L PAGE FOUR T H E SP R IN G F IE L D N E W S Published E v e ry Thursday at S p rin gfield. iJtne County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E SS H . E. M A X E Y . E d ito r E n tered a« second class m a tte r. F eb ru ary 24. I a t the poatoffice. S p rin g fie ld . Oregon. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One Y ear in Advance _____»1.76 T h ree M onths ... 75c The legist latu re ha« been asked to m em orialise the postoffice departm ent in regard to better air n„. undersigned a d m in is tra to r w ith mail service for Oregon. Thia should be done, the w ill annexed <>r it»«' estate <»f Member« of the Inks olrcle of the Oregon, outside of Portland and Medford, r e - , ceives very little benefit from air mull at present Coj|rt tor l4MW C()UUly state oj un­ women** auxiliary of Hie H- A II w ill due to th e delay in reaching these term inals by g „ „ , and th - saute ha» been set tor sponsor a s liv er lea and musical |>ro rail. T he B ennett airw ays flying a reg u lar a c h e d -' hearing and tor fin a l »etU em etii of gram to he held al the Eggim ann ! ule in W estern O reg o n 'co u ld very well supply na.d ^„uuty“^ Ro«n. tn candy p arlo r k n u a v afternoon In honor of Abraham Lincoln's b irth d ay Mrs j this service which we now lack. It is a m atte r lh(, t ourt House, at Eugene, Lane E d ith Istxlon. president of the circle, “ postoffice departm ent recognising o u r county. oregou, at ten o'cloek in the of * the toreuoon of stud day Any person and Mrs Hugh J o llff. an- l b - com needs for air mail. m llle « In charge of the event T he Itsvm g objection« to ssltl Until account Is hereby u o tlile d to file lli>' stunt- DR. BERTHA DAVIDSON Osteopathic Physicien 204 I O <>. Telephone 3266 E Temple Eugene, lire . A C ottage Grove cow feel in a well and had ill w ritin g w ith the C le rk of ssltl Court hours w ill he fro m 2:0« Io 6 00 o'clock to be lifted out with an au to w recker. Seem s on or before II»«» lliu o set 'o r hearing. Estate of Baneham B. D le ti, T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 12. 1931 It lltH IS T A li. like they have ingenious m ethods of w atering Presum ed to be Dead. DENTIST A d m in is tra to r w ith the W ill A n ­ N otice Is hereby given th a t Mury | WOULD REPEAL STATE PROPERTY TAXES their milk at the south Lane m etropolis nexed of the estate of lla lv o r K tlte l 1). S h e rrill has filed In the County who lo r t h . past t h r * * y *a ra has One bill in tlie legislature would ta k e front the ! sen. deceased. t ’o n rl of the S ta le of Oregon. In and opsrstsd « te P a rk e r 9 y e t*m Donald Young. Eugene Oregon for la in - County, her p etitio n alleging sta te the right to tax real estate h a v in g this | D ental offices In Eugene, h a * A tto rn ey for estate. that h er b ro th er. Ilanchum H D ie t*. perogative to the counties and local units of i F 12 1» 26 M.5.12 Is presumed to lie dead, a« none of I o p -n rd o ffic e * of h i* own at governm ent. Tilts is the so rt of m easure we . Ills brothers o r sisters have heard I 022 W IH s m s tte St. E u g .n o , op- think in principle should be adopted in practise. I fro m him for more lhan ten y e a r, that i N O T IC E O F R E F E R E E 'S S A L E posit« »he Rss T h e s tre , T e le ­ he was «resident of l.ane County. However, we do not think th at in case of etnerg-1 UNOER DECREE phone 241, E a *m ln a tlo n a P re *. Oregon, when Iasi heart! fro m , now | N O T IC E Is hereby given that the , ency the sta te should be deprived of this pow er | owns personal p ro perly herein anti underalguetl by v irtu e of a decree of because all bonded indebtedness of the state is 1 the C irc u it Court o f the S ta le of Ore asking (hat an a d m in is tra to r of Ills secured by the fact th a t the state has pledged gon, In and for Iain « t'o u u ty , made estule be by the Court appointed and filed In said court on F eb ru ary 4 . 