THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TV m a t PLANNED No. » Hl'KINOKIKLI). LANK COUNTY. OKKOON. THITtKOAV. MARCH 12. 1931 TWKNTY-MIOUTH YWAR BOARD UNABLE ./..OUNCE FACULTY Late Session In d s Tuesday w ith W ork Only P a rtia lly Completed; Moro M eeting» Due The «election of all teacher» for McKenzie Club Books Now the school» of the district for the Road From Hendricks to neat year was not completed by Balknap on South Bids Son W orld W ar Start | G ra n g e rs U rg e N e w C oast R o a d County Committee Withhold« Endorsement Until Survey and Cott Is Estimated A new cutoff road from Eugene to the coast Is being proposed by YOUNG BOY INJURED IN MOTOR ACCIDENT 'OM Red"—Noble Hero\ S tu d e n ts S t a r t B a s e b a ll Season Ma rvln Gorrls Throw n Prom Auto- moblls In Eugene Accident; Roo«iv«s Cuts About Head COUNCIL 10 PASS MILK ORDINANCE Six Last Year Letermen and Two New Men Form Nu­ cleus for Strong Squad Portland, Eugene and Federal Laws Studied in Framing Baseball Is now taking the cen Proposed Control Act ter of the stage at the Springfield Marvin Gorrle, young »on of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Gorrle, route 1, and bis mother received cuts about the I bead Huuday eves Ing In Eugene when the light coupe which Mrs. Goorte was driving was struck In > at) Intersection by another automo­ bile being driven by Arthur Mln- d »?>, university student. high school following the final game of the season here last Fri ACTION DUE NEXT MONTH DISTRICT TO PAY COST day evening In which the local ------------ team defeated Albany 27 to 31. — — . — . — ' Treasurer Transfers Real Es- Will Open Naw Tarrltory for The entire personnel of the „ * Springfield team was used at varl- tate and Bond Funds for Farming; Provide Scanlo ous times during the game in order Immediate Expenditure Loop Drive for Tourlata to give the future first string men • some actual competition. City council members Monday A now McKvnsla highway nn the eoulli aide of th« river from Hen­ A meeting of all high schoo, - night Instructed the city attorney coaches has been drick» bridge 1« Belknap bridge la *• * In lame ’ county Utility II« SB IF TTCU to draft a milk ordinance suitable ior Fr,day' AprU ’ ’ by R ü being propoaed by the McKeiisle , for this etty and to submit It at Moore, principal of the University Hirer elab. according In C. W. Al "he next meeting for approval by high school and secretary of the leti and II F. Mliiney. reildenla HUte hl«h » thoo> athletic associa hat body. of the upper river counlry. The " f,,r the "lxth diHtr,ct- T he new road would utilise aevnral I M Peterson, city recorder, and 1 ■‘ • hall schedule will be drawn at I W. I'. Tyson, mayor, have been uillee of county road now built no ,ha' * me u"d the actual playing i making a study of Eugene and each end at Ihe route. ? l,a *ue (tames will be started Port land milk ordinances, as well The county will not be called about the middle of April and con- as the federal laws pertaining Io upon to construct the road but It | t.'nse through May with two games milk. An effort will be made to will all be done from district fund» ach for each team In the league elim inate once Ihe county make» the survey, m any disagreeable which «rill include only schools In clauses In the new law which now according to Ihe plan With the * I.ane county. M ike Dutchuk, 18-year-old Spring completion nf the MrKeutle »late exist In most of the cltlea which DINNER HERE TUESDAY IToponents Of the new road claim fi.;id~ y, ,nh waM found gu||ty of H i a h S r h n n l P l n n Practice is now getting started have passed such ordinances. highway all road dlatrlrt money Eleven Hprlngtleld high school I ------------ H t g I l - J L I I U V I T l U f l Indoors at the high school gym­ along Ihe McKenale will be avail­ basket hall players earned their o u(u n< of Year's Work tor Civic It will bring Eugene 43 m iles fron. , I1¥„luntary „ian»iaUghter late Fri People of 8pringfleld do not tide water and result In water day of plgh, men nasium. Six of last year's letter- seem to understand the Intent of able on other road» outalde the lettsrs during the past seaaon It ■ Club Given by Présidant at freight rales for this city. It will Jour jn , he ,.