THi PAGE FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Bvery Thursday at Sprtngfteld, Lane County. Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXEY. Editor R etired as vevond class m atter, February 34. ISOS, at the postoffice. Springfield. Oregon. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N One Year In A d v a n ce____ 11.75 Six Months ______________ »1»« RATE Three Months ------- 76e Single C w ..........- 6 the past two aud otto half week» where c u l l y rwtdv»«! her» by local ato»-h to all kinds of argument and many subtle holders. New trauanilsalon Hue have be underwent an operation Mr» I ’c le i methods of pressure. To us the Meier plan sounds been cosatructed In varloua part« ot ' «on »t ent the weak end with him and ! reports that although he 1» »till very more of what one would expect front the utilities the territory a»>rv»«l and many rural weak, yet lie 1» gaining »trenglh than from the champion of the common people. extensions have been built to bring rapidly. THURSHAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1931 AN ACKNOWLEDGED DEBT VNl’AID T ltVUS 1 >AY. FEBRUARY 5. 19jH news Governor Meier, elected by the common people, has pro|»osed to the legislature that It should take the election of the Port of Portland com­ missioners out of the people's hands and vest the power with the. governor. This sounds more like Mussolini doctriue than pure George Joseph ultra Whether to pay the adjusted service certifi­ cates now instead of 1946, whet» the face value conies due, is perplexing congressmen. The enemies of the plan to pay, most of whom profit­ ed by inflated incomes during the war. now wail that It would bankrupt the country and further democracy. depress business. They said the same thing on the passage of the bill six years ago and they were wrong then as they are now. electrical power to numerous (arm» and home throughout Iho Northw«»at. Among the new projects and ex tensions com pleted are aeveral rural extensions In the W illam ette division tine of th ese tinea, eleven mile» long, provide» service to about fifty new (arm ----- custom -------- ers. Another connecting NOTICE TO CREDITORS N otice 1» hereby given that ih. tin derslgned ha» been duly appolnte.1 Administrator of the estate of Christ 1«. Miller, deceased, and any and ill ! persona having claim s again»! the «aid estate are hereby required to present »»veral rural cusWmer» was recently said claim s, duly verified as by law completed north o t Dallas. whll«> aarv required, at the law office of my At Harrisburg and Junction City torney. II. K. Slattery. 717 W illam ette Mtreet, Eugene. In la n e County, Hr»-- ba» b«>en Improved by the conatructlon yon. within six month» from the date of a new M i l KV substation. of thia notice Dated and tlrat publication Juuuary The majority of the new oonatruc- tlun work la being carried on In the ( 33. 1631. Date of last publication February Wyoming division where n«»w line« and 1». 1931. new power plants are being con ­ CHRIS M MII.LKIt. Admlslnatrator of the «»tale of structed. Several new Un«. No 1. Eugene, Orgeon sythe and are now serving customer» H E. Slattery. Attorney for Admin W hitefish. Montana, ha» hud It« t e le | Istrator. J 32 39 F 5 12 19 phone system rebuilt and all central j energy telephone« have been Installed to take the piece ot the Id magnato , EUGENE | j The country spent more money each month of the war than this bill calk'd for and it will not cost the nation any more today tha nin 1945 to pay off these certificates. The war could easily have 1-vsted another year if the American soldiers ha ' been less aggressive, according to the words of General Pershing. No one will WHAT DOES YOUR BUTCHER SAY? admit that another year of the war would have One day last winter I was rldiug with the phones. bankrupt this country. Announcement 1« also made In the Why will the payment of these certificates gentlem an who runs a livery stable and provides report of the opening of a new n»-r now depress business and industry? If an ex- food and lodging for my horse. It was some chandlsc »tore and office at Houglaa. Wyoming, on October 4. service man draws a few hundred dollars, of w hat weeks after the stock market unpleasantness. really is back pay, and settles up his overdue •'How is business?” I asked him. •THE BIG TRAIL” TO BE grocery bill, buys the kiddies some new shoes HAVE THREE-DAY RUN or even a radio or what not for the family. He answered that he had never known It to HERE STARTING SUNDAY be worse. “Only a few of our horses are saddle Will the grocery man be worse off? "The Big Trail.” outstanding »pw- horses,” he said. "The others are owned by the Win the shoe dealer go bankrupt and the shoe taci» of pioneer life on the talking ! butchers and bakers and candlestick makers who screen will be shown at the Bell factory close down? supply the fashionable people on Park and Fifth theatre tn Springfield on Sunday. Mon Will radio and automobile manufacturers lay­ Avenues. And do you know that those little day aud Tuesday of ---- ----------- next week accord off their help and further add to unemployment? merchants can't collect enough even to pay my mg to an announ» «»meat mad,- today h7 G~ n’ " ,r MePharw»«. manager You say only a fool would answer yes to those oat bills? It is terrible.” The other oatwtandtng part or hl» questions. Well that is substantially what the A little later 1 was repeating the conversation enemies of the measure to pay the adjusted pay to a fried who makes his home in a fashionabrb for an #dm,3g,OB ,.hBr, e (>f 35 certificates are trying to make you believe. suburb. He