I •o Try the H om e P rin t Shop Ftrat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ì WENTY-KKIHTH Y WAR. FREIGHT FOR WATER SHIPMENT IS TOLD SPRINGFIELD, LANK COUNTY, ORKi/ON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29. 1931 Local Team Bests Ford Men Seek Game With Lions U.H.S. Hoop Men MILK WILL STAY Al TEN CENTS IN CITY Many Students Do Solo Flights Here "The People's Paper" A UVB MKWBFAFBR IN A U V K T O W N No. 3 NEW (1110 GIMP TO BUILD CABINS Jim MacManiman Teaches 26 Automobile Team Challenges Cottage Grove Hold* Eugene to Fly Alone at Local Port Down Three Quarter«; Com­ Service Club to Indoor Base­ In Past Nine Months. Gold Star Camp Meets With ing Here for Contest. Local Distributors Hold Meeting ball Game at High School. Delegntion From Many Cities Supcess During First Month’s and Decide Not To Raise Re­ Heart of Possible Lumber and The soloing of two more students Hprlngfleld’« high school basketball Businessmen of Springfield may Operation; Ha» 14 Cabins tail Price February 1; Other at the Springfield Municipal airport Mineral Tonnage Available in siHin vie with the High school and took the first step towards the banket- Now and Starts Construction on Saturday has brought the total Cities Sell Milk at Ten Cents; bull supremacy of the south half of Springfield for Barge Trans­ (own basketball und other athletic number of students taught to fly alone on 9 More This Week. the sixth high school district last Standard Unchanged. teams In seeking the favor of the portation; Dinner Served. at the local field In the last nine public eye Feature, If you ran, George Friday night when the local hoopmen The Immediate construction of nine Retail milk prices In Springfield months to 28. All of them have re­ Apprnslmately 76 Willamette valley Kennett, Dr W. C. Rebhan. t'lsyton defeated the University high team In more new cabins at the Gold Star ceived their Instruction and training one of the fastest and most exciting will remain at 10 cents instead of businessmen representing Port la lid. Barber, Harry Stewart, the Wrtght auto camp was announced this week Newberg, Oregon City, Independence. brothers, Ihillas Murphy, Hob Moore, games ever seen by local fans. The advancing to the 12-cent level as It from Jim MacManiman. present man­ by Arthur Morgan, manager. Two of ager of the field. game was played at the men’s gym­ will In Eugene on Sunday. Announce­ Allwny, Kugene and Hprlngfleld met Jack Larson, John Anderson, Harry All of the students have shown these are now being constructed and at the Community hall here laat Harrington, and many other local nasium at the University just before ment of this decision was made here last night after a conference between aptitude for flying and not one of work on the other seven will start Thursday evening for the regular business man engaged In a public the Washington-Oregon game. officials of the two leading milk dis­ them has ever made a bod landing as soon as the first two have been Local Boys Strong monthly meeting of the Willamette buttle for supremacy In an Indoor completed. This will bring the total (loach Norval May's team showed tributors In the city, the Springfield and there has beeen no acldenta at Valley Waterwuya association and basketball game number of cabins at the new auto the field. Creamery and the Arthur Peterson That Is exactly what may lake place the benefit of their many preliminary heart) report a of possible tonnage camp to 23. There are now six large Students who were allowed to fly dairy. games earlier In the season Friday avultuble for barge transportation here In the near future when the alone were John Wilmot and Laurence cabins and eight smaller ones ready Volume to Lower Price were the Willamette rive canalised businessmen's athletic organisation evening. Although the score was close, E. Neely. Wilmot has been assisting for use. Loyalty of the local milk con­ 11 to », the Hprlngfleld players con­ swings Into action. front Oregon City Io Hprlngfleld. at the field for some time. Neely Business has been good since the sumers to these two distributors will sistently showed their superiority and Talk Starts Last Weak The largest tonnage Item In thia Is secretary and treasurer of the camp was opened according to Mr. he an Important factor In determining May Is certain that he will beat them last week talk started about town und several other surrounding towns Hprlngfleld School of Flying, Incor­ Morgan. He has been having an aver­ was pointed out to be lumber by H. that the local businessmen would like