'W NEWS THE SPRING HI’R IN U K IELI), LANK l O I N T Y . O H R iO N , T i l l I t S l i W T W K N T Y -W K IIIT II YBAll. TEACHERS WILL BE ELECTr(l TUESDAY R . W. M a rtin Is B .-K . M an ag er General Superintendent Dur­ ing Absanca of Danahar; Board Aaka Ç* City Officiala No Naw Policiaa Given Deputila J i. < V * i at Both Ö. Ralph W. Martin, assistant sales Grada Sci A Hara tnsn manager for the Booth K illy NEW NEWSPAPER STARTS IN EUGENE NEXT WEEK Eugene Record to B» P u b lish e d with Pull Register Staff B ra tta in Student O peretta F rid a y Entire School to Participate in Benefit Program at High School Auditorium M A i t i l i HIGH SCHOOL DEBATORS LOSE TWICE ON FRIDAY Pinal Debatas of Season Prove Educational for Teams I 1»:'. I W ill PUT LIGHTS on cows B asketbal | SUCGESTS ROY CARLTON E n d a t H .S .H e re Motorlat Kills Wandering Cow on Highway After Dark Locals to Meet Albany Five; Second Place Assured in I 0 Victory Over Eugene making it hl to »tart an agitation ompulsory to provide headlights and tail lights for live­ Springfield high school basketball stock and especially cows which Senator McNary Telegraphs team counduded their A league are permlttend to wander about on i to Chamber Bill Patte» playing last Friday night by defeat­ Lumlwr company for the past 1ft United State« Senate public highways after dark at n ig h t' ing the Eugene high school team AUTHORIZE NE •IADES years, was appointed as gen-ral thinks Roy Carlton. IE 11 at the local gymnasium superintendent In charge of opera Mr. Carlton was returning to his MILK MEETING 18 NEXT Hprlngflebl basketball players also Thuraton Paopla Di ’¿‘ad On tions of the company property lute won second place In the south half home from a trip up the M - Kenzle — last Thursday by It E Ihtnuher, Idea of Sanding Students president of the concern who has of the district In their victory ovei river Friday evening and struck a Eugene Inspector to Speak at Opponents of the two local teams the Eugene team. First place wa* cow on the highway near the air- to Springfield School Evening Dinner on Dairy been spending some time In Lane moni of the old Register, will be funds with which to purchase the advertising manager of Ihe Ku , things needed In the school build were Eugene high at Eugene where taken by University high school port hard enough to kill the animal, ] c< unty looking after thn Interests Situation in Springfield itr-elurilon or taachnrs for thn , ,h " Hprlngfleld team upheld the of- after a hectic season In which Eu- "It was dark,' explained C arlton,' of his compauy. Martin succeeds gene Record. Alice IVtua. algo with Ing two grad« schools and tba high An udmlsslon charge of ten cents «Irmullve of the question, 'Re- gene, University high and Spring- i "and I could not see any cattle on.1 Providing of a canalization sur- A. ('. Dixon, who retired aa general th e Register, will be In charge of aehool of Hprlngflold will hn dla manager last week at the lluvi of clnnelfled. Herbert llemlngaen, for- for children and twenty cen ts for " lv *'l who enme here to m eet The crowd was not as large as °?W 1 ,tn ,c k ?“mped 001 *“ front -Senator Charles McNary, whoee sumed his duties at once. cording to llr. W. >1. I*ullard, chair* the negative team on the same ; telegram reached the chamber eC A new compauy to publish the of Springfield. had been expected, but this was I of my automobile. Marlin has been associated with man of the Ixiard. Homo dlacuaalon question. The car was badly damaged, but commerce at Its meeting Tuesday newspaper was Incorporated last Mias Eva i’hetteplace Is the dl explained by the fact that bee the company since 1902 Jle will win carried on Informally after thn week 11. E. Maxey, editor and ] rector of the operetta. She Is be- Donald Erb, professor of econ ; Weber, Eugene coach, had Issued ha" already been repaired. < evening. The chamber of commerce regular meeting Monday night and be