PAH K FO t’ R : TIIDRSDAY. MARCH 5, 1931 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS • 7. The »(uilent* are very busy dl« trihutlng posters and getrtng ready Mrs. B O. Smith left last Thurs for «• They hare chosen sides to day for a trip to Hawaii Islands ®*H tickets for It. the Iosin« side She ««peels to return about May 1. to entertain the winners. The la d le s Aid met with Mrs Wendling basketball team played Lawrence flossier last Thursday. ,h * club team on the local floor They quilted a quilt. last Friday evening Thurston team Many of the stock owners and 1 wnn producers of the Ps-m ers creamery I.lrn Endicott from Portland has motored into Eugene last Wednes- res nted his parents. Mr. and Mrs. day and attended their annual meet John Endicott, with a new radio i < aad dinner. The same officers which they are greatly enjoying were re-elected for the coming Mrs. Woolwine, who was struck year. George Platt from Thurston by a car la„, week bad her la president of directors. shoulder blade and two ribs broken Mra. Ernest Bertsch from Spring- f„ g(.., „g along fine at the Eugene field visited several days with her h o p lta l. sister. Mrs. Roy Kdmiston last ,'nda Calvert from Junction City *e«k. was In Thurston Monday looking There le a meeting being held ftcr his bees here. Wednesday evening at the hall to Mr and Mra Henry Hcndakemp consider consolidating Thurston wbo returned front a trtp from law high school with the Springfield Angeles last Saturday, were out high school. to gPt, Miss Heersma last Sunday. Thurston high school is staging Also John Hendakemp and Mr their play ‘‘Leave It to Dad," at Knapp from Eugene, the hall next Friday evening. March John Taylor returned to his home THURSTON t Indian Creek Wednesday after helping with the work at hie broth er’s, Charles Taylor, while he was III with flu Rev. Shaw from Springfield, who has been conducting revival meet Inga at the church, will close his meet lug Wednesday evening Rev William Jessup from Eugene Bible university In Eugene will begin a series of m eetings at the church next Monday evening to run for tt^rw wvefew The l adles Aid society have pur chased new window curtains for •he church. They will meet with TOWN AND VICINITY Spend Sunday with Mother Mr and Mrs Marlon Adams and son. Bob. spent Sunday with Mr Adams’ mothers. Mr Sarah Adams at June Iloti City al laiwell last week on Thursday high selitml a few years ago. Creswell Grange will viali th» Mr ami Mrs E E Kilpatrick Mild Mr and Mrs Thomas Power Isiwell GraJige at the uext regular s|mlit the week olid al Florence; meeting, March 13. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Groslioug The Pleasant Hill high school l.lllle Marlon llrlstow eelehraled basketball boys are busy practicing her eighth birthday with a party for their nest game which will be last Saturday afternoon. played «»m. They have played The Pleasant lllll high school j several practice gam es this week students are practicing hard fo r 1 the operetta, "Polishing Pebbles.'- ! which they hope to give next week on Frldav. Several young folks gathered at the home of Miss Naliey Barnum tasi Sunday ufternoon aud afler hlklng over thè adjolnlng bilia, Arriving Daily spent thè resi of thè afternoiui SATURDAY SPECIALS maklng candy and playltw game* Miss Lucilie Walker, who was re I group HrcMMPN $9.90 eently operatori oli for appendiciti» I group lirr'HMPM $5.95 al Portland, relurneil lo hor houle CouiH $12.95 up al Lowell last week Lowvll Resident Here Harry Visits Friends Mrs. Charles Car Daughter Born Rev and Mrs Veatch of Lowell was a business ter of W altervllle visited with Velile l*rullt are the parents id a visitor In this city Monday fr ends m Springfield on Weduea lathy daughter born to them ut the Pacific Christian hospital In Eu Transects Business Peter Finn day afternoon. of W altervllle transacted business Jasper People Here Mr. and geno late Tuesday. March 3. 