PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS GRANDPA CONOLY VISITS DAVID BOWERS FUNERAL GUARD OFFICERS ATTEND BAPTIST MISSION GROUP SONS FARM NEAR HERE » AT MARCOLA SATURDAY RE-UNION AT ROSEBURC HAS MEET ON TUESDAY — . Published Every Thursday at Hprlngfield, laniv County. Oregon, by Patrick I Grandpa I Conoly Is] David M Rower*. 79. died at spending a few day» In and around ' Id» home at Wendllng Saturday THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Springfield vialting with hl» sons jin. ruing of Iasi week He waa horn H. E. MAXEY. Editor at the McKenile River ltlossom | at Lumpkin. Ueorgia on January farm east of the city. Stooped and 21. 1853 Entered «■ seeood claas matter, February 24, 1903. at the postofftce, wearing a long flowing beard, the Springfield, Oregon. Surviving the deceased are his old man who will aoon be 87 years widow. Mrs Addie F. Rowers; two MAIL S U B S C R IP T IO N RATE old. »«ill retains much of the vlva- sons. Orville Rowers. Salem, and One Year In Advance 11.76 Three Months 75c clousnesa of youth, although his lilies Bowera, W endling; tour six Mont ha ............. .,1 0 0 Single Copy 5c feet are becoming a unsteady and daughters. Mrs. Hthel Warner. h e,fin d s it convenient to carry a Wendling. Mrs. Edna Hatley. Han­ THURSDAY, MARCH 12. 1931 walking slick. sen. Idaho, Mrs. Alvira Davis. FEWER AND BETTER SCHOOLS Mr. Conoly owns som e property Wendling, and Mrs. Ilaxel Halley, We do not know whether under present laws and con­ in this city, but makes his home Wendling; also one brother In ditions It would be wise or not for the surrounding school with relatives at Silverton most Plot da. and one sister in Georgia. The funeral services were held districts to send their pupils to Springfield. Rut in a ! of the time. —— --------------------- Mt nday afternoon ut Marcola. Rev radius of 15 minutes by automobile from this city there WATERWAYS GROUP WILL Harry Renton of the Lighthouse are a dozen schools, some with good buildings hut others and interment HAVE MEET AT SALEM ,,rfk which art- one room shacks. The latter can not help hut was made in the Mareóla cemetery. add to the cost of education and surely no one can claim The March meeting of the W il­ Funeral arrangements were made they are a convenience. From an educational standpoint lam ette Valley W aterways aaaocla- by Veateh chapel. in this modern county witli good roads everywhere they tion will be held at the Gray Belle are an absurdity. Sooner or later we must build up strong i restaurant at Salem at 6:30 on MRS. FRIEDA HEISCHMAN March 20 according to an announce­ PASSES HERE SATURDAY centralized schools under the directions of highly trained ment received this week from R teachers if we are to provide the best for our children H. Kipp. Portland. assistant secre­ Mrs. Frieda Heischman died In and not break ourselves up with taxation doing it. tary of the group. this city Saturday night ut the The meeting had been scheduled h° me ° f Henry Church' GOVERNM ENT IN B U SIN E SS „„a a - large i........ caravan ....... ....... Main street She was born In Ham­ for Portland and We have little sympathy with the paternalistic ideas in had planned to go to the big city burg. Germany, on February 14. government whether it is here in Oregon or at the national for a noon meeting. The April 1856 and eume to Ihe United States eapitol. This nation lias become the greatest in the world meeting will be held at IMrtland. when she was 15 years old. She has been in Springfield only one under a governmental system in which paternalism had no part—a government founded upon the principles that the government ought not try to do for the people those things which they can best do for themselves. For that reason we subscribe to the remarks made by President Hoover in an address recently: "I have never believed that our form of government could satisfactorily solve economic problems by direct ac­ tion—could successfully conduct business institutions. The government can and must cure abuses. What the government can do best is to encourage and assist in the creation and development of institutions con­ trolled by our citizens and evolved by themselves from their own needs and their experience ahd directed in a sense of trusteeship of public interest.” CONTROL OF PESTS TO BE _ _______ ___ TOLD BY COUNTY AGENT AT WALTERVILLE HALL Keep pushing ahead on the McKenzie should be our watchword. By early fall all the remaining county road on the McKenzie highway should be improved to state standards and be a state road. The Doyle Hill-Vida sec­ tion has been let and now for the Vida-Nimrod