responsible for the operations publisher of Ihe Hprlngflebl News, |ng assisted by Mrs. L. E. Basford. «»mica at the university Judged the a statement prior to the game stat- The c o v i belonged to J. K. Greer, had urged upon McNary to put of the company while Danaher la It waa derided to have the princi­ Is president. Mr. Guy on Is the vice Mr«, c . O. Van VaJzuh. Mrs. Mnry , debate here. l»r. Waldo Hchu ! ing that he would not use any of ] Eugene auctioneer, who has been Springfield on the river canallxa- pal» atteud thn Tueaday meeting. In the Middle West where his home president and Mr. Hchaefors, the I Mary Walker. Mias Mabel Gluon, , maker of the philosophy depart the senior players In the game, pasturing them In the vicinity of '*®n «*111 after It had been loet off Is located. The aehool board asked the city at last session due to clerical error was the thus giving the next year team a 'he airport. No statem ent of policies of the secretary. Printing of the news Miss Alia Manning. Miss Girard, meat of the University to deputise the Janitors at the two in the house of representative«. paper for the time being will be * „„d u B Wood, all teachers In the j Judge of the Kugene debate, chance to get some practice. He ; Owners of livestock have no legal lumber company for the Immediate grade aehoola. Several complaints done at the W illamette Press In school. The studenta have been dl(l however, start many of his recourse for claims If their stock The bm “ « 8tood only P™’ « * * have been heard about people driv­ future have been forthcoming from regulars, removing them later to iB injured while running loose on for tbe 8urvey as far as Eugene The oninps Springfield. Editorial rooms and working on the preparation of the DISTRICT BASKETBALL ing tbelr automobiles In to the any of the officials business offices are being opened program for almost two months. make room for the others. the public roads unattended. This and anny engineers examining the sheds at the schools and parking at Wendllng are all reported to GAMES NEXT WEEK-END In (he Broadway building Eugen«. Plot Qlvsn The starting lineups for both ,« a provision of the sta ti herd law. riTer haTe not a1»«11««1 *t between be closed down and the Wendllng them there tor a while or for all __________________ the tw o cities. As Springfield la The operetta concerns the life of Albany May Be Scene of A and B teams were: night. Thia practice Is spoiling the and Hprlngflcld mills are operating Nelda. a young girl whose prim Springfield GEORGE RIGGS PASSES biggest shipping point to Lane three days weekly; st Wendllng, | FRUIT GROWERS PLAN Eugene League District Games playgrounda and often these habits Stevenson county Senator McNary said that F Hill 4 I,ru<;11,a' disapproves of chll have caused eoaalderable trouble Monday. Tueaday and Wedhenday. i A(ijfj (JAL MEET SATURDAY B Tomseth 2 MABEL ON MONDAY any canalization of the upper river dren, especially Bob and his gang F and at Hprlngflold, the latter half] Gaines to determine the chain- Chinn 1 ..... for the Jaultors. ErnBting ------------ that did not come “ Iar “ Hprlug- P o ta m p a __ ____ C.. pions of Ihe Sixth basketball dis- New shades In ihe study ball at of the week. Lynch 6 Father °« Mr8- H- Jarratt Was field would be absurd and had prev- G trlct of the state In both the A and Northum _... D ay's P ro g ra m fo r G roup the Lincoln school were also au­ Early Pioneer Citizen iously told the chamber of com­ ___ Wright 8 11 leagues will be played on March Sprague 4 ___ G thorised at the meeting. SMALL CHILD FALLS OUT merce that he would rectify the The annual meeting of the stock ] "he finally wins her a u n ts f“X®r|i3-l4. The place for the contest« - Substitutes: Eugene. Milligan, The request of resldoota at OF MOVING AUTOMOBILE i holders of the Eugene Fruit Orow- through a heroic deed. An entire bag Riggs. 