I •o TlHîRSPAY. JANUARY 29. 1931 OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events ot the Week Assembled lor Information ot Our Readers. TH E M A R K ET« Portland T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS DRAINAGE FACTS GIVEN IN LATE CENSUS REPORT Heavy taxpayer* of Yamhill county are forming a branch of the Taxpay­ er»' Equalisation League ot Oregon to obtalu a more equitable equalization of the tax on real property, now hear­ ing 30 per < ent ot the tax burden. Visiting In Portland McKenzie Resident Hare— Bob Stevens of McKenzie Bridge trans- nuteil bualneaa In thia city Monday. Visits Monday— C. I-andera of Mar cola was a visitor In Springfield on Monday morning. H aa O peratio n — W . T . Clark under w ent a major operation at 'he Eu gem* hospital on Saturday. J Visits from W lnberry Mr». M Ma thany of W lnberry waa a visitor In Springfield on Monday. **U* The Swenson aawmlll aouth ot Ven­ eta alarted operatlona after a ahut* down ot aeveral week». Karl Weaver. Same valley rancher, reporta a vein of coal dlacovered on bta properly. He waa digging a well. Motor vehicle reglatratlon feea for the tlrat alz niontha of the preeent fiscal year to January 1 totaled *4.- 192.334 6». Report» that platinum, gold and «li­ ver are being taken from Galea creek at Pureal Grove'» back dour haa the town agog. The Rooeevelt highway aouth of Sea- aide waa blocked recently for 100 feet by a landallde. It took about ten daya to remove the debrla. Enrollment at the Unlveralty of Oregon reached a new high level of 3244 for the winter term, an Increaae of 7» over la»l year. Mrs. Bather Silver waa Injured fa­ tally when ahe waa thrown from a log oo the beach near Devil» lake recent­ ly. The log rolled on her. Stockholder» of the St. Helena Co­ operative Creamery aaaoclatlon have voted to Join the bower Columbia Val­ ley Co-operative Dairy aaaoclatlon. A determined effort la being made by the Bend police department to en­ force the ordinance againat throwing paper and other refuae upon public or private property. Motor vehicle falalltlea In Oregon In 1*30 aggregated »30, aa againat 339 In 192*. Figures ware releaaed at Salem recently by Hal B. Hoaa, aecretary of atate. John H. Maxwell, farmer ot the Ilona latne dlatrlct near Medford, haa a freak at hla atock ranch—a * month- old calf with mule hoofa. The calf la otherwlae normal. The Portland office of the United State» biological aurvey haa received a ahlpment of 100 pounda of atrych- nlne to be uaod In the war againat rodent» and predatory animal». Albert Hoffman. 1». of Central Point died from wound« received when a war aouvenlr exploded. The boy had picked up what he thought waa a piece of metal and hammered It In the Intereat of economy the coun­ cil of Cottage Grove haa reduced aal- i of city employee. The cute range fr 36 to 10 per cent The night polli officer waa the only one not reduced. Ex I -rlmenta will be conducted by l i M iller of the United Statea de- i. tm- nt of agriculture at the Bentley »u ii.«. grove, near Dundee, In an ef­ fort In combat the bacterial blight­ ing of nuta. A. C. Barnes of Prineville recently had trouble with hla radio receiving net. Examination dlacloaed that a mouae had found Ita way Into the working parte of the aet, and had been elecrocuted. Bfforta to aecure a new power life­ boat for the local ooaat guard ata- tlon are to be continued by the Ban­ don chamber of commerce deaplte a discouraging reaponae from Admiral BUlard, chief of the service. The board ot director* of the Med­ ford Irrigation dlatrlct haa decided to merge It* management with that ot the Talent dlatrlct, In the Intereat of econ­ omy. Olen Arnaplger w ill be general manager of the two dlatrlct*. A record ot 173 pounda of butter- fat In 74 daya la the unuaual record aet by a Josephine county Guernaey cow owned by J. 0. Calhoun of Grant* Paaa. The average annual amount of butterfat produced In Oregon la 173 pound», It haa been announced by atate dairy Inapector*. Fred