PAGE POUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I'ublished Every Thursday at SprlngMold. L in e County. Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXEY, Editor Entered as seeoud class m a tte r, F eb ru a ry 24. 1903. at the postoffiee, S p rin g fie ld , Oregou. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One Y e a r In Advance $1.75 T h ree M o n th * Six M onths ......... .............. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20. «931 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 11.00 Single Copy 75c ... , 6c T H U R S D A Y . F E B R U A R Y 26. 1931 WHAT TH E COUNTRY HAS DONE EOR TH E V ri'E R A N Every now and then some congressm an arises to rem ind the country about the liberal insurance being given the ex-service men of the world war. To the casual reader, not a veteran, it would seem th a t the ex-soldier has his hand out and it is being tilled with a handsom e insurance policy. Not so, the veteran is paying a prem ium on his insurance the sam e way as if he held his policy in a private com pany. At one tim e more th an two million veterans held these w ar risk policies for which they paid in about $7 a m onth on a $10,000 policy. Today about 000,000 hold them , o r in o th er words, 1,400,000 have dropped their policies and for­ feited the reserve tund built up in the y e a r or more they were in service. Since the w ar rate s have been raised constantly and for limited poli­ cies the veteran pays $1 per m onth per thousand and $3 or $4 on son.« of the endow m ent form s. But the least any veteran, who held the limited straight life policies, could have paid to his gov­ ernm ent since the w ar on $10,000 is $1,400. This is the money that com prises the hugh tru st fund that has been built u p - it's the v eteran s’ m oney and not the g o v e rn m e n ts but the governm ent uses it as collateral on the adjusted service certi­ ficates for all veterans and then congressm en boast about the large sum s they are setting aside. The country has done fairly well by the dis­ abled v eteran —probably nearly a s m uch as hum anly possible, th a n k s to the w atch dog policy of the Am erican Legion. . But considering the fact th at the w ar risk policies becom e preferred risk on young men as soon as w ar ended it is doubtful w hether had m anagem ent or short prem ium s have caused th e governm ent to have to contribute to w ar risk insurance funds. T aking it all in all the governm ent has done nothing for the able bodied ex-service men, and for the m ost part they a re asking nothing th a t is not due them in a m onetary way. But they do ask th a t congressm en quit m aking the country as a w hole believe th a t they are being pensioned or are receiving doles out of th e public treasury. NO GROUND EOR FEAR it is useless to deny that the p rese n t sta te ot mind of m any Am ericans is fear of w hat the fu tu re m ay bring. Eear seem s to he prevalent in all public th in k ­ ing on econom ics today. People are afraid that things are not going to come hack," th a t som e­ how we have lost our stride as a nation and are not going to he able to get going again at the BY R A D F O R D MOBLEY old pace. T here is m ore money now in savings AU TO LA iTfH IVASMINCrVN BUREAU hanks than ever he ore m history. Much of it W A S H IN G T O N ,.' C . Feb 26 T he has been put there in .h e past year because people IT e -e d e n l'a Em ergency Co i l l m i tic for were afraid to spend it. M erchants have been Em ploym ent la fo llo w in g up the huk afraid to replenish their stocks, for fear prices ge*l*on firs t made In A lb e rt T H e ld ’s would go down stiil farther. Individuals have arto o n , "P le n ty of Horses If T hey been afraid th at conditions were going to get W ill A ll l*ull " by uaklug new spapers continually worse. throughout the nation to cooperate In T here is nothing in our history to w arrant j g ivin g space Io a broad appeal to such fears. T he only way to judge is by the I everybody to furnish edd Jobs to past. All of our past history reveals a succession i neighbors out o f work A series of display advertisem ents, of forw ard steps, never a backw ard one. The pave h as slackened at tim es, as it has slackened listin g 100 typ ical odd Jobs, has been in th e past eighteen m ouths, hut the m ovem ent 'p re p a re d under the captions. "P ut a has alw ays been forw ard. T here is not a single N eighbor to W o rk O f the «1 suggestions which tlefl reason for the belief that our econom ic progress has stopped or th a t we are going backw ard. On n lte ly Ind icate the use of m aterials the co n trary , all the signs point in the o th er 'nslde and outside the home, lum ber. 1st I nt. cem ent, brisk, plum bing, tin direction. T here is no ground for fear. renovate w a te r supplì system , rebuild ttlng. h ardw are, e le ctric a l w irin g , and w a te r tanks, renew sewage disposal • o thers a re m entioned by name or LEGION GAINS IN M EM BERSHIP system and heal garage Severn! Item s should have a part