TiniRSD AY . FEBRUARY 26. ’»31 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FEDERAL FOREST FUND AIDS LANE ROAD WORK OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Jasper Resident Here Principal Events ot the Week Assembled tor Information ot Our Readers. THI MARKBTS Portland Wheat — HI« Hood bluoatam. 48e; •oft whit», waalarn white. Me; bard winter, nortbarn spring. waalarn rad lie Hay—Buying price, t o. b Portland Alfalfa, >14 6u« 16 60; valley timothy, >17.60; eastern Oregon timothy, >1»O |20; clover. 111; oat bay. SIS; oata and vetch, >18©1S.6O. Butlerfat—IS O24c. Bgga Itanch, ll« 1 4 c . Cattle Uteera, good, |S « S 26. Huge (loud to choice, >7 60O« 50 Ixunba flood to choice, >707.75. Seattle Wheat- Soft white, weetern white, blueatem, 46c; weetern red. northern poring. Me. Kgga Itanch, 14©tOe. Hulterfat —Me. Cattle- Choice ateers. 17 500* S5 i Hoga flood to choice, |S 16OH.S6. Ixtmbe—Choice. >« 60©7 25. Spekana Cattle Mteera, good, >6 60©«. Hoga Good to choice, >8 26 0 8 36. Lambs Medium'to good, >7 0 7.60. Hpol oiling of upper McKeuile val­ ley r da. an almost unheard of thing In mid winter, haa been under way for several daya In the Blue river McKenaln bridge sections. lllchard Floyd llurdon, eon of Mr. and Mra. Gayle L. llurdon of Hherldan. waa born In the family auto, racing to Portland Both the mother and Rich ard were doing nicely later at a boa- pltal. Another large ablpment of qnlek- allver haa been made by the Center Conatruction company from Ita mlue on the Ocboco. Thia conalated of 14 flasks with an eatlmated value of >1600. Prank McCullough. « . a retired farmer, waa killed by carbon monox- Ida gaa In hla garage at Halnea re­ cently He waa lu the cloaed garage only 10 mlnutea. The engine waa run­ ning. The Moon Lumber company will atari operations April 1 In Jackson county Thia will mean a payroll ot approximately >10,000 per month for Aahland. About 76 men will be em ployed. The Northwestern Turkey show will be aponaored thia year by the receut- ly organised Oakland Development club. The club Is composed of busi­ ness man of Oakland and farmers of the vicinity. Actual construction work on the Oregon Electric railroad's >1,600,000 extension Into timber land In the Lor- ans and Panther districts will be un­ der way by April 1, according to W. R. Turner, president ot ths line. Richard D. Forrest, Portland, wont over an embankment In his automo­ bile In attempting to avoid a skunk on ths Columbia highway near Moslsr tunnel. Tba oar was demolished. For­ rest escaped with minor bruises. Ths Oregon City cannery will be put In operation In the very near fu­ ture, and within the next few daya contracts for produce from farmers will be arranged, B. W. Doyle, pro- motor ot the enterprise, announced. Albany manufacturing establish­ ments displayed their products at the city hall, and during the week local merchants featured Oregon-innde pro­ ducts In their window displays In recognition of manufacturers* week. Another of Astoria’s old landmarks Is to be tom down to give way tor a new structure. The building Is a part of the famous old Arrlgonl hotel, which was built In 18«». In ISM It was sold to the Bisters ot Charity for hospital purposes. Vic Castle- Enterprise Man Hsrs Eber Bolin man of Jasper was a visitor In Hprlng- of Enterprise visited In Hprlngfleld fi.-l.l on Friday. Huturday. Marcóla People Here Mr anil Mrs. Visits In Portland - Mrs. Earl Rob­ J. II. Hi-hroll of Marcóla were liusl erts Is spending a few days In Port­ ness visitors In this city Monday. land visiting with friends. Ixine county received >21,13» In l»30 as her share of the receipts from the revenue of the Cusrade national forest. This sum represents twenty 1 five percent of the total receipts from the forest und Is used for roads and schools In the county. Ixine county has received the sum of >168,118 to dute from this source. Blue River People Here- Mr. and Visitor from Vida F. A. Weed of Mrs. 8. M Scott of