1 W hereupon the Court has .qii-olntcd real property a s security. In practise though I 1931, in a suit w herein Robert La. W are. and fixed It-n o'clock Itl the forenoon th e sta te m ight levy its taxes on incom e, in­ PLEASANT PLACES W , F ra u k lln W are, E ffie E. W eber, of S aturday, I he 28th day of M arch, tangibles and o th er sources. This bill, like most A ay .. .. these A drive drive up up the m e new new W « > lllam ette t i c • V . . . hlghw M ae ’ Robb.,,«. h u la M 1931, at the courtroom th e re o f In Ett — — . — - * — I k t M, t I other m easures, is deficient in taking care of the days oifers one a new view of O regon s n a tu ra l u ’urv. Surah W urv. Henry gene. Oregon, u h the (lin e and place situation. T he real way to relieve real property beauties. A little spring sunshine and ^eil^ Wvbvr. h. W ilnoti, O r w r Kobhini» fo r h earing evidence concerning the of som e of its burdens is to quit taxing it by like telling the w orld again that we live in Clod a 4IHj m i>«y a rt, p la in tiff« and J urn«« alleged abaence and Ihe clrcumstunci-s and durutlon thereo f illie W J W arn are and a n il M .Milin- M a a re r e urv a r c defend d e fen d so m any different bodies. country. W II D IL L A R D . ants. which said decree la recorded When he was hardly m ore th an a hoy my In Vol. 36 of (he Jou rn al of (he afore County t 'l- r k . GROW LESS—G ET MORE F 12 19 26 M 6 12 friend Jim Derieux. one of the editors of the «aid C irc u it Court beginning on pane T h a t is the title of a little pam phlet which has Am erican M agazine, was seen-tary to the gov­ which decree 1» hereby re fe rre d to for g re a te r p a rtic u la rity Ind 1» here just been got out for free distribution by the ernor of South C arolina. U N IV E R S A L M O R T C A O E C O R P fe rre d to and made a p art bereot Federal Farm Board It is wortli every farm er s T here w as a brilliant young chap in the sta te re and which decree d irects the und er­ adm inistration who at the age of tw enty-six held signed W elby Stevens as the re fe re e while to read it. BONDS if any proof were needed that the less oi any the office of assista n t com ptroller, lie had not herein, to sell the re a l p ro perty here crop were produced, the m ore actual money the intended to run for the com ptrollership. but a u after described, at public auction to W . P. T y *o n , Agent llrth o g o n Lenses mude grow ers would get, it is furnished in the figures political faction organized to head him off. This the highest bidder (o r cash In the P h o n . 56 W 126 E St. m anner provided by law fo r sale of which the F arm Board cites. Every farm er real­ m ade him m ad, so he did run and w as elected. O ctagon shape aro real property uuder e xecu tio n and izes th a t when potatoes a re scarce in the m arket After holding office for only six m onths he said decree fu rth e r provides that from very a ttra c tiv e . he gets a higher price per bushel. \ \ hat m any asked for an interview with the governor. the money received upon such sub- EUGENE there be firs t fetid the expenses of do not realize is th at the price per bushel is so ‘•W hat’s on your m ind?" asked Jim. such sale, bringing abstracts down to FU RN ITU R'. HOSPITAL m uch higher, in tim e of scant supply, th at he ‘ I am going to resign." date, Including referee's fe e * and coat* I ’ p ho lslerln g l(,-finishin g R e p a irin g actually m akes m ore money on his small crop and disbursem ents of suit togethei •W h y ?" O P T O M ¿ T R I/T Screen and a ll kind-- of m ill work th a t when he grow s a large crop. reasonable a tto rn ey 's tee of I I'll II tell ICII you Vl»ll presently. p R W IIU J . ’ | w ith “ a ittwt.ur.M ir wnwi 14 W i f T ft™ AVfe C E C IL C A L K IN S . P ro p rie to r T he potato figures are the ones the Farm Tht-v w ent in to the governor’s private room , »36« oo and the balance be applied 561 ’■ » W e a l E ig hth Phone 402 Board uses. In 1928 the United S tates had the and H e young ................... h l. ( ^ « " s > '» » - largest potato crop on record — 463 million The governor was am azed. w ith in te re s t thereon a t 8% fro m July bushels. T he average farm price for potatoes “W hat’s the m a tte r? " he exclaim ed. “ 1 th o u g h t' t jggg untl| puj.i ln , he BUni af “ I am ,” said the young man. " T i h n n a t t ' a s ju D r. J O S E P H I N E C . B R A U N In 1925 the potato crop was sm all—only 321 »829.43 w ith Interest thereon ut S', trouble.” million bushels. As a result, the average price t i l l l I i u don't o n r uuuci suum . d .” per annum from Decem ber 1. 