J A h V SCALI \OU1 YOU t THAT D’D ip V IM THURHDAY. JANUARY 29. 1931 MR. AND MRS. C. WILSON LOCAL BAKERY SELLS Money spent at hom e helps pay taxes at home. JUDGE BARNARD OPPOSES E N TE R TA IN BRIDGE CLUB OVER 3.000 LOAVES OF The beet way to lower taxes Is to keep y o u r| OLD AGE PENSION PLAN m oney in lauie county w here It can add to the BREAD LAST SATURDAY Mi and Mr». Clifford Wilson enter taxable w ealth and low er th e m ileage. County Judge c. P Barnard 1» op talned at th eir home Friday evening THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at SprlagHeld, Lane County. Oregon. by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H E. M A X E Y . Editor A M ultnom ah se n ato r Introduces a bill a t Salem to change the date of the prim ary election. Why have a prim ary election at all? G overnors are m ade at Portland hand-picked conventions. Entered a« second clam» m atter. February 24. 1902. at the poatofftce. Springfield. Oregon. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N One Year In Advance ......... 11.75 Stx Months ____________ »190 RATE Three Months Single Copy If th ere is a slum p in the p ercentage of he-m en in this country, th ere is an Increase in he-wom en. T H U R S D A Y , JA N U A R Y 29. 1931 TH E DRIFT TO TH E CITY This country is becom ing industrial and urban, i Until this cen tu ry the m ajority of people lived in the country, the 1910 census being th e first to | show th at the city had overcom e th e country population in num bers. The 1930 census gave the city th e g re a te r ratio by about 50 to 60. With this drift to th e city com es som e of our social problem s —crim e, divorce and disease. Di­ vorce is increasing m uch faste r th an m arriage increases. Children are no longer a sse ts but decided liabilities. In form er tim es when the population was largely on the farm , fam ilies were large. Often the children furnished all the labor necessary on the farm and were sources of econom ic gain. Also m oat of the food and som e of the clothing were produced by them on the farm . Today, in the city, a salaried m an can hardly support a family. If the children go to w ork they m ust stint their education and often be in poor environ­ m ent. This is a condition th a t is producing a race with a different new point—m ore so in the thickly settled east than the west. TTTrr A FORM OF SUICIDE” A certain friend of m ine prospered mightily in his business and investm ents. 1 used to see him often, and it distressed me to observe th at his increase in w ealth had apparently added nothing to his peace of m ind. He seem ed to be alw ays worried. His health w as not to o good. With each added million he developed a new com plaint. The o th er day 1 saw him again for the first tim e in nearly a year. Ilis eyes shone. He was full of pep and plans a w onderful tra n sfo rm a ­ tion. "You know, 1 used to talk alstut retiring." he said, "and I had just about m ade up my mind to A RIG BUYER do it when the stock m arket crashed. Then 1 Los Angeles county buys 21 million dollars discovered th at I couldn’t afford to retire. w orth of Oregon products every year, according " I’ve gone hack to work, and it's the g reatest to figures of the cham ber of com m erce. It also tonic 1 ever had. I doubt now if I'll ever retire. buys 20 millions from W ashington and 17 m il­ W hen you com e to think of it.” he added, "idle­ lions from Idaho. A big m arket indeed. How­ ness is just a form of suicide.” ever, figures on w hat Oregon buys from Los T he phrase is striking, but the th o u g h t which Angeles county would also be interesting. C ount­ it expresses is not new’. Many m en have m ade ing oil, m etal and rubber products and Hollywood m ade m otion pictures no doubt the figures would the sam e discovery, and usually a t th e price of unhappiness. be imposing. C harles Lamb, when released a t last from his W hat Los Angeles county claim s it annually buys from Oregon is as follows: B utter, 1,263,000 drudgery of desk work a t the India office, cried pounds; cheese, 4.536.000 pounds: dressed poul­ out th a t he would not go back to his "prison for try, 861.224 pounds: eggs. 17,575 cases; fruit and ten thousand pounds." vegetables. 238 carloads; livestock. 6,750 head; “ I am free! Free as a ir!” he w rote ecstatically lum ber, 600,000,000 f e e t to a frienjl- ‘1 will live a n o th e r fifty years. Posi­ tively the best th ing a m an can do is nothing." LICENSE FEES AND MARKET ROADS W ifi- (h M easures designed to re tu rn som e of the a u to ­ mobile licenses m oney and gasoline tax to the counties for m ark et road use are being introduced in the legislature. Sooner or later som e of this m oney m ust come back to the country to relieve property road taxes. If it is logical to build sta te road, and it is, w ith license fees and gas taxes then it is also logical to build m ark et roads in such m anner. The sufficiency of the funds for both purposes is the only angle th a t need be considered. W ith the continued increase in rev­ enue from this source the tim e should come w hen there is sufficient for both sta te and m ark et roads. Mr. R askob seem s to own the D em ocratic p arty—a t least he says he h as bought and paid for it by assum ing all its financial liabilities However, we would not be surprised if th e rank and file contested hLs deed a t the next election. But Mr. R askob’s generosity should n ot be over­ looked considering he voted for H ughes, H arding and Coolidge. If he had been a life long dem o­ cratic th a t gentlem an probably would have changed the nam e of the party before now. Tw o years passed. Idleness lost Its charm . Time, which had seem ed to pass slowly when