T THVR8PAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1U31 T in ? 8PRINOF1EI«D NEWS ■v PAOE TITREE T 7 “ T h e re la nothing to explain—-^ h Ing I want to hear “ “You don't mean that—I t ’s not like you to be herd and cruel— ” She tried to free herself. “Let me go. You end 1 have fin ­ ished with each other.” "Yes.” He released her wrist, but now she made no effort to leave him; knew , . , Oh, Julie, let me explain— let me try to explain— " there was a haunting sadness ln his eyes that held her against her will. K o k H Al JO -Good M ilk Cow, with N O TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T TRADE- btandard « tube ele< "But there la still Chlttenham,“ he flrwt valí, UuuriiMvy and Jurany G ,^ 'c h .." m h a m ° a N eU uuT‘to make I “¿ |_Ch' U ‘’nham The undersigned, Executors of the trifled radio sot for wood. Call said very quietly. ««•xed, almi one gentle home, weight estate of Hugh M. I ’rlce, deceased, Eugene 1269J. Julie Farrow lore blme, Intending t o 1 y‘ Julie tried to speak but no words 1660 puututa. Lilin Anderson, City have filed their Final Account In thu ! '~- " I'll go with you,” Blm said at once, would come, and before she could re­ throw her over In revenge for the aul N O T IC E TO C R ED ITO R S hall. y ■' m utter of aald eatate with the County Nolle« la hereby given that the un cld<* of hl» brother Rodney, whom anil looking at Chittenham ’s white sist he had drawn her down to sit _ | Clerk of Istue County, Oregon, aud un order has been loud« and entered deralgned has been duly appointed J,,lle 1 “• * ' * t -He succeeds, but finds face, she hated herself for saying: beside him on one of the seats over­ N O T IC S TO C R ED ITO R S of record by the Couuty Court of Adm inistrator of the estate of killxu Giat h® has ,a ,,*’n desperately In love •‘ Perhaps It's good news. Perhaps looking the sea, and was holding her deceased, ---------— and uu> W*G> her himself. When he discovers Nolle« la hereby given that Die un aald Couuty directing this notice and belli L. Kennedy, -------------------- , she la recovering her sight.” hand In both bis. persona Itsvlug claims against l " ut 1 WUB no' this Julie Furrow, but deralgned has been duly appointed uppolutiug Saturday, the 7lh duy of and ten lh*’ * a,d UB,al" are hereby required her ‘ 'main of the same name, who had Adtnlnlulratur of the eatate of Christ February, 1931, at the hour ot "I hope so. God knows, 1 hope so,” '•'.Ve've been searching for you day ob- lo ir« »« ut aald claims, duly verified driven tils brother to derth. But Giles 1*. M iller, deceased, and any and all o'clock A. M for the bearing of Cbltienham answered. and night, Julie— It seems a lifetim e us by luw required, at the office ol Ib married, to an American girl named peraoua having claims uKUlnal the aald Jac t Ions to said account aud the settle But It was something very d iffe r­ since you went away— ” Frank A. Det'ue, attorney for the i hiadl® Harrow, with whom he has not eatate are hereby required to preaeui meet of aald estate. Haler thia 8th duy of January, 11131. estate at Hpriugfletd, Oregon, iu l«auu j ***«4 for a long time. Sadie unexpect ent. Early that morning. Just as It aald claims, duly verified ae by law H er lip curled scornfully. County, Oregon, within six montha '",,y turn ’ «P *« London, at a party was getting light, they had found JO H N M PRICK required, at the U w oUlee of my At “A life tim e' only two weeks— ” from the date of this notice. 