THURSDAY. UTCDRUARY 20. ’031 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint­ ed Administrator of the estate of John O'l-averty, deceased, and any Nearly two hundred mem tier a of the and all persons having claim s Obsidiana and their friends spent Bun-- against the said estate are hereby ' day at Deer Butte on the upper Me- • required to present said claim s, . K ensle highway enjoying the annual, duly verified as by law required at the office of Frank A. DePue. n Obsidian winter outing and sports Attorney for the estate at Spring events. Bryan Ityan of Eugene was field, Oregon In I^ine County, Ore- “Gimme a Dims—” the first to finish the 12-mlle men's indiscrim inate giving and million- 5°"' w itb*n a,x months from the ski race. Glenn B essonette and Clif­ , ,, . date of this notice, dollar :ellef programs are making w L McHARGUB, ford Btalsberg, both of Eugene, fin Administrator of the estate of | Ished second and third respectively New York a beggar's paradise. Pro fesslonul me.-dicants are flocking here John O'Laverty, deceased. j In the race. from othe. cities. ! „ F)a? d. F' b™ary ,# th - 1,31 There was very little snow on tbe j Frank A. DePue, Beggar - equipment shops selling Attorney for Estate, mountains below the Deer Butte trail. F 2«-M.5-12-l>-?6 Large scrapers of the state highway paraphenallla calculated to jerk sm all - departm ent had cleared tbe road ot change along with tears of sympathy > GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. snow to tbe foot of i>ead Horse hill are doing unprecedent business. . . , . The ace of the mendicant clan is a i In the County Court of tho State * blcb waM lb ® starting place of the races. woman who works a prominent mid of Oregon for Lane County. j ( limbing to the top of Deer Butte j town street She is 87 years old and ,n Probate. M A N Y A T T E N D O U T IN G 4 Ads Classi OF O B S ID IA N S SU N D A Y e V U N U r CAMO JO biTRESUtfS) WILL TRADE Portable Typewriter FOR S A L E - 1 have paid 6138.00 on N O T IC l TO DOO OW NER* Fine new Plano. You can buy It for bicycle or What Have You. 120 No change Is being made In tbu law by the le g isla tu r e , that will In any at a real saving. Hubert Bias. W est Eighth Street, Eugene. way effect the amount of Licensee W illam ette H eights. M.6 due and payable. 12 00 f* r male or ••In lim e of trial," said the lecturer, "pay. 1 3.00 for fem ale, on or before - NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING what brings us the g reatelst com- M anb I. Ik31 The undersigned adm inistrator with Hu Dog llw u a n take notice and I fort T" the will annexed of the estate of secure your llceu se this mouth, as a “ An acquittal," responded a heckler lialvor K lttelsen, deceased, has filed penalty or f 1.00 will be added to : In the hack row. his final account with the County l.lcensM Issued after March I, m il. Estate of Bancham B. Diets, K. J. MORRIS, ...................•■„ »« * , » • • » ' » » » » « » » • “ •'■ »« » • • , ■ Presumed to be Dead. Enforcement Officer Dog Control bearing and for final settlem ent of lur«« *’•«" ’•«><* »«’«ally adapted to glmst. She has gleaned as much as Pursuant to an Order of Court I list riot. I N otice Is hereby glveu that Mary said esta te on Saturday, March 14, skt riding and other sports. Tbe 3’ » a day, and has more than 6200,000 'tuly given and made In the above ¡entitled proceeding, I, Edd Dahlln, D. Sherrill baa filed In tbu County 1*31, at tbe County Court Room In Heather was Just warm enough to deposited In well-chosen banks. NOTICE TO CREDITORS .. from m eltln v and a -re ■< j „ a* guardian in said proceedings. I Court of tbe S late of Oregon, In and the Court House, nt Eugene, lam e k p 8,‘‘'w ir,,,n m‘’,llDg an<1 “ The police departm ent urges a f la t , wfl| at privata aaia to Notion la hereby given that the un fur Lane 1,’oum- , her petition ulleglng I County, Oregon, at ten o'clock In the Any person wonderful »lew of the Three Sisters refusal to beggars’ pleas, pointing out i highest and best bidder for cash. derelgnrd has been appointed Admin­ that her brother, Bancham B. D iels, forenoon of said day istratrix of the E state of George W. la presumed to be dead, aa none of havlug objections to said final account ' was obtainable from tbe Butte, that there are abundant relief agencies °-ach of the follow ing described Behring, deceased, by the County hie brothers or sisters have beard la hereby notified to file the sam e ( ____________ to provide food and shelter for those tra®t8 real «»tat®, separately: Court of 1 s t « County, Oregon. All from him for more tbau ten year; that in writing with th.