PAGE TWO TURKEY GROWERS PLAN MEETING FEBRUARY 3 TO DISCUSS LOCAL PROBLEMS ¿□OLD HE BUE -ÎITrr - ' 4 ' L íP ó C -THF CURTI H V Making Money From Game Sportsmen to Pay For Rights A special turkey «lay, or one-day turkey grower«' Institute, will be held By CALEB JOHNSON In the chamber o f comm erce room« In Farmers in every state in the union Ku*eo« on Thursday. February X Ar­ may soon be able to quit worrying rangement« for the m eeting have been about the low price of corn or wheat. made by Cha« R Dear. Cottage Grove, with money rolling In from a new and H. F Johnson. Junction City, and H more profitable crop A. Stoneberg. Coburg serving as a The sportsmen of the I’nlted States special com m ittee of the la n e County opened this new source o f riches for Agricultural «council, and county agent the furmers Cheu they adopted, at «11« stilts* VI.- "UVll Illg-V «OlVpU'H, Hl 0 . S. Fletcher. the recent — Seventeenth - American The program for turkey day is as Game conference, a new game policy follows: settin g forth their belief that the 10:SO— "Selecting Breeding Stock." farmer who practises environm ental by C. S. Brewster. Portland, Oregon. (Dem onstration, using birds that are I control for the production of more on display especially for this part of I game is entitled to com pensation for his trouble. the program.) Adoption of this policy by a con 12:00— Recess. 1:15— "A FVeding Program for Tur­ j ference which speaks for m illions of keys," by H. E. Cosby, extension sportsm en from every state means. In poultry-man. Oregon Agricultural col­ brief, that hnn’ers are ready to give financial encouragem eut to the farmer lege. 2:15— "Blackhead and Intestinal i for the farmer's part in preserving Parasites of Turkeys," by Dr. W. T their sport. The farmer who wants Johnson, poultry pathologist. Oregon i to raise a ••crop” of game is assure«! I of a steady and profitable "market" Agricultural college. 2:45— "Rearing Turkeys in Confine­ j from sportsmen who hunt on his tand. ment." by Mr. Cosby. The new la m e policy was embodied 3:15— Question box. in a report subm itted to the confer All intereested parties are invited ’ enee by- a com m ittee which has made to attend this m eeting. according to ! a long study o f the situation, and Its the county agent. A special invitation straightforw ani statem ent of the prin­ is extended to turkeys growers of ciple o f com pensation m aik s a new adjoining counties. era in the relationship betw een farm ­ ers and sportmen, to the grer* benefit of both. C. E. BOX SOCIAL DRAWS LARGE CROWD ON FRIDAY Tilt'ItSD A Y. JANUARY 2», 1931 TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS MORE ACCURATE RECORDS WOULD BENEFIT HEALTH PIONEER JASPER RESIDENT DEXTEH WOMAN GETS PIN AS 100 , CLUB LEADER . PASSES AWAY SATURDAY SAYS STATE OFFICER P iumiiuoii I m Hiiliirvtl (In* Ilf«* of Mr» — — l icrrt«« tils»™ Elliott nt lu»r horn» near •A campaign to bring about more j nM|M,r Saturday evening Mrs Elliott v„ry ||( , w„ W(>ek« Kh. ’ per cent Increase In takings of wild accurate records of birth», accidents, ,lai, turkerys. and an increase of 24 per deaths and the causes «if th«' »■'‘■Uh" h H a daughter of early Oregon pioneer«, is now being conducted over the state Mr alH, M||( , har|r . (> lluili.-i both cent in deer. the plains In a All the speakers stressed the point by Dr. Frederick D Stricker, state (1, wl„„„ that funner« will be put to little cost heulth officer. The campaign Is being wagon train She was horn at Jasper of tim e or money to reap this new ) directed largely towards the medical on August til. IHÎJ a n il had liv e d Iher« I profession. She w»fl 67 years of all of her lift harvest Simply by letting a few patches Dr Stricker makes the following ,,g„ » hen she died or » brush, leaving statem ents in one uppeul to the poo Surviving her Is her husband John ” th more accurate - ---------- records Elliott, and «on. Waym ,<>w *------ fence corners Ing a few strips of natural food, oc­ "Unless an Industry keeps ca refu l1 of J a s p e