NOTICE TO CHEDITORS Nollce Is lioreby glven liiat the uiidcralgtic.l haa haen duly appolnl ■■il Admlnlslrstor of the vstate of John (l latverty, deceuscil. and nny and ali persona havlug ristinä ngalnst the said estate are hereby required to present said claims. duly verified as hy law required at the office of Prank A D el’ue, NOTICE »heed P eople H ere Mrs A M Bill hoard Changed The reutet •Ign hourii In the group between 1 WHEREAS In ehppler J»7. gen Snodgrass and son. Jack, spent the h Wright hardware store and Ih» X , S 7 . Mountain Hiatus Power company of «yery person, firm, copartner h"m* "f Mr and Mr" H"'” ' Hn,H’ offici* was moved to a now position i ship, company and corporation grass. They returned to their home mi the cast (wall of the liummsr-1 owning, leasing, occupying.pnseas-; Monday morning. , ,)ullll |„,||d |„g Friday or < »'arge of or do ■ - .............. . . . , rnlnlon over any land, place, build- SUMMONS A" " r'' * " ng. structure, wharf, pier or dock | n th< Circuit Court of the State E etate of Bancham B. O leti, Presumed to be Dead. Spend Oay at Nswpert Mrs. Wayne . - CleVOT, M r. and RODENT Mlaa tone ............................. «TART1D IN OOUNTY D Sherrill has filed In the County t Court of the State of Oregon. In ««ndey °« *•»< h a ‘ Newport Effort to Er«ai«ato und for I-ane County, her petition Ratralnsew to B« alleging that her brother, Bancham J**P«r Merchant Horn» — E. E. it I (let i. Is presumed to be dead Bauer, merchant at Jasper, return An Intenslvq as none of his brothers or sisters ed to Springfield Monday from have heard from him for more than c a|,f„ rnM where he had been called gray digger ten years; that he was a resident A tto r n e y for th e e s t a t e nt Hprlng w h ere the s ig n fo r m e r ly sto o d w h ich is In fe ste d w ith gro u n d o f O retjon. for L ane C o u n ty . of Iuine County. Oregon, when last due to th j serion s tllneea o f his be carried on In all parte of field, Oregon In l.ane County, Ore squirrels and other nosloua ro h o y HTOI.Z-IG, Plaintiff heard from, now owns personal wife. Mrs Bauer Is now reported County again th is year NOTICE OP PINAL denta or predatory animala, or as Vs. gon. within sis month» from the WILL TIIADK Portable Typewriter date of thia notice. SETTLEMENT soon as the presence of the same KRANK I KINNEY. JESSIE M property herein and asking that an to be greatly Improved. to County A gent O. 8. Fletcher. ■ ..... ..- ,roe to his, their or Its KINNKY. ARTHUR C NETTLE- administrator of hla estate be b y , -------------- --- for bicycle nr What Have You NO TICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, shall W L M cH A H G U R , TON and NETTMETON, “ >< Court appointed Whereupon NOTICE TO CREDITORS Admlnlslrstor of the estate of Thai Ida It. Woolley, e ie c u tr ll o f , knowledge, at once to proceed and The lam e County A gricultural 120 West Eight Sfreet, Eugene bis wife. Defendants: Court has appointed and flsed Notice la hereby given that the council has adopted gray dlgget ihc estate of Perry A. Woolley, to continue In good faith to ester John O'baverty, deceased To Arthur (' Nettleton and o'clock J n . the forenoon of .flat- undersigned has been duly appolnt- ¡deceased, has rendered and filed In initiate and destroy such rodents Hated F eb ru ary 16th. 1981 FOR SAI.K I have paid »138.00 on urday, the 28th day of March. 1931, ed executrix of the estate of ground squirrel control work aa the County Court of the Stale of by poisoning, trapping or other ap Nettleton, his wife, defendants. Cine new Plano. You can buy It Crank A D elhis, ... T |... ( ,F T H F H T A T F 11 th” <-'our‘room thereof In Kugene, rqiarles E Colcord, deceased, and one o f the county w ide projects Oregon for the County of lama, har p ro p rla te and e f f e c t iv e m e a n s ; and Attorney for Katala. at a real saving Hubert Hlaa, WHKRKAH gray digger ground n F OBEflON You a re h ereb y ra . ,‘he t,rn'’ and pbMe , “r any and all persons having claims to be cooperated In by all farm C 20 M 5 13-19 -76 Hrst and final account