Try tho H om t Print Shop F irtt SPRINGFIELD NEWS “Tha People's P i H ' ' A L I V I W tW B PA PER IN A L IV K TO W N NO. 4 SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCES BETTER Guard Inspection Two Famous Dolls To Be Wednesday Come Next Week Major A. M. Jon««, Vancouver World Friendahip Viaitora to Be Barracks, To View Work of Given Royal Reception Here Local Guardsman Unit Next Thuraday Board Get* Satni-Annual Fi­ nancial Statamant from Clark Annual federal Inspection of com- A royal reception Is being planned at Meeting Tuesday! Indica-1 pa„y <•, lasnd Headquarters company for two Japunese dolls which are to tions are That District Will I of the Oregon Natloaal Ouard will take pay an official visit to ftprlpngftelo Hava No Outstanding Debts. P1* 1* ®‘ “•« Bgglmann'a February 13. at the Mehodlst church I confectionery on W ednesday night of according to Mrs. It Hi hiMil district number IS which next weak at 9 00 o'clock It was an consists of the three schools of this I nounced this morning by Lieutenant ■ Ity has expended a total of 914,073 64 I ('. A. Hearts, eommander of the local during the period from July 1, 1930 I unit. to IkM-amber 31. 1930 according to a MaJor a m j (m>1 united States semi annual «imperative financial |(r,ny officer stationed at Vancouver statement prepared for the school liarrS4,h, wU| h(, here „ ((,,. Inspect- board by t'laylon F. Barber, district L , , (|ff(|,ur It I* expected that several clerk and which was considered by I ((lhars fr(mi nearby units will be here the board at their meeting held Tuee I (|) wa(t.(, inspection which Is open day night « I u,,, general public. Mr. Hwarta The total sum bujgeted for the year I won|4j m,F to have a large representa- was 944.940 00 This leave, an u"ex Hprlngfleld people In attend pended balance of 939.99« 4« of the anca ((j ,how th„ Interest which Is budget total. I (.lien In the organisation In this city No warrant, are now outstanding | dur. which are drawing Interest and the Ing the past Weeks In preparation for district will probably have enough the Inspection. Two more periods will money on hand to meet all warrants be devoted to the work tonight and until the middle of March according Monday night. to hr W. H. Pollard, chairman of The local guard organisation, which the board The school board Is now Io end the year without '» * communication unit, consist, of an, warrant, outstanding The r o t d » ’ • » " ’ « •'""•‘• d ®“d ‘wo of paratlve statement reveal, that the fears. First Lieutenant A. B warts. outstandlgg warrant Indebtedness on and Second Lieutenant Walter Goss- June 30, 1929 was 911.414 01 as com 1er. HIGH SCHOOL PARKING AREA GIVEN GRAVEL FOLLOWING GRADING Inter-City Game Creating Interest Several loads of coarse gravel and som» fine surface rock has been spread over the parking strip In front of the high school during the past ten days by the Hprlngfleld street department The ground was graded down to the level of the street three Weeks ago when It was soft and wet and the rock applied to provide a clean place to walk when getting out of automobiles. W B. Buell, principal of the high school, stated yesterday that the high school desired to thank the city for this Improvement as It Is a real aid for the student as well as the appear­ ance of the building which does not become so badly tracked with dirt and mud Eugene High and Springfield Basketball Teams to Clash Delegation« from Eight Cities in Eugene Friday Night Attend Dinner and Program at Will Eugene defeat the Springfield Church Monday Night; Al­ basketball team In their first clash ol bany Brotherhood Provide« the season Friday night and tie the Musical Program. local’s position In the race for the P. Mortenson, gone rut chairman of the reception committee. The two dolls were made by chil­ dren In the mission schools In Japan and sent to this country as a part of the World Friendship movement. The American children In week-day lllble school classes made and dressed many dolls some time ago and sent them to Japan and the two coming here have been given to the United GIRL SCOUT VALENTINE States In return as a token of friend­ PARTY, BENEFIT CARD ship. Both of the dolls are llfe-slxe, sit In r<«ular chairs, ami are accompanied on their visits by a large amount of furniture and furnishings also sent from Japan They are