PAGE T W O t i » OREGON STATE NEWS Of GENERAI INTEREST PriadRl Eve«ts •* O m Week Aiierb'ed fee Iwferaatiea ©I Oer Reeder«. THK » » » « K T * •Ac; Butt WfeMat, »«atora wfe-'to wiatur. a artfeer* » i v i * . few« «ra ra*. s n u N c rrc ; T i l l IlH IM V . F E IIlll ARY 12. 1 „ 1 ra w s UPPER W IL L A M E T T E NEW 4-H CLUB PROJECTS , >r a . -»«.»> Ka» H*4o* f art«« -tfe fe —M ay fey «art» PYAay MM*L Fvferury A. at fewr fees*» Tbia 1» tfe» pc.prr tiro» to »t»rl Uvvatorh. poultry snd *ar*«a prn>*l» axnoa* F«mr II clubs agcor*la* to It C Knsfewr. I it mt conaty club l*«4»r Any g ro a t latorwita* In »laiiin * »«eh projects »feoul* rooimunU at« with tfe« trader at onew ar b« I* able to *iv« tnoeb «aluahle Ini'.rmatioa and saslst aacw Ft»» or more taking tfe* o.rnr pw )«rt will n>n»tttat» a (lab at FMaaaat HSS Mi»« A m **« Mot;*** at T u m i »fee. •eecfe«» acfeead at Gaat« Far*, fera*« ber ara» La»' B a ta rter wfetfer tvaafera* fear n t fife» fea* a bad **r*t*. ti» bacato* wrud aa* a*« fervfeaa y»e« » L" t V r ' . f «f T re a t » i i fea» twwa a a» « IH tor t a « saoctfe». la «a J w r t i j feat la «tiU «xwflaeK ta feu tort Arr.n*«tti«ni» b a v a ferra Bud« ah«r«by tfe« torat waaay writt«« fey I hoy so* tfe» boat «aaay wrtttoa fey . «Irl alli fea rlM««a fr«.» tfe« groap Ul m ilt.* A ••■Uiptot« towr of tha marketin* ralabitsfemrwl» In Ho*r,,r CLUB MEMBERS W RITING • Orta* arranca* for tfe« day. an* a ESSAYS ON MARKETING urprisr aMkonfecWMUM regar*!** tfe. i , > will be » a u « » « * later by tfe» club txr*« oumfepr» of Four II club trader At tfe* rfeae* aaa> Gubfi» « f tfe« FI**» «•* l i f i tuteli arfeo«* tfe« toLkowa* Hay— Un tag prua. L a » Portis»« rtffenrv w«r« «fern«* (er tfe* frvofe Fra»i4 m t Ificfe N oto». «Ica ÀUwia. f l < 9 l « j a ; v» a * r w w i f . * » t a i. Man» M alttaa w«r«*ery I!7fee. a*M «ra tM~gae «MOSfev >1»© lir ic a firttl* . rvpurtor I t i . «¿over 111; aet bar. I l l ; « a u •r«aa-»T» Kxat*» La» B aarfeaaa Fbr tfe» i r*R n as* vwufe. • u w iA M . aaur» Fr»« ideat Roferrt Hesxawra* • (m u e rtu - » © l « c . Vko» ¡r»«rt«ct Jack D ora». «—rrtary c « c » -iL > M á . i t a l i c . ■r«e»ir»T. 7> lu M a sery , reporter, C a u l» --» ' « n i i / k H 0 9 t 7». B oot«- l« a a a * Tkafezr M«*» -O z * ta tfeetot. 17 75© t TV Tfe* fi*4e«u*s far tfe» O fi C * U cfeutz*. 1 7 9 7 1 * . raatia« at C o n ----- «ßi» ---------— fr/re 11 H«ary H «ao Laxaba M«*saa to «<*«*. 17 S*© «M aa* **• « * * » »a» • * » 1» to 1» •barra etarrv* for Ftoaaaat HUI : b tfec K etaua. Ka*to Fotot fara*r, ke?» p o « aa* Veraa Wltoy » a a tfe» kili*« a fea*« Cray «a*to. Ita » i a * . > forfeit»* tfe« * a a e wbo “Where Kant Mäet» W«rt—Coo» Hay“ fea» beta cheaea a» tfe» official »lrccaa for tfe* Cova b a y Harbor Jafet to* fer tfe» pabiirtty e v a a itto * . civea la uoaor of Mr» L aella BrM taw aa* Mrs W H Chapia at Mr» brtat'rar'a b o a « Tfe «radar o f to»’ »»•■ Afeoat 15 ladle* « a ra preaeat Jam«« IVari a*, »feo i» trk ia* po»t rradua’« »«»-k — ai — tfe« - Ftoaaaat HUI - “l»»*• Mr* la w r e o c e Goaaler. » h o had h ‘ he local floor m W ednesday evening. The TTiurs ton team won. C attle—Obéira i' r r n , |7 71 © I J*. H 0* a. Tfee Iralto» eit? coaaell » lii fe* a»ke* by traala»M mea to call a »pedal *!