k THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-K1QHT11 YBAH. SPK1NOF1KLD, LANK COUNTY, ORKUON, D.S.C. PBOFESSOR 10 TALK GARDENS New Mason Home Used This We eh THURSDAY, KBBKGAKY 26, 1931 No. BOOTH-KELLI PEAKS Canal Group Not I Hoop Team Meets KEN SCKOOL FLAK to Finance Bar ges Eugene Hi Friday REMAIN UNSETTLED COKSIDEBED HERE Housewarming Dinner, Address, P v i » Ct,° x . Cann#d Cood> in Came Decides Winner of Second and Dancing Planned for F. A. Cuthbert, Landscape Ar­ S a 7 i t ' » * \ ini, T ’ n Year’ Plac# in Distric*: University O.E.8. Members Tonight Dixon Retire* as General Man- chitect to Speak at High y« State College Man. High Wins Championship* ager; Future Policies to Be Resident* of W altervill. and A lodge home which would be School Saturday Night on fVa,,er Waler’ « H Hprtn•’ h- *01 spend his time Hprlngfleld t *61" ,rOm “ r®n may temporarily disband associationwhTch * T * .“ "* * th<>r ame *8 w,th tb® Eugene high team p eX « h” d “ ,Dde H d ,OCa* hl«h - hC- 1 « h leU c team. next year and students now attending There 1« an in__ __ - always put forth special effort to rle- these schools be brought to Spring- eanr i " reusing demand for frat second, their rivals across field to attend the local high school If on "he S ; “ d T**etab,e" «asked «"d the from winner of“ the X river X ette valley i* and th® Wiliam will gain an undisputed second place during areas on th ® Urg8r pro th® dUtr,ct- ’ h»« ^ e losing team to 1 E n Ith the 00481 aixordl"K * ln b® dropped to third place, to L. E. Brelthaupt. agricultural eco„ I . , omlst at the Oregon State Agricultural . * 4r*8 attendance expected at college In connection with the Bxten 0 8 Kan,• company now and No A ction T ak e n Creswell and Coburg are planning t o l j ^ P** r’,f,"tob*d •■«* which will appoint some one to serve as There has been no definite action Is no great hurry In gettine th' J a* afnl,t the b*’ 1 teams in the district attend the lecture here. I » oa floor. The lodge In-1 manager of operations taken on the matter as yet, but the according to Products to the markets and the use Springfield defeated Cottage Grove Th. h ,„ L™ "TL- « ' ■)<««• two districts are expected to bold 28-13 in the Friday game. The first o t barge transportatUon will mean . riuh“";d,7 t" ,“. f o X T " , f , ’'lt' W^ a8’a d “ * ° r ,h- dlr- “>rs meetings soon to discuss the proposal saving of a few cent, per case which string tesm was taken out at the end m . U ln « tr e s ,J 7 n h« ; . c ur ’ * 'ar«"r a"d °’ p- 8 Brumby. E. B the asmclatlon m eeting, for the first Urst place In the south half of the cerned will be satisfied. Mem ari . S X ,« r ’; ‘ C° Un,y «•« rahgs The lodge h s . theR own Frank H “ me. promised their full support for district and will play Cottage Grove ” <'ni- monogramed dishes which they have Bu‘ b’ W P Peacock, and H. A. Dun- Such a consolidation of high school the project. They stated that each Friday In the final game for these . emtser. of the club held their I moved to the kitchen. bar- Bm’th Is a vice-president of the "f the eight Lions club. In the Salem two teams. There Is Just the bare instruction would mean a large saving '•■•“‘ur meeting at the Community Another large room la the lounge r ® m panr and r>UQb* r w»s re elected nrote*? haclal program Large the hallway has been covered wltt pen It would mean that the Univers ty tricts to pay the cost of transporting 30« people will g» to Port|amJ ARGUE AT BROTHERHOOD quantities of food was left after the an attractive Inland lineoleun, high team would drop into a two-way the students to and from school. , í n7 , ’,* ° f tb” dinner and this w>, ,.k On to the Th. u . MEETING HERE MONDAY wbleheí¿ blch will be held at the chamber tie