r , and ---- ou» brother, Perry casionally putting out a few ears of records of Its transactions II is uu Burlier, of Coburg She was a member corn on stakes or low hushes for able to be sure that It Is making j of the Methodist church at t auip fe«Hl during the coldest days, and con progress or profit, and is unable to Creek. trolling anim als and birds detect departments that may be oper-' ___ predatory _____________________ Funeral services were held at the any farmer will have the nucleus for).»ting at a loss. Likewise II is necos Springfield chapel of Walk. , Poole a sm all game preserve which will j sary fur the sla te to have records Tuesday at I 30. Rev t J I'lke bring abundant return fo reash and of life and death These r»««v«rda “ffli luted and Interment was made incn*ase the nation’s now-diminishing j enable lire health authorities to ootu-) In the Mount Vernon cemetery gam e supply- . pute the amount of sickness aud Best of all, the plan can be put death occurring In the communities RECENT BRIDE HONORED Into effect tn any state, since there of the state and to act aggressively A y PARTY ON SATURDAY is no state In the union not suituble when these are the result of pre­ to raising game of one kind or an­ ventable causes Mrs C. 0 . Van Valtnh (Anne other. Mr. Gordon said. "Letters received by the Oregon Gorrlel was the honor guest nt a Other cardinal points In the game State Board of Health day by day Party sponsored by Mrs A II Van adopted by the phasize school - policy » -----em phasize mere American amt mere em tn«- I 111 more und more the Im « Valzah'» a i i a n s n Sunday u iiu a y . n isi) class class of oi the in.- Game t «inference, which was u n d er; portance not only of registering births Methodist church at her home mi the auspices of the American G a m e anj deaths, hut re g is te rin g th e sa m e S a tu rd a y e v e n in g T h e e v e n in g » a - ProttM'fivik association, maru'lBlIiin and »n.t thereby iii.-e.Jn . . . . . . . . .« Protective accurately and promptly. A record »pent playing gam es und vitti re represents the attitude of sportsmen filed promptly may he counted on to freshm ents everyw here, were the following: Present for the evening were Mrs be more accurate than one filed out E xtension of the gam e lands undi-r of time. A B Van Valaat), .Mrs C G. Van public ow nership and m anagem ent as Valzah, Mias Evelyn lluetl. Miss lain Birth C ertificates Vital fast a s funds will permit In the varl I'nrents should make It a point delle Williams, Miss Doris Girard, ous states. i (H ,,|al m«. ,,f ,, child ts Miss Oorts Meyers. Miss Donithea To the farmer the new policy means Training of experts in the field of promptly registered. A birth certl Halley. Miss Margaret Gorrle, M l» a new source of revenue from all hla game adm inistration. ftcate is necessary to establish Iden- Theo Bartholomew, Miss Edna Platt. lands, those now idle as well as those Study of factors favoring gam. l|ty UJ(t. parentage, etc , and It I» Bernuld Hollon, Howard Hughes. Paul In cultivation. To the sportsm an, the propagation, ano Increaaed utilization an | m|>„r,all, legal document required Potter. i 'lay ten Kirkland and Enol new policy means a steadily increasing of these factors. to determ ine a person's age or clti- Buell. supply of game in the United States. Enlistm ent of scien tists and non ' »«nship. The statem ent o f policy adopted by hunters iu the general program o f, - A ,],.,,th certificate is essen tial to MAN FINED HERE FOR the sportsmen points out that the w l|d>lfe propagation prove principally the fact, cause, and TRANSPORTING LIQUOR game situation in the United States Redistribution da,„ of TIIIR C»‘ that that the tll<» cause < >f death l|«Ut (fam e o r o n a z a tio n a n d , prote* n r n to g 'tln n i - $ ... u ____ ’t,on- i n • “ n « - . IF by hunters • through their hunt K, ven „ (.orop|e, r :U.,, ai(llral i he won tr ie d In JUMtlrn c o u rt h r r r nrotecTlne “J ™ *“« »< *»•«• T“e report points om manner There are many thousand Friday liefor» W F Walk, r w ls l n s d ™ ,°n n° ‘j ’ j r ,hat • lace Kan,,‘ •«•»'•“ »‘« ‘•Ion» are causes of death hut many of then, charge of transporting liquor The o ,n u. in *-< I v c< ct>iit*»iriH,< otht*r wild m lift' e rarely i appear on death certlfcates A fine »*« paid by ih. defendant H i t , )w i- in . 