n J 7 ' ” 570' m te fi ni la It,» and style of Cordi * to place of beginning excel,ting ' ' M’"1’"' « '«'»' Records ed administrator of the estate ol M Beginning a7 a n o ta t In the East Attorn®y for M:-< Laren John Doe and Richard therefrom a part of thè following ™<*nro® Lxtenslun No. 3 as ree Charles E. Russell, deceased, and line of said Section Three (3) V) 5-l*>-19-*6 A *» in terest 6%, total, $15.69. ----- :------------------ 1926 Tax. paid May 5th, 1927, 1 oe. i artnerv doing bualucsa under to wit: Beginning at a stone s e t ! page ' “ »ok 7. Lane Coun- any and all pergons having claims Twenty nine and eighty-two hun the (Irin name and atyle of the in west line of section 29 town ,y Mining Claim Records. against the said estate are hereby dredths (29.82) chains south Two NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Ta* Receipt No. 13027, Amount Notice Is hereby given that by »12.06. rate of interest 6%, total Ptrtactlon Wall Red Company, ship 19 south range 1 west of WII- Monroe Extension No. 4 ns rec- required to present said claims. degrees twenty minutes (2*20') Walter A. Woodard Lumber Com lam ette Meridian 12 chains north 7 ' '.'i. ’I"*'* b”ok 7' , 'anP Coun du,Y verified as by law req,tired East from the Northeast corner vlrttip of an execution at)d order »13.59. 1927 Tax, paid: First half, April lan y, a corporation. H. W. White of southwest corner thereof and *y . M',nlnK ’ la,m Keeords. to said administrator, at The Eu- thereof; thence West Fifty-two and of sale issued out of the Circuit for , 24th, 1928, Tax Receipt No. 4316, ilottig business under the name and running thence north 62* east 23 12 k A'1,‘ni,,ny Antlmonv “8 as r recorded puge 413, gene Ix,an and Savings Bank In fifty hundredths ,52 Ml, eh»t». , Court of the S ate of Oregon ______ Mining Claim the Citv of Eugene In Lane County, point in t h e S m ith l in e o f , h o i a* , 'an® County February 27th. 1931. Amount; »6.28; Second half, Nov. atyle of White Electrical Company, chains to a stone, th. nee north , I'“M C 'nunty <” k J Berger, J. W. Copeland Yards. 46"33' east 9 00 chains to a stone , l , ‘ ° ' d’ - ' Oregon, within six months from the Swe-irineen Donnita,, t -,» t uP°n ««»<1 pursuant to a decree duly 5th 1928, Receipt No. 26937, Amount I n Z X ? ThlrtVJeven ih ta h u e,Tpn " ’d mad® by th® 8a«d Court »6 28. Interest 6%. total »13.21. a corporation, aud Vern D Scobert thence north 31-30' east 15 chains to * n‘,n"’"y 1 as rec date of this notice. Dated and first published March : U ^ n and flftv hundred hs 7 6n, F®b™ary 27. 1931. In a salt pend-i »928 Tax. paid: First half, May and k'runk W. Scobert. partners a stone 21.92 chains north of the ''rd®d P“«5® <18- book 7. lam e Coun 12. 1931. Chains We st of the w ? ’ . ,ne th®rp'n ,n wb,cb T A G"b®rt «•>. 1929, Tax Receipt No. 19073, doing business under the firm south line of the north one half of ” ? ’ 1 'i.'".’ R®®oyd" „ , An" , n’ony Extension No. 2 as rec Date of last publication April 9. ner thereof thence Souta F o n r t X 'nd F" a Gilbert were plaintiffs and Amount $6.73; Second half. Nov. name and style of Scobert Ware- said section 29. thence north 17 87 house Company, and Lillian M .' chains, more or less to the south ' '"'J, P“«'’' <»<■ book 7. Lane Coun 1931 S^ tb Herbert M Elliott and Edna M 5th. 1929. Tax Receipt No. 44691, Travla, a widow, were defendant», line of the Thomas Mathews don ,y '? lalm R®“ ,rds THE EUGENE LOAN and chains to the South line of th, E ,l,o tt h's wife, were defendants. Amount »6.73. Interest 6%, total which execution end order of .a le tlon land claim n " " ' . « « town . . A? “ ISl’lL P i" - .....................SAVINGS BANK !and formerly owned by W. M and wW,'h PXecut,on and order of ^ale , U ™ 1929 Tax, paid (First and Second was to me directed and commanded ship, and thence west 2080 chains ,r ‘ ° Unty' S ,a t® of Or®8°n Administrator of the estate of Mary E Bogart; thence West to was to me directed and commanded tne to sell the real property here to southwest corner of said dona- one 8,am P mlI> and a<'c®8 ' deCea8ed ,b ® Easterly line of the railroad me to sell the real property here- half) January 30. 