193b “ But un d erstan was a full dollar higher than in the year of the Naturopathic Physician “Well G overnor you know this office th at I u ntil paid and the balance. If any be big crop, or $1.66 a bushel. T he farm ers received hold i » 's ,,d g h „ „i-aaan . ptoce- h r » ’- » £ K 337 milion dollars for less w ork and less expense seven years old. and Il s a very pleasant pl*. e Wrht.t (| First N ational Bunk Bldg ___ _ r _____ _ Isabel W ilson. M ae Robbins. th a n when they got only five-eighths as much. 2_' Springfield j __ 1 ov»l «xftMltzl I Lulu .slat V I I Day and ja m e a J. W a re , »hare indeed. I I am afraid of it it." ** M. Of course, crop reduction won t w ork to in­ P e was afraid he would settle down and be- and share alik e. R e s id e n c e 143W Phones: Office 73.1 crease farm prices unless all, or m ost of the come too contented. Afraid th at, w ithout hard Now th e re fo r., the undersigned ref ( t i n t t o o v r . r t n n u e r ,,ree In conaldi-ratlon of the foregoing farm ers in a given district, growing the sam e nroblem s to tackle and ste m duties to c o n q u e r., actin g as such re feree w ill ou Office hours: 1 to 5 P. M comm odity, agree to cut down their acreage. One he Would get flabby and soft. Afraid th at al und Saturday, the 7th day o f M arch, 1931 of the results of the cooperative system which forty he would w ake up to find him self a lazy at one o'clock I*. M. on aatd day at Residence 222 B strt*ei the Farm Board is charged by law to inaugurate, office holder with no am bition and no hope. ' the fro n t door of the L e a . County is a wider exchange of inform ation am ong V, . . 1 x « in tin» n lA M A n t 1 Corn! H o u s e lti Kugvne, Lane < ounty. Nobody under fifty shou d b I • , Qrt.goni o ffe r fo r «ale at public auction farm ers, and a better m utual understanding, so a place. to the hlgbeat bidder the follow ing th a t it should be easier in the fu tu re th an it has R obert Updegraff* w riter of business ar- dencrlbed re a l p ro perty: been in the past, for farm ers to agree to reduce tid e s, uttered a profound business tru th when he . South h a lf o f .o u th h a lf .rf .e c H .« their acreage in w heat, corn, cotton, potatoes or counseled: "N ever com plain about your troubles, a?re. hereinaner the other staple crops, to the advantage of all. They a re responsible for the g re a te r p art or youi i ref(>rr, . j to a * D escription No. 1. Few er acres under cultivation, larg er yields e ” I W e it h a lf of N W *« “ f Section 29; per acre, a re the only secrets of real farm incom Candy put up in appropriate baxett mnkt-s the best Almost any one can hold a job which presents South h a lf of N o rth h a lf and north alf of «,uth south half h alf of ae.-tion section 30 T Tp. ____ prosperity. no difficulties: hence such jobs pay sm all salaries, h half o. valentine. A world of m eaning is expressed in a box of 18 S. R. 3 W o f W . M 400 acres here­ E ggim unn’K nrsortt-d chorolales. Years of ex|M-rlt-nee in B ankers of the country are flooding congress Men a t th e top are paid for th eir willingness to in a fte r re fe rre d to as IX-scrlptlon the candy bushless is behind every chocolate drop. with telegram s protesting the paym ent of the accept responsibility; for the problem s th a t they No. Lot 2. 4 Block 1 G eorgetow n ; Lots 1, adjusted service certificates, which were m ade six tackle and th e difficulties they lick. 2 and 3 of Block 1. G eorgetow n; I>ots King David w rote: “T he Lord is my shepherd; 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 4 of George­ A big selection of sw eets for your Sw eetie, nw aits years ago to equalize the soldiers pay during the I shall not w ant. He m aketh me to lie down in tow n, h e re in a fte r reforred to as De­ world w ar with th a t received in civil occupations. you here. tio n No. 3. They fear this paym ent would affect the bond erecn p astu res; He leadeth me beside the still scrip Lots 1 and 2 of W lllo w d a le , a plat m arket. We recom m end to the baJikers th a t they w aters B u i w hen David w rote .h a , he w a , a fu g itiv e . 