PAr’ * ' TW O T l I l ’ KHI>AY. MARCH r., I'»:iI T H E SIM f’ v iJ E IK l.n NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by P o sitio n s w ith H. B MAXEY. Editor B«4ere4, 1903. at the poatofflce. Springfield. Oregon. .................... 75c 5c THURSDAY. MARCH 5, 1931 CHEERS OR JEERS EOR JU LIU S G overnor Meier, w ith the M ussolini powers, conferred upon him by the legislature w ill no doubt emerge from the governor's chair fo u r years hence e ither a hero or a fa ilure Having the direct responsibility o f the one-man boards and commissions his w ill be the g lo ry o r the blame fo r w hatever the results—success o r failure. Form er governors could coast along w ith the m ediocre because o f the divided responsibility but the legislature has passed the hot end o f state a d m in istra tio n and even sem i-judicial powere to the governor. Cheers o r jeers from the crowd w ill depend upon w hether he knocks out a home run o r a fum ble. G overnor M eier is now the whole team and he can not blame the rest o f the players fo r fumbles. Julius has got a ll he asked fo r and some state o fficia ls say a little b it more. ---------- «.---------- T H E PR IC E OP BREAD There are signs in the a ir o f a new e ffo rt to make po litica l capital out o f the price o f bread. P oliticians are beginning to bid fo r votes fro m the w heat-grow in g sections o f the c o u n try by p o in tin g out th a t the price o f bread has not gone down proportion ately to the price w hich the fa n n e r gets fo r his wheat, and that therefore somebody “ higher u p ,"— e ither the m illers o r the bakers- -is g etting to m uch p r o fit We d on’t profess to know all about the m illin g and baking business, but we do know th a t the cost o f raw- m aterial is a very sm all proportion o f the cost to the u ltim a te consum er, o f Any m anufactured com m odity. We don’t expect the price o f autom obiles to go down even- tim e the price o f steels fa lls o ff. because we know there are lota o f things besides steels th a t go in to the m anu­ facture, d is trib u tio n and sales o f autom obiles. It takes about 4*^ bushels o f wheat to make a barrel o f flour. Out o f a barrel o f flo u r, selling now fo r around $5 a barrel, the com m ercial bakers make 300 one-pound loaves o f bread. They put some o th e r things besides flo u r in to bread, and they have a m a n u fa c tu rin g cost as well as a cost o f selling and d is trib u tin g . It seems reasonable to believe th a t they are rig h t when they say th a t a loaf o f bread, delivered to the re ta ile r, cost the bakery about 6 cents. W hatever the custom er pays above th a t is the re ta ile r’s charge fo r handlin g and delivery and his p ro fit. Maybe there's som ething fo r po liticia n s to get excited about in this bread s itu a tio n . B u t i t looks to us as if the farm er, as usual, was going to get th e short end o f any serious attem pt to reduce the price o f bread to the c ity folks, w ho are. a fte r all, the ones who do m ost of the bread buying. In so fa r as the price the fa rm e r gets fo r his w heat is a p a rt o f the cost o f a loaf o f bread, any general reduction in the re ta il price o f bread w ill be used, som ewhere along the line, as another excuse to keep the price o f w heat down. R eports fro m all over the c o u n try indicate th a t veterans a p p ly in g fo r the adjusted service loan, ju st passed by con­ gress over the president’s veto, need the money. Despite some o f the opposition's opinions th a t it w ould take six m o n th s to make the fir s t ioan, the firs t applicant had his m oney the firs t day a fte r the b ill’s passage. T hev are n o w receiving loans a t the rate o f $10,000 a day. G overnor Meier, elected on an econom y program , has asked fo r and received $70,000 fo r the conduct o f his o ffic e as against the $45,000 allotcd to fo rm e r governors. W h e th e r th is 70 per cent increase is econom y o r not re­ m ains to be seen. A dispatch from Salem is th a t th e capitol dome w hich has been “ all l i t ” up d u rin g the session o f the legislature w ill now be dark according to custom . Some o f the legis­ lators, w ho have been “ lit up” fo r the last tw o m onths w ill also be d a rk a fte r they get home. T h e re is nothing a larm ing about th is as the veterans have held fo r six years these “ prom ise to pay notes” o f the U n ite d States. The fa rm boara has loaned m any m il­ lions to th e farm ers this last year when it owed them n o th in g . W e can see no d iffe re n t e ffe ct on the country. Stocks in W all street w ent down b u t we do n o t believe the average Am erican w ill weep about that. It is a very debatable subject In the average m an’s m ind w hether W all street c o n trib u te s most to the general w elfare o f the coun- o r to the few ric h by m anipulatio n w hich tends to make them richer. Getting Up Nights Tht* um ’I m I h »!*« of II «»w The curtain at the Springfield Sprlngfleld Ien rln players db- \ group of 90 people alten.I.