THUItBDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1931 RAILROAD COMPANY TO FOUR-H SCHOLARSHIP TRY DOLLAR DAY SALE DETAILS ARE RECEIVED Hlashlng rail (area to approximately unn I'nnt a mil« In a spnclal effort tu promote additional travel lh« Mouth ern Pacific company today announced plana for a novel experiment lu so- called 'dollar day" transportation. Just aa merchandise prices are cut lu the Interest of stiopplna activity, so the railroad has arranged to offer n full line of roundtrip travel bargains over Its Pacific lines on two successive Fridays, February 20 to 37, according to Carl (lIson, Hprlngfleld agent for the company. The ''dollar day" sales, featuring loo miles for 11.00" will provide for transportation on all trains, both coach and Ihillman, according to Olson. Ito lurn limit has been fixed at Tuesday midnight following the day of sale. The round trip fare authorises! for I ha special sale la three-fifths of the regular one-way fare. PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TOW N AND V IC IN IT Y ANNUAL BICYCLE RACE PENNIES TO DETERMINE MOST POPULAR STUDENT TO BE FROM EUGENE TO MONROE AND BACK The most popular boy and girl at Further data pertaining to the schol arshlpe to be uwarded by the Inter- j the high school will be known next Plans for the annual Washington's national Harvester company, world­ Visits from Vida Frank Mlnney of W en d lin g Resident H e rs John Wednesday vrben a popularity con birthday bicycle race which la spon­ wide farm machinery makers, has Vida visited friends In Springfield on Downing of Wendllng was a business test now being sponsored by the sored- by the bicycle club of the been received this week. Girls lea g u e as a means of raising Moore Cycle and Toy Shop In Eu­ Monday. visitor In Springfield Monday. funds with which to pay their pledge 100 Heholarshlpa valued at I&00 each Visit at Salam- Mr. and Mrs. J Dexter Resident Hare—Mrs. Davey towards the new curtain In the high gene were completed early this week will be awarded Io Club members lu according to J. Earl Moore, club the United States on the following Fulop spent Munday at Halem where Matthews of Dexter visited In this school auditorium Is ended. leader, he boys have decided to take Mr. Fulop has business Interests. city Monday afternoon. basis. Raising funds Is the soln purpose a 46 mile ride to Monroe and return Rules and Regulations V is its fro m Cottage G ro v e Mrs Jasper Men Hers— Walter Wallace of the contest. It costs tvrenty-five over the Pacific highway. The race 1 Each entrant must he a bonaflde Mac Tonole of Cottage Grove was a of Jasper visited friends In Spring- cents to enter a contestant and this will start from the Eugene Y. M. C. 1 II club member In the year 1931, ac­ visitor in Springfield Friday. field Monday. entitles the candidate to that number A. at 1:30 on the afternoon of Feb­ cording to atate club requirement*. of free votes. After the entry fee ruary 22. Each boy will start at a Shops Tuesday— Mrs. Lee Stevens j Jasper Resident Here—Walter Wal­ 2 Kach entrant must be qualified has been paid the only manner In one minute Interval so as to avoid to matriculate on or before Heptem- lace of Jasper visited friends In this of Wsltervllle was a shopper In this which a candidate may receive any delays. A man will be stationed at city Tuesday. city on Friday. ber, 1932 In a regular agricultural or more votes Is to have someone pay Monroe to check the arrival and de­ home economica college course. Fall Creek Rssldsnt Here— Mrs. E n terp rise Resident H are— Eber one cent for each vote cast. The parture of each of the boys. 3. The records of each contestant lame Smith of Fall Creek was a busi­ Bolin of Enterprise was a business time limit for entries has been set The only requirements for entrance must be approved by the slate club ness visitor In Hprlngfleld Saturday. visitor In Springfield Wednesday. at 3:16 today. Into the race Is that the person be a leader. member of the bicycle club and that Visits Saturday—Vic Castleman of Visits Friends- Mrs. Nathan Chat Basis of Aw ards he register at the store by Friday, The Judges will use the following Jasper visited friends In Hprlngfleld fee of Fall Creek visited friends In CLOVERLEAF SEWING CLUB Springfield on Tuesday. basis of awards In selecting the schol­ Saturday afternoon. HAS MEETING ON FRIDAY February 22. Prizes are being offered the winners and Include such things arship winners: Continues III—Dr C. O. Van Valxah P o rtland ers Hers— Mrs. I* le Bryan ad tires, speedometers, overhauling The 8-A Bearing club at the Lincoln J. Kffort put forth by the 4-H club P.