- Clerk of said Court c t w d c a t e u iu r . j ( ’ ) B eglnnig at a point 3« feet on or before the tim e net *or hearing Wfc.fc.VILo i n K t A l t N I N G who are in need. North and 50 feet , lncheg peraons having claim s against said ho was aresldeut of lam e County, R. BOOST A I), estate are hereby notified to present Oregon, when last heard from, now O R E G O N F IE L D P E A C R O P ©“‘«"eking Slickers East of the Southw est corner of Administrator with tbe Will An- th s same, properly verified, to the owua personal properly herein and --------- The Better B usiness Bureau of New ^ugene F Skinner Donation Land undersigned at the office of W ells asklug that an administrator of his nuxed o f the eatate of lialvor Klttcl- Oregon's rapidly growing Austrian York I. trying to check the practice s ^ n ge ^ r . ^ ^ i b . ' w i l J J . ’ sen, deceased. * Welts. Attorneys, Bank of Com estate be by tbe Court appointed: merer Bldg., Eugene, lam e County, Whereupon tbe Court baa appointed Donald Young, Eugene Oregon Winter Field p»«a seed crop, which laat of sending m erchandise such as hand ette Meridian, and running thence iltw gun, within els months from the and fixed ten o'clock In the forunoou Attorney for estate. ' year totalled more than 4,000,000 bags, pencils or neckties to a person North 217 feet, thence E ast 50 feet, F.12 19 26 M.5 12 dat of first publication of this notice of Saturday, the 28th day of March. pounds and was valued at approxi- who has Just died under the pretense tbence South 217 feet and thence D ale of first publication. Feb. 1», 1*31, at the courtroom thereof In Eu W est 50 feet to the place of begin­ IN I NOTICE OF REFEREE'S 8ALE I matcly 6200,000, Is seriously threat that the deceased had ordered •» ning, all being in _ and a part of gene, Oregon, aa the lim e aud place (or hearing evidence concerning the UNDER DECREE ened the pea w eevil, whose in- shortly before death. R elatives are the City of Eugene, Lane County, CLARA 8. VERNON, Administratrix alleged absence and tbe circum stances NOTICE Is hereby given that the «r«*»es has more than kept pace with expected to pay for It. Oregon and duration thereof. Walls A W ells, Attorneys. undersigned by virtue ol a decree ol • the Increase In crop acreage, says (2) Lot Four In Block 1, LlU's U pstate farm ers who have received W. B. DILLARD, r . 20-27 M.6.12 19 L o n .'in “Jnd Z ' O, " T » s T i T * ^ "‘“ T however, have de- Addition to Eugene, Lane County, County Clerk. Oregon; ____________ ________ F.12-19 26-M.6 12 and filed In said court on February 4, In l8olaled f’®lda wher® three BUC v'»ed a racket to beat the racket. in room 10 of tbe Law O ffices of NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1*31, In a suit wherein Robert L. Ware^‘ cesslve crops of peas have been grown They write back som ewhat as follow s: my Attorney. H. E. Slattery, at Notice Is hereby given that the un NOTICE TO CREDITORS W. Franklin Ware. Effie E. Weber, on the same ground, tbe crop, In the "Goods received Do not want them W illam ette Street, Eugene. Ore- derslgned has been appointed Admin N otice Is hereby given that the un > ■ •, :•* "*• • ‘r - ' * ................. ™ “ - '' K U W L « ¿ 5 ” Istrator with the Will Annexed of the deralguvd baa been duly appointed «elate of Ueorge Z. Ickas. deceased, Administrator of the estate ot Elisa - -........... total loss due to pea w eevil Injury. of 61 storage for sam e.” FDD DA HI IN Weber, L. E. W