1931, Tax Receipt inafter described to sntlsfy certa'n -'io - <8123, Amount »13.26, rate of Inafter described to eatlsfy certain tlon land claim, thenoe north f 97 80r*#a ®®mple,e together with all E. Smith, right-of-way- t h e n c e Southerly a l o n e s a id i'/ liens nnd charges In said decree interest 6%. total »13.33. liens and charges In said decree | chains, more or' less, to north line ,0ola “,ld ®- on Saturday the You are further notified that the specified, I will, on Saturday, the of lot 5 of sB1d sect) ,n 29, thence all constituting (he El C apitan; Uountv Rom! t h e n » . <«h day of Arrll, 1931, t the hour said Waldo S. Hardle has paid “9th day of March, 1931, at the west 11,83 chains to northwest group of mining claims. ■ilonK t h , »enter0 H nee S°fU,h^a ter e to,aI 336 »<• Oregon. Vs — • ,,uunv public auction for cash, subject to less, appraised at »200.00. M.5-12-19-26-A.2 FRANK M. . ,, ‘J? , ."‘'¿V ns provided bv by law. assessm ent. Paid Sept. 22, . . . . . . I. . KINNEY, , v . e c o JESSIE o i c in. , l»8““? k sa d riy?r ,3 A? ° redemption as law, all Paving assessmi I. M. PETERSON redemption as provided by law, all Southeast quarter of section 30. KINNEY. ARTHUR C. NETTLE *,l a , “ ereof ?'1tb tbp ”f the right, title and Interest of 1927. »49.37; Rate of Interest 8%. Attorneynt-Law ; o , lhe right, tllte and Interest of township 19 south range 1 west, ." ' o,nnAn g ? a s t 'h e defendants In said suit and total »54.50. TON and NETTLETON, 2“2r w „ ’.eC.‘i O 1 Ihe defendants In auld suit and of W illamette Meridian, bought under NOTICE OF SH ER IFFS SALE City Hall Building thence *Fnsthon said Ouartar S e / ° f a11 part,®s ®>al® 'n8 by, through Sidewalk assessm ent. Paid June Notice Is hereby given that by his wife. Defendants: all parties claiming by, through or contract from First Natlonnl Bank. _____ _________________ ion Itae to the F « t ^ t a e n f " r » n <>” r ->r anv of them since 1». 1928. »23.30; Rate of Interest Springfield, Oregon To Arthur C. Nettleton and under them or any of them since Eugene, Oregon, upon which there virtue of an execution and order R e c ttn n T e n t i n ? - L a » “ S ,h ® :9th day of November, 1922, 6%. total »24.70. the 20th day of October, 1926, In Is an unpaid balance of approxi­ of sale Issued out of the Circuit | Nettleton, his wife, defendants " ° r to ,he foIlow,n* described Sidewalk assessm ent. Paid July t, ll? 8 ,a ,e of ,Pr to the following described real mately »150.00, npprnlseri at noth and% ?c»loi T h ^ e m W nL v r,‘ad Py°P®rty- ‘o wRi 10- 192s- »13 93; Rate of intereat I a iio (o u n t), on the 3rd day of OF OREGON: You are hereby re- i property, to-wlt: lng. March. 1931 upon and pursuant to (]u|rp(, appear an() answer> the (10) and Section Three (3) Ninety-; Beginning at a point 30 feet 6%, total »14.70. FRANK A. DE PUE Ia)t 2 In Block Numbered 20, tn Beglnlng at northwest corner of N° r,h Of th® COrn®r ®ommon ‘0 ATTORNEY AT LAW Cross' Addition to Eugene, In lame the south east quarte. of section 29 a decree given nnd made on Ihe complaint filed against you tn the "Satai"1/,,ft,h’ ,X '?Un,’rei , K9 Said Allen Rothwell as the owner -SS'ta m J 8 « 8®* nn,ng Sections 7. 8. 