77, rivers and harbors bill to Include been w ,(c(ea at tbe prea. Huff j „1112; 8prtngfleld. Mat d, George ^ at bjg Washington h { M bi., Monday Thurston and W altervtlle for ap reconciliation I. effected at a gar-,, nt m a n y fa¥orlnK M c A r th u r ' c . ™ , ?. h'>rn8.at Mab4!l Monday. this city. nt time, many favoring McArthur tison 2. Hersey Tomseth. proximate coats of sending their Bounces Along Street LIU. Pack- ; association will be held at the He was born of pioneer parents The next m eeting of the chamber Stitches Taken I I’1“ 11 Ha,urday «« ha. '>een an den party and a very happy time | ,.ourt but Corvallis opposes this i children to Springfield for high «0«; Sprlngflelders will have a final at Crawfordsville '>n April 17, MM* j of comm erce wlU be a dinner at « nounced by J. (>. Holt, manager. ¡Is had as the University high team which school Instruction was discussed In­ opportunity to see their high school and had lived at Mabel for the o'clock on Tuesday, March 17. JU The cast Include«: Nelda, Ber hae won the championahlp of this formally and the board accepted an Gerald, eighteen month old son of The day's program will be divided basketball team In action Friday past 50 years. He was a member this dinner the Eugene milk la- nice Smith; Aunt Drucllla Rogers, part of the district has been using Invitation to attend the mass meet Mr. and Mr» T H. Ituasell of Jas­ Into iwo part. ? u ... .... ™ ,.,8 ( A ()f th(? , Q Q p at Craw- , Decto~ ^ le|Iter T h . business meeting and hear Edna June Yarnell; Pat Stephen the floor for th eir regular playin g., floor fordsvllle. ’ t h e «t«r “ • Ing of residents at Waltervtlle per miraculously escaped death on five on the local gymnasium floor, fordsvllle. a state ------ pare food - Inspector, , ------------ will - which Is to be held tonight to a s­ the streets of Hprlngfleld Monday tor of reports of the condition of Rice, (Irish gardener»; Bob, Edgar Indications are that Albany will b e , „ He Is survived by six sons, H. be pre« m t to discuss the milk slte*- certain the w ishes of the tax­ , afternoon when ho fell from the th e firm will occupy most of the ' Trotter, (leader of the gang); Ted, j the scene of the tournament. T w o ! s Prlaafleld def®a‘ed Albany bX “ mornlng The afternoon will be Ralph Hickman; Tiny. Lola Wll games remain to be played in the h"laI1 n“ rK1“ «*<<*• tbe opening M Riggs, Portland; C. A. Riggs, tlon In Springfield and vicinity. payers The entire school board au, (>m(,5IJ„ (lrl¥eI1 by hl. mother, S v « over to o d d r X ^ by I F. 8 ! soe ( . IROe girl); Aunt Prudence, north half of the district, but I t H Ka“ « e^ l * a* ’' W _ P ^ o l a ; , F. The chamber had Interested ttWk and W. E. Buell, principal at t h e , , now look» aa though University te8t beld at tbe Albany coV O Riggs Sacramento, California; ! in the milk conditions and wish, high school, will attend. ! Th'’ ’ n,a" boy * * " Steele, secreU ry of the Eugene • lamina Cowden. high and Corvallis will play for the leee s>'mna8ium Tbe floor j G- S. Riggs, Lewiston, Idaho and to bear from both the public Dr W I f Pollard and l^ w r .n c . a«aU,a< ,h " rt ,n d <1<” rB the ■trw’t ,lk<’ * specialist of the the Oregon S U t . ¡ and a dance by Frances Jeanne m®et the Waldport team to d eter-]the locaI team this a®“ «“- “ ia ° r Marco a. A secolMj edition of the Scenic, C ollate who will speak on "Trends i,|„yd (mine the district championship of , a“ exchange game and will not He also leaves three sister. Mrs. industrial and agricultural folder held tbelr monthly meeting on Mon package. Dr. Mortenson was driving be In Co-operative Marketing." j _______________ — I’be B league. have any bearing on the district w . B. Miller. Crow, Mrs. M. A. on Springfield w as authorised to be day and re-elected the high school --------------------------- standing of either of the two teams Drury. Jasper, and Mrs. R. A. Brad printed. It will be issued In the teacher« Hentlment about the plan hind Mrs