Clover Is visiting In Portland. Albany'» rainfall during 1*30 waa al­ Visits Friends— A. W. W eaver of most a third leaa thau the average during the laat 16 year». F M. French, Thurston visited with friends In local United Hlatea weather obaervar, Springfield on Monday afternoon. said. The 1*30 total was 24.64 Inchea. Jaeper Man H e re —F. 8. W hitm er The 16 year average la 3* 18 Inchea. of Jasper was a business visitor In How to meet the crisis ot the pres­ Springfield Monday. ent panlrky condition of the dairy V isits fro m Cam p C reek— B m il products market occupied the chief place of attention at the 36tb annual Bauer of Camp Creek waa a visitor meeting of the Greguu Dairymen's aa In Springfield the first of the week Wheat — III* Bend bluestem, Sic; »oft while. weatarn whit». M e; hard winter, northern spring, wenteru red. Me. Ila y - Buying price, f. o. b Portland: »»elation held at Redmond recently. Alfalfa, •17.64011; valley timothy. Retail business In Portland In ex- |17 60; eaatern Oregon timothy. (1 3 9 ceaa of *211,000,000 Is shown by tha *20; clover. 14; oat hay, *14; oata and bureau of the esuaus In the reloase vetch. »13 60014. 1 of the returns from the 1*30 distribu­ Ilu tto tfu l— 1 * 9 lie. tion census now being complied. The Eg«« Itancb, 1 2 Ci 20c. 1*30 population of Portland la 301.8*0. C a llie Steers, good. (3 6 0 9 * 19. Edward (’low, 17, aon of Mr. and Ilog» Good to choice, *9 0 0 9 * 25. Mrs. Charles Clow of Uniondale, was Ijim ba Good to choice, *4.7607.14 In the McMinnville hospital recently •s e ttle with a fractured skulL Tha youth W heat—Soft white, weatarn white. ran behind a barn while a blaat In a (4c; northern aprlng. bard winter, slump waa exploded. A place ot the weatern rod, 64e; hlueatnm, 47c. stump waa thrown over the barn, strik­ Kgga Itanch, # 9 13c. ing him on the hoad. Butterfat—84c. Engineers appointed by the public Cattle—Choice ateere. *7.769*.60. service comralaslon to aludy traffic Iloga Good to choice, 26. conditions on the Pacific highway at Ijtm bs Choice, *4.5097. the northern entrance of Albany have Bpokane recommended an underground crossing Cattle--Steer*. good. »7 50 9 *2 6 . that will serve both the .Pacific and Iloga Good to choice. *3 46. the Ha nt lam highway by eliminating Lambs—Medium to good,* 6 9 * . existing grade croaslnga. PAGE FIVE Marlon county with an Infant mor­ tality of only 36.3 per 1000 during 1*2», la one of the moat favored re­ gion» In the entire nation In thia reaped, according to Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, county health officer. Births In the county during the year totaled 933, compared to 810 In 1*2*. The Oregon Packing company of Salem notified growers that no con­ tracts for pumpkin acreage w ill be taken for next year. The company generally took contracts for 3500 to 4000 tons of pumpkins at thia time of the year. No pack will be made next year, however, directors aald. Lane county haa a total of 6,400 r u e s of land In drainage enterprises ' To St. Louie— Paul Crandall left according to figures released this Springfield Monday evening for 8t. week by the department of commerce I x > u I h where he will bo employed with In connection with the compilation of hla brother In an Ice cream factory. Information taken at the tim e of the farm census for 1930. There are no Visits D aug h ter- Mrs. B. A. Wash­ acres , of land In the county which burn« left for Hau Francisco Wednes­ are unfit for crop because of a lack day to visit; her daughter and to of drainage. receive medical care. Three thousand c lih t hund. ;d acr»» M erch an t III— E. E. Fraedricks, used of land under drainage la fit for furniture dealer, has been sick the normal crops while the remaining llrs t part of the week and has not 1.300 acre» are fit for partial crop. been able to be at his »tore. All of thia land la not planted to crops, however. Only 3,900 acres of N ew Room Added -A new room haa this land waa Incorporated In crop« been added to the Sunday school u 11*25» the report stows, last 2,0,0 facilities at the Baptist church this acres of this land was actually farmed week. One of the larger rooms baa during the year. been divided into two class rooms. The figures oo not Include land Dismissed fro m H o sp ital — Hoy | devoted to growing of wild hay. Brewer was dismissed from the Pacific The drainage enterprises of Oregon Chrltitian hospital where he has been Includes 476 miles ot open ditches, receiving medical trea’ ineuts on Wed­ 121 miles of levees and dikes, and nesday. 