I MRS. M ARY LEW IS BADLY IN JU R ED IN A C C ID EN T Mrs. Mary l-ewig. 82, mother of Mrs. H. L. Gillette, of Medford, was badly Injured In an accident In that city Sunday according to word received here by friends of the Gilette family. Mrs. Lewis started across the street in front of the Gillette home to ride to church and In crossing the street she stepped out from behind a parked automobile and was struck by a pass­ ing motorist. She received a broken shoulder, a dislocated shoulder, a broken leg. several broken ribs, and many othei paiiuui injuries. She was resting easily according to the last information received here. TH VJ18PA V. P K IW V A H V 6. 1931 THE 8PRINOFIÏLD NEWS PAOB SIX H O B A R T W ILSON C A R R IES Honor Koli Gains LEADING COMEDY ROLE IN U N IV E R S IT Y SHOW Continued from Page 1 Gun In. Karl House. Bessie Cox. Sadie Gott. Ralph Hlckmau, Jennie Jackson. I Ruth Keeler Neal Pederson. Hattie Clark. Hobart Wilson la to piny the leading role In »he play, "The Single Man' which Is to bo presenled by lb» sin ! donts of the Vnlverslty nt Guild ball on Wednesday and Thursday of next week He takes the role of the don Inatlux bueholor. Il»d up with dosviia of strings of Indiscriminate promises to marry. Ills futile atlempls Io get rid of the gold diggers and the '‘In j fants*' and to hang on to the real woman fill the pluy with hearty laughs. He Is Io he nuppoited by a large east of students. Sixth Grad« Scholarship—Ixuiisa Cowden. June Berg. Jean Lloyd. Attendance— Mervln Mulligan. Dale Robertson. Junior Stelnhauer. June Berg, l.oulsa Cowden, Mary Kritta. Jessica I-awson. Jeanntne Withers, Richard Richardson. Robert Roden bough, Scott Wright. Louise Cogtll. Katie Dutchuk, Lucille Gerber, Jean LloyJ. June Glasfey. ' Sixth A Grade From M issouri Scholarship— Elmer Chase, Roscoe •Whaffo you sharpenin' at raxor?" j Cole. Evelyn Macklin. Margaret Meek. Woman, they « a path o' gemmun s Stephen ftice, Vila Weight. Lois Wll shoes undeh yo bed. If they ain't no SOn. Clarence CJark. nlggar in them shoes ah in gonna | Attendance— Bernice Barnes. Elmer shave»"—Purple Cow. Chase. Roscoe Cole. Gordon Gillett. Floyd Green. Evelyn Macklin. Mar- Good Reason "Hello. Bill: How are you getting *ar^‘t Meek. Stephen Rice, Vila Weight. Lois Wilson. Geneva Wycoff, along at the store T" Qlarence Clark. • *'I got fired." LIFE IN AUSTR A LIA W ILL CARMEL MYERS-W I R AYRDN k MIRIAM SEEGAR^UONuk/fclAMB'- A « K X U M B IA PtCTU&E- Fox Rex— Sunday and Monday "Fired! What for?” LINCOLN SCHOOL “I took a label from a lady's shirt First Grade waist and put it on a bathtub." Opal Roberts, teacher "But why did you get fired for ' Scholarship — Robert Jack. John j that?" Ogilvie, Jimmie S m i t h . Leotha “Well, you see. »he label read: "How Bertsch, Gloria Green. Jule Heiser, would you like to see your best girl Elaine Schaffenberg. Jean Thompson. in this for >4.50?”—The Parade. Attendance—Coleen Daniels. Gloria Green. Harold Becker. John Ogilvie. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE Jimmie Smith. UNDER DECREE NOTICE is hereby given that th e ' Second Grade undersigned by virtue of a decree of Wilma Scott, teacher the Circuit Court of the State of Ore j gon. in and for Lane County, made j Scholarship— iatricla Powell, Rob- and filed in said court on February 4. ert Miller, lone Severson. Gladys 1931, in a suit wherein Robert L. Ware. Pederson. Lucile Melson. Olive Johan- j W. Franklin Ware. Effie E. W eber,(sen. Ida House. Iva Gillette, Thurston Isabel Wilson, Mae Robbins, Lulu M. I ,, .. ., D ., Day, Nettie Ware.