THURSDAY. FBBRUARY 6. 1931 PAOB FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS • TOWN AND VICINITY • a • • TH UR8TÖN J • TWO GROUPS ENTERTAINED WITH BRIDGE PARTIES This Woman in 4 Weeks Lost 17 Pounds of Fat e e a e The I .ail* » Aid society met with ; Mr. and Mrs. I .arson W right enter- Mrs lllll laal Thursday and quilted j tulned a group of their friends at a Varnell NaaMan, Hara Mr». It. K V is its from Wlnherry II A Mulner and went back on Tuesday afternoon chatterbox bridge party at their home Mrs. lllll served ,,n Monday evening. Their guests In Here’s a letter written October 21, IIIII» of Yarnsll was a visitor In thl* of Wlnherry was a business visitor to finish the quilt Ice cream and wafers after It was eluded Mr. and Mrs. Guy W rlgbt of 1929, by Mrs. Fred Barringer of city Monday afternoon In Hprlngfleld on Tuettdny. Lewistow n, Montana, that ought to finished. Kugene, Mr. and Mrs. I^ w ren ce Mof­ be read by every overw eight woman V is ito r fro m Cam p Crash - ( 'boater | W altervllle Resident Here Arthur Mrs. T eeters from Cottage Grove fitt, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Barber. In America. Nye of Camp Creek «a» a Visitor III Ruston of W altervllle was a visitor In returned home last Hunday after v is it-' Mr. and Mrs. W alter G ossler, Mr. and Gen lenten: I started taking Kru- Ing Iter daughter, Mrs. Nendham, here Mrs. Elton LaHalle, Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ schen every morning as directed as hitrlngfleld Monday Hprlngfleld Tuesday for Hie puat two weeks. ford Wilson, Hr. and Mrs. W. N. Dow. 1 was very much overw eight and V is ito r fro m Riddle <1 K Aiken of I Drive to Canby Itev. and Mrs. Mrs. Lawrence Gossler had her eye and Mr and Mrs. Roscoe Perkins. wanted to reduce. Itldills was a visitor In H prlixfleld the ] Italpli It. Mulholland drove to Canby o p e ra te d on Tuesday morning. I had tried going on a diet but W ednesday night they entertained W ednesday to spend the day visiting first day of the week. Hom one entered the home of Mr another group at a sim ilar party 1 would get so hungry that my diet I would not last long, so I decided to V isits F rls n d s M rs. A. T Mathews and Mrs. Mike T ennis a few days Their guests that evening were: Mr. ’ give "Kruscheo Halts” a fair trial. The Vida R ésidants Hara- Mr. and Mrs ago and ransacked everything. Mr.i and Mrs. W C Wright, Mr. and Mrs. I day I started to fake them I weighed Charleo H astings of Vida were visitors I of H ester vlsllled friends In Hprlng and Mrs. T ennis moved to iataburg Sidney Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Audrey 25« lbs. and at present, which lyi» field Monday. In Hprlngflvld on Friday. som e time ago leaving most of their Fredricks. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Mc­ been Just four w eeks. I w e ig h /3 9 lbs. And I must say, 1 fell better In every V isits from Harrisburg- - Mrs. Ham furniture here. Shops Saturday Mrs. Joe (Jueen of Kinney. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mr. and way, besides looking much better. Mrs. Helen Peterson from Halem Mrs. H. A. Elkins of Portland. Hr. Marróla was a »hooper In Hprtngfleld Fawvor of Harrisburg was a visitor May all large people, both men and In Hprlngfleld Tuesday. la here staying with her mother, Mrs and Mrs Carl Pbetteplace, Mr. and women. who want to reduce In an Halurday afternoon ilarlilt, while Mrs. Lawrence Gossler Mrs. Harvey Mills, and Mr and Mrs. - Vlalts Friend» II. lamdera of G rove Reaidant H a ra - Mrs M Ton- Is convalescing from an operation on Harold Thorpe, all of Kugene. ole of Cottage d rove was a visitor Marcola visited with friends In Hprlng her eye. field Tuesday. lu th is city on Friday. Thurston high school baaketballl NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF LAND Oakridge Resident Her»—Mrs. K team s motored to Vida last Friday » L eaves for California Mra. Anna N O T IC E Is hereby given that by Pyle loft Hunday for a visit at Mon tlreer of Oakridge waa a visitor In evening and played the Vllda girls' virtue n f a licen se and order to the team and l^taburg boys team. Vida Hprtngfleld on Monday. taguo, California. County Court of the S tate of O regon girls won and Thurston boys won. for I^uie County made January 17, Has Minor Operation Richard, the Goes to Paaadana- K. A. Gibbons Mrs Jennie Kdmlston from Kugene 1931, authorizing the undersigned ad­ of route 3 left Hunday for l*asadotia. I young son of Mr. and Mrs J. M Is spending u few days this week m inistrator of the estate of Jennie Hltkwond, deceased, to cell at private California where he will spend some (.arson, underwent a minor operation visiting her children here. sale the land hereinafter