-T. A. MOTHER S CLUB of Portland Is still III at the home and daughter of Portland were visi­ school held their seventh meeting at Jobs, baseball equipment and fountain members In hla or her club project HEARS PROGRAM TUESDAY as Indicated primarily by the 1931 of hla mother, Mrs. A. 11. Van Valxah. tors In Springfield Wednesday. the home of Mary Young on Friday. pens. Members present decided that their 8 pedal prizes were offered to the record, but all previous 4 II dub roc Lowell Resident Hers— Forrest Sta­ Visit at Salem Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Members of the P.-T. A. club which ords must be submitted. This to Kenyon drove to Sulem Sunday to ley of Lowell was a business visitor next meeting would be a Valentine first four to sign for the race. These was recently organised here met Tues­ party. Velma Peddlcord, and Viola weie taken by Eugene members of count 30 points. spend the day visiting with friends. In Hprlngfleld yesterday. day afternoun at the home of Mrs Robertson will have charge. Present the club. 2. Results and accomplishments of A J. Ila vis for their regular program W a lte rv llle People H e rs Mr. arid H ere fro m M cK en zie Bridge - I t . B. for the meeting Friday were Mrs. O. the entrants In worthwhile activities Members of the club meet In the connected with the project, and on Mrs laiwrence Millican of Waltervllle Stevens of Mekenxle Bridge was a H. Jarrett, leader, Lorna Chase, Mary BIBLE STUDY CROUP HAS homes of the various members and Young, Viola Roberteon, Velma Peddl­ the farm. In the hotnu, club and com were Bunday guests at the A. B. Kep- visitor in this city yesterdy. * llaleu to programs broadcast from LARGE PARTY ON FRIDAY cord, Winifred Franz, Ruth Pollard, munlty. This also to count 30 points. ner home east of Springfield. Purchases Feed—L. Coffee of Wal- the Oregon Htate Agriculture college and Faye Hotverson. Refreshments 3. Kvldence of the scholastic nnd Gets Bountlea- C. F. McKelvey of lervllle purchased feed for his stock Approximately thirty-five people at­ over radio station Kt)AC. were served. leadership ability of the entrant. 20 Belknap Springs collected bounties on while In Springfield Wednesday. tended the social gathering of the Tueaday afternoon they listened to points. four bobcats and one coyote at the Women’s Bible study class of the a radio broadcast by Mrs. H. W ITen- Leaburg Resident Visits—W. W. 4. Development of the 4-H club Christian church which was held at tlas on "What to Do When the Child member according to 4-H Ideals as office of the county clerk on Monday. Howman of lx>aburg was a business LANE COUNTY CHAMBER WILL MEET IN EUGENE the home of Mrs. M. A. Pohl Friday Kays, 1 Won't." The next meeting b«lng the Head. Heart, Hands, and Lumbar Worker Hers—Roy Withers visitor In Hprlngfleld yesteday. evening. Mrs. Thomas Patrick was will be held February 84 at the home Health. 20 points, making a total o f Fischer's lumber camp above Mar E n te rta in s F rie n d s — M is . O. F. The regular monthly meeting of the the assistant hostess. Husbands of of M ra I) C Ogilvie when the sub­ o f 100 cola was a visitor In Springfield Thatcher entertained a group of her Lane County chamber of commerce the class members had been Invited ject will be "Dotting the Child to Frtnted application blanks giving de­ Saturday afternoon. friends at a social gaherlng at her wilt be held in Eugene at the Lee- to attend the evenings entertainment Kat." tailed Information are available at the Duke cafe on Thursday of next week. which consisted of old fashioned and Daughter Born- Mr and Mrs. John home on Wednesday afternoon. Members present Tueeday were Mrs ! office of the club agent, II. C. Kuehner. It will start with a supper at 6:30. childish games. Mrs. Marion Adams W Ix-wls of Dexter are the parents l.lllla n Block. Mrs J Fulop. Mrs Wm i at the courthouse. Rainbow People Here—Mrs. George R. C. Kuehner, new Lane county and Mrs. Walter Lazton had charge of a baby daughter born to them at Itodonbough. Mrs Rachael Thatcher. Williams and Joe Williams of the Four-H leader, will be the principal of the games. Refreshments were the Pacific Christian hospital In Eu­ Mrs W E. Buell. Mra II. O. Ftaher. William's Fox farm at Rainbow were I PRIZE OFFERED FOR OLD served. gene on Monday. February 9, 1931. speaker. Mrs. It I*. Mortenson, Mrs. K W visitors in Springfield Tuesday. Ortfflth. Mrs Kdna Yarnell, and Mrs. MOHAIR FURNITURE RELICS Portland People Hors—Mr. and Mrs. E n te rta in Bridge Club—Mr. and Davis. Have you a mohair-covered chair Will Turklngton of Portland were Sun I Mrs. I. D. I-arimer