Russel and saw the boy LEGION POST ORGANIZED ford, Portland j two brothers, next few weefcs by the WlllaiiMtts there »eems to be somewhat div­ fall. He thought it was • bund,e LANDSCAPING SPEAKER MOTHERS WILL STUDY IN OAKRIDGE DISTRICT MISSION GROUP PLANS Thomas Riggs, Outlook, Washing- Press. ided A standing vote wa» ta k en 1 of clothe« until he »aw the boy SEX EDUCATION WORK LECTURES SATURDAY at the meeting and a majority op­ arise and begin to cry for his SUPPER AND LUNCHEON lotl and B ° Rigg8' I>nTer' C®10- The chamber has tinder conslJer- -------------- Application fo r C h arter as Cascade rado; and tw elve grandchildren. mother. posed the venture. ation a large Neon sign to be erse- Members of the P.-T. A. Mothers ’ Follow-up Meet to Consider When Post Made on Friday from ed in the triangle at the Junct;c* The school teachers contracts X ray picture failed to show any Study group of this city will tak. Cafeteria Supper and May Day r Funeral services * were e” ’ held lruul and W h irl to Plant ade post of the Amert »t> « discussion of child sex educa A ffair. Are Announced Mab^ cbareh Wedueedny aft f McKenj£,e and have not been registered at the broken bones, although several Th»- Cascade post or the Amen ’*c " *••'•' , 1 ernoon at 2:30 with Rev. C. J. Pike. ways. The sign w ill bear the w rds office of the county superintendent atltcbea were necessary «bout the Many outsiders, but only a small rj, n wa» organised at Oak- i ,,on at t«>elr nex! m eeting to h e , Plans for a cafeteria supper and PA8«01" of lhe Springfield Methodist -gpringdeid—Gateway to the Me- and will not be until officials there lad'« face which wa» badly cut and number o f local people, attended ridKe Friday night at a meeting he,d (,n Tuesday. March 10, at th e, a May Day luncheon to be spon- church, officiating. Interment was Kenzie.” A plan is being disco cd are satisfied a« to tbe sentiment bruised. the lecture on landscape Garden attended by sixty ex service men home of Mrs. J Fulop. 1 - m a d e in theuD oer M abel c e m e t e r v ' ... — of the residents of the district one .. , . th„ h.„ h ,, , , . , . ■ n w The meeting will start at 2 0 0 'sored by the W om ens Foreign Mis maa® 1Q tu upp( i MaDet cemetery, i { cooperate with the resort >n Ing which was given at the high now n V|ng In the vicinity of Oak- 1 n e m e e tin g w in s c a n at a .v v members of the Mohawk I O O F .^ way or another, according to Mof­ MARCH 10 FINAL DAY 'a .t flr F lftv -tw o o f * ‘«h a study forum on the lessons : stonary society of the Methodist memners oi m e monawg i u . u . r the McKenlie riTer In the ere- ‘on school auditorium Saturday night ridge and U W estfir. Fifty two of ' W an o f j chu-ch were diBCUS8ed at the meet lodge having charge of the grave- of th„ algn. fitt. TO START NEW CLUBS by F. A. Cuthbert, professor of those present signified their d e sir e ,- - - ,. , .. 1 - - - . ___ . . . . . . . side services. "Hprlngflebl Is net urging this become members of .he new post ¡Oregon State College. F ollow ing( Ing of the group which was held landscape architecture at th e O re­ this from 3:00 to 4:00 they will at the home of Mrs. Wm. H. Pol-, matter of one high school for the THE NEWS MAKEUP IS Final day for Ihe organisation of gon State college. w.i.v.. .» — —______ , . : which Is the 7 youngest In the state Tuesday of this week. The LOCAL MAN JAILED FOR three districts," says Dr. Pollard. cooking and sewing clubs for 4-H CHANGED TO 8 COLUMNS , x . r oT . , A C C E P T IN C U A R C E B R 1 B E "We have stated what we would club members ha» been set «» (iren to Sex Education.” by Mrs. for some date in the near future do In response to a request for March 10. A strenuous attempt to Tbe Springfield News, this issue declared that the streets and lots fir. commander; Frank Lightfoot.: Edward Archer of this city is Information. If we qannot give have all rooking and tew ing club A g : FTentlss. A