PAGE TW O T H U R S D A Y . E E IIR U A R Y 2«. »93t FO R M ER GARAGE MAN M ANY A T T E N D ER G A TH A P L A N T IN G PEAR T R E E S • • • • • THURSTO N B A P T IS T C O N T E S T GROUP SUNDAY SCHOOL P A R TY John B. Parker, former owner I N ineteen persons attended t h e of the Parker gnrage on the cor- — n -tj. ner of Mill and Main strets. is 1 Nrthday party of now living on a ranch at Canyon- ' le «’•’ 6»«1>» Sunday school class of rllle and is planting several acre* «he Methodist church which was held of different varieties of pear trees at the home of Mrs Wm G Hughes, The ranch now has many acres 546 Fifth street, last week Mrs. Bert of prune trees. Mr Parker was in thls‘"clt>” \V, dn7sdaÿ“ ’a ôd « « * “ >e assistant hoatesa. The 500 young pear trees from a Eu- »'em bers came In costum e and the gene nursery back to his ranch. afternoon was spent with a roll call Mr Parker sold his garage bust- in which each member responded with n ess to Robert Templeton who has . ... . been employed as mechanic at the * a,ory of « »»“ ••ngton. and other ■ tunts^ Mrs. L. K. I “age won th e, garage for som e time rrlle for the best pencil drawing of SALE OF R EA L PR O P ER TY the firs, president. Mre. C W Hanson B A N Q U ETS H ER E TU ESD A Y A T T E N D A N C E IN C R EA SED Norton P en grag campaign team was adjudged victorious Sunday morning In the eight w eeks Sunday school a t­ tendance contest which has been con­ ducted at the church during the first two m onths of the voar and which ended Sunday morning W ilfred Cook capta n d the losing side of the con test. • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e UPPER W IL L A M E T T E the grade school al Trent, won (he ♦ girls cup lu the 4 II d u h Marketing * * * * * * * * W oolw lae was struck by gl> <’ w K e ls e y , w ho passed I Tu* * ,,' y ">'f«>'»« S he was rush away at the Pacino Christian hospital ’** h“"H«al where an !••« Thursday, was hurled In Hie x-ray- picture was made which re Pleasant HUI cem etery on Saturday veal, d a broken shoulder blade and • fieritoon. Funeral services wore held two fr*< tracturisl **“ ‘l “r‘>d , ribs l , ‘* “* «*»• Bmnatetter chapel In Kiigene. Mr* u **“ s* ““ 'l • on- William. | The pallbearers were Andy ttlsoi ,h ‘' «»«'“ral of her aunt In J< «e Carrother. Mr Perry. Bd Mil Peoria Wevlin day lor. Chris Telafsoii and - -- K. - Il - Tinker There was no high school last Mrs. Kelsoy, who had been busy re- Thursday and Friday as the students I aporlng and redecorating her honiej •»«••’d*d «he basketball tournament “ « Pleasant Hill took sick with the , v , J , " ,h * « Mr„ ... „ „ , t - » «*. w eeks ago. Pneumonia M rs day contest which was presented by the Eugene clearing house association W I.. Wheeler, who has been III for several weeks. Is III Portland for tied lcal treatment Mr. and Mrs Ixiretils of Trent urn Hn* parents of a baby boy born Wed low,lay. February 18 Miss Belle Olson spent Bunday al C,e home of her parents Bruce W heeler has recently painted hls new home at Pleasant Hill Leaders of contest had .T agreed . ’ the ....... . V” ” ,h!“ w ,nnln< «roup should have S everal young folks of Pleasant Hill a '» l.'ren ■“ the church and have Jollied church and were baptised BY A D M IN IS T R A T O R . ., ,, . ... N otice is hereby given by the Mrs. R. L. Drury won prises In a that the losin g side should eal beans Klamath F ills vistimi ed relatives r ela tiv e s here E u gen e, L , ' ...... **" here I . t it le Chris,ion „osptta, R efreshm ents c o n -! ,h ' aame »»d Place. but undersigned adm inistrator of the guessing game last week, Mrs. Pud kett was formerly where every effort to s a v e h er life . , m T L w estate of Floyd W ilson, that pur- slated of cherry pie and coffee. G uests »»embers o f the winning side suddenly Miss Lela Gray and I lived her child rolled She was 61 year, old active suant to an order of license grant the mwtlllK were Mlss becani • generous and offered to share io . - . . , educational ........ ........... . and . club . Coix-laml Robert Hammond ami h« od here. ed unto him as such adm inistrator . . . . lii a social, work chicken If the others would of said estate, for the sale o f the v ,r*,,n’ LouIm tH wden- »»<1 Mrs M. their _______ Miss MUdred Price, who teach es at I S h e Is survived by her husband. G Henry Dlckinaiin share their beans As a rerult the real property of said estate, by the -Male. entire group enjoyed a ehiJken and '* " '* • -I»’«« «he week end ai W K elsoy; one daughter. Mrs. J 1» Judge of the County Court of Lane The cla ss members present were bean dinner Tuesday night her h*r”' Parm ire; two grandchildren, one sls- Leads P ra y s r M a ttin g County. Oregon, filed January 9th. M,,_- . Tht' hl»11 *vh<’01 •* practicing on lor and one brother. 1931. said adm inistrator will on Mrs. Roy Palmer. Mrs. R. P. Morten More than 1000 p oin t, were secured thclr play #rJ March 2Sth. 1931, a, ten o’clock ' Mrs » * « « Holverson. Mrs. C. W. l»r N W Emery Imi the weekly . . . . . . i r*1* I'lnnaank Hill comm unity club A. M at the front door of the Hanson. Mrs. M. L. W allace. Mrs. by the winning side In the contest Planning I rayer m eeting at the Methodlsl to give II on Friday. Man I. 6. j met at the home ,,r Mrs Harmiin church W ednesday night In the ah l^ine County. Court House In Eu , w . H Pollard. Mrs. E. E. Mav Mrs Their o | ponents were not far behind n . i ,t e * Shaw from Springfield Is con Tuesday M is s U lo .w gene. Oregon, offer for sale and > . u . . . D . o having well over the 900 mark th em -¡ , lnulllg the revival services this week " * was present. sell at public sale, for cash or 'D . Mr* R U Orury' Mrs W sen«-» o f Rev Pike, pastor of the Miss G enevieve W ihk I, a PUpll til .-t.iir.-k« part cash and part credit, to the y Buell. Mrs Win. Rodenbough. Mrs selves. ; here on Monday. W ednesday and highest bidder, all of the right, title L. Rouse. Mrs. L. K Page and The total attendance Sunday m orn-; Friday evenings. Good Interest Is and interest of said estate in the Mrs J. M Warden, mg was tw o hunured and slxty-elght. being shown in three meeting follow ing parcels of land, all in ______ The next m eeting o f the group will Thls WM «he largest attendance rec- The l-adles Aid society met at the Lane County. Oregon, to-wit: The w est half of the northeast he held March IS at the home of Mrs orde<* at «he Sunday school for many church lust Thursday and had house quarter; the west half of the e a s t|L . E. Basford, 435 Ninth street. Mrs vears ODe »'ember of the losing side ' cleaning, scrubbing the floor wash half^of the northeast q u a rter the Roy Palmer w,„ th{b as8|lJtant was credited with bringing twenty , mg windows and laundrylng curtains scuthw est quarter of the I seven aloae. Mrs. M. A. Rice hostess. Members of the Consolidated tele­ quarter of the northeast quarter. _________ secretary o f the contest. a'l being in section 30. township j * ----- ------------------------- phone line met lust Tureduy for their 19 south range 1 west of Wiliam COLLEGE A RRANGES FOR annual m eeting and elected officers ette Meridian, in Lane County. T W O ARE IN D IC T E D ON , for the