entertained the or sofa In your home? If so, you may day visitors at the Ira W. Baker home local bridg club at their home on MANY CRESWELL PUPILS be two hundred and fifty dollars the In East Springfield. Mr. Turkiuglon Friday evening. Is a former resident of this city. ATTEND PARTY SATURDAY richer for It. Family Return—Levi Neet drove to The Household Bclence Institute, Medford People H e rs — Dr and Mrs. Twenty Creswell y o u n g people, Chicago, offers this prlxe for the oldest Portland Sunday and brought back hls R. C. Van Valxah and daughters. Anne members of the high school class of piece of mohair upholstered furniture MarJor,p of Medford, were week family which has been visiting in the the Creswell Methodist church, came In the United States. The style of large city for about three week. end visitors here at the home of his to Hprlngfleld Saturday to b« guests the sought for furniture or Its use or mother. Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah. Has Operation— Rev. C. J. lik e at a party which was given In their nun use at the present time are nut honor by the members of the freshman Important, providing It Is In good Transacts Business--Mr. nnd Mrs. underwent a major operation for ep- or Fully Equipped aud sophomore Munday school class at condition. The owner of the piece J. M. Green of Eugene were visitors pendtcltis at the Eugene hospital on the local Methodist churcb which Is selected will be awarded two hundred In Hprlngfleld Monday morning. They Monday afternoon. taught by Mra K. I* Mortenson The and fifty dollars and the piece Itself have purchased a small place near Radio Man Hero—Carl Hoffman, evening was spent playing games and will be exhibited with other old time Creswell and plan to move there soon radio trouble man for the Mountain at Dinty Moore’s Cycle and with refreshments. furniture during the World's Fair at i and start developing It. States Power company at Albany, wag Toy Store. Chicago In 1933. In Springfield Monday looking after W e n d lln g People H e re — Mr. and NEW COUNTY DIRECTORY Bprlngftelders who feel that they Mrs T. M Hobwood of Wendllng were Complaints received from local people. Your old Bike taken in on DISTRIBUTED LAST WEEK have something of Interest should Monday morning visitors in Spring trade. Leave for Florence— Mr. and Mrs. I communicate with Mrs. Grace Vlall field. L. E. Hosford left Wednesday morn­ Copies of Folk's lame county di­ Gray, Household Bclence Institute, 7 ♦ ing for Florence where they will spend Returns from Mulino—Mrs. Paul rectory for 1931 wero distributed In South Dearborn street. Chicago, giving the next month visiting with their I Hprlngfleld last week The volume the history of the piece they have In Hchlewe returned Bunday from Mulino son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. which contains Individual directories mind, and all facts concerning age, where she had spen several days G. C. Basford. of each of the towns In the county color, condition, and other pertinent | visiting relntlves. She was accom- | panted here by her sister. Francfes has 24 pages devoted to names of Information. Visit at Cottage Grove— Mr. and February 22nd, 1 P. M. Springfield residents and a short In­ Back of the Institute's offer Is the Cummlpgs. Mrs. Riley Sndograss and daughter, See Prizes a t our store and m ake formative article about the city. Its desire on the part of Grace Vlall Gray, Maxine Snodgrass, spent Sunday at E n try before the 20th. Visits Doctor I-eo Hammer of Wal- Cottage Grove where they were guests business firms. Industries, recreation Its director, to ascertain the longevity Although Innumerable j tervllle was a. visitor In Springfield at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl and outdoor sports facilities, high­ of mohair. pieces of mohair-covered furniture and PVIday. Hammer was seriously In Hill. ways. etc. mohair rugs have seen many years j Ju'-ed and burned last spring when he Class to Sell Candy— The members MR. AND MRS. PYNE TAKE of hard dally service. It Is claimed was sprayed with steam from a pipe that unless deliberately Injured no which broke at a sawmill where he of the junior class at the high school Phone 900 EUGENE 12tì W 8th St. TRIP TO IDAHO POINTS Instance has yet been found of a mo­ was working It was necessary to will sell candy bars and gum to the graft large sections of skin to his public during the University high Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Pyne, for hair fabric ever wearing through. back. He has not been able to work Springfield high basketball game at History does not tell Just when It inerly of Springfield, are now In Idaho since the accident and was in Spring- the local gymnasium on Friday eve­ was first discovered that mohair—the where they are visiting relatives. field Friday to see his physician. ning. Their address Is Hazelton, Idaho, care long, silky fleece of the Angora goat— — ■ _ ......................