series of questions pre- and the May Day luncheon will and henceforth, has been made fato were too straight and stiff for such Oakridge, vlce-tommander newspaper, b e in g the studenta any more than they members to complete their work thtngs He dwelt st length on what Oerlmont Westfir, adjutant; Fred pared In advance will then be dis­ be held during the noon hour on being held in the Lane county Jail(an get In their own districts, then by the time school Is out will be May Day. Both of the affairs will under »2500 bail which has not ,,nIarged from a ^ -colu m n layout, cussed following the lecture. to plant In the amall yard and itlchter, Oakridge, finance officer; been furnished as a result of an Years a „ newgpaper8 weTe they »hould stay there.” made In 1-ane County this year where to plant. Mrs. D. C. Ogilvie entertained be held at the Methodist church. ■ Olaf Nelson, Oakridge. A. J. Rags- Mrs. U. G. McElhaney led the alleged bribery charge. four Qr nTe columns but In more Hummer time projects for boys and the group at her home at their A follow-up meeting featu rin g. dale and John M. Elder, Westfir devotlonals at the meeting Tues- He became entangled with the recent tim es they have gradually girls In 4-H club work Include Ihe some other specialist from the Ore executive comm ittee: Anton Peter- last meeting on February 24. SUNDAY SERVICES FOR day. Mrs. Wm. Gantz had charge county officials last week when he grown in page sizes until all the following: Canning, room Improve­ gon State college who will tell * son, Westfir, historian; Dr. Grant Mrs. William Rodenbough Is METHODISTS ARE GIVEN ment. home beautification, and rose when and how to plant the sug J- Gray. Oakridge, chaplain; and chairman of the group and leads of the study hour while the group is declared to have agreed to ac- large city newspapers are now Rev. C. J. H ke, paster of the and flower garden projects; vege­ gosted shrubs and vines, will be R- O- Carter. Oakridge sergeant- the discussions. All mothers are consldered another chapter of the cept a bribe of »1,000 from J. W. eight columns. It Is to give a mom book ''Trailing the Conquistadores." Briggs, as remuneration for seeing modern makeup that the eight- Hprlngfleld Methodist church, will table garden, poultry, rabbits, bee«, announced soon by the Civic club, a l arm s , eligible to Join the group. Each Mro. A. B. Van Valzah, president i to it that, three w itnesses against column arrangement has been re­ preach on the question, "Have You livestock club and crops club« members of which sponsored the Application has been made for program is a unit In Itself and the Briggs, all young girls, were taken sorted to. Joined T” st the morntog services April 15 ha» been set aa the final Ihe Saturday meeting. Miss Oer- a charter and the Cottage Grove missing of one meeting does not of the organization, presided. --------------------------- out of the state during his trial al the Methodist church. The Sun­ day for the organisation of thia trude Skow. IAne county demon post will go to Oakridge to of- spoil the next for the person who The pages in The News are not DUTCHUK TRIAL STARTS «or criminal assault on a sixteen type of club. day school will be held at at :4ft only wider by two columns bat stration agent, la In charge of se ftcially Install the group when that was unable to attend. Two more with Mrs. Ids Gants In charge. lectures will follow the one on IN EUOENE THIS WEEK c„ , McKe„ , y „ „ longer in length, two pages being curing the speaker for this meeting. Is received. Special music wll be provided by HEALTH DINNER WILL Tuesday. equivalent in square Inches to Plans are now being considered Two vocal solos were sung at Trial of Mike Dutchuk, charged h®1“ arrested ®n Pebraary 9 ®B the choir at the morning service. three of the former size. NOT BE HELD FRIDAY the meeting Saturday by Ernest at Oakridge to turn over the old with involuntary