42 miles of tile drains. Residents of tha upper Chetco river. In southern Curry county, where there are large areas of fertile bottom land and thousands of acres of grailng. are asking the county for an extanalon of the highway to a point tan miles farther up the river. Representatives of the Rogue River valley fruit Industry w ill name a com­ mittee composed of three member* of tha traffic aaaoclatlon and three mem­ ber* of the Fruitgrowers’ league to study the advisability ot merging the league and traffic association. k The drainage enterprises of tha state represents a total investment of 34,264,467. Lane county haa an l?v*M in«nt of *1 >00 Only one other county. Benton, haa a «mailer Invest­ ment, having 82,100. Klam ath county leads all other* with an Investment of 31,329,977. Columbia county follows a close second with an Investment of 31.061.26». No Pursuit For years he had been terribly hen­ pecked. One morning at breakfast he said to hla w ife: ’‘My dear I bad a queer dream laat night. I thought I saw another man running off with you." "Indeed!” said his wife. did you »ay to him?" "And what The state has a total of 204,432 "Oh," he answered "1 asked him Visits Son— Mrs. K a lie Brummette went to Portland Saturday to spend j acres of land in drainage enterprises. why he waa running.”— Exchange. some tim e visiting with her son, John,, Visiting Friends— L. It Hloch of who Is In the Good Sam aritan hos­ Marcóla visited with friends in this pital. city the first of the week. V is it H ere— Mrs Dell Hinson and W altervllls Resident Hare— Oscar | daughter, Caroline, of Oswego, and Millican of W altervllle wan a buslnesa Mrs. Robert Arnold of Shedd were visitor In Springfield Monday. week-end visitors a t the home of Mr. . First National Bank Bldg. Transact» Bualneaa--Noah W rght and Mrs. Fred Hinson. D r. J O S E P H IN E C . B R A U N Naturopathic Phyjician Springfield of Marcóla waa a business valtor In Springfield on Friday. Recovers from Operation— Mrs. It G. Masters, former Springfield real Sister Ola*— Mra. L. K. l ’âge was dent who underwent an operation at called to California last week to at­ the Pacific Christian hospital In Eu tend the funeral services for her gene last week, has recovered s u ffl-. aiater who died at Sacramento. clenlly so that she waa able to return to her home on Tuesday. Arm Infection— H arry Harrington, parla man at the Anderson Ford Canadians V isit— Glen Bowerman garage, has an Inflicted arm this and daughter, Lucy, of Alberta, Can­ week and haa to carrÿ It In a sling ada. who have been spending the C in d er In Eye Ray Beiaell of Múr­ enla had a cinder removed from his eye at the office of a local physician on Saturday. the pasl week has gone to San Fran- I claco to visit with Kenneth De l-assus, S; rlngfleld boy. Goiter Operation— Perry W illiams of Rainbow underwent a major oper- ! at ion for goiter at the Pacific Christ­ ian hospital In Eugene on Saturday. A local physlclal who did the operat­ ing reports that the patient is getting along nicely. Phones: Office 73J Residence 143W Office hours: 1 to 5 P. M. Residence 223 B street winter In California, were recent vis­ itors in Springfield a t the home of their coustn, Mrs. W illiam Clark, whom they had not seen for 30 years. Week-end Guest — Misa Florence MACHINERY COMPANY Oregon dairymen must develop and C o ffin .o f Portland waa a Springfield WILL OFFER FIFTEEN maintain an aggressive spirit If