- made exceedingly beautiful and dura­ of Wm A. Pyne. Mr. and Mrs. Pyne have spent the wlnther months at ble fabrics. But this It known; mo hair fabrics are of great antiquity and Yakima since leaving Hprlngfleld. have always been looked upon ns rare and valuble. Prior to 1881, when BAPTIST LADIES AID HAS George B. and Louis B. Goodall of I ALL-DAY MEETWEDNESDAY for weaving mohair on power looms, the manufacture of mohair velvet was Members of the lxtdles aid of the largely confined to Germany aud Baptlat church held their monthly all- Franoe. where It was made by hand. They alone are “eligible” for this special at day meeting at the church yesterday. A short business meeting was held EUGENE MEN ORGANIZE and the balance of the day was de­ NOVEL EXERCISE CLUB voted to sewing. A covered dish din­ ner was served at noon. How'd you like to go for a snappy bicycle ride at 6:00 o’clock In the in - morning three times each week? for Your A group of Eugene business men are forming such an organization and Just break the news that you have the most lejritlmate excuse in take their enrly rides about town In the world to get the morning or afternoon off. either before or after their breakfasts Kruschen Balts— (a perfect combina­ depending upon the time they arise. It ’s almost play to keep If folks are curious, tell them to read this message. Then they'll tion of the six mineral salts your body The group Is known as the Morning lawns in condition with should have Io function properly) know Breier has brought these They held purify your blood of harmful acids, Bicycle Exercise club. these lawn mowers— they and aid the kidneys and -bowels to their first ride Bunday morning and run so easily. Finest quality throw off waste material—the chn- have chosen Bundny, Tuesday and obtainable, guaranteed to tlnual formation of which Is probably Thursday aa the regular (In y if for Finest productions of re­ give perfect satisfaction the cause of your fat. liable manufacturers only. In this modern age of ltetng. Its their rides. and exceptional service. J. B. Moore, proprietor of the Impossible to get these salts from the Everything we sell is guar­ for only Our entire stock of Lawn fancy foods you eat—but don't worry Moore Cycle and Toy Btore In Eu­ anteed to give satisfaction Juat aa long as you have Kruechen gene, has agreed to furnish the bi­ Mowers and Garden Imple­ The mill made up a dup­ Halt». 1 and good service. . ments have been greatly licate order in error, on Take a half teaspoon every morning cycles for the first ten men Joining reduced in price— every­ which they took their loss. the group. There are still three or before breakfast In a glass of hot thing a real value. Prices water—little by little that ugly fat four of these bicycles which are avail­ Besides, our garden im­ We made the lucky buy. New toes and lasts. In two-tlos and one disappears, you'll feel better than ever able to anyone who may care to $6.75, $7.85, $9.75, $11.75, plements are so priced that strap, also Opera pumps. Heeia In keeping with fashion's Intest liefore—years younger, more energy. $12.50 and $14.50. use them. dictates. Plain trims, contrasts and inlays. Smart. 3*4 to 8. You’ll soon possess that enviable you will make a decided beauty, clear skin, sparkling eyes, su­ Grass Catchers Saving buying here. perb figure which only perfect health PASTIME CAFE PURCHASES can Impart. DEPT. STORES An 86c bottle (lasts 4 weeks) at NEW ELECTRICAL SIGN Ketels Drug Store or any progressive druggist In America. Money back If Another modem Neon sign was Kruschen doesn't convince you that It add '4 to those already hanging In this Is the safest, quickest, easiest way to city Inst week end when the owners lose fat. Paint Furniture Hardware A Hartford woman writes. "I’ll tell of the Pastime enfe had a new red Eugene 9(18 Willamette the world Kruschen Balts Is wonderful Neon cafe sign hung over the sidewalk stuff to reduce." An Ohio woman lost In front of the eating establishment 10 pounds with one hottie. W hy N ot Get a N e w B ic y c le Like T his—Only $31 .45 $ 3 4 .9 5 Bicycle Race Moore’s Cycle and Toy Store For the Gentler Sex BREIER’S Lose Fat VICTORY SALE Safely and Quickly E veryth in g Real Value Herschel G ard en N eeds Lawn M owers N E W SP R IN G SH O E S $2«98 $ ^ .9 8 ht & Sons