PAGE TWO T hursday . ekrhuary b , im i T H K 8PRINGFTTCLD NEWS TRADE AT HOME TRADE AT HOME IT PAYS ALL WAYS HOME OWNED STO RES Creation of Buyers’ Market Gives Independent Merchant Opportunity to Meet Group Competition W o r th K n o w in g A fact a day is bound to pay if it's loyal to the hom e-ow ned store. Your com m unity prob­ lem s are our com m unity problem s— and to­ g e th e r we cannot lose. O ur m erchandise is quality m erchandise— priced to m eet your pocketbook. F 'rin ta n c e: Pillow Arm M ohair Davenport C hair to m atch ............... .... $55.00 28.00 6.95 9x12 A rm strong Rugs O regon Built Steel Range, sem i-porcelain finish 49.75 W alnut Finish Dining Table and 4 ch airs .............. ............. ......... 36.75 Jacq u ard Covered Davenport and Chair 49 73 Clarion Jr. Radio ............ 63.30 Sim m ons Double-Deck Coil Springs with S tay brace 9^5 W rig h t & Sons ALWAYS LOWEST By JOHN W. THOMAS Regardless of earning reports— which by the way have not been so im pressive during the last nine months—grouped ow nership of bus in ess is bung up against a trend of trade which has many quite able financiers with hand on troublen brow. His volum e-business theory, like a worn inner tube, is show ing m a n y eu larged bubbles which threaten to explode at any time. Thoughtful citizen s In tow ns and com m unities everyw here h a v e awakened to the fact that outside business interest com ing into their territories is. in final analysis, a destructive force which is more far reaching than at first appeared. The toll was quite heavy in many districts, before the awakening came— but when representative in dependent m erchants in many lines of business— the home owned store man—com m enced closing up shop and m oving aw ay—then startled citizen s viewed the situation from a different standpoint. As stated by Mr. J. Prank Grimes, president of the Independent Gro­ cers' A lliance • of Am erica,—“th e encroachm ent o f the chain system exterm inates the independent mer­ chant. throttles com m unity life, stifles all local enterprise— and finally is slowly but surely robbing the youth of America of the oppor­ tunity to get into busluess for him self. "It wipes out all opportunity for the young men of the rising gen Io the loyal suppoprt of all citizens operate and eventually own u bust ness enterprise of their own and it also threatens to transform America from a nation of propri­ etors to a nation of clerks." No thinking person advocates that the remedy ran be gain through legislation or by an appeal to sentim ent. The remedy has come, and Is being exem pliified every day by the home owned store merchant —offering the shopper every ad­ vantage that the group store owned store holds o u t- meeting price with price— and quality with quality. When Home-Own<*d Stores offer their trade these inducements then it Is extrem ely short sighted of eltl sens to fall Io palronllse home owned stores Furthermore, a great equalizing fore has be«n at work (or the lust fifteen mouths In the n u n o m li sit uatlon of the United States The business depresshui created one of the greulest ‘•buyers’ marked" ever known. The manufacturer and the producer nave had to search out and find new buyers of their prod UCta- and they have been forced to quote prices as low io the in­ dependents as enjoyed by the groups. Muny manufacturers and pro duces have also found far from a rosy path in selling to the group Interests. Score of them are tiaiay refusing io sell to group interests for the very simple reason that they were squeezed on advertising campaigns, window displays, allow ances and selling com m ission dis counts, unlit there were no profits —and every business must make a profit— if that business Is Io con­ tinue So your home owner! store mer­ chant Imlay is in Just os good wholesale buying position as the group store and he is going nhont the Job of merchandising In an