with the winner here for the first Would Draw on State Fund a,” a. ,o S T J T »lent, who ware voluntarily spending L „ t* ’ * P*'"“ * Member, of both the affirmative M a r c h T " * *l ,, R Kilpatrick, prln field-Cottage Grove game was: twenty, and 330 for each student over IN F IIC F N F n id T u c o c e v , hold at ,b“ «•’ ,,ral "c*-ools of t h ls ! ’be debate and business meeting of |aat - L ? ’ ■> h«ol. went to Eugene Cottage Grove 13 Springfield 28 IN EUGENE ON TUESDAY City Monday forenoon and all classes I‘b® brotherhood. I ’“ ‘. - T , and “ ^ « d off honors. Clark ( 6 ) ...... ......_j>.----------(7) Wright 40. There Is some question as to including championship of the "B" Woodward (1) ----- (4) Mattison whether the local district can collect Armin Hess, resident of Wendllng .T’ T i ‘ h * bal “ n C e league for the fifth time In succes­ more than the 330 per pupil from Schaefer ( 1 ) ------- C-------(6) Ernsting LIONS IN IT IA T E TWO for the past seven years, passed I * 7 sion The Pleasant Hill boys were the state fund under the proposed C.ugglaberg --------.G ._.(4) B. Tomseth away at the Eugene hospital Tuesday H,ud''"t» at the Brattaln school held NEW MEMBERS DURING plan and Attorney-General Van Winkle matched against the Crow high school evening at the age of 67 years I P' ,,|tram" ,,f recitations, songs and The Suflngfield basketbalV temm^iU I (j-t F8<1Ue8te<1 by La< re"ce Mof- LADIES N IG H T PROGRAM I ‘J “am ]“ tbe finals Saturday night and Mr. Hess was born In Swltaerlsttd I 8t<’ry rea,,ln* *»y the teachers. Each Cose Iheir season next w e e k X I f e --------- won 27 26 to retain their champion cs? May 22, 1874 and came to the | rm h“d lta own pro*ra,n for the M. C. Kirkland and Nell Pollard | 8bip whlcb they have held each year game against Albany at the •ocal Itendent. to make a ruling on this point United States when he was 41 years I occaa,<’" I were Iniated Into the Springfield Lions 18,nce ,he “B” league was organised before the local school board binds gymnasium. old settling down In South Dakota ‘-'"coin school students had a group club Friday evening during the enter- A coincident of the tournament was _______________ ____ itself to any agreem ent until eight years mo when he r«rae I'rotra“ ln the assembly room. Their talnment provided for "Ladles' Night" tbe matching of the teams In the H O U S F B A M C a n ir r n to Oregon. progrsm consisted of the following at which time the members of the «»•>•- Both the boys and girls teams RANSACKED ON The district Is sure of the 380, and the two Interested districts will then He Is survived by hla widow. Mrs "umbers; c|ub hluJ lh#lr w,Te# from Crow high school entered the SATURDAYi SILVERW ARE, Josephine Hess; two daughters. Mrs Recitation. '«Our Flag" by Sidney Tb® «»enln* began with a dinner at f,nal Fames of the tournament. The WAFFLE IRON ARE T A K E N have to raise by direct taxation only 360 or 350 per pupil under the new Freda Booth. Dayton. Ohio, and Mrs Ward; Flag salute by school; song.J,be Community hsll at 7:00 and was Crow girls were more soccessful than ------ P. R Baldwin of Wendllng; onel 'Btar Spangled Banner” by school; I followed by a lively minstrel program their boys team and defeated the I The hurglariiltig of the George Per- law for high school expenses plus the brother, Robert Hess ot Dayton. Ohio. Play. "In the Days of George W aeh-jand “>e Initiation. strong Vida team led by Gladys Min- klns h°me at 603 Fifth street Satur- cost of transporting the students each The funeral services were held from '"«ton" by the 2nd and 6th gradee; Members of the Lions quartet and ney' 4Ma Ml8’ M'n"«y alone ac- day is the second robberv In this day. the Branstetter chapel In Eugene to- "Mt. Vernon Bells," 4th grade; day at 11 00 o'clock. Rev. Arthur ^ “ 1® Historian." by Third grade; Inl'eTmen" w a s ^ ^ l n T h ''* 1'''1 lX u il7 * t 8 ‘' ‘*r’ ” a“d "B*’t,y interment was made In the new 1. O. | Row. First grade; song, with ukslele O. F. cemetery. S ? ? ! ! » » R“;.