and that . , . appear and answer the h®ar<"* evidence concerning the against said estate are hereby re organ isation s of the county during Willamette Heights. M 5 »aid Court by and order duly made squirrels (Cltellua DouglaallJ »re noxious rodents In l-eno County, 1 In t h e alleged absence and the tjrcum- qulred to present said claims, duly NOTICE TO CREDITORS and en'orad therein has fixed and , complaint filed aicatnHt you In the stances and duration thereof. verified as by law required, at the 1931. It Is exp ected that subor­ Notice Is hereby given that the 'v<* entitled null within four W B DILLARD. office of Frank A. HePue, attorney dinate g ran ges, farm ers union lo­ Now therefore, all of such per w(i(.k)) froni (he date u fa)| t() app4,ar <>r anawer for short visit with friends months from the date of this the County Court of lame County, Court house In the City of Eugene having dominion over land In «aid w#n, (harP„f th„ p|a)ntlff wm take NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING notlee re<( -t y((U th„ gum Oregon All persons hsvlug claim s Oregon us the day, time snd place bane County. Oregon, are hereby a Farm organ lxatlon s la com m un­ The undersigned administrator I)a, ad Marrh Jn, NOTICE TO CREDITORS against said estute are hereby noil ‘or the hearing of objections to required to take steps to exter- ities where ground squirrel control ml,,..,, M said era. IlLe, around wl,h lnter,'"t ‘hereon at wlth the w1| ( annexed of the estate A MAN HA COIZOHD, fled Io present the same properly mid final account and the settle- rnlnat«, id xriiy .w dlKK r Kr WH... in 1 n m i m frfirn Ik » p p rn h p r 12. Is a problem are ex p ected to nom i­ >..a...... p,‘r n l,nn'im fr,,m December 12, i „f e Halvor Eziesasi.a.« Klttelsen. /looz.aaov« deceased, ham has Notice Is hereby given thut the verified. to the undersigned at the men! thereof Executrix All objections must u irrel« (Il i t m u s im u g iu s iii w m i , #2S |( ,d d > 5 0 0 0 rPaHd Administrator of the estate of Hank of Commerce llldg , Eugene, 1 I'"*"** of said (o u r t on or before D el’ue, for each school d istrict covered hy public the first puhlka Ion of an(, disbursements of suit; that of Oregon, and the same has Elisabeth I- Kennedy, deceased, Attorney for the estate. If such steps are not taken, a plaintiff have a mortgage lien upon (>wn County, Oregon, within sis said day and time. th ese organisation. In com m u nities ,or hearing and for final and any and all persons having burie M.8-121928-A.2 w here there are no farm organtaa- person or persons appointed by the lx>t I In Block 2 In the Braes Ad settlem ent of said estate on Satur- months from the date of first pub­ IDA B. WOOLLEY, claims against the said estate are lication of this notice ‘‘“J 'lay. March 14. 1931. at the County SUMMONS Executrix wil’r 'e .d e r r‘.ip»n""illd,J,tands<’Uannd hereby required to present said tlons, the county a g e n t w ill se lec t H ate o f first publication, Felt. Ik, Frank A D el’ue. proceed to exterm inate «aid gray , , r '\K" n t,,r ‘ “ e^ p a y m e n t o f ( -„urt Koom ,n the Court House, circuit Court of the State rodent control su p ervisors If there claims, duly verified as hy law r e ­ IMI. Attorney for the estate. d i w r rround Mriiilrreln (C'II f II um afor«-M‘rfendaBta and ,!ach said day. Any person having ob- Charles S. Cochran and Horace U supervisors w ill be appointed by Hprlngfleld. Oregon tn I .am a Conn w<)|1(( * Attorney, extermination will 1» I. vl.d against aL(, lnt(.r,.Mt ln an(l to Hatd w .t|„ n. aa!d f |Dal account la r’“ -— -------------- of . the - Estate ........ the county court and given auth or­ BALE OF REAL PROPERTY Cochran. Executors ty, Oregon, within sis months from suld lands. F 20 2« M 6 12 I» BV ADMINISTRATOR of Sarah E. Cochran, Deceased. ity to poison squirrels on neglected .lute of this notice The county agricultural agent title and Intetrest In and to said hereby notified to file the same Plaintiffs Hated Cebruary 7th, IMI. Notice Is hereby given by the hereby designates Monday, March premises except the right to re- )n writ|ng with the Clerk of said land at th e exp en se o f th e ow ner. GUARDIAN'» SALE OF REAL Against b. » . DANKH. un(i<*rMiKii«< highest snd best bidder for rash, gene, Oregon, offer for sale and In Eugene, foitu* County. Oregon, at to farm ers o f Lane county at cost. uu regon All of the following described »ell at public sale, for cash or approximately the cost t i l prepara Residence: Kuxene. Oregon pointed administrator of the estate OF OREiXIN: , ..mi of L a b b G •o ob b ty. i ?. O tbbob * " | o„,-I, ................................................................. r..B, „ ata(a> ,„ p „ rl, t e l y : part cash and part credit, to the ,|„ n F 19 26 M.5-12 19 of MATTIE A. WILMORE, de You are hereby reqnlred to ap- T his poison barley m ay he pur­ persons having c la im s a g a in st »aid lr a , . „ e s t a t e a r e hereby notified to pre I lleglimig at a point 30 feet highest ........ . all of the right, title |»„t„ of first publication of this c c,aj,ed- by the County C oB rt of P a r a n a answer the: cross Lom- chased at th e office o f the count? 50 ___ feet ____ und __ 6 _____ tnche. ___ and ________ In u res, _______ Of said ______ estate ______ In the March 6th, 1931 N° T 'C nrroeg C<,U"ty ' ° r’'K° n ton filed n^. voe^ n T h e s ^ e ' a g en t and from dealers la all parts sent lhe same, properly verified, to'N orth • nd __ (Signed) UNDER DECREE having claim s against said estate '<>“ • Hlfn against you In the above llie undersigned at the office of East of the Southwest corner of following parcels of land, all In O .8 FLETCHER, NOTICE Is hereby given that the are required to present them, with entitled suit and court within four of the county. T h e ch arge la 40 W ells * Wells, Attorneys. Bank of Kugene F Skinner Donation loind lame County, Oregon, to-wlt: County Agricultural A Kent. nnder*iinied by virtue of a decree the proper vouches attached, to the *ee«H from the date of the first cen ts for a five-pound bag, w hich Commerce Bldg . Eugene, lame Claim Nollf No 2181, In T wji . 17. The west half of the northeast Is 10 c en ts per bag less than haa M.5-12-19 of the Circuit Court of the State undersigned at the law offices of pub. ca V ? j v- ***’’* ‘n Ute County. Oregon, within six month» s Hunge |Aiur, West of (he Wiliam quarter; the weet half of the east of Oregon, In and for lame County. IMMEL A EVANS, ln the First Springfield News. been charged In form er years. from the dale of the first publics Meridian, und running thence j half of the northeast quarter; the And li you fail ao to appear and lion of th is notice North 217 feet, thence East 50 feet, southwest qunrter of the southocait NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S made and filed In said court on National Bank Building, ln Eugene. SALE OF LAND February 4, 1931. ln a suit wherein Oregon, within six months from the answer, said defendant will take Date of first publication. Feb 19, thence South 117 feet and thence quarter of the northeast quarter, NOTICE is hereby riven that by Robert I.. Ware, W Franklin Ware date of this notice. Judgment and decree aginat you as C.M.T.C. APPLICATIONS 1931. West 50 feel to lhe place of begin- all being In section 30. township V irtue Of a licen se'a n d o rd e r to K ffi. E Weher. Isabel Wilson. Mae Dated at Eugene, Oreg n, this T S STIVERS, ulng. all being In and a part of 19 sooth range 1 west of Wiliam SHOULD BE MADE SOON „He Meridian. Meridian. In lame County, m'e " ,o un ty" Court i of the State of Robbins. Lulu M Day, Nettle Ware. 26th day of February, 1931. í Administrator tht- City of Kugene, lame County, r. ette Administrator wllh the Will An Oregon, ntatlon from Entire m-xed. (II lx>t Four In Block 1. LIU' Limited to Three Yeuthe Wells A Wells. Attorneys Addition to Kugene, lame County. '■ T»....... # .................... ... ..... s « . - Cooper _____ * 2ft M -»13 19 Oregon; j j In township 19, south range 1 estate of Jennie Sllkwood. deceased Ware and Millie Ware are defend- IMMEL & E \ ANS, of »4000.00. with Interestt at the In room 10 of the loiw Offices of weat W illamette Meridian, 160 to sell at orlvate sale the land ««t*. >•»>'’ decree la recorded Attorneys for Estate Lane county's quota of F26-M 5-12-19-28 ra,e of ’Jr/' p«r annum from and my Attorney. II. E Slattery, at a,-res. more or less. In lam e County, hereinafter described. I will on and ,n Yol 36 of t h e J o u rn a l of the since the 16th day of May, 1930; for th e Cltlxens* M ilitary 717 W lllamelt. Street. Eugene, Ore Oregon, appraised In the sum of after the 6th day of March. 