has ample means but, compared with cen,g instead of tho usual fifty cent» The adjusted services certificates represent an some of the multi-millionaires whose estates are charged everyw here else unpaid obligation on the part of this country. in the same community, he is comparatively poor. Friday and Saturday win b rin g another Buck Jones W estern comedy. They should be met before any more foreign He told me that he had been protesting mildly WBbnut L aw " Tonight I. the debts are cancelled. , last time to see W alter Huston tn to the butcher about the steady increase in his ' the Bad Matt.' TIME FOR ALL TO HELP meat bills. “I do not understand,” he had said. | The Red Cross is making good progress in its “We always ray promptly on the first of the Resort Operator Here-- A. J. Kuhn, ampaign to raise ten million dollars throughout month. We do not eat extravagantly, and yet co partner with Kenneth Hloane In the he nation, to render aid to the hundreds of thou- our meat seem s to cost us more all the time.” m anagem ent of Cascade Resort was a ba»tn«-ss visitor tn Springfield Mon­ ands of people in the lower Ohio and Mississippi day. -alleys who have been rendered destitute by the The butcher confessed that the bills were high. ombination of drought and hard times. He shrugged his shoulders helplessly. “What am This appeal for funds is one which nobody 1 to do? You and the other people of moderate vtth as much as a dime to spare can ignore, means are the only ones who pay your bills. The rhese are our own people who are actually suf- rich men on my lists keep me waiting for six or _ even a , year. Everybody's meats cost ering and in want. More than half a million mon*hs ______ __ I f Getting U P N lg h ta , B ack ach e, fr e q u e n t d a y calls. L e g Caln«. N « r v - >f them are already being fed and cared for by ■ more in consequence.” «»isneaa, o r B u rn ln it, du e to fu n c tio n ­ a l B la d d e r Ir r it a t io n . In acid co n d i­ he Red Cross, which never waits until it has tio n a l m ak e s yo u fe et tire d , ¿«pressed als eo u ra d cd . t r y th e C ystex T e a L I suppose the percentage of four-flushers in and he money but goes ahead and pledges its credit W o r k s fa s t, s ta rts c ir c u la tin g th r u th a ayatem ln IS m lnu taa. P ra laed b y tnd that of its officials to get aid to the needy ihe Park Avenue district and in New York sub­ th ou aan ds fo r ra p id and p o s itiv e ac­ tio n . D o n ’t g iv e up. T r y C y e te x (p ro ­ vithout delay. “He give twice who gives quickly” urbs in very high. There must be thousands of nounced B ts a -te x l to d a y , «inder th e Ir o n -C la d G u a ra n te e . M u s t q u ic k ly families struggling to “keep up with the Joneses." a ll a y th aaa oond ltlo na. Im p ro v e re s t­ s one of the Red Cross mottoes. f u l Bleep a n d e But all over the country the same thing occurs O n ly 40c a t n e rg y , or m o p e y b a ck. It Is to be hoped that there will not be another to a greater or less degree. It is due not merely KETKLS HRUO STORE old wave in the stricken regions. Observers who 6th & Main Springfield. Ore. to the fact that people are living beyond their ave reported on conditions say that a heavy drop j temperature would certainly mean great loss means. Much of it is nothing more or less than f lif«. It may well be that the estim ate of ten downright thoughtlessness. illllon dollars will not be enough, although the ted Cross has many times proved its ability to I used to bq a great believer in reforms. I lake a dollar go farther In helping the helpless enrolled In Causes and supported high grade Can­ han most people can make five dollars go. No­ ddy need be afraid,that his contribution will didates, and was generally loud and vigorous. e wasted if given to the Red Cross, whose In my old age I have come to feel that most porkers are trained but unsalaried, giving them- of our troubles would be washed away if we elves as well as their money. And do not let he feeling that there will be money enough would only be just reasonably courteous and decent to one another. ieter you from giving. ■>BRUC G etting Up Nights Visiting from Glendale Mr« I’hllltp Bishop of «lau d ale I« In Springfield thl« week yl«lllng with friend«. DR. BERTHA DAVIDSON Osteopathic Physician M4 1 O. 0 . F. Tem ple Telephone »M« Eugene, Ore. Dr. A. T Oberg D ENTIST who for the pa«t three years hoe operated the Parher System Dental offloe« In Eugene, hao opened offices Ot his own at 971 W illam ette St. Eugene, op­ posite the Rea Theatre. T ele­ phone ?4I. E««minatlon» Free. FURNITURE HOSPITAL U p h o ls te r tog R e fill ta h ln g J t e p a ir Illg Screen aud all kind» o f mill work CECIL CALKINS. Proprietor 651 H Weal Eighth Uhotte 402 W ANTED Your old discarded Tricycles aud Bicycles. 120 W. 8th Eugene D r. J O S E P H I N E C . B R A U N Naturopathic Physician Finit National Bank Bldg. Bpringfield Residence 143W Phones: Office 73.1 Office hours: 1 to 5 P. M Residence 223 B street The Best Valentine A box of Eggimunn's Chocolates is the beat bet for mother wife or kiddies on St. Valentine's Day. Our candy simp turns ou t'on ly the most wholesome and de­ licious candies. There can l>e no mistake when you select from our large fresh stock. C G G I M A N N ’ VX S •■M “Where the Service la Hllten nl Why wish for S u m m e r? vacation N O W in PINKY DINKY O H , P i n K Y , c o m e H v PF . . . By T e.ry Gilkison z O tP YO U M A IL L E T T E R T H I< f M O R M IN 6 ? C alifo rn ia t o you D id n ' t , e h 7 A H E U 'T a m e d ju s t a f t « you a ^ don’t really have to the turn o f the calen- L>r your vacation.'l ake