THURSDAY. FWnRUARY 6. 1981 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE — .! ' «T X all placea? With an effort he pulled him self to­ gether. "No. I’ve never been to Swltaer- ! land." “No! I know every Inch of It. Had j a tour on a motor bike there last sum­ mer. She was som e bike, toot I had i a * p»« lal engine fitted to her." 6fTBESUgS> By r o l l MALE --Good Milk Cow, with flrat calf, Ouernaey and Jcr*ey mixed; alao on« K«ntl« hum«, weight Ibou pound* Lum Anderson, City hall. 3 19 81 V iclls from Fall Creak Mra. Roy WIIAT HAS GONE BEFORE The undersigned. Executor» of the llrew ir of Fall Creek visited relative* Olles Chlltoriham seta out to make eatate of Hugh M. Price, deceased, In Springfield on Saturday. | Julie Farrow love hlme. Intending to have filed their Final Account In the throw her over In revenge for the aul- In tna C irc u it C o urt of tha S ta ts of matter of said eatate with tbu County | d d e of his brother Rodney, whom Clerk of lame County, uregon, and Oregon for Lana County. j Julie cast off He succeeds, but finds un order ha* been made and entered L G. HELBOCK. I'Ulutlff, that he has fallen desperately In love Veraua MANY FOUR-H CLUBS TO of record by the County Court of ! xpth her him self. W hen he discovers ALICE M HELBOCK, Defendant. said County directing thia notice and (hat It was not this Julie Farrow, but RECEIVE CHARTERS SOON appointing Saturday, the 7th day of To aald defendant, Alice M. ilel her cousin of the sam e name, who had February, 1931, ul the hour of tun bock: Yor are hereby summoned to ! driven his brother to But Giles Th« follow ing 4 II clubs will receive o ’clock A. M. for the bearing of ob­ r nl h w i u ' • . . married. to an American named . Barrow, __ girl charter* In lb« near future according jections to aald account and the aettle­ In the above eu tltled cause and court Sadie with whom he haa not within four w eeks from the first pub­ lived for a long time. Sadie unexpect­ to It. ('. Kuehner, lotue couuly club nient of «aid eatate. Hater thia Kth day ul January, 1931. lication of this summon* and If you edly turn-) up In Ixmdon, at a party leader Th« charter* are presented to fall to answ er, for want thereof, at lilies' mother's house, but both keep JOHN M PRICE th« Individual club* when th« tuem plant! will apply to the court or - __________JKHHE A. FOUNTAIN he relief asked In the com plaint, vlx.. | JuU^ dtal, i „ toned( enleri, ,nUj the bera have all axunplaled their work on SUMMONS hat the marriage contract and r ela w, )(| |Jf 0, u ,nil(,n t, t to one project. Th« 11*1 give* (be numu* In tha C irc u it C ourt of the State of Hon existin g betw een plaintiff and d h angul, h b a wr,-nc« 8oho of III« leaders, club nuum, and uuiuber Oregon for Lane County. defendant be set aside and wholly waI)U „„ hep, rout« 1, l t v r u t l I I I a w l a< * o o i i f e l v E „ « » ill * si I. I— and C. II Halea, parlours doing bust been l appointed executrix of t the will . to Schofield's hotel. I He Is out, but Kugen« River Rood Hough boy», 19 uus* under tlio firm name and style und (-stale of John G. Montgomery, she leaves a note with him. member*, Mr*. Itoy 8. Woodruff, rout« of Preston A H ales, C. A. lo r d s and deceasod, by the County Court of Schofield’s reply Is to return Julie's O. D. Maclatren, partners doing bust- 1-ane County, Oregon, and all persons n(,te unopened. I. Kugene- lllvur Ituad Jolly Cbafa 8 Later h e calls on in-»« under the firm name and style having claim s ugalnst said esta te will j ch itten h am and tells him that Ix>m members; Mr*. I la tel Itoehrtnger, of Cords A Maclsareu, It. A. Babb, present sam e duly verified at the law bar. 1931. plaintiff will apply to the Court for Executrix of the estate of Hanover never closed his eyes all night, but II. E. SLATTERY, the relief prayed for In hl* complaint, E. Pitta., deceased. towards eurly morning. Just as the AdmlnlNtrator of the eatate of Cath­ to-wit: for a decree foreclosing plain Frank A. DePue, attorney