dressed In the most expensive and elaborate cos- turtles of the aristocratic Japanese peeple. GAME TO BE WEDNESDAY championship of the southern half of A complete surrender to Christ and the sixth district, or will Hprlngfleld the Christian principles of life by continue to bold a clean 'games lost* column? A victory for Hprlngfleld will everyone was the plea made at tha Methodist church Monday night by almost put the Eugene team out of Or. Luther E. Lovejoy of Chicago, the running and will place the -Uni­ nationally known lecturet, writer, and versity high team as the locals only dangerous competitor. Both Eugene stewardship secretary of the Method­ ist Episcopal church In addressing and the University high teams have the district gathering of Methodists lost one game and are now tied for second place. It is almost certain that at the local church. The meeUng the University high men will defeat was the first of a series of similar Cottage Grove this week-end retaining gatherings to be held in the various districts of the state during the pres­ their position In the win column ent week, and one of a series of The game Is to be played at the meetings being held In all parts of Eugene high school and local offi­ the United States by the stewardship cials are not saying anything either secretary who devotes most of his way regarding the final outcome of llmfc trayeHng ,n lnureaUI of the Friday game. They know that the I hit church. local team has been working at a fine Eighty people were served dinner stride and know also that Eugene Fas , t , at the church earlier In the evening, a strong team, but so far tt has not I prepared £nd gerTed l>een able to click, the players have the auspices of the church choir. More l>een unable to find the basket. . than 100 people were present to hear The Eugene team ‘ | the address of Dr Lovejoy complete shaking up following their Delegations from Methodist churches defeat at the hands of the University at Albany, Eugene, Cottage Grove, high team last Friday. Junction City, Creswell, Oakridge and The troop committee of the Olri Scouts will sponsor a benefit card party In connection with the Girl Scout Valentine party to be given Wednesday evening. February 11. at 7:30 at the Community hall. Mrs. E. E May and Mrs. C. B. Wheaton are A guard of honor always remains In charge of the card party, and Mrs. over the dolls. They are never left O H. Jarrett and Mrs. Cal Barnes are In charge of games and refreshments. alone for even a short period. A silver offering will be taken. The The visit of the dolls to Hprlngfleld mother, the Glr, 8couts and all Is being sponsored by the religious | ,nUre, ted ,a(i,eg are tnT„ed to attend, pared with 93.399 90 uutatandlng on education committees of the three An attractive program has been ar­ LIONS CLUB FORFEITS June 30. 1930. churches of the city and by Miss ranged by Mrs. W. K Bamell which Save On Interest Goldie Smith, Instructor of the classes. Includes songs by the Scout's chorus, BASEBALL GAME WITH The budget allowed 9600 for Interest ANDERSON MOTOR CO A program Is being planned to be a tap dance by Frances Jean Lloyd, on these warrants and only 9104.69 participated In by the students of Miss a solo by Pearl Helterbrand, a banjo of this had been expended at the und The Anderson Motor company ath Smith's classes, and will be featured duet by Bessie Stewart and Barbara of the year If the district can keep Intlc team turned out In full force by an address by Profesor Harold 8. Bamell, a recitation by Jol^tnna Put­ the warrant Indebtedness t down only , ,,, .a t the high school gymnasium Monday Tuttle, of the department of Educa­ man. a quartet by Ruth Pollard. Flor­ a sm all portion o f ^ _ nc* | ..yenlng to meet the Lions club team tion at the unlverlty who will tell of ence May, Margaret Jarrett, and Bar havn to be spent, and will result In | which was challenged last week only the history and purpose of the dolls. bara Bamell. and numbers by the a substantial saving tor the district. to have the game forfeited for lack The dolls will be personally Introduced ukelele club. Only two of the Item, on the budget # , he ( ^ nm Aft#r by the mayor of Springfield according have already been o verd raw n The | ___ k_,__ _____ ____ A t this problem was disposed of those to Mrs Mortenson. CITY NOT LIABLE FOR miscellaneous Item, for both operation g)de# an<| b( N“" * ‘ M“> who " > ^ '® « ‘he The regular monthly meeting of the city If their children are Injured by brar, and suppll.s have eaut 911.