>arah Ware. Henrv Evans' I)onaW Baldwin. Weber, L. E. Wilson, Greer Robbins Attendance—Nacv Davis. BiU.v Daw- and F. M. Day are plaintiffs and James son. Flora Bertsch, Inex Oram, Gladys J. Ware and Millie Ware are defend Pederson. Sidney Ward. Lucile Mel- an is, which said decree is recorded ! _i u .. in Vol. 36 of the Journal of the afore 8 D' Olive J°h“ »«n. Betty V Irginia said Circuit Court beginning on page 1 Sherman. BE SH O W N AT H IG H SCHOOL School students In Springfield and ! any others who may be Interested will have an opportunity to see five I reels of motion pletirea of life In Australia at the high gchaol auditor lum Munday morning at 10:30 when Almee Porter, adventurer, exhibits the film entitled. “At the Bottom of the World" which she has taken her self while visiting the Interior of the Pacific country She gives an lllus (rated lecture along with the picture which Is very Important. A ^en-cent admission fee will be charged and all (hose grade schisil I students who are to attend will go to the high school In a testy and will he dismissed fur lutteh from the high i school following the presentation of the film and the lecture. W.O.W. T O HOLD P R O T E S T C O N V E N T IO N AT PO R TLA N D The bead camp protest committee of (he Woodmen of the World will hold a convettilon In the INirtlaiid, , Oregon coutu ll chamber, at the city hull on February 9. at 9 00 a m for the purpose of considering oases« meat« and legal reserve according to tit announcement received thia week from Dan Kellaher, chairman of the protest committee. The committee has decided to call Oils convettilon In order (hat we might .«II gel together and agree on aome concrete plan Ibat would be beneficial io the old mentbaru that have been forieil oul. and Io the socallrd legal renerve members that have been hi velgled Into Inking out Iheuo new pollelea that give them the right to raise tlio rales practically whenever they feel like It, saya (he chairman In Issuing (he call. S. P. V E T E R A N R E T IR E S AFTER 43 YEARS S ER VIC E After 43 years of service with the passenger traffic department of the Southern Pnclflc railroad, all but two years of which have been spent It. t regun, Willis II Jeiiklna, traveling passenger agent, did voluntarily re­ tire on pcualon. February 1, according to word received at local S 1*. offices («stay. # Jenkins' railroad service dates back to February 5. 1888. when he started Io work with the Oregon A California railroad which was later taken over T H U R S T O N BASKETBALL by the Soulliera Pa< Iflc With the ex caption of two years, 189698, spent T E A M S PLAY IN EUGENE at the general offices In Kan Fran liolh the boys ami girls basketball cisco, all of bis service has bean In teams of the Thurston high school Oregon with Portland as headquarters ' will plav against teams from Moore's As (raveling pttasenger agent h< Cycle and Toy store In Eugene at Jack O akia and Jean A rth u r, in a seen« from “ The Gang Buster", tailed this city many lim es and has | the St. Mary's hall on Friday evening a t the Fox M cDonald Sunday a large circle of local frletida who A small ndmlsslon fee will be charged will be Interested In news of his re . The Thurston high school team won to f o 7 p l t e r ^ 7 t i ^ u l X bin d T i« e C rystal^’Irylm 'teacher S E V E N T E E N NEW S T U D E N T S GIRL SCOUTS O RGANIZE tire meat. the first gnme with the bicycle riders u d 'w h ich * d ^ c ^ X X T e S X - j Scholarship-Bobby Pollard. Willard EN R O LL A T H IG H SCHOOL UKELELE CLUB H ERE at the Thurston floor by a score of Jenkins will be 70 years old Au signed Welby