«<- ttos to roto oa a llb » * t* boa* ts»a» to bail* a fen*«« acroM tfe* Cviambia. Tfe. Her K G O Groat of Cotta«« hi« >&th birthday i i ta ^ t— u u G totw i «F-44 M»t b la a birtfetoy cafe» »a* flo»era. After year* of effort oa tfee part of revi*«:.’« of Arlln«toa the aecretary of atoto baa deaicoate* Arlla*toa aa a r«. completed. Mlsa Emma Olaou and Miss Helen with week end M* “ t rrtoaen at Walton Thu Eurnl i*xtar was hostess commonplace, bat the first sign of to the Cloverdale - omm unlty cla b surr.mer, a large r a t t ie .o a k e - ,a a rw Tliursdar of last »e«p .r n ‘ - ___ ported ktltod near M alfort. The Th"rM 3’' ‘Mt W- k « ,h com manity hall An a lM a y m eeting with anafe« » a s found by a prospector, otluck dinner at O'xrn was enpiyed A set of old fashioned gold scaMs by the following Mrs E H Ander u»e.d to pay officials of Oregon Terri- w n. Ml** Beesle Bowle», Mr* W It tory in pioneer days Is Included in the Elliott, Mr* Harry Flab wood Mr* I aaatarlal M a g m^ed lato the pew J G eo b ell. Mr Willl-.m Jame» Mrs United S U tes customs office at A a K H Mitchel), m .-, Grace Mitchell U r 1*- M rw r '<*F Patty, Mrs. L. E Parks, One of the landmarks of Lebanon HI- Frances Park», Mr». D. E. Rine was destroyed when an oak tree on hart, Mr*. I x o Raymond. Mrs. John tlie donation claim of Jeremiah Rai H-ltors. Mrs T H Parks, Mr». Morn ston, founder of fxbanon, crashed re­ Ingstar Ornats for the day were cently. There v u no wind when the Hr* W illiam Anderson, Mrs. Ralph tree fell. Burk, Mrs Kriil Yenney, all of Eu Complaint that som* of tfee coutrac gene, Mrs Cary Ferlng, Mr». E E tors o* the Oregon Const highway In Hlmpson of C resw ell, Mrs. Frank Lane county have not taken out Ore- ftlnges, Mrs Elmer fringes of D exter g'/n licenses for their truck* and auto­ and Mrs Bert John o f P leasant Hill mobiles has been marie to the Lane county conrt. SQUIRREL POISON COST A fire due to the tixploaton of gaa'e REDUCED T H IS SEASON line vapor from clothes ah* was clean­ ing completely dMtroyed the home f l r , y KruiitiHdigger srjulrrel poison of Mary Hansen of Enterprise and wl,) ' •*»» this year than formerly , is ----- now available at Gray's Mrs. Hansen suffered sever* burns and ‘* — ““ that may prove fatal. f'" I store according to o R. Fletch A community banquet that will In­ er, Lane county agricultural agent, clude Marshfield, North Bend, Empire wbr brought over a supply to this and other section* of Coos Bay will let city yesterday. Mrs. Fletcher, assisted by J. F held February 24 In the Marshfield ar­ mory under auspices of the Coos Bay Bran ion, assistant