1931. aforesaid Circuit Court beginning D „ai ■ I- ' ;,n r-iire ’68 which decree is heiebv NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE for the additional sum of »250 at- camp at Vancouver B arracks gon. beginning at Ih« hour of 10 |,g o o o . a it 202 Tlffanv Building In Eugene "" • -1K' - wni< n decree is n e iin . tornev's fee for her attn rn w v- for on the Ih- premise» premises to to n b e e sold, to for - greater particularity In the h C reu .t Court of e the State th(, costs y and and disbursements dishnrsem enT of ^ f thia this sum m er has been se t at o 'clo ck A M on March 27. 1931 T)l„ ,,„rlh half of the northeast a »„d id on sola. /eferre.I ■ ■-‘• i t EDI) DAHLIN. quarter of section 31 In township offer at private sale to the party and h*re referred to and made of Oregon, for Lane County. and (hat *uch jlldgmen, yonth s b etw een the a g e s of 17 1 Guardian of the p<-rs,m and of t9 o, range 1 west of WII offering the most therefore In cash » Par‘ hereof and whld» decree The I nlon Central Life Insurance jnteregt at the rate of lhe estate of N J. D.ihlln, an Insane |ani,.tl,, Meridian. 80 acres, more or part cash and part terms the directs the undersigned Welby Ste- Company, I laintlff vs Olaf Melby, annom from date thereof until 31. Thia Is Just h a lf of th e MM JEW ELER person or |,.g, ,n | j , ne County. Oregon, following described lands to-wlt: T*n* «« the referee herein, to sell Ragna Melby. A t . Mathews. Eu- J(a,d; upon the promissory note of ber th at atten d ed the cam p frtMi F 26 M 5 1219-26 ap,,rw| Me<| | n the sum of »80 00 t l i Lots 2. 3. 8 and 9. Block 11. the real property hereinafter de gene Loan 4 Savings Bank, a cor- • Cooper, now deceased. I-ane cou n ty la st year according to RcpairtiiK R Specialty public auction to the poratlon. Eugene V. Slattery. P. L “ *u ” [ Beginning f t a stone on a point Original town plat of ( reswell. Lane ’ ‘/ ¿ T o ' htditor'for F irst L ieu ten an t Thom as J. Orona, ■r for cash ln the man Johnson. E L. Pollet. J W. Moss. aJ d R u ‘ b ^gth NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE SprltiKfleld. Pregni» on the south line of the north half Oregon. ■■ n ro v id ed bv lav w for sale of real David B. Evans and W M. F ood - ,4(W0' KiTen NoTPmher 16th- J«25 a d ju ta n t <21 »« «»« NW corner ner Pro»ldpd b> >a’ NOTICE Is hereby given that by of section 29. township 19 south execution and said u ln . Defendants Also for decree of foreclosure of Camp H urlburt the fo r est bor­ ler range « 1 west u of W illamette . Merl- ' f *’ 1 ■_N®- P0*” 1 a.,, ..... virtue order , . of . an , execution , , .u and ..................... i . . . . in T e l # S R 2 W’ th e n c e S 24 54 decree further provides that from Bv virtue of an execution, Judg- the mortgage given to secure said dered area above the parade All Kinds of of sale Issued oat of he Circuit dlan. 9 00 chains west and 19.U " r r ’ the w line of lh e m o n ey received upon such sale ment, decree and order of sale Is Promissory note, recorded on page t ,,„ r . of the State Of Oregon for . bain« south »f the southeast cor h" tl n . E tc' th. W ¡n ‘ bp firs( „ thp „ „ of sued oU, , hp ahove pntltlpd court 457 of Vol. “61" of th e M ortgage grounds, w ill b e the scene of thia lame County, February 18. 