I f I THURSDAY. JANUARY 22, 1931 í T H E S P R IN G F IE L D NEW S COST OF FLOUR MINOR WILLAKENZIE GRANGE ITEM IN PRODUCTION LISTS NEW COMMITTEES EXPENSE OF BAKERS TOWN. AND V IC IN IT Y Roseburg Raaldant Vlalta Homer Vlaltor from Euls -Austin Rhodes Wright of Roaeburg epont Hunilay In of Kula was a business visitor lu Springfield vlaltlng friend». Springfield on Friday. Portland Raaldant Haro Dr. 0. O. Marcóla Raaldant Hara — Vernon Van Valsah ot Portlaiiil ap<n. Tranaacta Bualneaa—Pater Finn of Mareóla Resident Hara— M L. lamburg waa a bualneaa vlaltor In I-andes of Marcóla was a business (hl« city yeaterday. visitor In Springfield Tuesday. Comae from Waltorvllle- Dick Hart Wlnberry Man Here—Charles Neet of Waltervllle vlalted friend» In of Wlnberry was a visitor In Spring- Springfield Wedneaday. field on Wedneaday. Deerhorn Raaldant H a r o - Mrs, Haa Operation -Mrs. Kenneth Gir­ Charles Carter of Deerhorn waa a ard underwent a major operation at visitor In Springfield yesterday. the Pacific Christian hospital In Bu- Vlalta from Fall Crook—H. E. Walk gen«« Wednesday morning. er of Fall Creek waa a vlaltor In thia Haa Operation—H. C. Day under­ city yeaterday. went a major operation at the Pacific Blue River People Hara Mr. aud Christian hospital In Eugene on Mon Mr«. Bert Vincent of Blue Itlver were day. vlaltor« In Springfield Wednesday Returns to Home—M. M. Perry has v.alta at Portland- Mr«. M M. Perry returned to his home here after a vlalted In Portland the first of the business trip to southern Oregon cltlee. week. J. Harold Murray and Lola Moran as they appear in the leading roles of “Under 8uspieion,” at Fox Rex, 8unday and Monday. MUDDY STREET AT H. S. NORA ANNIE WOOD DIES IN EUGENE LAST WEEK IMPROVED THIS WEEK The muddy parking atrip In front of the high school Is being graded down thia week by Robert lirrie, new street commissioner. The soft mud and dirt Is being shored out Into the street to fill the chuck holes. Gravel may be spread on the strip after It has been worked down. Htu dents and others at tho high school have been in the habit of parking their automobiles In front of the school haring been granted permis­ sion to run them up on the boulevard from the city council. Thia has re­ sulted In a slough of mud In front of the M hool every time It rain». The work now being done Is expected to Rooms Painted The bark rooms of eliminato this. Return« from Eastern Oregon—1‘aul llrattaln ha« returned from Paisley In the Independent Meat Mnrket are be­ Eastern Oregon and 1« vlaltlng with ing given a fresh coating of paint NEW BRIDGE IS STARTED this week. friend« here this week. Funeral services for Nora Annie Wood, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood, who died at the Eugene hospital Wednesday of last week were held Saturday from the Walker-Poole funeral home In Eugene. Rev. Harry R. Neet conduct­ ed the service«. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES CONTINUE ALL THIS WEEK Special evangelistic Rev. H. E. Krelder Washington haa been , he We, t 8prlll7 when his clothes became Olson at her home Friday evening. given an overhauling now preparatory Snodgrass. Ignited while he was standing close Teachers and other friends of the to the packing of fruit early In the to an open flreplace. He Is survived bride were guests and enjoyed an In Washington—Wm. G. Hughes, summer. raishler of tha First National Bank by his parents, two sisters, Adeline evening of guessing game« and con Is In Washington transacting business snd Jewell, and one brother, Wendell. tests. COY LEATHER INJURES The remains were shipped to Dallas Guests Included Mrs. A. B. Van In several cities. He Is expected to for Interment HEAD CUTTING WOOD Valzah, Miss Crystal Bryan. Miss return Friday evonlng. Thelma Sweeney. Miss Wilma 8cott, Co}r Leathers seriously injured his Entertains with Dinner—Mrs. A. J. MRS. BARNELL IS SOLOIST Miss Edna Platt, Miss Dorothy Gir­ Hchnetxky entertained with a family ard. Miss Margaret Gorrle, Miss Alta head and lacerated his scalp Saturday FOR LODGE INSTALLATION Manning. Miss Eva Phetteplace, Miss while chopping wood. He was stoop­ ttlnher at hor home Sunday evening. ing over spitting hls wood and raised Gueaita were Mr. and M ts . ML A. Mrs. W. K. Barnell was a gueet Nina Boeson, Miss Minnie Olson, Miss Pohl and family, ami Dr. and Mrs, soloist at the Installation ceremonies Cora Olson, Mrs, Ivan Male, Mrs. up suddenly striking hls head against the ceiling. Several stitches were It. P. Mortenson and children. for the Blue River chapter of the Elton 1 S a l l e , Mrs. Ella Lombard, necesary to close the scalp wound. Mrs. Mabel Riddle. Mrs. raul Has Recovering at Hospital — Arthur Eastern Star In Eugene Thursday eve ford. Mrs. W. W. Walker. Mrs. Ar­ Prorhnow, son of Mr. and Mrs. George nlng of last week. She was accom­ thur Roberts and Mrs. L. K. Page. panied by Mrs. Ixruls Waldorf, violin l*rochnow, Is now recovering from complication ns a result of the scarlet list and Mrs. Dow Moxley, pianist fever which he had recently. He Is Several Springfield Star members at­ HUNTERS COLLECT FUNDS tended the Installation meeting which FOR WILD GAME HIDES at the Eugene hospital. was held at the Masonic building In H. C. Saunders of Jasper collected Power Superintendent