manslaughter, was tb* 8ame cbar«8 and tbelr trial The Epworth league will m eet at McKinney, director of music qt the school house to the Legion for BOY SCOUTS TO HAVE started In circuit court at Eugene wll> taken “P durl“S tbe Pre86nt 6.30, and In tbe evening at 7:20 Tho "health dinner" which waa to high school, and Paul Frese and use as a club house. The building MRS. BERILLA JACKSON SPRING CAMPING TRIP Wednesday afternoon. The , entire term of circuit court. the pastor will preach on the sub­ have been sponsored by the mem­ . . would also be open for all public McKinney sang two duets. .. . u Archer will remain In the county ject, "Consider Him." was taken In selecting . .7. DIES AT HOME SATURDAY bers o f the Civic club at the Com­ m eetings and other gatherings In I.ane county Boy Scouts will hold afternoon the Jury which had not been com *al1' unles8 bail ia ««nished, until munity hall Friday evening of this the community. a three-day vacation outing at their Mrs. Berilla C. Jackson, native MANY MASONS ATTEND MRS. HART ENTERTAINS week has been postponed Indefln Sid George, past state command­ camp. Camp Lucky Boy, on the pleted when court adjourned last the grand iury acta on bl8 ca9e; I.ane county resident died at her PARTY LAST THURSDAY n igh t er. Duncan P. Cameron, slate chap- Blue river March 23-25 Inclusive, it FOR DAUGHTER TUESDAY Itely. Members of the club In tell­ home at Walker Saturday after an ing of the postponement stated that Dutchuk is charged with fatally EASTERN STAR HOLDS lain, M. B. Huntley and others at­ One hundred Masons, their wives, tended the organisation meeting. have been announced by H. B. injuring Hall Hall, son of Chief MEETING HERE TUESDAY extended illness. She waa born at the several activities In Ihe city on Mrs Richard Hart gave a party Sallee. Lane scout executive. The Irving on January 3, 1869 and was and members of the Eastern Star Tuesday afternoon In honor of her Friday, principal of which will be outing Is open to all scouts, the of Police and Mrs. R. W. Hall of 72 years of age at the time of her lodge, were present at the new Eugene. Hall was serving as spe- Cascade chapter, O. E. S., held the Brattaln school operetta, had daughter. Norma's sixth birthday TRUCK. SEDAN COLLIDE only cost Is that each boy bring death. Masonic hall last Thursday evening Mothers with their children were caused Ihe members to postpone and cook his own food. Transporta rial police officer during a fire and its first meeting in the new Ma- for the housewarming party at ON MAIN STREET FRIDAY Surviving her are three eons, entelrtalned as follows- Arch their dinner, tlon to and from the camp will be was guarding a (Ire hose at the sonic hall Tuesday night observing Marvin Jackson, Eugene; Melvin which Masona were hosts to the time he was fatally injured by an the event with several visitors from Hhough and daughter Patty, Mrs. Motor vehicles being driven by provided by the scout headquar­ members of the Eastern Star. The automobile alleged to have been outside communities. Past officers Jackson, Creswell, and Bryon Jack- Bert Weaver and daughter Gloria OPEN HOUSE PLANNED affair began with a potluck dinner Mrs. A. O. Bush, route 1, and Quen ters. The boys wll spend part of driven by the defendant. filled the chairs during the session son, Cheshire, and one daughter, June, Mrs. Ray Ronnie and ton FOR MASONIC HOME followed by an address by Hugh tin Thurman, collided In a rear-end their tim e while at camp in im David Evans is defending Dut and delightful refreshments were Mrs. Lula Briggs, Cheshire. She Gordon, Mrs. W alter Easton and proving it for summer use. llosson, graduate manager of tho collision at Fifth and Main streets was a member of the Baptist chuk and Alta King and Eugene j enjoyed following the meeting. two children, Mrs. Myers and son, Openhouse some aftornoon In the Friday morning doing considerable V. Slattery are prosecuting