|rcult Walterville People Willing to men are In school this year again the props ode ordinance and are main highway a» Ihe »late will look was staled at the high school this \ M eeting at Com m unity H all also serve some 50 fam ilies living in gn(, |g ||(1W at , hp glat(, penitentiary and most of the other men who therefore hesitant about approving Try Sending High School after Ihe maintenance on IL This week by W. E Buell, principal where he a did not sucçed In making their let­ ■ ts passage thinks Tyson. will leave eevsral thousand dollar» The successful basketball men are i Fifty five people attended the ,he Knowles creek community who , , Students to Springfield ters will turn out again. Indica­ Health dinner" a l the Uommunlty nnl’ 1 now u"e “ h”“ croM “ “‘ sentence of t..ree years Imposed on a year of dlatrlcl money available John Lynch. Gilbert ErnstIng. Gor A milk ordinance has been In­ tions are that the local high school the river to the I^ke Creek road T U rM (iay afternoon by Judge O. F. for the new road. don Wright, Lloyd Mattison. Berl | ball Tuesday evening which was Residents of the W a'terrtlle formally discussed by council mem­ will have a very strong team in While the county chamber road ^klpworth. The sentence also car The new road on the south aide Tomsutb. Hersey Tomsetb, George put ,,n by representatives of the bers for some months, and a com­ , , 00 M whlch man. school district are generally favor- the running for the county cham- of the McKenale will open up an Thatcher. Eldon Ellison. Lloyd Wear Ever Aluminum company and ■ <'»">'«ee withheld approval of the r,eg „ r,ne munication from the chamber ot Frese. Bruce Hqulres and Harold whlch was sponsored by the mem M,ut* 0Dtl1 “ HUr»e y W “H 1 1 datore by statute. able towards a one-year test of plonsbip. entirely new territory, serve many commerce, which was read Monday bridge be * paro|e made In behalr the proposed plan to send high Practice games will be arranged I hers of the Springfield Women's ■lid recommend that a bridgi parole farmer» who are now using a leail Stevenson. night urged passage of an ordi­ I K ullt a im » « U n n lp tn n mat n f Ini» • built ,f the youth by David R. _ Evans I M<.h(>o, children In that district to at an early da’e with teamB ont8id* and result In the development of The letters will not be awarded Civic club. nance which would make It unlaw­ Talks giving o e m iieo insiruc ih’J? the», 'p e o p le might ' hla “ttoTney- waH den,ed by the Springfield next year aecorolng to "f the county “re Idle land aultable for farming and to m e men until sn o n iy o ero r e . ful to sell any pasteurized milk summer homes. Il will make a school Is out according to Noryal Hons as to selection »ml prepare . . | Judge despite the fact that the Jury p o lla rd c h a ir m a n o f b e n g m a d ” t o schedule a game within the city lim its which has May. com-b. | t l.m of food, were given following i ,h'‘ r' T W “ h ‘“"‘i “ “ I which convicted him. urged len i-; W' » Po,lard' chalrman with Albany here on March 27. splendid loop drive up one »Me of been pasteurized outside the city. j ency the Springfield school board, who LaSt year baseball lettermen who the river and down the other. The It is this latter part which Is Gordon Wright. John Lynch and . ,h *' *N>n"r- Members of the delegation who| The case of Ivan Brent who was C. A. Swarts. Clayton are being looked to for the fram e so frequently misunderstood, ac­ coming summer wilt see a fresh Gilbert Krnsllng each made a total { Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, president of called on the chamber road com ■ tart on thl» new