on February 13 when they play their Just how long the present price level porated, operators of the arport for age of six or eight and sometimes as will be malotalned. J. Cox. secretary of the Willamette to start athletic contests for both return game In this city. high as 10 cabins occupied during the The unusuzlly large number of fam the city of Springfield. The entire game was an exhibition Valley l.umbermeu'a association la a competition and exercise at the high One of the first students to solo past month. This is quite unusual for lly cows In this city coupled with school gymnaidum. The Anderson of speed and quick thinking. Not report. The timber resources of Hen at the field was Dalton Shinn. He this time of the year when compara­ ton, Clackamas, Lane, l.lnn, Marlon, Ford agency und the Lions club In­ once during the entire game did a the prevailing prices of milk In Port has since purchased a small ship of tively few tourists are traveling. land Salem, Corvallis and other cities dicated that they would be willing man on either team get away long Polk and Yamhill counties totals 118, bis own and now has almost 100 hoars Any service desired may be obtained 340.817.000 feet board measure, and to organise representative teams for enough to take a slow shot at the of the state Is playing a major part of flying tim e 'In the single seater at the camp. U he rates average from ri presents 2S per cent of the standing competitive sports. Others stated that basket. The score was 6 to 4 In favor in the present local price of milk to his credit. *1.50 to <3.60 depending on the kind merchantable standing timber In the they were Interested In the proect so of the Springfield aggregation at the according to the distributors. Runw ays R em ain Solid They point out that the people own­ of accommodations deaired. Many It was decided to bold a mass meet­ half and the entire game was reflected entire state, according to the report. The runways at the airport are people are taking advantage of the Forty percent of the limber In these ing for men at the high school on by the closeness of the score. Lynch ing family cows are selling milk at holding up In fine shape this winter hotel accommodations ofiered at the and Wright did most of the scoring 10 cents a quart and that the retail ■ ounlies Is privately owned and 43 Monday evening according to MacManiman. There camp grounds. Travelers may rent a price in all of the elites mentioned A number of local merchants and for the local boys, making four points percent la national forests. Forty- some apprehension at the time the cabin and also have a day bed In­ above has been 10 cents for some others attended this meeting and de­ each. eight percent of the timber In these time. Just what the wholesale price gravel was placed on them last fall, stalled If an extra bed is desired. seven counties la standing In latne cided to meet at the gymnasium next The starting lineup was Mattison for raw milk will be has not been many persons thinking that it was Bedding Is provided if deaired also Monday to see what could be started county. Denton, latno and Linn coun and Wright, forwards; Rrnstlng, cen­ decided upon. It Is now quoted at not sufficient to make a useful run­ dishes and cooking utensils, or the ties have a total of 86,608,410 feet along athletic activities. Many men ter; Tomseth and Lynch, guards. *2.00 a hundred pounds delivered in way in wet weather. The winter has people may get their meals at the are expected to attend this Inlt'al bourd measure or 74 percent of all Cottage Grove Friday Portland while butterfat Is being paid not been very wet but the large store and lunch room which is oper­ standing timber In the Willamette practice, and a cordial Invitation Ixical people will have an opportun­ for at the rate of 22 cents. transport ships of the Bennett air lines ated by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Schop- awaits any other male adult In the valley basin south of Portland. ity to see their team In action here have been using them several times penhurst who have recently moved Price Variance Great Tlo-re were 310 active mills In the city to Join the group at that time. Friday night when they meet the Cot­ dally and they are still firm despite here from Southern Mlnesota. The wide difference between the Issues Challenge basin In 102*. lan e county led all tage Grove team. This will be one this wear. Future plans tor tne camp call for Discussion at the meeting last Mon­ of the deciding factors In Springfield's wholesale price of