described. | ut the office of a local physlrlon. Mrs Arch Hhough and daughter. I will on and after the 6th day of tim e visiting. Injures Foot -J. Morgan of Hlue Putty, went to Portland last Saturday March, 1931. at 202 Tiffany Building V isits Son— Mr and Mra Nate Itowe to spend a few days with Mr. Shough in Eugene and on the prem ises to be I Itlver was I I I Hprlngfleld Tuesday to drove to IMrtland Hunday to vlalt sold, offer at private sal to the party wbo Is employed there. offering the most therefor in cash or Mra. Howe's eon. Nick lam b ert. who receive no«Ileal care for au Injury Mrs Justice and sons have moved | Io his fie)! part cash and part term s the folio v Is In a hospital there. on Frank Taylor's plaee. Ing d en rlb ed lands to-wll: Mr and Mrs. W hltbeck have pur­ Dislocates W ris t Miss F ern Vance, (1) lxjta 2. 3. 8 end 9, Block 11, Laavas for Tacoma Mra, W. T own­ Original town plat of C resw ell, Lane | high school student at Vida, dislocated chased the Garret place and are mov send left Tuesday morning for T u 'u n o County, Oregon. to spend a week visiting friends and I her wrist Tuesday and was In Hprlng Ing on It. 12) Beginning at the NW corner of I Held W ednesday to have It treated Mr. and Mrs. John Kdmlston and DL.C. No. 50 Notf. point 8572 In Tp relatives fam ily spent last Sunday In Kugene 19 8. It. 3 W. thenca 8 24.54 ch i . Injures Lag- K. It llenton of Mar with Mr. and Mrs McAllister. thence E to the W. line c f the right D rlv a to C o rv a llis M r anil Mra C. of the O *C Railroad Com- F Kggltuann drove to Corvallla Mon | cola Injured his leg W ednesday while K.uinelh ..................... Compton from Dexter is of way thence ~ - Northerly Hlt,nR the Hne r|(,h( <>f way l<( |h ,. N day and spent the afternoon on the I working at the Fischer mill. A pile staying at the W eaver home and help- PJ nf lumlrer Is said in have fallen >>n Ing with the chorea, since Mr W eaver o{ Ma(d j , , . thence W. to the S W sta le college campus I him. got his arm broken. corner of lg»t No. 4 In :. 23 of R e t u r n s from Olympia— Mrs. H E. Mr and Mrs W illiam Culver from 1 «aid Tp. and Range thence N. 20.75 Visiting at Mulino— Mrs. I’. T M aley returned Hunday from Olympia I Eugene vsllted Mrs. Culver's parents. w 14.16 cha.; thence g. „ . 20 75 ch s.; thence W. 8.36 chs. to the where she had been vtaltlug with her | Hchlewe and son Balias, have gone Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Baugh last Sunday plac0 of beginning In Lane County, to Mulino where they will spend the mother. Mra. II. K Turner. Miss Mary Allen from Eugene spent ))reRnn_ except from said description remainder of the week visiting rela 80 acre» deed to L. F Stancllffe as Drive to Junction City— Mr and tlvea. They will return here Hunday Friday night with friends here E d m u u » .» .« a . »J. Mra. John Carson drove to Junction Spend W eek-end at P o rtla n d - M r week-end In Eugene an(j lo be go,d City Sunday where they spent the day and Mrs J L eslie Clark drove to T uesday was sneak day at Thurs su b ject to the approval of and con- with Mr. and Mra. Charles Carson. Portland Saturday evening to spend ton high school. Two carloads or firmation of raid Court, CLAUD SILK WOOD. V is it fr o m M o n r o » — M r an d Mrs. D. the week-end Mr. Clark played on students motored up the McKenzie for , Administrator. F. Malna and sons, Jam es Mains, all the North Portland hockey team on the afternoon. E st. of Jennie Sllkwood, Dec'd. of Monroe, apent Hunday here visiting | Monday night Mrs. Frank Taylor and son, Hurbert. ¡ F.5-12-19-25-M.5 at the home of Mr and Mra. Marlon from Portland, were here on business Adams. Entertain Senator Mr. and Mrs. C he latter part of last week. Mr and Mrs. Ralph B onney, from K Kenyon had as their week-end P o rtla n d People Vlalt— Mra. A. R Eugene are spending a few days visit gu ests Hnnalor and Mra. J. H. Billings Hobson and her daughter. Lucy Marte, ley of Malheur county. Mr. Billings Ing here. Hobson, both of Porltand, were v is­ Miss Hazel Edmtston has purchased ley Is join senator from Malheur anil itors here over the week-end with Harney counties. They cam e to a se t o ftraps and drums to accotn Mrs Hobson’s father, T. C. Johnson. Hprlngfleld Saturday afternoon and puny the orchestra. Dism issed from Hospital — Perry remained here until late Hunday after­ T ransacts B usiness— W. H. Saun­ W illiams was dism issed from the l*a- noon when they returned to Halem ctflr Christian hospital Friday follow ­ where the hqrtslature la now In ses­ ders of Jasper was a business nlsltor In Springfield Tuesday afternoon ing an operation for goiter. He Is sion. SILLS easy way, give Kruscheo Balts a fair trial. I am sure It will convince anyone." A