road. evicted of manslaughter In con Barber, W. E. Buell, and Lawrence work of the team this year are cording to the mayor. The Intent of 34» points tn conference games the Civic club, outlined the meet- ra|Hgg Included L. J. Plowman, necrlon with th^ d e a t i of Kenneth Moffltt' aU tnd‘;d a ma8« n o t i n g John Lynch, Hersey Tomseth. Jack during the sssson Just ended This lugs for the club during the balance inaH(er o ( the grange at Hlchard- Dillard another Springfield youth. h‘‘,d at W alterville last Thursday Hulett. Lloyd Mattison. Dorman of the ordinance is merely to pro­ CARELESS MOTORISTS tect a local Institution in a manner Is an average of five points each ; of the year. so n . g f jjen ln g. and P. 8. Rice, motor accident In Eugene a n,Kht for lhe P“rpof”- ° f aater' ''h»«* aad Paul Robley. similar to that now offered other SPOIL GREEN TRIANGLE for each of the six games played, * The next meting to be held on members of the Mapleton grange year n ago, was referred to several ta!nl“K the «Mtlment of the^tax Richard Lyles and bis brother, business firms of the city. It does two of which they lost and the March 24. will be a follow-up meet- road comm ittee. tim es during the trial. Brent was payers of the disttricL new students at the high school not propose to control the sale of Green Grass N et Given Chance to other four which they won. Ing on gardens at which time some . , paroled and later sent to the peni- Residents of the Thurston dis- who entered on transfers at the aw milk. Grow In Largo Trtanglo ot Other high point men during (he authority will apeak on when and SJURGISS FUNERAL TO tentlary for violating the terms of trict were divided on their attitude first of the year, have both earned H ighw ay Intorooetlon The chairman of the street com ­ season are Lloyd Mattison IK. Bert I where to plant the plants and last week, the opponents of the their baseball letters elsewhere and - BE HELD AT MARCOLA the parole. mittee was instructed to start work Totnselh 17. and Harold Steven shrubs recommended by I’rofessor Dutchuk was arrested on charges idea mustering a little more are being welcomed to the local of repainting pedestrian lanes on The triangular spot of ground at Cuthbert of the Oregon State col­ son S. l-'uneral service, for Mrs. Ellxa- Kr" l M Jut the faüU Injuring of "‘rength than those favoring the team. the streets whenever he thought the west approach to the Hprlng- Scores for the games played l>e lege in his address here two weeks beth Sturglss, 7«. of Wendltng who |)a( „ Ha„ Engenp poUc«, officer. P,an . ------------------ the weather was suitable*. field bridge which has been planted fore the opening of the season | “**’ died at the home of her son, ( morning of December 26, It was pointed out at the meet- UNIVERSITY BOTANIST Funds amounting to »1384.84 I* to grass seed and which might be­ and In the game here on Friday Charles, on Tuesday, will be held n he wag Rtruck by a car driven ing. presided over by Mrs. J. W. PLANS RETIREMENT the real estate fund were ordered come a spot of beauty If left un­ J. O. HOLT RE-ELECTED are not Included In the totals. at the Marcóla cemetery this after- l y j^jp^nk. as the former was Fountain, that Springfield could ------------ transferred to the general fund. molested, Is rapidly being spoiled FRUIT-GROWERS* HEAD noon nt 2 00 o'clock with Rev KUard |ng a fire hose during an educate the children for »90 per A. R. Sw eetser, head of the Bot This money Is accumulated from Springfield had a very successful by the careless m otorists who Jensen of Wendltng officiating. early morning fire. pupil as compared with the »137 any department at the University the sale of property owned-by the drive their autom obiles across the season this year, being tied for She Is survived by her son. thro* oaytord Mors», the other occu- par year which it is now c o stin g .of Oregon since 1902 will retire city. soft ground Instead of