they visitor over the weekend, being a are to curb the Increased use of ole©- guest of Mr. and Mr». C. E. Swart«. FOUR-H SCHOLARSHIPS margerlne and other dairy aubatltutaa Tonsils Removsd— A. W’ . ik-hwering and a corresponding decrease In the Fifteen scholarship of *500 each use of butter and dairy products. J. D. of Creswell had his tonsils removed will be awarded by the International Mickle, atate dairy and food commis­ ut the office of u local physician on Harvester company, manufacturers of Monday morning. sioner, declared recently at Eugene. all kinds of farm machinery, to young The national forest aervtce and Lane Visiting Mother— Mra. C. O. Wilson people in the Western states who are county will co-operate In building a went to Salem Monday to six nd some outstanding in the Fonr-H club work mad over the summit, between the time visiting with her mother in that according to an announcement re , celved last week by R. C. Kuehner, headwaters of Indian creek and those j city- new county club leader. W inners of of Ten Mile creek In the northwestern Visit Relatives— Mr. and Mrs. M ar­ the scholarships must be able to part ot the county. It was announced. The county will obtain the right of lon Adams und son, Bob, and Mrs. attend college eith er next year or the way and the forest aervloe w ill grade George Carson drove to Monroe Sun­ year after, which would make them day to spend the day visiting with either Juniors or seniors In high school the road. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Mains and family. now. All timber lands are to he aaaasaed Complete details concerning this for fire protection, regardless of reel- Visits from Portland— George W il­ contest w ill soon be available at the dent exemption, unless the specific liams, Instructor In the Benson Poly­ areas to be exempted are designated technic school at Portland spent the office of the club leader at the court­ and are patrolled by tha owners, ac­ week-end with his fam ily In Eugene house In Eugene. cording to a legal opinion handed down and at the fox furm at Rainbow. FANCY BREEDING RABBITS by the attorney-general at Salem re­ cently. The opinion was requested by • Son Bom — M r. and Mrs. W. E. SHIPPED TO CALIFORNIA Howells of W altervllle are the parents the atate forestry department of a baby boy born to them at the Three W hite Flemish breeding stock Tha oonatrucUon of a telephone line Pacific Christian hospital In Eugene rabbits were shipped to a party In Into the Chetco river district haa been on Saturday, January 24. 1931. Southern California last week by R. announced by officials of the Siskiyou national foreat. Action taken by the Injures Hip— Thomas Ryon, em­ B. Nelson of the Nelson poultry and forestry department In allowing resi­ ployee at the Fischer lumber mill at rabbit farm. Inquiries and orders are j dents ot the district access to the gov­ Marcóla, was brought to Springfield coming in every day regarding chick­ ernment lines la a part of * plan Friday for medical attention to bis ens and rabbits available at the local which w ill afford better fire preven­ hip which he Injured while working. plant according to Mr. Nelson. Three fancy breeding cockerels were tion during the summer months. Baby Son Born— M r. and Mrs. M ar­ shipped to U m atilla Saturday and an M illing facilities for the new »10.- vin Spores of Donna are the parents order for five more was received on 000 addition to the Farm Bureau Co­ of a baby son born to them at the Monday. Requests for baby chicks operative warehouse at Hermiston Pacific Christian hospital In Eugene have been received from such distant have been purchased, and w ill be In­ on Sunday evening, January 25, 1931. places as Kansas City. stalled within the next fe w days. Whan Many people are buying settings of oompleted end ready for operation the Gaea to California— Frank Snod­ warehouse will be one of the heat of grass, brother of Riley Snodgrass who eggs and raising th eir own high grade Its