1 was docincd „ 1« «. anipl«*, v but I utkv rgeiy nt rn u l with nn oin er wnu Han dwindling game supplies have shown besides game It is unfair to ask the I classification i «.« .. th a t th ia a . . U K “ “>e, ii ih uniair io as« im of . th ese causes must be «on was urrested lo re th,. flrsl part x : "7 ........ ........... . .................................. A large number o f people were pres­ ent at the Christian church Friday- evening for the basket social and program which the Christian Endeavor society sponsored for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay their pledge towards the work of the church. A profit of $32 w as realized during the evening. An interesting program of music, readings songs, and a short «lramatic skit was given before the sale of the boxes. V eltie Pruitt, pastor, Irene Brown­ field. and Vern L asw ell had charge of To meet these requirem ents the Inter the entertainm ent. The M isses Mina com m ercial forest land can hardly national List of C auses of Sickness and Dora Pederson had charge of be expected to devote their lands THURSTON and Death has been adopted This is the serving of the coffee. either whooly or in part to" the cause an abbreviated list and contain prac­ • » • • • • « a » « * of gam e propagation without suitable A. W. W eaver fell last Friday eve­ tically all ('Buses of death which are HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS com pensation, yet without their aid ning breaking one of the bones tn his classified In a system atic manner. The ENTER NATIONAL CONTEST the game supply will doubtless con­ left arm. _____ death ___________ should be placed under one tinue to diminsh. Mrs Kramer fell several steps down of these classification and more spe­ Springfield high school will enter Just what form the com pensation thp Bla(r way a( w „ lla|n u , the Fifth National Competitive Exam­ will take is left for practical work- h(,me , „ t 8alurday lnJurtnK her8eIf cific and detailed causes may lie addeu when necessary. The two greatest inations on the League of N ations ac­ in g o u t, but speakers at the confer gevere| y difficulties of classification are Incom cording to W. E. Buell, principal, who en ce cited a number of experim ents Mr aI)(, Mrg A B M athews re- has received details of the exam ina­ to prove that the policy will result , urne<, lagt 8atu n lay from 1>(g A n fele, plete diagnosis and undesirable terms Pneumonia is not a com plete diagnosis tion th is week. in great benefit to both farm ers n«««« and w,,ere «. . tj,ey « . have been ». . es the boll sin because It does not state whether It The con test is intended for high sportsm en _ , , days visitin g with their daughter, Mrs. Is broncho-pneumnnin or lobar pneu­ school students and consists of an Ross L» Leffler, president of the Wr)ght and fam l,y ______________________ _______________ monia. Heart disease, fever, accident exten sive written exam ination on the W5 , Van,a ,aTT1P. ( omrni8sion» W^o £jp an(j y pg w illiam R ennie »pent old age are undeHtrable term s that League of N ations, the Aims and Or­ I niTth * P| ,6 n feren ce- de' several days in Salem last week visit I are m eanlngli-ss In determ ining the ganization and Its History. The win­ « i lar n iw relatives. They returned home specific « .u se of death. An Improve ner will receive a free trip to Europe X fX r . , w "" 6,1 - Sa,Urda>- m“"1 the acC“ ™ * ’ »«> which sick as a prize. o u t o f W<1 m,d ? m 07 m"” e> Arthur Calvert from Junction City i liens and death are stated will do than on their "farm "cro "n * “ "d 8p*’nt Mo.tday night at Ray Baugh's, much to further the efflclenlny of LONG DISTANCE TRAVELED •The» crop8- Mrs. Dan Morgan underwent a ma public health