17 and 18 In Town- 3rd day of March, 1931 In a ru R C ounty, Stale of Oregon; also NOTARY PUBLIC In township 19 south range one pending therein in which Andrew above entitled suit within four except therefrom the One (1) acre „hip 18 South Ranee 3 W est nt of the legal title of the above de­ Beginning ut the Northeast cor­ west, W illam ette Meridian, running Holton Is plaintiff nnd P. Aug Pet-1’ ’¿ ' ¡ " J ™ ’ i h®. ,dat® of tb® flr8‘ buihHng site located in Lots Five I 4 ” vVl.lame.te MeHd.a’n t/en ce scribed property as the same ap- lutton Springfield ner of the l-evl W. Zumwalt Dona­ thence east 208.7 feet, thence south erson nnd W C. Yoran are defend- L"8'1’ ” S e e t ln n OTcun,.,. menee pears of record, and each of the of„ ‘b‘"_81lmm"n s- and (5) nnd S ix ,6 » o f s e t d Ser? lon r,lnnlnK South 88’ 42' EaRt 20.86 other persons herein named are tion Land Claim No. 52, Notifica­ 208.7 feet, thence west 208.7 feet, if von fall to appear or answer tar T e n h e c ifn f? : . lulldlng Oregon nuts, which said execution and or­ deed dated March l^ h^ lO oY d md cba,n'' ,o a point ln ,he w® 8t sld® hereby further notified that the tion 4941, in Township 17, South, thence north 208.7 feet to place of i want thereof the plaintiff will take Range 6 West of the W lllamotte beginning, In lame Comity, Oregon, der of sale was to me directed and a decree against you in the sum recorded In V olu m e 74 i w ' . 5« ?f ,Cl’u"ty Road No- 649- 9a,d P°lnt P'antlff Waldo S. Hardle will apply commanded me to sell the herein of th? Dee Records o Lane Coun 8e'? g . ’1 f? ‘ ? ° r*h 8nd 39 feet ,O the C,rcult Court ° f tb® Meridian, running thence South appraised In the sum of »1000.00 ^ d ^ b J d premises to 3a«'sfy í V 50 00 with interest thereon at f Southeast corner of the and Satte aforesaid for a decree along the east line of said claim A roadwny from W. L. Parmenter p la in tiff. Judgment ln the sum of J £ s per "nBU™ fro"’ J?*rP,nber 12' t'y Oregon conta’ntag net Hve « h n n d cL n n ñ 8 " / r . i . Southwest quarter of the southwest foreclosing the lien against the Forty (40) chains to tho Southeast ns described In volume 168 page »500.00 with Interest thereon nt 7“, I97S “ pa!d and ,60.0(J rea8on' Nta? ,t ?cJy / ° Ur,a,CreS t’ / qunr,er of S ec,,l’n 8 ln sald town i Property above described and men corner of tho North half (%) of 87 o f the deed records of Lane per annum from August 27, 1920 a8l® a'*"rn®y 8 f®®8 and f"r c° ata said claim ; thence West parallel to County. Oregon, as tallows: Road­ until paid. »60.00 reasonable a,tor a!’d < «bursements of suit; that execution^ hídLm/íft d ie t "f end « P “nd ranK®; 'hence North 0*25' Honed In said certificate. And you Ji g , e Rnd We” ' along th® weat 8ld® of 8ald ay® hereby summoned to apMar the north line of said claim Forty- way 16 feet wide beginning about ney's fees and costs and disburse P '«'""» h»ve a mortgage lien upon W ith t h ,?t e enm m nHn i 1. "t c”® plla“c® County Iload No. 649. 12.545 chains within sixty ,60) days from ’ the five (45) chains, thence North one half of a mile south of tho menta of suit taxed nt »20.75, 1 V.',’! 1 ’n R ocb 2 ln, ,be Bra®8 Ad Twenty (20) chains, thence Eaat northeast corner of my (Parmer.- will on Monday the fill, day of | dR'"" «" the City of Eugene. Lane w l on Frld?v the 3rd dav ofV prtl m t a 8’","“ T ,h e , wp8t, >ln® and da«® o f the first publication of a M „ . t h e A 'h® terminus of said County this summons, excluslve.of the said Thirty (30) chains, thence North ter's) land In section 80, township April, 1931 at the hour of 1:00 Oregon for the payment of m i nt in o'cln ¿ Co,mtv V o u rt S"“," ^ Ott649h ' b«n®« North 0- 04'I first day. and defend 'this action Twenty (20) chains; thence East 19 south range 1 west, W illam ette o'clock P. M. at the Southwest door ,b ® «»'’«'esnld money decree; that fro /i d«mr of tee Fifteen (15) chains to tho place of Meridian, and