bottle of Kruachen Salta that lasts four weeks costs but 86c at K etels Drug Store or any drugstore In America. Take one half teaspoon In a glass of hot water before break­ fast every morning. To help reduce sw iftly cut out pastry and fatty m eats and go light on potatoes, butter, cream, and sugar. The Kruachen way la the safe way to reduce— Try one battle and If not Joyfully satisfied — money back. Has New Automobils— Norval May, athletic director at the Springfield high school, is no wdrlvlng a new Chevrolet sport coupe. TH A T ARE O VERD U E S H O U LD BE PAID N O W I A L O A N FRO M US W ILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY CASH WITHIN 24 HOURS ★ ENTIRE TRANSACTION BETWEEN HUSBAND, WIFE AND OURSaVBK * COURTEOUS 5ERVICS * SMALL REPAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR INCOME * L O A N S $10 to $300 B E N E F IC IA L __ LOAN SOCIETY TIFFANY B U ILD IN G , SECOND P H O N E : 3 0 4 0 EUGENE, OREGON L ic e n s e d by th e now at his home at Rainbow. Student III -William Pollard, son of Hr and Mrs W II Pollard, has be.ui I III at his home with throat trouble for several days. He I h a student at the U niversity of Oregon where he ] Is studying pre-medics. Returns to Marohfltld— Mrs. M. A. Ix-lby returned to her home at Marsh­ field Sunday afternoon after visitin g | several days with her daughter and son In-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Col­ lins. of this city. Sick Soy Improving—Arthur IToch- now. son of Mr. and Mrs. George | Prochnow. who Is at the Kugene ho» pltal slowly recovering from the after I effects of a recent illn ess It making slow but certain recovery according ] to h is father. REBEKAH LODGE ELECTS NEW TREASURER MONDAY] Mrs. G enevieve Louk was elected treasurer of the Hprlngfleld Juanita j Itebekaah lodge at their m eeting on Monday night. She will be Installed at the next m eeting of the group. She lakes the place of Alice Ixtrah who resigned the post. The latter has held (he offices for many years serving under more than half a dozen noble grand officers. LOST billfold, on Mill St., between Main and A St. Finder keep the money for reward If billfold re­ turned to Newa office. j . C. Penney Co. '«• on rA B T M IM T . « t o z i • ••w h e n y o u c o o k on th e n e w E sta te Gas R a n g e “Pay Days” $1.1© 4icys Sixes 85c t o r O v e ra ll» o r J u n ip e r That C om #1.29 • Year Agol Ybm overall, prows themsehret the best by test, »tardy denim la their basic strength, cupplementrd IE triple stitching and the skill ol U N IO N worlz- Bib fcg g| sjfc to tb. s*k»l M O RTG AG E W . P. T yao n, A g en t 12g g Et. Phon* M W Its stainless, silvery fcork-table lop provides a smiling surface of wdcome working space . . . adjust­ able legs set the cooking top at just the height you prefer . . . the Fresh- Air •'Double-Boiler" Oven, heavily insulated, takes the tip s and downs out of baking, keeps th e cook cool in more ways than one . . . new, Price, completely equipped, $169.50. A nd you may buy yours on coneenienl monthly terms, if you prefer. MORE BARGAINS and BIGGER VALUES for YOU. Save 30% to 50% ON TH IS SPECIAL OFFER! 59c Puretest Rubbing Alcohol end your choice of one: 59c 49c 50c 39c Mi31 Solution Pureteit Bay Rum Raxillana Klanzo Shaving Cream Both for 69c CORP. BONDS latest Estate creation Rets a new style, a new standard in kitchen cornfort and convenience. 1903 — During FEBRUARY — 1931 OTHER MONEY SAVING VALUES U N IV E R S A L not only in design, but also in A important operating features, this improved oven control turns on the gas, lights it, sets the heat regulator . . . adjustable, smokeless broiler pan slides like a cabinet drawer . . . two easy-sliding ute nail drawers, one com­ pletely equipped with kitchen cut lery, knife sharpener, spice contain­ ers . . . perky little salt and pepper shakers on the mantel shelf . . . Come in, see this newest Eatate; let us demonstrate its many labor- saving, time-saving features. 28th Birthday Sale 2 MEALS DAY, PLENTY WATER, HELP STOMACH "Since I drink plenty water, eat 2 gocxl meals a days and take Adlerlka now and then, I've had no trouble with my stomach."— C. D eforest. U n like other medicine, Adlerlka acts on B O T H upper and lower bow el, removing poisonous waste which caused gas and other stomach trou­ ble. Just O N E spoonful relievos gas. sour stomach and sick headache. I ^ t A dlerlka give your stomach and bowels a R E A L cleaning and see how good you feel! Flanery'a D ru g s to re . FINGER-TIP CONTR BSOLUTELY new and different. .Flanery’s Drug Store T h e K ew M o d e l Sstatfí Gas Range Northwest Cities Gas Co. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON F lO O t Cor. W illa m e tte A Eighth St*. S ta te .