1331 In Springfield Monday afternoon Mrs Arlo Jones of Jasper were business visitors In this city Tue« ,r° m Resort Mr. A J da» UPPER WILLAMETTE Kuhn “f ' " * • * * Resort was a vis ilor *” s Pri"sfleld Tuesday- Major Operation- Mrs. John Kes- Mr and Mrs. I, D llarmlre and Mrs Ellen Needham Thursday aft Mabel Man T „ M„b, o| itution of Jusper underwent a major children, who have been visiting al operation at the Eugene hospital ern.xvn to make them Mabel v „ „ ts| Spr(llgil,.|(, Tue, the tl W Kelsuy home for several on Tuesday. Mrs Teeters from Cottage Grove. «* hooks nt the local depot. death of their baby girl Monday next regular meeting. Mr. and Mrs M J McKlin from Springfield the first of the week. Visits F ath er— Mias Kathryn of this week at Walton Mrs Sur Currol Hull, who recently Injured Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. llow 42 gighth Avenue Weet Visitor from Mareóla—Mrs E Hemeuway spent the w eekend lu • amp was formerly Maybelle Kiln» his fiait while working ut bridgi' arti Cotton from Eugene were in tu gen e, Oregon Phone ft/4 felder. who attended Pleasant lltll Tuttle of Marcóla was a visitor In Port laud visiting with her father I'oustructIon. relumed to Ills home Thurston last Sunday. Springfield Wednesday morning. She returned to Springfield and planned to leave soon for Ashland WOLHEIM PICTURE TO Visits Friends Mrs. Gleun Nell lor an extended visit. Terrifie SHOW AT BELL THEATRE son of Marcola »islted friends In ------------ thia city on Tuesday. • Visita M oth er--M iss Maurice I Hair-raising ! Outstanding In every respect, a lximhard spent the week end here Vida Resident Here— F. A. Weed with her mother, Mrs. Ells lx»ui m assive production with a story 10c Bottle A stirring spec­ of Vida was a visitor In Springfield which for tenseness and human bard, and her brother. Frank. Miss Prepared Mustard FREE tacle of sea—with >u Tuesdav afternoon. interest has seldom been told on Lombard Is teaching in the high with 1 Hi. cun Shilling’s coffee love and laughter the dialogue screen, and every Leaburg Resident Call»—Mrs. W .1 ’»'bool at North Bend character played by a thorough \V. Hlleman of I ecu burg was a vial 15c can Supply Train Here The Supply | stage artist.the Pathe picture "Holt- tor In thia city yesterday, CINNAMON FREE Train of the Southern l*nelftc rail day,” which comes to* the Bell the with I lb. Schilling's Baking a're on Sunday and Mondav. doubt Buys Feed I ete Thomason of road company la expected to arrive Powder Thursday. Friday and Saturday less will he acclaimed as being " »Itervllle purchased feed while In In Springfield today. This train at Usual Prices. 25c and 10c usually come to this city every perhaps the finest comedy drama 1,1,8 c ’,y >e®,<*r'la> • 20c sixty daya. of high society and wealth ever Wendling Resident Here—John BOTTLE VANILLA FREE Downing of Wendling was a busl- Leaving Tonighti— Mrs. Annu with -lb. Schilling's Tea ThelS Sunday. Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday comes filmed. Lovers of red-blooded outdoor ness visitor In this city yesterday. Charrett. aunt of Jack latraon. who has been visiting here from _____ New drama wil have a chance to see ____ _________ CUP AND SAUCER — First tim es in Eugene — "The Silver Horde." featuring the Daughter Born Mr and Mrs. W. York city for som e time, will leave FREE late Louis Wolheim when it Is 11 Bartholomew, route 1. are the tonight for Ix»s Angeles where she with 2 Bars shown at the Bell theatre Tuesday lx‘ ellls of a ha hi daughter born wj|j visit relatives before returning Am-otid-ol Soap Rona/d Wednesday and Thursday of next ,hem nt ,he,r Wednesday to b e r h o m e ln t b (, r * . , week morning. March 4. 