attor- Inspection of the chapter will be church and of the Rebekah lod*e. Mrs. Stacey and two children, Mrs near future will probably be held university. The latter part of the damage to both the light sedan COUNTY BUILDING NEW evening was given over to inspec nej.s held April 2, It was announced by Funeral services w m c held Mon­ Frank Page and Mrs. James Hart, at the Masonic hall to give the tlon of the new home and to danc driven by Thurman and the light FERRY ON McKENZIE ________________ — Mrs. Gertrude Wilson, worthy ma- day from the Walker church with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bdmlston and many people not affiliated with the truck being driven by Mrs. Bush. Ing and cards. SPRINGFIELD STUDENT tron Mrs Minney Wolie Wblte Rev. D. E. Baker, m in ion ary pastor family and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest lodge an opportunity to tee the According to the accident reports The county bridge crew is now ____ will be the Inspecting officer. of the Baptist church, oftlotatiac. Bertsch from Springfield spent new quarters of the organization. filed at the city hall Thurman was working on the construction of a ENTERS SALES CONTEST _____________ Veatch chapel was In charge of the Munday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Oray Many people have expressed a de­ JASPER GIRL ELECTED going east and was attempting to new ferry, 12 by 16 feet in size, funeral arrangements PREACHER TELLS LIONS Evan E. Hughes, son of Mr. and After a pleasant afternxxm was sire to see the rooms, and aa the TO COSMOPOLITAN CLUB make a reverse turn when he was to be used on the McKenzie river ABOUT RESPONSIBILITY Mrs. Wm. G. Hughes, has entered spent refreshm ents of chocolate lodge doea not rent them for public struck by the Bush truck. above W altervllle. The ferry Is to W lllamotta Ixigsdon of Jasper GASOLINE PRICES DROP and cake waa served. Norma re­ use. Ihl- will be tho only chance take the place of an old one which the insurance sales contest spon­ was elected and Initiated Into the sored at the University annually by Veltte Pruitt, pastor of the ceived many beautiful little gifts. for outalde people to see the rooms FOUR CENTS MONDAY MRS. WARD ENTERTAINS was used for many years and which Cosmopolitan club at tho university after they have been remodeled. the Life Managers Association of Springfield Christian church, spoke NEEDLECRAFT TODAY broke down some time ago when Oregon. Hughes is one of twelve i on The Relationship of Respoa- The price of gasoline 'In during the past week. She waa one Marriage Lloeness Issued a truck and a cement mixer were of a group of 19 to be taken Into competitors for the prizes which sibillty to Ability" at the weekly field dropped four cents here1 During the past week marriage LEGION GROUP DANCES Members of the Needlecrnft club loaded on it. The new ferry is membership In this club which has aggregate »36. The sales contest luncheon meeting of the Lions club day mo ning Most of the dl: licenses have been granted by the AT THURSTON SATURDAY as Its purpose a better understand will be entertained this afternoon larger and stronger than the old is sponsored as a part of the work Friday noon at the Community hall tors cu't g the price two county clerk to the following: Theo­ one according to A. N. Stricker, Ing among the people of all races at a luncheon at the home of Mrs. alert cutting their In the Insurance class at the Uni I-arson Wright wa3 appointed to and th* dore Swanson, Alpha, and Opal The semi-monthly dance of the Sidney Ward. The luncheon and county bridge superintendent. cen t'. Local gai versity and ts being held today. make arrangements for a get-to- gin tw Barnes, Mapleton; Walter Nens American Legion post number 40 The membership of the group Is the decorations will follow the St. --------------------------- | gether meeting to be held with the dealers re n » « sriuug on s meyer, Not man, and