T U V H H P AY. JANUARY 20. 1081 TILE SPRlNOrnCbP NEWS Lvabui'O Resident H , r * paob six M r" ‘ h“ " C a rte r <»f Leatm rg transacted buxine«« i, tm « city T uesday. Miss Gertrude Skow gave the first of a serie« of talks on "Kitchen Im provement" at Goshen Thursday of last week at the Goshen hall. She s o k e on the choice of colors for walls, woodwork and furniture best suited to each type of kitchen She also told how to refinish linoleum and other floor coverings to obtain the best wear from each. A potluck lunch was served at noon. The next meeting will be held February 5th at Goshen hall. Mrs. Higgins and Mrs. Neva Dahl were hostesses to the Birthday club at Trent Wednesday. January 21. Those who enjoyed the afternoon were Mrs. Vera Mauney Mrs. Rhoda Mat thews. Mrs. Vida Roy. Mrs. Georgia Newcomb. Mrs Ruth Parker. Mrs. ^ ^ C ^ O O R ^ n d R E G l N A L D D E N N Y / h ’A L A D Y 'S M O R A L S * Mvrl Williams, Mrs. Carol Williams. Mrs. Mary William#. Mrs. Schawl. Fox Rex. W ednesday and T hu rsday. F eb ru ary 4 and 5. Mrs. Bessie Kimball, Mrs. Vera West, Mrs. W L. Wheeler. Mrs. Neva Dahl, GIRLS OF 1850 DARING , *‘A LADY OF MORALS- and Mrs. Higgins. AS MODERN MAIDETJ s __ wssy co«»« «»••»*?? noikw *U,\WY (ygUlMUOki A Scene fro m Path#'# spectacular d ram a of the west. O eeert” s ta rrin g Bill e Boyd which opens Sunday a t the a n ei Fox matinee M cD onald fo r Its N o rthwest p re m ie r of 3 daya. M c D onald audience buck jones western TO SEE -N E W MOON” AT REX NE X T WEEK 2 0c Except Sunday» and H o lid ays COMING TO BELL THEATRE The Pleasant Hill W omans club will meet with Mrs. Cole Wednesday ■ New Moon." all talking adaption of Buck Jones will appear on the Grace Moore. famous Metropolitan What sort of an effect do clothes FRIDAY afternoon. Mrs. C. E. Jordan and the stage success, currently at the screen of the Bell iheutre Friday and Opera soprano, makes her debut on have on a woman's character? an d Mrs. Doane will assist Mrs. Cole. the talking screen as Jenny IJnd. his 8\ix McDonald Theatre, lain, county Saturday of this week In one of his SATURDAY Is the girl of today with her nat­ Several students of the Pleasant torlc Swedish singer, in "A latdy's movie patrons will be given an oppor­ best western films, ’’The Lone Rider . I Hill high school who have been ab­ ural boyish figure and simple gar­ Morals." Metro-Goldwvn-Mayer's vivid tunity to enjoy the first Joint appear­ Some of his best film work will be sent the past week on account of ments. more frank, courageous, loyal romance based on the life of the opera ance on the talking screen of Amer­ shown In this picture Tonight Is the .■s c u b ia n>-ioass measles returned to school Monday. and honest that her great grandmother celebrity of the past, which will come ica'# most outstanding ftgues In the last night to see Dorothy Muckalll and of eighty years ago who wore ertm- operatic world, namely latwreuie Tile la>wlx Stone »In “The Office W ife’ “ Semester exams were given at the ollnes. tight stays and numberless Wednesday and Thursday. February "Oh. For a Man". Fox comedy, will belt and Grace Moore. 4 and 5. to the FtoX Rex Theatre. Pleasant Htll high school Tuesday and furbelows? Experts on the subject are play at the theatre Sunday and Mon The picture deals with the career Wednesday of this week The unusual occasion of two stellar inclined to think that she Is. They of the “Swedish Nightingale" and her day. The women of the Cloverdale Com argue that external artificialities have sensational appearance in New York names In a single production was ex­ the KING munity club held its regular semi­ a definite influence on a person's under the auspices of I*. T. Barnum, plained at Metro Goldwyn Mayer by ACTING DOC T H R ILLS But history refutes this pioneer of showmanship, and ti.e ro­ the fact that when the screen right» monthly meeting Thursday at the club makeup. d ACTlON SCHOOL STUDENTS HERE house and spent the afternoon com­ argument. The women of 1850. partic- , mance is between the singer and a of the Broadway hit were purchased. 2? in the thrill pleting a club quilt for Mrs. A. C. ularly the pioneer women of the \ \ est, blind song composer. Hans Kraly. It was with the Intention of making Tarxan. famous police dog actor the production the most distinctive of the year Forney. A potluck dinner was served have never been surpassed for bravery t ‘famous for "The Student Prince" and and most talked about picture of the (rotn Sun Diego, made his debut In at noon. Those present were the Mes- and fortitude. other film hits, and Claudine West person before the students of the | dames M K. Warner. E. R. Anderson An interesting and romantic de­ adapted the scenario from a story by 1930 season grade schools and high school this , and daughter. Bessie. Harry Fishwood. piction of one of these heroines of Dorothy Farnum. With Tlbbett #nd Miss Moore under week The famous unlmul actor w as| Kenneth Daustrom. William Jones, D. the early West is shown in The The picture marks the first talk­ contract, there was no need to