I THURSDAY, JANUARY 2», 1931 PAGE THREE THE 8PRINOFTELD NEWS "Psrhaps you would like ms to ex­ plain, Mr. Chlttenham,” Schofield went, on and now every sneering word was a studied Insult, "or will It be sufficient It I Just call yon the cad and the blackguard which I know yon to be? •'I can only conclude that you are drunk," said Giles, sharply, ‘‘and that being so, the kindest thing 1 can do Is to ring and have you shown out of the house.’* He took a step towards the hell, ------------------------ S " but Schofield was too quick for him— FARM W A N T tìl) I want fumi» (or N O T IC E O F S A L E Purchases Feed I .nulla Jeaaon of WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE "That won't do,” he said thickly. ‘"Please leave us.” On February 6tli, 1931, at 3 o'clock •»»it uujfur». Deserto«, giva price. ( 'unip Crook puri-hoaod fund for hla Giles Chlttonham sets out to make When she had gone, he sat down " I’ve seen that trick tried before. I ’m P. M ut 619 Willamette Street, Eu- I Julie Farrow love bime, Intending to II. Mi .»own, 4t>9 Wilkinson, Ouiuhu, atork w till« In Sp rin gfield on Mouiluy gene, Dragon, 1 will offer for aah- [b ^ V h e 'r o ve M n V a ie iiia 'to r t £ V » J beside his wife and put an arm round not drunk and you damn well know Nebraska. I ’m not You're a younger man than ami sell to the highest bidder for clde hl, ,,retween plaintiff and deceased, by tbe County Court of drown her anguish. Lawrence Scho T o N E V A M A Y N E W 1 ID U 8 E , Do-1 defendant be aet aahle and wholly Lane County, Oregon, und all persons ’ field wants to marry her. Lombard don’t know what It’s like to be ten given him a thrashing I'm tn your i* u diuit: unnulled. Thia aummona la aerved having claim» against said estate w ill, tvbo had first introduced her to Chit- alone In this hideous darkness. I shall debt, I owe him one myself—” mu are llorcby mquirod to uppoui I upon you by virtue of un order of present »ame duly verified at the law tenham. demands money from Giles He released Schofield’s arm, at the go mad If you leave me. I ’ve often ami s tu m o r tho complaint on me I (' P. Barnard, Coulity Judge, made office of Whitten Swafford, 202 T if­ with the threat that If be is not paid felt impatient with blind peopl^-it's 8ame tlme «lT‘n< hlm » 1UUe he will tell Schorield that Chlttenham .itfuluai you lu tho ubovu outlltod , and filed In tbla ault Jan. 22, 1931, fany Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, on or and Julie spent tbe night together on bored me to have to talk to them and away from him, and for a moment the • uii within (our (4j weeks front tlio I directing the service of tbla aummona bafore six mouths after this date. Duted und first published January the St. Bernard Pass. Later Julie con­ try to be nice to them, but I know two men glared at one another sil­ out« ol Ihu drat publication o( Utis' upon you by publishing the »ami- for fesses to Chlttenham that she loves .■umiuoua Ui ibo aprininuld New», I four weeka In the Springfield News, 29th, 1931. what It's like now, and I wish I ’d been ently, then Schofield broke down. He him. LEONE T. MONTGOMERY. .ow unnecessary It was to have added as he did not speak. “What am I row the best of all reasons?” CHRIS M MILLER. Attorney for plaintiff, uud my resi­ those last words. He would not ring going to do? Or what are you going Schofield rose to his feet and began Admlslnatrator of the eatate of Oregon for Lane County. dence and post office addreaa la Eu Christ P. Miller, deceaaed. Address: in Probate, her, he would come round, she was to do with me? 1 can't stay here, pacing up and down. Kune, Ore. lu the Matter of the Estate of Sara sure, he would come very early, per­ can I?” ‘ Lombard was so sure— he had got J.22-29-F.6-12 19 It F. D. No. 1. Eugene, Orgeon. II. E. Slattery, Attorney for Admin­ lioldrcdge. Deceased. Giles explained as gently as he every detail of the story—that you haps even tonight If he was back in Notice Is hereby given that tbe un istrator. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S could. and Julie spent the night together at J 22 29^.5-12-19 derslgned. Fred L. Beard, as executor time, and then tn the morning they Notice la hereby given that the un of the above entitled eatate has filed would go away and make some sort “In the morning I will take yon the St. Bernard Hotel—” derslgued haa been duly appointed in aa.d proceedings his final account; , ORDER away.” "So we did. It was Impossible to of happiness together. Administrator of the estate of Cath­ In the County Court of the Stats of that the court has set the time for She Interrupted quickly: arin e E. Ailutus, deceased, and any get home. If all such unforeseen sit­ the hearing thereof at the hour of I Julie tried hard not to think be­ Oregon fo r Lane County. uud all