work. FOR EACH CLUB MEETING whieh ih v a ” ° u» met ods by jor op<.rat| on at t|,e pac| , | c Christian "The registration of births and h is-trou b te " forsteSrln°BmthT wUd life h° ‘ PlUI EUK"De Monday Mr" d.e a “ ,B referred to as Mrs. J. L. Kyle, former resident of on his land,' Mr Leffler said Charles Taylor and Mrs. W illiam the ‘ bookkeeping of humanity." It Dexter and leader of a group of boys ‘•Tr* oc»«« Li av Barnett are caring for her children record» and check» up the Income and In the Bachelor Sew ing club. Four-H In som e place the sportsman pay» . . . ... • «u th’ m<’"' preClOU,' r"B,,ur'-" organization, now travels a distance the farmer a fixed daily rate for dUr'n* her l*ne'” Ml88 HaZe‘ Edm,8lon and Alex 'Ma* °* the B,ate' ,tB human ' »P«««»—»«- of 25 m iles every other week-end to the privilege of hunting on his land and a* . j ’ »Uetided a recital given at the citizens. It Is consequently one of attend the m eetings of the club which and as most sportsm en spend several davo in .s ti la ! Mount Vernon schoolhouse Monday the most Important functions of the she started. She Is very interested in oays in tn e fie ld , th is may run to a . . . - — evening by students of Eugene Bible Health departm ent and Its effective the work of this group of boys and goodly sum "n,.Vr,nd >h.» • college. The grade school stu d e n ts1 n ess now depends upon the accuracy, has determ ined to continue as then leader until they com plete their the snortaman i man> j3 ™ 6™ g v<‘ »old candy to raise money for drapes , com pleteness and promptness with nroner fi dd a" «. . F 31 3 for windows while a free supper which the Information is forwarded project. proper figure, adding to the their r revenue . . . . . . . . . .... a_____ . to the department." was given by the nelghorhood. And out of the friendly contacts thus Mrs. ........ Jack ......... Hiller ......... from Corvallis , ........ ------------------------- ------ QUALITY ANGUS CALVES made come other sources of revenue. spent the w eek en d with Miss Hazel 1 LEGION TO MEET HERE ‘ Many sportsm en, for instance, OFFERED 4-H MEMBERS leave their dogs to board with the FX 7 s ’ .Choo, hoys' b ask et- i THURSDAYOF NEXT WEEK Lane county m em bers of Four-H farmer the year around. Or they be­ T he rPK,)lar mpP„ nK of , he Ani,.r clubs have been offered an opportun­ com e custom ers for the farm ers' su» ball team defeated Leahurg team on he|(, ,n ity to purchase som e of the finest plus eggs and milk, having it shipped the local floor Monday evening after 1<:an LeKon poMf w |„ Aberdeen Angus calves in the country to them regularly. Or the farmer or which Thurston high school schools Springfield on- Thursday, February 6 from the ranch of D. E. Alexandet his sons may act as guide at a daily team defeated the Leaburg boys team nt the Community hall. Routine bust The club basketball team motored neH» will be taken up at the ni«-tlng at Klamath Falls. Mr. Alexander of­ fee. This, naturally. Is nearly all fers the best calves for $100 and the clear profit to the farmer, but the to Blachley last Thursday evening and — ---------------------- —......... lesser ones for $75, agreeing to refund sportsman benefits by having access met defeat with the team there. The high school basketball teams the entire purchase price in the event to a supply of game which will in­ that the calf places In the grand crease, instead of decrease every from Coburg played the Thurston high school team s on the local floor Iasi championship at the Pacific Interna­ year.” Friday evening. Both Coburg teams tional Livestock exhibition at Port 8eth Gordon, conservation director won. land. of the Izaak W alton ix-ague of Amer­ Miss Hazel Edmfston, who teaches ica, was equally firm In his support the Mt. Vernon school, was III and FISH BITE GOOD TUESDAY of the new policy. unable to teach last Friday. FOR LOCAL ENTHUSIAST “ It Is very apparent,” he said, "that Rev. Heraheizer, paster of Thurston the sportsman must pay a fair rate The official fishing season may not