1331 at their Tremendous in Its scope, sweep- home ®p*nd ° * y “ B,ue Mr You can get n complete An audacious Gallant ing in Its movements, portraving Visit Son-in-law_Mr and Mra J i"' *. * " * 1 *' Turn‘ r ’P*'1 1 1 Sun- laughs his way out ,s „ ... a m-law Mr. and Mra. J llay p|cnlcktnK on , hp banks , h„ l9On SPen' Sun route 2. Eugene collected a March, 1931 upon and pursuant to . ...... , . _ „ . , ity of th e m erchandise obtained from us. Neither a decree giyen and made on the buun,> for one COUBar a‘ does she worry about th a t Phone Order, for she has ¡3rd day of March. 1931 in a suit the o ffk e “ >e county clerk. J pending therein in which Andrew R. Kibble of Alma collected on found we fill her order with the very best grade of Holton is plaintiff and P. Aug. Pet- : bohcil. and H. (» Cain of goods, and even more conscientiously than if she were etson and . W. C. , , , on five cougars . , , Yoran .. are defend- . v*es’fir collected ants, which said execution and or­ a t th e sto re to select the articles herself. We also pay Georg.. Bancroft In "Derelict" at der of sale was to me directed and ana two bobcats Darrel Pitcher o u r “ Local Farm ers’’ the top m arket price for the commanded me to sell the herein- of Cottage Grove collected $2.00 the Colonial Thursday. Friday and after described premises to satisfy for one bobcat pelt on Monday, Saturday. best they can produce. Yet we charge no more for n la i n t lf f ’s Judgment iiifte m p n t in p «n m n plaintiff’s in th the sum of f _____ _____________________________________ it th a n you are often forced to pay for inferior prod­ $500.00 with interest thereon at 7% per annum from August 27. 1920 ucts. These Facts plus Quality, Price and Service, until paid. $60.00 reasonable attor com bined with a 1-OOt; guarantee on every article sola ney's fees and costs and disburse- ! ments of suit taxed at $20.75, I m ake Dibblee's Red & W hite Store the safest place 1 will on Monday the 6th day of to buy y our groceries. (Ask your neighbor, She trades April. 1931 at the hour of 1:00 o'clock P M at the Southwest door with u s). of the County Court House in Eu­ gene. Lane County. Oregon, offer F or week-end Specials: See our Red & W hite ad for sale and sell for cash at public in Friday evening's Register-G uard. auction, subject to redemption as provided by law. all the right, title A STORE where the Ow ner Serves and interest of the aforesaid de­ fendants and each of them and all The Buyer Saves parties obtaining by through or under them or any of them since the 8th day of April, 1930 in or to the following described premises The W est half of Lot 12 and the North 8- 2 3 feet of the W est half of Lot 11 all in Block 16, Gross Springfield’s Only Addition to Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, Registered Title. H. L. BOW’N, Sheriff. By A. E. Hulgaard, Deputy. .M.5-12-19-26 A.2 S p r in g D r e s s e s C o a ts a n d M illin e r y Lad'es Shop C O L O N IA L FR EE 20c COLMAN X* DEVIL « Dinner Set Free TO PAY* Florida Grape Fruit 4 DIBBLEE’S RED & WHITE STORE 25c J l Feather Cake Baked with FFAlHlRFlAkl ' RECIPE N o o d le s 4 25c Bermuda Onions Sold Here 1 ' 9-WHITE FRONT GBOCERV 3 STRAWS ■ for EASTER The Ideal Grocery Red & White Store OR- -If y o u r h o m e is a lre a d y w ire d y o u m ay have y o u r ch o ice of $ 3 0 .0 0 of E le c tric A p p lian ces You ll Rest Easy on This BED SPRING ^«/MATTRESS Special $18.15 With Coil Springs $ 2 3 .2 0 T h e R e g u la r P r ic e s o f e a c h a re 40 Lb. Felted Cotton Linter M attress 50 Lb. Felted Cotton Linter M attress Simm ons Double-Deck Coil Springs Wright & Sons $6*85 $ 9,35 $ 9 .8 5 We will Wire Your Home FREE With the Purchase of Any N ew Electric Range----- $1.95 to 9 STANDARD AND MONARCH RANGE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM $2.95 All the gay colors of Spring have been utilized in these fine soft straw s— and harm oniously dis­ tributed to create h ats of distinction for this E aster showing. You will find no such hat values at prices so low—and encom pasing every new fashion trend of the season. - P A Y A S YOU EARN Fulops Department Store Ira F. Powers Furniture Co. J. FULOP, Proprietor 11TH <& WILLAMETTE 334 Main S treet Springfield. Ore.