1 4 1 (Jllea' mother’s house, but both keep JEHSE A F O U N T A IN torney. H. H Slattery, 717 W illam ette Sadie lying on the pavement below "Sometimes two days can be an Haled February 7th, 1931. silent about their marriage. ktreet, Eugene, In Isiuu County, Oro­ SUM M O NS L. E. D A NKS, Julie, disillusioned, entera Into the her window— quite dead. eternity,” he told her with unusual no«. within ala montha from the dut» In the C irc u it C o urt of the State ot Adm inistrator of the estate of Elizu wlld n,sht life of London to try to of thia notice. " It must have been an accident— " eloquence. He did not heed when she Oregon for Lane County. led li L. Kennedy, deceased. " drown her anguish. I^w re n c e Scho I’-*L««1 and first p u blication January U. B. Brundage. trust««. Plaintiff, tried to interrupt him; he went on Frank A. DeFue, attorney for estate wants to m arry her. Lombard they told blm for bis comfort. ” 8he va. F.1Z 19-26 -M.6 12 I who had flr8t ln‘ rtduced her to Chit­ must have tried to open the window— rapidly: pablloattoi, February Ulysses W Kllm aker and Itulh L. tenham. demands money from Giles the nurse had left her alone for a “So much seems to have happened Kllmaker. Ills wife, Frances A. Ell In tne Circuit co u rt of ths State ot w ,lh ihe threat that If he Is not paid few minutes— and we think she lost , slnee • • • «'“ ce you and I parted, maker, a widow. The Hunk of Coin Oregon for Lang County, CHIUS M MILLER, be will tell Schofield that Chlttenham merce, Eugene, Oregon, a corpora­ L. G. IIE L U H i .K , l'la in lift, Adanlalnatrntor of t h e r e la te „ f , and Julie spent the night together on her balance. Last night she was quit« You kn<>w— " he "'«PPed abruptly, Christ r, tion, trustee, Ruth-Itobertaou Fow­ deceased Address on aKail1 wlth quiet dellber- ______ __ .. - t ,,,, - I Versus the St. Bernard l 1asH. L ater Julie con- cheerful and hopeful, and looking for ' on*y 10 t H F. U No. I . Engeo«, tirgeon i . . h . « k a,ly * <'" rp.<>,‘“ lou' •■ham ; A L IC E M H E L B G C K , Defendant. fesses to Chlttenham that she loves ward to seeing you today. We are “ Gon. "Chlttenham's wife la dead— H K B u ttery, Johnson, doing business under the To said defendant, Alice M ¡le | him. for Admin- hu re it must have been an accident." * free. lat rotor. name and stylo of the Johnson bock: Yor are hereby summoned to At a spiritualist seance at Giles' Furniture Company. Eugene Planing answer the complaint filed against you mother's house Sadie Barrow, his Chlttenham made no answer and Julle ,ried BP«ak . but her lip , felt J.32 19 F 6 12-19 M ill Company, a corporation, T e rrill presently Blm drew the nurse aside U, I tO° ° ° W to frame “ y ’rOrda' She Iu the above entitled cause uud court w ,,e, suddenly goes blind. She calls NO TIC E O F A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S • Volght Planing Mill, a corporation, within four w«M>ks from the first pub !o *1,m anre her a t the fadl“ K W alters Bushong Lumber Company, llca lto n SALE OF LAND of this summons and If you f“ct Glut she is his wife. Julie, who she would ever have recovered her ' W‘th 3 ' eM e ° f numb€d real,ty' u corporation, F. K. Selvers aud J. fall to answer, for want thereof, has sent Schofield away because of N O T IC E Is hereby given that by E. Bryan, partners doing business Chlttenham's w ife was dead« Sadie plautlff w ill apply to the court for her love for Chlttenham. goes home sight?” virtue of a llrenee and order to the under the firm name aud style of There was a little silence before the 10 haTB County Court of the Htate of Oregon Melvers « Bryan, Neis P. Jorgen­ th e r e lie f asked in the complaint, vlx., 1« despair. Chlttenham follovrs her, j ,ke the buG®rfly she had been, after f«*r ldui<< County mruin January 17, sen, J. II. Bisk«, W lllluin Preston, that Uie marriage contract aud rela hut she sends him away and decide« answer came. 11131, authorising the undersigned ud The doctors were hopeful— but . . . ” 8 f'.W 8hOrt hOUra Ot and C. II Hal««, partuvrs doing busl lion existing between p lain tiff and *»he w ill accept Schofield. She goes m inis'rat nr of the estate of Jennie uess under the firm name and style defendant be set aside aud wholly *° Schofield's hotel. He Is out, but the nurse shook her head. “1 don't i a s u n 8 h l , , e This summons Is served she leaves a note with him. tUlkwood, deceased, to sell at private of Preeton A Hales, C. A. Cords and autiulied. 