Ethel Beymer, was held at the Thurston hall Sat­ largely foreign studenta who are Patrick's motif. Her invited guests KELLUMS TO BROADCAST Engene; William Longmlre, San urday evening with a large crowd attending the university. TWO CARS DAMAGED ON Cottage Grove den in the near fu cent mi r i- as ">s p a r e d wit, aside from tho members of the TODAY AND SATURDAY four-cent margin formerly used, Francisco, and Mary Wood, Al In attendance. The next dance to lure. club will Include Mrs. Levi Neet ROAD NORTH OF CITY bany; Douglas Calllson, and Vera be sponsored at the hall by the SAFETY MEETING HELD and Mrs. Alice eBeson. Rev. and Mrs. Jesse Kellums and Hoatlck, both of Eugene. LEGION WILL MEET AT local group will be held on March AT POWER HOUSE HERE Two light automobiles being driv- M. E. LADILS BUSINESS Rev. Homer Kellums will broadcast 14, and will be In the nature of a en by W. G. Griffith and P. J. Inman MEETING IS WEDNESAY WALTERVILLE TONIGHT over radio station KGW at Port­ AENEAS CLUB HOLDS Business Visitors—Mr. and Mrs St. Patrick's danco. Jack Larson, The regular monthly safety meet­ ------------ land this afternoon and Saturday were badly damaged In a collision MEETING ON TUESDAY Walter Wnllace of Jasper were finance officer for the Legion, has ing of the employees of the Moun­ The reuglar meeting of the Amer­ The regular monthly m eeting of afternoon at 3:30. The tw o Kel­ at North Fifth street where It leads business visitors In Springfield on charge o f these dances. tain States Power company for the ican Legion will ba held at Walter­ Into the Wendllng road Saturday the Methodist Ladies Aid was held lum brothers, together with their Members of the Aeneas club were southern Oregon district was held Tuesday. Griffith, a farmer living Just north In the church parlors W ednesday vllle tonight according to Walter entertained at the home of Mrs wives are now conducting evangel­ Moves to New Resldsnea— Mr. hero Monday evening at tho power of the scene of the accident, sus- afternoon comm encing a t 2:30. Gossler, adjutant A pot-lnck din­ istic services In a Portland church. plant. L. B. Danks Is chairman J. C. Parker Tuesday afternoon at talned a few cuts and bruises. In This was a combined business and ner will be held following the lmal- Buya Meat Shop—Carl Steen has nnd Mrs. Emory Pyle have moved Jesse Kellums was formerly pastor of tho group which m eets monthly 2:30 The afternoon was spent with taken over the retail department from the residence at Seventh and of the Christian church here and man, a resident of Eugene, w a s . social m eeting, and also a silver ness session which will commence sew ing and closed with refresh­ to Investigate accidents and to dis­ tea. at 8:00 o'clock. of the Eugene Packing company In B street« to Sixth atreet between his mother now resides In Eugene, uninjured ments served by the hostess. cuss preventative measures. A and Main. Eugene. Springfield high school debaters A new newspaper, the Kugens lost the de<|»lon In both of their Record, with u 100 per cent old debate« held last Friday evening. Register editorial and business •'Aunt Drucllla'a Garden," a mua- The studenta at the local school stuff, will start publication next Friday In Eugene. The newspaper Ical operetta will ba presented at have not had debating teams before will he a weekly published every the high school auditorium Friday this year and they learned a great evening. ft. . at o'clock I «I«“1 «* valuable Information In Friday. ______ _ March ___ .......... . fo, eight years city by the stu d en t, at the B rattaln, «heir two contest Friday according .....tor of the Register, will be the school TI.« program is being pre- W K Um II These are the ,S l,tor (l.d.nte F Schaefer«. for > n t e d by the .«bool as a b en efit, --.X meets for th e d e b a t f - --------- .....r.y of the advertising depart • ««fair for the purpoae of raising | ‘® « - scheduled this year I