▼ rilUKHPAY. JAM AKY 22. IH3I OPEGQN STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. TH E M ARKETS Portland Wheat — Big Bend bluestera. 70c; soft white, western white. 66c; hard winter, northern spring, western red 63c. Hay—Buying price, L o. b Portland Alfalfa, 317 50© 18; Talley timothy »17 50; eastern Oregon timothy. »1#© »20; clover. 1«; oat hay. 314: oats and vetch. 313.50 0 14. Butterfa t—32 0 25c.. Eggs—Ranch. 14 022c. Cattle—Steers, good, 38 7509.25. Hogs—Good to choice. 39.2509.50. Lambs—Good to choice. 35.5006.75. \ Seattle Wheat—Soft white, western white. 66c; northern spring, hard winter, western red. 64c; bluestem, 68c. Eggs—Ranch, 12024c. Butterfat—29c. Cattle—Choice steers, »7.5008 50. Hogs—Good to choice.»».1509.25. Lambs—Choice, »5.50 0 6.75. 8pokane Cattle—Steers, good. »7.50 0 8.25. Hogs—Good to choice, »8.85. Lambs—Medium to good.»506. Tear gas bomb apparatus will be installed in the State Bank of Ashland to combat yeggs. Ponltrymen from all over the lower Columbia district gathered at Astoria recently for the annual poultry meet­ ing. The Redmond branch of the Des­ chutes library in December showed s gain of almost four times over that of a year ago. Postmaster Charles Halderman re­ ports a general increase in business at Astoria for 1930. Postal receipts last year, he said, were »64.410.39. Plans for a highway through the Siskiyou national forest from Powers to Illahee and thence up Rogue river to Grants Pass are now in progress. The city of Seaside will soon call for bids for cleaning the streets. The council will also reconstruct the pres ent Inadequate lighting system along the Prom. Approximately 250 men will be pnt to work on the roads of Clatsop coun­ ty In a few days, it was stated by George Gray, district engineer of the state highway commission. Svensen's cannery is undergoing ex­ tensive remodeling. Bollman & Hur­ ley, owners, packed the largest amount of evergreen blackberries last year ever put out at the cannery. Barring milk produced outside of Lane county from Eugene is asked by the Eugene Milk Producers' associa­ tion as a movement toward the stabil­ ization of prices paid to producer* by distributors. James E. McClintock, the mayor of Roseburg, in his message to the city council demanded better and cheaper public utility service, economy In municipal affairs and strict enforce­ ment of the laws. W. F. King of Prineville has been elected chairman of the board of directors of the Ochoco irrigation dis­ trict for the coming year. Glen Cox will continue as secretary and man­ ager of the district. Forty-one seal scalps brought A. D Wlnegar of Cashman »102 50, Lane county bounty. The state bounty of »10 will bring him »410 more. The seals were taken on the Lane county coast near Florence. Clearing for the Westfir market road In Lane county is practically com pleted. The road will be an outlet for the mill town to the Willamette highway, with which it will connect at Hell Gate bridge. E. B. Fish and his son are building a cranberry bog east of Bandon and south of the Oregon Coast highway. They have about four acres of suit able bog and hope to have it all In plants In the near future. Dairy cows entered for testing In the Malheur Dairy Herd ftuxovement association rank second in O ?h»»*.. 7~ from the standpoint of butterfat pro­ duced to -nlmalj recent figures re ^yleased by the dairy department of the Oregon State college Indicate. Linn-Benton Is high with 27 11 pounds a cow, and Malheur follows with an even 27 pounds In one month. Clatsop county produced over a mil lion narcissus and daffodil bulbs dur Ing the last year. The Industry Is slated to double during the coming year If the embargo against imports tlon of foreign grown bulbs Is main tallied. Immediate construction of 14 new mess halls and two combination bath linnaes at Camp Clatsop was author I »cd in a telegram received by Major General Wii'tu fr--i ihe war depart rii "'». :'.iu ./ liings t II t rs 4. J ). NO CAUSE FOR ALARM REX SHOWS ’EAST OVER DISEASE HERE IS WEST" STAGE HIT SAYS HEALTH OFFICER M c D onald showing “CHARLEY’S AUNT" FARCE "Charley's Aunt" the Columbia farce of Oxford University