6 3 T° ‘Ce ‘n 3 dream "he he3rd Schofield's reply la to return Julie's think Mrs. Chlttenham herself ever •ale the laud hereinafter described U. D. MacLaren, partners doing busi­ upon you by virtue of an order of C. 1*. Barnard, County Judge, mad< *> “ 1® unopened. I^ater he calls on had any real hope.” Schofield speaking again. I w ill on and after thu • curred to her to cross over to France. story about you and . . . Giles Chit­ catlon 4941, In Township 17, South. Mountjoy haa been by the County It was only a little Journey, but there tenham. He said that you and he Rungu 6 West of the W tllam etu M erid­ on Uie loth day of December, 1030. c,ue wh, of Julie. Chittenham had told for Lane County, appointed Executrix east line of said claim Forty (40) He turned his sad knowledge that she could oo easily put Bernard. . . ." of October, 1830, in »aid court L. M. ■ i^adio he was going away on business of the last w ill and testament of 7. chains to the Southeast corner of the Travi», inc., a corporation, recovered she turned imnatientlv awav w hen the width of the sea between herself eyes to her “ Forgive me. Julie— I T. Mountjoy, deceased. judgment against F. W. Schultx and \ ,“ T im p atlen tl, away when North half (S i) of said claim ; thence and the thing's front which she desired must have been mad to have believed All peraoua having claims again t West parallel to the north line of Ida Belle Schultx. his wife, defendants ! h<> w‘,uld have ki!""?d her It.” the estate of aald deceased are hereby said claim Forty-five |46) chains, for the sum of 62177.00 with Interest "Y«»u treat me like a child. Nobody to escape. notified to present the uunv duly thence North Tw enty (20) chains, "Forgive you? I don't understand at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, j would think I am your wife." She crossed to Ostend by the mid­ stated aud verified, s i the residence thence East th irty (301 chains, thence day boat ano took a room in a cheap — what do you mean?” In Hprlngfleld, Oregon, of aald Execu­ North Twenty (20) chains, thence from the 13th day of December. 192».; chlttenham frowned, for the sum of |62.19 taxes, aud ' ..., Then suddenly she knew, and the trix, within six montha from thia 22nd East Fifteen (16) chains to the place and for the further sum of 6250.00 as at- D° n 1 unreasonable, Sadie. I little pension which at any rate had day ot January, 1*31. of hegliuilng. Also IxR four (4) and to m ey’s fees herein and the costs and | cann« ' spend all my time with you.” the m erit of great cleanliness. And blood rushed In. a burning tide to her JA N E M O U N TJO Y, the Northeast quarter of the N orth­ there Julie stayed for a fortnight, face. Eecutrlx of the la s t W ill and Testa east quarter of Section Twenty-eight disbursements herein In the sum o f 1 H er drawn face flushed. “ You thought th a t!” she whis­ 638.30 which judgment was enrolled "You would want to. If you loved sleeping and resting, and trying to menl of Z. T. Mountjoy, Deceased. ( M ) . Also beginning at the North­ pered. A. E. W heeler, Attorn y forget. 8b“ — d >■- west corner of Lot Three (3) of said "Yes.” _____ J.32-29-F6.-12-19 Section Twenty-eight (28) running day of October, 1930, and said execu I ", f JOU w<” 1,d rathe’' I d*d ««— " , She never thought of Schofield— it The last streak of sunset warmth N O TIC E OP F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T thence South 14.9« chains, thence East tlon to mo directed commanding me h® began hopelessly; but she broke was too b itter a memory. H e had had faded, and there was a chill wind The undersigned, Adm inistrator of 32.70 chains to the East line of said in the name of the State of Oregon, in offendedly: been the rock in her sea of distress the Estate or Frank Stokes, deceased, Section Twenty-eight (28), thence Iu order to satisfy said judgment. In- blowing in from the sea. Julie shiv­ -o t, KOi E0. Thev alI ..... h. North 14.9« chains, and thence West to which he had always unconsciously