> VslAA PttdiUfiord* «awn— I ; h - « r '- T - ; REV. PIKE TO PREACH AT V. BOTH SERVICES SUNDAY Rev. C. J. Pike of the Springfield Methodist church who has been ah- sent from his church for a few weeks due to an operation, will preach both of the services at the church on Sunday. His morning topic will be "Hottom-8lde-Up." Ernest McKinney will sing at the morning aervlcea. The Sunday school will meet at 9:46 and the Epworth league at 6:80 The evening service will etart at 7:80 nt which time Rev. Pike will preach on the subject “Rlght-8lde-Up.'* several visiting articts provided mus- cottn‘ed lor 36 of the points scored city w,tb,n a few weeks, and Lum Changes at Local School leal entertainment during the dinner by her te*m '» tb,a K«me. Anderson, police chief. Is Inclined to I There are am>roxlm a t„ i„ sk aD<1 "“ ®r ln tb® »»«"1«*- Players for Pleasant Hill were Hills. ,hlnk ‘hat the thefts may have been in the two high schools Their at GuMt , rtUtg , Peeblee. Mauney. P. Wheeler and COmm‘tted by «>• 8ame ^ « y or tendance at the Springfield high . r u ., T ' “ . “ b’ ' h school would mean that the local I 'when the owners were known to be school would have to employ two b i S X . ’ “ • ’ • ‘ " ’‘ “ E X E X '™ ./" '" - out of town. more teachers and equip two more Two seta of valuable Rogers Broth rooms for class instruction. Two and i«ove tbe Name of Washington", First I ___ ___________ . ers — silverware were -stolen together possibly three more subjects would he grade; song, "The Red River V n lin v ''l> . _ ______ ' Members oi the Vida team which with a new warn«, tn™ »„a by Don Thompson; duet, piano an,I M< 5 1 T0 thThtafc ’ “h ° i r ° i Bttend,nK ”lo‘hln« belonging to Mrs. O ldhaT taught according to W. E. Buell, prin­ xylophone. Florence May and Bar- HAVE M EETING TUESDAY the h,Rh 8ch°o1' >nc,«dlng one gram housekeeper for Mr. Perkins were cipal. These subjects are physiology, bara Barnell; vocal solo, Ethel H all-I M ,, 2 ™ar 8ludent- were Mlnney, E. Miller, I taken Saturday night while Mr Per botany and chemistry. • B .| Mr. w Pollard win entertaln G. Miller. Donoho and Thompson. kln„ was sp e ^ in g T x e ntaht The discussed consolidation affects Wight grade girl r . i »nem oers of the Women« Foreign Their conquerors from Crow were I farm home up the McKenzie high school student* only. Grade stu­ High school students held a special L u ^ c h T t X 7 e ™ i a r hemi . r i ^ ta; i" “ * ’ RaU,hBKe' M°* The h° me ° f “nd Mrs Mark dents would continue to receive In­ program at 10:80 and were then dis- h erT ,’,me nert w ee^ Rnd 8,ml'ar,y entered a short struction ln their various districts. missed for the balance of the day. ¡The program will bo in charxT of Th° largeBt cr'>wds ln the history | ' yht,e ag0 when the owners were dut “ of the league tournaments attended i ot tb® clty- ROOFS FALLS ON WORKER I Mrs. W.m. Oants. Mrs. A. B. Van | the games which were played at the I c*u®8 bare been found by the ELECTRICAL SALESMAN Valznh is president of the society. HOSPITAL CARE NEEDED Armory in Eugene Thursday, Friday ,ocal ° ff,c«r8 W ILL BE TRANSFERRED SUNDAY SERMON TOPICS P“"1 Saturday J. L. Seavey received Injuries which I W R IG HT-M AY W INNERS necessitated his being taken to the salesman tor the Mountain States FOR BAPTISTS GIVEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NEW MEAT MARKET HAS Power company here. Is to be trans­ OF POPULARITY CONTEST Pacific Christian hospital for