stale mole control ' leader, mixed two tons of the poison Harbor Jubilee committee. bait at Mr. Fletcher's office Monday The Bhovlln iflxon company Is will­ and after checking costs of the ma ing to make full payment to Deschutes l e r l a l , |t w a „ foul)(j that (h<, f| v;! ; county of tax«» that should have been aaeesaed against 4000 acres of timber pound d oth bags of gain which have bee, sellin g for 50« could now ne lands arronsouslF classified as cut­ sold for 40c without loss. over lands from 1920 to 1929. Oi ly one borrower was delinquent In payments on bis federal farm loan January 16, according to W. H. Mc­ Clain of Bhclburn, aecretary of the Forka of the Banttam Farm I»,an aa aocintlon, which handles loans exceed­ ing >170,000. Lambing has atari, d In Bakor val toy and the Hnaku river suction. It will reach Its peak about February 16. With plenty of feed nnd warm weather Misep a r. said o he In good condition. Weather conditions uro unuaually good for Imnblng. Funeral services for Lxwrunce Fish­ er, 20. who (lied at Halem Friday, were held from the Walker Poole chapel In Hprlngfleld at 2 00 o'clock on T ues­ day Interment was made In the Laurel Grove cem elerv. The young man leaves his mother, Mfs ” J. J. F «rtisuvi isher, tiu»*»« three iHoinprM brothers , tnM„ .r, Geor(fp #n(J sisters, Mary and Martha, all of Upper Camp Creek. The feasifettlty of swtaMufeiag fey Grover Walker aad other to <»waer* ia ’ tfee vicinity according to O. 8 F tou h er, Lane county agHcul tarsi agent At tfe« r e p n e t of Mr Walker, botfe LTetcfeer aad J F Branson, assistant »tate mole oontftil leader rMIted tfe* Fall Cr*«k vicinity aod discussed the proposed project with .h« laci / No. 2 ’ . Can 1 Z 72 Buck w h eat Flour Milk Kippered Salmon “Kip" Brand 4 O l/ No. ' 2 Flat Carl^ /2C — All Kinds Small, 4 can* Tail, 2 can* Pure Eastern 9 Ib. Sack ¡5^ | — Sperry* Crown or Kerr’» M Z \ 1C Ib. Sack OUC “Cottage Grove" •* /-x No. 2 Can 1 (J C L ight G lobes NOW oer Sugar W a fe r s i o l/ 60 Watt Each O m C Farina B lackberries FORMER LOCAL PASTOR CAINS REPUTATION AS EVANGELISTIC LEADER Dr Jesse Kellums, former pastor of the Cfertstiar. church In Springfield. 1» rapidly gaining a national reputation as an ev a n g e list Dr. Kellum*, his wife, and his brother. Rev Homer Kellum s, and hl» wife, have formed an evan gelistic group and are now conducting services at the Laurelhurst Christian church In Portland. When the group Is working together. Dr J esse Kellum s prea< hes. his broth er organizes and directs the choir. Mrs J esse Kellum s play» violin solo», George Travis and Virgil Hanson and Mrs Homer Kellum s give chalk has been chosen by the high sebool talks to Illustrate the serm ons. ’o attend the high school conference In Corvallis In the near future. WIFE. GAS. SCARE MAN The Ix d les Aid m eets with Mrs. IN DEAD OF NIG HT John Edmfston on Thursday for an "Overcome by stom ach gas In the illd a y m eeting to quilt dead of night, I scared my husband badly He got Adb-nka and It ended Aea»on a Over but Memory Linger« the gas.”