persons having clalma against "Where will you take me? To live uations are given the same vile Inter­ 10 o'clock A. M. January 30, 1931, j yond tomorrow, but although she was In Probate. Ihe aald eatate are hereby required pretation as you have given to this— " In Ihe Matter of Ihe Eatate of N and all person» having any object,ons so tired, and felt ready to drop, she with you?” to preaent aald clalma duly verified thereto shall (lie tbe same In wr.ling | •'Not at once. To a nursing home. Schofield’s face flamed suddenly could not sleep. She lay awake for aa by law required, at my law office, J Dshlln. an Insane person. Be It remembered that on this 8th on nr before the time set lo r the I hours listening to every sound. I have arranged with a specialist to crlmoon. llo c k w lth Building, 717 Wlllutnctte HI., hearing. day of January, 193], the petition of Eugene, Oregon, In lotne County, ore- FRED L. BEARD, ‘But I believe lt t” he shouted. *T’ve In the early morning Julie dosed see you—” gon. within alx muutha from the date Edd Dahlln. as guardian of the person Executor, i off to sleep, only waking when she She interrupted again: always known that Julie was unhappy. and of the eatate of N. J. Dahlln. an of thia notice. Insane person, asking for a license to H. E. Slattery, Attorney (or Executor. heard the maid let herself Into the "It will be of no use. I know. I'm She has hinted at trouble again and Duted und flrat published January J .lh li.- -2 U sell the real estate hereinafter de­ _________ finished.” again. The reckless way she talks— flat and move atwut in the kitchen X. 1931. "Don't say that Sadie.” I lute of laat publication February scribed, came on before the Court tn N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F S S A L E ON lighting the fire. all that pretended gaiety. It ’s never due and regular order for hearing E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E 5, 1931. She shuddered from head to foot, really deceived me though for her Presently she brought tea and a and final determination. Notice Is hereby given tual by H. E. 8LATTBJRY, “Well, go on— and afterwards? sake I ’ve let her think It has— Lom­ And after being duly advised In virtue of an execution und oruer of note. ‘‘It was lying on the mat when Administrator of the eatate of Cath the premises, the Court finds that all What then?” sale lu foreclosure Issued out ut the bard had the whole story paL He I came In, Miss." urine E. Adurns.deceased. of the facts stated within the said Circuit Court ol Lane County, uregou, "Thein we must see. We must make even spoke of your brother's relations Addreaa 717 Willamette Ht., Julie glanced at the handwriting, petition are true; und that the said on the 10th day of December, 1930, Eugene, Oregon. arrangements.” with Julie’s cousin—and of his suicide, petition should be granted. in a suit wherein on the 14th day then sat up, her pulses Jerking. It J 8-15 22 29 -F.6 “Arrangements! for what? For me de said that you mistook Julie for W HEREFORE IT IS ORDERED of Uctober, 1930, in said court L. M. was from Lawrence Schofield. She Estate of Z. T . M ountjoy, Deceased. AND ADJUDGED by the Court that Travis, Inc., a corporation, recovered was conscious of a warm glow of to be led about by a nurse or a dog ler cousin—he said that you in­ Viola Queen. Herbert Rude, Hannah Judgment against F. W. Schultz and N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S for the rest of my life?” Her ter­ tended punishing her for the way she pleasure. Notice Is hereby given that Jane Rude and Christina Nelson Dahlln, Ida Belle Schultz, his wife, defendants He loved her— It was something to rible. hysterical sobbing began afresh. treated your brother— he said that and all other persons Interested In for the sum of *2177.00 with Interest Mountjoy has been by the County Chlttenham felt th«t he could bear when you came back from St. Bernard Court of the State of Oregon in und the said estate, shall appear before at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, be hapy about in a world that held this Court at the hour of 10 o'clock from tbe 13lh day of December, 1928, no real happiness. # He must have no more. He called to the nurse and you boasted to him of the easy con­ for Lane County, appointed Executrix of the last will and teatameut of Z. A. M. February 6, 1931, to show cause. aud (or the sum of *62.19 taxes, and brought it himself late last night. Per­ made his escape. His nerves were quest you had made— ” If any they have, why Edd Dublin for the further sum of *260.00 as at- T. Mountjoy, deceased. He never finished his sentence— tor haps, after all. It had been his foot­ shaking as he went downstairs. He All persons having claims against ns guardian of the person and of the torney's'fees herein and the costs