1931, ner of the Thomas Mathews dona- ,nH rigm ot »ay oi im ' i --------•- -* • ---- ~ -------«--------------- year's cam p w hich opens J a n a REPAIRING and SHARPENING 18 and c lo s e s Ju ly 17. T he ca m p h ...., », s ä s * ä Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Lawn Mowers 12» W Ktb Street Eugene Phone 900 I'lysscs W Ellmakcr and Ruth L. Kllmakvr, his wife. Fraucea A Ell- maker, The Bank of Com ---- .. u widow. ---- ----------- m e r e . Eugene. Oregon, a corpora lion trustee, Ruth Robertson l‘o south line of (he north half of said ,j ,e n c e 3* 20 75 chs • ‘hen fo Robert L. Ware ln the sum section 29. thence east on - e o i ' iLJrin’ thence w ‘ 8 36 chs ‘ to the p la ce: «>r »‘ 150.00 with Interest thereon at 11 80 rhalns to the place of begin . ---- T i . r ----- " — J of beginning In Lane Countv Ore- s% from July 1, 1929 until paid and nlng. rem aining 4 524 a cre, of land. ‘^ ^ 7 degcriptiJa 'he further sum of »127 89 with w ill Include y oan g men Irctn i™ parts o f O regon and from A re sou th w estern cou n ties la W axhtor against ‘hat “ id . lands ‘hereln described ton. Insurance Company and sald defendants for the following he «old in the manner manne. provided A tten d an ce a t th e ea»»p costa sums of money, to-wlt: »42.77 with by ,aw and proceeds of such interest a. 10% from June 7. 1930; ’ " L the tra in ee n oth in g. Tt-vn»porta SO acres deed to L F. Stancllffc 1ntere_st thereon, at 8% from. May »90 85 with Interest at _10% .from . tlon to and from th e e a a a '• paid d cr C om p an y, a c o rp o ra tio n . WII g„n . appraised at »50 00. «¡‘^ fr r X r d ^ a n d 1. ¡930 until" p il’d and“ ¿o W. FYank- ^ e m b ^ S . 'l929:‘”»174.79'' with In- to the payment of said Defendant's l am Johnson doing huslnes. under lads 4 7. 10 and 13 of section a7 r e , b e g g in g to lln Ware in the sum of »829 43 » ith , erest at 10% from September 5. Judgment with Intcreet. costs dis- by the govern m en t. Food. ... i'blpg the name and style of the Johnson «. township 20 south of range 1 '•#AJ'"K ™ af),d ’ Interest thereon at 8% per annum i 930; »1744 57 with interest at bursemerits and expenses; and for and m e d ica l a tte n tio n ara al«u fling; FUNERAL DIRECTORS Furniture Company, Eugene Plan- west of W illamette Meridian, In Subject to the approval of and from December 1. 1930 until paid 614% from December 1. 1929; the 8“cb 7nd ,,fui2.b jr It is req u ested th at < m »- who lug Mill Company, a corporation. laine County, Oregon appraised at confirmation of «aid Court. and the balance. If any be divided further sum of »250 0® attorney ’e ^ U b le ’1 V th ^ p rem ia « 1 d esire to e n ro ll In th e C M f C Residence 125 C SL Tei rill Volgbt Planing Mill, a cor »50.00 228 M ain St. CLAUD SILKWOOD. equally between Robert I-. Ware, fees and p lain tiffs costs taxed at poia'.lon, Waltera-Busbong Lumber Southwest qunrter; also begln- This “ summons is served upon you m ake th e ir ap p lication s t the Bar­ 62 M Administrator. Franklin Ware, Effie E. Weber. »48.00 and the costs of and upon 62 J Company, a corporation, F. K nlng In north line of lot 4 of sec- Est of Jennie Sllkwood" rw‘c ’,I Isabel Wilson. Mae Robbins. Lulu This writ; commanding me “to make by J ^ T d g e 1 of said’ court made rack s v e ry soon. Last veer th e Selvera und J. K. Bryan, partr-ers tlon 29. township 19 south range 1 F 5-12 19-26 M 5 M Day and James J. Ware, share sale of the following described real w° rth'„ ;ud*e 8,aJ d a. I r cam p qu ota had been 1 a 566 doing burlness under the firm name west of W’illnmette Meridian 20.80 r.«g-aa.a* . oto^ <« tor»« r»g»ir.»v an<* e n te r e d o n th e 2n(i d a y o f F u ll A u l« E q u ip m en t and share alike. property aiiw situated in Lane County. 1QQ, rv „ k h o o ii «« and n ea rly 700 appllcat w ere and style of Selvera A Bryan. N eb chain« west of southeast corner of NOTICE OF SH E R IFFS SALE Now therefore the undersigned in State of Oregon, to-wit: . e a c h ^ k tor^f loidy Assistant r ec eiv e d , 100 o f w hich I Jut ’> be I*. Jorgensen. J. 11. Blake, William claim No. 45 and running west 12.63 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, referee in consideration of the fore- AU that portion of Sections Three wpekR ln the SprinKfiel(1 Newg ITeaton and C. H. llalea, partners rhalns to northwest corner of said ,.ie ....... .. ............... ...................... .............................. er and hy virtue of an going and acting as such referee (3 . Four (4) and Ten (10) In Town- fhe {irgt publication thereof wa8 refu sed b e c a u se they wt