keeping on first for som e time mid then later 1 Farmers Urged to Plant Asparagus ; Norm al F ru it and Vegetable grand children, and seven great ran( Qf automobile at the time the taxpayers of the W alterville from his teaching duties at the dropping down and coming hack The treasurer was also Instructed the highways which are surfaced. M arket Predicted by O fficer. grandchiklrea. waa reieaRed under custody of the district. end of the present school year he | to transfer »2.496.82 from the 1m- Officials of ihe state highway to end the season In second place. Juvenlle court and later was arrest- Transportation. which would has announced. provement Interest fund to the Ciwch May la very well pleased department are disappointed with J. O. Ilolt. secretary and gen­ C. A. R. CIRCLE PLANS cd for stealing gasoline from the have to be carried on by means Coming to Oregon in 1897. the bond sinking fund to be used in the manner In which the motorieta with the showing made by his men eral manager of Ihe Eugene Fruit SILVER TEA ON FRIDAY “>unty. He Is now serving a sen- a ial-Ke bus. would have to be professor first settled at Foreat taking up bond sinking fund war- are treating this plot of lawn. They this Reason. Growers association together with ------------ tence. , added to the amount charged by Grove where he Joined the facuHy rants. say that they will try their best the entire board of directors of the Iuka Circle number 28 of the ------------------- the Springfield school district, but of Pacific University before m o v i n g --------------------------- to keep Ha neat appearance this PIE SOCIAL PLANNED FOR croup wns re-elected at the annual la d ie s of the Grand Army of the Funeral Services Held— Funeral ,j,e state high school fund would | to Eugene. summer, and If that fulls they will BROTHERHOOD TO HAVE CAMP CREEK CHURCH meeting of the stockholders which Republic will sponsor another sil- services for Marion Bollinger of pay ¡n tj,e neighborhood of »60 per He has made an extensive study have to resort to other means. HOMECOMINC MEETING was held at the Eugene chamber; Eggtmann Confec-, Goshen, who died last week, were student, thus making the cost to of natural flora of the state and! probably a fence. Program and Demonstration to Be of com m erce on Saturday. tl„nery store on Friday afternoon, held from the local Walker-Poole the peopie of ,t,e district a great has written a great many articles "We do not like to fence the ; Q lv tn by Four-H F tw in g Club T he members of the board of s , ,,atri(.k ll day color schem es will lihapel here Tuesday afternoon at deal lower than in the past, and on plants and plant life of the F orm er Pastor to D eliver Address; triangle an this would detract from M any Local People on Musical Group on Friday N ight dire« tors are: M. II. Harlow, presl carried ouL All of the women 2.00 o'clock. Rev. Shaw of the at thc same time would be provld state of Oregon. the scenic value of the spot," Ilgy Program for Event dent; Howard 8. Merriam, trees- wlelzzlty are Invited to attend, loeal Mission conducted services. |„ K better Instruction and more mond Walsh, resident highway The pie social which the mem­ urer; J II« be. Frank Harlow, B _______________ _____ ___ _____ ....— ----------------------------------- - modern facilities. fari]iti«« euglneer, stated this week, "but re bers of the Four-H sewing club al HODES BUILDING RAZED; Monday night srill be homecom­ McCornack. Wilmer Walton, may have to resort to some arbi­ Camp Creek had planned for Fri There were twenty-four students ing night for the members of the Frank Chase. George Scott and HOUSED OLD SALOON trary means of protecting me day night hna been moved ahead J enrolled In the Walterville school Mens' Brotherhood of the Method­ George Dorris. Mrs. H. J. Plank last year and the number is slightly ground." one day and will be held at the wns re-elected assistant secretary. Another of Springfield's