life, produced | by Christie. Is this week’s attraction at the »\ix McDonald theatre, it has been acclaimed by press and public wherever It has played. The reason for the enthusiastic acceptance of this farce Is that it I* a long succession of laughs. Four httBdred and twenty two sure fire laughs have been ■ counted. The simple, hearty fun that follows on the wild students' trick ot turning a chum into an old lady so that ttreir sweethearts should be en ccuraged to visit them under "pro lection” convulses audiences every-! where. Groat care was lavished in bring ing this play by Brandon Thomas to the screen. The role In Itself was such a riot that the most outstanding , comedian on the screen today had ' to be chosen for its portrayal. It Is none other than Charlie Ruggles, who Is In a class by himself so far as sophisticated comic portrayals are concerned. It is a difficult role In- < deed, and required uousual ability. It is the first time that a female lm -, personation was to be played on the talking screen. In the cast with him are June Col Iyer, Flora Sheffield. Doris Lloyd, Hugh Williams, Rodney McLennon and Halltwell Hobbes. A1 Christie, a master hand In the direction of com­ edy. hsndled the production. W ill R o g er* and L u n u re n H a r t In a scene fro m tbs Fos M ovietone production. "So T h is Is L'ondon” at tha C olonial. Clothed in a wealth of romance, provided with refreshing comedy, liiuclualed with llirllls anil melody amid tile splendid vistas of the C a ll adlan Ruckle« the Fox Movietone romance. "Cnder Suspicion.'' will show at the Fix Rex theatre Sunday and Monday. J Harold Murray, whose golden voice has heeu heard In both musical comedy ami ull tulklng screen sue cesses, and lails Moran, petite, bcaull fill and talenled actress, share Hie leading honors In a way that will add many names Io their list of admirers while J. M Kerrigan and Marie Saxon also give excell* nt dim aderlxatlons. The realistic story concerns a tilled British ace who. In order Io save I lie honor of his famll}', sacrifices himself and his title, burlee Ills Identity mid enlists In (lie Royal Northwest Mount ed under the name of John Smith. He meets and falls In love with Ihe besuftlul daughter of Ills com mandlng officer and how he wins her In the face of danger. Intrigue mid Ihe Jealously of a designing rival, forma the basis of one of the most enthralling and. nt the same time, tensely stirring romances ever trans ferred to the silver screen. A lirenxe plncqne. awarded by the Exhibitors World Herald, motion pic tur* trad« magnslne. Io selected the- Hires whose sound and projection equipment meets ihe highest require­ ments bus been awarded Ihe Colonial theatre in Eugene mid Is now en eXhlhUtiou In Ihe theatre lobby. In order io gel the plarque II Is neces sury t*i make application for It and then the magaxlne semis a represent* live, unknown to the theatre offl clal . 1« Investigate nrd make his Mid year exams will he held on rec iium m illions. The Colonial Ihe Tuesday and Wednesday of next week u lre Is the only one In latne county to lie awarded this emblem. at the Pleasant lllll high school. cM'IHIKAM) Harry E. Shaw, evangelist for the Full Gospel church, is spending the week in Springfield conducting spe d al metlngs at the »'till Gospel church A scene fro m "C h a rle y 's A u n t.” the all laughing comedy now playing on West Main street here each eve­ at the Fox M cD onald T h e a tre . ning. The evangelist also conducted services at the church last Sunday 'UNDER SUSPICION" IS WILL ROGERS FUNNY morning and evening. IN "SO THIS IS LONDON" GREAT FOX MOVIETONE When Fox »Tims selected George M. Cohan's stage success. “So This Is Ixindon,” for their second starring A number of students of the Pleas­ vehicle for Will Rogers, the best ant Hill high school are absent on ! known personality In America, they account of measles. Among them are selected a story which not only was Nina McPeek. Ollie Tucker. Noble cut und tailored to fit the Oklahoma Wheeler, and Veda Daley. cowpuncher but a story' that Rogers Henry, Emma and Bobbie Olson, has long wanted to do for the screen children