5 ^ * ^ - read General P ersh ing’s book on the World war from Saul. He was fighting through the wilder Registered T itle . and then tell us w hat the bond m arket would '• * ’ “ T h e aforesaid premises re fe rre d to be like today if the soldiers of th is country had ness, pursued by enem ies and wild beasts. The aa D escription No. 1 w ill lie subject ’’Where the Horvh • I» Hlffereof' green pastures and still w aters were all in his not rendered the high type of service for which to a m ortgage In fa v o r of Federal Irand Bank of Spokane, W ashington, they now seek pay. Tell us also just w hat serv­ mind. He never did reach an entirely pleasant place. in the sum of »1500 being the m ort ice the bankers have rendered the United S tates recorded on page 72 of Vol. 52 and haven’t received pay for. and also why a Even when he becam e king his life was full of gage o f the Record of M ortgages for Ixine problem s, disappointm ents and hard work. But sim ilar protest w as not m ade when hundreds of C ounty, Oregon the am ount unpaid on millions were being paid the railroads a fte r th e his soul gave birth to songs th a t are am ong the said m ortgage being the sum of finest »? all the ages »1453.91 w ith in te re s t thereon since v.a IT. Six Months --------------------»100 Single Copy .............- 6 c Dr. A. T. Oberg ron 8$ è $ 3 OR E C.MEADE aav, o ew » v V alentine Favors F G G IM A N N ’ S the Red Cross Calls the 16th day of N ovem ber. 1930; the aforesaid premises specified aa De- scriptlon No. 2 w ill be sold subject to a m ortgage thereon In the sum of »3000.00 in favo r of Eugene Loan and I Savings Bank o f Eugene, Oregon j which said m ortgage is recorded on page 84 of Vol. 70 o f the Record of .Mortgages for laine County, Oregon, the am ount unpaid on said m ortgage being »3000.00 w ith In te re s t thereon : since the 16th day of N ovem ber, 1930; the aforesaid premises specified as D escription No. 4 w ill be sold subject | to a m ortgage thereon In fa v o r of [ Ib -n ry T ro m p and Blanche T ro m p lit the sum of »1600.00 being the mort j gage registered on page 191 o f Vol. 13 ; o f C e rtific a te of T itle s fo r L an e County, Oregon the am ount unpaid : on said m ortgage Is »1600.00 w ith In i terest since the 2nd day of Decem ber, i 1930, said D escription No. 4 being registered title ; D escrip tio n specified as D escription No. 3 w ill be sold free from all Heps except special assess­ m ents fo r public Im provem ents levied by the C ity of Cottage Grove, said sale to be a t public auction and term s o f sale cash, subject to co n firm atio n o f said court and possession of said | p ro perty to be d elivered to the pur-1 chaser. W ELB Y STEVENS. Referee In Partition. P.6 12-19 2# M .6 i Backache Leg Pains I f G e ttin g U p N ig h ts, Backache, fre q u e n t d ay c a ll*, I-æg Pains, N e rv ­ ousness, or ouiiimn* Burning, due to fun ctlo n- Ouancaas . a l Bladder Irr ita tio n , In acid condi­ tions. makes you fee l tired, depressed and discouraged, t r y the Cystex Teat. W o rk s fast, eta rta c irc u latin g th ru the system In 16 minutes. Praised by thousende rapldm nid^osttlve ac- tio m 'D o n 't g ive « P -J 1/ ™- nounced Blss-tex) today, under the Iro n -C la d G uarantee. M ust quickly a lla y the*e condition*, Improve te s t- fu l sleep and energy, o r w w f backs O nly toe a t KETELB DRUG STORE 6th & Main Springfield, Ore. | li e Electricity brings you Hot and Cold water at a turn of a faucet M Jim are already using electricity or i f you vou are «re within reach of a - ver fin line, yon can’t afford to waste _ ime carrying water. Why spend yoor strength on a hard task that electricity can do at so small a coat? A pomp, driven hy an electric motor, w ill deliver running water to any part of the house— wherever you Want i l An eiixlrw water boater will snp|>ly all the hot water yon eon use— instantly— al any hour o f the day or night An electric dishwasher will save many hours of unpleasant labor during the week. And there are many other way* tn which electricity helps and (-cono- mir.es on the farm— thus saving yoor time and strength for more profitable work. Mountain Slates fe"*® Power Company -Vatin easTME** KklZy in raocutig ­ e