ilson, Greer Robbins by the County Court of tame County, belli L. Kennedy, deceased, aud any ’•U nless the ravages of the w eevil This ruse has proved a most ef-| Guardian o f the person and of Oregon. All persons having claim s and all persons having claim s against and F. M. Day are plaintiffs and Jam es against said estate are hereby notified tbe said estate are hereby required J. Ware und Millie Ware are defend agt- W slla d W ells, Attorneys, Bank of Frank A. DePue, attorney for the NOTICE OF SHERIFF'8 SALE which decree Is hereby referred HaJ rB • - Larson, entom ologist of the away. It Is im practicable for t h e ' Commerre Bldg . Eugene, lam e Coun­ estate at Hprlugfleld, Oregon, In Lane vn T IC F l . herehv ,h»t h . ty, Oregon, within six m onths from County, Oregon, within six months to for greater particularity Ind is here experim ent sU tton, who has recently sender to collect his goods without a L n 7 w h i c k \ e c L m dlree < d . T e S ,a ,‘° n ü ‘rC"'“r P a r e n t , so the farmer gets them virtue of an execution and order the date of the first publication of front the date of this notice. this notice. signed Welby S tevens as the referee ,Orth mt‘aaure,, ior contro1 ° f tb,B P”8' free. aa’e »«nued out of the Circuit Dated February 7th, 1831. Date of first publication. Feb. 1». L. E. DANK8, herein, to sell the real property here- >" ,bH W illam ette valley. Copies of PuMy on Parade Court of the State of Oregon for m s i. Administrator of the estate ot Eliza­ matter described, at public auction to the pamphlet are available upon re- One hundred and seventy four pus ,7^?® „ „ a “" J , ’ sn ,» T. 8 STIVERS, beth L. Kennedy, deceased. m:n„he r h^ v ld e d d,l y f U w t “ ? ^“le^of Ue’,t “ ° r<* ° n pUrred for pr,zes and < ’hari,y at aad * th® ÍS S I CoSrt Administrator with the Will Annexed. Frank A. DePue, attoruey for estate. W ells a W ells, Attorneys. TUe ldea ha8 be’*I> common ,bat tbe 'he cat-show held at Hotel McAlpin, February 18, 1931, in a sa lt pend- F.12 19-26-M.6 12 real property under execution und n o 37-26.6-12 1» sald decree further provides that from "«*d P«‘aa th em selves were the prln- proceeds of which went to a home 'nR ’herein ln which B. B. Brun- NOTICE TO CREDITORS the money received upon such sale ' a corporation. Wll- for lam e County mode January 17. lam e County, Oregon, and all persons 6360 00 und the balance be applied factor, I-arson says, and that there , jc a , than In vears rone bv Colored i. i . a. ,c ca is inan l" years »one voiorea ¡iam Johnson, doing business under 11131. authorising the undersigned ad­ having claim s against said ostate will j to anv I a n •» thou iinimirf ths»n m Robert L. Ware in the sum of $1150 00 *** three other much more important oncjoth covered the walls of the cages the name and style of the Johnson present sam e duly verified at the law I m inistrator of the ostate of Jennie of Infestation There are and ,t wag a rare , ndeed who Furniture Company. Eugene Plan- Bilk wood, deceased, to cell at private office ot W hitten Swafford, 202 Tif- I with Interest thereon at 8% from July a corP°ratlon- sale the land hereinafter described, fany Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, on or : 1, 1*29 until paid and the furthe- sum Rarden peas allowed to ripen in the tx,a8tp<1 a gln( pin Ow on which to lng MIU of $127.89 with Interest thereon at neighborhood, shattered peas left on ,, Terrill-Voight Planing Mill, a cor- I will un and after the Sth day of before six months after this date. Dated aud first published January I 8% from May 1. 1930 until paid and , he rl(?ld and infested screenings left ’ , . , w poratlon. W alters-Bushong Lumber March, 1031, at 202 Tiffany Building to W Franklin Ware In the sum of “U lnle8lea * « * " * “ 8« « « An innovation in this y e a r s show Company, a corporation, F. K. In Eugene and on the prem ises to be 2»th, 1*31. 