old land­ ist church. A potluck supper and ■' lower this year. If they are marks is being razed this week. program of talks and music has Lower Camp Creek church tonight A return to normalcy In the fruit brought to Springfield for their The w o Hodeg building at 231 been planned and an effort Is being HIGH SCHOOL DEFERS Instead. and vegetable market during the u. ________ a ------------ ,h e M <’"n,4ln State8 Power con* hlRh 8Ch00' edacatlon 11 wU1 Main street is being torn down made to have all members of the LAUGHTERESQUE EVENT A complete program of demon­ latter part of the coming year was ph>Jr Thp bulldlng a group and their friends present strations by members of the club predicted by Mr Holt In h l. an- New Conveyor Built at Local |r»n> has a large hydroelectric the em p l^ m en t of at least one y w ....... .. ... n la n t s a v that only one of the more teacher and the addition of two-story x. structure, has stood until that evening. rsx 01 * . I I i~ „ ,4 r . . o l plant, say that only one laughteresque, the fun program will be given and a social time nual . report ......................... to the stockholders. He Steam Plant to umoaa ruei larRe generators there Is working ! several new courses to those now it was no longer safe to use and presented annually by Ihe students will be enjoyed afterwards. Every­ urged Ihe planting of more aspara­ Frank Bartholomew, president of Shipped into City to Supply |U the pre|lent time. L. E. Wallace, being offered at the school. owner dec,ded to tear It dow«. the group has addressed a letter at the Springfield high school has one Is Invited to attend. There Is gus this year than heretofore. Boilers; Plant to Run Full superintendent of the local steam No final action on the matter thereby ,mppoTlng the appearance to all members informing them of been postponed one week and will no admission charge, but women Capacity When Needed. plant, says that he does not know I can be taken until the matter is q{ tfjat tar{ Qf thp city be presented on Friday, March 10. are asked to bring a pie. the coming event and of the desire CITY RECORDER HEARS ------------ exactly what the trouble at Pros- put to a test at a school election The buJ1(|lng used to house a according to an announcement for their presence. The program as planned undet BOWLES MURDER TRIAL Lack of the usual amount of pet-t Is. but he thinks that the flow in the district affected. thriving saloon before the days of made at the high school this week. Ihe direction of Mrs. Bessie Keeler, The feature ot the evening's snow and rain in the mountains of water has been reduced too | prohibition. The reason for the postponement leader of the club. Is as follows: meeting, following the dinner Impressed by Largs Array of Legal of Oregon and elsewhere this win- much to carry both generators. M R S . MAY ENTERTAINS was not given, but It was stated which «rill be interspersed with 1. '‘l«jt'» Go for a R ide!” pan- tpr expected to have a disaster- There Is some fresh snow above that all of the other event ached tomlne by Lucille Turpenlng, Vera Counssl Defending Two Accused songs by the entire group, w ill he FOR KENSINGTON CLUB COUNTY AGENT HAS NEW of K illin g Bowles' W lfs ous effect on the operation of the plant which will melt in warm- uled at the high school during the Strunk. Neva State, Pauline Conley. an address by Rev. T. D . Y arns, LITERATURE FOR FARM . hydro-electric power plants in the ,,r weather and provide some water. Members of the Kensington club remainder of the term will be set Esther Strunk, and Marie States. pastor of the local congregation I. M Peterson, city recorder of durlng tbe ordinarily dry but this Is always true at this time wpre entertalned Friday afternoon buck one week. 1. Demonstration: "The Right Springfield, had an opportunity to monthg of (he tnmmer Copies of five new bulletins have during the years 1920-1934. M rs. of the year and only Indicates that a ^ home of Mrs. Lawrence Mav.