he w as chained to a job. now hung around his neck like a m illstone. With his days free for w riting he actually w rote less th an in th e years w hen, with all th eir dull routine, he had been stim ulated by daily co ntact with th e active world. .. . . . poaetl to the hill now M fo re the More thnn J.IHMI louvea of bread la »tale logl»lMlure at Salem which aeeka a large baklug (or I I I . average bakery ,h r e»iahii»hnient of an old ag< p* n and la an unuaiial ailed baking for the average aliope. bul that la Juat *lon 1,1 1,1 H “ ' uot think Ihe people of the »lut» are what waa done here laal weekend ready to accept «uvII a plau at Ihe at tha New Home« Bakery hy t'a rl present I lm«1 »o»t «ugge»«» delaying McKee, proprietor. I any action on I ho proposai. The Stanley «lore« III Springfield The Judge I» advocating Iho ral»lng and Eugene had agreed Io handle of fund» for old pensions by »oitlng (lie quality bread made hy Mr McKee aside a corlnln amount ouch your fiotti end II wa» decided Io aell those lonvoa an w ag. and eatery ea rn er. “ » " * “ • very low price Saturday a Nlnkltiic fund tn«te«er»on» lie contends that | under the pension »y»lem now ailvo j DAWSONS E N TE R TA IN AT POTLUCK DINNER SUNDAY ealed the number »e»klng penaloaa t would be doubled and all of the fund» , would have to come ont „ f direct M r ami Mr» W II Dnwaon enter taxation talned with a potlyck dinner at their home on Sunday. Thoae preaent In Orives to Harrlaburg Dr Kugene eluded M r and Mr» Clifford W’llaon Kester motored to Harrlaburg on and »on. Mac. M r and Mr» W II Adrian, and Mr ami Mra. W. Il Sunday. • C urry mid children. Helen mid llllly of Kugene An Inform al »octal after SUMMONS In tha C irc u it C o urt of tha State of O regon for Lana County. B. B Brundage, trustee, Plaintiff, . . . . . . , , "W hy should the hen set all day? he asked, ‘She can lay but one egg, and Besides, she will not have picked up m aterials f o r a new one. Those , ! . . ,, who work m uch do not work hard. Both idleneess and unrelieved drudgery are form s of suicide. Som ew here betw een them Is a happy m edium which is really living. DO the Y a ai i| LET I HERE a C Tein pie Kugelte, (tre Dr. A. T. Oberg D E N TIS T 1 ‘ who fo r tha pa«t th ree years hea operated the P a rk e r System D e n ta l offices In Eugene, haa opened offleaa of hta own at 9 (2 W llla m .t te St. Eugene, op- poaite tha Re» T h e a tre . T e le ­ phone 241. E aam ln atlo n e Proa. I : 1 N O T IC E OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT T h e Scientists s a y Candy is good for all of ns and especially for those who work hard and play hard. F G G IM A N N ’ S 'Where the Servlra 1« Different H enry T horeau, who saw m any th in g s clearly, looked forw ard to a tim e when every m an 's life would be reasonably divided betw een hard work £ * " and happy leisure. described By Te chain«, thence If you w ant to find the m odem girl don’t w aste tim e calling a t her home, a contem porary w rites. Unless the p aren ts are aw ay, he m ight have added. A crim e com m ission rep o rts th a t m ost of th e ________ a________ . crim inals c a u g h t a re found to be under 25 years ¡o fta g e Q uite likely. After| th a t tim e they have h Æ som e folks reasons they are losing m oney eith er learned how to evade c ap tu re or gotten the Northeast quarter of the North- w henever they pay a bill. a job with th e vice squad.— Ju nction City Times. east quarter of Section Twenty-eight Vi ELL, P'MKN, m a y P E ITÍJ PEC A U bE y o u H A V E N 'T for nie ni lier» of Ihe local bridge club Mr» Clara Curry of Kiigen« waa a gueal t'irai prlxe waa won by Mr» I l> l.arlm ei Mr«. W elby Steven« Won aeeolid prlae. The next meet lug will he held February t , al the home if Mr und Mr» I II, Larimer. W ont POWER, i , t R i <3HT T e iif.ii, 12S). Al»o beginning at the North­ west corner of la it Three (3) of said Section Tw enty eight <28j running thence South 14.96 chaina, thence Bast 32.70 chains to the Kaat line of »aid Section Twenty-eight (28), thence North 14.96 chaina, and th em e Weal 32.70 < hoJna to the place of beginning, all In Iauie County. Oregon; and that you, und each of you la- forever barred and enjoined from a»sertlng any clntm of right, title or Internat In or to said real property, or any part thereof, save and except the statutory right of redemption. This summons Is served upon you by the publication thereof for four succcesslve weeks In the Springfield News, In accordance with an order duly made and entered by the Hon. G. F. Sklpworth, Judge of the above entitled court. The date of the first publication Is January 16th. 1931. D O N A LD YOCNO. Attorm-y for plaintiff, 860 W illam ette Street. ¡ Kiigenet Oregon. J.15 22 29 F.6-12 Kidney Acids Break Sleep CAN THERE BE .“FREE” ELECTRICITY? No! Even If it. wore possililo to m niiufncturo plectriclty w ithout cost, your hill would be reduceil hy only one-fourth. T he reason for It? Because you ennnot go Io your electrie light com pany, pay cash mid carry your electricity hom e. We m ust deliver It to you. We must Imild lines and keep them In const an t repair; pay w ages to engineers, linesm en, "tro u b le-sh o o ters", bookkeepers, stenographers, telephone o p erators, m eter readers, collectors and o th ers; chock your m eter; m aintain offices; and last, but not least, pay in terest on the m oney which lias built this business. T here is no such tiling as "som ething for n o th in g ”- at least not In business. I f n e t t in g tip N igh ts, Bnckscho, freq u en t <1 ii m ils , Lei’t Pallia, ID i V- o'i«i,"aa. or I!m iii.a;, dun to f onetlnn- nl liluddar tr illa tio n , In acid condl- Mountain States S f e ’tí Power Company