section, the last piece of country road. Lane county should celebrate when the last section on the McKenzie is completed. It is something we have been looking forward to for years and it will be the first wholly completed state highway in Lane county, outside of the paved Pacific highway. Routine business was transacted by the members of the American Legion at their semi monthly meet- ing which was held at W alterville on Thursday of last week. A pot- luck supper was held following the meeting. _. . . . The next meeting of the group will be held at Springfield ot March 19. -------------------- LEGION MEMBERS DANCE AT THURSTON SATURDAY — R. W. Martin, new manager of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company, has come up from the ranks of the sawmill workers. He has been with the company for many years and knows the manufacturing as well as the sales end. He should fill well the shoes of A. C. Dixon, who has retired as general manager, to devote his time to the na- tional lumbermen’s association. Mrs. Riley Snodgrass will en ter-! tain the members of the Priscilla club at her home here Friday a fter-1 noon. Needlework, games, and re­ freshm ents will form the diversions I f Getting Up Nights, Backache for the afternoon. fr e q u e n t d a y c a lls . L e g Pain», N erv - The legislature has adjourned, so we have something to be thankful for. Whoever wrote the 40-day pay pro- Ylsicn in the state constitution should be remembered in •story. The only way to stop any legislature is to stop ! pay. Legislation without cost to the taxpayers is about as short winded as this projiosed “power without cost to the taxpayers.” _____________________ TCfJ-' A nian asked me the other day what courses I studied in college had been most helpful. I answered, "Greek and mathematics.'’ He said it sounded like a silly answer. “You are in the advertising business. What do Greek and mathematics have to do with advertising?” Of course they have nothing to do directly with adver­ tising. or with modern banking or the law, or any of the rfivingCCUPa,‘OnS WhiCh 1 mIght haVC cbo8en t° earn ' x ^ „ „ d e ie ,o p 8 mu’c,e’- C education than about almost any other important subject. We have been in an, age when the whole emphasis of school and college haabeen placed on “learning things”, on “practical KnH1" Hf«.’»0” K vng the boy8 and girls equipment for 1 • C W. C. REBHAN, M. D. “ W h er* th e Her* re la |>l(Ter»nt*’ IRISH-MURPHY CO. Surgery - Gyuevoloxy a Specialty "■ ......... First National Bank Building SPRINGFIEl.D F\>rm»rly Gray s Cash and Carry 438 Main St 8prtagfleld SPRINGFIELD "CASEYS” SERVICE STATION KIRKLAND FLORAL CO. "Flowers for All Occasion»" 7th at Main SPRINGFIELD Phone: Springfield S6W Eugene Springfield B ridle INDEPENDENT MEAT MOON’S GOOD EATS Henle COMPANY The Home of Meat» Lunches. Steaks a Specialty 448 Main St. Phone 22 4th at Main Phone SPRINGFIEl.D 63 Grow ibur Own Vegetables SPRING FIELD SCHOOL of FL YING STUDENT INSTRUCTION AIR TAXI SERVICE — PASSENGER FLIGHTS MUNICIPAL AIRPORT A L A D vegrtahka, knurr, S radiihea, beet», carrot», cucum ber», to m a to es and green onions are more cri»p and full ol flavor when freshly picked. The tam e is true ol bean». ,wav and sweet com. To nuke the u n til of your gardening effort, plant the first quality tested seed now available in the Northrup, King Si C o. seed box at a ne.irbv dealer's. Inter-City telephone service is fast, clear and easy to use « Just as easy and satisfactory to you as a local call.” This is our aim when we handle an inter-city tele­ phone call for you. Satisfaction through speed o f connection. Satisfaction through clcar- ne- Sounds fine but what' , ‘en' to close the Rogue river after the people had defeated the closing bill at last election. d ouaneaa, o r B u rn in g , d u e to fu n c tio n ­ a l B lad d er Ir r ita tio n , in acid c o n d l- MONDAY FINAL DAY FOR INCOME TAX FILINGS FREE AIRPLANE RIDE . . . a n d a lw a y s have som e h an dy LOCAL PEOPLE ATTEND EUGENE G.A.R. MEETING Mr, _ , „ o D1 k Mrs. C. F Eggiman. Sam Rich Backache Leg Pains u Vialta from Blue River- Mrs. L Marcóla Man Hare Sandy Peter K. Morgan of Blue River was In son of Marcóla visited friends In Springfield Monday for medical Springfield Tuesday. care. Renew your energy with CANDY that cash accompany the order. Claude R. Downing of Marcola l,as alleadv ordered one car of 32 toBS of lime wklch should be de- llvered ,h l’ week A P°” l f°r a carload shipment ,,f linie is now being started at the office of the countv agent. * . ____ mond and Noah Helterbrand. went I to Eugene Monday evening to at- Springfield