for Estate. arine E. Adatna,deceased. tiff’s mortgage upon the following grey daylight was show ing between ________________J.8-16 23-39-F.6 Address 717 W illam ette M., described real property: Lot 2 In the curtains he fell into a restless Eugene, Oregon, Block numbered 20, In Oroaa’ Addition N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F '8 8 A L E ON dose, to be awakened alm ost immedl J.8-16-22-2D-F.6 to Eugene. In Istne County, State of E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E N otice la hereby given that by ately, It seem ed, by the Insistent ring Oregon; also Beginning at the North­ Estate of Z. T . M ou ntjoy, Deceased. east com er of the Levi W. Zumwalt virtue of an execution and order of Ing of the telephone at his elbow. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Donation I .and Claim No. 62, Nortlfi- sale in foreclosure Issued out of the "Hullo— yes! hullo! who Is It?” Notice la hereby given that Jane cation 4941, In Township 17. Mouth. Circuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, Mountjoy hu* been by the County Rang« 6 Weal of the W lllam ete Merld- on the 10th day of December, 1930, "Is that you, Mr. Chittenham? Blm Court of tbu Htate of Oregon In and lau, running thence Mouth along the In a suit w herein on the 14th day Lennox speaking— ” for lam e County, appointed Executrix east line of »aid claim Forty (40) of October, 1930, In said court L. M. "Yes— oh, yes, Miss Lennox.” of the laat will and textam ent of Z. chains to the Moutheust corner of the Travis, Inc., a corporation, recovered Olles was fully awake now, and yet T. Mountjoy, deceased. North half ( f t ) of said claim ; thence Judgment against F. W. Schults and All peraona having claim* against W est parallel to the north line of Ida Belle Schultz, his wife, defendants the power of thought seem ed to have the eatate of aald deoeaacd are horeby said claim Forty-five (46) chains, for the sum of $2177.00 with Interest deserted him. notified to present the »ante duly thence North Twenty (20) chains, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, Som ething had happened to Julie— staten and v«rlfled, at the residence thence East thirty (30) chain*, thence from the 13th day of December, 1928, In Mprlngfleld, Oregon, of *ald Execu­ North Twenty (20) chains, thence aud for the sum of |62.19 taxes, and som ething terrible—som ething tragic trix, within alx months from thia 22nd East Fifteen (16) chain* to the place for the further sum of *260.00 as at­ and unalterable which would never of beginning. Also Lot four (4) and torney's fees herein and the costs und permit him to see her again. day of January, 1931. JANE MOUNTJOY, the N ortheast quarter of the North­ disbursem ents herein In the sum of Som ething— Eecutrix of the Last W ill and T esta­ east quarter of Section Twenty-eight *36.30 which Judgment was enrolled "Hullo! hullo—" Blm’s voice at the (28). A lso beginning at the North­ and docketed lu the Clerk's office of ment of Z. T. Mountjoy, Deceased. w est corner of Lot Three (3) of said said Court In said County on the 14th 'phone again. A. E. W heeler, Attorn y ____ ___________J.22 29 F 6. 12-19 Section T wenty-eight (38) running day of October, 1930, and said execu­ "Julie's gone— ” Blm’s voice was thence South 14.96 chains, thence East tion to m e directed commanding me N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T 33.70 chains to the East line of said in the name of the State of Oregon, very clear and quiet, and yet its under­ The undemlgned, Administrator of Section Twenty-eight (28), thence lying agitation was unmistakable. the Estate of Crank Stokea. deceased, North 14.96 chains, and thence W est in order to satisfy said Judgment, In­ "1 cam e back to town early this hu* filed her Final Account In the 32.70 chains to the place of beginning, terest, tuxos, attorney's fees, coats of matter of »aid E state with the County all In l-ane County, Oregon; and that suit, and accruing costs