-il tile li gh school auditorium will rise a feated Ihe Weu of the games playe.l en the the Christian church here Frida» t pi. " l a i am i pn»Miaill al III»’ H. H Miller of Marshfield ar­ 'he best l^iughteresque programs local alleys hera Frl.lay evenlng evening , flo u a m aksb yuu is s i tire d . depressed Au Interesting program raged, tr y t h . C y . l . x Te aL rived In Springfield Saturday to over presented at the local school Endlcott earried off honors for the of short talks and musical nunilM-rs I.ower Camp ('rooli vliiirrh on ► 1 ' i n . %"< - " “ it. stsrts elrculatln* th ru A i ■«»iu|»loh« W«»rh« fsa1 i I I m ln u ts a . . P rnísed by »«- the duties as sale.niau tor In years according to partlea at the hlghest I nd I v Id un I seore, makin« was given and this was foil-w< .1 day wuiihiK March I’t tb « ayatam ' In ’ ...Ille - the local office of the Mountain school who have charge of the pro S20 In the second game. Bryan hel.l by refreshments served by the program of demolisti a'Ion. Io club »Ien Ih.n’t "P-. - j - Stateta Power company. Mr. Miller gram and who know what It will the hlgh total of 540 for the thri-e ladle« class of the Sunday school member« and entertainment consist * illy Illg of vaudeville sklls will Is- pre ¿ fia » H i . . . jm p r o j« takes the place of A. I. Wade who consist of. gamea. The pioxrnnt for the evening was sellted In Ille greiip under the ill fu i sleep «m t e n e rg y , u r m ousy b a ca. was transferred to the Marshfield latughleresque Is the term used Solo, I'enrl Holter - lecitoli of Mrs Desale Keeler, lead O n ly 400 a t Tln> > lay-rs on eaeli leam and as follows: district effective the first of this to designate a fun program spon­ brand; read ng. Roscoe »’ole; dai er of Ihe club Ih-ir Indtvldual and total scores KE'I'Eldt DRUG STORE month. sored annually at the school by the 5th a» Main Springfield, tire. llte l solo, Harvey Wooley; reading. were: Mr. Miller Is married and has members of each of the classes. Mabel Riddle; talk. "Young I’eo Springfield two children, a boy and a girl The program, usually lasts about 176 148 124 44K le’ i Place In Ihe Program of the I They have established their resi­ two hours. Each class In the school Cornell Bryan 196 166 Ml 64(1 Church," Vdlle Pruitt, pastor of prepared an otiglnal stunt which dence at Fourth ami C streets. N.-ci 141 313 173 527 'he congregation; vocal solo, Mrs Mr and Mrs Wade left Spring- requires at I -ast 15 minutes to pre S'lvers 166 176 177 615 Imla Thompson; talk. "Ilow Young sent and these are Judged by a field Saturday for their new home P illi cell l . 's i IS 220 606 Peopl<- an- Helping In ihe Church." Naturopathic Physician committee, the winning class re- on the coast. Hubert Slas; and a closing song' ,-clvlng five exlra points and the md prayer by the audience Toula KOS 919 KI3 2637 F irst N utloiittl B link llltlK- M ABEL R ESID EN TS SEEK third prix«- Is one point In the competition. Wendling— NEW ROAD FROM COUNTY Phoiws: O ffice 73J Ibmltlence 143W Special entertainment is also pro­ »’ook 114 174 136 424 JA IL TER M S GIVEN FOR vided between the class presenta­ Smith 114 174 136 424 S T E A LIN G OF GASOLINE S|irliiKflcl»l Petitions for a new county road tions. The nature of the stunts are Myer 139 163 115 407 approximately one and one-third O ffice Im urs; I In 5 I*. M Gaylord Morse a n d Denton not revealed to the public until Warfall 145 125 114 3K4 miles long are being circulated in Shocks were sentenced to serve they are presented. Cuat«»r l i l i 122 202 46S IteHldence 223 II street the Mabel district this week by four and three months respectively Mbert liquet and Richard Hlle- Totals <78 746 671 2OK4 In the Lane county Jail Monday aian. both of whom were at the HIGH SCHOOL O PER ETTA The sentence was by HAS DUAL LEAD ROLES court house Saturday discussing Circuit Judge G F. Sklpworth after MANY DOG OW NERS FAIL the desired road with officials of the two had changed their minds First stage practice for "Sailor the county court and county engi­ TO GET COUNTY LICENSE and plead guilty to the charges Maids." musical operetta to be pre neers. of theft of gasoline and motor oil. The petitions ask for a new road sented at the high school auditor­ Approximately 1500 lame county Morse was a ward of the Juvenile ium by the combined glee clubs starting about a mile below Mabel dogs are still without the neces court at the time of Ihe offense and running, off in a northeasterly of the school on Friday evening. ary county dog license tags which and was given the heavier sentence direction. The road would serve April 3, were held Monday accord­ are required by state law and their Tin- rig h t hat fla tte rs . the w rung hat »lelracts because it was his scond offense. ing to Ernes’ McKinney. Instructoi six families. owners will now have to pay for In the interest of beauty every woman w ill have a Inadequate roads now serve this in music who is directing the pro­ the license tags together with a duction. chance to select her most bi*coiulug style. PROPERTY ASSESSORS territory, and the petitioners ask penalty of 12.00 according to -R Practice work on the operetta that the county take over the entire S T A R T WORK M O N D A Y ( B-e-c-a-n-t-e J. Morris, county dog officer. Sat has been carried on for several route and grade and gravel It. unlay was the last day on which weeks at the school. The chorus Deputy laine county tax assessors | OUR SELECTION OF NEW SPRING H A TS to pun-huse the license tags with is getting along fine and most of IS VERY VARIED the penalty fee. and more than 2100 started’ their work for this year) LE G ISLATU R E CHANGES the remaining time will be spent Monday morning In all parts of the t' wide nprt»«d ¡>«>pu license had been Issued at the NOTED BY W. F. W ALKER n the individual carts says Mc­ comity clerk's office at the close I enunty. The of all the larlty nrv tho type hittn Kinney. of business that day. Three people land and property In the county that itffcct a halo, also the Wat­ Governor Meier must either make Two sets of leading characters w