milk and butterfat other counties with 71 and a produc­ Is also one of the reasons pointed out the eventual construction of 40 cabins. tion of 472,600,00 board feet of lum- day night had not pna-eeded very far aspirations for the right to represent for maintaining the present price Another group of cabins will be start­ 1» r Her closest competitor was Mar­ when the Ford boys became Impatient the south half of the district. Creamery officials point out that un­ ed next on the plot of ground in lon county with 38 mills und produc­ nnd wanted t > know why they could The Cottage Grove team outplayed der the prevailing prices the producer the center of the camp grounds. These not play an Indoor baseball game In ing 177.B68.000 board feet the Kugene high school the first three who sells whole milk at *2.00 a hun­ will face the road and the group now At the present time It la costing the near future. The matter of op­ quarters of their game at Cottage dred Is actually making more money constructed around the outer edge valley mills between 11.60 and *3.00 position was raised and they Immedi­ Orove last Friday. A weakening in than he would If he were to sell It of the property which contains two per thousand board feet to ship lum­ ately Issued an open challenge to the laat quarter lost the game. Perry Clarke Is New Instructor as butterfat. The public has been and one-half acres. ber to INtrtland where It can be re- the Lions club to meet them any­ in Ground Work at Spring- Another game which will be watch­ questioning t_e reason for the low where and anytime for such a contest shipped by water Other mills near ed with Interest Is the Eugene high- price of butter and the constant price field School of Flying. LEGION MEMBERS PLAN the waters edge are able to take up so It looks as If things will soon be I ’nlversity high game In Eugene on of milk for some time and believed this difference to the detriment of moving here. Annoucement of the addition of Friday night. The game here will the drop In prices was an effort to SERPENTINE DANCE AT Authorities at the high school would the valley mills, according to Mr. Cpx. be started at 7:00 o'clock so that equalize these prices. They cannot Perry Clarke, war-time air pilot to THURSTON SATURDAY like to schedule a contest for the A F. 8. Steele, secretary of the many local fans can get to Eugene see the neceslty for raising the price the staff of Instructors at the Spring- Kugene chamber of commerce asked evening of February 13. Just prior to to see most of that game whrli starts field School of Flying Incorporated, of milk again. The regular semi-monthly dance or thnt the association go on record as the Springfield high school-llnlvcrstty at 8:00. was made this week by Jim Mac­ the American Legion to be held at There will be no lowering of the favoring the passage of the bill now high achool basketball game at the standard or quality of milk sold by Maniman, president and general man­ the Thurston hall on Saturday eve­ They argue that the before the state legislature appropri­ gynmasttum the Creamery or the Peterson dairy ager of the training school. ning of this week will be in the nature ating *10t000 for Investigation pur­ teams ought to watt a couple of weeks Clarke wtll specialize in ground of a serpentine dance according to In this city, acording to officials of and have some practice so that they poses In making river surveys. Those the two Institutions. Every effort will school instruction, devoting most of Jack Larson, manager. Large quan­ attending the meeting Instructed the will be In the best form for the event. be made to retail only the highest bis time to Instruction in the theory tities of serpentine streamers have secretary. J. L. Franzen, also city grade of milk possible. The creamery of mechanics. Most of the actual been ordered and a good time is as­ manager of Oregon City to Inform HAL BRYAN BUYS PART lstructlon work in the air will con­ Tiffany Brings Foreclosure Suit will sell only pasteurised milk and tinue to be handled by MacManiman, sured those who attend. The Legion ihe members of the legislature of the INTEREST IN V. R. JONES officers try to hold some novelty the dairy wtll sell only raw milk. group's attitude. Asking for Sheriff Sale; although Clarke is qualified and capa­ dance every other week at Thurston. SERVICE STATION HERE It. II. Kipp, secretary of the Co­ ble of doing this also. City Will Protect Land OLD MAIDS CONVENTION lumbia Valley association, predicted The new member of the flying Announcement was made ths