to sell the morning. I hadn't heard from her Clerk of lam e County, Oregon, and you. and each of you be forever barred follow ing described real properly, to- for som e days, and I was worried. I an o~der ha* been made and entered and enjoined from assertin g any claim wtt; The N ortheast Quarter of the North­ came up on the early train, and I was of record by the County Court of I of right, title or Interest In or to *ald County, directing thia notice and said real property, or nny part thereof, east Quarter of Section (20) Township In the flat by -half-past nine, but she appointing Frldny, the 27th day of save and except the statutory right Twenty (30) South of Range Two (2) had gone. There was a note left for Ea. t of the W illam ette Meridian, in me— a note to be posted—she does not February, 1931, at 10 o ’clock A. M. of redemption. for the hearing of objection* to *ald This sum m ons Is served upon you I-ane county, Oregon, and the W est say where she Is going—sh e Just Account and the Hettlement of nald by the publication thereof for four one half of the »ou th w est quarter of says sh e Is not coming back any­ E* late. su cccesslve w eeks In the Springfield Southw est one quarter of southeast Dated at Eugene. Oregon, th is 29th News, In accordance with nn order quurter of Section 17 und Lots No. 1, more.” day of January, 1931. duly made nnd entered by the Hon. 2 and 3 in Section 20 Tp. 20 S. R. 2 For the first tim e her steady voice LIDA T. HTOKKH, (1. F. Sklpworth. Judge of the above East W illam ette Meridian in Lane shook, and broke with a ring of an­ Adm inistratrix of the Eatate of entitled court. The date of the first County, Oregon, excep tin g therefrom the tollow ing described tracts; 9.44 guish. Frnnk Stokes, deceased. puhlloutlon la January 16th. 1931. acres deeded to O. E. R. R. Co. O ct '•oh, Mr. Chittenham , what does It Janie* K. King, DONALD YOU NO, 4, 1906, by deed recorded Oct. 29,1 mean? What can have happened to 410-11-12 Miner llulldlng Attorney for plaintiff, 1906 lu Vol. 73 page 94 Lane County Eugene, Oregon 860 W illam ette Streot. Deed Records, also excepting 23.98 her?” Attorney for Administratrix. E ugene( Oregon. "I'll com e round at once.” J.16 22-29-F.6-12 acres deeded to the S. P. R. R. Co. J.29-F.5-1219 26 Dec. 30, 1909 by deed recorded Jan. It seem ed to Chittenham that he had 29, 1910 In Vol. 86 page 249 Lane never taken so long to dress—his County Deed Records. Also except 27-100 acres deeded to latne County hands shook go that he bungled every­ for Roadway Dec. 3, 1912 by deed rec­ thing—each moment seem ed an eter­ orded May 8, 1913 In Vol. 102 page nity, and yet In less than three- 72 Lane County Deed Records, also quarters of an hour he was round at General Law Practlee one acre deeded to Fred Fisk, Aug. 9, 1916 by deed recorded Aug. 14, 1916 the flaL. Blm still wore her hat and I. M. PETERSON In Vol 114 page 86, Lane County Deed coat, and her calm face and steady Records. L eaving 60.67 acres of land eyes looked strained and afraid. Attorney-at-Law >- more or less In said Lane County, She attem pted no greeting—she City Hall Building S tate of Oregon. Just handed him the letter which Julie Now, therefore. In the name of the Springfield, Ore. S tate of Oregon, In com pliance with had left. 298 Main St. Rosldonea 198 C said execution and order of sale and "Dear Blm, «* J «2 M in order to satisfy said Judgment, “I am going away. I'm so sick of Interest, taxes, attorneys fe«H, costs of suit nnd accruing costs, I w ill on of my life. I have tried— you know I Full Auto Equipment Saturday, the 14 day of Feb., 1931, have— and I’ve failed all round. So JEWELER at the hour of 2 o’clock In the after I’m Just going away, and not coming Lady Aaslstaat noon of said day, at the Southw est hack any more. Don’t worry about Repairing a Specialty front door of the County Court House, Springfield, Oregon In Eugene, Ixtne County, Oregon, offer me— I'll find happiness som ehow. nr "Julie.” for sa le and