lllu« III ver wort- Vida wus a business visitor In Spring visitors In Hprlngfleld on Monday. field Tuesday. • Transacts Buelnee* Lucy D. Turner Fall Cieek Man H ers—W. Taylor of of Camp Creek was a business visitor Fall Creek was a visitor In Hprlnx In Hprlngfleld on Tuesday. field Tuesday. Yonoslla People Here- Mr. and Mrs. Chet Miller of Yonculla were visitors In Hprlngfleld on Tuesday morning. Goes to Portland Jim (lorrle spent the week-end at Portland returning Monday. Visits from Sllteoos- Mrs. Jumen Christenson of Hllteooe was a visitor In Hprlngfleld on Haturduy. Another ten percent of the receipts | are used lu the construction of roads and trails In the country. Thia pro­ vided >10,000 for use In the forest during thepust year. This does not represent the total amount expended tor this work, however, aa congress Donna People Here- Mr. and Mrs. aiinuully muses large approprlaUons Stanley Baugh of Donria were visitors tor the road building work. In Hprlngfleld yesterday. All of the counties of the state re­ Waltervllle Parmer Here—William ceived the total sum of >191,772.64 in llucku of Waltervllle was a business l»J0 from this fund. The counties of visitor In Hpringfleld Wednesday. Washington received toe sum of >166,- 441.10 during the name period. Purchases Peed it. Heilman of Donna purchased feed supplies lu this STRAWBERRY IMPROVE­ city yesterday, Returns to Portland Dr. C. U. Van Roseburg Resident H e r o - It . O . Valxah returned to Portland Monday ginllh of Roseburg waa a visitor In night He has been III at his mother's this city Tuesday. home here for soma time. Visit at Coot Bay—Mr and Mrs. A. Visit Aunt The Misses Is-nn and L. Wade spent Sunday visiting friends Mils (lowing of isirane visited their ut Coos Bay. sunt, Mrs Herbert M ihiii , here the Visits Friends John Downing of latter par. of last week. Wendllng visited friends In Spring- Doctor In Portland Dr. W. H. Pol­ field ou Tuesday. lard drove to Portland on business Visiting Parent»- Mrs. John Gra­ Monday. He also stopped for a while ham and daughter, Thelma, are visit­ In Halem on his return trip. ing ul the home of Mrs. Graham s Visits Parents- Wayne Hawke of parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Baker. - Albany spent the week-end holidays Mortician at Salem - W. F. Walker, . with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ local mortician. Is spending a few lace Hawke. days ut Salem attending the legisla­ Leeburg Resident Visits—Mrs. W tive sessions. W Heilman of l-eaburg spent Wednes Prayer Meeting Tonight—The wee» -lay afternoon In Hprlngfleld visiting ly prayer meeting of the Baptist 1 with friends church will be held at the church Leaburg Residents Here— Mr and tonight with Rev. Mulholland in Mrs. Ham Hwaford of Ixuiburg were charge. business visitors In Hprlngfleld Wed­ ’ Visits Daughter—Mrs. Emma Olson nesday. returned Wednesday from Westfir Sunday Visitors- Mrs. Elin From where she hud spent three days vlsit- ¡and son, Cecil From, and Mr and ng with her daughter, Mrs. Bruce Mrs A. J Kiser, all of Junction City Lansberry. > were Bunday guests at the home ot Mr. and Mra. E. C. Htuart Former Residents Hors— Mr. and Mrs. W ('. Mclxtgan of North Bend Attend Amaranth Court- Miss Edna were visitors In Springfield Sunday t Hwartx. Mias Ann Vogel and Mrs and Monday. They moved from this Alice Ixirah attended the meeting of city to North Bend the first of the i (he Amaranth court In Eugene on year. i Monday night. MENT SOUGHT IN COUNTY A strawberry plant improvement project which calls for rigid applica­ tion of principles of selection ot proven strawberry stock Is to be launched In several Oregon counties this year by Dr. U. M. Darrow of the U. H. department of agriculture, in cooperation with county agents. The Oregon or Mursnall variety of berry will be used In this project, which Is expected to lead to the certification of nursery stock. Counties to be In­ cluded in the work are Lane, Benton Yamhill, Washington, Clackamas, .Multnomah, and possibly Josephine und Columbia. Some work may also be done In Marion and Linn countieB. Spend Sunday at Newport—Mr. and Mrs Marlon Adams, and son Robert, Miss Alta Manning, Miss Eva Phette- ' place, and Glenn B. Wood, drove to Newport Sunday to spend the day. The tide was up and there was no bench according to members of the party. A light rain fell In the after­ noon. The road la in fine shape. 