Stevens as the referee Bouse. Warren Ingram, Dorothy Stew- gust 2nd 34 to >1. A ukekle club was formed among hereln, to sell the real property here art, Lois Evans. The new semester which began at .natter described, at public auction to Attendance—Jane Apger. Alberta the high school Monday saw the en the Girl Scouts of Springfield Thurs­ the highest bidder for cash in the Kener Dorothy Dorothy Stewart. Jeannette I rollment Increase by seventeen new day of last week at a meeting held manner provided by law for sale o f 1 reaT° property1'under '"executio'n 'and I Sweeney- Aretha Young, Ray Daniels, ’ tudonts. Fifteen <>f this numb ?r came at the home of Mrs. W K Barnell. said decree further provides that from Nathan Fletcher. Frank Stuart. V al-) ° ’ er from »he Lincoln school where Miss Bessie Stewart Is the leader of the money received upon such sale 1 entine Vchytil, Willard House. Warren they had finished their eighth grade the new organization. The new group there be first paid the expenses of ,nKram Harold Mlller MerIe Nlce work. Don Wilson, transferred from will hold regular practices and will such sale, bringing abstracts down to I „ , , _ „ . _ ,. date, including referee's fees and costs ’ Bobby Pollard, Bobby Pugh. Dave ' ,be Vnlverrlty high school, and Ralph appear'In programs with the Girl and disbursements of suit together Smith, William Warden, Wayne Wet Gillette started again after and ab- Scout chorus which Is being directed sence. by Mrs. Barnell. Members of the club with a reasonable attorney's fee of ’ xoll. b /evw A o /> F O X W IS T C O A S T I M I A T I f I S >350.00 and the balance be applied Fourth Grade New classes are being organised to are Frances J« an Lloyd. Velma Peddl And Then on to any taxes then unpaid, then to D on't M i t t accommodate the beginning students cord, Margaret Jarrett. Florence May, Miss Piatt, teacher. Robert L. Ware in the sum of >1150.00 SUNDAY at the high school. Ruth Pollard. Irene Anderson. Jean th is G reat with interest thereon at 8% from July Scholarship—Karl Scott. Bob Davis. Th« Fun and Ixiuks, Colene Cornell. Faye Holver- 1, 1929 until paid and the furthe1* sum Dean Wilson, Robert Nice, Lawrence Stage H it ‘ Irew o rka Begin of >127.89 with interest thereon at . Thompson. son. and Barbara Barnell. Any other LANE INCOM E T A X OFFICE 8% from May 1, 1930 until paid and I girls Interested In Joining thia gToup to W. Franklin Ware in the sum of j Attendance—Jack Heckey, Frank NOW OPEN IN EUGENE should see Misti Stewart or Mrs. Bar >829.43 with interest thereon at 8$i ! Howes, Robert Nice. Lawrence Thomp­ FR ID A Y per annum from December 1, 1930 j son. John Warden Jack Mann. Dorothy A federal income tax collection of nell this week. SA TU R D A Y until paid and the balance, if any be Chase, Lorraine Squires. Midge Wil- Bee for Lane county was opened In divided equally between Robert L. Eugene Monday by Glen McCormick. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES Ware, W. Franklin Ware, Effie E. ; son. F ifth G rid s senior collector for this district. He Weber, Isabel Wilson, Mae Robbins, , PLAN PARTY ON FR ID A Y Lulu M. Day and James J. Ware, share : Mr.. Riddle, teacher. will keep the office open until Feb- —.... * and share alike. Tbe freshman and sophomore Kun- Scholarship—Elsl: Ingram, An gel la ruary 11. The office will be reopened Now therefore the undersigned ref­ eree in consideration of the foregoing Krupka. Helen Lyons, LaVerne Mc­ again on February 26 and will remain ''“X school class of the Methodist and acting as such referee will on ! Pherson, M rgaret