| Class«« are now warklng hard Way and Wrong Way to Set a been received at the office ot O. Yarns will be present at the m eet­ sil In for a short while Saturday Patrick's Idea was carried Indications now are that the the company Is going to have to ^,bj> perfecting their fifteen minute Table", E s t h e r Strunk. Vera ing. and an invitation has been L aJoV Jow e'r companies will have 1 fall back on their steam plants for : '¡ ^ o ^ o n s cJJ i on the murder trial of stunts for the program which will Strunk. Lucille Turpenlng, Pauline extended to Dr. Marcy, district Bowles and Irma lxmcks charged |(> fa)1 b)u k Qn gteani p,ants to fu„ capaclty production during the g|g|e(1 ()f evergreen9 anJ spring fr„m hlm lei Interspersed with specialty Conley. superintendent, to be here at that free on request from him. Jointly with the murder of Bowles pr()duee the current which will be spring and summer months. (flow ers. ................. numbers. time. 3. Recipe exchange: Neva States The bulletins are a revised copy wife tn Miss lxjucks apartment In npod(,d )p excegg o{ tbe highest Three Boilers Working Mrg John Henderer won first Music will consist of several and Vera Strunk. of the Oregon orchard spray law. Portland. Three of the large boilers at the pr,le the of the after- possible output of the hydro- numbers by tbe Patriarchal quar­ JUDGMENT TO BE TOPIC 4. Demonstration: "Ice B ox “Pea Weevils in the Willamette Mr. and Mrs. Peterson had gone olectrlc plants. local plant are now being operated uoon Jxiw prize went to Mrs. W. Valley." "Fowlpox Control,” '*De tette. two vocal soloa by Mrs. C. AT METHODIST CHURCH Cookies” : Esther Strunk and Paul­ to Portland for an examination of sprin)gfleld finds herself in a and the other two are exp ected , K Barnen. ine Conley. ferrod Breeding of Beef Cows.” and J. Pike, numbers by a ukulele quar­ Mr. Peterson following Ills recent 1>pcl||tar poa|t|on this regnrd at to be started as soon as sufficient Mrg Elvin May was a special 6. "Shadow Play,,: Esther Strunk one by the United State Druggists' tette. and an organ-xylophone duet "Coming Judgment” will be the operation, and they stopped In preaw,t time. The Mountain bogged tuel can be obtained. The for , he afternoon. Regular association on the use of Squill by Ruth Pollard and Barbara Bar­ morning iwrmon topic at the Meth and Neva States. Hlllsbaro Saturday to sptn t n g ,a)eg p,)Wer company has a steam plant will likely operate at full members present were Mrs. W. E. nell. 6. Camp Creek ITophecy: Lu­ powder in rat control work. odist church Sunday at 11:00 ac , plant here capable of taking care capacity helping to supply other 1 Bue„ Mrg Barnell, Mrs. L. E. Bas- cording to an announcement by cille Turpenlng, Marie States. parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bendler. thp curPent needed In this vlctn- districts, which have been depend-1 tord Mrs. John HenderJr. Mrs. C. 7. Recitation, Vera Slrunk. MRS. FENTON’S PUPILS Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor. He will The most Impressive thing about |ty (f )a operated on „ j ing on the line from Prospect. E Kenyon. Mrs. J. C. McMurray, BAPTIST SERVICES ARE speak on "Opposites" at the eve­ PLAN JOINT RECITAL the whole trail was the group fu)1 BChedule, but there Is a which Is now falling down making Mrg j T. Moore. Mrs. A. J. Mor­ GIVEN FOR SUNDAY ning service at 7:80. BIBLE STUDY CLASS TO ns six defense attorneys, represent ghorUge of tbe hogged fuel nec- It necessary for the company to gan Mrs. L. H. Neet. Mrs. C. E. The Sunday school will meet at Bible school 10 a. m. Morning T w o Pianos to Be Used In Recital HAVE SUPPER MONDAY Ing the best legal talent tn the eggary t0 provtde the steam. The purchase current from competitors, sw arts. Miss Edna Swarts. and the 9:46 a m and the Epworth League at Eugene Bible U n iversity entire stato, which Is attemping lo pr0gpnt ________ half time __ operation the The Mountain States has steam _______ hostess _____ — of ___ _____________ worship at 11, subject "Darkness will meet at 6:30. Bowles and Miss Loucks ot ¡bM)th.Kplly L,n m b e r company plants at North Bend. Tillamook. The grollp wt|i meet with Mrs. at Mid-day." Evening service 7:30. N ext W ednesday Evening Members of the Women’s Bible free murder charges now being | wh|ph |g ordlnar„ y depended on to Dallas and Springfield, and has Morgan at her home in Eugene for An "International" service with a atudy class of the Christian church the Plano students of Mrs. Clara Tut­ TRYON FUNERAL HELD wll have; a potluck supper and pressed against them. furnish the necessary hogged-fuel other sm aller hydro-electric plants Gie next meeting Friday. March 20 number of nationalities taking part tle Fenton will be presented ln a entertainm ent at the church on provides such a small quantity that in addition to the one at Prospect.) --------------------- in other languages. SUNDAY AT SM ITH RIVER Major Operation—Mrs. Theodora It has to be shipped in to supply ’ The Dallas plant is now down anil MISSION GROUP PLANS recital to be given at the Eugene Monday evening. The affair will <)wn (.ug|omprH guch „„ chnge tg bplng rebulIt. Goes to Ashland— Riley Snod Bible University school of music oa Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah be In the nature of a 8t. Patrick’s Churchill of Eugene underwent an , PRAYER OBSERVANCE grass will leave for Ashland Sat Wednesday evening o f next week, Tryon of Route 1, Springfield, who party with the husbands and fam­ operation on one of her knees yea Gardens who use large quantities Eugene Has Steam Plant No reports have been heard from Thp Mjsglon goclpty pf thp chr(gt. urday where he will spend about March 18. at 7:30 o'clock. died Thursday of last week were ilies of the members as their terday. The operation was per­ •*a‘ h month formed by a Springfield physician Mrs. Fenton will present piano Ship In Hogged Fuel Portland concerning the avallab e ,hurch wtu h(jM g ()ay pf praypr a week with the test train which held at Smith Rlrer near Crescent guests. and was made necessary as a result City. The Walker-Poole funeral A large converyor was completed 1 supply of water for hydro-electric , pn Q«nH county Dr. W II. Pollard, chairman of | chamber of commerce. The new the board. Further consideration road would run from Hlchardeon of the personnel of the teaching up Turner creek and d o w n Several » IItches were taken to staff for the n est year will be K n o w le» c ree k to a Ju n ction Of j gaMh„,, wh1cb thp made by the board members and the Lake Crook highway above , uMalned an announcement of the re-elec­ Mapleton. It would bring Eugene ppp and several bruises. Both tion« will be made neat week. • Ll- « S.L. sa^-va . . . . --- cloaer to the coaat by 15 or 30 w,.r,. . >n»lderably damaged Home of the teachers have slg «•-scarred c o o n X g V ogi'n«*!, miles depending upon the exact The boy was thrown from the awarded the highest honor in dog- nlfted that they would not return When Marianna Poliak w»» II route followed. for another year Whether or not car In tlo- Impact. He .cashed ¿om the Spratl Gold M ed a l.-io , The propoaed cutoff baa been en i through the glas» lu the door successors to them will he named f.*ari ¡,,'d, . ' b* wi ’ Handing at the a / o u « ', < ’ ”dJ eVC¿í>" *ahowi , " City lls ll in Sersirvo. now in domed by the granges In western m e rescue ol a n e tg h b o i} dog. For now 1» not certain. Caechoslovakla. when Archduke seven days “O ld Red” carried his 1 Prana Ferdinand and w ile were M ue county and Ihe Eugene < ham QUJCHUK GIVEN FINE; own food to a collie dog which had H. S. LETTER WINNERS "P®" » thnr c s r n a g e -.h o t» her of commerce. The endorse­ PE N IT E N T IA R Y TER M ,’X ? 'he which toppled throne* and biought ment of the county chamber of A . A . Babcock° oMSladstone** Vh? ANNOUNCED BY COACH lGCtriC