  • Crowe. E u gen e; E r n e st R. Drew, lau reola; I oe. lartnvrt doing buslmsa under to wit: Reginning at a stone set made by sold Court February 26. for sale at public auction to the Twenty nine and egh ty-tw o hun- NOTICE OF S H E R IF F S SALE 204 I. O. O. F Temple th e (Irm name and style of Hit It. west line o f section 29. tow n 1931. In a suit therein pending In highest bidder the following de- dredths I-9.82) chains south Two x otiCe Is hereby given that by Frank L. H uberd, Eugene; Jamoa Telephone 3266 Bügelte, Ore. PtrfK tlon Wall Bed C om p an y, «h ip 19 south rnnge 1 west of WII which W 11. PATTEN was plaintiff crlbed real property: ,w e "ty J ” *““1*8. ( l of execution and order R. N ortham , Crow Stage, and GaD Walter A. Woodard Lumber Com lam ette Meridian. 12 chains north '""J A. C JEWELL was defendant. South half of south half of sec- East from the Northeast corner of aale |gsued out of the Circuit I any. a corporation. II. W. White of southwest corner thereof, and which execution and order of sale tlon 20 Tp. 18 S. R. 3 W. of W’. M ‘hereof, ‘hence W est Fifty-two and Conrt of , he Slate of Oregon for H. Sp urlock , Eugene. doing hiiKlnes« under the name and running thence north 52- cast 23.12 was to m e directed and commanded In Lane County. Oregon. 160 acres, d fty hundredths (52.50) chains to a 1— •*'e County Court along the section line offer for sale and sell at score. Harding as recorded page 321, The aforesaid premises referred the bridge across the McKenxie Oregon, _ Ileus, lu Kone I-ano County. more or less to place of beginning. r T he next m e e tin g o f th e on, o lie and sell at consisting of 103 17 acres, more or hook 7. I-ane County Mining Claim to as Description No. 1 will be River; thence Southeasterly along public auction for cash, subject to Hi neral Law Practice Records. ¡subject to a mortgage In favor of ‘ho north bank of said river t o ; redemption as provided by law, all w ill be held M arch 13 a t th e public au. Hon for ash. subjoct to less, appraised at »200.00. Southeast quarter of section 30. W ashington as recorded page 413, Federal Land Bank of Spokane, the Intersection thereof with t h e ; of the right, title and Interest of ic ! lpllon aa pr ■ - Med by law, all I. M. PETERSON line running East the defendants In said suit and of Mrs. Bryan. ud IntoreBt of township 19 south range 1 west, book 7, Lane County Mining Claim Washington. In the sum of »1500 quarter section o f the ri. ht, til I AltortK y (ti-Lnw W lllnmette Meridian, bought undor Records. being the mortgage recorded on and West thyu said Section ten; of all parties claiming by, through I suit and of i the defendant» In - Bert '.‘’’it it <*.d '.IhlK Lincoln as recorded page 416, page 72 of Vol. 52 of the Record thence East on said Quarter Sec- or under them or any of them since LEGION ARTISTS SHOW claiming y, through or contract from First National Bank, June, Mr» 1.) book 7. Lane County Mining Claim of Mortgages for Ioine County, Ore- tlon line to the East line of said the 29th day of November, 1922, . i i i - u i or an. of them since Eugene Oregon, upon which there 'I.: Records. gon the amount unpaid on «aid Section Ten (10); thence North in or to the following described Gordon. REAL PAINTING ABILITY li ey of f) her, 1925, In Is sn unpaid balance of approxl Coolidge as recorded page 415, mortgage being the sum of »1453.91 along the East line of Section Ten read property, to-wlt: 1 or to the following described real mutely »150 00 appraised at noth l„g ' book 7. I-ane County Mining Claim with Interest thereon since the 16th (10) and Section Three (3) Ninety- Beginning at a point 30 feet property, to-wlt; One of the best drawing Beglnlng nt northwest corner of Records day of November, 1930: the afore- one and fifty-six hundredths (91.56) North of the corner common to 1-ot 2 In Block Numbered 20, In FRANK A. DE PUE on Main street the first pert 4 Home as recorded page 412, book said premises speelfleld as Descrip- chains to the place of beginning Sections 7, 8. 