Melson, Rose Og­ open until March 15, the final date for church will hold a party at the church Saturday, the 7th day of March, 1931 den. Murlal Tyson, Lloyd Seamans. filing of income tax returns. parlors on Friday evening with Mrs. at one o'clock P. M. on said day a t 1 Attendance — Oliver Adams. Eva Other meetings for the collector are R p- Mortenson, teacher. In charge, the front door of the Lane County1 Court House In Eugene, Lane County. Brink, Bert Currie, Harold Foss. Del- being arranged at Cottage Grove and They have invited members of the high school class of the Creswell Oregon, offer for sale at public auction mas Glaspey, Donald House. Elsie In- Junction City. to the highest bidder the following gram. Anegla Krupka. LaVerne M c­ The Eugene office Is located on the .Methodist church to meet with them described real property: as their guest for the evening. South half of south half of section Pherson. Rose Ogden, Earl Pederson, third floor of the city hall. Robert Perry, Anita Pugh Dorothy ------------------------------ 20 Tp. 18 S. R. 3 W. M in Lane i Short Story County, Oregon, 160 acres, hereinafter Ransdale. Lloyd Seamans, Henry REGULAR M E E T IN G OF There was a young lady who deter- referred to as Description No. 1. Vchytil, Emma W.txell. West half of NW% of Section 29, I LEGION TO BE T O N IG H T mined to save up to buy a fur coat. Junior High HALTED HUSTON South half of North half and north I So she worked and saved and worked PWILLIM HOLMES Scholarship—Barbara Barnell, Flor half of south half of section 30 Tp The regular meeting of the Ameri­ and saved and worked and saved. CONSTANCE CUMMINGS 18 S. R. 3 W of W. M. 400 acres here-t nee May, Irvin Darr, Ethel Hall MARY DORAN Finally she got married and had inafter referred to as Description ! Margaret Jarrett, V dma Peddlcord, can I-egion and the Leglo- auxiliary MAN ARTHUR will be held at the Community hall the fur coat charged.—Saturday Eve­ WILUAM BOYD No. 2. Ruth Pollard, Disque Smith, Edna Lot 4 Block 1 Georgetown; Lots 1, Sev(.rMn tonight. Members are expected to at­ ning Post. 3On' 2 and 3 of Block 1, Georgetown; Lots ! LAST T IM E S T H U R S D A Y tend from Lowell. Thurston and Wal- Attendance—Clair Hadley, Verlln 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 4 of George . , _ i terville. This Is the last day of the Mother__ Marv come upstairs Im A D M ISSIO N town, hereinafter referred to as De­ Posey, Irvin House, Clara Barnes, Eve- „ vioint r m a r i, i„„ c i . .. membership campaign. The members | mediately. scription No. 3. Matinees . . . . . 36c lyn Johnson, Ellen Moskop. Mary Smlt Lots 1 and 2 of Willowdale, a plat (except Saturday-Sunday have been divided Into two teams Mary—But I'm all wrapped up In In Lane County, Oregon and herein- \ ' n’ Paye Stratton, Pearl Wills, Chas, headed by Jack Larson and M. B. my problem. N I G H T S ........................ 60c after referred to as Description No. 4. f'o,e Irvin Darr, Charles Maxwell, Ed- Huntley. The losing side will have Children (Alwaya) 10c Mother—Tell him to go home.