6829.43 with Interest thereon at 8% ’,,alndl,1K »round In sacks after har- w#g A |,ej. c # t A„ ey where the puggy SeiTera and j . e . Bryan, partners LEONE T. MONTGOMERY, sold, offer at private sal to the party Executrix of the will and eatate of per annum from December 1, 193b v est- who had no pedigree to speak of, but dl'»n8 huriness under the firm name offering the most therefor in cash or until paid and the balance, if anv be Control measures m ust take into h , faaí-inaHn»__a hkm rv and style ot Seivere & Bryan, N eis part cash and part term s the follow­ John G. Montgomery, deceased. divided equally between Robert L. consideration all of these factors to " hat W“8, m° re “8l b,8tory' P. Jorgensen. J. H. Blake, W illiam W hitten Swafford, Attoruey. ing deucrlbed lands to-wlt: J.2# F.6 12-19-26. Ware W Franklin Ware Fffte F j meowed for prizes. The judges re- Preston and C. H. H ales, partners (1) Lota 2, 3. 8 end II, Block 11 W eb er Isubel Wilson, Mae Robbins, 66 effe<',|y e ’ I-ar8,ln sa ys- and co<>P®r ported a considerable amount of cat- «If»«« business under the firm Original town plat of Croswell, Lane name and style of Preston A Hales, County, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Lulu M Day and Jam es J. Ware, share a,lon °< 8,1 f* a p o w e r s is e ssen tia l Unegg gmong {he entrantg und share alike. in keeping the neighborhood clean. _ c .« w m,,ii ® A' Cords and G. D, MacLaren, (2) Beginning at the NW corner of Now therefore the undersigned ref- Those who do no, cooperate furnish ' ^ e “ on tbe subject, tbe f “^ / S O.L.C. No. 60 Notf. point 6672 In Tp. The undersigned, Administrator ot II 8 K. 3 W. t h e n o B 24.64 ch i., tbe E state of Frank Stokes, dec« aged, acting a.e ™ucl? % ferae wlU on “ WV"S ! w T ',T s,or> P“™ 8’8 that a cat living tbe ‘ Lar“n John anJ R1::hard thence K. to the W. tine of the right bas filed her Final Account In the « S a 7 ? u rd a y % e 7th d a y ^ f M^rch 1931 f° r tho8f of thelr neighbors. Mth f]oor of a„ uptown apartment ¿ aytn e » »doing bu sin es^ u n d er of way of the OSC Itallrosd Com­ matter of said E state with tbe County pany; thence Northerly rlong tho line Clerk of Ixiue County, Oregon, and at one o'clock P. M. on said day at house knows which floor Is the 20th in f e c t io n W all ''lied Conmanv of said right of way to tho N. line an o*der has been rnnde and entered d° ? r ,h e I'8"1' County An American farm er was inter- when riding up in an elevator. People Walter A. Woodard Lumber Com- of said D.L.C.; thenco W. to the B. W. of record by the County Court of O raw n S f o r m a t p u W k a S r t l o n y,ew ,ng a n' * r° wh° app“ ed ,Or 7 ° rk "" a"d ®« at ®‘ber f’oors, but the I'any. a corporation, H. W. W hite corner of Lot No. 4 In So . 23 of said County, directing this notice and "Ar® y ° u familiar with mules" the (,at never m akes a mistake. Not until bu5Í.“®88 5 ? d e r .tb* aame said Tp. and Range thence N. 20.76 appointing Friday, the 27th day of to the highest bidder the following ., . . . . ,, , . . . . style of W hite E lectrical Company, Cha.; thence W. 14.16 chs.; thence 8. February, 1*31; at 10 o'clock A. M. described real property: negro was asked. the 20th floor is reached does It go to p j Berger. J. W. Copeland Y anis, 20.76 cbs.; thence W. 8.34 chs. to the (or the hearing of objec't >ns to said South half of south half of section -.¡qo gah," w-as the reply. “Neber the front of the car to be let off. a corporation, and Vern D. Scobert plane of beginning In lam e County, Account and the aettlem ent of said 20 Tp. 18 S. R. 3 W. M. ln Lane \ ... ... _ and Frank W. Scobert, partners County. Oregon. 160 acres, hereinafter bah been Ab knoW8 ,o° much about He 8 Had Hls D*y Opesron, except from said description Estate. 