of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Olson, but awaited the audible screen for are recovering from the measles. its proper presentment. The Pleasant Hill basketball teams Rogers, in the days that have gone lost to the Mohawk teams last Friday by, made several productions for the at Wendiing. The boys' game was silent screen which were only fairly nip and tuck throughout. Stutz. a successful, mostly because the Rogers Pleasant Hill guard, made a basket witticisms need the Rogers voice to for Mohawk. The score at the end get full play. of the game was 33 to 32. The girls' His debut on the sound screen was score was 32 to 17 in favor of Mo In “They Had to See Paris,” which, hawk. The Pleasant Hill second team though a phenomenal success, was won from Mohawk by a score of 30 acclaimed by Rogers himself as "Just to 21. The lineup for Pleasant Hill a rehearsal." He was trying out this was. Hills and Doane, forwards. Man- "new fangled invention.” so he said ney. center. Peebles and Stutz. guards When letters began to pour in on For the girls, Wiley and Tucker, for­ him from all over the world compli­ wards, Phelps. Jump center; Tinker, menting him and begging him to do running center, Mauney and Swift, another story, then and only then, guards. Baughman, Laird, Wheeler, did Rogers become convinced that the substitutes. sound screen was his forte. The Mapleton basketball teams In “So This Is London," which the come to Pleasant Hill next Friday Colonial Theatre will show Friday and to meet the Pleasant Hill boys and Saturday, Rogers plays the role of girls. •'Hiram Draper.” Texas cotton mill At a meeting of the student body owner whose business duties compell of the Pleasant Hill high school the him to go to London to negotiate the following officers were elected: Presi­ purchase of a cotton mill. Then the dent, Prentice Wheeler; vice presi­ fun begins. dent. Floyd Mauney; secretary and treasurer, Althea Baughman; reporter. CITY RECORDER IS VERY Grover Kelsay; athletic manager, ILL AFTER OPERATION Sheldon Stutz, sergeant-at arms, Don­ ald Gilbert; yell leader, Grover Kelsoy. I. M Peterson, city recorder and They voted to buy new sweat shirts attorney of Springfield, Is reported for the boys and girls’ basketball to be very III at the Portland Medical teams and the coach. where he underwent an operation last Wednesday the Pleasant Hill high week-end. Mrs. Peterson was called school basketball boys defeated the to Portland Sunday night and re­ Lowell boys by a score of 50 to 27. turned here Monday after he showed The game was very well attended. signs of Improvement. Telephone Mrs. Frank E. Blair recently pre­ mesagvs from her father who is with sented the boys of the Ixiwell basket­ Mr Peterson at Portland, slated that ball team with white wool sox with he was seriously III agnin yesterday. red tops to match their suits which Fred Hinson and W. P. Tyson have are red and white, the high school been staying at the city hall during colors. Mr. Petersons absence. Gilbert Tyson, Miss Lorec Laird, a senior at the auditor of the city hooks, is doing Pleasant Hill high school, is taking the necessary bookkeep'ng work dur­ piano and pipe organ music at the ing the absence of the recorder I'niverslty of Oregon. J. A. Phelps, scout . master, took • a - - In the C irc u it C ourt of the 9 t? te of number of the J’J“»',Tint Hill boy scouts Oregon fo r Lane County. if!?' 'Byrd lecture in Eugene last L. O. HBLBOCK. Plaint If, Versus week. The Pleasant Hill ladies were enter­ ALICE M HELBOCK, D efndant. To said defendant, Alice M. Hel- tained by Mrs. Luella Bristow last bock: Yor are hereby summoned to Wednesday. Those present were Mrs. answer the complaint filed against you W. R. Cole, Mrs. Bert L. Doane, Mrs In the above entitled cause and court Henry Knowles, Mrs. Frank Dlnges, within four weeks from the first pub­ lication of this summons and If you Mrs. Ralph Laird, Mrs. E. Y. Swift, fall to answer, for want thereof, Mrs. C. E. Jordan, Miss Anna Parks. plantiff will apply to the court for Mrs. C. L. Williams, Mrs. L. Castle- the relief asked In the compla'nt, viz., nian, Mrs. J. W. Jameson, Mrs. Morton that the marriage