look E. Rinehart. L. E. Parks, L. Bauer. Lone Rider." the Columbia all-talking ing screen work of Carrie Jacobs eiaeghere for stars who could do exhibited nt the schools by hl# man­ Harold Bauer. W. R. Elliott. Leo action film starring the daring Buck Bond, composer of "The End of a Justice to "Lover Come Back to Me. ager. A. A Barnes. He performed Raymond. E. C. Kull. John Sellers.! Jones scheduled to play at the Colon­ Perfect Day.” whose song. "Isively •One Kiss." "Wanting You." and the ling, number of tricks and demon uath B A R B A R A BLUFORD .ta t. d Ins ability to understand people J D. H. Mitchell and small son, L. J. ial Theatre on Saturday. The daugh Hour,” was specially written for Miss other Sigmund Rombery song hits. Dl>««t«J b, L O U IS K IN G who speak Io him lie was ucrnm Getchell. E. E. Mornings Ur. T. H. ter of a Judge prominent in the affairs Moore. She also sings two operatic panted on his visit here by a white] Parks, Miss Frances Parks, Miss of a little western town Is returning number, the "Casta Diva" from Bel COMING— When BUI Boyd went to Artaona Alaskan dog Doth of them will be | Grace Mitchell. Mrs. E. E. Morning home from the East in a stage coach. lini's "Norma” and an aria from Sunday for 3 Day# star will be hostess to the club ladies Bandits attack the coach hut are "Daughter of the Regiment," by Doni on location for his new Path# star exhibited at the Saturday morning on Wednesday. February 4. at the driven away by a lone rider. The girl zettl. “It Is Deettny," was composed picture. “The Painted Desert," which sesaion of the Mickey Mouse club at ' GEORGE O BRIEN club house. This will be an all-day trusts her rescuer implicity—never for her by Oscar Straus, king of light comes to the Fox McDonald on Sun- the Fox McDonald theatre In Eugene. ...In... Jay next, he returned to the scene« meeting with potluck dinner. once suspecting that he had been opera composers, and "Barcarolle" Is of one of his earliest motion picture " F a ir W a rn in g ” a t Fox Rex Ralph Laird, who suffered an attack leader of an outlaw band But later, from the same composer, lyrics for triumphs. “The Last Frontier." George O'Brien, famed for his ex of appendicitis last week, is improved. when she does discover his Identity, both Clifford Orey. Herbert Stothart, she does not falter In her loyalty to composer of “The Rogue Son," Is rep­ rellent work In 'The laist of tli>-1 Installation of the Smith-Hughes him. Inspired by her faith, the former resented in "Oh Why." with lyrics W e s te rn F av o rite at Rex ^99 Duanes" and "The lame Star Ranger system of agricultural education at bandit lives up to her Ideal. No by Harry Wood and Arthur Freed. Is coming to town again and this] the new Lowell Union high school has modern girl could have been more Other musical details Include a chorus ’ Buck Jones, the world famed cow­ time In hla latest outdoor thrill drama H e rs I# one th a t w ill m ake you been granted and will be in effect sincere in her emotions nor more sung by students, a Swedish pastorale boy. Is coming to the Fox Rex theatre Fair Warning" nt the Fox Rex the hold the edge of your seat#. next year, according to word received courageous In her actions than this by Stothart and an Italian song by again Friday and Saturday In his atre for a three-day engagement start­ DON’T MISS IT! by Thomas R. Power Jr„ principal. latest talking thriller “Desert Ven Straus and Grey. heroine of the 50 s. ing Sunday. Saturday. Cottage Grove has the only geanep." This picture “Desert Ven Sidney Franklin, producer of “Wild Smith-Hughes man in the county at Orchids." "The Actress," "A Lady of geance" give Jones a good story and V isits fro m L o w e ll— A. M. the present time and the Lowell of Lowell was a visitor In Springfield Scandal" and "The Last of Mrs. Chey- a very good east to help him Includ­ ing the beautiful Barbara Bedford. branch will be the thirty fifth in the e 5-T C o ir è 'T I H E A T RE_S__ ney," directed the new production. on Wednesday. state. W* BUCK '(J O N E S “FAIR WARNING You’ll always find Our » Prices Down And Our A Quality % Oxuwu*vs»x»«C>'< Wl*» « HAB« »MIA»»»«* ia w v k i , TIliETT OSACI MOORS la SdEf ;“ MO4W>!i M ID N IG H T Up sa R tur C d a v 10 P. M. to 1 A. M. On Groceries We Believe in The Old Adage, “ Live and Let Live" The tremendous response to our 20 Lbs. Onion in shopping bag 2 8c Fresh Extra Eggs, dozen 15C a reassurance to us. We feel that the public is observant of our close 98C attention to market declines. Fresh Rhubard, pound 15c is just another example of our pass­ 43 oz. Box Washing Powder 14c 10 bars Best Laundry Soap 2 5c Sugar, 20 Lbs. Cane ............................................... 75c 10 Lb. box Figs — Jasper Graham Now In— Spuds, sack 40C an^ 60C For Good Light Bread Try a Sack of Delicious HARD W HEAT FLOUR See TARZAN, the Human Dog, “In Person” Satuiday morning. Also Big 8pecial Performance BIG MICKEY MOVIE CLUB recent reduction In prices has been COLONIAL This SATURDAY ONLY ing on to our customers, benefits ES that are due them.