80 acres deed to L F. Stancltffe as Dated at Eugene, Oregon, th is 29th referred to as Description No. 1. Lobo— a police dog, m ascot of one business under the firm (1cm to be fnmlllar wld dem. I __ , i . i name and style of Scobert Ware- shown by deed of recoid and leaving day of January, 1931. W est half of NW fc of Section 29; ! --------- of the c it y s popular o r c h e s tr a s -ls hQuge Company and Lllllan M 66.43 acre« belonging to said estate LIDA T. STOKES. South half of North half and north ‘ Marg—Jim said my face was a< 'Jend. And that m akes everybody Travis, a widow, were defendants, and to ba sold Adm inistratrix of the E state of half of south half of section 30 Tp. pretty sad. which execution and order of sale Subject to th e approval of and con­ Frank Stokes, deceased. IS 8. R 3 W^of W. M. 400 acres here P®«» firmation of l aid C o r t. Jam es K. King, Lobo had trouped with the orchestra w as t0 me directed and commanded Phil— So It is— like on e of Brown Inafter referred to as Description i , . . _ ,, me to sell the real property here- CLAUD 8ILKWOOD. 410-11-12 Miner Building No. 2. lng's. nearly four years, from sunny Call- lna(ter de8Crlbed t0 gatlafy certain Administrator. Eugene, Oregon Lot 4 Block 1 Georgetown; Lots 1, , , __ „„„ „ . Marg— How do you m ean: fornia to sunny France. H is m aster Kens and charges in said decree Attorney for Administratrix. Ust. of Jennie Hllkwood, Dno’d. 2 anil 3 of Block 1, Georgetown; Lots F.612T9 26M.6 J.29 F.5 12-19 26 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 4 of Ueorge ’’b” Some of the lines are so and trainer Clnrenoe Moor^. saxok specified, I will, on Saturday, the phonlst of the band, recalls how Lobo 28th day of March, 1931, at the town, hereinafter reforred to as De deep. serlptlon No. 3. — — ————— — ------- -- — — „nee saluted the President of France hour of one o'clock P. M. at the southw est door ot the County Court Lots 1 and 2 of W lllowdale. a plat SUMMONS I upon a state occasion. The President House in Eugene, Lane County, In Lane County, Oregon and herein Oregon, offer for sale and sell at In the Circuit Court of the State of returned the salute. after referred to os Description No. 4, Lobo was the feature of the orches- public auction for cash, subject to Kewlstered T itle Oregon, for Lane County. tra s s stage stna.» and and night nieht eluh club acts. acts He He of ''<’d the «n>Pt>°n by law, all The aforesaid prem ises referred to 8TOLZIQ, Vs. Plaintiff, tra rjgM u provided lte and ,ntoreat of DR. BERTHA DAV’UeON ns Description No. 1 will be subject FRANK I. KINNEY, JE SSIE M ., <’° » ld understand not only gestures the defendants in said suit and of Osteopathic Physician to a m ortgage In favor of Federal JBWEUCR KINNEY, ARTHUR C. N E T T I a E and signals but actual words, his all parties claim ing by, through or Land Bank of Spokane, W ashington, TON and ....... NETTLETON, master said. The dog was once stud- under them or any of them sin ce Itepsiring a Specialty In the sum of 61500 being the mort 204 1. O. (). F. Temple h ls w ife. D efendants: ,pd a, Co|umbia P nlversity and judged th e. 20., b day o f, Oct? b*r’i¿ ’ 26’ ‘‘í gage recorded on page 72 of Vol. 52 Springfield, Oregon To Arthur C. N ettleton and ........... . - or to the follow ing described real Telephone 3266 Eugene, Ore. of the Record of Mortgages for Lane N ettleton, hls wife, defendants. 1° nave the m entality of a 9-year old property, to-wlt: County, Oregon the amount unpaid on IN THEpNAM E OF THE STATE child. Lot 2 in Block Numbered 20, ln said m ortgage being the sum of OF OREGON: You are hereby re- Moore is tralnig another dog to re- Cross' Addition to Eugene, in Lane General Law P raot laa 61453.91 with Interest thereon since UNIVERSAL MORTQAGK CORP. to appear and answ er the com County, State of Oregon; also the 16th day of November, 1930; the qulred plaint filed against you in the above ‘ ' , y Beginning at the N ortheast cor- aforesnld prem ises specified as De­ entitled suit within four w eeks from nark like a radio crooner, but Lobo— ner ot the | ^ vi w z umwan Dona- I. M. PETERSON scription No. 2 will be sold subject Attorney-at-Law tion Land Claim No. 52, Notlflca- to a mortgage thereon ln the sum of the . . . date of the „ „ first j «, publication »„¡a of the w ise old shepherd—Is dead. , tlon 4941, in Township 17, South, 63.100 00 In favor of Eugene Loan and X » ? or an sw “ fo i J a n t there»“ G" m p,ed °" Broad* ay City Hall Building W. P. Tyaon, Agent Savings Bank of Eugene, Oregon w uY take’« decree airUnst An ’n*d,a” in tribal costume rubber i Range. 