In the general work of tin n in g w ork also are on the list. Great gains in m em bership is rejsirted every­ which Is recommended Headers are urged specifically to w here hv the A m erican Legion. V eteraus are M a k e It C o m m u n ity Id ea consider re n o v a tin g th e ir e le c tric light now learning th a t in civil life they m ust stand In placing these suggestions before to g eth er as well as in war. A g ratefu l country ¡th e public. Col A rth u r Woods, ch a ir system and In s ta llin g new e le c tric in tim e of w ar has become som ew hat indifferent! m an of the P resident's Em ergency outlets. O th e r recom m endations such in tim e of peace when its a tte n tio n s a re on o th er C o m m itte e fo r E m plo ym en t, has asked as b uilding a garage or constructing m atters. Even legislatiton for th e relief of the A m erican citizen not to thin k of tin disabled had to he fought for by th e Legion and e m p loym en t In term s of the national o th er service organizations or soldiers wounded problem but sim ply as concerns the in battle would have been in poor houses, de­ unem ployed people In the ImmiMlIate pendent upon relatives, or begging on the streets. neighborhood He says The Am erican Legion is now designed to he the "P u t those people back to w ork and m ightiest organization in this country. T f f le t t 'n g -,’ li- h t s . Tie. I. hs, th a t ends the unem ploym ent problem fl.t.-ir -v . »1: 1 ,<■ - *■’ . N - V — e ’ l s i t .« ». , . r I n n i o . . d m ' l e r . i . n t . n - in yo u r v ic in ity Ik m 't w o rry about o l I « il ! e I n . ... c i . . . 1.1 c m .d i­ t o th e r com m unities T h e y w ill take l l o n , I,.. i ■ . y o u f ' . ’l i l r< I o r e r r s ','4 W tlAT W E DID NOT FURNISH n tid d is c i.u ; ig c d , t r y l h e C y s i c T e s t. Business people can well ponder over the fol­ I care o f th e ir problem ¡n the same W o r k s f a s t s t a r t s c ir c u la t in g t h r u t h e s y s te m In tft m in u t e * , p r a is e d b y lowing 1929 im port figures and products— every I way • • • In fact they are doing so th o u s a n d s f o r r a p id a n d p o s i t i v e a n . i In every p art of the t ’ nited States tlo n . D o n 't g iv e u p . T r y C y s le v ( p r o ­ dollar of which could be produced in the Pacific 40.000,060 15.000.000 16.000.000 84.606.000 291.000,000 24.460.000 3,508.000 219.000.000 pounds of English W aln u ts pounds of filb e rts pounds o f clover, a lfa lfa , vetch seed pounds o f cheese dozen eggs pounds o f dried and frozen eggs pounds of egg album en pounds of tom atoes And Ju st Note This: One Portland mill im ported 4000 tons of flaxseed from A rgentine last year when every pound of it could have been grown right here in O regon.—Oregon Business. Seem s now th at the G range pow er hill does not provide for the building of pro|>er transm ission lines, and the legislature has no a u th o rity to pass a law enabling the pow er districts to build them . With all this ranting about free pow er the wires were overlooked. Oh. well free power has served its political purpose. We alw ays suspieioned there would be a joker som ew here. ! Tin- editor of a dictionary is going to teach ladio announcers how to pronounce the words of the English language. Maybe the radio will have ' the world speaking a universal language some day. — ---------»--------------- An eastern man has invented an airplane which It m ust lie a tough country w here the wells will land itself safely w ithout the pilot touching are dry in th e w inter tim e. Some of the drought th e controls. Som e day air travel will be the sections still are w ithout drinking w ater. ( afes.t mode of tran sportation. His Pc/iicies Are Still Sound — n o u n c e d H ls s - t e x ) | The McKenzie pass should be opened early this The adjusted service loan vote in congress year. Snow conditions a re such th a t it m ight was the g rea test victory any m ajor m easure has have been opened all w inter. If n a tu re tak es its j won in m any years. All the Oregon co n g ress­ course travel likely will not sta rt before July 1 : men, save Hawley, recognized the gov ern m en t’s w hile with some assistance use of the road w ill, prom ises to pay, and voted for the 50 j>er cent be had this season several weeks longer. loan bill. If it doesn’t rain we w on't need to worry about the use of w ater power this com ing year; there w on’t be any. say local people who have been in the m ountains and find very little snow. Could it be th at the Gods are punishing the legislature. « « ! - | I Kidney Acids Srca!; Sleep northw est: Springfield, a fte r the spring cleanup, usually presents an appearance that is m uch better than the average small town. Located on level land th a t drains well, with good stre e ts and a fair layout this city can be m ade a ttrac tiv e with little effort. Cleanup prem ises and paint up build­ ings and the traveling public will speak well of us. or addition o f c u r la ln * . and. s im ila rly , a new wing to the houae