sell for cash, a t public auction, subject to redemption as pro­ Giles read the letter, and laid It vided by law, all of the right, title down on the table. His face was grey, nelson leghorn farm franka de pue and Interest of said defendants, F. W, ATTORNEY AT LAW Lane County's Oldest Breeders Schults and Ida Bello Schults, his and though he tried to speak, he could of wife, and all persons claim ing by, find no words. NOTARY PUBLIC C. WHITE LEGHORNS through or under them or any or Rim was watching him steadily with ses. j I those , eith er o f them In and^tojiald prem ises, clear, understanding eyee that Button Springfield SPRINGFIELD OREGON H. L. BOWN, Shorlff, | seem ed to see so much. Phono 81-F-M Building Oregon By A. E. Hulegaard, Deputy. J.16-22 29-F.6-1I "Why has she gone, Mr. Chltten- N O T IC E OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT “ •*- ‘!<1 “ “ "‘ V ,|„ » ¡B U S IN E S S II I R E C T O R Y , Walker-Pool« Chapel Funeral Directors EL D. W . Roof . 8. " ■ D<[ r: r Ruby M. Ayres ham ?” she asked at laat, painfully. He would have launched out Into a glowing description of the machine, but Schofield cut him short. Who was the woman who drove a car up there? I knew one once— " He broke off with a sharp memory of the reckless way in which Jniie had boasted to him of her achievem ent. "I did it all right—only I couldn’t get down—the snow waa too bad—and ! the wind!" For a moment he could not answer, then he broke out passionately: •‘It's my fault—all my fault. Oh, my God ’ W hat a brute I've been to her— " Blm'* reddened Ups sm iled waver- Ingly. Suddenly she began to sob. He remembered how ahe had shlv- "Oh, poor little Julie! Poor little | ered—’•! never heard wind how l like Julie! You men are all the same. it did that night—It waa as If the souls Why can ’t you leave us alone If you of all the damned were up there, only mean to bring us unhappiness?” »creaming for m ercy.” Chittenham made no reply He was i That waa 80 llk> oddly enoughj i ran cruel hands had dragged It down from him only a day or two ago— Chltten- the pedestal whereon he had set it, ham> hi„ name wa„ _ what dJd yoa and broken It say?” He was In no fit state to listen to "Only that it’s a coincidence, but I reason or to be sanely Just. As is so know Chittenham. Surprising how often the way with single hearted sm all the world Is.” people, the first poisoned arrow had ‘‘Yon know him? R eally. I like taken deadly aim. the fellow. He and I sat up together The depths of his love was also the all that night, talking motors. It was measurement of his despair and Jeal- too darned cold to sleep. He knew a ousy—he believed the w orst of Julie lot about en gin es—he told me we . . —he im plietty believed the tw isted “You mean that night at St. Ber- story told him by Lombard of that nard?” night sh e had spent with Giles Chit- "Vee. You see, we— ” tenham on the St. Bernard. Schofield got up suddenly, his face For w eeks he had known that her white, his eyes imploring, reck less gaiety was but a blind to "Will you sw ear that th is is the cover a great unhappiness, and now he _ truth?” he asked thickly. felt like a man who for long has The other man stared, groped In a dark room and has had “The truth? Why, what on earth a blind suddenly Jerked up in his face to admit a dazzling lig h t ''Is it true that yan and he sat up Bitter words which Julie had inad- all that night? Oh, I know I must verten tly let drop, little incidents seem out of my mind to yon; but which he h im self had subconsciously answ er me. If you know w hat this observed, seem ed suddenly to fit like m eans to mo ” pieces of a puzzle into one com plete But before the answ er came he whole. knew what it would be; knew Just At the end of the road he turned how base and unfounded were Lom- bllndly to cross over he had no set bard’s lies; knew Just how cruelly he •dea in his mind —he did not care had misjudged Julie— knew also that where he w ent or what becam e of him with his own hands