American Legion post tend the regular weekly meeting number 40 will hold its semi- j of the General Lawton comp and monthly Saturday night dance at - , he [^ die8 auxiliary of the Span the Thurston ha’.l on Saturday of ¡sh-Amerlcan war veterans, this week. This day is only three „„ , , __ o . St. d - Patrick . ■ v The .. Kron«> , is Planning to conduct days before s dav, and . ... . , . . . an auction sale at the next meeting. I the dance will be featured in reco g -. , I nition „ » I . . of . that .i. . event. . to bring ' Each _ . . Person . . . requested . . I som ething to offer for sale. The proceeds will be used to redecorate PRISCILLA CLUB WILL the rooms In the armory which are HAVING MEETING FRIDAY used by the two organizations. We can not make up our minds whether it was Governor Meier’s leadership or the lack of leadership in the legisla­ ture which allowed the drift of legislation toward central­ ized power in the state executive. Properly used strong centralized power is all right but it is contrary to the trend of the time which is for more pure forms of democracy. i t pasI. but the 8tat. Members of the Mission society Junction City People Here Mi Vide Man Here C. A. Toll of of the Rapt 1st church were enter­ tained Tuesday evening (or their and Mrs. Sam Miller of Junction Vldn » a s a vlallor In Springfield regular monthly meeting at the City were guests at (he home nt on Tuesday. home of Mrs C Jones. A review of the study hook. Mother luilla", written by Catherine Mayo wua given by Mrs Ralph Mulholland. Mrs I). C, Ogilvie Is president of I he group. Walterville Man Here Oscar Many prominent military official» of the »tale. Including Major Hen Millican of W alterville was a vlsl era! While of Salem were present for In Springfield on Saturday. at the re-untoii meeting. She is survived by two son», Charles, of Los Angeles, and Harry. whose whereabouts are unknown. , Methods of controlling common garden pests will he explained to , ln 'erm ,n ' ">■“«* '» Re»t- farmers of the W alterville district HaWn m*mor,al P“rk »"• Friday night at 8:15 by O. S. a« ’ »<>• Branstetter chapel Fletcher. Lane county agricultural waa in ‘ *larFe- leader, when he talks on Pest Con­ trol. This Is to be the first of FARMERS MUST PAY CASH a series of m eetings of a garden WITH ORDERS FOR LIME ------------ project being started by Miss Ger-1 trade Skow. Lane demonstration Cash must accompany all orders leader. Other speakers and sub- for fertiliier lime which is received ' jects will be announced later. ; from the state lime plant near Salem this year according to 0 . S. Fletcher, county agent. Pools will LEGION HAS MEETING I be formed again this year as in FORW ARD ON T H E M cKENZIE “ h .T j be,“r* h*'r Lieutenant C. A. Sw an», and Second Lieutenant Walter Gossler, commanding officer» of the local headquarter» company of the Na tlonal guard, drove to Roseburg on Monday evening to attend the tenth annual aunlver»ary meeting of (lie re-orguuliatlon of the I6i2nd in­ fantry since the close of the World war. The local unit Is a part of the larger organisation Visits Friends II \ Mansell of Mi anil Mis J M Larson of till« Marcola was a business visitor In c ty on S alm da' evening Mrs. ■ his city Tuesday M iler Is a staler of Mrs. latrson'a. CARL OL8ON, Aqent Phone 65 A premium g a so lin e at no in crease in price STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Standard” is a N EW gasoline. It is the finest motor fuel Standard Oil Company of California ever has produced without Ethyl. Its quality and performance are hacked by this Company’s 53 years ot refining experience, organization and service. It well deserves the new name, “ Standard”, that we have given it. Distribution of “ Standard” Gasoline to all sales points is now completed. You can buy it everywhere—at no increase in price. Drive with “Standard” Gasoline — new and better. Je A t S tan da rd S ta tio n s , I n c . and Rio W h ite and B lue D ealers T oast is Always Popular Have you ever thought how many Limos a week you make toaat and how much often you would make it if It weren’t for the bother <»f running out to t he kitchen? Toant can be a delieiouH and healthful part of every meal. And it can lie the eaaieat part to provide. You can wave time and trouble on every piece in t?^Bt mV<’" n,ake' ,f y°u »He a modern . El.-ctrle I oaster. It requires 1,0 watching It can t burn a single slice, and It toasts each piece exactly the way you want It both sides at once right at the table. Choose your electric toaster at your dealers "toaster headquarters . Mountain Stales -totu pa io nu is v Power Company MraocBua»