should other suggestions are shaped Io create fu rth e r create u dem and fo r w irin g Jobs sales possibilities T h e «uggi'sllops prom oting direct use of palut products a re : Knftnlah fu rn itu re , stain floors, varnish floors, NO TIC E OF F IN A L pa nt w alls, paint woodwork, reflnlsh SETTLEM ENT N d IK E IS II E H E I IY G IV E N , picture fram es, paint s ta ir I reads, The I I d * II W ia illey . e xecu trix o f w hitew ash cellars , w hite wash out i be I's ta le of P erry A W oolley, buildings, paint cem ent floor, p u liti deceased, baa rendered and filed III laiuse. paint trim , paint shutters, and the County Court of the S la te of G regou for the County of l.aue, her polish floors. T h e use of paint logl , ,l f in a l .1. . " l i n t . H id that ra lly should follow o ilie r of the recoin said Court by and o rd er duly mode mendatlons Involving construction and anil e ii’ ered th e re in bun fixed and repair. appointed S aturday, tlio 33rd day of M arch. 1921 at the hour of ten O f Hie 61 suggestions which defl o . I, a k A M of '..ild day to Un n ltely In d ic a le the use of building C om ity Court room In the tk iu n ly m aterials Inside and outside the home, Court house In the C ity o f Eugene tin n in g Is deflnltuiy mentioned In the O regon as the day. tlm i' and place for the hearing of objections to recomm ended m ending of gutters, said f il ia l account and Hie settle m ending of leaders, ren ew al of l i l e i i t th ereo f A ll objections must w eather strips, and rep airin g of flash be In w ritin g am i file d w ith the lug F u rth e r use Is connoted In aev C le rk of said Court on or hefor« said day and tim e ernl o f the g eneral re p a ir Jobs which ID A II. W O O I.I.K Y , are enum erated. E xecu trix T he recom m endations prom oting ill F ran k A D el'u e. , A tto rn e y fo r the estate rect use o f plum bing and heating F 26 M ft 13 19 3« |>roducts a re . Ite iio v a le p liin ib llig , By Albert T. Retd to d a y , u n d e r th e ‘ ‘T h e G overnm en t and local c o m Ir o n - C l a d ( l i l s r a l i t e e . M u s t t|U lcl IV a lla y th r e e i - o i u l i i Io n s , io p i c . i a t - m u n ltles a re doing th e ir part. W h at f u i s le e p a n d e u e r g y , o r lu u u e y b u c k . O u ly «oc e t about you? Now. for Instance. Is the K K T K I.H D R U O S T U R E tim e to m ake additions. Im provem ents, 6tb A M ain S p rin g fie ld , O re rep airs, to have odd Jobs done around your home— to Increase the w orth of i your p ro p e rty — to Increase the coun­ try 's buying pow er— to give a neighbor a Job." T h e suggestions pro m o tin g d irect use ot lum ber a re as follow s: Build shelves; build bookcases; build cup boards; construct new p a rtitio n s ; construct wood boxes, e tc .; re p a ir fu rn itu re ; re p a ir w alls; reb uild w a te r tan ks; construct sun p a rlo r; construct sleeping porch; mend c e lla r s ta irw a y ; rebuild coal bins; patch root; re- shlngle ro o f; re p a ir fences; mend shu tters; re p a ir Hiding: renew weath er s trip s ; rep nlr Karaite; con s tru c t' o utbu ild ing s; construct sheds; build w indow b o le s ; re p a ir footbourds; In sulate the a ttic ; build clothes reels; and mend c e lla r doors. Such Jobs as the la y in g of concrete sidew alks rep­ resent Im p o rta n t secondary use of lum ber. O f the 61 suggestions which d e fi­ n ite ly In d ic a te the use of m a te ria ls ra th e r than of services only, textiles and related products are Included specifically In several instances and by inference In others. Headers of the advertisem en ts are urged to reupbol ster fu rn itu re , recover m a tt esses, lay Iln c 'c u m . and re p a ir shades. A recom ­ m endation to in s ta ll c u rta in rods con- notes an o pporunlty for the re n e w al O P T O M ^ T R I/T lA W i f T f t™ AVE Dr. JO SEPH INE C. BR A U N Naturopathic Physician First N ational Bunk Bldg. Springfield P hones: Office 73J O fice hours: Residence 143W I to 5 P. M 4 R esid en ce 223 II stre e t Spring Fever A lew win m days and "S pring fever" will be with you. When you feel a loss of energy ”|M'p" up by eating a few bites of candy. It is the most nourishing and con- t in tra te d food known. Besides It is m ighty pleasant to tak e especially if it 1 h m ade a t FGGIMANN’S S — "W h a re the S ervice la D iffe re n t" W hy wish fo r Sum m er? vacation N O W in Unde Sam., - / £ ve fo/Jov Ajf advice^ m y ¿oy, our country tyjlj never go Vrong ' California You don’t really have to wait the turn of the calen­ dar for your vacation. Take it now, when you need it most. Board a Southern Pacific train to California. T o San Francisco, Los Angeles, H ollyw ood . . . perhaps to Agua Caliente or Palm Springs. Some­ where down South you’ll find the careftec fun you need to fit you for the year ahead. A n y Southern Pacific agent w ill help you plan the trip. Southern Pacific CARL O L8O N , . Agent The WIRES you never see .'.V The convenience and economy of largely on the electric wires behind Irio service can go only