128 W. 8th Street Eugene Phone 900 J. C. Penney Co. ■ D B P A B T M IM T Eugene, Oregon No Job’s Too Hard for “ Big Mac” T V o rk S h irts 59 And the price is down, too . . . mak­ ing this strongly stitched, full cut garment of cnambray the best "‘buy’’ in yearn! Yot» paid 69c a year oyol BILLS THAT ARE OVERDUB SHOULD BE PAID N O W I A L O A N FROM US WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY ★ ★ COURTEOUS SERVICE * SMALL REPAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR INCOME L O A N S $10 to $300 B E N E F IC IA L __ Cor. W illa m e tte A Eighth Sts. P H O N E : Licensed by the Stats. KTORy Just in from New York —the New Spring Creations DRESSES - HATS - COATS Smart New Silk Dresses for Spring in Elat Crepe and Travel Prints in a pleasing var­ iety of colors and combinations. Only— ______ $5.95______ in all the wanted colors and patterns— 51.69 - $4.98 Just Received! Phone 63 PRATT IIOLVERSON 3 0 4 0 EUGENE, OREGON Spring Hats INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. LOAN SOCIETY TIFFANY BUILDING, SECOND F lO O t 5 9 .9 0 «° $12.50 Meat has In It all the life giving, blood building vitamins so necessary to health. Meat should be eaten at least once a day for strength and stamina. Meat should be bought here, because of its purity and freshness. HOURS ENTIRE TRANSACTION BETWEEN HUSBAND, WIFE AND OURSELVESI in many new styles. Novelty tweeds and other materials in Blue, Green,- Orange and Tan with deep cuffs. Also scarf- collars— 4th and Main Sts. E. C. STUART « 8T O B I 942 Willamette St., Spring Coats Stops Here Tuesday-—Dean John Straub, retired profesor at the Unl- stopped In Springfield for a few min­ The Deschutes national forsst utes Tuesday while out riding. The ranges w ill be filled to capacity with dean has been confined to his home cattle and sheep thia summer. This with Illness for the past several Is Indicated by the number of appli­ months. A new county road project in Uma­ tilla county will provide easy access to soma ot ths most productive wheat land on the Umatilla reservation. It will run from Mission up the south side of the Umatilla river to Thorn Hollow. JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon REPAIRING and SHARPENING Mrs. C. E. Hunt, president of the Eugene City Council c i the P.-T. A organization, and the presidents of the eight Individual school associa­ tions in Eugene were guests of the Springfield P.-T. A. group at their Founders' day tea and program given ut the Lincoln school on Friday after­ noon. Mrs. Marlon Adams traced the his­ tory of the Parent-Teacher movement during the program hour and members of the Girl Scout chorus and ukelele club povided musical entertainment case to be tried by Jury. Court was oonvened last In November, and only four cases were brought before the Jury at that time. The Seaside chamber of commerce has moved to start an Investigation of ths depredations caused by elk and w ill ask the state gams commission to take steps to prevent damage to farms or to compensate fanners for loss. Edw. G. Privat L a w n M o w er» EUGENE VISITORS HERE FOR P.