- *“ »<""«»«•« '« » 960 33 of a total budgeted sum of | organised athletics. Women's Foreign Missionary society motorists according to Lum Anderson, of the Methodist church was held at police chief. The police department 934.360.00. the home of Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah Is making an effort to keep children ¡ENTERTAIN FRIENDS WITH Operation. Including Janitor salaries, on Tuesday afternoon. This meeting on roller skates off of Main street, CARD PARTY SATURDAY supplies, fuel, water, light, and tele was to have been held at the home both the sidewalks and pavement. No phone, has coat the district 92.947 07 of Mrs. William Maybe, but she has effort will be made to prevent roller leaving a balance of 92.217 93 The I Mr and Mrs. Lee Putman enter fuel for the balance of the year has talned a group of their friends with moved out of the city. The study kattng.on streets In other parts of period was taken up with further dts the city, but those doing so are doing lieen paid for and this Is one of the a card party at their home here Sat- rusalnn of the- book. "Trailing the so at their own risk, says the police largest Items In this group. urday evening. Refreshments were Conqulstiulores." officer. A total of 9971 31 has been spent for »our Prise. for high the various Item, of maintenance and I "< <>re-e were wop by Mrs Fred lx>t.k there remain, a balance of 9429.79 V> nnd Mr" ' x,w be expended. Several new desk, and "«*«“ «<• John l>u,n'«n and Mr" Naoml equipment for two new classrooms I Putman. furnished last fall have been paid for Guests for the evening Included from the fund. Mr and Mrs. Graydon Lewis, Mr. and Emergency Fund Intact I Mrs. John Putman, Mr. and Mrs. The 91.000 emergency fund estab- I Walter Iaixton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred llshed In the budget has not been I i,„uk, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ernest, touched yet. I and the host and hostess. Receipts for the district during the period amounted to 919.643 18 which Is I ALL TRUCKS MUST HAVE less than for the same period of the R E ^ R y |E W M |R R Q R S I wo preceding year»» when they were ■ 920.433 61 In 1929 and 923.109 .40. . lru,.gB operating on Lane county A difference of more than 9 2 00 is> h|ghw#Jf, Md , u t e hlgh equlpped whh taxes for the 1930 period h .n to ri y|ew mtrror, from whl(.h „ the same period for 192». This loss Is b|<> for , he drl¥er of vehlc,e largely gained however. In the In- 1 h(m creased receipt, which are noted for I , , to Mlhn Thomp„on, county the stale high school fund, state school traffic officer. This requirement Is fund, and county fund. effective Immediately and will result Warrants paid In 1929 amounted to In several arrests If operators do not 922.229.47 w i t h Interest totaling so equip their vehicles. The traffic 9399 31 a- compared * ' ‘1’ * » rranU I motorl#t# paid in 1930 ’ 17'4W1’ S’ and has promised to cause their ar- with Interest amounting to 9146.44. 1 rest If they do not comply with the t Mid-Year Honor Roll Lists Show Increases Second Grade METHODIST LEADER More Student« Have Names on Scholarship — Bob Adams. Billie Honor Rolls at End of First Haek, Dorothy Flanery, Ethel Ruth Half of School Year than at Fulop, June Mulholland. Peggy WVlght. Attendance — Bob Adams, Billie Any Other Time In the Year; Haek. Raymond Bainbridge, Bobby Examinations Completed. Defeat Cottage Grove Wendllcg came here Monday night for Cotage Grove lost to the Springfield I . .. | the supper and meeting, team In the first home game of the Immediately following the dinner a season at the high school gym on forty-minute program of short talks Friday evening. The final score was and music was given by a group ot 41 to 14. The Grove boys played a ten visitors from Albany representing hard game but could not get away the Albany Men's Brotherhood. This from the local five long enough to consisted of three five-minute talks by toss the ball Into the basket. The Albany businessmen, a group of quar­ second string was sent In by May at tet numbers by the chamber of com­ the start of the second half to give merce male quartet of Albany, and