and had never Imagined anything so tragic Chlttenham's hands were at his throat, (lie eslute of aald deceased are hereby estate of the above named N. J. Dah­ disbursements herein in the sum of step outside which she heard. shakng him Uke a rat almost chok­ She broke open the seal, the en as this last half hour. nodfled to present the same duly lln, an Insane person, should not be *36.30 which Judgment was enrolled He paced up and down the library, ing him— »taled and verified, et tho residence licensed by this Court to sell, sepa­ uud docketed in the Clerk's office of velope felt unusually bulky, she drew rately and at private sale, each of the In Springfield, Oregon, of said Execu­ said Court In said County on the 14th out ts contents— her own note which at his wit's end to know what to do. "By God— you dare say that to me— trix, within alx months from this 22nd following described tracts of real day of uctober, 1930, and said execu­ It was long past eleven and he had you talk of Lombard! how much bet­ estate, to-wit: tion to me directed commanding me she had written last night in the hotel day of Jauuary, 1931. Tract No. 1—Beginning at a point in Ute name of the State of Oregon, lounge, torn across and across into all the night to drag through. ter are you? Believing the first foul JANE MOUNTJOY. If there was indeed no hope of Sadie lies that come to you about a woman Eecutrtx of the Isrst W ill and Testa 30 feet North nnd 50 feet and 6 Inches lu order to satisfy said Judgment, In­ minute pieces. That was all. East of the Southwest corner of Eu­ incnt of Z. T. Mountjoy, Deceased. terest, taxes, attorney's fees, costs of • a a ever being able to see again, how you're supposed to care for! You’re gene F. Skinner Donation Land Claim, suit, and accruing coats to sell the A. E. Wheeler, Atton y not worth thrashing—get out, that's Notlf. No. 2181, In Twp 17 8, Range When Giles Chlttenham got back could he possibly leave her? J.22 29-F.6.-12-19 tollowlng described real property, to- Four West of the Willamette Mer It would be inhuman, Impossible, all I ’ve got to say to you— ” to his mother's house she met him N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Mian, and running thence North 217 wit: Still keeping one hand on Schofield, and yet to live with her— The Northeast Quarter of the North­ in the hall. feet, thence East 60 feet, thence 8outh The undersigned, Executors of the east Quarter of Section (20) Township Chlttenham dragged him to the door Another knock at the door. •'Your wife has been asking for you 217 feet and thence West 60 feet to estate of Hugh M. Ihrice, deceased, Twenty t20) South of Range Two (2) and flung it open—shouting to one Chlttenham turned impatiently. have filed their Final Account tn the Ihe place of beginning, all being In Eu»t of the Willamette Meridian, tn all the evening. 1 said I would send of the servants: ‘‘James, show this “Oh come in, come In.” matter of said estate with the County and a part of the City of Eugene, Lane Lane county, Oregon, and the West ,vou up as soon as you came In. Clerk of Lane County. Oregon, and County. Oregon. "A gentleman ft see yon, Sir. I gentleman out, and If he refuses to As he went upstairs he could hear one half of the Southwest quarter of Tract No. 2—Lot Four In Black 1, an order has been made and entered Southwest one quarter of southeast Sadie's voice, high pitched and hysteri­ said you were very much engaged and go send for the police.” of record by the County Court of Llll's Add. to Eugene. Lane county, quarter of Section 17 and Lots No. 1, He released Schofield so violently cal. and he stopped for a moment, his could see no one, but he insisted. Sir, »aid County directing this notice and Oregon. AND IT IS FUR THER ORDERED 2 and 3 in Section 20 Tp. 20 S. R. 2 hand clutching the stair rail, a terrible and says he will wait if he has to that he almost fell. He waited a mo­ appointing Saturday, the 7th day of East Willamette Meridian In Lane February, 1931, at the hour of ten That a copy of this order shall be County, Oregon, excepting therefrom sense of loss and irrevocable fate grip­ wait all night. The gentleman Is Mr. ment—then went back Into the library, o'clock A. M. for the hearing of ob­ published In the 8prlngfleld News for tho tollowlng described tracts; 9.44 shutting the door behind him. Schofield, sir.” ping his heart. jections to said account and the settle­ n period of three successive weeks, acres deeded to O. E. R. R. Co. Oct. He was shaking from head to toot Schofield!” The color rushed to When she heard Chlttenham's voice, beginning, January 16, 1931. ment of said estate. 4, 1906. by deed recorded Oct. 29, C. P. BARNARD, with uncontrollable passion, and his Chlttenham's drawn face. she turned her head towards the door, Hater this 8th day of January, 1931. County Judge. 