week thnt congress would authorise a per TO BE GIVEN WEDNESDAY school staff saw service with the KENSINGTON CLUB HAS A tax foreclosure suit has been filed of the purchase of an Interest In the munent survey of the river before the LUNCHEON ON FRIDAY against the 247-acre city owned tract Thirteenth aero squadron daring the V. R. Jones Service Station by Hal ladies of the Christian church of World war. He has been stationed end of the present year. In 8prlngfield by A. R. Tiffany, holder Hryan. Mr. Bryan has taken over Mrs. Charles Poole and Mrs. W. K. Springfield will present the play. "The W. A. Ixing told the members pres­ the Interests of William Curtis and of the delinquent tax certificate. There Old Malda' Convention" on Wednes­ at both Kelly field In Texas and Barnell were Joint hostesses for the ent of the possible mineral tonnage are about *3000 hack taxes on the at Dayton field In Ohio as a govern­ will be at the station full time. Under members of the Kensington club at day evening next week at 8:08 o'clock. from the mines In this vicinity which the new arrangement Bryan will de­ property which was recently deeded They invtlte the general pubUc to ment Instructor during his service a 1:00 o'clock luncheon at the Osborn be said was sufficient to provide ore to Hprlngfleld by the city of Eugene, with the government. vote his entire time to the sale of attend. for 200.000 cars per year for 76 years Clarke and MacManiman became hotel In Eugene on Friday. Mrs. W. gasoline and oil. Jones will specialise with the taxes unpaid. This is the same play which was acquainted many years ago in Port­ C. Wright and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan and that It was located only 46 miles Just what steps the city will take on greasing, washing, anil polishing of put on in Eugene some weeks ago land when Clarke was associated with were the winners of the prlxes In front Hprlngfleld. automobiles. The two men expect to to protect Itself In the suit has not and which drew a large crowd. The next meeting will be held at the H ill Aeronautical school before the games. been determined due to the absence provide better service for their cus­ Those attending the luncheon were Independence. of the city attorney but other officials It was discontinued. tomers under the new arrangement. Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Rebhan, Mrs. Lawr­ The meeting laat week began with state that Hprlngfleld will take steps MRS. L. MAY ENTERTAINS ence May. Miss Edna Swarts, Mrs. a supper prepared and served by Mrs. to secure her title in the property AENEAS CLUB TUESDAY LOCAL COUPLE HONORED C. E. Kenyon. Mrs. Clarence Chase, I. M. Peterson and her ¿..mestlc scl- FIRST OPERETTA CAST before the suit comes to sheriff sale W ITH POTLUCK DINNER Mrs. L. E. Basford, Mrs. Dallas Mur­ enoa class of the high school. Music Members of the Aeneas club were ANNOUNCED BY LEADER In 60 days. Because of the unusual during the meeting was provided by manner In which Eugene secured the entertained Tuesday afternoon at the Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard enter­ phy. Mrs. J. C. McMurray. Mrs. W. N. The tentative cast for "Sailor property by bond Issue local city of­ home of Mrs. Lawrence May. Special an Instrumental quartet consisting of tained with a potluck dinner at their Dow, Mrs. Alfred J. Morgan, Mrs. Mrs. W. K. Barnell, piano; Barbara Maids," operetta to be presented by ficials feel that Springfield’s title guests for the afternoon were Mrs. home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W ill Harry Whitney, Mrs. D. W. Crites, Darnell, xylophone; and Deasle Stew­ the combined glee clubs of the high would be better If It were let go to Walter Scott, Mrs. E. May and Mrs. Maybe on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton. Mrs. Poole and school was announced Tuesday eve­ an actual foreclosure sale. art and Irene Manley, banjos. Sales of Eugene. The members ad­ Mrs. Maybe are soon to make their Mrs. Barnell. ning by Rrnest McKinney, director, The next meeting of the club will Half the land Is now being used dressed a letter to Mrs. S. C. Wright, homo on a farm near Creswell. following tryouts. This Is the first by Ihe Springfield municipal airport, member of the group who Is now LION COMMITTEES GIVEN Those present for the dinner In­ be held at the home of Mrs. Rebhan. time that the high school, has at­ It will be on February 8, and will wintering In California. The next FOR ANNUAL LADIES NIGHT tempted an operetta and the students some for park purposes and the re­ meeting will be held at the home cluded Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Hughes be a potluck luncheon. mainder Is lale. and family, Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery, have had absolutely no experience. of Mrs. J. C. Parker on February 24. Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah, Mr. and Mrs. All committees for Ladles night, an­ McKinney Is considering the selection W. H. Gantz, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene VISITORS WILL ATTEND nual affair of the Lions club of this TABLES REPLACE DESKS > of two casts and using the best of LOCAL SEWING CLUB HAS McElhaney, Mrs. Emma Olson, Clay­ cRy. have been appointed and are now LODGE MEET WEDNESDAY FOR FIRST YEAR PUPILS each for the final presentation. ton Kirkland. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pike busy making preparations for the MEETING LAST THURSDAY The caat announced Tuesday Is: and L. K. Page. Children In the first grade of the event. The committees nnounced by Several outside visitors are expected Frances Marie, Blanche Bates; Jean­ Mrs. From a Haack entertained the I)r. W. C. Ilebhnn, president, are: Lincoln school now have tables which to attend the next meeting of the ette Spences, Virginia Christie; Olga, Dinner— E. C. Stuart, C. E. Kenyon, they sit around Instead of desks. Five members of the sewing club at her CITY RECORDER IMPROVES I. O. O. F. lodge which is to be held Leila Squlrea; Edward. Alfred Frese; and F. B. Hamlin, music— Dr. Rebhan of these tables, all painted a bright home on Fifth street on Thursday of BUT REMAINS IN HOSPITAL at their hall on Wednesday evening Gerald, LaMar Brattaln; David Kerns, and Dallas Murphy; program—J. 0 . apple green, have been made by the last week. The afternoon was spent of next week. Regular lodge work Friends of Ira M. Peterson, Spring- will be carried on according to Os­ McMurray, John Henderer, Clayton Alton Robeson, manual training department of the sewing. Those present were Thelma There are also two speaking parts. Hnrber, and Harry M. Stewart; decor­ high school. Each table accommodates Lipes, Virginia Brink, Teddy Lipes, field city recorder, will be pleased to wald Olson, secretary. These will be announced later. ations—Clayton Kirkland and H. O. six students who have small Individual Lois Johansen, Joan Seavey, La Verne learn that he Is now Improving In The local lodge has changed Its Dlbblee; tall twisters— John Ketels chairs. Mrs. Roberta is the teacher Pugh. Georgia Simpkins and Mrs. health following his recent serious meeting nights to the first and third Haack. This is one of the Four-H illness. He will be unable to leave Wednesday's o* each month. The and Clifford Wilson; Initiation—H. E. “GOD’S FINAL CALL" TO BE of the class. clubs. Mrs. Haack Is the leader of the hospital for a while and will not lodge used to meet every Wednesday. Maxey, Dr. W. N. Dow, and W . K. SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC the group. return to his duties until he has re­ Darnell. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE gained strength lost. Mrs. Peterson The gathering Is to be held on "Ood'a Final Cull to the Church” M. a ; POHL ENTERS LOCAL TO TALK NEW FOLDER went to Portland last Thursday eve­ the evening of February 20. will be the sermon topic at the Bap­ GARDEN WORKERS BUSY NATIONAL GUARD UNIT tist church Sunday morning at 11:00. The monthly meeting of the Spring- DURING WARM WEATHER ning and returned to Springfield Mon­ day. Fred Hlnaon is continuing to In the evening Rev. Mulholland will field chamber of commerce will be MRS LARSON ENTERTAINS Maxwell A. Pohl, former radio oper­ preach on the subject, "A Half Hour held at the Community hall on Friday Some very early table gardens will look after the affairs at the city hall PRISCILLA CLUB FRIDAY Bllence In Heaven.” ator In the navy and with the coaat durlg the absence of the regular of­ be evident in Springfield If killing of thia week according to W. K. Bar- guard at Anacortes, Washington, was A great deal of Interest. Is being nell, new president of the organisation. frosts do not come too often during ficer. Members of the Priscilla club were enlisted Into Headquarters company entertained at the home of Mrs. J. shown In the Sunday achool member­ Several Items will be taken up for the month of February. Several peo­ Call on Friends— Mrs. W. W. How- C of the Oregon National guard this ple who planted garden peas during consideration at the meeting Including ship contest now being conducted M. I