them experience and to save the several other musical numbers. regulars for the Eugene game. Stewardship Is usually thought of T h ejta rttn g lineup for J h e j a m e | M being used refer to money - • as: Emstlng. center; Mattison and said the speaker. Wright, forwards: Lynch and Tom- During his talk he pointed out that seth, guards. The reserve men were real stewardship in church work Eldon Ellison, center; George Thatch means more than financial support, er and Harold Steverson, forwards: that it included every position In life, and Lloyd Frese and Bruce Squires, including time, talent, and desires, as guards well as wealth. It means a full ltfe-surrender, he SUNDAY TRAFFIC HEAVY said. Dr. Lovejoy came here from Spo- SAYS OFFICER; MANY FOLK SPEND DAY H ,K ,N G |kane' W «“’“ ington where he had held * a series of meetings. After spending Sunday motor traffic over Main I a week l" duri“« whlch time street of Springfield was as heavy as he will visit Springfield. Marshflefd. It ever is during the summer months Alba®y- Tillamook, and Salem, in com- according to Lum Anderson. There P“®? with M A Man:T- d,atr,cl was one continual line of cars both superintendent of the church, he will going and coming from the mountains | go to <"alifonlia- all day long. Most of those return­ ing In the afternoon brought back I CHURCH NIGHT MEETING branches of pussy willows and other OBSERVED HERE FRIDAY more green shrubs. A large number I of people took advantage of the beauti- The regular monthly church gath- ful day to go on hikes. The Obsidians ering of the Christian church was went above Wendllng and climbed to held at the church Friday evening. the top of Mount Nebo. Howard it began with a potluck super and Hughes and Bernald Holtan were was followed by a program. This con- aniong the local people making this slated of music and Impersonations, climb. I and several talks. Russel Myers spoke on “Optimism.” and Roland Moshler GAS THIEVES LOSE CAN; I talked on the Sunday school. William McLean and Irene Brownfield had OFFICER AWAITS RETURN charge of the program. Bennett, Harrison Billings, Ralph Ger­ The third six weeks period for the ber, George Horton. Isabel Meats, Lum Anderson, city police officer I Hprlngfleld public schools which ended John Meek, Agnes Moon, Ruth Phair. of Springfield, has one perfectly good HALSEY PEOPLE START Third Grads last week also marked the end of the USED FURNITURE STORE Scholarship—Bertha Lawson, Mae gasoline can and several feet of hose, I first half of the school year. Stu­ dents In the 8-A grade at the Lincoln Etta Moon, Eugene Fulop, Dallas a complete gasoline syphoning outfit, I at the city hall waiting for Its owner A used furniture store was started school have taken their state examin­ Knight, Chester Schlewe. Attendance— Irene Gerber, Hazel to claim it. It Is not likely that this tn Bpringfleld this week by Mr. and ation and those who passed in all their subjects are now starting high Keyes, Mae Etta Moon, Marlon Phair. will be done, however, as Anderson Mrs. Ray Brown of Halsey In the school work. The high school stu­ Arda Robertson, Emma Lou Stratton. came Into possession of the equipment I building formerly occupied by the dents have completed thetr mid year Ethel Stafford. Eugene Fulop, Andrew after It had apparently been deserted Springfield bakery on Fifth street. Mr. examinations, and the other grade Gott, Earl Harwood, Dalton Horton Igtst week the police officer was In-1 and Mrs. Brown state that they will school students have taken their tests Dallas Knight, Delbert Koch, Bruce formed that an attempt was being handle used furniture at the present made to syphon gas from a parked and will later add some new Items which determined whether or not they Maxey. Chester Schlewe. automobile and he went to investigate. I to their stock. Fourth Grade should remain in the same grade or Scholarship— Peter Chnce, Roberta He found the equipment and waited advance a half grade. Cash Surplus Rsmslns Putman, Billy Nesbitt. Frank Bennett at a distance for someone to return LEGION WILL SPONSOR law. Sickness, which had such a disas- The district had an actual cash for the articles. He waited patiently trous effect on the honor rolls for | M1,dred B,,11®K* VALENTINE DANCE NEXT balance of 92,231.47 oil hand Decem­ ¡EUGENE MAN ACQUIRES until the car owner