The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 22, 1931, Image 9

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A cannibal tree t h a t
catches and eat« animal«,
bird«, and sometime« peo­
ple, If they’re not careful!
Now what do you think of
that, youngsters? My yarn
today has to do with an ad­
venture 1 bud on th ’ island
of Borneo with one of those
meut-eatin* trees.
I wanted to see what the
critters looked like. So,
with Eangy, I pulled ashore
from th' schooner and we
started into th* jungle. Hut
not a sign did we see of one.
I was ju st about to head
back for th ’ schooner when
a native hove in sight. In
my best pldgin-English J
told him what we were
lookin’ for. Wow! That
gent was so scared he went
right up Into th ’ air. He
swore by ten thousand gods
that he wouldn’t lead us to
th ’ debil-debil tree, as he
culled it. Hut a smull hand-
mirror I had with me did
th ’ trick. For such n pres­
ent he promised to «how us
th* Jungle cannibal.
At last, deep in th ’ ju n ­
gle, he pointed to a thick-
trunked tree with big thick
leaves and chattered with
rollin’ eyes: "Him debil-
debil tree!”
I didn’t believe th ’ yarns
I had heard ’bout these can­
nibal trees so, with th ’ suv-
age chatterin’, and tryin’ to
hold me back, I walked
right up under th ’ thing, as
bold as brass. So help me
Tom Bowlin, it those big
leuves didn’t begin to shiver
and whisper, th ’ limbs com­
menced to wiggle and cluw
around, and before I could
get away th ’ thing had me!
We!l, s’r, that native
pulled a big knife from his
sash, jumped for th ’ tree
and whacked right and left
at th ’ coilin’ limbs that held
me. In a minute or two I
was free. I was so thankful
I promsied th ’ grinnln’ sav­
age I’d give him th ’ biggest
m irror on th' schooner. And
1 kept my word, too.
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