follow ing year Fred Russell. Oregon, appraised In the sum of FARM BROADCAST TA LK S STORE NO. 1 STORE NO. 3 G A SO LIN E T H E F T C H A R G ES »re,,l<1,‘»<. Ray Rennie, secretary and S40.00. «25 E s s i B roadw ay, Eugene •6 0 C h arnallo n S t , Eugen« --------- „ treasurer; and Oscar Milligan. Ilnes- The northw est quarter of section Subjects for the farm hour broad- S T O R E NO. 2 32 In township 19. south range 1 Gaylord Morse and Denton Sheeks »»an. S T O R E NO. 4 ■ asta over the agricultural college 88 96 W est Broadw ay, Eugene west o f W illam 160 rj<,io s «atlon KOAC at Corvallis for Were 601,1 lndk’«'‘d “» charges of lar 500 Main f-lre el, S p rin gfield I e ette s s /ln Meridian. I ^ n e County. *™ - Robert Herrington and son, acres, more or ised in the sum of 'he week of March 2-6 are listed in a “ *ny of Fa s“ lin e- ol>- ®m> a gasoline i ( Hfford. from Klamath Falls, arrive«! Oregon, appraised ----- ----------T H U R S D A Y , F R ID AY and SA TU R D A Y $160.00. report issued by the college. They drum on January 21. by the I g tn e il H« Thursday Io visit her duughtelrs. The north half of the northeast include the o Agricultural out- country grond Jury last Friday alter Ml»- W illiam Henson and Mrs Hu ' quarter of section 31 in township , . ... . "Silver-D ale” 19 south of range 1 west of Wll o<>* which will be broadcast every noon. John W. Briggs nnd Carl Mc-i1’ ’ "ray. and fam ilies They left "Franco-Am erican" lam ette Meridian. SO acres, more ' Gening and the follow ing special eve- Kenney w ere Indicted for attem pted W ednesday on their relur trip, No. 2« j Can 16 oz. Cans «"kF* crim inal assault. All of th ese men j Mr and .Mrs. W aller Edmlaton from or less. In Lane County. Oregon, ning programs at 7:00 o'clock; appraised in the sum of $S0.00. will be tried at the present term of Eugene visited relatives here last P E E T 'S - 2 2 2 1 ___________ Monday—Chats by- County Agents J. Beginning f t a stone on a point circuit court which began Tuesday. < Sunday. on the south line of the north half Beck and C. R. Briggs of Polk and Mike Dutchuk, charged with involun- Linn Endicott from Portland arrived of section 29. township 19 south Benton county, west or W W illam ette Meri- Tuesday— Animal hushandrv topic ' 2 ° man!i|au* h ,er ln connection with last Saturday for a visit with hls range 1 i w est of 9 oz. — Salted or Plain dian. 9 66 chains west and 19.11 u ’e.,n^ x.v - tm 1 . ,h e death of Hal Hall. Eugene police- I arents, Mr and Mrs John Endicott Package 3 Lb. B om c chains h a i n s s south o u t h e of f t the h e southeast cor- w e d n e s d a y - D isease Problems I n , ................. «. man. will also be tried during the John Taylor from Indian Creek w a s1 ner o f the Thomas Mathews dona- *“e Dairy Enterprise, by B. T. Simms, present term. In Thurston Tuesday. "T A Y L O R S " land claim No. 45, in said town- professor o f veterinary m edicine, Charles Taylor Is ill with the flu shin and running thence north 4 75 Thursday—-W ith the Poulty Flock.” Miss Lois Mathews from Portland 2 j 4 pound can 81%’ w est 1182 chains to a stone. 7 3 nlember o f the l k P*rt W IL L A M E T T E U N IV E R S IT Y spent the week-end with her purents Case of 12 Cans 18 oz. thence south 2.92 chains to the m en«- TO H O LD POLICE SCHOOL here. Cana south line of the north half of said Friday— "Prune Thrip and Its Con- William Hensons are rem odeling A special police school for all police section 29. thence east on said line by Joseph W ilcox, entom ologist. their house. 