leresi, taxes, atto rn ey s fees, costs o f , . ’ g K ’ F haa filed her Final Account In the ered and rose to her fe e t 32.70 chains to the place of beginning, suit, and accruing costs to sell the have 1,ke an anKe’ - The>’ a l> ,1>lDk clung, and he had failed her even as m atter of aald Eatate with the County ‘‘It's cold. I must go.” Clerk of la n e County, Oregon, and all iu Lane County. Oregon; and that following described real property, to ,,la ' * am « beast to you. Oh, I know everything else had failed her. you. and each of you be forever barred “Let me come w ith you, Julie. Now w it: an o-der has been made and entered they think." Then as she felt him And then one evening as she was I've found you— don’t send me away of record by tbe County Court of and enjoined front asserting any claim TUo Northeast Q uarter of the N orth­ move to leave her she caught at his of right, title or Interest in or to walking along by the sea w ith the like this— without saying you forgive »old County, directing this notice and east Q uarter of Sectlou (20) Township ■aid real property, or any part thereof, Twonty (20) South of Range Two (2) “ rm Wi,h her th ,n ' n®rvous hand’ - sunset light >n her face, she met him. appointing Friday, the 27th day of me.” save and except the statutory right February, 1*11, at 10 o'clock A. M. East of the W illam ette M eridian, ln ", 'm ««’r y . Giles. I didn't mean It. He looked ill, she thought, and old! of retltrapGou. “It cannot m atter to you whether I for the hearing of objections to aald This summons Is serve«) upon you Lane county, Oregon, aud the W est I do try to be reasonable, but if vou Arcount and the settlement of said by the publication thereof for four one half of the Southwest quarter of wore In my place— ” Her voice broke, And as her eyes searched his face, it forgive you or not— ” seemed impossible that only a few Estate. i. i . k » . " It m atters everything in the world, succceeslve weeks In the Springfield honthwest one quarter of southeast j Hated a t Eugene, Oregon, this 29th News, In accordance with tut order quarter of Section 17 and Lots No. 1, ■ and abe controlled It with an effort. days ago she had seen him and talked Julie, If there is anything I can do 2 and 3 In 8ection 20 Tp. 20 S. R. 2 "1 11 do »«.'’thing In the world to day of January. 1821. to him— surely months must have for you— anything, anything— to make duly made unri entered by tho Hon. LIDA T. STOKES, fl. F. Sklpworth, Judge of the above East W illam ette M eridian In Lane make you happy, Sadie,” Giles said. dragged away since she' told him he amends for the p ast . . A dm inistratrix of the Estate of entitled court. The date of the first Comity, Oregon, excepting therefrom but In his heart he despised himself must go out of her life. Frank Stokes, deceased. Julie half smiled as she looked at puhll««atlon Is January 16th, 1931. ’ James K. King, D O N A LD YOVNG, And Schofield gripped her w rist him. It mattered so little to her that 4, 1906, by deed recorded Oct. 29,! woman he loved. H e could do noth- 410-11-12 M iner Building Attorney for plaintiff, with fingers that bruised, as he said he had been unjust; he had never had Eugene, Oregon 1906 In Vol. 73 page 94 lAine Count) *«K for Sadie If It was only his love SfiO W illam ette ¡street. God— "ve found any real power to hurt her; forgive­ Attorney for Adm inistratrix. Heed Records, also excepting 23.9» she wanted; that was already In the hoarsely— "Thank Eugene) Oregon. you.” J.29 -F.6-1I-19-M ness between them would be an easy ku T a ’ P' R s A1 f 0 ' ' keepin" for Ju" e' wh" had Dec. 30, 1900 by deed recorded Jan. - » . ... . . * ., Julie managed to laugh. thing. 29. 1910 In Vol. 85 page 249 1-om of hie Hfe perhaps for ever. He kissed “Do you know that you actually She touched his hand w ith sudden County Deed Records. Also e x ce p t' s«dle hurriedly, anxious to be gone, sound sincere?" she taunted him. kindliness. 