— Mrs. M Owen ‘‘Elizabeth, A lice, Glady», and Rose Adlerlka relieves stom ach gas In Went to the game and they nearly TEN m in u tes’ Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, rem oving old pol troze. sonous w aste you never, knew was Pumps and silk stock in gs are not there. Don't fool with m edicine enough clothes," which cleans only PART of bowels, Hald Betty to A lice and Gladys to but let Adlerlka give stom ach and bowels a REAL cleaning and get rid R ose.” "t all gas! Flanery's Drug Btore. OC 4w O C “Jumbo“ Pound 1 Z /2 C YOU C A N THE CASH YOU NEED—TO SETTLE YOUR OVERDUE BILLS—TO PAY cou anou* la v ic i TAXES —TO IMPROVE OR REFURNISH YOUR HOME-TO 8UY NOW THE THINGS YOU NEED f o J î O COMPIITI PRIVACY • M A I t MONTMtY PATMINT* O w iih in 2 4 h o u r i QUICKLY B E N E F IC IA L L O A N S O C IE T Y TIFFANY BUIIDING, SfCOND FLOOR Cor. W U Ia m *tt* P H O N E , A llghffc Ito. 3 0 4 0 EUGENE. OREGON Licensed by tha Stats. ’fu* P acific T elephone A nd T ei egeatb C omtamv F R E E A IR P L A N E RID E 8EE YOUR CITY FROM THE AIR Patronize the Merchants Iteted below— With each Dollar Purchaae they will give you one Ticket— 30 Ticket« Good For One Ride SAVE — YOUR — T IC K E T S W. C. REBHAN, M. D. IR IS H -M U R PH Y CO. Hurgcry - Gynecology a S pecialty « Formerly Gray's Cash and Carry First N ational Bank Building 8PK1NOFTELD 448 Main Mt. Phone 22 8PHINGFIBLD “CASEYS” SERVICE STATION KIRKLAND FLORAL CO. CAMP CREEK BOY PASSES AT SALEM ON FRIDAY Wlto ,«to«»i bwla* •..(«I in . c tiiw tm « wl’b ib* Mark** i ia* Day pr<«va» to fe» gl*«« |* k » I tfrtu* Hl Fvfevwary 21 All buy* «tri» who fe»v» rampket»* tfewlr Mar kalla* |rt.|« rt aari lu rw rt la Ifeair I —aaya a n lavM rt to »ti««* tfe» pro (r«m bl Whkfe Hau) tfe» WtfeMVs of h* twnlawta •« * tfe« basa»» of tfe,«« («tilo* b ,«,,r«bl* u>«atk»t will h« an lentoMB* There ia w ort In dairy, rail beef, ‘ pi*, an* ■ beep i tuba Crop project» Inclu*« com growta*. potato club, tegetabl« gardenin*. * m l an I fora*« IP . kai'k. 1191k. . u.c«Bfe»rt ar« O '« fe»i! w riuag ortg nal » •••> • aa Marketia* as a part NOW IS TIME TO START “Flower« for All Occaffonn“ 7«h at Main Phone: Hprlngleld 86W HPItINGFIKLD INDEPEN DENT 4th at Main Phone 63 SPRINGFIELD Hprlngfleld STUDENT INSTRUCTION AIR TAXI SERVICE MEAT COMPANY The Home of Moats Lunches. Steaks a Hpecialty 42H Main Hi. /ill ?■ n i i^A gracious ^Vakntine “-your •voice Eugene— Hprlngfleld Bridge MOO’NS GOOD EATS Picnic f« — H E W H O would send thought to some fair lady on St. Valentine’s Day can search far for ■ way to her heart, and fare worse, than by trading his own v o ic e . Inter-city telephoning is a method that St. Valen­ tine never dreamed of, but one of which that gallant PASSENGER FLIGHT8 MUNICIPAL AIRPORT old saint would heartily approve.