intelligiqit manner He Is entitled to the loyal support of all rltl**-ns In his respective territory S m a r t D o lla r s Learning u lesson well Is t«> practice th e logic acquired anil the sm art dollara a re (hone dollam which conic In-rc for savings which c an n o t be excelled Note (he Inlying pow er of your hom e cainctl dtdlar In this home ow ned sto re this week Boys' Dress Shoes Kayser Hose One lot of Men’s and llo y s’ Dress Shoes, regular $ J DM Io tb IN) values reduced to l*urs Bilk fu ll faahlonsd Kayser H< ms Hpnclal t tor t i J palrs $2.98 $2.75 Sheepskin Conts Oxfords-Slippers lloys* lined Rhw|Mfctn Ctmls at fb laolies Oxfords and Klippers, H|Mirial $3.98 $2.98 Dress Prints A com plete assortm ent fast color, yard srtde Dress iTInls Greatly reduced al laidien |J b« to |b 00 lla ts Yottr t'holr« 15c P#r yard 98c Ladies Hats Fulop’s Department Store M ONEY TALK S \\ hen you heed the wisdom of the hom e- spent dollar you m eet them o ften in their rounds of m aking this a better town in which to live. T here is a double saving vhen you trade a t this hom e-ow ned busi- aess— because o u r prices are right. These Suggestions Will Grace Any Table Kellogg’s Bran Flakes. 3 for ............................ 25c Albers Minit Oats, quick cooking, Small size 10 c , large 25c T ry a pound of our Q uality Coffee ......................................... 25c T aylor's Special Coffee .................................. 35c S. and W. Mellowed Coffee— now 4gc T ry a P ackage of Steam Refined Borax G ranulated Soap Get a Lovely Piece of China FREE J u s t as tru e as 2 and 2 m ake 4—so Is th e fact th a t this hom e-owned business c o n s t a n t l y m aintains service and prices consistent with any th a t can be found elsew here. NO Specializing in Quality Foods W. A. TA f LOR HERE We resist the effort to take hom e-owned dollars aw ay from Springfield because the fu­ tu re of our com m unity welfare is a t stake. N ever tru e r than today is the statem en t, United we stand, divided we fall. MILK CREAM CO TTAGE CHEESE BUTTER ARE YOU WITH US? SPRINGFIELD 333 Main St. Chamber of Commerce Words to the Wise W ords to th e thoughtless are only words-—to the wise sufficient. “ Buy a t the Hom e-Owned sto re ” a re words of wisdom. Our products a re for sale a t our bakery and a t your Home-Owned Store. T ry them first alw ays. Butterm ilk Through His Hat T he m an who says Home-Owned sto re s c a n n o t m eet the com petition of the day is talking through his hat J u s t to prove the point—we quote here a re a few of the prices: One Model “A ” Ford Truck, New Paint, new tire» Phone 7 Third and Main Sts. If you arc prospecting around for i on supplies, you’ll f|n(i lh | hom e-ow ne 7 » m ighty rich territo ry f",r "T.ur sh H O riE R Y CANDY S T A T IO N E R Y V A L E N T IN E S CREPE and TISSUE PAPER T O IL E T A R T IC l New 1031 Model Standard Coupe, Fully equipped O IS H E 8 PACE PO W DER New Home Bakery “One of 8pringfielde* Home-Owned Indurirle«" Í.375 P ic k in g U p B & rga CH EVRO LET T O U R IN G New 1S31 Tudor Sedan, Fully equipped .................... Springfield Creamery Co. e ,d ,,D ordw ln,prove The Shoe Doctor 9-WHITE FRONT GROCERY -9 Divided We Fall th a t ^ X m ent of stre e ts ami leat h e rs’ salaries in our W lumls HALL Phone ’’’‘“ ‘'J ,n ” >e count] Home-Owned Stores are standard in,l II,. m r . M\ r r h “ ndtoe carried bj bors, stand behind and g u a ra n tee s . v e rjth ln g ¡hSy" w li° y° Ur " “‘“ h PRICES handle S. and W., T ru -P ack Lines. These are firm s which offer the very finest in canned goods a t prices which every pocketbook can m eet. Phone '» '»31 I. l h . , „ . X, and lower t h ^ m o s t' m e l r , ^ WAR. Hom e of G enuine Texas Burn; >.da Onion P lants Fighting For Business $647 $647 Anderson Motors Incorporated P IC T U R E 8 TO O TH PASTE PURSES TH R E A D S of Al Turner’s Novelty Store "The Home-Owned Stör« of Thousand Bargain«"