running In a general of (he County Court House in Ku. 3a'd morUtage lien be foreclosed House in Eugene. Oregon sell at M ’ SS^W es^V oM B chains t a ^ sh o w ? ta?ethmO^ h ' 1Ue beginning. Also Lot Four (4) and northwesterly direction to lnnd gene, lame County, Oregon, offer 1,a< that said defendants nnd each public auction, subject to redemp- rtr post marked C R said fir nost . n T?1? CO"ta the Northeast quarter of the North­ now owned by A. M. Spangler, said for sale and sell tar cash at public of ” ”'m a,,d ln'®r®8‘ on to t h e h l e h e . t b id d e r ta r e .A h LL..P Í. .. .- d Po8t ¡ c™ed Interest, and In case of your and ♦<» 8a'd H tion. hant" to the highest bidder t,tIe tar cash and being 2142 20 chains North 1’ 4T r E F S u X t h ii.n , » a a east quarter of Section Twenty roadway being approximately one pbalpa s o ^ w s - V ^ ^ 5 s. tltle and Intetrqst in and to said eight (28). Also beginning at the fourth mile long on my premises, auction, subject to redemption as premises except the right to re provided by law, nil the right, title interest w hlih the above named of the corner ln angle of the Wm Northwest corner of Lot Three (3) appraised at »10.00. and Interest of the aforesaid de- deem said premises; that said defendants or rlther of them, had Luckey and wife Donation Land said taxes and costs against tee of said Section Twenty-eight (28) Southwest quarter of section 32 fendants and each of them and all Pr*’® '8®8 he sold and the proceeds ____, 1930. claim iiiiui No. ( 52 In said township and land and premises above described ? ? ----- U.,bu ----- ‘,ay ------ ----- Auk«*8«. running thence South 14 96 chains, In township 19 south range 1 west parties obtaining by through or app’’ The date of the first publlcatlo« The Now Shield Hhtipe I I I XX 41 ‘ 1 I IX 2, reduce eight (28), thence North 14.96 »80.00. All process and papers In this to the tallowing describe.) premises, service of this summons by the any part thereof, to satisfy said range, thence South 1* 32’ West giare. chains, and thence W est 82.70 Northeast quarter of section 30 The West half of Ixit 12 and the publication thereof Is dated Feb- execution, Judgment, decree and 19 545 chains to the place of begin proceeding may be served upon the chnins to the place of beginning, in township 19 south range 1 w est North 8- 2 3 feet of tho West hnlf ruary 17, 1931, nnd requires publics- order of sale. Interest, costs and undersigned residing within nlng, containing 40.12 acres of land. Í State of Oregon, at the add all In lam e County, Oregon. W illam ette Meridian, Isine County, of Lot 11 all In Block 16, Gross tlon once each week tar four sue-j accruing costs. more or less, In Lane County, State hereafter mentioned. Dated this 20th day of February, Oregon, 130 acres, appraised at AdditlM h’o Eugene, Lane County, | cesslve weeks, and date of first _____ Dated this 27th day of February, of Oregon. 1931. JAMES K. KINO, »130.00. Oregon, h c/lslered Title. j publication Is February 19th, 1931. 1931. Dated this 2nd day of March, O ? T O M ¿ T R IZ T Attorney for Plaintiff H. L. BOWK, . f . n . M c A liste r , H. L. BOWN, C. A. WINTERMEIER, H. L. BOWN, 1931. ____ 14- r T B T“ A V t Sheriff of Iaino County, Oregon. Residence and Poatofflce Ad­ Administrator estate of Floyd Sheriff. Attorney for Plaintiff. Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon H. L. BOWN, dress. Miner Building, BugnM, A. L. IIULEGAARD, Deputy. Wilson, deceased. By A. E. Hulganrd, Deputy, j Residence: Eugene, Oregon By A. E. Hulegaard, Deputy Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. I-ane County, Oregon. F.26-M. 5-12-19-26 F.26-M.6-12-19-26 M.6-12-19-26-A.2 I F.19 26 M.5-12-19 M.6-12-19-26-A.2 M.6-12 19-26-A.3 M -lt-lB-M -AAB ax OR € C MEADc