medical care Saturday when the small roof LATE MODEL SHOW CASE ferred to the Coos Bay offlco of the How to Catch a Man " will be the TO M EET HERE TUESDAY Gordon Wright and Junta May were of an outbuilding which he was trying company effective March 1 It was I ‘be Sunday sermon toplo at the Bap- __ _____________________________ Tb® regular semi-monthly meeting I “dJudged the winners of the Girls to place fell on him. He was not One o fthe very latest model elec­ announced here today. The Coos Bay ,,8t «hurch __________ according to Rev. Ralph trically refrigerated display cases has salesman will coma to Springfield. I MulbolJand, pastor. He has selected nt tb® Chamber of commerce will be IL®**”« popularity contest at the high seriously Injured, but was still In Complained” as the topic tor the h®,d at tb® Community hall on Tues-1 “®h° o1 which ended last week. Both the hospital the first of the week re­ been Installed at the Ralph A 8tanley Mr. and Mrs. Wade will leave this J | ®v«"lng eerrlce. The 8unday school day ®Tenlng according to W. K. Bar- of the winners are members ot the covering from his bruises and shock. store by G. W. Clark who opened a week tor their new home. meets at 9:46 and the Young People neB* P ^ ’ ldent. The program has not Ju” *®r cIa88- meat market In the store thia week. been worked out at this time, but Tb® «"“‘««t was a novel one. It FOURTEEN-YEAR BOY W INS The display case la a Lane county C ITY RECORDER RETURNS I have their meeting at 7:00. the president promises to have some I wa8 8P°n8ored with the Idea of ob- product, being made west of Eugene BICYCLE RACE SUNDAY Interestlng problem for discussion. paining funds for the league treasury hy the J. O. Olson Manufacturing . after SE RIOUS illness lecoi T tire covers and a fee of 26 cents was charge to company. It Is a combination display Robert Neply of Eugene won the I. M. Peterson, city recorder and B O O S T JO N V E N T IO N enter a candidate After the entry Dlnty Moore bicycle race from Eu case and refrigeration box. It Is 18 INDEPENDENT MARKET a supply of painted tire covers _ period had passed the only way to feet long with two display shelves city attorney for the town of Spring- FRONT GIVEN PAINT I cast a vote tor a candidate was to gene to Mcnroe and return Sunday field, returned to his duties at the and In view from the front. Below thia city by outriding several older boys who hall Monday morning after an I ,”h'e' A m e Z n T / " T , adV8rt'a,ng pay a penny. Only tour candidates space Is n large compartment which absence «» — * - - I I t„ be American state absence of several weeks during ''h eid ™ Legion â 7 7 ëëllïs" ëV convention 7 n ’Z Ï 7 i ’7 * "“'’ " T r th8 ,ndepend®nt 8Urvlvcd the first day of the contest were using racing bicycles. Neely Is used for storage of meats and rode a stock model wheel. His time WM, "m . b . n„ s ‘ which -b leb lasted for a week. T b ., „ ___ „ _ ___, other Items before It Is cut for sale. Uon In Portland. Mr. Peterson 1 .1 ' ”' haT® arrlyed h®r® and are white gloss finish this week A» of I the winners and Virginia Christie and for the entire race was 2:61:4. Ed All Illumination for the case Is from spending only part of each day at piocZeds" from X a i X ? * atat1° n ,he wo°dwork In the display windows I Jlmmle West. ward Cobb of Eugene finished second. the outside, six large lamps throwing th . His time was 2:61:8. Edgar Gerhard . . . . I «“ oceeas from the sale of these covers I has also been renalnted T h e hark c i u j the city hall o, tte light directly on the meats Inside. finished third In 3:86. Thia In an strength. lng expenses ot the convention. annual event for I«ane county on painted a tew weeks ago. 1 W ashingtons birthday. j