11.80 chains to the place of begin The Oregon State basketball game officers, sh eriffs, con stab les, traffic "Sunny Carden” ning. containing 4.524 acres of land. Miss Ione Rhode, who is attending officers, all peace officers, and those more or less in Lane County, Ore- at 1 orTallis Friday night w ill also be No. 2« , "Happy R eturn" preparing to becom e law enforcem ent business college in Portland nnd Miss gon, appraised at $50.00. broadcast over KOAC at 7:30. Can No- 1; 4 Flat Can I officers w ill be held at the House of Ix-one Kdmiston. who Is attending Lots 4. 7. 10 and 13 of section --------------------------— business college In Eugene, were ln t'es\O^ hWilla°mXthMerid?aT in M R S' W R IG H T E N T E R T A IN S , ‘‘“^ 2 * c n D im u c ix i/'-r /s s , hu'lding at Salem for slx «lays begin Thurston last Sunday. Lane County. Oregon appraised at OR K E N S IN G T O N GROUP|ning March 9 The school will be Rev. Jessup from Eugene will begin $50.00 Southw est quarter: also begin­ held under the auspices of the W illam ­ a three week's revival at the church Members of the Kensington club ning in north line of lot 4 of sec­ ette university college of law Many here on March 9. tion 29. township 19 south range 1 were entertained with a 1:00 o ’clock prominent crim e workers, including The Thurston orchestra practiced w est of W illam ette Meridian 20.80 luncheon Friday at the home of Mrs. at John K d m isto iia on Tuesday night. chains west of southeast corner of W. C. W right. Mrs. Levi N eet was Luke S May. consulting crim inologist T H IS W EEK ONLY Mrs Hubert Gray. Misses Hazel Ed ± ,n ? » O „ t A w h i L « ninI WeS,r 1 2 M the ^ « ‘««ant hostess. G uests were of S eattle; E lizabeth Lossing, head of, division of the I rn!8«‘>n- Veda Gray ami Dorothy Travis chains to northwest corner of said «. n j , i the crim e p prevention ip » c u u v h u i » ib i lot 4 thence south 19 02 chains to ° erklns and Mrs. Nelson. | Berkeley Cai,fornla police division ; accompanied their students In the southw est corner thereof, th e n c e , »'O'her of Mrs. N eet. Members pres Captain Frank Ervin and Chief of 8th grade on the Marketing project east 12.63 chains to a point due ent w ere Mrs. W E. BueP. Mrs W In Eugene last Saturday. Police L. V. Jenkins of Portland, and south of beginning, and north 19 02 K. Barnell. Mrs. Clarence Chase, Mrs' Mr. and Mrs. Belmont Russell and fo place of beginning, excepting Kent Shoem aker, head of the Oregon therefrom a part of the following, W. N. Dow. Mrs. J. C. McMurray. Mrs. state traffic division. daughter from Salem spent the wee to-wit: Beginning at a stone set C. E. Kenyon. Mrs. John Henderer, • nd with Mr. Russell's parents, Mr. in west line of section 29. town Mrs. Alfred Morgan. Mrs. D. B.* Mur- and Mrs. Fred Russell. *1.95 Fast Color ship 19 south range 1 w est of Wll- phy, Mrs. J. T Moore Mrs W C MRS. T H O M P S O N H O STESS Mr. and Mrs. John ITice and daugb m m ette Meridian, 12 chains north Rebhan. Mrs. Harry W hitney Miss W ASH D RESSES FOR N E E D L E C R A F T CLUB ter Mildred. Mr. and Mrs Arch Shough of southw est com er thereof, and " n n n ey- -™'S8 running thence north 52* east 23.12 l'-• home of Mre. W K. B arn .ll. parlors Saturday of this week. The - .•? Those present were Jean Ixiuck, Col m em bers of the Is-ague will Eugene, Oregon, upon which th e r e ' palnt the containers- Peaches Baked Beans 15c Granulated Soap 25c Crackers 35c Puritan Malt trol." Sweet Potatoes 12‘/2Ç Sauerkraut Pears 12‘/2 c Ifìc Fulop’s Department Store Offers SPECIAL VALUES $5.50 Ladies Shoes $ 2 -9 8 98c $1.49 to $1.89 15c $1.00 G