-T. A. SILVER TEA Mrs. W. K. Barnell was general chairmen for the meeting. Mrs. Wal Vida Residents Here—C. W. Allen SPECIAL TRAINS TO TAKE ter Laxton and Mrs Hugh Joliff had . Allen and B. F. Mlnney, both prom PORTLAND PASSENGERS charge of the refreshments. Inent Vida residents, were business visitors In Hprlngfleld Wednesday The Southern Pacific railroad will afternoon. operate a special train to Portland HOG RAISERS TO HAVE Friday. Saturday and Sunday for those ANNUAL MEETING FRIDAY Injures Hand—F. M Mulligan, cm passengers who wish to take ndvon- ployee of the Booth-Kelly Lumber tage of the special round-trip fare of The hog feeders of Oregon will hold < company seriously Injured his hand 32.30 which is being offered. The their annual meeting on the Oregon Inst Thursilay when It became caught 'rains will leave Eugene each morn- State college campus Friday. February In a machine at the local sawmill. nlng at 7:45 and will arrive at Port­ 27. All the latest experimental data Small Boy Operated On — Junior land at 11:65. Special trains will I on feeding and care of swine will be Htellihauer underwent a major opera leave the Portland depot Friday and | discussed at the meeting. A bred tlon for the removal of his appendix Saturday at 3:30 arriving In Eugene ■ guilt auction of sale will be held in nt the Eugene hospital on Saturday ut 7:45. The special fare ticket will the afternoon at which time purebred be honored on other trains of the Poland Chinas. Durocs and Berkshire» afternoon. railroad company If the special train from the college pens will be sold. Attends Dental Mast—Dr. W. N. schedules are not convenient accord­ I How. dentist, spent Friday and gatnr ing to Cnrl Olson, local agent. REMODELING STARTED ON i day In 1‘ortlnnd attending the sessions WEE WEE GOLF COURSE I of the South Willamette district Den- DEXTER LUMBER WORKER I j tai society which was holding Ils George Carson Is spending a few INJURED ON SATURDAY mid-winter clinic there on those days hours each afternoon changing the Cecil Frlckey of Dexter was seri­ construction of his Wee Wee golf Grandmother III—Mrs. J. M Ixireon ously Injured Saturday at the Orem course on East Main street adjacent j was called to Junction City Friday lumber mill In an accident. He re­ to his service station. Mr. Carson ! because of the serious Illness of her ceived two broken arms, a skull frac­ states that he Intends to completely grandmother, Mrs. Frunk Nelson. The ture. a dislocated shoulder, and sev­ change the plan of the course and I «Merly Indy Is greatly Improved now eral lesser body bruises. He 1» rest­ has a number of new ideas which he 1 according Io her granddaughter. ing easily ut the Pacific Christian will Incorporate Into the course which hospital according to his attending will be ready for use as soon as the Entertain Salem Guests—Mr. and physician. weather Is sufficiently warm. Mrs. Clifford Wilson entertained Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Kugel of Salem as their house guests nt their summer home on Horse Creek during the week-end- Visits Sister—Mr. and Mrs J. M. Larson drove to Junction City Sun­ day afternoon to be dinner guests nt tho home of Mrs. Lrrson’s sister and brother-Jn law. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Mil­ ler. They were accompanied by their two sons, and Mr. Larson’s aunt, Mrs. T. Charrett of New York city. All Kindt of CASH WITHIN 24 Collect Bounties—C. E. McClane of Onkrldgo collected a bounty Tuesday at tho county clerk’s office on one For the first time In the history ot coyote pelt. Wilbur Belcher of Culp the circuit court In Douglas oounty a Creek collected bounties on one cou­ term haa been called without a single gar and one bobcat pelt. cations received by the forest service. I t Is feared there w ill not be enough allotments to care for all applicants. PAGE FIVE Newest Cloth on the Market Winda Cord .............89c Ruffo Ray .............. -59c Rayon Print .............49c Rayon Voile ...... 79c Rayon Elat Crepe 22c 59c Irish Linen The duty is 22c; only 19c CottoirPrints in many patterns 13c—14c—17c—19c —22c—27c Madras Shirting only 19c Suitings Large shipment of new in Plain Colors 17c and 19c Spring Shoes Batiste in all the latest styles in Pumps, Straps ami Oxfords. Military spike and low heels — 52.98 <° 53.98 9sa W illa m e tte Figured Patterns—Fast Colors—40c values only 29c DEPT. STORES Eugene