I — Thia la a yarn about a haunted ahip— that In, all aboard thought she wan haunted. But here’s th’ yarn: Kungy and I wore still crulnin’ with Top.n’l Burney on his schooner, th’ Ennui. It waa a tropic night In th’ Bay o f Bengal. Overhead th* atara ware shinin' like lantarna In th ’ aky. Up in th ’ lea of th’ fo’c’atle, one of th* craw waa aplnnin* a yarn Ha waa goin’ good whan from high up aloft, som ewhere near th ’ fore- cronntreea, there came a cacklin' laugh. At first th’ handa thought It was one of th ’ crew makin* fun of th’ yarn-spinner, but a look around showed everybody forward accounted for. Then from a lo ft th ’ same voice bawled out: “Git, you lubbers, I’m cornin’ aboard I” You should have seen th* men diva Into th ’ fo’c’stle. Ona of ’em, though, th* one — n gses that had been spinnln’ th' yarn, started a ft on th’ run, riiH eyes fulrly poppin*. Topa’I Barney and I had heard th ’ rumpus and were stundin’ at th’ break of th' quarter-deck, w h e n t h’ yarn-spinner cume gallopin' up, yellin' that th ’ bloomin' shin was haunted. Barney and I started forwurd, and had gotten as far an th’ foot o f th’ forem ast when th’ ghost-voice up alo ft yelled : "Overboard with that fat lubber I” Barney, bein’ th’ only f;d man a b r o a d , was maa enough to bite nails. Up th ’ fire-rlggin’ ho went, with fire in his eye. Then down he came with a parrot on hla arm, chatterin’ away like an old maid over a cup o f tea. W e figured later that th ’ parrot came aboard while we wero loading car- • go at Sum atra. Anyw ay, ■ that was th ’ last of th ghost on th ’ Lanui. I I »¡MIMIC------ Y o u L u W fc fc s* H A W - H A * /- K M /'. W ITH THAT FAT I! t 5 T M K I N A fcO U T TOO, — n o */ s ' n t' YOU W orm C olor P riicting C o . S i lo vn s a y e>es»oB YTlAA »¿COOKS' OM Y h b C A f t - OH- «.AT SO ? —A n o h e h a t o Y h a y s h is A HEFYY B lO SECOHC. DAfAE WITH Hl/A- OJiFE . HO’. >4O'- YVns \N ashy * H ouj » HNooJ BEYYERS, »T \Y E L u » SAY T H A S N 'T HIS VY \N A S » HOVJ "D O Y O U , UN.OUJ V Y hasn t ‘ ? ' B ecause s h e vyasn ’ t A ftG O tN G UJtTK HkM —