for his shooting, or he will have none church, returned last Sunday after being absent for several Bundays. have opened yet, but Tuesday was tomorrow. It is lik ew ise apparent Miss Ixds Mathews, who is learning too balmy a day for Charles Eggimann that unless the landowners are given beauty parlor work in Portland, speht of the Eggimann Confectionery so he a square deal and taken into partner ia„t week-end at her home here, gathered his tackle and hied him self ship, they will become rebellious, Mr. and Mrs. Lum Drury and family off to a small lake west of Eugene allow no hunting and take no Interest from Jasper spent last Sunday with where he spent the afternoon fislng ” , m KaBle crop’ Mrs. Drury parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert for catfish and bullheads. They were In Texas, said another speaker, J Mathews. biting too he says. He brought home G. Burr, director of research o f th6 five large bullheads in the evening. T exas Game, Fish any O yster com Arch «•’‘’“Kh lfi« Bunday for Port- The closed season does not apply mission, many farm ers w orking under ,and where has employment. to this specie of fish. the state's hunting preserve system ---------------------- ----- — are making more money on their game GEORGE TIPTON INJURED SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES crop than on their ca ttle and cotton. Yoorj fo r#po* to ' ' ¿ S X ? AT MARCOLA ON MONDAY HAVE PARTY TUESDAY because tho game m arket does not ______ flu«tuate. George Tipton was slow ly regaining ... — -» - - - - - . J I ll, 1« The Junior and Intermediate Sunday zas Tarmers who estab lish shoot-1 consciousness at the Pacific Christian school classes of the Christian church lug preserves are allowed to charge hospital In Eugene yesterday after were entertained at a party at the a maximum of $4 a day for the prlvll alm ost two days. Tipton, an em ployee church Tuesday evening. Games and «ge of hunting on their land. As a of the F llseher lumber cam p above refresm ents occupied the evening. t' uilt, tho acreage in th eoe hunting Marcóla, was struck unconscious Mon- TIFFANY SUIIDING, SECOND FIOOR T eachers of the cla sses, Mrs. Mel Rice, preserves rose from 1,000,000 tn 2,- day when a line cable broke where Cor. W illom att« A Eighth St«. Mrs. Ralph Mulholland, Mrs. Fred .00,000 in the first two years, and the be was working. Exam inations of the P H O N E , 3 0 4 0 Frese, and Elmo Chase, were in m-i'-i e in game may be gauged by 1 man’s neck under x ray m achines fall charge. the fact that the state show s a 100 to show any broken bones. Llcsnssd by the Stats. B E N E F IC IA L LOAN SOCIETY EU G E N E. OREGON Mis. M i ylle lliailli>h of Dexter wag .me of a large number of latu« manly «tub workeia to lw awarded on« of «he leader's plus nt the couuty mill i log o( w tukers in Eugene last w.-ak, l ii» pill * are given to lima« wh ■■« Sloops have com pleted their pi eject luo per tout. They were pr«uo>und ny II C. Meytnour sla te club la. «|»r, O lliers receiving the pins w are M l*, il II Eui< ison of Santa Clam. .Mr* Alice Woodruff of Route I, Eug.u„ Earl F Downing, route I, Eugen. ..„q Glenn Haiwisat, istu» pin«. Marriage License* Itsuad During lire past week in ai ria II- have beoti Issued by the coiuity clerk of the follow ing. Reynold Burg* and E ta Devine, both of Eug.-n« Waller Rogers and P ram ea Wlnvgar both of M ortola; Oeorge Potter, t'ulu ( ‘reek, aud Lilly Krtahor, Eugci«., George Mead« and Dolile M de udon, both »f Oregou L ily; John Ihonani and Junia Mercer, both of Floruuce; V idor I'ellersou, Juuctlou t'lly, mid E ls ie Davis. Kprlngfluld, l«elr II Toy. lor, Eugene, and Ada Keller, Hpi ng. field , Meliuda W odmsn and Junta Day, both ut Oakland, CallforuU- i clises DR. CARL'S DISCOVERY Si OPS GAS, CONSTIPATION In lila pitvalu proctlce, Dr Carl W«-«chi k» flr .l p»rtoct»d th» »linpl« m u tare now ku»wu as Adi.-iiiui. t nllk» must r h and bowel» a IttCAi. cteanlog and »«» huw B»od yott feel! It alli suprla»- you' Flan»ry's Drug Mt»r» WANTED Your ol