appeared and a ... (,< havn nl Attendance—Frank Bennett, Mil the second period, seems to have al ber 31, 1930 as compared with 9406.11 I h I «no, Thn lists ltsi« an «11 lry store in EVANGELIST IS SPEAKER according to J. M. Larson, manager rrotter' Qra(J# hoard at the meeting Tuesday. Ths I the First National Bank building has period during the year. slide has become rough and several I been sold to E. O. Prlvat. Mr. Prlvat AT LIONS CLUB LUNCHEON °f the dances for the Legion. Students at the Lincoln school have 8choIar8ht^ _ Henry Chace, Edgar --------- A large crowd attended the serpen- students have received minor Injuries comes to »prngfteld from Eugene made a good record In ‘he matter of TroU#r Tonlmy uchytll, Frances Cor "Clvillxatlon and the Falling and tine dance at Thurston last Saturday as a result of splinters. where he has made his home and attendance during the half year Falling of Nations" was the subject of night, but the strips of paper forming Authority was given Four-H clubs where ho has been employed for the Thirty-one students of the school were nell, Wanetta Neet. Attendance— Henry Chace, Floyd an address which John Knox, of Eu- the serpentine soon worked up Into at the Lincoln school to make and past seven years. Future plans for neither tardy nor absent for the Cornell, James Hebert, Hobart Horn gene, gave at the weekly luncheon large balls and the sweeping of this Install new curtains In the assembly I Mr. Roof are uncertain. He stated semester. berger, Robert Keenan, Alvin McBee, meeting of the Lions club here Friday across the floor by the dancers feet today that he will take a vacation room. The honor rolls follow: Wesley Robertson, Edgar Trotter, noon. Committees for Ladles night to soon worked up all the dust on the I W ore he makes any other move. Maxine Smttson, Maxine Vallier, Ted be held February 20. made reports floor. There will be no more of these B R A T T A IN SCHOOL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE dy Wright, Emil Uchytll, Tommy of their work. First Grads I dances, said Larson. TO M EXTTW W X MONTHLY | RSE Scholarship— Peggy Anderson, How- Uchytll, Roy Peerson, Francis Cornell, ard Carrels, Betty Jean Jacobsen, Al- Volesla Koch, Margie Mulligan, Wan- BIBLE STUDY CLASS TO I LOCAL SINGER TO HAVE Ilegulnr meetings of the Springfield berta Williams, Tommy Thomas, Betty e(ta Neet, Jane Phair, Wyetta Spriggs, chamber of commerce will be held two Mrs. J. W. Fltxgerald of Caldwell, Pat Aldrich, Beulah Martian, Loitnae Thelma Williams, Lula Johnson HAVE PARTY TOMORROW PART ON STAR PROGRAM limes monthly, on the first and third Idaho, has been chosen new public Rodenbough. Sixth Grade Tuesdays starting on Tuesday, Feb health nurse for I-one county succeed Members of the Bible Study class I Mrs. W. K. Barnell, soprano, Mrs. Attendance — Thorvald Johansen, Scholarship—Clara Brooks, Sadie runry 17. It was decided at the meet Ing Miss June Gavin who resigned to Tammy Thomas, Floyd Steele, Fritts Gott, Roy Steele. Bernlece Mith. Ruth of the Christian church will be enter Louis Waldorf, violinist, and Mrs. L. talned at a social gathering tomorrow Dow Moxley, pianist, will furnish the Ing held here last Friday night. Ko to Portland where she became Smltson, Dele McBee, Boyd Fish, Keeler, Clifford Hornberger. Two meetings a mouth Is expected president and secretary of the Oregon Howard Carrels, Betty Jean Jacobson, I Attendance — Clara Brooks, Dale evening at the home of Mrs. M. A. complete program for the monthly to create greater Interest In the chant Slate Nurses association. Mrs. Fits- Carson, Jean Daniels, Ethel Gott, Clif­ Pohl. Mrs. Thomas Patrick and Mrs. dinner of the Blue River chapter ot her of commerce. Programs for each gerald has had previous health work Ida Johnson, Beulah Martin, Yvonne ford Hornberger, Marjorie Jolllff, Pohl will be Joint hostesses. Husbands the Eastern Star which Is to be held meeting will be planned In advance experience In this state. She assumed Murphy, Ix»ls Phair, Genevieve Robert­ Johnny Miller, Bernlece Smith, Leroy and other family members have been | at the Masonic temple In Eugene It Is announced by President W. K. her duties on Monday, having offices son, Pauline Slnnar, Claire Trotter, Invited for the occasion. this evening- (Continued on rage •) Helen Bonner. ' in the court house. Darnell.