17 and 18 ln Town- i Cross' Addition to Eugene, In Lane the south east qunrter of section 29 ATTORNEY AT LAW In township 19 south range one 7. I-ane County Mining Claim Rec- tlon No. 2 will be sold subject to except therefrom the One (1) acre ship 18 South. Range 3 W est of week has been the America* Le­ C ounty, State of Oregon; also NOTARY PUBLIC a mortgage thereon In the sum of building site located tn Lots Five the W illamette Meridian, thence gion members who have Beginning at the Northoast cor­ west, W illam ette Meridian, running ord«. thence enst 208.7 feet, thence south Monroe Extension No. 1 as rec- »3000.00 In favor of Eugene Loan (5) and Six (6) of said Section running South 88’ 42' East 20.86 painting the bill hoard ner of tho Levi W. Z-uniwalt Dona­ Sutton Springfield tion Land Claim No. 52, Notlflcu- 208 7 feet, thence west 208.7 feet, r.-ded page 414. book 7, I-ane Coun- and Savings Hank of Eugene, Ore- Ten (10) heretofore reserved ln chains to a point in the w est side . the membership raster of the local B u ild in g O regon | tlon 4941, ln Township 17, South, thence north 208 7 feet to place of tv Mining Claim Records. «011 which said mortgage is rec- 'leed dated March 12th, 1908, and ¡ of County Road No. 649. said point Monroe Extension No. 2, ns rec- j orded on page 84 of Vol. 70 of the recorded In Volume 74, page 562 being 30 feet North and 39 feet organization. The sign boiurd which Range 6 Weat of the Wlllaniotto beginning. In I-nne County. Oregon. orded page 415, book 7, Lane Coun- Record of Mortgages for Lane Coun- of the Deed Records of Lane Coun- east of the Southeast corner of the had been painted several Meridian, running thence Suuth npprnlsed In tho sum of »1000.00. A roadway from W L Pnrmenter ty Mining Claim Records. ¡ ty, Oregon, the amount unpaid on ty. Oregon, containing net five Southwest quarter of the southwest had become faded and the along the east Hue of said claim Monroe Extension No. 3 as rec- «aid mortgage being »3000.00 with hundred and forty-four acres (544). quarter of Section 8 in said town- needed revising so the Legion de­ Forty (40) chains to the Southeast as described In volume 168 page records of Lane orded page 412, book 7. I-ane Coun- Interest thereon since the 16th day Now, therefore, by virtue of said ship and range; thence North 0*25' corner of the North half (%) of 87 of tho deed na follows: Road- ty Mining Claim Records. of November 1930; the aforesaid ' execution. Judgment, decree and West, along the w est side of said cided to do-lt-thsasselves Instead said claim; thenco Wost parallel to County, Oregon, Monroe Extension No. 4 as rec- premises specified as Description order of sale and in com pliance, County Road No. 649, 12.545 chaina of spending a sum te have the WOT* the north line of said claim Forty way 16 feet wide beginning about will be sold subject to a with the commands of said writ, I to a stone on the west line and done. five (45) chains, thence North one half of a mile south of the orded pngo 416, book 7. Lane Coun- No. 4 mortgage thereon in favor of Henry will on Friday, the 3rd day of April, at the terminus of said County Twenty (20) chains, thence East northeast corner of my (Pnrmen- ty Mining Claim Records. L evi Neet and Sidney Thirty (30) chains, thence North tor's) land In section 30, township Antimony ns recorded page 413, t Tronip and Blanche Tromp In the ¡ 1931, at 10 o clock A. M. at the Road No. 649, thence North 0 04 been doin g m o st ot the work. The? j 1 west. W illam ette book 7. I-nne County Mining Claim sum of »1500.00 being the mortgage front door of the County Court East 6 98 chains thence North Twenty (20) chnlns; thonce East 19 south rango V ■ . . a l l a rt lv x i.a r . in noono wo tr o w a n il f i” *4*6 o l 9 fl h a in a