he had w ilfully It was only when a warning shout brought his last hope of happiness to and the sharp grinding of brakes pene- the ground and broken it. trated.hls m isery that he realized how • • • nearly he had been run over. A wing Bim Lennox and Chittenham sought of the big car that had alm ost killed everyw here for Julie, without succees. him, struck his shoulder and sent him They enquired of every one whom down on his knees in the greasy road. she had ever known, and searched When he dragged him self up again every spot in London she had ever the driver was beside him. anxious, visited. angry and apologetic. Chittenham w as torn betw een his "My God. that was a near shave! anxiety for Julie and his d istress for What the hell do you m ean by wan­ Sadie. ♦ dering about Piccadilly like that— I He had told Bim the whole story. hope your not hurt— No? Sure “I only wish to God I had told you you're not? W ell, com e along with before," he said, when he read the me and have a drink. I've got a flat kindly sym pathy and understanding In not five m inutes aw ay.” her e y e s .' And before he could answ er or "We will find Julie— ” H e broke resist, Schofield found him self in a off as Bim turned away. "You don’t rosy bachelor-looking room off St lx,lleve we shaU eTer flnd her>» he James' Street with a servant taking accused her angrUy. “You're afraid his coat away to be brushed, and his , o adm, t ,t but yQU ghe ,g host m ixing a stiff w hiskey and soda. dead •• He was razed and sore, and yet in Bim made no answ er, and he w ent a way the shock had brought him on paggjonately, driven by his own back to bis senses. dread and pain. He realized that he had made a fool ‘•People don’t take their lives so of h im self and the realization w as not e a sj|y j un e w ag never a coward, pleasant. H e gulped down the w hiskey s h e U come back nnd soda, and made no objection when ‘ Bu, h, 8 own hope’ wag not Tery his glass refilled. real. He was haunted by the dread The driver of the car stood watch- , hat s,om{1 day hp wou,d fead Ju9t Ing with kindly, sym pathetic eyes. such anothpr headIlnp ln the He was a big. bulky man with a red, ag {bat wh,ch had announced her bitten face that looked as it it had counsln’s tragic death. . He spent bis been exposed to all w eathers, and he tim e betw een the nursing home where had a deep, Jovial voice. Sadie was and Bim ’s flat. "Glad you’re not hurt,” he said after Doris Gardener's heart gave a queer a moment. "It w as a near shave, eh? little throb of pain w henever she By Jove, you gave me a nasty turn, thought of G iles Chittenham, rfhd I can tell you. I've driven thousands •there were tim es when she hoped of m iles In my tim e on motor-bikes paga|onately fhat gadlp would dle and In all sorts of Tin Lizziee. but him fr## Rut Sadtt> ghowpd no this Is the first time I’ve knocked any R.gns of oblig)ng ghe hftd changed one down. Rotten sensgtion, I assure wondprfuI,v a)ncc thp f, rgt ghock> and you! H ow ever, as long as you re not , hRd qu,pt and „bedIpot 8he h u r t-h a v e som e more w hiskey. djd pvprvthing ahp waa told wtth He went on talking as he fetched theU(. pagernega> and abp waa alway8 the decanter. gen tle and grateful to Giles. "You a m otorist? No! Never drive (Continued Next W eek) yourself—W ell, I won t let ony one ____________________ _ drive me—m akes me as nervous as a o n v r . ,T e i i p woman. Though talking about women o B O Y L U I S L IP 1 m et one once with som e pluck— j IN MOTOR ACCIDENT Drove a car up the St. Bernard ln a Eugene P eebles of Goshen was blizzard. Know the road up the St. brought to Springfield Monday eve­ Bernard ?” "No.” There was a curiously sharp ning to have several stitch es taken In his upper lip as a rosult o f a bad note In Schofield’s voice. It alm ost seem ed as If Fate was cut received ln an automobile accident laughing at him again. Why should when the machine he w as riding In tt Is man m ention the St. Bernard of w ent Into the ditch. GO HEN -