27-100 acres deeded to laine County hut she clung to him. “I was never more sincere ln my “Don’t let us say any more about for Roadway Dec. 3, 1912 by deed re c -, "Kiss tny lips— kiss mv Ups— ” orded M ay 8, 1913 ln Vol. 102 page life. W here can we go to be alone? It, Lawrence. " I t ’s over and done 72 Lane County Deed Records, also I have so much to say to you. . . .” with. W e'll part friends, shall we?” General I«aw ITactlse one acre deeded to Fred Fisk, Aug He held back from her for a mo- Julie glanced down the almost de­ '•And you w ill came back with me 1, 1916 by deed recorded Aug. 14, 1916 ment then gave way. He kissed her 1. M. PETERSON to England V he asked eagerly. in Vol 114 page 86, Lane County Deed ! lips kindly enough, but with no serted sea-front Attorney-at-Law H e r face grew cold. Records. Leaving 60.67 acres of land 1 ,Vn r m it . n . n . a . i ™ . „ a = i,„ “I f you have anything to say that more or less In said Lane County, w arm ,h or P««8»1«” . a«d she pushed City H a ll Building “Come back to England . I must be said, I hardly think any one him from her petulantly. State of Oregon. Springfield, Ore. “Go away. You don't love me. w ill overhear you. But I am in a never want to go back again.” Now, therefore. In the name of the “But. Julie— your happiness hurry . . H er voice broke angrily. 228 Mein St. Residence 128 C St. Stute of Oregon, in oompllance with Yon hate being with me." said execution and order of sale and She laughed mirthlessly. «2 J m And a storm of tears came, and blt- '•W hy are you here at all?” In order to saUsfy said jud g m en t,, . _ (Concluded Next W eek) "W e have been hunting for you ever Interest, taxes, attorneys fees, costs ,„8” . . Chlttenham went out to Blm, who since you left London.” His aglta of suit and accruing costs. I w ill on Fell a at« Equipment Saturday, the 14 day of Feb., 1931, wns w aiting for him. his face set and tlon was unmistakable; she could feel MASONS INVITED TO PARTY JEW ELER l.sdv Assistant at the hour of 2 o'clock In the a fte r­ white, and his eyes miserable. how his hand shook as he held her Repairing a Specialty IN EUGENE WEDNESDAY noon of said day, at the Southwest " I can’t stand this much longer,” wrist. front door of the County Court House, Springfield, Oregon Julie laughed again. in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer h® told her as they drove away. T t ’e Members of Springfield Liberty for sale and sell for cash, at public an Impossible situation. God only “We?” she queried. lodge of Masons have been Invited to auction, subject to redemption as p ro -! knows what the end w ill be ” But "Yes—Giles Chittenham and my­ attend a Washington blrthday-Valen- vided by law, all of the right, title ' a NELSON LEGHORN FARM FRANK A. DE PUE and Interest of said defendants. F. W. 8 whole world knew the end when. self.” tlne party at the Eugene Masonic Lene County’s Oldest Breeders A T T O R N E Y A T LAW "Giles Chittenham?” The color died temple on Wednesday evening of next Scliultx nnd Ida Belle Schultx, his on Monday morning, after a hopeless of wife, and all persons claim ing by, search along a chain of false clues from her face. "I am Indeed honored,” week. Eugene lodge number 11, and N O T A R Y P U B L IC B. C. W H IT E LBG HO RNB throngh or under them or any or which let them nowhere. Blm and she said with a bitter sneer. McKenzie lodge number 196 are to be either of them In and to said premises. Chlttenham returned to town. 9 P R IN Q F IIL D OR KOON Button Springfield Schofield winced as if she had hurt the hosts for the evening whloh w ill H. L. B O W , Sheriff, Phone S1-P*14 Building Oregon There was an urgent telephone call him. be spent w ith cards and dancing. The By A. E. Hulegaard, Deputy. J.16-22-29-F.6-12 fr«m Sadie's nursing home. Would ''Don't talk like that. I f you only a ffa ir starts a t 8:30. By Ruby „Ujjj, 01 js <- - B U S IN E S S 1D I R E C T O R Y Walker-Poote Cliapsl Funeral Directors (I D . W . Roof | - ..... . M. Ayres