ir a registered on ______ page 191 of i Vol 13 l House ln V Eugene. Oregon sell n at t Q 88* 33' W W o est 20.345 n chains to n have been assisted at times h? Fifteen (15) chnlns to the place of Merldlnn, and running tn n gonernl Records Antimony Exteuslon No. 1 as rec- of Certificates ot T itles for I-ane public auction, subject to redemp- fir post marked C. S. said fir post several active members of ths Le­ beginning Also Lot Four (4) and northwesterly direction to land tho Northeust quarter of the North­ now owned by A. M. Spangler, said orded page 418, book 7, I-ane Coun- County, Oregon the amount unpaid tlon, to the highest bidder for oash being 20 chains North 1* 43' East gion poet on said mortgage Is »1500.00 with in hand all the right, title and and 21.42 chains South 88’ 42’ East east quarter of Section Twenty- roadway being approximately one ty Mining Claim Records, eight (28). Also beginning at the fourth mile long on my premises, | Antimony Extension No. 2 as rec- interest since the 2nd day of D > Interest which the above named of the corner In angle of the Wm. Northwest corner of I-ot Throe (3) appsnlsed at »10.00. orded page 417. book 7, I-ane Coun- ceniber, 1930, said Description No. defendants, or cither of them, had Luckey and wife Donation Land SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS 4 being registered title; Descrip- on the 14th day of August, 1930, Claim No. 52 in said township and j of said Section Twenty-eight (28) Southwest qunrter of section 32 ty Mining Claim Records. HAS MEETING MONDAY running thence South 14.96 chains In township 19 south range 1 west [ All tn the Bohemia Mining Dis tlon specified as Description No. 3 the date of the mortgage foreclosed, range, said corner In angle being The Now Shlold shapo ... I-ane trlct. Lane County, State of Oregon, will be sold d e e from all Hens or since that date had in or to the southwest corner of lot 7 In thence East 32.70 chains to the W lllnmette Merldlnn, In I-enscs made ln Soft- County, Oregon, appraised a t Also one stamp mill and acces except special assessm ent for pub- the above described property or Section 7 In Mid township and East lino of snld Section Twenty M em ber« o f the B ethany sorles complete together with all He Improvements levied by the City any part thereof, to satisfy said range, thence South 1 32 W est ' eight (28), thence North 14.96 »80.00. I-lte Shad» 2, reduce sch ool c la s s of th e B aptist chnrah Northeast qunrter of section 30 tools and equipment on ground and of Cottage Grove, said sale to be execution, Judgment, decree and 19.545 chains to the place o f begin chains, and thonce Wost 32.70 glare. rnnge 1 west all constituting the El Capitan at public auction and terms of sale order of sale, Interest, costs and ning, containing 40.12 acres of land held a b u sin ess m e t i n g a» th e chains to tho place of beginning, In township township 19 19 south south range more or less. In Lane County, State hom e o f Mrs. K enneth ToM ea o n ash, subject to confirmation ot ; accruing costs. W lllnmette Merldlnn, I-ane County, group of mining claims. all ln I-ano County, Oregon. Dated this 5th day of March, said court and possession of said Dated this 27th day of Februa-ff, of Oregon. Dated this 20th day of February. Oregon, 130 acres, appraised a t Monday evening, Dated th is 2nd day o f M arch, property to be d elivered to the 1931. 1931. »130.00. 1931. com posed o f 1931. H. L. BOWN, H. I-. BOWN, I purchaser. H. L. BOWN, F. N. M c A l is t e r , O S T O M « T R I/-T of th e class • H. L BO W N, Sheriff of Lam» County, Oregon WELBY STEVENS, Sheriff lam e County, State of ! Administrator estate of Floyd Sheriff of I-ano County, Oregon, 14- W c Z"T B ™ A V t I S h eriff of Lane County. O regon. school Referee ln Partition. By A.a E. H ulegaard, D eputy Oregon. A. I-. HULEGAARD, Deputy Wilson, deceased. 9 M.u-12-19-26-A.:l M.5-12-19-3TA.2 F.5-12»19-26-M.b M.5-12-19-26-A.2 1 F.26-M.5-1219-2« F.26-M. 5-12-19-26 m eeting. Walker-Poole Chapel BONDS Eugene Furniture Hospital DR.e C MEADE