Hara—L. E. Eugene. bounties on three large cougars, eight Wallace, superintendent of the steam In 3 Months and bobcats and one wolf Friday at the plant of the Monutaln State« Power Feels Years Younger Harry, wearing his first pair of office of W. B. Dillard, county clerk. company, arrlvod In Springfield last pants, went down town to see his •'I have been taking Kruschen Salts Others who collected bounties for week to assume his duties here. Mr. father. After daddy had told him smaller quantities of predatory ani­ for nearly 3 months. I have con­ Wallace ha« boen transferred to what a big man he was. he asked tinued taking one teaspoonful In warm mals were Alex Workman of Mabel, water every morning. I then weighed Springfield from Tillamook to take him If he would like a nickel. Harry who brought In one adult female 217 pounds was always bothered with the place of W. C. Mcl-agan who replied: coyote pelt, and Bud Klntzley of Fall pains In my back and lower part of has been moved to orth Bend. "Well, It makes a feller feel better Creek who had two bobcats. abdomen and sides. "Now I am glad to say 1 am a well to have a little money In his poc­ woman, feel much stronger, years kets.' YOUNG WIFE, AFRAID TO "Oh, eave my hair! Save my younger and my weight Is 170 pounds. hair!" she cried pointing to a wig I do not only feel better but I look EAT, LIVES ON SOUP better, so all my friends say. A kindly landlady Inquired of the rapidly drifting out to sea. ”1 shall never be without Kruschen "Afraid of stomach gas, I lived on • Madam,” replletd the gallant life Salts, will never cease taking my daily soup for 6 months. Then 1 tried Ad- young bride how she and her husband guard, as he took a firm grip on dose and more than glad to highly lerlka and now I eat most anything proposed to spend their holiday. without any gas."—Mrs. A. Connor. "Our plans so far,” replied the her shoulder. "I'm only a life-saver, recommend It for the great good that Is in It." Mrs. S. A. Solomon, New Adlerlka relieves stomach gas In bride, "are tentative." not a hair restorer,” Bern, N. C., Jan. 1930.” "P. S. You TEN minutes! Acts on BOTH upper 'Oh, how delightful!” exclaimed the may think I am exaggerating by writ­ and lower bowel, removing old poi­ "I’ve found a dandy parking space." ing such a long letter but truly I feel "I'm sure you'll enjoy sonous waste you never knew was landlady. so Indebted to you for putting out such "Yeah?” there. Don't fool with medicine camping out more than anything else wonderful salts that 1 cannot say which cleans only PART of bowels, you could do." "It has only one drawback.” enough." hut let Adlerlka give stomach and '•What's that?” A bottle ot Kruschen Salts that lasts bowels a REAL cleaning and get rid "There's a car In it ! ” 4 weeks costs but 86 cents at Ketels’ of all gas; Flanery's Drug Store. Young Hubby— Dearest, what did Drug Store and druggists the world you do with that rubber plant Aunt First One—"Yesterday I stepped over. Take one half teaspoon In a glass of hot water every morning be­ Agatha gave us 7 Into the middle of the street, held fore breakfast. Young Wife— I put It upstairs, up my arms, and stopped a runaway Your old discarded Tricycles Attention to diet will help—cut out honey. Why do you askT pastry and fatty meats—go light on horse. and Bicycles. Young Hubby—Oh, for no particular Second One—That’s nothing. To­ potatoes, butter cream and sugar— Kruschen way Is the safe way to reason. I was wondering what kind day 1 held up two finger« and«stopped the 120 W. 8th Kugene loose fat. Try one bottle and If not of salad this Is. a taxi." Joyfully satisfied—money back. IN MANY OREGON COUNTIES Irrigated farming in Lane county has not Increased during the last ten years, but has gradually decreased according to figures included In the farm census, announcement of which has Just been made by the Depart­ ment of Commerce at Washington. Lane county had 1.144 acres under ‘rrlgatlon last year the report shows. This Is a lighter acreage than re­ ported in 1920. The county has acre­ age enterprises capable of Irrigating to the extent of 2,719. Those countie« showing Increases In Irrigation during the past ten years are Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jack- son, Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath. Morrow and Wasco, all other show ing sliftht decreases. The greatest increase was shown In Klamath coun­ ty the acreage under tirig.-rion Jumped from 90,000 acres In 1920 to 150,710 1' • IP 19. GIRLS LEAGUE CONDUCTS FOOD SALE ON SATURDAY The girls league of the high school conducted a successful food sale at the Egglmann confectionery Saturday. The league members have decided to contribute $25 towards the cost of the new curtain In the high school auditorium and the food sales was held to aslst them In raising this money. The girls will also sponsor another basket social at the high school auditorium today to raise money for the same purpose. B e n e f ic ia l LOAN SOCIETY TIFFANY BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR Cor. W illam ette ft Eighth Sts. P H O N E : 3 0 4 0 EUG ENE. OREGON Licensed by the State. CAROLINA WOMAN LOST 47 LBS. WANTED Chair and Davenport 7n Velour an d M oh air SPECIALLY PRICED $49.5° Up Wright & Sons Hardware Furniture Paint