oapadty In tha northwest, with tha has been visiting in Springfield during chicks. beat milling equipment available. Curry county's tax levy for thia year w ill be 33 mills, one-tenth of a mill lower than for the peat year and the lowest tax for many year*. The ooun- ty commissioners feel highly pleased that they have boen able to keep down the tax levy when there la such great demand for public expenditures. Cur­ ry's levy la probably the lowest of any county In the state. The temperature of the water In the well being drilled a t Lakeview to obtain hot water with which to heat the entire city Jumped to 300 degrees when the bit reached a depth of 8*3 fe e t One hotel, a hospital and three homes now are being heated by a well that was drilled apteral yeara ago. If the present wall w ill provide 1000 gallons a minute a t 300 degrees, that will be a sufficient amount to heat the city of 300 Inhabitants. It has 30,425 acres of land which Is unfit for crop because of lack of drainage. A total of 144,664 acres of drained land Is fit for normal crops aa compared to 37.261 acres fit for only partial crop. About tw othlrd» of all available land, or 141, 826 acres are now under cultivation. How One Woman Lost 20 lbs. of Fat Lost Her Double Chin Lost Her Prominent Hips Lost Her Sluggishness Gained Physical Vigor Gained In Vlvaciouanesa Gained a Shapely Figure Move to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. i Lee Inman and daughter, Marjorie, left Springfield Monday for Portland I f you're fat— firs t remove the where they w ill make their home for cause! ’ Take one half teaspoonful of KR U- j Iho Immediate future. Mr. Inman was 8 C H E N SALTS In a glass of hot 1 formerly manager of the Springfield water before break '-s t every morning Municipal airport. —cut out pastry and fatty meats— go light on potatoes, butter cream and Attend Birthday Party— Mr. and sugar— In 3 weeks get on the scales Mrs. J. M. Larson, their two sons, and note how many pounds of fat and Mr. Larson's aunt, Mrs. Tony have vanished. Notice also that you have gained In Charrett, of New York city, motored energy— your skit* Is clearer— your to Junction City Monday evening to eyes spnrkle with glorious health— attend a birthday party at the home you feel younger in body— koener In of Mrs. Sam M iller, honoring Mra. mind. K R U S C H E N w ill git[e any fat person a oyous surprise. M iller, sister of Mra. Larson. Get an 8Rc bottle of K R U 3 C H E N SALTS at Ketels' Drug Store (lasts Oakridge Man Hare— Ell Clark, serv­ 4 weeks). I f even .ais first bottle ice station operator at Oakridge, was doesn't convlnco you this Is the easi­ a business visitor In Springfield on est, safest and surest way to lose fat Mondny. Mr. Clark said that he had — If you don't feel a superb mprove- ment In health— so gloriously ener­ niado several trip up to the small getic— vigorously alive— your money lake where the large W est Coast air­ gladly returned. plane made a foreed landing on New Mrs Marne Carey of Buffalo, N. Y„ 3 ear's day. He declared that there writes— "Since I began taking Kru- schen Salts I have lost 20 pounds and was between five and seven feet of I feel as If I had lost 50 pounds— 1 snow there now and that more was feel »0 good and the best part of It falling every week. ail 1« th a t I eat anything 1 like. Chair and Davenport /n V e /o u r a n d M o h a ir SPECIALLY PRICED $40.50 Up Wright & Sons Hardware Paint Furniture BUY NOW - Not in many years have prices been so low on a vast number of merchandise items as at present. Not in many years has there been such an oppor­ tunity to get so much for so little money. The thrifty are seeing the advantage of buying now while prices are low, knowing that these prices cannot remain at the present level very long. i I 'lM I Buyers are eager to buy when they find bargains or hear of them. The merchant who has bar­ gains and advertises them captures the buyers’ dollars. Buyers Read The Springfield News For Bargains