— Registered Title. win Miller. Ray Smith, Allen Sneed, MAAUNCOICTKII to provide a feed for the others. I Exchange. The aforesaid premises referred to Carl Stevenson Kenneth Walker, Mil as Description No. 1 will be subject, ,lr„a Tllh„ w __ _ ... ’ . „ to a mortgage in favor of Federal *r, Tuhy' Woodra» Ware' franklin Land Bank of Spokane, Washington. Wardlow> nick Wright, Eugene Ma in the sum of >1500 being the mort : Losh, Essel Adams, Virginia Brink, F R ID A Y and gage recorded on page 72 of Voi. 52 Lorna Chase, Winifred Franz Mar of the Recoid of Mortgages for Lane Haack r t h e i H ull r I SA TU R D A Y County, Oregon the amount unpaid on laa€k’ Ethel Hall> Lols Johan ) OZnewAOrtrOM W twT C O A S T TMIATM IA said mortgage bring the sum of Ben' Thelma Ltpes, Wilma Llpes, Ruth >1453.91 with lnt-rest thereon since Pollard. Edna Severson, Faye Squires, I the 16th day of November, 1930; the Wilmlna Spriggs. Marguerite Warden, W A LLY W A LES in aforesaid premises as De s c r i p t s No. 2 will specified Z sold subject1’ to a mortgage thereon in the sum o f ' Sln,kins' L« aa Stafford, Roy Crandall. 8TORE NO. 1 STORE NO. 3 S3000.u0 in favor of Eugene Loan and ' Eugene May, Lysle Metcalf, Jack Ped- 125 East Broadway, Eugene 960 Charnelton 8t., Eugene Savlngs Bank of Eugene, Oregon erson, LaMoyne Black, Delores Cas- « g ? 8 4 Sai f V o ? W A ? R rded, 0,: ' tee'- ColenP <:° rnp"' « -h e r,I STORE NO. 2 8TORE NO. 4 page 84 of Vol. it) of the Record of . . . . . . . . . , . . I 88-96 West Broadway, Eugene 500 Main Street, 8pringfleld Mortgages for Lane County, Oregon, P l He!terhrand, Marjorie Johnson, SU N D A Y and M ONDAY the amount unpaid on said mortgagi Josephine Jones, France« Keeler, Jean FR ID A Y and SA TU R D A Y being >3000.00 with interest thereon Louk, Ethel Severson, Shirley Smith <6 ^ V f v r e ^ M "8y Noyemb%’ !?30; Pupil" neither absent nor tardy for the aforesaid premises specified as .. . . . . Description No. 4 will be sold subject , he seni, Hter- al> (trades: Robert Miller, —With— M yrtle Brand Genuine Yakim a to a mortgage thereon in favor of Willard House, Warren Igram, Aretha Solid Pack Valley Henry Tromp and Blanche Tromp In Young, Robert Nice, Eva Brink, Bert W A LTER BYRON — CA R M EL M YER S No. 2y2 Can 2’/ ik j Size Can '7 ° / ’ i,600'00 b,!‘n« mort Currie, Harold Foss. Delma Glaspey 1 gage registered on page 191 of Vol. 13 p ’ RAYM OND H A TTO N >1500.00 with In ley, Irvin House, Ellen Moskop, Chas and Beans thrilling—stirring— Intriguing drama of London’s underworld. You and Kraut terest since the 2nd day of December, Cole, Irvin Darr, Ray Smith, Allen will tingle with excitement. Van Camp’s Van Camp's 1930, said Description No. 4 being 15. oz. Can ■ - - - - 1». — ---- — ..... , ■ - - registered title; Description specified Sneed, Franklin Wardlow, D i c k ’ 15 oz. Can as Description No. 3 will be sold free Wright, Essel Adams, Virginia Brinks, from all Hens except special assess Winifred Franz, Margaret Haack, Eu- Cereal Set FREE \EE 'i UFSDAV - W ED N ESD A Y - TH U R S D A Y ments for public Improvements levied gene May, LaMoyne Black, Dolores with 2 packages by the City of Cottage Orove, said Caateel, (Jolene Cornell, Mary Young Post's Whole Bran M o-Bil-Bay sale to be at public auction and terms Pupils exempt from all examinations of sale cash, subject to confirmation 5 oz. Can of said court and possession of said given in all subjects, grade 4-5 7-8: D oroth y M a ck a ill property to be delivered to the pur­ Bob Davis, Karl Scott; 4th grade, Can a woman share her husband's future without making him a chaser. Tillm an's Muriel Tyson, Lloyd Seamans, 5th. I WELBY STEVENS, sharer In her poet? Today’s story of love and the marriage fame. 2 Tall Cans | 5 C 1 lb. Can 36c Referee in Partition Junior high school: Barbara Barnell,: 4 Small Cans 1* lb. Can ........ J0Ç . F.5-12-19 26 M 5 Florence May, Irvin Darr. Fox WÈST C oast I heatres »M'IHISAIJ» chimi „.CODE t JANMÍMG k ex ‘Breed of the W e s t’ Sorghum Tomatoes 35c Frankfurters 20c Shrimp Milk 4 j Q g* Q Famkfurters ¿ \JC 12‘/ 2 THE LION and the LAMB” 25c Coffee “ONCE A SINNER.’’