contract and rela L. Bristow. Mrs. P. N. Laird, Miss tlon existing between plaintiff and defendant, be set aside and wholly l^ela Wheeler, Mrs. Ernest Schrenk, annulled. This summons Is served and daughter, Gloria, Helen Miller and upon you by virtue of an order of the hostess. Mrs. Bristow. The next C. P. Barnard, County Judge, made regular meeting will be with Mrs. W. and filed In this suit Jan. 22, 1831, directing the service of this summons R. Cole on Wednesday. January 28. upon you by publishing the same for Mrs. Cole will be assisted by Mrs. four weeks In the Springfield News, and requiring you to answer In this Jofdan and Mrs. Doane. case within four weeks from the first publication of thia summons which Is Visiting Brother— Frank Snodgrass made Jan. 22, 1931. of Wnlln Walla. Washington Is visiting 9. D. ALLEN, Attorney for Plaintiff, residence and his brother, KEey Snodgrass, In P. O. Address, Eugene, Ore. Springfield this week. J.22-29-F.5-12-19 Bringing to the screen one of the greatest stage successes of recent years, the Fox Rex theatre will offer Universal's all-talking version of "East Is West" as It attraction Friday and Saturday. Rich In romance and the Intrigue of the Orient. "Bast Is West" first scored heavily as a stage play with Fay Baluter In the role of Ming Toy when produced 111 New York, where it enjoyed wide popularity for more than two years. Lupe Velez, the feminine lure of many screen hits. Is said to be adorable In the role of the piquant Ming Toy who Is sold by a heart­ less father to the operator of a Chinese “love boat." I^wls Ayres, the boy of “All Quiet On the Western Front" fame, makes his debut as a romantic star as Hilly Henson, the wealthy American youth who falls in love with Ming Toy. Edward G. Robinson, one of the most famous of stage character actors, is cast-as the menacing Charlie Yong, half-caste Chinese ruler of San Fran cisco's Chinatown. Miss Velez does her first screen singing In ''East Is W est” when she sings the never-to-be-forgotten "Chi­ nese Lullaby.” UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ COLONIAL THEATRE GETS HIGH AWARD FOR SOUND Tax W est C oast I heatres FULL GOSPEL MEMBERS HEAR EVANGELIST TALK ♦ There Is no m use (or alarm about a possible scarlet fever epidemic In ihe city schools according Io Dr. W II l*iil'urd. i lly . health officer and chairman of Ihe school hoard. Bus plrlous cases reported to him last week have lieeu investigated very cart fully, ami none of them are scarlet fever No reports of non tuglous diseases have been made Io Ihe health officer during the week Duly one child In Ihe city has had the disease (Ills w tille r mill that one in liow 111 a hospital In Eugene recover In« from Itie afler effects of Ihe case "Repeat the words the defendant used,” said the lawyer. •'I'd rather not,” said the witness, timidly; '‘they were hardly words to tell a gentleman." "Ah,” sold the attorney, “then whisper them to the Judge.” O /r w //u n fO X W K T COAST IM 3 A T H IS . Y E S IN D E E D — J A N U A R Y IS "B IG S T A R " M O N T H « LO OK- NOW PLAYING COMING SUNDAY T bs Screen's G reatest Lover»— T O G E T H E R A G A IN ! mMjiiK VlNTf's GAYNOR L CMAftlti FARRELL > À MWHO CAME BACIf C harlie R lggles June C o lly e r Tbs Sweethearts of "7th Heaven" Directed Ay In th e ir latest and AL CHRISTIE most thrilling Screen Romance. /w Th« M irth q u a b « of th« Ages I Fra» lk« ce le b r a te d play by Brande» Tke»e« “The Man Who Cam« Hack" marks the return to sweetheart roles of America's favor les, Jnnel Gaynor and Charles Farrell After many months they are united ngaln. that loving couple you elected “King and Queen of the Bcreen,” In a dramatic romance more power­ ful and Ilion* beautiful Ilia n t l o i i Immortal ''7th Heaven." (uAkLLYS au nr A C O L U M B IA P ro d u c id PICTURE by C h n itie COLONIAL FRI. & SAT. LAST TIMES TODAY «O B « IIDNÏY tlUBUSMUflMY VIM* U W M S »»n imo ine, B rea th -ta kin g , w ild adventures w ith w ild beasts, savages, th ic k s , and dancing g irls. 3 0 THIS IS 1 LONDON' Coming SUNDAY for 2 Days A thrill filled drama of the Great Northwest and Its "Mountlss" J.UAOOLD MU00AY LOIS MORAN k