5 W est of the W illam ette Springfield, Ore. Which «««lit mortvavc is recorded on the plaintiff will take a decree against Meridian, running thence South IM K SL Phone 56W page 84 of V d 70 of the Record of you ln ,b e 8uni of 3150 00 wltb lnter*9, "eCklnK Bt skyscraper8 along the ea st line of said claim J»11 g o 0 4 Ol V O I. IU Ol VHP n o e o r l l O l a n n u m f r n m ru>- A K lln z l __ *._ *.»_ _ M Ttan’reas,,nabI«, a“ orney s fees and for 8iEh,.8eetnK ,)UM wlth a Drettv girl sald t laln>: thence We8t P»™11«1 “ FRANK A. DE PUE EUGENE being »3000 00 with interest thereon cog(a nn(, disbursem ents of suit; that A a|Kn' «««mg hus with a pretty girl clshn Forty- A T T 0 R N 1 Y AT LAW sln ce the 16th day of Novemb«?r 1930; ,aintlff have a morU, age i,en upon 'planted” ln side to draw custom ers. ' (45) Chains thence North FURNITURE HOSPITAL the »foresaid prem ises HP«cltted a s , t nl(M.k 2 the Brae, Addt- w h en the bus starts, she leaves. Twenty 20 chains thence E w t NOTARY PUBLIC Upholstnrlng-ReflnlRhlng-Jlepairlng Description No. 4 will be sold subject tlon to the c lt y of ElIRene, bane clustered Thirty (30) c h a ? « 't h e n c e N orU Screen and all kinds of mill-work to ft mnrtK&KO thereon In favor of Pnlintv n iM n n for the navment of 1 ne ever Preaent crown ciusterea 1 nirty tavj enaini, u w u te ivuruu Henry Tromp and Blanche Tromp In th|, af„'r,,8B,d money decree; that said ! »round the windows of the miniature TwontX (20) ch ain s^ thence^ East Suttnn CECIL CALKINS, Proprietor Oregon the sum of 61500.00 being the mort- mortgaKe Hen be forecio.,ed and that cigarette factory ln Tim es Square. , X , nnln3 Also l i t Foui (41 and gHlldlng 561H W eet Eighth Phone 402 o r ^ r ^ 8i- - - app> - ” - ' 8 b- K o ^ ’q ^ o ^ ^ B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y D . W . Roof BONDS W ilkir-Pooli Chapii Funeral Directors m o s t. Il J •1M Full Auto Bqulpmem Lady Aseletnnt Dr. A. T. Oberg DENTIST who for tho past three years has operated the Parker Syotem Dental offleea In Eugene, has opened offices of hls own at 972 W illam ette St. Eugene, op­ posite the Rex Theatre.. T ele­ phone 241. Exam inations Fraa. County, Oregon the amount unpaid on said mortgage Is 61600.00 with terest since the 2nd day of December, 1930, said Description No. 4 being registered title : Description specified as Description No. 3 will be sold free frnm all llenH except special assess- m ents for public Improvements levied by the City of Cottage Grove, said sale to be at public auction nnd term s of sale cash, subject to confirmation of said court and possession of said property to be delivered to the pur- chftflPi*. WELBY STEVENS, R eferee In Partition. F.6-12-19-26 M.6 I 5 J ■ if? ?“ prem !» ises be •‘“..«'S"!:: that . 1 8n,d sold and the ’ *’ „ - „ ÄSS »X St?&5 m W. E. K. 1 of said Section Twenty-eight (28) [ proceeds applied to the costs of sale running thence South 14.96 chains, J decree. “W hat is your brother In college?” thence East 32.70 chains to the nnd ,h e hnlance on the aforesaid East line of said Section Twenty- “A halfback." The order of the Court directing eight (28), thence North 14.9« ) service of this sum mons by the pub "I mean ln studies." chains, and thence W est 32.70 »cation thereof is dated February 17, "Oh, in studies h e’s away back.” chains to the place of beginning, 1931, and requires publication once all ln Lane County, Oregon. ench week for four su ccessive weeks, Dated this 20th day of February, Touxalln—1 hear that Dr. Cheatem and Dnte of first publication Is Feb­ isn't going to take any more vacations. 1931. ruary 19th, 1931. H. L. BOWN, C. A. W1NTERME1ER, Fooxello— No, after he got back Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. Attorney for Plaintiff. from hls vacation this summer alm ost A. L. HULEGAARD, Deputy. R esidence: Eugene, Oregon F.26-M .5-12-1M S F.19-26 M.6-12-19 all hls patients were well. »