1906 In Vol. 73 page 94 Lane County JOHN M. PRICE Schofield! the man whom Julie had face and head were burning. Deed Records, also excepting 23.98 and stared at-him with her wild, blind H. E. Slattery, Attorney, JESSE A. FOUNTAIN That any man should dare to accuse said she would marry. J.15-22 29 acres deeded to the 8. P. R. R. Uo- eyes. Dec. 30, 1909 by deed recorded Jan. him of such a thing—and to Julie of Chlttenham went across the room 'So you've come at last, have you?” ------------------‘ V--------- - i - -------- ----------■ “ - * - ~~~ - ----L- " 29, 1910 In Vol. 86 page 249 Lane she shrilled at him. "I suppose you've In a stride. all people— the woman he adored! . . . County Deed Records. Also except And again Chlttenham lost himself ‘‘Is there anything the matter— Miss 27-100 acres deeded to Lane County no use for me either, now I can’t see." In the thought of that night on St. She beat her hands frantically un Farrow—” for Roadway Dec. 3, 1912 by deed rec­ orded May 8, 1913 In Vol. 102 page the brass rail, and the nurse who had In his desperate anxiety Giles for­ Bernard— when they had been shut In 72 Lane County Deed Records, also been standing beside her, caught and got that this man tn all probability on all sides by storm and snow and one acre deeded to Fred Fisk, Aug. General Law Practise knew nothing of his relations with tempest and he had held Julie In his 9. 1916 by deed recorded Aug. 14, 1916 held them. Julie— and when he did not immedi­ arms. Sadie burst into wild sobbing. in Vol 114 page 86,^,ane County Deed I. M. PETERSON In a revulsion of feeling he wished Records. Leaving 60.67 acres of land "There's no hope for me, I know ately reply, he broke out again Attorney-at-Law more or less In said Lano County, that I shall never see again as long as hoarsely. passionately that he had made true City Hall Building State of Oregon. the almost unspeakable accusation “If anything is wrong—" Now, therefore, In the name of the I Ihe. I shall Just sit here In the Springfield, Ore. "That all depends what you mean by which Schofield had brought against darkness till ! die—till I die— and no­ State of Oregon, in compliance with 228 Main St. Resldenoo 128 C 8L said execution and order of sale and body t^^es— res­ It donesn't matter to any ‘wrong.’ ” Schofield answered slowly. him. «1 J BM Julie would have been hts then for In order to satisfy said Judgment, one In ali 'he world what becomes "Yesterday evening I had the doubt­ Interest, taxes, attorneys fees, costs ful honor of a visit from a man named ever— body and soul and nothing could of me. of suit uud accruing costs, I will on Giles crossed the room and touched Iximbard. I have met him before— ever have altered IL Full Auto Equipment Saturday, the 14 day of Feb., 1931, JEWELER (Continued Next Week) usually, I believe, In your company at the hour of 2 o'clock In the after­ her shoulder. "Sadie— ” lotdy Assistant noon of said day, at the Southwest She checked her sobbing with a I think I am right In assuming that Repairing a Specialty front door of the County Court House, sharp breath, and raised her face he is a friend of yours?” Thurston Resident Hers—S. W. Springfield, Oregon In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer Richardson of Thurston was a busi­ ‘‘He was—yes.” for sale and sell for cash, at public with pathetic eagerness to hear what "Yes,”’ he said, still In that level ness visitor In Springfield on Monday. auction, subject to redemption as pro he had to say. She tore her hands vlded by law, all of the right, title from the nurse’s grasp, and groped In unnatural voice— “I believe there has NELSON LEGHORN FARM FRANK A. DE PUE and Interest of said defendants, F. W front of her till she touched Chltten- been a little upset between you— over Mlse Peach blow— I hope you won’t ATTORNEY AT LAW Schults and Ida Belle Schults, his Lane County** Oldest Breeders a question of money— or should we feel hurt because I refused you. ham's coat, then she clutched It fever­ wife, and all persons claiming by of Mr. Breaker— Not at all! Not at NOTARY PUBLIC call It the price of a woman's honor?’ through or under them or any or ishly and began sobbing once more. S. C. W H IT E LEGHORNS There waa a tragic silence. Chit- all t I assure you. I feel honored, either of them In and to said premises. "Don't leave me, Giles— be kind to Button Springfield SPRINGFIELD OREGON H. L. BOWN, SMieriff, I tenham’s hands were clenched behind positively honored. I ’d rather be re­ me— after all, I am your wife— ” Phone 81-F-14 Building Oregon By A. E. Hulegaard, Deputy. jected by you than anyone I know. I his back—and his faoe was grim. Chlttenham looked at the nurse. J.15-22 29-F 6-12 By Ruby M. Ayres B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . Roof